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Bender; MYP4 English, Period 6 3 April 2013 Word Count: 692 Chronoshift The morning of December 12, 2063, I looked outside and noticed something different, but couldnt identify it. However, I walked downstairs and greeted my neighbor Mr. Adams, who was headed to the shipping plant. Hello Mr. Adams, how did you sleep? Not bad, you? I slept well, but I feel like something has changed, and something feels differe- never mind. Okay, after you Mr. Adams pointed towards the entrance of the MagLev. Noticing another difference, and restraining myself from telling Mr. Adams, I saw no crowd when entering the MagLev. In fact, there was nobody inside of the MagLev except for me and Mr. Adams, a miracle at rush hour. Looking outside, I saw a large glass dome with what seemed to have a familiar city inside of it. Mr. Adams, is that dome something you have noticed before? As I turned to look at Mr. Adams, he was gone with a letter in his place. I began to read the letter, my eyes widening as I read on. In my mind, I could only believe it as an elaborate prank, but looking around, I saw many things that now made sense after the the letter, including the domes, no crowds, and that weird feeling in the morning. I noticed another thing, a line of monitors with surveillance videos of me everywhere, sleeping, eating, and even using the restroom.

I was speechless, and I began yelling to wake me up from what I thought was a nightmare. Stop! This has gone too far! I started kicking the walls, slapping myself, anything to get me out of this nightmare, when the MagLev stopped. I looked outside the window and saw a patch of land like nothing I had seen before, with what seemed to be like a palace past a line of energy generators. I stepped out, two attractive women greeted me, took me by the hands, and led me towards the palace. Passing through this town, I saw things I had never seen before, and on the way, I asked questions about everything. What are those? Those are power generators, what power Ecotopia. What is Ecotopia? That is the land you live, breathe, and sleep on. I thought that wa- and was cut off, when a man of great age approached me, and told me that I would be the next ruler of Ecotopia. I still had a million questions, but when he took me inside the palace, all my questions disappeared, and I learned more in 23 minutes than I had in 23 years. I was appointed a part of the Council, the governing group of Ecotopia, and would now govern Ecotopia, and all five of its sectors, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mining, Scientific, and the Retirement Sector. Over the next week, I had realized what a horrible state the world was in, the obvious reason that the past Council stepped down. There had been reports of the Scientific sector

developing missiles, and there are violent revolts in every other sector. Many were dying, and I was the one who had to stop them. December 21, 2063, this day was the day the world ended, again. The Scientific sector launched their missile, and unfortunately miscalculated the height of the dome and broke a hole in it. That dome was filled with poisonous air from outside the dome, and it has been confirmed that there are no survivors. The Manufacturing sector was also an owner of a missile, a counterpart of the contract to manufacture Scientifics sectors missile and them too, were all wiped out. Diseases have hit all of the crops in agriculture, and everyone is either starving or dead. Even I, the ruler of what used to be called a utopia, am on the brink of death, and am writing this memoir to try, one last time, to get me out of this nightmare. I took my last breath of air, and took a look around at this world behind a world, the place I had inhabited for more than 23 years, yet only finding out where I lived 9 days ago, the day I read the letter that changed my life.

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