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Burwell 1 Elizabeth Burwell Professor Susan Ingram English 1101 11 September 2013 APUSH Diary Day 1: Walking into

the doors of Northwest High School. Starting my last semester as a student here. I dont know what to think. At least Ill start my day with something I like. AP US History, my favorite subject last year. Well see how this goes. Mrs. Delashanti cant be that bad. She may dress like a nut sometimes but shes always been so nice to me. Day 2: This bitch is crazy! First thing she hands me is a packet with 202 definitions, tells me they are due next week in flashcard form, and says thats just the beginning. That those definitions was the only the start of the semesters definitions packets. The materials for the class stated on the syllabus are normal, notebook, loose left paper, pencils, 1600 flashcards minimal, etc. Wait, What? 1600 notecards at the least! There is no way I am going to make it through this class. Chapter readings, at least 50 questions per chapter, analyzing stupid pictures and documents, 200 flashcards every unit. There is no way in hell I will make it through this class without killing this teacher. Dear god, what was I thinking when I took this class? I dont need the credit this freaking bad.

Day 10:

Burwell 2 First unit done! Finished all my homework on time. Did all my flashcards and even the optional ones for extra credit. I think I may be able to handle this. The subject of early America really sucks right now but once we get into the fun stuff, I know Ill enjoy lecture time. Day 18: I fell asleep in class today. I cant handle her talking anymore. If she gives me one more smart comment about why I didnt finish that freaking homework assignment, Im done. Im going off on her. Ill be expelled. Bye-bye UNCC, Bye-bye life. Day 20: Feeling unmotivated. I didnt do any of my chapter reading this week. I didnt do any of my test corrections from the last test, which I made a 64 on. I cant handle this work load. My flashcard pile in my room is getting taller and taller. I thought your senior year was supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Not spending every night working on freaking US History flashcards and questions. I dont even understand the questions she gives. Like where in the reading does it tell me about Roosevelts Rough Riders? I dont see that anywhere! Day 25: The AP exam is stressing me out. Writing these essays freaks me out. Only 35 minutes to write an entire essay on one concentrated subject in History. What happens if I get the subject about the Native Americans? I know nothing about the Native Americans. Day 32: Mrs. Delashanti was so happy today because I was the only person that seems to know anything about History in my class. That made me feel so good because I actually like the subject. Learning about it makes me feel accomplished. Theyre the only classes, other than sewing, I can actually be ahead in. I

Burwell 3 hope I do well on the AP Exam in a couple of months. I really want all this hard work Im putting in to actually be worth something. Day 37: Today I admitting I wanted to be a History major. Talking about the early 1900 always makes me remember how much I love learning about history. I feel like you can never know everything. Seeing how much more in depth the subjects can go and how much more I have learned in this class from regular US history, I understand that now. I hope I never stop trying to learn more. But I still hate all this work. I feel like my whole life is bullshitting these freaking chapter questions and hoping she doesnt actually read them. All they are is busy work. And I hate busy work. Day 43: Yep, Im going to kill her. Shes so rude sometimes. Like why does she have to get an attitude with me? Im the only person that pays attention. These stupid analyzing picture bullshit pisses me off. I will never have to look at a picture and analyze why the author did this and who the audience is. This will never help me in college. I seriously hate waking up every morning and starting my day with this class. Day 49: We finished up content today! Thank god. Only 3 weeks until the exam and I want to pee my pants every time I think about it. I dont know how Im going to make it through that 4 hour exam. What if I dont pass and all this work was for nothing? Then I would come back and literally burn ever single ugly outfit Mrs. Delshanti wears. Shes so freaking crazy. Day 54: This review is bullshit, none of this is helping me. Writing down events that go with each president or rapid review. I feel like Im more confused now than when I started. And these stupid essays, Im just

Burwell 4 rambling on and on about the subject rather than actually following the rubric. There is no way Im going to pass this exam if I cant even write a freaking essay in the time allotted. Day 63: I wrote the best essay ever written! It was on Kennedy, Nixon and Johnson domestic policy. I dont think I could ever write a better essay. I used so much supporting detail and I know they were all on point. I know that paper had to be a 4! Day 67: 5 days until exam day! I can do this. I have studied every single night and I know I can do this. I just have to keep reminding myself that I know the material and I cant choke! Day 98: Got my exam scores back today. I made a 4! I want to pee my pants I am so excited! I get out of three classes in college. I also changed my major today. I am now officially a History major with a concentration in education. If I wouldnt have suffered through the 4 months of bullshit, also known as AP US history, I would have never realized that my passion for History goes way past all the work. I just love learning about all the events that happened in America that makes us who we are today.

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