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Effect !f R!c" Mu ic !n Student Ca#cu#ati!n A$i#it% Lite&atu&e Re'ie( )% T* T* Tu Uni'e& it% !f Educati!n Eng#i h De+a&t,ent Lectu&e&: T&ang -* .* Da!/ M*A 01 Oct!$e&/ 0230

.LA4IARISM STATEMENT I ce&tif% that thi a ign,ent5&e+!&t i ,% !(n (!&"/ $a ed !n ,% +e& !na# tud% and5!& &e ea&ch and that I ha'e ac"n!(#edged a## ,ate&ia# and !u&ce u ed in it +&e+a&ati!n*



Literature Review T!da%/ &!c" ,u ic +#a% an i,+!&tant &!#e in !ciet%/ n!t !n#% in 7e te&n c!unt&ie $ut a# ! in Ea te&n c!unt&ie inc#uding )ietna,* A,!ng +#ent% !f ,u ic gen&e / a #!t !f tudent ha'e a tendenc% t! #i ten t! &!c" ,u ic* That i (h% &!c" ,u ic i c!n ide&ed a the ,u ic !f the %!ung* The +!+u#a&it% !f &!c" ,u ic #ead t! ,an% (!&" tud%ing the effect !f &!c"

,u ic* M! t &e ea&che& / cienti t and !the& +e!+#e tate that &!c" ,u ic ha inf#uence !n the $&ain* 8!(e'e&/ (hich functi!n !f $&ain that ,u ic that ,u ic ha effect !n i F!cu ing !n ca#cu#ati!n a$i#it% !f tudent / I c!nduct thi ti## a 9ue ti!n*

tud% t! find !ut the an (e& f!& a

9ue ti!n: D!e &!c" ,u ic ha'e an% inf#uence !n tudent a$i#it% t! d! ca#cu#ati!n : The&ef!&e/ the Lite&atu&e &e'ie( i di'ided int! f!u& +a&t * The fi& t +a&t i definiti!n !f te&, / gi'ing the nece a&% c!nce+t &e#ated t! the ,ain i ue* The ec!nd +a&t i the (a% &!c" ,u ic affect the $&ain* Thi +a&t inc#ude de$ate a&!und +! iti'e effect and negati'e effect !f &!c" ,u ic !n hu,an $&ain* In the 'ie( +!int !f +! iti'e effect / the&e a&e t(! u$!&dinate +!int * In the 'ie( +!int !f negati'e effect / the&e a&e fi'e u$!&dinate +!int * The thi&d +a&t i the ana#%;ing !f &ecent tudie &e#ated t! the i ue* Fina# +a&t i the c!nc#u i!n/ e<+#aining the &ea !n (h% thi tud% i e entia# and uni9ue* Definition of Terms Becau e ,ain i ue !f thi +iece !f &e ea&ch i finding !ut the inf#uence !f &!c" ,u ic !n tudent ca#cu#ati!n a$i#it%/ the&e i need t! c!ncent&ate !n the definiti!n !f &!c" ,u ic/ $&ain and ca#cu#ati!n a$i#it%* Fi& t#%/ &!c" ,u ic/ !&iginated f&!, &!c" and &!## ,u ic/ i a gen&e !f ,u ic that $eca,e +!+u#a& in the 3=12 in A,e&ica and Eu&!+e* R!c" ,u ic i +&i,a&i#% $a ed !n !#de& ,u ica# t%#e / uch a the &h%th, and $#ue ,u ic/ $ut &!c" ,u ic hea'i#% f!cu e !n guita&/ d&u, / and +!(e&fu# '!ca# >8a("in / 0230?* The ec!nd

