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Ashley DeLuca Entertainment Technology Mr.

Johnson August 28, 2013 Annotated Bibliography What made Man Ray, Salvador Dali, and Luis Buuel so influential to surrealist film?

"Luis Buuel." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 127-128. Print. In this article, Luis Bunuels life and contributions to surrealism are highlighted. He was the first child of seven children born into a prosperous, landowning family. When he grew up, he went on to study philosophy and literature at the University of Madrid. The surrealist Andre Breton and film director Jean Epstein first influenced him whenever he had traveled to Paris in 1925. Upon his return, Bunuel collaborated with Salvador Dali on two innovative surrealist films, Un Chien Andalou and L'ge d'or. He then decided to move to Hollywood. During the 1940s he helped supervise the production of anti-Nazi propaganda films. He then worked on The Adventures of Robin Crusoe, Viridiana, Simon of the Desert, and Tristana. This source was very helpful for me because it gave me a general background history of Bunuels childhood and all of the contributions he made to surrealism. This is my first source so I cannot compare it to other sources, but it is very helpful to my research. There isnt an author listed on the article but its on a reputable database that our school supports. The author of this article is not biased or objective in any way

DeLuca 2 because the author is trying to inform the reader of the facts about Bunuels life, not to persuade them to do something. The goal of this source is to give information about the life of Bunuel and his important contributions. I thought this source was very helpful to me because it helped give me a basic idea of what Bunuel was all about. It helps me support the thesis of my paper because it discusses his important contributions to surrealist film and even links Bunuel with Salvador Dali. I can use this source in my research paper whenever I am giving general information about Bunuels work, and it also has the names of some of his various films that I can discuss. It really hasnt changed how I view my topic because it was just general information about his life that wasnt shocking or anything.

Barry Keith Grant, Ed. "Surrealism." Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film. Vol. 4. New York: Schirmer Reference, 2007. 183-88. Print. This article is very important to my research because it discusses the history of surrealist cinema, including its roots in Dadaism. It discusses that surrealist cinema consisted of shocking, irrational, or absurd imagery and Freudian dream symbolism to challenge the traditional function of art to represent reality. The roots of surrealism began with the dada movement, which was founded in 1915 in Switzerland. By 1922 dada was dead, but its aesthetic and creative principles remain influential to a number of international artists and filmmakers. After Dadaism, the French avant-garde cinema that was produced to make its mark against Hollywood influenced surrealism. This article also defines the unique characteristics of surrealism in film, which includes images that seem incompatible with each other that are juxtaposed to challenge the conventional

DeLuca 3 expectations of art, and also images that must mark the beginning of an exploration into the unknown rather than merely representing a thing of beauty. This source was very helpful for me because it helped me understand the roots of surrealism and how it affected filmmakers. This source is from an encyclopedia about film that was published in New York, establishing its credibility. This source is not bias at all and merely reports the facts of the history and definition of surrealism. Compared to the other article, it covered in more detail about surrealism as a whole versus focusing on one persons achievements. The goal of this source is to inform the reader about surrealism and talk about the major influences it had in film. I am going to fit this into my paper by using the information from the source as a timeline to reference in order to make sure that my paper flows chronologically about the achievements of each of the surrealist filmmakers. I want to be able to connect the filmmakers I am focusing on, so this article is perfect because it talks about how they collaborated often and even names the films that they produced. It is very important because it addresses my question broadly and completely, so I can use my other sources to get into details.

