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The Ultimate Truth in 4 pages.

The Present

by Michael Smith
Last updated: November 23, 2013 First Edition e10

Table of Contents

!hapter 1 " #he $ltimate #ruth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !hapter 2 " &i' (icture o) Li)e " #he (resent %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1* !hapter 3 " &i' (icture o) Li)e + (ast and Future %%%%%%%%%%%% 3* !hapter , + -eaven: Last Step in Evolution %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .1 !hapter . " -eaven on Earth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ !hapter * " #he &eatles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !hapter " #he Nature o) Nothin' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /0

!hapter 0 " Livin' and 1yin' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% / !hapter / " See2in' and 3no4in' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 102 !hapter 10 " &alanced $niverse %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 100 !hapter 11 " #he 5eal Story %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11/ !hapter 12 " #ransition %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 12/

Chapter 1

The Ultimate Truth

A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein Truth you can check 6t is as matter o) )act as the 'round and as use)ul as )ood% 6t7s the 2ind o) truth that can ma2e hate and 4ar as unnecessary as i'norance% Charles !arwin re"ealed how e"olution works# but not what it really means. Evolution is no lon'er 8ust a theory9 it has been proven true beyond a reasonable doubt% #he problem is, even people 4ho believe evolution is true disassociate themselves )rom the process% #hey someho4 s2ipped all the lo4er )orms o) animal li)e and 8ust started out at the top o) the evolutionary ladder% The e"idence says we e"ol"ed as life e"ol"ed. -uman bein's did not 8ust appear at the top o) the evolutionary ladder to reap the bene)its o) those millions o) years o) evolution 4ithout havin' to live throu'h it% $n other words# you were those other animals. %omeone had to be them. :ou had to be lo4er animals to be a human no4% :ou lived as all the di))erent animals in your evolutionary line% :ou lived throu'h millions o) years, and millions o) lives and deaths to 'et 4here you are no4% #hat7s 4hat 1ar4in7s boo2 means% 6n addition to the )ossil evidence, the 'enetic code proves that all animals, includin' us, evolved )rom bacteria over the last 00 million years on earth% $n other words# you were a microbe# an insect# a fish# a dinosaur# an ape... ;hen all o) the evidence <100=> says somethin' happened, and there is no evidence <?ero> that anythin' else could have happened, it is the truth beyond a reasonable doubt to honest, rational people% ;e have come a very, very lon' 4ay, but 4e have a little )urther to 'o% #he ne@t and last step in our evolution is learnin' and acceptin' the truth o) li)e, and this includes ac2no4led'in' our true past% The truth will free us from the animal world we all e"ol"ed from. 1

$mmortality A6t is impossible to be conscious o) bein' unconscious%B 6t is not possible to be a4are o) bein' unconscious )rom your own perspecti"e% :ou cannot be a4are o) not bein' a4are% :ou can be less a4areCconscious, such as 4hen you are asleep, but not completely unconscious <dead>, because time 4ould stand still )or you% D billion years could pass, and you 4ould not 2no4 it% &ow do you know you are dead' $t is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life( it is continuous and ne"er)ending from your own point of "iew. !eath and birth are a continuous e"ent from your own perspecti"e. :ou 4ill die physically, but you 4ill be born into a ne4 physical body% &ein' born happens, or you 4ould not be here no4% :ou 4ere born into this li)e% 6t is 4hat 4e 2no4 happens% There is no e"idence anything else happens. #rue or )alseE The *you only li"e once* theory Many people say that they do not believe in reincarnation9 they believe 4hen you die, you7re dead% ;hat about )ish, clams, horses, bears, )liesE (eople that say you only live once are sayin' some souls 'et to live 8ust one li)e as a 4orm, and that is it )or all o) eternity% Fther people believe you are 8ud'ed by a 'od a)ter you die% 6s the 4orm 8ud'edE Many people thin2 human bein's are the only animal that is conscious% 6s a do' or cat consciousE ;here do you dra4 the lineE 6s a bird consciousE #he truth is that all animal li)e is conscious and alive 8ust li2e us% #he only thin' that ma2es humans di))erent )rom other animals is that 4e have a mind that can thin2 and reason at a hi'h enou'h level to 2no4 the truth o) li)e, and those that 2no4 rise above animals% $t is time to see and accept the truth the e"idence supports. +ou are immortal( it is impossible to not be, because it is impossible to be conscious o) bein' unconscious% Gust that one sentence proves it% 6t is li2e these sentences: 6t is impossible )or it to be li'ht and dar2 at the same time, you cannot have your ca2e and eat it too% #hey are simple, but certain )acts% #he sentence A6t is impossible to be conscious o) bein' unconsciousA is a simple and certain )act% Energy cannot be created or destroyed( it can only be changed from one form to another. Albert Einstein ,ike energy# consciousness cannot be created or destroyed. #his revelation 4ill chan'e your li)e% No4 you 2no4 4here you come )rom and 4hat you7ve been doin' )or about hal) a billion years <evolvin'>% #he ne@t Huestion is ho4 does li)e 4or2 and 4hat is ne@t, and 4e can 2no4 that too% 2