EFFECTS OF ROCK MUSIC ON STUDENTS CALCULATION ABILITY definiti!n i a$!ut the $&ain* The $&ain i the c!nt&!# cent&e f!& hu,an $!d% and it it in hu,an "u## at the t!+ !f the +ina# c!&d* The $&ain ha th&ee ,ain +a&t : the ce&e$&u,/ the ce&e$e##u,/ and the $&ain te,* The #a&ge t and a# ! the ,! t de'e#!+ed a&ea !f the

hu,an $&ain i the ce&e$&u,/ (hich ha t(! he,i +he&e / den!ted &ight and #eft/ and inc#ude f!u& +ai& !f #!$e : f&!nta#/ +a&ieta#/ te,+!&a#/ and !cci+ita#* The ce&e$e##u, i the ne<t #a&ge t a&ea* The $&ain te, i a c!nnecti!n $et(een the $&ain and the +ina# c!&d* The hu,an $&ain ta"e &e +!n i$i#it% f!& 9uite a nu,$e& !f functi!n in the hu,an $!d%/ inc#uding c!!&dinati!n !f ,!'e,ent / !,e ,!t!& "i## / +h% ica# &eacti!n/ en e !f t!uch/ !,e #anguage and &eading functi!n / en !&% c!,$inati!n and c!,+&ehen i!n/* etc* >E#i;a$eth/ n*d?* The #a t nece a&% definiti!n i a$!ut ca#cu#ati!n a$i#it%* Ca#cu#ati!n a$i#it% i the a$i#it% !f +e!+#e t! dea# (ith the #!gic !f 9uantit% and a&&ange,ent* Mathe,atica# ca#cu#ati!n inc#ude ,u#ti+#e !+e&at!& f&!, the $a ic !ne #i"e additi!n/ u$t&acti!n/ ,u#ti+#icati!n/ and di'i i!n t! the c!,+#e< !ne 'a#ue/ *etc* The Ways Rock Music Affects the Brain @!+#in/ a +!+u#a& &!c" inge& (h! c!,,itted uicide/ de c&i$ed the t&e,end!u +!(e& !f &!c" ,u ic he e<+e&ienced f!##!(ing he& fi& t a++ea&ance at the A'a#!n/ a San F&anci c! $a##&!!,: I c!u#dnt $e#ie'e it/ a## that &h%th, and +!(e&* I g!t t!ned Au t fee#ing it #i"e it (a the $e t d!+e in the (!&#d* It (a ! en ua#/ ! 'i$&ant/ #!ud/ c&a;%* I c!u#dnt ta% ti##B I uch a integ&ati!n/ ine/ c! ine/ tangent/ #!ga&ith,/ a$ !#ute

ha'e ne'e& danced (hen I ang/ $ut the&e I (a ,!'ing and Au,+ing* I c!u#dnt hea& ,% e#f/ ! I ang #!ude& and #!ude&* B% the end I (a (i#d >a cited in D&e%fu / 3=C2/ +*CA?*


A 9ue ti!n i d&a(n !ut* R!c" i (hat "ind !f ,u ic that ,a"e +e!+#e 9uite e<cited #i"e that* 8e&e i an e<+#anati!n: R!c" ,u ic +&!duce ,ea u&a$#e &e +!n e in the $!d% ,u cu#a& % te,/ $&ain(a'e +atte&n and h!&,!ne #e'e# $ecau e it &h%th, i gene&ated the $a ic $eat $% the d&u, * B&ief#%/ ,u c#e c!!&dinati!n and c!nt&!# $ec!,e %nch&!ni;ed (ith the $a ic $eat/ $&ain(a'e acti'it% it e#f a#ign (ith the &h%th, ! gene&ated and 'a&i!u a&e &e#ea ed a a &e u#t !f e#ect&!+h% i!#!gica# %nch&!ni;ati!n (ith the &h%th, >Danie# D S"u$i"/ 3==3?. On the !the& hand/ the +!"en (!&d +a th&!ugh the ,a te& $&ain t! $e inte&+&eted/

t&an #ated/ and c&eened f!& ,!&a# c!ntent* 8!(e'e&/ (ith ,u ic/ e +ecia##% (ith &!c" ,u ic/ thi +&!ce i c!,+#ete#% diffe&ent* Such +!unding fu&% can $%+a thi +&!tecti'e c&een and

cau e a +e& !n t! ,a"e n! 'a#ue Audg,ent (hat !e'e& !n (hat he !& he i hea&ing >B!$ La& !n/ 3=C0?* Positive effects. M! t +e!+#e ha'e an idea that &!c" ,u ic affect the $&ain* 8!(e'e&/ the effect !f &!c" ,u ic !n the $&ain a&e g!!d !& $ed i ti## a de$ate* In c!,+a&i !n/ the nu,$e& !f +e!+#e a%ing &!c"