"Man Ray." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 13. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 59-60. Print. In this article, Man Rays achievements and contributions to surrealism in films is discussed. I learned that he first started out as a painter before adopting various mechanical and photographic methods of image making. He then began working on surrealist experimental films whenever he traveled to Paris. He directed a number of

DeLuca 4 influential avant-garde short films. He participated in many major surrealist exhibitions, took up surrealist caused, and illustrated surrealist publications. He was one of the leading artists of the avant-garde movement and a key figure in Dada and Surrealist movements. He was one of the first to use the rayograph technique in motion-picture film, which involved making patterns with salt, pepper, tacks, and pins. The article gives an overall explanation of Man Rays importance. This source will be useful for my paper because it explains exactly why Man Ray was so influential in surrealist filmmaking. Also, it provided a background history on Rays life and explained what got him interested in Dadaism and surrealism. Compared to my other two sources, it didnt have quite as much information but what it did have is extremely useful to my paper. This article doesnt have an author but it is published in an Encyclopedia that is reputable. This source is not biased at all because it is just reporting facts about his life and it mentions the films that he worked on without any kind of opinionated statements. The goal of this source is just to inform the reader about Man Rays life. This source will fit perfectly into my paper because I need to know about Man Rays life and achievements in order to understand why he was so influential to surrealist filmmaking. It was helpful because it provided a basic outline of all the films that he created and the surrealist artists he worked with, which is important for me to understand in order to address my question in my paper. I can use this source in my research paper by explaining all of Man Rays achievements in regards to surrealist filmmaking, which will help explain why he was so influential for the surrealist movement. It hasnt really

DeLuca 5 changed what I thought about my topic, but I did learn more about him than I knew before.

"Salvador Dali." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 376-377. Print. This article is all about the life of Salvador Dali and how his work was incredibly influential to surrealist filmmaking. It says that his childhood was characterized by fits of anger against his parents and schoolmates and resultant acts of cruelty. As a result, he began to evolve his own style and immersed himself in the strange subjects of his fantasy world. His interest in surrealism was acquired through personal acquaintances and surrealists he had met when he visited Paris. Some of the characteristics of his work with surrealism include symbolism, abnormal psychology, and stressing sexual fantasies and fetishes. He became interested in film when he was young, going to the theatre most Sundays. He believed that there were two dimensions to the theories of film in cinema, which where the things you actually see and the photographic imagination that the camera can depict. This article also lists some of his works, including the ones he collaborated on such as the famous Un Chien Andalou. This is a very useful source that I plan on using in my research paper because it shows what influenced Salvador Dali in his childhood and explains what led him to become so influential to surrealist film, which answers my thesis question. I learned from this article that Dali had a troubled past that caused him to go into his own fantasy world, which is why all of his works are very dream like and surreal. The information from this source is the same as some of the other biographies and it has a lot of very useful

DeLuca 6 information that will be valuable for my research. This source is not bias in any way, as it only reports facts and information about Dali. The goal of this source was to give background information on Dali and discuss his major achievements. This source will fit into my paper because it gave important information about Salvador Dali, an extremely influential surrealist that is crucial to understanding the surrealist movement in film. It was helpful for me because I didnt really know much about Salvador Dali beforehand and now I have a lot more background knowledge. It also lists all of his work, which will help me in further research efforts. This source didnt change my views on Salvador Dali but it did provide me new information about his history and his achievements.

Bohn, Willard. "Surrealism." New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz. Vol. 5. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005. Print. In this article, surrealism is discussed through all mediums, not only filmmaking. It states that even though Surrealist art and film were destined to achieve greater popular success, surrealism was originally conceived as a literary movement. The idea was to explore the unconscious via the written or spoken word. As a result, Surrealists created a powerful instrument for exploring the unconscious. Surrealism may be considered the absence of all control exercised by reason outside all aesthetic and moral preoccupations. It originated in France and eventually spread to every corner of the globe. Salvador Dali, Luis Bunuel, and many others played a major part in the movement. Surrealism led to the creation of a new vast body of exciting and innovative works. It

DeLuca 7 revolutionized the way we see the world around us, and how we translate was perceive into words and images. This is a useful source because it explains in depth what the surrealist movement was all about and it mapped its influence throughout history. Compared to my other sources, this article gives a lot more in-depth details about surrealism as a whole, as opposed to vaguely defining it or focusing on only one persons contributions. The information is reliable because I discovered this book off of Gale Virtual Library, which is a reputable source. I think that this article may be a little biased because the authors opinion about surrealism is mentioned in some parts of the article. The main goal of this source is to inform the reader about the roots of surrealism and also the characteristics of surrealist works. This article is a very helpful source that I can use in my paper to explain the influences that different Surrealist artists had on the overall surrealist movement. It supports my thesis by talking about Dali, Bunuel, and Ray and their important contributions, proving why they were so influential. It didnt really change how I feel about surrealism, but it gave me lots of useful information and examples that I can utilize in my paper. It is crucial that any statements that I make in my paper are substantiated with examples from research, and this article allows me to do so.

