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Study Concerning the Effect of Various Parameters on Cooking Oil in the Crispness of Tempeh by Bending Test Method

Experiment Report A Report Submitted for fulfillment of MT 4001 Experiment Design Class Project

by Joseph Arden (13710014) Arda Diska Widi Pranata (13710018)

Material Engineering Department Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung 2013

CHAPTER I Introduction

1.1 Background Tempeh originated in todays Indonesia. The earliest known reference to it appeared in 1815 in the Serat Centhini. One of exotic food from Indonesia is tempeh. Tempeh was the most eaten food by Indonesian. It was come of soy with intentionally grown fungus. It made by natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybean into a cake form similar to grilled burger meat. Tempeh is unique, even among the traditional soy cuisine. People of Indonesia use it as traditional protein resource. The production process of tempeh is made from soy bean, but it is a whole soybean produce with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh fermentation process its retention of the whole bean gives it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor which becomes more pronounced as it ages. Because of its nutritional value it usually as a meat analogue. Tempeh begins with whole soybeans, which are softened by soaking, then partly cooked. Specialty tempeh may be made from other types of beans, wheat, or may include a mixture of beans and whole grains. Fermentation starter containing the spores of fungus is mixed in. The beans are spread into a thin layer and are allowed to ferment for 24 to 36 hours at a temperature around 30C. Tempeh often cooks poorly because its concern as cheap and low class food. Because that concern the producer uses the lowest cost to produce them. Also when consumer of tempeh cooks they also do it poorly. So the taste is not tasty. They dont tasty because of not tasty that its lack of crispness. Crispness is one of properties that the consumer is wanted for. So when tempeh is lack of crispness they dont want to eat it. The crispness of tempeh is one the consumer wanted so the crispness must be taken carefully to take tempeh as the upper class food.

1.2 Objective a. Measure level of crispness in tempeh by the influence of cooking oil parameters. b. Get the bending test value from the bend test.

1.3 Methodology The experiment is carried out basically by frying tempeh in controlled condition. Condition that we control is the properties of tempeh. We make a same size of tempeh about 5x4x1 cm and we cut it from the same big tempeh sample. We dont additional treat to tempeh so it just tempeh with fungus and beans inside of it. We measure the fire from stove scale. We assume same heat as we continue to turn off and on the stoves and wait it to cool down until the next sample. Heat is assumed as same when we start over another run of example again. Frying condition is opened and we use the same Teflon based frying pan. Also the source of heat is burned LPG. The preparation of materials wasnt include the cleaning. We didnt clean the tempeh. The cleaning only conducted on the frying pan and frying stick. In the cleaning process we use Rinso detergent as cleaning. We also assume the frying oil were pure there is no residue included.

1.4 Systematic of Writing This report including seven chapters with each chapter explaining systematically the experiment we did. Chapter one is explain why we did the experiment and how important the experiment is, and also the objective of the experiment. The Chapter two explains the variable which we use in the experiment and the reason why those variables were choose. In Chapter three there is hypothesis about the prediction result from this experiment, so we can try to suggest the outcome of the experiment. Chapter four will be explains the experiments design which consist the variance of variable condition. The following Chapter will be stated the experimental procedure along with the measurement technique to measure

crispness in analytic way. Chapter six explains the analysis of the data from experiment and the last chapter is the conclusion from the analysis of experiments data.


The variable is come from the usual cooking behavior of Indonesian, so in the future this report could be beneficial to the public, not only Indonesia but also in the every part of the world whom cook tempeh. We decide this is the variable that Indonesian uses when they cooked the tempeh. Variable
Cooking Oil Brand Cooking Oil Volume Fire Size Frying Time

(-) Unbranded 300 mL Small 2 Minutes Table 2.1 Experiment Variables

(+) Sunco 500 mL Big 3 Minutes

We use Sanco and unbranded oil, as the brand oil that we use. The unbranded is made from traditional made, or in bahasa Indonesia, they usually called Minyak Goreng Curah. The Unbranded usually came in contained can rather than usual plastic wrapped branded oil. Because of its the usual brand that used in Indonesia,we must test whether Sanco or Minyak Goreng Curah is better for cooking. Volume of oil is decided because of when its lack of oil the tempeh is rather roasted. If the oil is too many, tempeh will less crunchy, or too many oil left in the tempeh. The tempeh must be cook under precise amount of oil so tempeh will be eaten by Indonesian as upper class food.

