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Uplink Developers License

COPYRIGHT (C) 2003, Introversion Software, Ltd. in!"ester Ho#se, 3$ in!"ester Road,

a%ton&On&T"a'es, S#rr(, )T*2 2RH, +)

PR,-./L, -t Introversion Software we 0e%ieve t"at a 1a'e s"o#%d not die si'2%( 0e!a#se it "as rea!"ed t"e end of it3s !or2orate deve%o2'ent !(!%e. T"at said, a o2en&so#r!e #n%i'ited distri0#tion of t"e 1a'e is not 2ra!ti!a% for two reasons4 *. It wo#%d 0e in 0rea!" of t"e %i!ensin1 a1ree'ents t"at we "ave wit" t"ird 2art( 2#0%is"ers 2. 5#e to t"e 6"and&to&'o#t"7 nat#re of Inde2endent Ga'es 2#0%is"in1 a no'ina% fee for t"e so#r!e !ode of 2revio#s 2ro8e!ts !an 1o a %on1 wa( to ens#re t"e f#ndin1 of f#t#re deve%o2'ent 2ro8e!ts /( re%easin1 t"e so#r!e !ode we "o2e t"at +2%in9 wi%% 0e 'odified in a variet( of different wa(s4 it" additiona% f#n!tiona%it( To 5ifferent P%atfor's To 5ifferent Lan1#a1es e envisa1e t"at -dditiona% f#n!tiona%it( wi%% 0e a!"ieved t"ro#1" t"e 'edi#' of 2at!"es and we do not need to re1#%ate t"is. T"at said, we '#st insist t"at t"e #ser "as a 0one&fide version of +2%in9 insta%%ed and as a !onse:#en!e stand&a%one 0inaries wi%% 0e in 0rea!" of t"is a1ree'ent. 5ifferent 2%atfor's and %an1#a1es are s%i1"t%( different. If we were to a%%ow a 2ort to a different 2%atfor' or %an1#a1e, t"is wo#%d 2otentia%%( e;!%#de #s fro' enterin1 t"is 'ar9et. In addition it 'a( 2#t #s in vio%ation of an( a1ree'ents 0etween #s and t"ird 2art( deve%o2ers w"o' we "ad 2aid to 1enerate t"e new versions. T"at said if a 2ort is 2rod#!ed for a 2%atfor' or %an1#a1e t"at we "ad not !onsidered or were not !#rrent%( invo%ved wit", t"en we wo#%d 0e "a22( to !onsider %i!ensin1 t"e version fro' t"e deve%o2er for an a1reed ro(a%t(. T"e f#nda'enta%s are si'2%e. If (o# !"an1e #2%in9 and 2rod#!e a 62at!"7 for a 2%atfor' t"at we "ave so%d on, t"en fee% free to distri0#te it. If (o# 2rod#!e a tota%%( new version, !onta!t #s and we3%% tr( to wor9 so'et"in1 o#t. The above does not constitute a formal offer, and all work conducted without a written agreement between the developer and Introversion is at risk and without commitment. The above !"#$%L" does &'T form part of the agreement. In the event of an( in) consistencies or discussions, the Terms and *onditions +as set out below, will take precedence.