(eople are tryin' to understand li)e and the universe independent o) consciousness, and it is the most important )actor in the eHuation% The uni"erse as it relates to conscious life can be understood now. $t is the ultimate truth( the truth that will transform mankind and the world. *-or e"ery action# there is an e.ual and opposite reaction.* FA/ 0 )F/A People do not reali1e what $saac 2ewton3s third law of motion really means. E"erything is balanced. Everythin' physical <matterCener'y> 'oes bac2 and )orth in balanced circles, cycles, or the eHuivalent% &irth"death, old" youn', bi'"small, stron'"4ea2, start"stop, up"do4n, rich"poor, be'innin'" end, )ast"slo4, hot"cold, pain"pleasure, 4in"lose, day"ni'ht, )ull"empty, hi'h"lo4, in"out, success")ailure, united"divided, 'ive"receive, creation" destruction, on"o)), positi"e)negati"e, etc% Positi"e and negati"e forces mo"ing in balance are the physical uni"erse. #here are no e@ceptions to the la4s o) nature Ne4ton revealed% #hey apply to all matter and ener'y% -uman bein's are matter and ener'y, thus you and all humans are 'overned by the same la4s% ,uck Iood luc2 and bad luc2 are the balance in action and the 4ay the balance most a))ects our lives% Luc2 is mani)ested on many levels% #here is the day"to"day luc2, )rom little thin's li2e 'ettin' a 'ood par2in' space or a bad one, to bi' thin's, such as 4innin' the lottery or )indin' out you have cancer% #hen there is the lon'"term luc2% :ou are luc2y i) you are born 4ith 'ood loo2s, money, health, talent and intelli'ence% :ou are unluc2y i) you are born unattractive, poor, sic2ly and 4ithout talent or intelli'ence% Most people are in bet4een the e@tremes, but it does not matter, because 4e are immortal, and it 4ill all balance out% Luc2 4ill move bac2 and )orth9 everyone 4ill 'et eHual amounts o) 'ood and bad luc2% 4hat goes around comes around. E"eryone gets their turn. !eath is the great e.uali1er 6) you are born 4ith advanta'es, you can have more 'ood times than bad times in your li)e, but 4hen you die, you are reborn 4ith disadvanta'es, and have more bad times than 'ood times and vice versa% 6n the lon' run, no one has it better or 4orse than anyone else does, because li)e 4ill al4ays balance eventually% 6t is the 2no4n nature o) the universe 4e live in% 3

6) you )lip a coin a thousand times, it 4ill come up heads about hal) the time and tails about hal) the time% #he odds o) random events are predictable9 this is 4hy Las Je'as al4ays ma2es a pro)it on 'amblin' year a)ter year% :ou can see the truth i) you loo2 at the bi' picture% :ou 4ill see that random events are predictable because they balance% 6t7s a )undamental truth o) li)e everyone 2no4s, but i'nores% #his is 4hy on the Fourth o) Guly, 1*2 people 4ill be 2illed in auto accidents, and every )ourth, about the same amount are 2illed% Dn avera'e o) t4elve auto accidents happen every minute9 about si@"thousand teena'ers are 2illed in auto accidents every year in the $S% Dbout )our million people are bitten by do's% 4hy is the number about the same e"ery year' Everythin' is determined, the be'innin' as 4ell as the end, by )orces over 4hich 4e have no control% 6t is determined )or insects as 4ell as )or the stars% -uman bein's, ve'etables or cosmic dust9 4e all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance% Albert Einstein !estiny Not bein' in control does not mean our )uture is predestined% No one 2no4s the )uture9 the )uture cannot be 2no4n% Dnythin' can happen% #he only thin' 4e can be certain o) is that it 4ill be a lot li2e it has been and be balanced% The good news is# all of the best things are going to happen to you( the bad news is# so will all of the worst things# if you do not learn the truth. Conse.uences (eople may thin2, i) everythin' is balanced, then it does not matter 4hat you do% #hat is true, i) you 4ant to continue livin' in the sava'e animal realm% 6) you 4ant to evolve past the animal realm, to a realm 4here there is no )ear, pain or death, you have to learn and spread the truth o) li)e% :ou have to live as a spiritual bein'% 6) you live li2e an animal, you 4ill continue to be one% The greatest present For the )irst time in history, the )irst time in our 00 million years on this planet, 4e can 2no4 li)e, 2no4 4hat 4e are, 4here 4e come )rom, and 4here 4e are 'oin'% ;e have to ta2e advanta'e o) this brie) opportunity% 6t has been a lon' time comin' and 4ill be a lon' time 'one% #his boo2 4ill 'ive you the po4er to chan'e our present course to one that leads to a place 4ithout pain, )ear or su))erin', a place some 4estern reli'ions call heaven%

5eep reading Ne4 and di))erent revelations about li)e are not easy to accept% 1o not let the thin's you disa'ree 4ith stop you )rom readin' )urther% Many o) the thin's you do not a'ree 4ith or understand 4hen you )irst read them 4ill ma2e sense a)ter you read more o) the boo2% 1o not s2ip around9 it needs to be read in order to ma2e sense% 6t is a small boo2 <13, pa'es> that does not ta2e much time to read% 6t is 4orth it% Jisit www.truthcontest.com6comments to see comments )rom readers% Sometimes people hold a core belie) that is very stron'% ;hen they are presented 4ith evidence that 4or2s a'ainst that belie), the ne4 evidence cannot be accepted% 6t 4ould create a )eelin' that is e@tremely uncom)ortable, called co'nitive dissonance% Dnd because it is so important to protect the core belie), they 4ill rationali?e, i'nore and even deny anythin' that doesn7t )it in 4ith the core belie)% -rant1 -anon Cogniti"e dissonance Iet to 2no4 these t4o 4ords% 6t is the unseen enemy o) man2ind% 6t does more to cause 4ar, crime and su))erin' than anythin' else, because it prevents people )rom learnin' and chan'in'% 6) you are ready to overcome your co'nitive dissonance and learn the truth o) li)e, 2eep readin'% The first four pages of this book are a game changer# because they are true. #he problem is, most people cannot see the truth o) li)e% $t3s not what you look at that matters( it3s what you see. &enry !a"id Thoreau ;hen you see the truth )or the )irst time, it is 4hat people call a pea2 moment, or a moment o) clarity% :ou 'et a lar'er percenta'e o) 4hat each moment o) li)e actually contains9 you are )illed 4ith li)e% :our mind is the 'ate2eeper o) li)e, and sometimes it lets a little true li)e in, but most o) the time it does not%

Fi'ure 1 sho4s ho4 man2ind currently perceives li)e% Fi'ure 2 sho4s true li)e% #he arro4s represent li)e comin' to you )rom all directions% #he dotted line sho4s ho4 your mind bloc2s most o) the li)e comin' to you% ;ithout the mind bloc2in' li)e, you receive all o) li)e, true life, and re)lect it all bac2 out% .