c!nfi&, that &!c" ha +! iti'e inf#uence !n the $&ain i ,uch fe(e& than the !ne

ha negati'e inf#uence !n the $&ain* @! e+h C&!(/ a &e ea&che& at the Uni'e& it% !f Seatt#e/ c!nducted an inte&e ting tud% !f the &!c" cu#tu&e and it ,u ic* C&!( >3=EE? tated: R!c" i a u e !f ,u ic $a ed !n ,athe,atica# f!&,u#ae t! c!nditi!n the ,ind th&!ugh ca#cu#ated f&e9uencie >'i$&ati!n ?/ and it i u ed t! ,!dif% the $!d% che,i t&% t! ,a"e the ,ind u ce+ti$#e t! ,!dificati!n and ind!ct&inati!n* R!c" ,u ic can $e >and i ? e,+#!%ed f!& ,indF$ending/ &eeducati!n/ and &eF!&gani;ati!n >+a&a*=?* In 022G/ 4#a g!( Ca#ed!nian Uni'e& it% c!nducted a &e ea&ch t! ,!nit!& the $&ain acti'it% !f a g&!u+ !f '!#untee& * The e '!#untee& +e&f!&,ed a i,+#e ,e,!&% te t (hi#e


#i tening t! &!c" and c#a ica# ,u ic* The &e ea&che& f!und that c#a ica# ,u ic i,+&!'ed the ,e,!&% in $!th c#a ica# ,u ic fan and &!c" fan / (hi#e &!c" ,u ic enhanced the ,e,!&% !f &!c" fan !n#%* F&!, thi data/ &e ea&che& e<t&a+!#ated that #i tening t! an% "ind !f ,u ic can aid ,e,!&%/ +&!'ided itH a t%+e !f ,u ic %!u enA!% >B&ent/ n*d?* Negative effects. Becau e !f the ha&d/ #!ud and t&!ng $eat !f &!c" ,u ic/ ,an% +e!+#e ha'e ag&eed that &!c" ,u ic &ea##% ha negati'e inf#uence !n the $&ain* In hi Dia,!nd > 3=C=? f!und: The (ea" &!c" $eat cau e K (itched thin"ing in the $&ain* 7hen the (ea"ening $eat i +#a%ed/ the +hen!,en!n ca##ed (itching !ccu& Lthat i / %,,et&% $et(een the t(! ce&e$&a# he,i +he&e i #! t/ int&!ducing u$t#e +e&ce+tua# difficu#tie and a h! t !f !the& ea&#% ,anife tati!n !f t&e * The enti&e $!d% i th&!(n int! a tate !f a#a&, >+*323?* On the !the& hand/ &!c" ,u ic cau e +e&ce+tua# change * S+ecifica##%/ the e change ,a% ,anife t the, e#'e in chi#d&en a dec&ea ed +e&f!&,ance in ch!!#/ h%+e&acti'it%/ and &e t#e ne B in adu#t / a dec&ea ed (!&" !ut+ut/ inc&ea ed e&&!& / gene&a# inefficienc%/ &educed deci i!nF,a"ing ca+acit% !n the A!$/ and a nagging fee#ing that thing Au t a&e n!t &ightLin h!&t/ the #! !f ene&g% f!& n! a++a&ent &ea !n* The acade,ic &ec!&d !f ,an% ch!!# chi#d&en tud% !f IBeha'i!&a# Kine i!#!g%J/

i,+&!'ed c!n ide&a$#% afte& the% t!++ed #i tening t! &!c" ,u ic (hi#e tud%ing* >Dia,!nd/ 3=C=?* Si,i#a& c!nc#u i!n ha'e $een &eached $% !the& cientific tudie !n the effect !f &!c" ,u ic !n the ,ind* Y!ung +e!+#e (h! #i tened t! ,eta# &!c" &e+!&ted a highe& &ate !f &ec"#e $eha'i!& / inc#uding d&i'ing $eha'i!&/ e<ua# $eha'i!&/ and d&ug u e* In additi!n/ th! e +e!+#e (e&e a# ! #e ati fied (ith thei& fa,i#% &e#ati!n hi+ >A&nett/ 3==3?*


