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Jos Alberto Alves Martnez LEONARDO DA VINCI.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born April 15, 1452 in Anchiano (near Vinci). Illegitimate child of Ser Piero Di Antonio Da Vinci, a wealthy Florentine notary, and a peasant named Caterina. Due to his great talent for painting, in 1466 he entered as an apprentice in the workshop of Andrea de Verrocchio. There, he developed their qualities becoming one of the great masters of the Renaissance. Famous not only as a painter but as a sculptor, architect, engineer and scientist. He established in Milan between 1482 and 1499 and there he was at the service of Ludovico Sforza. During this time, Leonardo painted "The Virgin of the rocks" "The last supper", in addition to making numerous sketches of arms, war machines and defence systems. At the end of this period, French troops invaded the North of Italy and ends the Government of Ludovico. After this fact, Leonardo moved to Venice, although seven years later he returned to Milan called by Charles DAmboise as court painter and architect. After the death of the French Governor in 1511, Leonardo was required by Giuliano de Medici. He remained in Rome until 1516, year in which his patron dies. Later he traveled to France at the request of the King Francisco I, where he stayed at the French Court and lived in Cloux for two years. Leonardo died there, on May 2, 1519 at age 67. INVENTIONS Leonardo himself grouped his inventions on Earth, Water and Air. Certainly, the military ideas of Leonardo were motivated by the war against the French

Jos Alberto Alves Martnez and the threat of other cities. As I talked in the presentation of class, I will focus on military tank. The objective of this invention was to break the tight formations of infantry and cavalry. Leonardo explained in his notes that this truck "would replace the elephants in battle". Military tank is a war machine that consisted of a cannon with multiple mouths. It was endowed with 33 tubes that allowed to shoot three loads of eleven consecutive shots. A very interesting system that allows shooting while the other guns were refilled multiplying the power of fire. This machine would be provided with coating conical, in order that the projectiles dont penetrate in the structure. Their movement would be possible through the force exerted by men who would go inside, thanks to cranks that transmit power to the wheels through gears. Operated by 8 men, which had the option of using guns and other weapons. In addition there was a gear system to mobilize the vehicle which was supported on four iron wheels. As for me, I think that this work has been quite interesting. I knew that Leonardo da Vinci was a genius, a man ahead of his time, but I never imagined that he was the forerunner of what today is known as tank, etc. It has been fascinating.

Jos Alberto Alves Martnez

Jos Alberto Alves Martnez.

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