Seein' Nia'ara Falls or the Irand !anyon )or the )irst time is a pea2 moment )or most people% ;hy does it ma2e you )eel so aliveE Nothin' really happens to you% ;hy doesnKt it )eel as 'ood the second time you see itE :ou are seein' the same thin'% The reason is# your mind opens up when something is special. #he truth is, every moment o) li)e is special, and you can be completely open to li)e most o) the time% :ou have to see the truth to see true li)e% The ob"ious is that which is ne"er seen until someone e7presses it simply. 5halil 8ibran #he truth o) li)e does not chan'e anythin' in li)e e@cept people7s minds% #hin's stay the same% #he truth 8ust removes the unnecessary su))erin', con)lict and con)usion )rom li)e% #he truth about li)e is actually very simple9 it is 8ust hard to see )or the )irst time% ,ife 6t all boils do4n to ho4 you )eel )rom moment to moment, ho4 o)ten you )eel 'ood and ho4 o)ten you )eel bad, and it 4ill be balanced li2e everythin' else physical% :our in)inite past 4as balanced, and your in)inite )uture 4ill be too, unless you chan'e )rom a physical bein' into a spiritual bein'% #o chan'e into a spiritual bein', you 8ust have to 2no4 the truth, 4hich chan'es your point o) vie4 and your perspective o) li)e so that you start to live your li)e as a spiritual bein'% Fur li)e does not have to be 8ust )i)ty")i)ty li2e the physical 4orld, because our spiritual"sel), our immortal"sel), is not physical and does not need to be balanced to e@ist% Fur physical environment cannot )undamentally chan'e, but 4e can% +ou 9ust ha"e to know it to do it. Nothin' is 'oin' to ma2e any real di))erence in your li)e e@cept separatin' yoursel) )rom the balanced physical 4orld% 6t can and 4ill chan'e everythin'% The truth re"eals that you do not need to e7perience the bad to ha"e the good. The bad will still happen# but you will percei"e it differently. 8ood6bad ;hen you 2no4 the truth, you ta2e the t4o sides o) li)e, the 'ood and bad side, and see them as one 4hole% :ou do this by understandin' 4hat the balancin' )orce means% 6t means all bad times 4ill pass and be compensated )or by an eHual amount o) 'ood times% 6t also means all 'ood times 4ill pass and be paid )or 4ith an eHual amount o) bad times% $t will always balance. *

;hen you 2no4 the truth, you 4ill en8oy the 'ood times more and still avoid a bad time 4hen you can, but 4hen you cannot, the 2no4led'e o) the balance helps you 'et throu'h the bad times% #his is because 2no4in' that the 4orse it 'ets, the better it 4ill be, ma2es bad times almost en8oyable% More importantly, it centers your perspective o) li)e% +ou see both sides of life( whole life# true life. +ou do not get 9ust :;6:;( you get 1;;<. #he 2no4led'e o) the balance ta2es a4ay your reasons to be mad, sad, hate, 4orry, envy, be disappointed9 it ta2es a4ay all ne'ative emotions and )eelin's% $t remo"es all stress and negati"e mind)made feelings from your life. The mind starts disappearing# and true life starts appearing. Ds the mind 'ets smaller, li)e 'ets bi''er% Ds the mind shrin2s, li)e e@pands% ;hen the mind disappears completely, your perception o) li)e becomes clear% Eventually, you 4ill only thin2 4hen you have to, 4hich is not very o)ten% +ou will be able to accept the present of life , no matter 4hat is happenin'% :ou chan'e into a ne4 bein', a spiritual bein', and you become the present, the eternal NF;% 4e want to e7pand our life# not e7pand our minds as they did in the 1=>;?s. #he more you live in the present, the more )ul)illin' li)e 'ets% #ime 4ill slo4 do4n9 you 4ill see the ma'ic and 4onder o) li)e you sa4 as a child, and you 4ill e@perience it 4ithout the i'norance and all the ne'ative emotions o) childhood% Soon, you 4ill be able to see li)e better than a child sees it or any animal has ever seen it% :ou 4ill see the real 4orld, an enchanted world. +our two sel"es Most people are not a4are o) the )act that they have t4o di))erent selves% :ou have a mind and a spirit <consciousness>, and thou'h they seem li2e one thin', they are separate% #he 4ay to reali?e that this is true is to reali?e that somethin' has to be listenin' to the thou'hts created by your mind% 4hat is it that hears your thoughts' #here is the part o) you that thin2s and the part that hears the thou'hts% #he thin2in' part is your mind9 the part that hears the thou'hts is your spiritual"sel)% :ou do not actually hear thou'hts throu'h your ears, because your mind is already inside your head% #he point is, your spiritual" sel) receives the thin's the mind creates in a similar 4ay to hearin' them%