M!&e!'e&/ the effect !f &!c" ,u ic i 9uite ignificant that &!c" ,u ic can cau e +e!+#e t! #! e t!uch (ith &ea#it%* The u$!&dinati!n !f the ,e#!dic #ine in &!c" ,u ic t! a +u# ating/ &e#ent#e &h%th, ha a h%+n!tic effect* That i the &ea !n (h% &!c" dance& !& &!c" #i tene& a&e

u ua##% cau ed t! g! int! a tate !f da%d&ea,ing* It i dange&!u (hen e#fFc!nt&!# i (ea"ened !& #! t* Recent Stu ies Re!ate to the "ssue F!& ,an% %ea& / the&e ha'e $een a #!t !f de$ate a&!und the effect !f &!c" ,u ic !n hu,an $&ain* S!,e$!d% ag&ee that it i g!!d inf#uence/ (hi#e the !the& inf#uence* Recent +&actica# &e ea&ch tudie ,u ic !n the $&ain* In 3=GE/ D!&th% Reta##ac"/ a c!##ege tudent did a &e ea&ch !n the effect !f ,u ic !n +#ant * 8e& tud% f!cu ed !n the diffe&ent !und !f ,u ic in tead !f the $eat !f it* Reta##ac" e<a,ined the inf#uence !f ,u ic !n +#ant g&!(th $% u ing ,u ic t%#e inc#uding c#a ica#/ Aa;;/ +!+/ &!c"/ acid &!c"/ Ea t Indian/ and c!unt&%* 7hat he di c!'e&ed f&!, thi tud% i that aid that it i $ad

h!( ,!&e a++a&ent idea a$!ut the effect !f &!c"

the +#ant g&e( (e## f!& a#,! t e'e&% t%+e !f ,u ic/ e<ce+ting &!c" and acid &!c"* The +#ant te ted (ith Aa;; and c#a ica# ,u ic ee,ed t! g&!( (e## (hi#e the +#ant te ted (ith the &!c" ,u ic (ithe&ed and died* 7ith he& !(n ,eth!d/ he c!nc#uded that &!c" ,u ic had negati'e effect !n the +#ant g&!(th >a cited in OHD!nne##/ 3===?* Thi tud% c!nfi&,ed the negati'e

inf#uence !f &!c" ,u ic* 8!(e'e&/ the u$Aect !f Reta##ac" &e ea&ch a&e +#ant * The&ef!&e/ the &e ea&ch had !,e d&a($ac" * Fi& t#%/ $ecau e +#ant a&e 'egeta#/ the% d!nt ha'e the a,e +h% ica# t&uctu&e a hu,an $eing* Thu / the fact that &!c" ,u ic had negati'e effect !n +#ant g&!(th d!e nt ,ean &!c" a# ! $ad#% affect hu,an $eing* Sec!nd#%/ (hen ca&&%ing !ut thi &e ea&ch/ Reta##ac" tated that he t!!" he& f!cu !ff !f tud%ing the $eat and c!ncent&ated !n tud%ing the diffe&ent !und !f ,u ic* 8!(e'e&/ acc!&ding t! M&* Muentin >3==3?/ Ithe hea'%


