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The summer was starting to arrive to Colombia, a privileged place that had a perfect temperature during the whole

year. That night, a new baby came to the world, they called me Alberto, for San Alberto, a saint who my mother admired and was devoted to. This is how it all started. I grew up in a very small town inhabited by countrymen which were all related somehow. As a result my cousins ended up to be my best friends and I was raised in a very small circle. This is how my life was until I reached 15. I remember how I was selling the harvest we had made at the county market and I saw an amazing young woman. Despite my shyness I stood up and went to talk to her. She was even more amusing than I thought she would be. Time went on and after seeing her every Sunday at the market and looking at ourselves for hours and hours from the distance I decided to talk to her parents about what I called The story of the love of my life.
- Seor, me permite seguir viendo a su hija? (Sir, would you let me date your daughter?)

To my surprise, his answer was yes. My heart almost flipped around. That was the best moment of my life and I felt I was the luckiest man to have such an amazing woman by my side, it turned out that I was right. Our story continued, we got married and Graciela, my wife, gave me the pleasure to be father of eight wonderful sons and daughters. Each and every one of my hijos grew up healthy. I remember howCarlitos used to always watch me as I smoked my only cigarette of the day by the window. He loved to see me smoke and I liked it. Shame on me. Time went on, my children also grew up, I got older and older and my hair started to resemble the sky during cloudy nights, white as pearls. Time never stops and Live every day as if it was your last one, that day will never be back. I remember I used to say that at a relatively young age, 40, but I never realized how true it actually was. I remember the day Angelita was born. She was my first granddaughter and the most special one. After the first, came th e second, and the third I loved them all equally and I still do to this day. As I reached 79, I was as strong as a 12 year-old, nothing could stop me. That wasnt very accurate, I was diagnosed Hepatitis and Pancreas Cancer. This was like a bucket of cold water on me. I smiled and pretended I was great, for the happiness of my family but death was knocking on my door and she wasnt going to wait long. At this moment I realized smoking probably wasnt so good and so fun after all and I paid the consequences. I knew I was about to leave this world and after all, it was my fault. Shame on me.
- Papa, your grandfather died on a cold Sunday in 1990, I still remember it as one of the worst days ever. His skin was pale with a yellowish tone, I have that image on my head and I probably will until I die.

I get up, give my father a hug and I rush my way to bed. I lay down and start thinking about Papa Berto.

- Papa B., I wouldve loved to be your grandson.

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