Check it out Gust as2 yoursel), 4hat is it that is hearin' the thou'hts you are thin2in' ri'ht no4E $t is your spiritual)self# the same thing that recei"es all life. Ds sho4n in the dra4in', man2ind is currently livin' as their mind"sel), and as a result, does not 2no4 their spiritual"sel)% L3no4 thy sel),B as Socrates said% +ou ha"e to know true life to know your true self. Perspecti"e and perception #he same 4orld is perceived di))erently by a )ro' and a cat, a cat and a do', a do' and a human, a child and an adult, a 4oman and a man% :ou see somethin' di))erent than 6 do% All perspecti"es are uni.ue. 4e do not see things the way they are( we see things the way we are. (eople see and e@perience li)e throu'h their o4n mind and senses and )rom their o4n uniHue perspective and a4areness level% #his does not chan'e the truth% #he physical 4orld 4ill never chan'e9 it cannot chan'e and still e@ist, but the 4ay you perceive it can% (erception and perspective determine ho4 clearly and truly you see li)e and ho4 )ul)illin' or un)ul)illin' li)e is )or you% 3no4in' the ultimate truth ma2es it possible )or people to see li)e clearly and to be )illed by it% +ou cannot control life# but you can control the way you see life. Dnimals other than man are more )ul)illed, because they have less mind bloc2in' li)e, but they are stuc2 4ith the perspective and perception they are born 4ith% Ds human bein's, 4e can 'reatly improve our perception by learnin' the ultimate truth% All the problems we ha"e stem from people not knowing the truth of life. Unhappy (eople loo2 around and thin2, 4hy are there so many people that are unhappyE ;e have pro'ressed so )ar, yet people are still unhappy% ;hy isnKt this 4orld the 4onder)ul place it could beE Changing the world doesn?t change us. 6t does not matter ho4 much 4e pro'ress materially9 it 4ill not chan'e anythin'% Fnly learnin' and seein' the truth 4ill chan'e us, and thus chan'e everythin'% The truth transforms a mortal man into an immortal spiritual being. 6t does this because the truth 8ust sho4s you 4hat you truly are, and that chan'es everythin'% #he truth does the same thin' )or the 4ay 4e see the 4orld and )or the same reason% 6t sho4s you li)e clearly9 it sho4s you true li)e )or the )irst time% 0

True life is perfect :ou can see and e@perience a per)ect li)e, because that is the 4ay li)e actually is% @ur imperfect minds mess it up. 6t is hard to believe )rom your current perspective and level o) a4areness, but it is your o4n mind that ma2es li)e imper)ect% #he universe has to be per)ect to e@ist% +ou do not ha"e to belie"e it( you can know it. The present 6t is interestin' that the LNF;A is called Lthe present%B #he present is the ultimate 'i)t9 it is the 'i)t o) truth and li)e% :ou are 'iven the present every second, and you 4ill receive it )orever% #he present is the only thin' that e@ists, the only thin' you are ever conscious o)% :our li)e is a series o) presents movin' throu'h time% #he )uture does not e@ist until it becomes the present% ,ife is one perpetual present. Creation is happening now :our body, mind, and the 4orld around it are bein' created )rom microsecond to microsecond% #hin's may loo2 the same, but they are not9 everythin' is constantly chan'in' and bein' recreated% Fur li)e and our 4orld is bein' created )rom moment to moment% ,ife and e"erything in it is always new. (eople thin2 that they are not 'ood loo2in' enou'h, youn' enou'h, thin enou'h, smart enou'h, rich enou'h, etc% #hey live on the ed'e o) the circle and 8ust 'o around and around )orever, lost in the illusions o) their minds% 8reener grass #he concept o) past, )uture, and a distorted perception o) the present 2eeps people runnin' )or the 'reener 'rass on the other side o) the )ence% #hey miss the present in the process% Chasing the hori1on 6t is li2e runnin' a)ter the hori?on9 the )aster you 'o, the )aster it moves a4ay )rom you% Fne day, you reali?e that you are standin' on it% ;hat you 4ere runnin' a)ter is 4here you already are and al4ays 4ill be% Dll people 4ant is 4hat is in the present, but they do not 2no4 it because they have never opened it% Dlmost no one 2no4s 4hat the present really is% The present has to be our goal# because it is the only thing that e7ists. The big tease :our mind 4ill open up part 4ay )rom time to time to 'ive you a taste o) true li)e, and then ta2e it a4ay% 6t 4ill attach the open moments to thin's that are hard to do, li2e thin's that cost a lot o) money, thin's that are di))icult or dan'erous, or thin's that the mind considers to be ne4 or special% :our mind ma2es you pay )or li)e in one 4ay or another, and never lets you have it )or )ree%

A fulfilling life is always free and always a"ailable once you know the truth. -ulfilled 6t is the 4ay 4e )eel 4hen our minds are completely open to li)e9 4e become L)illedB 4ith li)e% &ein' )illed 4ith li)e ma2es you )eel the 4ay you 4ant to )eel all the time% Ful)illment is true happiness% 1octors say that you )eel 'ood or happy because o) the release o) chemicals in your brain that ma2e you )eel 'ood% #his is true9 chemicals such as endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine ma2e you )eel 'ood, but they do it by 8ust allo4in' you to )eel a little true li)e% Li2e all dru's, the e))ect is temporary, and it has a balancin' do4nside% #he ultimate truth is not temporary and has no do4n side% No dru's are necessary% $n this animal realm# physical pain and pleasure will come and go# but you can always be filled with life AfulfilledB once you know the truth. -reedom 6) you tie your )ul)illment to thin's that happen in your environment, you are at the mercy o) the constantly chan'in' environment% :ou 4ill only 'et a taste o) )ul)illment 4hen thin's 'o your 4ay, 4hen you 4in or 'et 4hat you 4ant% Spiritual people are )ul)illed 4hen they lose% 6) you do not attach your )ul)illment to 4hat happens in your environment, you can be )ul)illed no matter 4hat happens% #rue )reedom is havin' the ability to be )ul)illed independent o) 4hat happens in the environment% Almost no one is free now. @nly the truth will set you free. /eing free means being free of the mind that hides true life from people. $nstant gratification ;hy put reHuirements on )eelin' 'oodE #rue li)e is bein' 'iven to us all the time9 4e 8ust have to let it in all the time% #rue li)e is instant and complete 'rati)ication that costs nothin'% /eing free is in your head. The secret Most people 2no4 you do not need Lthin'sB or thin's to happen to be happy <be )ul)illed>, but most people do not 2no4 ho4 it 4or2s% #he secret is openin' your mind% ;ithout thou'ht and ne'ative emotions, the same thin' happens that happens 4hen you 'et 4hat you thin2 you 4ant% +ou become as sensual as you can possibly be( you become your senses. :ou can )eel better than you 4ould )eel i) you 8ust 4on the lottery everyday% ;hy notE 6t is 8ust a state o) mind, or state o) no"mind% 6t is your li)e9 8ust ta2e 4hat is comin' to you% :ou can be )ul)illed 4henever you 4ant% The present is for you. /eing fulfilled# being filled by life all the time# is the true goal of mankind. Everythin' that people do, directly and indirectly, 'ood and bad, is to be )ul)illed by li)e% Fnce you 2no4 the truth, you can s2ip all the thin's and 8ust be )ul)illed% 10