"Surrealism." Bloomsbury Guide to Human Thought. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, 1993. Credo Reference. Web. 13 September 2013. <>

DeLuca 8 This article focuses on the history of surrealism in depth and even mentions its influences in the present. It explains that the term surrealism is derived from the French word, surralisme, which was first coined by a writer named Guillaume Apollinaire in 1917. It was a movement in art and literature that sprang up between the first and second World Wars, incorporating the nihilism of Dada. It was heavily influenced by Freudian theories of psychoanalysis and its most prominent aim was to allow the artists unconscious to be expressed with complete creative freedom. It hoped to smash the barriers imposed on the arts by the need to conform and include elements of real life. In film, the element of performance that is essential to surrealism could be most accurately captured, so it had great success. The influence of surrealism even blossomed into the work of directors such as Fassbinder and Fellini. This is a very useful source for my research because it provides new information about surrealism that I didnt know about, such as the fact that it was influenced by Freud. Compared to my other sources, this article is definitely the most in depth and has the most information about the overall history of surrealism and why it was used in filmmaking. This information is reliable because I accessed this website through Discus, which is a credible website. I think the article may be a little biased because the author uses a lot of opinionated statements. The main purpose of this article is to inform the reader about the history of surrealism through all mediums. This article is a very helpful source that I can use in my paper to help guide the events that happened throughout the different directors careers. It supports my thesis because it discusses the major filmmakers and why they were so influential. The article is very helpful for me so I can understand the timeline of events that has happened so that I

DeLuca 9 can keep my paper in a chronological order. It hasnt really changed my view on surrealism, but it is a good source for organizing events.

"Luis Buuel." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2013. Web. 12 Sep. 2013. <> Luis Buuels life and achievements are discussed in this article. He was a Spanish director and filmmaker who was noted especially for his early Surrealist films. Buuel is distinguished for his highly personal style and controversial obsession with social injustice, religious excess, gratuitous cruelty, and eroticism. He was born in northeastern Spain and both lived and studied there until he discovered Freudian psychoanalysis and broke away from religion and traveled to Paris. He entered many film-producing circles because he felt that film was his true medium of expression. His films were a sensation because movies at that time tended to be dominated by the natural and the literal, and he was the complete opposite. He was probably one of the most controversial of all filmmakers. This is a very useful source because it highlights all of the important aspects of Buuels life and lists his major works. Compared to my other sources, this article is a little less in depth but still manages to cover all of the things I need to know about him and his work. This information is reliable because I found this encyclopedia off of Discus. I dont think that this article is biased at all because it is just reporting factual information. The goal of this source is to inform the reader. This article is a very helpful source that I can use in my paper because it gives needed background on Buuel and also provides a list of his major works, which I find

DeLuca 10 extremely helpful for further research and also to get a better understanding of why he was so influential to surrealist filmmaking. It supports my thesis by showing all of the notable things he achieved, illustrating his influence in film during this period. It didnt change my views on Buuel because I didnt really know who he was prior to reading this, so I did learn a lot.