Figure 2.1 Delicious tempeh

The fire sizes determine the amount of heat we use to cook the tempeh. If we apply heat to much then the tempeh burnt as any other food. If tempeh gets the less amount of heat the tempeh will not be at same cooked level in one specimen. So the fire size must be decide as new parameter because its criticalness as the cooking agent. The amount of heat absorb by tempeh is determine by frying time. The absorbed heat is determining the amount of energy to break the protein molecule in tempeh. So the protein could be more simply and our body could absorb it better. The criticality of frying time in a macro scale is one that made tempeh cook or undercook. It must be correctly determined so tempeh will be much consumable. Beside the variables explained above, these experiments also include constant variable in certain level which is listed below. Variable Detergent brand Fuel Stove Brand Tempeh Type Value Rinso Pertamina LPG Kirin Gas Stove 728K Soy Tempeh Table 2.2 List of Constant Variable


We made the hypothesis when we first observe cooking of tempeh, then we guess something that could influence the frying process. There are several hypotheses that we want to test it in certain condition. All of hypotheses we use based on variable we use. The frying time is expected to make the tempeh crisper because its the amount of heat absorbed by tempeh. The tempeh will be crisper when the time is longer. And also the fire size because it determine the heat we apply to tempeh. The bigger fire will produce more cooked tempeh, which mean more crisper tempeh. So we guess the fire size and frying time will give significant effect to crispness of tempe by make it crisper when we apply more of them. The brand and volume is expected not to give significant effect to the crispness of tempeh, because its have a little profound heating effect to cooking of tempeh.


We have to use the factorial design at two level methods. Then by using 4 variables, the number of expected experiments runs is 16 runs. The variabl e variance in each run conducted in the following table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Oil Brand + + + + + + + + -

Oil Volume + + + + + + + + -

Fire Size + + + + + + + +

Frying Time + + + + + + + + -

Table 2.1 Variable Variance in Each Run


5.1 RAW MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT The experiment is required some raw materials and equipment. The list of material tabled below. RAW MATERIAL Unbranded Oil 1 L Sunco Oil 1 L Tempeh Plastic Water EQUIPMENT Stove Knife Spatula Ruler Plastic Rope Ballpoint Table 5.1 Table of Raw Material and Equipment

Figure 5.1 Final Sampling with background equipment used 5.2 Experiment Procedure The procedure to conduct the experiment based on experimental design that has been explained above is listed as follows: a. Heat the Cooking Oil on the Stove according to fire size variable b. Pour the cooking oil on the stove at 300 mL and 500 mL level, and change same as the variable change c. Fried the tempeh according to time variable in 2 and 3 minutes d. Remove the tempeh and dry the tempeh from oil e. Tie the rope with plastic bag in the specimen center f. Fill the plastic bag with care until the tempeh were broke

Flowchart of Standard Operation Procedure upon completing the experiment


Clean the equipment



Oil is 300 mL added





500 mL oil added


Small fire

Big Fire

2 Min Fry


3 Min Fry


Put out specimen and dry it

No, start over

All specimen fried yet?


Next Page

Previous Page

Tie the plastic rope on plastic bag

Add Water to plastic bag slowly


Tie the plastic rope that connect to plastic bag to specimen center

The Plastic Bag is Broke

no no

Tempeh is broke


Calculate the bending strength


The Picture Process

Figure 5.2 Frying Process

Figure 5.3 Big fire size

Figure 5.4 Small fire size

5.3 MEASURING TECHNIQUE The experiment employs a measure of water volume that filled into the plastic bag. After we measure the volume of plastic bag, we convert the volume into mass via density then we have the sigma of bending.

With P = the amount of given force L = Length of specimen b = Width of specimen h = Specimen thickness

The given force we get from the density and volume of water, so we got the mass The tempeh shaped in beam, so we conclude we could use this equation.

