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Arjuns chariot came to a slow halt on the red grounds of Kurukshetra.

His charioteer made sure he was the first to arrive. Soon others followed and in no time the seven Akshauhinis were lined up. Elephants roared against the sound of metal against stone, metal against metal, the yelling of the commanders, the whispering fears of the soldiers.

As per the strategy four of the Akshauhinis were positioned forward while the other three would be enclosed but not blocked by them allowing a full use of the army but reducing casualty at the same time. Arjun's chariot stood right at the centre of the Pandav battle front. Terrismen in white silks stood with conch shells in their hands throughout the line up eager for their orders. Towards Arjun's left stood Bhim wearing nothing but a white dhoti and his bare chest shining with sweat, stretching out his massive arms he spoke "even god will weep after hearing the things I'll do to them" earning chuckles and applauds from nearby soldiers. The sun was blazing and it reflected on the massive line up on the opposite side of the Kauravs. Hundreds of thousands of chariots, elephants and foot soldiers formed the eleven Akshauhinus along with the Samsaptakas and the Narayani Sena. Even though his own army was as big as them, the thought of going against so many lives unsettled Arjun.

Towards his right was Vidura wearing his gold armour and his battle worn face ready to face yet another, possibly the last endeavour. Arjun could see it in all of their eyes. The determination that could move mountains and shake trees. The desire to kill, to draw blood out of the necks of Kauravs. Yet something stirred in him. Something unsual and unknown. Arjun, the finest warrior ever to exist, who had an unbesmirched clarity of thought all his life was in doubt. It weighed on him like a heavy stone on a stretched cloth.

Sweat beads forming on his forehead he looked out at the Kaurav army again. He could see them. How would he kill them? How would he gather the strength to pull bows against his own brothers? Ignoring the whispers of his mind he scanned the left front of the Kaurav army. His eyes rested on a man glinting with brilliant silver, he stood with a poise of a great commander, with a certainity that comes from knowing things. Bhishma was ordering few troops for the final positions. Bhishma who was there, always for him and his brothers. Like a giant tree with a comforting shade. The thought of even aiming at him caused his body to revolt in disgust. The weight bore on Arjun, he could literally feel it, like a finger pressing an ant down. What if I withdrew? The thought came and went in a flash. Soon the conch shells would be blown, soon his charioteer will steer him right towards Bhishma. Bhishma wouldnt even defend, and I will have to... Arjun sank deep into his chariot, his eyes looked more worried than all the terrismen of Indraprashtha combined.

Arjun glanced forward again, he saw his charioteer adjust his veil with a grace uncommon on the battlefield. Pulling the silk over his forearms his charioteer slowly turned back and both their eyes met. Time froze. The roaring elephants, the yelling commanders, the sound of metals was replaced by silence.Nothing moved, Arjun felt nothing, except his charioteer staring at him with eyes that would dispel Arjun of all his doubts.Two armoured kings eyeing each other across a bloody field could not have matched the intensity of his stare.

What troubles you, old friend? Krishna asked in a soothing voice.

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