e,+ha i !n $eat i (hat di tingui he &!c" f&!, e'e&% !the& t%+e !f ,u ic*J >+*313?* The&ef!&e/ (hen u ing diffe&ent t%+e !f ,u ic in he& &e ea&ch/ undenia$#% Reta##ac" a# ! f!cu ed !n the $eat $ecau e diffe&ent ,u ic gen&e ha'e diffe&ent $eat * In &ea#it%/ (hat he ha 9uite accu&ate* Accidenta##%/ the &e u#t !f thi &e ea&ch (a a# ! un&e#ia$#e* In 3=EC/ a cientific e<+e&i,ent (a +e&f!&,ed (ith the +u&+! e !f e<a,ining the effect !f ,u ic !n the $&ain* D&* Sch&enc"en$u&g/ a neu&!#!gi t/ and D&* Bi&d/ a +h% ici t/ (e&e in'!#'ed in the e<+e&i,ent* The t(! &e ea&che& u ed NG ,ice and di'ided the, at $i&th int! th&ee g&!u+ >A/ B/ C? and u$Aected the, t! ,u ic a f!##!(: 4&!u+ A/ the c!nt&!# g&!u+/ #i tened t! n! ,u icB g&!u+ B #i tened t! ha&,!nic ,u ic/ (hich (a e<+! ed t! c#a ica# ,u ic (ith %nch&!ni;ed c!,+!nent &h%th,ic +atte&n and g&!u+ C #i tened t! di ha&,!nic ,u ic/ (hich (a e<+! ed t! &!c" ,u ic (ith %nc!+ated &h%th,* The deci$e# #e'e# !f ,u ic +#a%ed f!& g&!u+ B and g&!u+ C (e&e ,aintained at a !und #e'e# !f E2FE1 deci$e# * A## th&ee g&!u+ had identica# #a$!&at!&% c!nditi!n * At fi& t/ the &e ea&che& &an a## the ,ice th&!ugh a ,a;e t! e ta$#i h a $a e ti,e !f 32 ,inute * Afte& t(! ,!nth / the ,ice in g&!u+ A &educed the ti,e ta"en t! na'igate the ,a;e $% ha#f >fi'e ,inute ?* The ,ice in g&!u+ B did e'en $ette&* The% na'igated the ,a;e in !n#% !neFandFaFha#f ,inute * 8!(e'e&/ the ,ice in g&!u+ C g!t thei& (a% th&!ugh the ,a;e ta"ing u+ t! N2 ,inute * E'entua##%/ the e<+e&i,ent ca,e t! a ha#t due t! the ,ice in g&!u+ C eating !ne an!the&* T! dete&,ine (h% the ,ice #i tening t! &!c" ,u ic had ! ,uch t&!u$#e/ the &e ea&che& e<a,ined thei& $&ain * The% f!und a$n!&,a# $&anching and +&!uting !f the ne&'e ce## and di &u+ti!n in the n!&,a# a,!unt !f ,e enge& RNA/ a che,ica# c&ucia# t! ,e,!&% t!&age* The t(! &e ea&che& u ed the &e u#t t! e<+#ain f!& the &ea !n (h% &!c" ,u ic #i tene& a&e ,!&e +&!ne t! u e d&ug and engage in e<t&a,a&ita# e</ and (h% hea'% ,eta# #i tene& a&e ,uch ,!&e #i"e#% t! c!n ide& uicide* Then the% ca,e t! a c!nc#u i!n &!c" ,u ic had negati'e inf#uence !n the $&ain >Sch&enc"en$u&g D Bi&d/ 3=EC?* Thi tud% !f Sch&enc"en$u&g and Bi&d had a aid (a n!t

EFFECTS OF ROCK MUSIC ON STUDENTS CALCULATION ABILITY 9uite ca&efu# +&e+a&ati!n and had a t&ict (a% !f c!nducting* 7ith the &e u#t !f the e<+e&i,ent/ the t(! &e ea&che& had een the $ad inf#uence !f &!c" ,u ic !n the ,ice/ $ut

the% ti## c!ntinued te ting the $&ain !f the ,ice (ith technica# e9ui+,ent * The fact that the ,ice ha'e a &athe& de'e#!+ed $&ain and ,an% cienti t !& &e ea&che& ha'e d!ne e<+e&i,ent u ing the ,ice a u$Aect d!e n!t ,ean a## the &e u#t can $e a++#ied !n hu,an $eing* tud% i n!t

