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Bermuda Triangle: Behind the Intrigue On a sunny day 58 years ago, five Navy planes took off from

their base in Florida on a routine training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor the rew were ever seen again. !hus was a legend born. !he "ermuda !riangle is an area roughly bounded by #iami, "ermuda, and $uerto %i o. No one keeps statisti s, but in the last entury, numerous ships and planes have simply vanished without a tra e within the imaginary triangle. &nusual features of the area had been noted in the past. 'hristopher 'olumbus wrote in his log about bi(arre ompass bearings in the area. "ut the region didn)t get its name until *ugust 19+,, when -in ent .addis oined the term "ermuda !riangle in a over story for Argosy maga(ine about the disappearan e of Flight 19. !he arti le stimulated a virtual ottage industry in myth/making. #any e0oti theories have been propounded to e0plain what happened to the missing travelers. !he disappearan es have been attributed to the ma hinations of enormous sea monsters, giant s1uid, or e0tra/terrestrials. *lien abdu tions, the e0isten e of a mysterious third dimension reated by unknown beings, and o ean flatulen e2the o ean suddenly spewing great 1uantities of trapped methane2have all been suggested as ulprits. !he reality, say many, is far more prosai . !hey argue that a sometimes trea herous #other Nature, human error, shoddy raftsmanship or design, and 3ust plain bad lu k an e0plain the many disappearan es. 4!he region is highly traveled and has been a busy rossroads sin e the early days of 5uropean e0ploration,4 said 6ohn %eilly, a historian with the &.7. Naval 8istori al Foundation. 4!o say 1uite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an awful lot of ar a idents on the New 6ersey !urnpike2surprise, surprise.4 9ieutenant *. 9. %ussell, in the &.7. 'oast .uard)s offi ial response to "ermuda !riangle in1uiries, writes: 4;t has been our e0perien e that the ombined for es of nature and the unpredi tability of mankind outdo s ien e/fi tion stories many times ea h year.4 Disappearance of Flight 19 !he legend of the "ermuda !riangle will be forever tied to the fateful flight that took pla e on <e ember 5, 19,5. Flight 19 originated at the &. 7. Naval *ir 7tation in Fort 9auderdale, Florida. Five !"# *venger !orpedo "ombers arrying 1, men took off at roughly =:1> in the afternoon that day on a routine navigational training mission. 9ed by instru tor 9ieutenant 'harles !aylor, the assignment was to fly a three/legged triangular route with a few bombing pra ti e runs over 8en and 'hi kens 7hoals. !aylor, in an age before the .lobal $ositioning 7ystem ?.$7@ be ame ommonpla e for navigation, got hopelessly lost shortly after the bombing run. $ilots flying over water in 19,5 had to rely on ompasses and knowing how long they)d been flying in a parti ular dire tion, and at what speed. "oth of the ompasses on !aylor)s plane were apparently malfun tioning. !rans ripts of in/flight ommuni ations suggest he wasn)t wearing a wat h. !here are no landmarks in the middle of the o ean. !he planes flew in one dire tion then another as balmy daylight turned to stormy seas in the darkness. !aylor is heard formulating a planA as soon as the first plane)s fuel level dipped below 1> gallons, all five planes were to dit h at sea. !he *venger was known as an e0tremely rugged plane. $ilots sometimes alled them 4;ron "irds4 or .rumman ironworks,

