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Melissa Redfield Professor Steffen Guenzel ENC1101-13 October 7th, 2013 Final Draft

The Movement I assume that many of us are familiar with the most recent news on the reintroduced Miley Cyrus, but my analysis isnt on Miley herself but rather her music and its impact on society today. My analysis explores two opposing arguments regarding the so called Miley Movement and how it effects humanity as a whole. Cyrus recently debuted her first documentary: Miley: The Movement, and in the biopic she goes into detail about her life now and the decisions she has made to get this far (MTV). Her music has impacted her career in the most extreme way possible, leaving most critics in disgust, but given the chance to explain herself, Cyrus is able to swing the votes in her favor and stun the world once again. Cyrus, a once labeled Montana on Disney Channel, has used her musical talent and persuasion to completely recreate her image in the way she wants people to view her. With music as her text, she is able to connect and reach out to listeners all over the world. Cyrus released the first song on her upcoming album on June 3rd, 2013 under the name: We Cant Stop (Longeretta). The song, having made references towards partying and drugs, left listeners everywhere in shock. Who did this girl think she was? America remembers her as the innocent Disney Channel star

Redfield 2 of Hannah Montana. This wasnt her and this wasnt her style. The song left critics in outrage, and leaving listeners right where she wanted them, Cyrus released her second hit. A few months later Cyrus releases Wrecking Ball, a song about her brutal lifestyle change and her split with fianc, Liam Hemsworth. The public eagerly awaited her next disaster but was taken by surprise with her new hit. The music video can be viewed on Youtube, displaying her on a wrecking ball with little or no clothing, and a mallet for destroying cement pavers. After the release of the video many people suspected her of displaying another cry for attention but she patiently sat down and waited to describe the importance of the items in the video and how her image is nothing but a montage of symbolism. She is depicted naked because of how she felt broken and stripped of her love and the mallet represents the destruction of how fragile her and her ex-fiancs relationship was (Jacobson). With just the release of these two songs, Cyrus completely changed her reputation and appearance. And many critics today think that with the release of her singles and new album Bangerz, Cyrus might have just wrecked her own career with a wrecking ball. This analysis revolves around two conflicting arguments, and how these people believe that Miley Cyrus is affecting the world today. One of the critics is none other than Miley herself, and writer for the-two-way, Mark Memmott. Instead of researching someone to speak on Mileys behalf, I decided that it would only be fair if she could have a chance to defend herself before she is consumed by the we hate Miley Cyrus blogs, Twitter accounts, and Facebook pagesbecause yes, they are out there.

Redfield 3 Miley Cyrus has described herself as a strategic hot mess (Heldman). There is no better term to describe her than that itself. Through her transition into the pop star she continues to strive to be, she has left people in awe. But despite the death threats and constant harassment, Cyrus continues to love and enjoy her life, she proclaims that she couldnt be happier with her life or her new album Bangerz (Dawn). Cyrus knows that her references and suggestions of drugs, partying, and being different are consequential and can lead to bad press, but she continues to move forward. She is a strong advocate of being who you are and flaunting it. Kids should know right from wrong, and not go out and do something just because a song mentions it, but they SHOULD be standing up for what they believe in and shouldnt be afraid to stand out. Cyrus pushes the limits of society, which in the end, has increased her publicity and now has majority of the world starting to understand what her movement is really all about. Memmott on the other hand does not feel as enthusiastic for Cyrus, and has her reasons. For starters, Memmott mentions the horrific VMA performance she put on with Robin Thicke, mentioning how one might have had to turn off their T.V. in order not to see the frightening image of Cyrus grinding on Thicke while they sing one provocative song after another (Memmott). He also mentions that the Parents Television Council said MTV serves sex to fourteen-year olds at the VMAs (Isett). This statement isnt that far from the truth. Young kids should not be exposed to such provocative material at such a young age, but again, if you dont want your kid watching MTV than turn it off. The station might air offensive material but in no way is one forced to watch it. A poll on Memmotts blog asked viewers to rate their

Redfield 4 opinions on Cyruss performance and 53.6 percent of the viewers voted that it was in bad taste. If that many people think it is that offensive, than why does Cyrus grab so much attention? Is this where her strategic hot mess theory comes into play? It would seem that Cyrus provoked enough attention from the world to launch her new plan into effect, and that was what she was planning all along. Most of the world still would consider her actions vulgar and rude but I would compare Cyrus to a car accident, in the sense that almost all of her actions are horrid and shocking, making it hard for one to look away, no matter what they might be scarred with seeing. I feel as though her recent outburst and album drop have us wanting more of Cyrus, people want to see what she will do next. In this case, maybe her haters are her motivators? It would seem like it. No matter how much negative exposure Cyrus gets, it seems as though her influence keeps growing.

Redfield 5

Works Cited Dawn, Randee. "Miley Cyrus Says She Doesn't 'Ever Really Plan to Offend'." NBCNews Today. N.p., 07 Oct 2013. Web. 13 Oct 2013. <>. Heldman, Breanne, ed. "What You Will and Won't See." Yahoo Music. Stop the Presses!, 30 Sep 2013. Web. 13 Oct 2013. <>. Longeretta, Emily. "Miley Cyrus Announces 'We Can't Stop' Release Date." Hollywood Life. Bonnie Faller, 19 May 2013. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. <>. Memmott, Mark. "Did Miley Cyrus 'Flirt With Bad Taste' Or Dive Right In?." the twoway. Disqus, 26 Aug 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2013. <>.

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