E +ecia##%/ in the fie#d !f &!c" ,u ic/ the &e u#t !f Sch&enc"en$u&g and Bi&d

(!&th t! $e#ie'e due t! un uita$#e u$Aect * 8u,an $eing ha'e ,uch ,!&e ad'anced $&ain / c!,+a&ing t! ,ice* The&ef!&e/ +e!+#e can #i ten t! &!c" ,u ic (hi#e ,ice can n!t* In tead/ ,ice Au t can hea& ,u ic* Thi #ead t! a d!u$t in the accu&ac% !f Sch&enc"en$u&g and Bi&d &e ea&ch &e u#t* An!the& &e ea&ch ca&&ied !ut $% Stanf!&d Uni'e& it% in 022C e<a,ined (hat !ccu& in the $&ain du&ing t&an iti!n $et(een ,!'e,ent in ,u ic !f the #ate 3Eth centu&%* Ten ,en and eight (!,en (e&e a "ed t! ente& the MRI >Magnetic &e !nance i,aging? canne&* The% a# ! (!&e n!i eF&educing head+h!ne and (e&e in t&ucted t! i,+#% #i ten +a i'e#% t! the ,u ic* 7hen ana#%;ing the +a&tici+ant $&ain can / the &e ea&che& f!cu ed !n a 32F ec!nd (ind!( $ef!&e and afte& the t&an iti!n $et(een ,!'e,ent * The% di c!'e&ed the&e (e&e t(! di tinct neu&a# net(!&" in'!#'ed in +&!ce ing the ,!'e,ent t&an iti!n/ #!cated in t(! e+a&ate a&ea !f the $&ain* The% f!und a diffe&ence $et(een acti'it% #e'e# in the &ight and #eft ide !f the $&ain du&ing the enti&e t&an iti!n/ (ith the &ight ide ignificant#% ,!&e acti'e* In the end/ the &e ea&che& c!nc#uded that the $&ain &e +!nded t! diffe&ent +ha e !f a %,+h!n%/ &ef#ected $% the d%na,ic change in the MRI can * The &e ea&ch tea, h!(ed that ,u ic engaged the a&ea !f the $&ain in'!#'ed (ith +a%ing attenti!n/ ,a"ing +&edicti!n and u+dating the e'ent in the ,e,!&%* Thi tud% i inte&e ting in it atte,+t t! ha'e $ette&

c!,+&ehen i!n n!t Au t !f h!( the $&ain &eact t! ,u ic/ $ut h!( it #i ten t! ,u ic* Ne'e&the#e / the h!#e in thi tud% e<i t in the +ecificit% !f the fact that the &e ea&che&

EFFECTS OF ROCK MUSIC ON STUDENTS CALCULATION ABILITY !n#% +aid attenti!n t! %,+h!nic ,u ic* The% a# ! did n!t tate (h% thi "ind !f ,u ic (a ch! en* The&ef!&e/ thi +iece !f &e ea&ch ,a% $e ,!&e he#+fu# (hen c!nducting tudie &e#ating t! %,+h!nic ,u ic*

In c!nc#u i!n/ f!& a c!u+#e !f %ea& / the&e ha'e $een e'e&a# de$ate a&!und the inf#uence !f &!c" ,u ic !n the $&ain* S!,e +e!+#e ha'e a&gued that &!c" ,u ic ha a +! iti'e !n the $&ainB !,e +e!+#e/ !n c!nt&a t/ ha'e $e#ie'ed that &!c" ,u ic affect the $&ain in +! iti'e (a% * In thi (a% !& that (a%/ the&e i ti## the t&uth that &!c" ,u ic a++a&ent#% ha an i,+act !n the

hu,an $&ain* M!&e!'e&/ the #in" $et(een &!c" ,u ic and the $&ain ha'e a# ! $een (e##F e ta$#i hed th&!ugh &ecent cientific tudie * Ne'e&the#e / hu,an $&ain +e&f!&, e'e&a#

functi!n * A,!ng the e functi!n/ the a$i#it% t! d! ca#cu#ati!n i !ne !f the functi!n (hich definite#% +#a% an i,+!&tant &!#e in tudent #i'e * M! t +e!+#e acti'ated a net(!&" !f $&ain &egi!n in the f&!nta# and +a&ieta# #!$e du&ing the ca#cu#ati!n ta " * 8!(e'e&/ the&e ha'e n!t $een an% &e ea&ch tudie c!nce&ning the inf#uence !f &!c" ,u ic !n the tudent a$i#it% t! d! ca#cu#ati!n * The&ef!&e/ the need t! c!nducting thi +iece !f &e ea&ch i 9uite e entia#* The &e u#t !f thi +iece !f &e ea&ch i e<+ected t! $e a he#+fu# c!nt&i$uti!n t! tudent tud%ing/ e +ecia##% in ,athe,atica# and cientific u$Aect * 7ith the &e ea&ch &e u#t/ tudent can +&!$a$#% "n!( that the% a&e enc!u&aged !& n!t enc!u&aged t! u e &!c" ,u ic (hi#e d!ing ca#cu#ati!n / ! that the% ha'e a c#ea& idea !f (hen the a++&!+&iate ti,e t! #i ten t! &!c" ,u ic i*