Empty Ds sho4n in the dra4in', the mind ma2es it impossible to 2no4 reality <true li)e> and to be )ul)illed% #he present 4ith the mind bloc2in' and distortin' it is not )ul)illin'% 6t leaves you empty and )ull o) desire )or somethin' to )ill the emptiness% #he thin's the mind does to try to )ill the void 8ust bloc2s li)e more% #he more people run to4ards 4hat they thin2 they 4ant, the more they miss it% %omething missing (eople )eel that somethin' is missin', because somethin' is missin'9 true li)e is missin'% The door :our mind is li2e a door, and )or most, it is currently closed% :ou have to have a truly open mind to learn the truth and e@perience true li)e <the present>% That which is #he literal meanin' o) the 4ord LtruthB is Lthat 4hich is%B #he livin' truth M that 4hich is% That which is 0 the present. #he truth o) the past M that 4hich 4as% #he truth o) the )uture M that 4hich 4ill be% :ou can only truly 2no4 Lthat 4hich is,B because no4 is the only thin' that e@ists% #he past is a memory or a story% #he )uture is 8ust an educated 'uess% :ou can only 2no4 the true past and 4hat the true )uture 4ill be by 2no4in' Lthat 4hich is possible%B $f you know how life works# you will know e"erything. !efinition of ultimate truth 6t is 2no4in' the truth o) li)e% 6t is 2no4in' the )undamental, eternal la4s o) nature, and the nature o) the mind 4hich distorts and hides the truth% 6t is an accurate and complete understandin' o) Lthat 4hich is%B +ou do not and cannot understand e"ery detail of life and do not ha"e to. +ou 9ust ha"e to understand the big picture# the fundamental nature of life. #his truth never chan'es, because Lthat 4hich isB can never chan'e% 6t cannot chan'e and e@ist% ;hen you 2no4 li)e completely, you become life completely% %elf)e"ident #here is nothin' easier to 2no4 than the truth, because it is li)e itsel)% 6t is nothin' more and nothin' less% The truth is the present# T&E 2@4.


$t is all true #he truth is simply everythin' there is, everythin' that truly e@ists% 6) it does not e@ist, it is not the truth9 i) it does, it is% L#hat 4hich isB is everythin' e@cept )or the deceptions created by the mind% The truth is incontro"ertible( malice may attack it# ignorance may deride it# but in the end# there it is. 4inston Churchill C D C 0 4 6t does not eHual anythin' else% #he truth is, there is only one truth% &elievin' 2 N 2 M . or * or anythin' else does not ma2e it true% #here are an in)inite amount o) 4ron' ans4ers, but only one true ans4er% &ope6belief &elievin' and hopin' somethin' is true or 'oin' to be true does not ma2e it true, i) you do not start 4ith the real truth% 6t is the truth, or it is not% #here is no 4ay to ma2e somethin' that is not true, true% There is only one truth. -aith in faith 6n and o) itsel), belie), )aith, hope, 4ishin', 'ood luc2 charms, holy relics, symbols, positive thin2in', 'ood intentions, prayin', curses, voodoo, ma'ic spells, )ortune tellers, psychics, etc% do not do anythin' e@cept ma2e people )eel li2e they have some control over li)e% They are 9ust coping strategies. $f you belie"e a fairytale or myth is true# you will not li"e happily e"er after. People that currently ha"e faith6belief in a myth are a force against the truth. /elie"ing in things that do not e7ist is the worst thing you can do. 5eli'ious people 4ant to believe so badly, they 4ill i'nore scienti)ic evidence, reason, common sense and their o4n better 8ud'ment% 5eli'ions have perverted the meanin' o) the 4ord AtruthA% #he ;ebster7s 1ictionary de)inition says 4hat the 4ord means " truth: being in accord with fact or reality Many thin's reli'ious people say they believe are not in accord 4ith )act or reality% #hey are myths, superstition, hope, not truth% #o say it is truth is a lie% #rue or )alseE 6n other 4ords, most o) the 4orld7s traditional reli'ions are spreadin' lies and many 2no4 it, 4hich in addition to bein' liars ma2es them dishonest hypocrites% #he ones that do not 2no4 they are lyin' thin2 they are doin' the 4ill o) their 'od, 4hen in truth, they are doin' the 4ill o) the enemy o) their 'od, Satan, 4ho is de)ined in their holy boo2s as the 'reat deceiver, the 2in' o) all lies% 12