"Salvador Dali." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2013. Web. 12 Sep. 2013. <>. This article briefly describes the life of Salvador Dali and also the things that influenced him to create surrealist films and also how he affected the overall surrealist movement. He started out as an art student in Spain, where he assimilated a vast number of artistic styles. Upon his discovery of Sigmund Freuds writings on the erotic significance of subconscious imagery, he began to create more and more surrealist work. He enjoyed depicting a dream world in which common place objects are juxtaposed and deformed. Working together with Luis Buuel, he created two surrealistic films, Un Chien Andalou and Lge Dor. These films were filled wit grotesque but highly suggestive images. Dali even went on to work with other famous filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock, where he created the dream sequence in Hitchcocks Spellbound, which heavily delves into the themes of psychoanalysis. Overall, Dali was highly imaginative, eccentric, and attention grabbing, and his work mimicked that. This is a very useful source because it really emphasizes the importance of Freuds psychoanalysis to surrealism and how eroticism is very important in these works. Compared to my other sources, this one focuses less on Dalis life and more on how he

DeLuca 11 was influenced by surrealism and the important achievements he got through his work. This information is reliable because I found it on Discus. I dont think this article is biased at all because it is just telling the facts of what happened and not commenting on them at all. The goal of this source is to inform. This article is a very helpful source that I can use in my paper because I can show exactly why Dali was so influential. . It was helpful for me because I didnt really know much about Salvador Dali beforehand and now I have a lot more background knowledge. It also lists all of his work, which will help me in further research efforts. This source didnt change my views on Salvador Dali but it did provide me new information about his history and his achievements.

"Man Ray." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2013. Web. 13 Sep. 2013. <>. In this article, Man Rays life and contributions to the surrealist movement in film are depicted. Man Ray was a photographer, painter, and filmmaker who was the only American to play a major role in both the Dada and Surrealist movement. It began in 1921 when he moved to Paris and became associated with the Parisian Dada and Surrealist circles of artists and writers and experimented with many media. Some of the unique techniques he utilized included the rayograph technique, which involves making patterns with salt, pepper, and pins. He produced many different films, including Ltoile de mer, which is considered a surrealist classic. Man Ray continued to live in Paris where he painted and experimented with surrealism until his death.

DeLuca 12 This is a very useful source because it highlights Man Rays achievements, which is extremely useful in addressing my topic question. Compared to my other sources, this article is very similar and also has lots of useful information for me. This source is credible because I found this website off of Discus. I dont think that this article is biased at all because it leaves out all opinionated statements and simply delivers the facts about Man Rays life. The goal of this source is to inform the reader about Man Rays life, achievements, and influence in surrealism. This article is a very helpful source that I can utilize in my paper to explain Man Rays background history and how his achievements made him so influential in surrealism. It supports my thesis by giving reasons why Man Ray was so important to the surrealist movement and what lead him to be a leading figure in the movement. It hasnt changed much of what I think about Man Ray or surrealism, but it did give me examples I can use in my paper. Research is very important to be established with examples and this article gives me the chance to do so.

"Surrealism." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2013. Web. 13 Sep. 2013. <> This article is about the surrealism movement and how it influenced all mediums of art and how it influenced European culture. It also discusses the leading people who played major parts in shaping the movement. The movement was not emphasized on negation but on positive expression. The movement represented a reaction against what its members saw as the destruction wrought by the rationalism that had guided European culture and politics in the past and that had culminated in the horrors of WWI. There are

DeLuca 13 a number of techniques that were utilized by surrealists to evoke psychic responses from the audience, including showing partial images that are intended to be completed in the mind of the viewer. This is a very useful source because it shows the different styles of surrealism and how different directors utilized these strategies to make influential films. Compared to my other sources, this one doesnt have quite as much information and is a lot shorter, but what it does have is very valuable. This information is reliable because I found this web source off of Discus. The author isnt biased at all and is merely reporting facts and information about the history of surrealism and the different strategies that surrealist filmmakers utilized. The goal of this source is to inform the reader. The article is very helpful source that I can use in my paper to explain the techniques devised by Surrealists that made their works so influential in history. It supports my thesis by giving me information that I can use in explain why all my surrealist directors where so influential. It has been very helpful and I can use it in my research. It hasnt changed my opinion about surrealism but it did give me lots of information about the techniques that filmmakers utilized that made their films so influential.

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