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A New Chapter in Rescue

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GRUesome Science Digging Deeper Opinions Lesons learned Lessons learned disGRUntled Classifieds

Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Pawtectors Rescue Network Newsletter. The purpose of this publication will be to educate, inform and advocate anything pertaining to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of shelter and rescue animals. A central focus will be on dogs but other animals will not be excluded. This first issue will mostly be written, illustrated, and laid out by my wife and I. I have hopes that we will get enough positive feedback that the second issue will have various articles of interest written by fellow rescuers, advocates, and experts throughout our community and abroad. This first issue will mostly focus on local stories and events related to the rescue community in the Central Savannah River Area. We ask that after reading this first issue if you are interested

Special points of interest: Adoption events Rescue organizations Public Awareness Rescue humor A dogs eye view Happy Tails Opinions Lessons learned

Even these two can see that by rescues and rescuers working together anything is possible!
in submitting a story, photographs or adoptable dogs than please email us at The success of this publication is not only up to us but up to you. If you see room for improvement we encourage you to email us and give us your thoughts. Our short term goal is for this to be a monthly publication but I have hopes that others will come on board and we can publish twice a month. With all of that said, I give you The Pawtecters Rescue Network Newsletter. Lars Swearingen III Co-Founder Director of Operations L.E.A.S.H. Squad INC
Leading EACH Animal Safely Home


The line in the sand has been drawn and the debate is heating up on both sides of the GRU animal research mess. To those that have not chosen a side, that line in the sand has become fuzzy and unclear. What we intend to do in this issue is cover the events that have led up to one of the largest community out cries in recent memory. We intend to clarify the stance being taken by common citizens, Rescue Organizations, Veterinarians and Doctors, and to the surprise of many, even a number of GRU employees and GRU Dental School students. No matter what side of the line you stand on knowing the actual issues that are being brought to light should be important. Always keep in mind that this issue has emotionally fired up this community, peoples opinions will differ, but they, if anything, can be respected. Lars S.

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At face value, the undercover footage released by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is gut wrenching and disturbing. Narrated by actress Kim Bassinger, with tear jerking melodies played in the background it shows a dog house of horrors. From the gory autopsy and the long shots of pools of blood, to the pleading, medically heavy, eyes of dogs like Shy Guy, it forces your emotions to go in to an overdrive of loathing and anger. Many will simply argue that the HSUS are masters of the propaganda film. They will say that good editing and an overdramatic narrative have painted a false image of the truth. I can not, nor will I , argue that the HSUS is highly known for its ability to catch peoples attention with well played camera angles and actor/actresses that are masters at telling a tell. What we will be touching deeply on though is what is just beneath the surface of that video, that small pebble dropped in to a large pond. The majority of those on the opposing side of GRU are not as gullible as to take the video released at face value. People from all walks of life and from every aspect of rescue started coming together in a united front to be one voice, one mighty roar of protest against allegations of inhumane treatment, failure to give proper Veterinary care, and a small list of acts that have churned the stomach of this community. Continue ..

ShyGuy Image take from a screen shot of the HSUS investigative video.





One voice is but a murmur, two voices are a whisper, but hundreds of voices, that is a ROAR Lars


Dennis Briatica is the guy you see next door, or the one that you pass in the grocery store. He is That guy that opens the door for you when you walk in to a McDonalds, at first glance he is average in every way. IF the HSUS video was the pebble that was tossed in to the pond then Dennis could be compared to the ripple. When he saw this video everything else in his

life froze. He was appalled, angry, and disappointed. This was going on in HIS backyard. The first question he asked himself is most likely the same question any animal lover would ask. The words What can I do, Im just me? had to of run through his head .And the

answer seemed to come almost immediately, social networking needed to be lit up. People needed to know that someone wanted to take a stand and Dennis did just that. He launched an event for something he called The Million Dog Walk and at first a trickle effect happened .

This trickle effect only lasted for a small number of hours and that trickle became a flood of event shares and hundreds of confirmed attendees. Dennis reached out to multiple local Rescue organization leaders, team members and shelter volunteers who were just catching wind of the video. Suddenly the unheard of started happening. Various rescue organizations that at one time NEV-

ER would have worked together, were suddenly checking each others gear, covering each others backs, and standing shoulder to shoulder against a common threat to OUR community. Continued page 5..
Amanda **** Stands with her four legged friend **** at the Augusta market. Handing out fliers and raising community awareness is essential in educating our neighbors and friends.

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