The real truth unites people( it does not divide them% 6t ma2es sense, and it applies to everyone, every4here, all o) the time% 6t creates clarity, not con)usion% #he truth leads to real eHuality, )reedom, peace, love and understandin'% #he real truth only as2s you to believe in somethin' you can check for yourself. Anyone who cares about the truth enough to check what it is will know the truth. Those who do not care enough will not learn the truth and will be lost and deser"e to be lost. Eonkey see# monkey do Most people 8ust tell people 4hat they have been told the truth is% #hey 8ust accept 4hat others say the truth is, especially i) it is 4hat people have been acceptin' as the truth )or thousands o) years% 6t is mon2ey see, mon2ey do% Second"hand truth should not be believed or repeated 4ithout chec2in' it out )or yoursel)% #he a'e o) playin' )ollo4 the leader is endin' no4% Second"hand truth is called hearsay in a court o) la4, and it is not admissible )or an important reason9 it has proven not to be a dependable source o) the truth% ;hat could be more irresponsible than sayin' somethin' is true 4ithout 2no4in' beyond a reasonable doubt that it is trueE &illions o) people are doin' it% !o not belie"e what anyone says# including me( check things for yourself. +ou ha"e to see the truth yourself in life itself to know it. :ou are at 4hat could be the end o) a very lon' and di))icult Huest% :ou no4 have the opportunity to complete the Huest and leave the animal realm )orever% #he only real di))erence bet4een man2ind and other animals is our ability to reason and thin2% #hus, reason has to be 4hat 4e have to use to evolve )urther% ;e have to use 4hat sets us apart )rom other animals% The truth :ou no4 2no4 Lthe truthB part o) the truth and li)e% #here are only )ive essential or )undamental thin's you need to 2no4, and they are the )ollo4in': 1. @ur true history. C. +ou are immortal. F. E"erything will balance. 4. +ou are a spiritual being. :. The present is e"erything. 13

,ike water #he thirteen pa'es you 8ust read e@plain the truth o) li)e, but 8ust readin' the thirteen pa'es is not enou'h9 it is 8ust the start% #he truth is li2e 4ater, and it 4ill slip throu'h your )in'ers% :ou need to read this 4hole boo2 and do the thin's the boo2 says to do to hold onto the truth and bene)it )rom it% Gepetition 6) somethin' is repeated, it ma2es a bi''er impression and chan'es your brain more, chan'es your inner environment more% #hus, the more repetition, the better% #hat is 4hy 6 repeat some thin's many times and say the same thin' many di))erent 4ays% #J advertisers repeat commercials )or this reason% Ds a sin'le )ootstep 4ill not ma2e a path on the earth, so a sin'le thou'ht 4ill not ma2e a path4ay in the mind% #o ma2e a deep physical path, 4e 4al2 a'ain and a'ain% #o ma2e a deep mental path, 4e must thin2 over and over the 2ind o) thou'hts 4e 4ish to dominate our lives% &enry !a"id Thoreau %imple 6t is important to simpli)y the 4ay you see and 2no4 li)e9 it is the only 4ay it can be 2no4n% 6t can be almost in)initely complicated, and tryin' to understand it all is 4hat man2ind is tryin' to do% ;e have to 'o the other 4ay and see and 2no4 it in the most simple 4ay, because it is the only 4ay 4e can 2no4 all that can be 2no4n% ;e can never 2no4 all the details, they are in)inite and it is impossible, but 4e can 2no4 the simple bi' picture o) li)e% #hat is 4hat this boo2 attempts to do% E"erything should be made as simple as possible# but not one bit simpler. Albert Einstein 4hat is said in this book is not 9ust a theory( it is what the e"idence says. $t is truth you can check# and that makes it the real truth and the only truth. :ou 8ust have to chec2 it out )or yoursel) so you 2no4 you 2no4 it and remember it until it sin2s in% 6t has to 'o deep into your subconscious% :ou have to see the truth in every moment 4ithout thin2in' about it9 you have to 2no4 it intuitively% 4ithout the truth# there can be no real morality# 9ustice# e.uality# unity# success# freedom# lo"e# security# peace# spirituality or e"en sur"i"al. @nly the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.


-riend to all 6t is important to understand 4e do not 4ant to hurt anyone or anythin'% ;e 4ant to )i@ people and institutions that are )la4ed, that are sic2 and in)ected 4ith &S% ;e 8ust have the medicine, the cure% ;e 4ant everyone to succeed, especially the Lbad 'uys%B ;e are not anyone7s enemy9 4e 4ant to ma2e love, not 4ar% ;hen the people livin' in the do' eat do' animal 4orld, playin' the po4er 'ame, the 'et rich and )amous 'ame, see the truth o) li)e, they 4ill reali?e that they are their o4n 4orst enemy% #hey 4ill chan'e, because it is in their best interest to chan'e% #hey 4ill chan'e )or sel)ish reasons, 4hich is )ine as lon' as they see the truth o) li)e and 'et on the path to a paradise on earth% Common denominator #he truth is the only thin' that can unite all human bein's% 6t is 4hat 4e all have in common, and that 4ill never chan'e% #here is only one s2y )or all o) us% Everyone eats, breathes, is born and dies, etc% #he ultimate truth is uni"ersal truth9 it is the same )or everyone, every4here% 6t al4ays has been and al4ays 4ill be% 4e can now know the truth about life and death. The difference between belie"ing and knowing is checking. Nothin' could be more simple% 6) you care enou'h about the truth to chec2 4hat it is, you 4ill 2no4 the truth o) li)e% #he sad truth is, most people do not care, and man2ind and our 4orld are bein' destroyed as a result% 6) you care, no4 is the time to prove it% 6) everyone loo2ed at the bi' picture o) li)e, 4e 4ould see the same thin'% #his simple thin' 4ould unite human bein's, and 4e 4ould live in paradise% Geason ;e can no4 use our ability to reason, deductive lo'ic, and e@trapolation o) the 2no4n evidence to 2no4 and understand thin's the evidence does not reveal directly, such as life after death% ;e have pro'ressed enou'h to 2no4 and understand the )undamental truth o) li)e% $t will transform us and our world. #ruth alone 4ill endure, all the rest 4ill be s4ept a4ay be)ore the tide o) time% 6 must continue to bear testimony to truth even i) 6 am )orsa2en by all% Mine may today be a voice in the 4ilderness, but it 4ill be heard 4hen all other voices are silenced, i) it is the voice o) #ruth% Eohandas 8andhi ,$-E 52@4$28 ,$-E $% T&E 4A+ 1.