said #ark 5vans, a historian at the Naval *viation 8istory bran h of the Naval 8istori al 'enter. 4!hey were built like tanks,4 he said. 4!ime and again they)d ome ba k from battle all shot up and still fun tioning. $ilots loved them.4 !hey were also very heavy, weighing more than 1>,>>> pounds ?,,5B5 kilograms@ empty. Chen dit hed, the *venger would go down hard and fast. !he possibility of anyone surviving a landing in high seas was slim, the han e of surviving the night in the old waters was nil, the likelihood of the wre kage making a 1ui k des ent to the bottom was high. * massive land and sea sear h was mounted, but neither bodies nor wre kage were ever found. *dding to the tragedy, one of the res ue planes also disappeared along with its 1B/man rew. !heir plane, a $"# #ariner, was ni knamed the 4flying gas tank4A the slightest spark or a lit mat h ould ause an e0plosion. * ship in the area reported seeing a huge fireball and rossing through an oil sli k at the e0a t time and pla e where the plane would have been. !he Navy halted produ tion of that plane in 19,9. ;n the Navy)s final report, the disappearan e of Flight 19 was blamed on pilot error. !aylor)s family protested and, after several reviews, the verdi t was hanged to 4 auses or reasons unknown.4 Graveyard of the Atlantic !he "ermuda !riangle region has some unusual features. ;t)s one of only two pla es on 5arth 2the other being an area ni knamed the <evil)s 7ea off the east oast of 6apan, whi h has a similar mysterious reputation2where true north and magneti north line up, whi h ould make ompass readings di ey DsidebarE. ;t is also home to some of the deepest underwater tren hes in the worldA wre kage ould settle in a watery grave miles below the surfa e of the o ean. #ost of the sea floor in the "ermuda !riangle is about 19,>>> feet ?5,F91 meters@ downA near its southern tip, the $uerto %i o !ren h dips at one point to =F,5>> ?8,==9 meters@ feet below sea level. !rea herous shoals and reefs an be found along the ontinental shelf. 7trong urrents over the reefs onstantly breed new navigational ha(ards, a ording to the 'oast .uard. !hen there)s the weather. 4!he biggest issues in that area normally are hurri anes, but it)s not parti ularly a spawning area for storms,4 said <ave Feit, hief of the marine fore ast bran h of the National O eani and *tmospheri *dministration)s #arine $redi tion 'enter. 8owever, Feit pointed out, the .ulf 7tream travels along the western edge of the triangle and ould be a fa tor. !he .ulf 7tream is like a ,>/ to 5>/mile/wide ?+,/ to 8>/kilometer/wide@ river within the o ean that ir ulates in the North *tlanti O ean. !he warm water and two/ to four/knot urrents an reate weather patterns that remain hanneled within it. 4;f you have the right atmospheri onditions, you ould get 1uite une0pe tedly high waves,4 said Feit. 4;f wave heights are eight feet outside of the .ulf 7tream, they ould be two or even three times higher within it. 7ailors an sometimes identify the .ulf 7tream by the louds and thunderstorms over it.4 !he 'oast .uard also notes that unpredi table 'aribbean/*tlanti storms an yield waterspouts that often spell disaster for pilots and mariners. 7till, given a hoi e between the horrifying idea of a giant s1uid)s tenta les wrestling an inno ent ship to the sea floor, or an alien abdu tion, versus human error, shoddy engineering, and a temperamental #other Nature 2who ould resist the legend of the "ermuda !riangleG

Summary !his arti le was dis ussed about the mysterious pla e alled "ermuda !riangle. Chy it alled triangleG "e ause this area roughly bounded by #iami, "ermuda, and $uerto %i o. Chy it alled mysterious pla eG ;t was be ause all of the transportation that passed there was disappeared. ;t dis overed in 58 years ago be ause it was the time where the first tragedy happened. ;t was the disappearan e of flight 19. ;n here threre are so many theories have been propounded to e0plain what happened to the all the transportation. !he disappearan es was talked bae asue the ma hinations of enormous sea monsters, giant s1uid, or e0tra/terrestrials. *lien abdu tions, the e0isten e of a mysterious third dimension reated by unknown beings, and many others. omment "ermuda triangle was a very dangerous pla e be ause there are so many in ident there, ; think it was very important to take a deep wat hfulness about this pla e. Nut in the other ondition i think government in the world was think the impa t about the wat hfulness be ause the y donHt want to take a risk for the other in ident who will take another vi tim. 7o, i think the best that we an do was never passed the !riangle "ermuda area. Glossary ;ntrigue %ough "ounded -anished "i(arre !erm 5normous $arti ular "almy -erdi t <i ey !rea herous 7hoals %eefs 7li k .ulf Cre kage !ren h <ips Source http:IInews.nationalgeographi . omInewsI=>>=I1=I1=>5J>=1=>5Jbermudatriangle.html http:IInews.nationalgeographi . omInewsI=>>=I1=I1=>5J>=1=>5JbermudatriangleJ=.html : ;ntrik : kira/kira : membatasi : menghilang : aneh : masa : sangat hebat : teliti : se3uk : putusan : tidak pasti : berbaaya : batuk karang : li in : teluk : sisa ben ana : parit : elup

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