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Final Reflection In the beginning of this class, writing more than five pages was extremely difficult and

now, I find myself compiling 25 pages of polished work. From this drastic change, I can see that I have learned a lot about myself as a writer and have improved as well. efore this class, I was not comfortable writing about my personal life, but, ever since this class I have become much more open about my life experiences which are shown in my writing. !y literacy memoir was the first time I ever wrote anything regarding my life, especially my religion. "t first, I was very hesitant on writing about such a personal thing but I was motivated by my professor and my fellow peers. I have learned a lot about my personal writing process during the course of this semester. In the beginning I used to wait last minute to write my papers, usually starting and finishing the night before. I started to reali#e it was very detrimental for me not only as a writer, but as a student. I changed my writing process by starting my essays and papers a week before they are due and I would work a little bit each day. It was sort of like working on a pu##le, I would work on it little by little and end up finishing in a timely manner. $ransitioning into this course from my previous %nglish class was very smooth. It was mostly because my professor was extremely laid&back and it eased off the pressure that everyone came in with in their minds. In general, I have a different perspective of writing because of this %nglish course. I have learned to appreciate writing more than ever before and I have also learned that first drafts are always the worst. In order to advance further, we must revise our works not by ourselves but with the help of our fellow peers, family members, and anyone you are familiar with.

'ollege writing is very different than the writing we all did back in high school. ack in high school, there were too many rules regarding papers. I feel like there is a lot of freedom when it comes to writing in college. (ou get to write about a topic that you like or are interested in and they would come out great. )n the other hand, in high school you were given ideas or topics and you had to follow them accordingly. $his class has changed me a lot as a person and as a writer. efore this class, I was not much of a fan of writing because of high school %nglish classes. ut this class has opened me up to such a great perspective of writing that I actually find it *uite en+oyable. $his course has changed me as a person because I am not uncomfortable about writing about my personal life. efore this, I would not be motivated in writing a personal essay of some sort and this class really opened me up. I think I was very afraid of being +udged so I would close myself off, but, I am no longer that person anymore. I am a writer who is no longer afraid of writing about her personal life or anything for that matter.

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