Chapter C

/ig Picture of ,ife E7perienced in the Present

The o"erman# who has organi1ed the chaos of his passions# gi"en style to his character and become creati"e# aware of life?s terrors# he affirms life without resentment. -riedrich 2iet1sche #he truth o) the balance is the most clear at the ed'es o) physical reality% 6) you loo2 at the bi''est thin's in the universe, the stars and planets, you 4ill see that they are all 'oin' in balanced circles <orbitin'> around each other% 6) you loo2 at the smallest thin's that ma2e up all matter and atoms, you 4ill see the same thin', electrons 'oin' in circles around a nucleus% #he ed'es reveal clearly the )undamental nature o) our reality% Everythin' is 'oin' around in circles% Ds you become more a4are, you be'in to see that all physical thin's in bet4een the bi''est and smallest are doin' the same thin' in one 4ay or another% Soon it 4ill be as clear to you as ni'ht and day, and you 4ill 2no4 the nature o) everythin'% @n the .uantum le"el things are not predictable# but we do not li"e there. Change #he 2ey truth is the 2no4led'e o) the balancin' opposites, because you can see this truth in action every4here you loo2% !han'e or movement is caused 4hen parts o) a cycle or system are out o) balance% #hey al4ays 4ill move or chan'e to balance% E@ample: in the 4eather system 4hen there is a hi'h pressure ?one and a lo4 pressure ?one, the air in the hi'h pressure ?one 4ill move into the lo4 pressure ?one causin' 4ind and bad 4eather% 6) you are hun'ry, you eat, etc% There are two types of truth truth you know and the truth you e7perience. #he mind truth is the opposite o) the livin' or real truth% #hey cannot e@ist to'ether, so you have to sacri)ice one )or the other% Man2ind is currently sacri)icin' li)e )or the mind% ;e 8ust have to do the opposite% ;e have to start livin' in Lthat 4hich isB and stop 8ust thin2in' about it all the time% ;e 8ust have to 'et our minds out o) the 4ay9 they are bloc2in' true li)e% +ou do not ha"e to think if you know life. The truth and life ;hen you 2no4 the truth, you can be completely a4are o) everythin' comin' to you throu'h your li)e senses9 you 4ill e@perience true li)e% Truth 0 life# life 0 truth# but you ha"e to learn all the truth to get all the life.


#he more you see the truth, the more you 4ill see the li)e% #he more you see li)e, the more you 4ill see the truth% #hey build on each other, and your 2no4led'e o) them 'ro4s until you 2no4 li)e completely and become li)e% Truth first (eople have it bac24ards% #hey 4ant true li)e be)ore they 2no4 the truth, and as a result, they never 'et the truth or li)e% (eople can 'et close and loo2 li2e they have it all, especially the bi' stars in sho4 business% #hey loo2 li2e they are )ull o) li)e and everyone 4ants to be li2e them, but they do not have it all% Even havin' //= is not all o) it% :ou need it all to ta2e the ne@t step in evolution and become a spiritual bein'% -o4 can you live completely 4hat you do not 2no4 completelyE ;hen you 2no4 li)e completely, you start livin' it completely% &ow can you en9oy life before you know how life works' 2o one can fully en9oy life until they know why things happen and where their life will lead. Eoney# se7# success# power# fame# will not work. The truth is the only way. Many spiritual teachers 4ho claim to be enli'htened say you need to e@perience li)e )irst, throu'h meditation, etc% #hey say that the 4ay to 2no4 the truth is throu'h the e@perience o) li)e% #hey say that because they do not 2no4 the truth, not all o) it, so they cannot say 4hat the truth is% #hey say to e@perience li)e to 2no4 the truth, because it seems li2e that can be done, but actually that cannot be done% ;hen people do not 2no4 the )ull truth, it means they have never e@perienced li)e )ully, or they 4ould 2no4 the ultimate truth% &ow can someone be enlightened and not know the truth' 5nowing the truth would ha"e to come with enlightenment# or you would not be enlightened. True or false' #here are revelations in this boo2 that no 'uru, prophet, or any spiritual master 2ne4, so no one has really been enli'htened% #here have been many that thou'ht they 4ere and convinced others they 4ere, but they did not 2no4 all the truth o) li)e, and that is a )act you can chec2% Many have 2no4n parts o) the pu??le o) the truth o) li)e% #his boo2 )or the )irst time adds the last pieces to the pu??le% Many o) the 'reat prophets o) the past 2ne4 the time 4as not ri'ht, and they did 4hat they could until the ri'ht time came% #hat time is no4% 6 am not sayin' the 'reat prophets and spiritual leaders o) the past did not become enli'htened masters% #hey did, but not 4hen and ho4 the unenli'htened people o) this 4orld thin2% No4 you can 2no4 the complete truth o) li)e )or the )irst time in history%