Figure 5.5 Bending Test and Underview of Bending Test

Figure 5.6 Tempeh Fracture Surface

6.1 Sigma Data From Experiment From the experiments we obtained the following data
Brand Volume 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Fire Size + + + + + + + + Time Height Volume(L) Mass(kg) P (N) Sigma (cm) 18 0.598 0.598 6.15 68331.67 16.7 0.554 0.554 5.73 63632.53 26.3 0.873 0.873 8.85 98333.86 23 0.764 0.764 7.78 86405.28 24.8 0.823 0.823 8.36 92911.78 19.6 0.651 0.651 6.67 74115.22 25.5 0.847 0.847 8.59 95442.08 23.2 0.770 0.770 7.84 87128.22 + 21.7 0.720 0.720 7.35 81706.14 + 18.9 0.627 0.627 6.44 71584.92 + 22.3 0.740 0.740 7.55 83874.97 + 20.7 0.687 0.687 7.03 78091.42 + 23.1 0.767 0.767 7.81 86766.75 + 22.5 0.747 0.747 7.61 84597.92 + 28.9 0.959 0.959 9.70 107732.14 + 25.7 0.853 0.853 8.65 96165.03 Identity Average A B AB C AC BC ABC D AD BD ABD CD ACD BCD ABCD

Table 6.1 Experiment Data 6.2 Calculating Effect Using Yates Algorithm The Algorithm is used for determining the variable that significant variable according to condition which gives an effect to experiment result. It is obtain by making a column for the data which get from experiment result. The total column of yates algorithm in the variable case was also four. Half of the column (count until the eighth line) was filled with the summary of two consecutive value of each experiment. Then the second half of the series is subtract to each consecutive value of each experiment. Then for the second column we repeat the Yates calculation with new value that we obtain from first calculation. We repeated it until forth repetitions.

Then after the last column done, the next column is a series of divisor. It based on the number of variable and because of we use 4 variable, we use 16 as divisor for average. The remaining divisor value is the half of first devisor. Here the estimate value that is obtain by divide the last column with divisor.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

A + + + + + + + +

B + + + + + + + +

C + + + + + + + +

D + + + + + + + +

Sigma 68331.67 63632.53 98333.86 86405.28 92911.78 74115.22 95442.08 87128.22 81706.14 71584.92 83874.97 78091.42 86766.75 84597.92 107732.14 96165.03

1 131964.2 184739.1 167027 182570.3 153291.1 161966.4 171364.7 203897.2 -4699.14 -11928.6 -18796.6 -8313.86 -10121.2 -5783.56 -2168.83 -11567.1

2 316703.3 351766.1 349597.3 335861.4 315257.4 333331.1 375261.8 199198 -16627.7 -30725.1 -27110.4 -18435.1 -15904.8 -7952.39 -13735.9 -11567.1

3 668469.5 701363.4 685458.7 651118.8 648588.5 708592.9 574459.9 182570.3 -47352.9 -57835.6 -45545.5 -34339.9 -23857.2 -21688.3 -25303.1 -11567.1

4 1369833 1386822 1336577 1299707 1357181 1283053 757030.2 135217.4 -105188 -103381 -79885.4 -58197 -45545.5 -46991.4 -36870.2 -11567.1

Divisor 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Estimate 85614.56 173352.8 167072.2 162463.4 169647.7 160381.6 94628.77 16902.18 -13148.6 -12922.6 -9985.67 -7274.63 -5693.19 -5873.92 -4608.77 -1445.89


Table 6.2 Yates Algorithm

Using Minitab 16, data above can be plotted into Probability plot effect.

Probability Plot of C1

95 90 80


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5


100000 C1



Figure 6.1 Probability plot The data above shows us the significant variable is a combination of variable which is BD, ABD, CD, ACD, BCD and ABCD. One particularly present in each significant variable is the D variable which is the fry time, so we could conclude that when we use the more fry time, the more significant the bending strength of each tempeh. The variable that secondly present is the B. The B variable is the cooking oil volume. The tempeh is faster fried, because tempeh could immerse fully in cooking so the heat transfer in each side of tempeh was bigger. The most significant variable is the combination of Sunco, bigger volume of cooking oil, and bigger fire size and longer time. The variable made tempeh stronger and have more strength. Then in instant we believe that more variable combined, the crispness of tempeh were increase but we quickly canceled when we look the combination of ABD and CD. Because of the value of CD is more significant compare to ABD, so the brand of cooking oil and volume is less significant compare to fire size.

