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Submitted to Mr. Kurt S. Candilas English 3 Teacher

Submitted by Peter Christian Bajuyo 3 Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros November 27, 2013

A Critique on Everyday

girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone to be with - day in, day out, day after day. Although A and Rhiannons relationship is at the heart of the novel, and is what the story is centered around, I very much enjoyed seeing who A was going to wake up as next; the colourful mosaic of human lives combined with a strange kind of wanderlust. Although each host is sixteen years old, each has a very different story to tell. Some we get to know quite well and want to spend more time with, but know we cannot and others we only get a glimpse of. A is consistent across the 40 days that we spend with A, but every experience is unalike. I dont want to change any part of this book because David really did a great job. The story is centered on something that many people want to start every day with a clean slate. But it does more than that; it follows the consequences of stepping into

The novel Everyday was not actually a good book to start reading for me because I am not into reading. As I was about to finish the novel, it somehow encouraged me to read books, but not that I really want to read. I was shocked when the author, David Levithan, wrote other books that are kind of gayish thing I was discouraged there a bit, but he has a point for exploring the gender and sexuality for his books. Overall, he is just an awesome author. In the novel, some of the characters are real, except for A, who is really unbelievable. Their attitude can somehow relate to the real word. Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. Every morning, A wakes in a different persons body, a different persons life. Theres never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere. Its all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justins

someones life by trying to be them. It showed that living a different life is a struggle. He didnt have a choice in who he would be or what his life would be like. I dont want to change any part of this book because David really did a great job. Reading the novel, I can say that this is really great for people who wish to be that person. They can really relate to this because like A, he has the power to get inside a body, randomly. I learned that, sometimes we need to break the rules in order to follow your heart, like A, he made some rules to follow every day, but broke it all when he loved Rhiannon. In my case, I would not break any rule as a student because obviously we need to follow school rules. I realized from reading this book that I can grow up who I want to be and not wishing to be someone else. After reading this book, I have a better understanding of what I can be in the future and lucky on how I was born and just follow my lifestyle.

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