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How To Keep A Conversation Going In 3 Simple Steps

by Mathew K. Porter on March 25, 2013 0 comments

They say that conversations are the key to keeping a girl intereste in yo!. "t is thro!gh conversations that yo! can spark her interest so she will be convince to go o!t with yo! on a ate, or learn to like yo! an say yes when yo! #inally ask her to be yo!r girl#rien . $n#ort!nately not a lot o# people know how to talk to girls an how to keep a conversation going. This o#ten lea s to them getting !mpe right #rom the beginning.

How to Keep a Conversation Going: Ask the Right Questions

They say that %!estions are a goo way to keep conversations #rom en ing b!t yo! also nee to ask the right %!estions. &voi simple %!estions that can be answere with yes an no beca!se yo!'ll be hea ing to a ea (en an be #orce to think o# something else to talk abo!t. )or e*ample, a ba %!estion wo!l be + i yo! like the movie,- beca!se then they'll .!st say yes or no an yo!'ll nee to think o# a relate %!estion. Mo i#y this !p a bit an simply ask +what i yo! think o# the movie,- an now the girl will spark !p several comments that yo! can work on. /!estions to keep a conversation going are pretty goo i# yo! want to keep the girl talking. This is crucial ecause it lea!s "ou right into the ne#t step on how to keep a conversation going: !on$t keep the conversation one%si!e!&

How to Keep a Conversation Going Step '(: )on$t Keep the Conversation *ne% Si!e!
There are a lot o# things to say to keep a conversation going b!t make s!re yo! aren't t!rning the sit!ation into a speech 0 where only yo! are talking an the girl is .!st listening. 1emember that a conversation is a two(way process, so both o# yo! have to o the talking. There is a trick to this other than .!st relying on %!estions.

"nstea o# #oc!sing on yo!rsel#, on yo!r story, an yo!r problems, #oc!s instea on the girl. Try to get her to talk abo!t her passions, her interests, her #amily, an her li#e. 2on't be too p!shy an on't pro into personal topics b!t o try to keep her talking abo!t hersel#. People have the nat!ral inclination to love talking abo!t themselves so !se this to yo!r a vantage. 3how her that yo! are intereste an she will keep the conversation alive #or yo!. Make s!re yo! respon as well. 4hen she says something that yo! #eel is important to her, spark some weight on that si e o# the conversation. "# she says she likes &sian #oo , that's where yo! can start popping some %!estions like whether or not she appreciates s!shi or why she likes &sian #oo in the #irst place. "# it #alls !n er one o# yo!r lines o# interest, !se it to yo!r a vantage. 4ho knows, yo! might have a goo han in cooking &sian #oo . 5et her know this an keep her e*cite .

How to Keep a Conversation Going Step '3: Avoi! the Conversation +it,alls
There are a lot o# ways to keep a conversation going b!t o try to avoi the !s!al pit#alls. )or e*ample yo! sho!l avoi talking abo!t yo!r e*. This is a ma.or crime in a conversation especially i# yo! are still in the stages o# getting a girl to like yo! an go o!t in a ate with yo!. 6o! want her to slightly #eel some concern abo!t yo! b!t o so witho!t having to talk abo!t yo!r e*. )or e*ample, yo! co!l mention that yo!r last relationship en e horribly beca!se yo!r e* was cheating on yo!. That's #ine to mention .!st on't mention how pretty yo!r e* was, where she st! ie , an what she was oing when she was cheating on yo!. The only girl who sho!l be the center o# the conversation is the girl yo! are talking to.

There are other pit#alls yo! will want to avoi as well. &voi bragging an boasting 0 yo! want to impress the girl b!t o so witho!t annoying her. "t will not .!st look istaste#!l b!t it will also make the girl lose interest in yo!. "# yo! want to impress, make it so thro!gh small comments. This way it will seem like it wasn't a big eal to yo! an she'll catch it like it's the best thing in the worl . )or e*ample, i# yo! have a talent in playing the g!itar, on't imme iately brag abo!t it. Talk abo!t m!sic an when she says she likes partic!lar songs, .!st tell her yo!'ll try to learn how to play them #or her. 3he'll appreciate yo!r talent more that way. With so many ways how to keep a conversation going, it all really depends on how you play your cards. Keeping the girl intereste an avoi ing the pit#all o# a negative, boring conversation are a lot easier to o than most people think. 3imply #ollow the above steps an yo!'ll be per#ectly #ine an in the right irection to not only having a stea y conversation b!t also b!il ing a goo relationship.

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