References An!n%,!u >3==C?* Rock music in Vietnam* Ret&ie'ed f&!, htt+:55(((*'ietna,!n#ine*c!,5cu#tu&e5&!c"F,u icFinF'ietna,*ht,# A&nett/ @* >3==3?* 8ea'% ,eta# and &ec"#e and Dolescents/ G* Bacchi!cchi/ S* >n*d?* The Christian & rock music: A study on biblical principles of music* Michigan: Bi$#ica# .e& +ecti'e * Ba&"e&/ M* >022C?* usic mo!es brain to pay attention" #tanford study finds. Ret&ie'ed f&!, $eha'i!& a,!ng ad!#e cent * Journal of Youth

htt+:55,ed* tanf!&d*edu5ne( 6&e#ea e 5022C5Au#%5,u ic*ht,# B#!!,/ A* >3=EC?* The closin$ of the American mind* >+* G=?* Ne( Y!&": Si,!n D Schu te& .a+e&$a"c * B&ent/ M* >n*d?* %o& does music affect your memory &hile studyin$'. Ret&ie'ed f&!, htt+:55(((*eh!(*c!,5inf!6EG2E0=16,u icFaffectF,e,!&%F tud%ing*ht,# C&!(/ @* >3=EE?* (otential ne$ati!e impact* Ret&ie'ed f&!, htt+:55(((*a&#eneta%#!&*!&g5+a F ,u icFandFtheF$&ain5N=EF+!tentia#Fnegati'eFi,+act* Dia,!nd/ @* >3=C=?* Your body doesn)t lie >+* 323?* Ne( Y!&": 4&and Cent&a# .u$#i hing* D!nne##/ L* O* >3===?* usic and the brain* Ret&ie'ed f&!,

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EFFECTS OF ROCK MUSIC ON STUDENTS CALCULATION ABILITY E#i;a$eth/ M* >n*d*?* 7hat i $&ain +h% i!#!g%:* *ise$eek/ Ret&ie'ed f&!, htt+:55(((*(i egee"*c!,5(hatFi F$&ainF+h% i!#!g%*ht, 8a("in / K* >0230/ Oct!$e& 2=?* 7hat i &!c" ,u ic:**ise$eek/ Ret&ie'ed f&!, htt+:55(((*(i egee"*!&g5(hatFi F&!c"F,u ic*ht, 8eath,an/ S* >3===?* Different kinds of music that help memory retention* Ret&ie'ed f&!, htt+:55(((*eh!(*c!,5#i t6GC33E==6diffe&entF"ind F,u icF,e,!&%F&etenti!n*ht,# La& !n/ B* > 3=C0?* The day music died >+*31?* Eng#and: B!$ La& !n Mini t&ie * Muentin @* S* >3==3?* Dancin$ in the dark >+*313?* Eng#and: 7,* B* Ee&d,an +u$#i hing c!,+an% Ra,+e& ad/ R* >n*d?* %istory of rock music* Ret&ie'ed f&!,


htt+:55(((* t&eetdi&ect!&%*c!,5t&a'e#6guide5N3ONG5,u ic5hi t!&%6!f6&!c"6,u ic*ht ,# Sch,ith!& t/ )@*/ D 8!##and/ SK* >022O?* The effect of musical trainin$ on the neural correlates of math processin$: A functional ma$netic resonance ima$in$ study in humans* PAd!$e Digita# Editi!n 'e& i!nQ* d!i: 32*323G5A*neu#et*022N*32*2NC Sch&ec"en$e&g/ 4* M*/ D Bi&d/ 8*8* >3=EC?* Bu##etin/ Ne( @e& e% Acade,% !f Science/ N0/ CCFEG

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