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Sophia Palumbo Rebuttals: The general argument is that abortion rights empower women and give them personal

freedom. What about women who are raped? The rapist can gain parental rights. An abortion allows a woman to avoid the psychological stress of the pregnancy and possibly dealing with the father and his parental rights. We should not punish the child; the rape was not the childs fault. Abortion is an invasion deeper than rape, and it is a health risk. Less than 1% of abortions occur because of rape. Less than 5% of women have an abortion to protect their physical health. Less than 5% of women have an abortion because of problems affecting the health of the fetus. This data is from a journal article from the Guttmacher Institute, which was cited by the Family Research Council. A child is proof of rape (its DNA reveals who the father is). Aborting the child means destroying the evidence of rape. Banning abortion violates the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude. Women compelled to carry and bear children fall under the scope of involuntary servitude. Abortion rights cannot be inferred from the language of the Constitution. Roe V. Wade does not have foundation in the Constitution and therefore the federal government. This issue should be handled by the state government! What if the mothers life is in danger? IT IS LEGAL TO HAVE AN ABORTION UNDER THE WORST CIRCUMSTANCES (say, if the lives of both the mother and child are in danger). This is a question of on life over anothers life. Modern medical practices allow for a low mortality rate and mothers and the babies. Doctors must do everything they can to save they mother and baby before an abortion is performed.

Sophia Palumbo

Abortion Rights Closing Statement: The abortion rights debate is an ongoing struggle that oversteps boundaries in philosophy, science, religion, and politics. We must utilize reason and intellect to draw a line somewhere, because the question of human life is so convoluted that it is almost meaningless. Anti abortion clauses will not deny women facing life-threatening circumstances, and they certainly will not deny anyone of their rights. Abortion rights do not liberate women, they, in the words of Catherine MacKinnon, free male sexual aggression. Abortion rights therefore absolutely do not promote gender equality.

Science Scientists define an organism as a complex structure of interdependent elements constituted to carry on the activities of life by separatelyfunctioning but mutually dependent organs. The human zygote meets this definition with ease. Once formed, it initiates a complex sequence of events to ready it for continued development and growth. [] Adoption Statistics Once a mother gives birth, she may change her mind and decide that she wants to keep her child. 1.5 million parents want to adopt. There is always someone who wants a child. Because women have the choice of abortion Forced Abortions: The Elliot Institute, a national resource center regarding post abortion issues compiled a large number of peer review studies about forced abortions.

Sophia Palumbo

64% of women were pressured to abort. This pressure does not only come from the father. Women are pressured by family members, employers, and counselors (yes, school counselors). SO, most abortions involve some type of coercion. Medical Science Monitor 79% were not told of available alternatives1 84% were not given enough information to make an informed choice.1 Women can lose their job, lose financial support It is humiliating and degrading Coercion can escalate to violence, forced abortion, or even homicide the #1 killer of pregnant women. It is very tragic for a woman to go through this, without really thinking this through or thinking about her alternatives. And this is occurs because abortion is legal.because that choice exists. STATISTICS ARE TAKEN FROM THE ELLIOT INSTITUTES SPECIAL REPORT ON FORCED ABORTIONS. Choice of abortion also..empowers men Gender Equality: Abortion rights do not make women equal to men! Legalized abortion has gone directly into the hands of men. MacKinnon Access to abortion exploits women. Men have more control over their sexuality. It is men who become empowered. Some men support abortion because they dont like condoms. College student: At least theres a way out if the unlikely happens and pregnancy occurs. Men view abortion as a way out. (Stith) Female college student: "Im pro-choice, but you can bet I tell him Im pro-life! She reasoned that, in light of her warning, he would be careful not to fool around in ways that could lead to pregnancy. (Stith) Because she had the option to abort, a woman is seen as solely

Sophia Palumbo

responsible for any burdens that arise with the birth of her child. BIRTH IS NOW A CHOICE.explain how accidental births used to be seen (SUPPORT)and explain how women are treated now (BLAME) Abortion especially for women 18 years and under affects mental health OVERALL: It is unequal to compare the mothers life to the babys life. If a woman chooses to have an abortion on her own will, what is at stake is the mothers lifestyle, as opposed to the babys life. Any civilized society restricts an individuals freedom to choose whenever that choice would harm an innocent person. Woman leaving abortion clinicdoes she feel empowered? Does she feel equal to man, after just having a baby ripped up and sucked out of her (or other)while the man who impregnated her does not have to do anything.

Sophia Palumbo

Sophia Palumbo

References: HTTP://WWW.DEATHROE.COM/PRO-LIFE_ANSWERS/ANSWERS.CFM?ID=12 HTTP://WWW.LIFENEWS.COM/2009/09/18/NAT-5485/ HTTP://WWW.BBC.CO.UK/ETHICS/ABORTION/MOTHER/FOR_1.SHTML HTTP://WWW.FRC.ORG/BROCHURE/THE-BEST-PRO-LIFE-ARGUMENTS-FORSECULAR-AUDIENCES VM Rue et. al., Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women, Medical Science Monitor 10(10): SR5-16 (2004). Stith, Richard. How the Abortion Option Can Make Women More Vulnerable to Exploitation and Abandonment. August 2008.

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