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Turning and turning in the widening gyre

l-he falcon cannot hear the falconer;

l'hings fall apart;


2-/.8 ,t'2-a?r 7v-z J-e'cro"r/ Crnrr/

lvlere anarchy is loosed upon the worl(,


Standing at the threshold of che rwentieth century, Nietzsche, one prescient prophets of our time, records the words of a ''bf che most i'madman":

"n0'hither is (3od?" he cried: "I will tell you. \Ve haae hilled binyou and i. Al,l of us are his rnurderers. Ilut how did we do this? How couid v'e dnnk up the r;ea? \fho gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? \7hrac were we doing whern we unchained rhis eanh froor its sun? $Thirher is it moving now?'$C'hither are we moving? ,Away from all suns? Is there srill any up or down? Are we not wanderin g llnen uir nicbt) as through an inEnire norhing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space ? Has it nor become colder? Is nor night concinually ciosing in on us? Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravedigger:; who are burying God? Do we smell norhing as yet of rhe divine decomposirion? Gods, too, decompose, God is dead, God remains dead. And we have killed him."'


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As the sun/son that had been the light of the world gradually is eclipsed, darkn,ess falls and coldness spreads. No I')nger certain of either origin or destination, vr'e are left co err through an endless middle that seems to lead nowlhere. Nietzsche's madman anticipates
the cold words of Waliace Sceve:ns's "Snow Man. "

the dearh of God, there ir; a loss of the center trat for cenruries had grounded thoughr, guided iu-dErnent, an? organized experience.

For the listener, who listens in the snow,

And, rnthing himself, beholds

Nothir:rg rhar is not


and the nothing that is.t

Friedrich Nietzsche, Tbe Gay S'cimce, trrns. W . Kaufmann (New York: Ran-

dom House





The Colleoed Poans of Valhce.lrazazr (New York:

Knopf, 1981), p.



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