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My workout plan Combining PTTP and ETK program minimum PTTP: Warmup: Some mobility drills, like arm

rotation, shoulder dislocation with a broom stick . Over head squat with broom stick for 10 - 15 reps Sometime si might do a dead hang pullup. Just 1 rep. Exercise selection: 1. Deadlift (5-3-2) Starting with deadlifting a weight I know I can do for 5 reps. Do a set of 5 re ps, rest. DO another set with same weight for 3 reps, rest. Finish with another set with same weight for 2 reps. Totally 10 reps. 2. Pullups/Chinups: Do 2 sets of 5 reps. Add weight if you can do 2 sets of 8 re ps, or try progressing towards 1 arm pullup/chinup ETK Program minimum: Warmup: This is done for 10 minutes. Ideally should be done without any rest between exe rcises, but I am not keeping that strick since my conditioning is bad (Smoking f or 15 years now, trying to quit) and i get tired soon. 1. Face the wall squat for 5 reps. Slow and steady concentrate on pushing the hi ps back while descending. 2. Halo 5 rotations right then 5 rotations left 3. Pumps 5 reps, again slow and steady. Concentrate on stretching the hams and h ips. Exercise selection: 1. Turkish Getups: Do TGU for 5 minutes alternating hands each rep. Concentrate of packing the shoulder for the entire rep. Currently I think I might do only ha lf getups. Will be progressing towards full TGU. 2. Swings: do hard style swings for 12 minutes time, resting between sets as nee ded. Always terminate a set if I feel form is degrading. Concentrate mostly on t he hip hinge and the effect on my hams. I guess i need this so i can grease the hip hinge which will help my deads and also keep my mind away from the number of reps i am doing. Since if i focus on reps i try to better it each time and end up getting smoked and also the quality of swings gets bad as i continue a set wh ile i am tired. Workout Workout Workout Workout Workout Workout details: 1: PTTP 2: ETK Program minimum 3: PTTP 4: ETK Program minimum 5: PTTP

Progression: For PTTP I will add 5 kilograms (kg) each workout untill the 5 rep set gets very tough or I am unable to complete 5 reps for a given weight. Then I will start c ycling. I would go with the 4 steps forward 3 steps backward approach. For ETK Program minimum: The idea is to do this untill I get good at swings and TGU. This also implies I successfully quit smoking this time, because i have fai led before miserably with the ETK program minimum, since i continued smoking thr oughout the program.

I might add a rest inbetween but generally would complete 5 workout days a week.

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