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Evaluating the Preliminary Task Filming Process: Our filming process went okay although there are a lot

of improvements we can make which can be taken forward to the main task. Because our storyboard and script was very detailed we were able to get straight into the filming and knew exactly what we were doing. Some of our mis-en-scene was good such as the costumes as the clothing Joe and Emily wore were realistic that they could have been on a date. The way we set up the table also made the date more realistic as its set up as you would expect a table in a restaurant to be like. The used a range of camera angles we used went well and we managed to use them in our filming successfully. For example:

Wide/Establishing Shot (0:00)

Close Up (0:13)

OSS/Shot Reverse Shot (0:51 and (1:17)

High and Low Angles (2:23) and (1:43)

The range of different shots we used meant that our piece didnt become boring for the audience as the perspective was not kept the same the whole time making it more interesting, Our film was set in a restaurant but we decided to film the piece in Sophies lounge; this made it very hard to establish the mis-en-scene. So although the costumes and the props in the foreground were believable of a restaurant, the background in many of our shots were not. This was mainly due to the lack of planning as we didnt properly think through how we could make our setting realistic until the actual day of shooting. The lighting during our filming was also a problem as we were not conscious of it during our filming so we did not realise that it had been changing a lot until after we uploaded the clips onto the computer to edit. So although in most of the clips the lighting was consistent there are a few

moments, for example 1:34 and 2:05, where the lighting suddenly goes very dark when the camera is focused on Joe. We did not appreciate how this sudden change would translate when we uploaded the clips. During our filming, we also had a few problems with sound as at a few points (for example 0:39) there is muffling sounds where the microphone was no quite plugged in properly to the camera or we did not use a wind shield on the microphone where it was maybe needed. We were luckily able to cover most of these noises up by editing non-diegetic music in the background of our film during the editing process. Covering up the sounds with the music actually worked very effectively for our film as the music suited the mood of the piece and matched the date theme of our film. We also found there to be a few inaccuracies during our film where we did not quite pay attention to the minor details during the filming process. For example, the levels of the drink in the wine glasses were changing constantly as we did not realise at the time that Joe and Emily had been drinking the props! The levels change most dramatically between 0:48 and 0:52 seconds. Other minor inaccuracies included scripts appearing out of nowhere and Emily suddenly having a wine glass in her hand between cuts; we also Constantly changing levels of drink! accidentally cut the tops of Joe and Emilys in some shots. These mistakes were just down to not fully paying attention to the background details or things that affect the look of the final shot which we will need improve as next time we go to film our final task. There are many things we have leant which we will take forward to our main task, with the main thing being sure that we pick a suitable location to film so that it is easy to establish mis-en-scene and provide a realistic setting for the audience. We also now know we really need to pay constant attention to the whole set when filming including lighting, props and he backdrops of the shots. This will help us next time to make sure that there are no unrealistic changes in anything in our final film so we can cut out any inaccuracies and make the whole thing look more professional. Meeting the Brief When writing our piece we made sure to incorporate all of the necessary elements and we continued to use the different shots ad actions we needed to include. Our film has Emily opening he restaurant door (0:28), walking across to the table (0:31) and sitting down (0:43); her and Joe then then exchange a few lines of dialogue as the brief specifies to. Our film also demonstrates all of the types of shots needed, at 0:43-0.45 we use match on action and between 1:15 and 1:39 we use shot/reverse shot very effectively. Throughout our piece we also stick to the 180-degree rule as the camera does not cross the line at any point. Overall, I think we met the brief very effectively with all of the shots and actions but I also think that we made our piece interesting whilst doing this.

Technical Skills We edited in a title over the first shot of our film to introduce the name, this faded in and out very smoothly at the beginning and was readable over the background. We used this text very effectively however we added credits on at the end of our piece which didnt work as well because they did not show for long enough and are not readable, this is down to poor editing and not fading the end credits in and out well enough. All of the equipment we used to shoot our footage was appropriate, we used a camera and tripod, a microphone, boom pole and wind shield which all aided us in filming our preliminary task. The camera and tripod allowed us to record clear footage although in parts we did not use a tripod at the space was to confine which meant in places there is shaky footage in our video. Also in some parts the framing of the shot does not look good and in places we have cut off the tops of the actors heads. Our editing process went fairly well we slowed down the clip of Joes shocked face at 0:31 to add humour to our piece and I think the exaggeration works effectively. However there are parts when the transitions between the different cuts are not so smooth such at 0:43 where there is a cut in between when Joe is walking. Apart from a few the transitions between shots look good and flow smoothly.

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