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3 Things To Be Happy

No 8-page article today. Just a short note on how to be happy. A psychiatrist whos been listening to thousands of unhappy patients for 40 years realized that there are three things to be happy. If you ha e these three things! itll be ery difficult to be "iserable# $o you ha e these three things% &. 'o"ething to do (. 'o"eone to lo e ). 'o"ething to loo* forward to +hy did I "ention these three things to you% ,eres "y "essage- I belie e that if you "a*e .od first! all things will be added unto you /0atthew 1-))2. Including these three things! 1. Something To Do 0y "other is 83-years old and shes happy. +hy% 4ecause when she wa*es up each "orning! she has so"ething to do. 5 eryday! she goes to the prayer roo" and prays for "e. If she has e6tra ti"e! she prays for her other children. Just *idding. 'he prays for e eryone7e ery son-in-law! e ery grandchild! e ery cousin! e ery friend who needs prayer. 8hats her call. And shes happy. 9ne of the "ost precious things that .od gi es you is a call. :ou were born with a sacred purpose in life. $o you *now why the entertain"ent industry is huge% $o you *now why a single ideo ga"e can earn ;)0 0illion% 4ecause people are bored. 8hey dont ha e anything to do. And thats why people are "iserable. And because people cant ta*e the "isery! they thirst for distraction. And so they buy entertain"ent. +hy are people bored% 4ecause they dont ha e a cause to die for! a "ission to dedicate their li es. ,eres the good news- If you see* .od first! ,ell gi e you so"ething to do. :oull wa*e up e ery "orning with a cause youll be willing to die for.

I pity the person without a .od-ordained drea"! with a powerful $i ine <all su""oning his heart. =isten to .ods oice in the depths of your being. I created you for a beautiful purpose. =i e for this purpose. $ie for this purpose. 2. Someone To Love If you see* .od first! youll ha e a lot of 'o"eones to lo e# <hristianity isnt a religion as "uch as it is a relationship. Its pri"arily a personal relationship with .od. ,es the first >'o"eone? to lo e. And its also a relationship with a spiritual fa"ily. If you follow .od! youll ne er be alone again. A wo"an ca"e up to "e yesterday. 'he said! >4o! e er since I e attended the @east /our wee*ly gathering2! "y life has totally changed. And "y relationships ha e changed. 0y "arriage is so "uch better. 0y relationship with "y *ids has grown so "uch because of the @east.? .i e yourself to .od and ,ell gi e you ,is fa"ily. 4oth co"e in a pac*age# And finallyA 3. Something To Look Forward To +hen a person doesnt ha e hope! he dies. If you see* .od first! ,ell gi e you a ision for your future. Jesus said! >I ha e co"e that you "ight ha e life and ha e it in abundance.? I loo* forward to a life of abundance7in this world and in the world to co"e. =ast wee*! we were rela6ing at ho"e when "y little @rancis said! >I want to watch 'hrec* again.? If you e got little *ids at ho"e! I" sure you *now this "o ie. 'hrec* is about an 9gre and his side*ic* $on*ey. 4oth of the" rescues Brincess @iona loc*ed up in a tower! guarded by a fiery red $ragon. 8he "o ie has done so well! they e co"e out with a 'hre* (! 'hre* )! and 'hre* 4. And we e watched all of the".

4ut yesterday! we put 'hre* & in the $C$ player and had fun fun watching the entire "o ie again. 4ut because I *new how the "o ie ends! I watched it in a different way. +hen the fiery red $ragon was about to eat the $on*ey! I had a s"ile of "y face. 4ecause I *new that at the end of the "o ie! $on*ey will "arry the $ragon. /As crazy as that "ay sound#2 In fact! in 'hre* (! theyll ha e 4 *ids. Its ery different if you *now how the story ends. Thanks to Easter, we know how your story ends. :ou "ay be going through rough ti"es now. :ou "ay be going through se ere trials. 'o"eti"es! you wonder if you can o erco"e your proble"s. $ont gi e up# 4ecause you *now that at the end of the day! youre going to win. 4ecause .od is with you. 8he 4ible says! If God is for you, who can be against you? In fact! e en death cant win o er you. =i*e Jesus! you too will rise. $eath will be conDuered. And you will li e fore er. :es! we ha e so"ething to loo* forward to# ,appy 5aster! "y dear friend# 0ay your drea"s co"e true!

Are Yo Happy !itho t "oney#

Money wont make you happy. I dont care if you have a billion dollars, or maintain ten mansions across the globe, or wear diamonds the size of ping-pong balls, or own sixteen multinational corporations. I believe that money can make you happy O !" if you use it to fulfill your ultimate purpose in life#which is to love, help, and serve others$ %eres another spiritual principle you need to learn& Money will make you happy only if you have learned how to be happy without money.