6.3 Diagnostic Check We made to diagnostic check to test the entertained model whether it is correct or not. We try to use linear equation model. The diagnostic check made by plotting the residual value against its probability. The residual value is the differences between the estimated value () and experimental value y or y- . The value is obtained from the function which is gotten from Normal probability plot. ( ( the ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) )

value is obtained from average estimated value, 94628.77 is obtained

from BD identity estimated value, 160381.59 is obtained from ABD estimated value, 162463.41 is obtained from CD identity estimated value, 167072.18 is obtained from ACD identity estimated value, 169647.67 is obtained from BCD identity estimated value and 173352.76 is obtained from ABCD identity estimated value.Thus, the value can be calculated and the value is listed below.
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + + + + B + + + + C + + + + D y 68331.67 63632.53 98333.86 86405.28 92911.78 74115.22 95442.08 87128.22 y bar 52286.31 206387.3 2 114334.0 4 294377.3 9 53189.99 219852.1 6 122647.9 0 378158.6 3 118942.8 1 -35158.20 56895.08 y - y bar 16045.3 6 -142755 -16000.2 -207972 39721.7 9 -145737 -27205.8 465286. 9 -37236.7 106743. 1 26979.8 9 Identity Averag e A B AB C AC BC ABC

9 10 11

+ -

+ + +

81706.14 71584.92 83874.97




13 14 15 16

+ +

+ +

+ + + +

+ + + +

86766.75 84597.92 107732.1 4 96165.03

123148.2 7 118039.1 3 -48623.04 48581.22 549387.7 5

201239. 7 -31272.4 133221 59150.9 2 -453223



Table 6.3

and residual value

Probability Plot of C1, C2

99 Variable C1 C2

95 90 80


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5

-200000 -100000

100000 200000 300000 Data

400000 500000

Figure 6.2 Probability plot and residual

There is slight difference between analysis above and figure 6.2 above. As we look to figure above the figure state that the significant variable is A, B, AB, and ABCD. There are so many causes that could make the difference. One particular answer is maybe the brand of cooking oil is significant compare to unbranded oil. The bigger volume also significant to the result, and also in the combination of the volume and brand the yield is also more significant. Then the combination of ABCD variable where we use the sunco, bigger volume, bigger fire, and longer time made the tempeh stronger in more significant way.

6.4 Standard Error Standard Error is calculated using the effect value of third order and fourth order effect.

Identification BD ABD CD ACD BCD ABCD Average SE (

Effect 94628.77 160381.59 162463.4 167072.18 169647.67 173352.76

Effect2 8954604269.43 25722255613.79 26394360626.79 27913114675.81 28780333161.66 30051180747.92 24635974849.23


Table 6.4 Standard Error Calculation


7.1 Conclusion The Hypothesis is the frying time is expected to make the tempeh crispness because the tempeh its the amount of heat absorbed by tempeh. The tempeh will be crisper when the time is longer. And also the fire size because it determine the heat we apply to tempeh. The bigger fire will produce more cooked tempeh. So we guess the fire size and frying time will give significant effect to crispness of tempeh by make it crisper when we apply more of them. From the analysis it can be concluded that the significant variable is A, B, AB, and
ABCD. That is the type of Sunco oil and large volumes of oil will produce significant

enough and if the type of Sunco oil, oil volume, great big fire and a long frying time will be very significant in the outcome. So our hypothesis is wrong, but now we know what its the most significant thing in cooking the tempeh to get their crispness and we must prepare to tell people how to cook tempeh correctly. This is the way of finding knowledge.

7.2 Future Works The experiment employ a manual assembly machine, in the next experiment it will be good if more high tech machine is employed.

Box, George E. P., J.S. Hunter, W.G. Hunter. Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery 2nd ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005. Anonymous. Probability Distributions. University of California. 2012 Shurtleff, William.Aoyagi,Akiko. History of Tempeh and Tempeh Product. Soy Info Center. 2011


We found the chosen topic isnt easy when it comes to the test. Because of its our self who assemble the testing device and we cant use any machine. There is no such machine that could perform the bending test on tempeh. Also, when we did testing the tempeh the plastic is frequenly broken. When the plastic is broken we have to tie another plastic again. The key to success in our experiment is when we use bigger and thicker plastic. After we solve the broken plastic problem, the water that we pour into is leaking. Then comes another problem that is the measurement of water volume, because of there is certain amount of water that is go down. So we try solve it by put a basket below the plastic, so we can measure the leaked water. The experiment of continuously frying tempeh told us about how to fry tempeh in a good way. Now, we know that brand of oil, fire size, oil volume, and frying time also influence the frying process. Maybe we should start some tempeh company. After the experiment we eat all of the specimen.

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