T,R.S -<5 CO<5ITIO<S =OR COPYI<G, 5ISTRI/+TIO< -<5 .O5I=IC-TIO< O= TH, +PLI<) SO+RC, CO5, *.* T"is Li!ense a22%ies to t"e !o'2#ter software 9nown as 6+2%in97, deve%o2ed and 'ar9eted 0( Introversion Software Ltd of in!"ester Ho#se, 3$ in!"ester Road, a%ton& On&T"a'es, S#rr(, )T*2 2RH, +) ("erein referred to as 6Introversion7 or 6+s7 or 6we7 or 6o#r7). T"e >Pro1ra'>, 0e%ow, refers to t"e +2%in9 e;e!#ta0%e, and a >wor9 0ased on t"e Pro1ra'> 'eans eit"er t"e Pro1ra' or an( derivative wor9 #nder !o2(ri1"t %aw4 t"at is to sa(, a wor9 !ontainin1 t"e Pro1ra' or a 2ortion of it, eit"er ver0ati' or wit" 'odifi!ations and?or trans%ated into anot"er %an1#a1e. (Hereinafter, trans%ation is in!%#ded wit"o#t %i'itation in t"e ter' >'odifi!ation>.) ,a!" %i!ensee is addressed as >(o#>. *.2 -!tivities ot"er t"an !o2(in1, distri0#tion and 'odifi!ation are not !overed 0( t"is Li!ense@ t"e( are o#tside its s!o2e. T"e a!t of r#nnin1 t"e Pro1ra' is not restri!ted. *.3 Yo# 'a( not !o2( or distri0#te ver0ati' !o2ies of t"e Pro1ra'As so#r!e !ode as (o# re!eive it. However, if (o# 'a9e serio#s 'odifi!ation to t"e f#n!tiona%it( of t"e 2ro1ra', t"en (o# 'a( distri0#te on%( s#!" fi%es as are ne!essar( to s"are (o#r 'odifi!ations. 2. Yo# 'a( 'odif( (o#r !o2( or !o2ies of t"e Pro1ra' or an( 2ortion of it, t"#s for'in1 a wor9 0ased on t"e Pro1ra', and !o2( and distri0#te s#!" 'odifi!ations or wor9 #nder t"e ter's of Se!tion * a0ove, 2rovided t"at (o# a%so 'eet a%% of t"ese !onditions4 2.*) Yo# '#st !a#se t"e 'odified fi%es to e;e!#te on%( if a !o2( of +2%in9 2#r!"ased fro' Introversion Software (or one of it3s %i!ensed distri0#tors), is a%so insta%%ed on t"e 'a!"ine. T"e 'odified version !an re:#ire an( version of +2%in9 to 0e insta%%ed, "owever (o# '#st state t"is in a read&'e fi%e atta!"ed wit" t"e distri0#tion. Yo# 'a( on%( distri0#te t"e fi%es in o08e!t or e;e!#ta0%e for', (o# 'a( not distri0#te t"e so#r!e fi%es #n%ess in !o'2%ete a!!ordan!e wit" t"is %i!ense (Para 2). 2.2) Yo# '#st not re%ease a 6stand&a%one7 0inar(. /( t"is we 'ean a version of t"e Pro1ra' t"at wi%% e;e!#te wit"o#t an enfor!ed de2enden!( on insta%%ation of a version of +2%in9 2#r!"ased fro' Introversion or one of its %i!ensed distri0#tors. 2.3) it"o#t t"e e;2ress written 2er'ission of Introversion, (o# wi%% not distri0#te, in an( for'at an( version of t"e 2ro1ra' tar1eted on 6Po!9etPC7, 6Pa%'OS7, an( ot"er P5O2eratin1 S(ste', 6Ga'eC#0e7, 6Ga'e0o(7 (in!%#din1 6Ga'e0o( -dvan!ed7), 6.i!rosoft B& 0o;7, 6Son( P%a(station7, an( ot"er 1a'e !onso%e, .a!intos" or an( ot"er 2%atfor's ot"er t"an .i!rosoft indows (for t"e PC) or Lin#;. 2.C) it"o#t t"e e;2ress written 2er'ission of Introversion, (o# wi%% not distri0#te in an( for'at an( non&,n1%is" version of +2%in9. 3. Yo# 'a( not !o2(, 'odif(, s#0%i!ense, or distri0#te t"e Pro1ra' e;!e2t as e;2ress%( 2rovided #nder t"is Li!ense. -n( atte'2t ot"erwise to !o2(, 'odif(, s#0%i!ense or distri0#te t"e Pro1ra' is void, and wi%% a#to'ati!a%%( ter'inate (o#r ri1"ts #nder t"is Li!ense. C. Yo# are not re:#ired to a!!e2t t"is Li!ense, sin!e (o# "ave not si1ned it. However, not"in1 e%se 1rants (o# 2er'ission to 'odif( or distri0#te t"e Pro1ra' or its derivative wor9s. T"ese a!tions are 2ro"i0ited 0( %aw if (o# do not a!!e2t t"is Li!ense. T"erefore, 0( 'odif(in1 or distri0#tin1 t"e Pro1ra' (or an( wor9 0ased on t"e Pro1ra'), (o# indi!ate (o#r a!!e2tan!e of t"is Li!ense to do so, and a%% its ter's and !onditions for !o2(in1, distri0#tin1 or 'odif(in1 t"e Pro1ra' or wor9s 0ased on it. D. ,a!" ti'e (o# redistri0#te t"e Pro1ra' (or an( wor9 0ased on t"e Pro1ra'), t"e re!i2ient a#to'ati!a%%( re!eives a %i!ense fro' t"e ori1ina% %i!ensor to !o2(, distri0#te or 'odif( t"e Pro1ra' s#08e!t to

t"ese ter's and !onditions. Yo# 'a( not i'2ose an( f#rt"er restri!tions on t"e re!i2ientsA e;er!ise of t"e ri1"ts 1ranted "erein. Yo# are not res2onsi0%e for enfor!in1 !o'2%ian!e 0( t"ird 2arties to t"is Li!ense. $. If, as a !onse:#en!e of a !o#rt 8#d1e'ent or a%%e1ation of 2atent infrin1e'ent or for an( ot"er reason (not %i'ited to 2atent iss#es),!onditions are i'2osed on (o# (w"et"er 0( !o#rt order, a1ree'ent or ot"erwise) t"at !ontradi!t t"e !onditions of t"is Li!ense, t"e( do not e;!#se (o# fro' t"e !onditions of t"is Li!ense. If (o# !annot distri0#te so as to satisf( si'#%taneo#s%( (o#r o0%i1ations #nder t"is Li!ense and an( ot"er 2ertinent o0%i1ations, t"en as a !onse:#en!e (o# 'a( not distri0#te t"e Pro1ra' at a%%. E. If an( 2ortion of t"is se!tion is "e%d inva%id or #nenfor!ea0%e #nder an( 2arti!#%ar !ir!#'stan!e, t"e 0a%an!e of t"e se!tion is intended to a22%( and t"e se!tion as a w"o%e is intended to a22%( in ot"er !ir!#'stan!es. F. T"is %i!ense is 1overned 0( +) Law. ,<5 O= T,R.S -<5 CO<5ITIO<S

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