If so"eone is "iserable and says! >If only Ill get enough "oney! then Ill be happy!? Ill bet "y life this person will continue to be "iserable no "atter how rich he gets. 4est-selling author John .ray said! >0oney is li*e a "agnifying glass.? I agree. If youre truly happy! "oney "agnifies this feeling. It enlarges it. If youre "iserable! "oney will "a*e you e en "ore "iserable. Its the sa"e thing with "arriage! or with a Eob! or with a house! or with *idsA A single person who is "iserable and says! >If only Ill "eet "y perfect "atch and get "arried! then Ill be happy?! is in for a big surprise. ,ell be one ery "iserable "arried person. And worse! hell "a*e so"eone else as "iserable as he is# 4ecause the fact is ob ious- ,appy people "a*e happy "arriages.
'his truth works with everything else, including money. "ou have to learn the secrets of true happiness before money comes, so that when it does come, youll know how to handle it and become even happier. "ou need to learn to be happy without lots of money. (ssignment& 'hink of five material things that you really craved for in the past#and you now own. )xamine your feelings. (re you now satisfied with what you have* Or do you now desire something new to add or replace what you already have* It was +ohann ,olfgang -on .oethe who said, Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.

0ay your drea"s co"e true!

Do Yo !ant To Be $ery Happy#

=et "e tell you a crazy story. 9ne "orning! a wo"an was sad when she faced the "irror. 'he disco ered she only had ) strands of hair on her head. 'uddenly! she s"iled. >8oday!? she said! >Ill braid "y hair#? And after doing so! she wal*ed out of her ho"e and had fun! fun! fun. 8he ne6t "orning! the wo"an wo*e up and felt sad as she saw the "irror. 'he disco ered she only had ( strands of hair. 'uddenly! she s"iled. >8oday!? she said! >Ill part "y hair in the "iddle.? After she did that! she wal*ed out of her ho"e and had fun! fun! fun. 8he ne6t "orning! the wo"an wo*e up and felt sad as she saw the "irror. 'he disco ered she only had & strand of hair left. 'uddenly! she s"iled. >8oday!? she said! >Ill wear "y hair in a ponytail.? After she did that! she wal*ed out of her ho"e and had fun! fun! fun. 8he ne6t "orning! the wo"an wo*e up and felt sad as she saw the "irror. 'he disco ered she had zero hair left. 'uddenly! she s"iled. >:eepee#? she shouted in glee! >I dont ha e to do "y hair today#? I""ediately! she wal*ed out of her ho"e and had fun! fun! fun. $o you want to be happy% ,eres howA The Di%%eren&e Between '(eas re and Happiness

A thic* wad of B&000 bills gi es pleasure. A chocolate parfait with thic* chocolate syrup gi es pleasure. A fun "o ie! with a buc*et of popcorn on the side! gi es pleasure. A roller coaster ride gi es pleasure. A *iss gi es pleasure. +hats the difference between pleasure and happiness% Bleasure is an outside Eob. 4ut happiness is an inside Eob.

It doesnt depend on any e6ternal circu"stances. :ep! e en if you only ha e three strands of hair on your head. ,appiness isnt the absence of proble"s. 4y the way! do you want "e to show you a few people who dont ha e proble"s% .reat. 4ring your sho el out and lets dig the" up fro" their gra es. 8he 4ible doesnt say! >4e Eoyful so"eti"es.? 9r >4e Eoyful when you dont ha e proble"s.? 8he 4ible says! >4e Eoyful always.? It that possible% I "ean! c"on. No one can be happy )13 days a year. 4ut the 4ible says! >4e Eoyful always? because happiness isnt a "ood. ,appiness isnt an e"otion either. Happiness is a way of life. ) Too(s *% Happiness I *now of strange hu"an beings wal*ing this face of the earth who are e6tre"ely happy. Not Eust "oderately or "ildly happy. 4ut deeply Eoyful. /,ey! you "ay be one of the". <ongratulations#2 I *now the". 'o"e of the" are "y friends. 4ecause of "y wor*! I e tra eled all o er the world. =ast count- )1 countries. 8hats a lot of freDuent flyer "iles! Eet lag! and lost luggage. 4ut that also "eans I e "et "ore people than the a erage person on the street. Its not Eust the sheer nu"ber or the ariety of people I e "et. 4ecause I" a preacher! I e not only "et the"! I e engaged "any of the" on a deep le el. =i*e on our first "eeting /or phone call or e"ail2! they open up their heart and pour to "e their proble"s li*e I was their soul "ate. 'o I ha e this distinct ad antage of *nowing lots and lots of people on an intensity thats beyond superficial. 'o I as*ed "yself this Duestion- +ho are the happiest people I *now% I listed the" down. After sifting through the hundreds of thousands of people archi ed in "y brain! I as*ed a "ore difficult Duestion- What is co on a ong the all? I ca"e up with se en great things I see in e6tre"ely happy people. I call the" the F 8ools of ,appiness&. ,appy people create their destiny

(. ). 4. 3. 1. F.

,appy people li*e the"sel es a lot ,appy people nurture connections ,appy people find delight e erywhere ,appy people e"brace change ,appy people trust deeply ,appy people wor* their purpose daily

At the @5A'8! for the ne6t few 'undays! I" preaching on these F 8ools of ,appiness. /If you want to Eoin "e! its at !alle !erde "ountry "lub! beside G=8HA! in Basig. Join us e ery 'unday with three sessions to choose fro"- 8a"! &0-)0! and &p". Its @H55# @or "ore infor"ation! e"ail supportI*eryg"afa"".2 4ut let "e share with you why "any people are unhappyA Yo r Body +s Hardwired To Be A%raid 8he ene"y of happiness isnt sadness. 8he ene"y of happiness isnt proble"s. 8he ene"y of happiness isnt loneliness. 8he ene"y of happiness is fear. 9ur li es are so fueled by it. +e run our li es by fear. In $an 4a*ers e6cellent boo*! What Happy #eople $now, he e6plains how our body circuitry is wired to fear. 9ur brains ha e three parts. 8he brain ste"! the a"ygdala! and the neocorte6. 8he "ore pri"iti e parts of our brains! the brain stea" /also called the reptilian brain! because reptiles ha e these for brains2 and the a"ygdala are progra""ed for fear. +hy% 9ur ancestors needed fear for their physical sur i al. I"agine yourself li ing in the wilderness with lions! wol es! and cobras around you. $anger lur*s behind e ery tree and shaddow. 9nce their brains register fear! the endocrine glands produce our fear hor"ones adrenaline and cortisol. It ga e the" super strength to fight or flight. And in fighting or fleeing! they e6haust the adrenaline and cortisol in their bodies. +ell and good. 4ut what about us who usually sit behind des*s and wor* on co"puters%

+e still ha e the sa"e fear "echanis". 4ut this ti"e! were no longer afraid of lions or cobras behind e ery tree. +e afraid of our rising credit card bills. +ere afraid of our boss. +ere afraid of losing our Eobs. +ere afraid for our children7what will happen to their future% +ere afraid that at )3! we wont get "arried any"ore. +ere afraid well grow lonely. +ere afraid well run out of "oney. +ere afraid of social reEection. +ere afraid of social sha"e and losing face. +ere afraid of disease. And these fears are so real! our endocrine glands produce adrenaline and cortisol as well. And because were seated behind our des*s! pounding on our co"puters! we really dont use up any of it. Adrenaline and cortisol beco"e poison in our bodies! destroying our health bit by bit. 8hus! ery few people are happy. <onclusion- If you want to be happy! we need to o erco"e our fears. ,ow% The *n(y Antidote to Fear +s, 8wenty years ago! a friend ga e "e a boo* about facing fears. 0y arrogant response to her- >8han*s for the boo*. 4ut fran*ly! I dont thin* I need it. I dont *now why! but fear isnt a proble" for "e. I dont ha e any fears.? 8en years later! I ate "y words. 4ecause after a deep soul search! I realized how "y life was run by "any fears. 0any of the things I was doing I did because of fear#

I feared what other people said about "e. I feared failure. I feared angry people. I feared of not ha ing enough. I feared of not being enough. In "y life! I e disco ered that there is only one thing that can o erco"e fear. 8here is only one thing that is "ore powerful than fear. 8he only antidote to fear is lo%e. +hen you fill your life with lo e! your fears naturally disappears. I" tal*ing about a lo e for .od! a lo e for others! a lo e for yourself! and a lo e for life itself. 8he 4ible says! #erfect lo%e casts out all fear, and I totally belie e it. In fact! re"e"ber the F 8ools of ,appiness I listed abo e% 5 ery single one of the" is really a facet of lo e7and each tool can dri e away a specific fear in your life. 9nce your fears are gone! happiness will flood your soul. Ill tal* "ore about it in "y ne6t 4log. 0ay your drea"s co"e true!

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