-inding the ultimate truth of life and death is the true mission of mankind. #he Huestion is, 4hy is it so di))icult to see and e@press the truth clearly no4E %omething has to be hiding the truth and life. ;hy do 4e have so much trouble seein' the true nature o) our livesE 6t should be the most obvious thin' there is% ;hy do people have so many di))erent opinions and belie)s about 4hat the ultimate truth is 4hen it should be sel)"evidentE ;e all live in the same 4orld, so why does e"eryone see it differently' +our inner en"ironment #his is your environment )rom your s2in in, )rom your senses in% #his environment is 4here your mind lives% 6t is bet4een li)e and your spiritual"sel)9 it is the closest thin' to you% The mind is so close to your spirit that most people do not reali1e that they are two separate things. The mind creates the illusion that it is the spirit. %i7th sense (eople do have a si@th sense9 their o4n mind% :ou have the sense o) si'ht, hearin', smell, touch, taste and mind% :our mind is li2e a sense, because your consciousness or spiritual"sel) senses or e@periences the mindKs thou'hts, emotions, and )eelin's the same 4ay it does li'ht, sounds, sensations, scents and tastes% :ou receive the input )rom your mind the same 4ay you receive input )rom your )ive li)e senses, but 4hat the mind creates is not realCtrue% 4ord6life :our )ive li)e senses sense li)e% :our mind produces and sends you thin's that do not come )rom li)e9 it sends you thin's it ma2es up itsel)% 6t creates and sends you emotions, desires, thou'hts, 'uilt, )ears and 4orries, etc% :our mind bloc2s most o) the li)e comin' to you, and 4hat it does not bloc2, it converts into thou'hts and )eelin's9 it turns li)e into its mental code )or li)e% :our mind attempts to reduce all o) li)e to 4ords, )eelin's, and abstract thou'hts or bytes o) data% E@ample: :our sense o) si'ht sees a rose% 6nstead o) comin' to you directly as all that a rose really is, it is turned into the 4ord LroseB% 6t is then disre'arded or )iled a4ay as a memory 4ithout lettin' you e@perience it%


Editing your life 6) you have seen somethin' be)ore, your mind does not consider it important to see it a'ain and does not let you see it9 it edits your li)e% ;hen you see a rose throu'h the mind, you do not see it as it truly is% :our mind does this 4ith everythin' unless it perceives it as ne4, special, or dan'erous% &y reducin' real thin's to 4ords or thou'hts, they can be processed in your mind% ;e are payin' a hi'h price )or this9 4e pay 4ith our li)e% 6t 4as necessary in the past to be able to process li)e this 4ay to help us 'et control o) an un2no4n and dan'erous 4orld% 6t is no lon'er necessary to do it much o) the time, but people still do it all the time any4ay% 6t is li2e a bad habit% All of this is going on between your spiritual)self and life. $t is the reason why people cannot see the truth and e7perience true life. ;e paid a hi'h price to 'et 4here 4e are no4% #he time has come to stop 'ivin' all our li)e to our minds% #o do it, you 8ust have to see thin's li2e you are seein' them )or the first time% 6t is that simple, but you have to 2no4 the truth to do it% True religion is real li"ing. Albert Einstein Take control of our minds ;e no4 2no4 enou'h and have enou'h control o) the 4orld% ;e no lon'er need to miss most o) our lives% ;e need to see all o) li)e no4 to see the real threats to our survival and become spiritual bein's% 6t is time to start 'ettin' control o) ourselves to 'et control o) our minds% 6t is our )alse perspectives and lac2 o) a4areness that are the 'reatest dan'ers to us% The greatest danger to mankind is now mankind. #he mind o) human bein's has become too po4er)ul and dan'erous to be out o) control% #he thin' <our minds> that helped our survival the most 4ill be 4hat destroys us i) 4e do not 'et control o) them soon% Gight and wrong ;ithout the ultimate truth, no one really 2no4s 4hat to do or 4hy to do it, and that is becomin' very dan'erous% Dbout ten countries are 2no4n to have nuclear 4eapons, and it is estimated that at least thirty"t4o countries are tryin' to 'et them% #here are also biolo'ical and chemical 4eapons, and people do not 2no4 ri'ht )rom 4ron' yet% ;eapon technolo'y is evolvin' )aster than 4e are% #echnolo'y is ma2in' it easier and easier )or )e4er and )e4er people to do 'reater and 'reater dama'e% Hust greed will destroy the en"ironment if the truth is not seen soon. 1/

People are going to ha"e to see the "alue of the uni"ersal truth. 6t 4ill create a unity 4e need )or survival and our )uture evolution% 6) people do not, there 4ill be no )uture, no matter 4hat you or anyone else 4ants to believe% ;ish)ul, hope)ul thin2in' is 4hat is creatin' most o) the &S that 4ill lead to the end o) man2ind very soon% ;e live in a )ra'ile environment, and very )e4 can see ho4 )ra'ile% @ptimism is a 'ood thin' to a point, but people are 4ay too sure everythin' 4ill 4or2 out 4ell% #hat is not 4hat the evidence says% ;ithout the truth, there is no hope% #his is 4hy it is essential that people learn the truth soon% 5i'ht and 4ron' cannot be 2no4n 4ithout 2no4in' 4hat is true and 4hat is not true% Ireat po4er 4ithout 'reat understandin' 4ill destroy much o) 4hat 4e have 'ained over a very lon' time% ;e may not 2ill the 4hole human race, but 4e 4ill set it bac2 in a catastrophic 4ay )or certain and do it very soon% $t is like we are dri"ing too fast on a dangerous mountain road blindfolded. #he mind creates )ear, 4orry, 'uilt, re'ret, sadness, envy, 'reed, hate and all other mind"made, ne'ative )eelin's you receive% #hese uncontrolled emotions are creatin' all the misery in the 4orld% :ou 8ust have to reali?e that they are not realCtrue, and they 4ill disappear% ;hy live 4ith pain and su))erin' that is 8ust created by the mindE 4hy let your own mind hurt you' Gust as you do not have to thin2 thou'hts that you do not 4ant to thin2, you do not have to )eel the ne'ative emotions and )eelin's the mind creates% $f the mind is creating something# it can stop creating it. 6) you 2no4 the truth, you do not have to live 4ith anythin' that is not real% :ou 8ust have to live one"hundred percent 4ith 4hat is real, and it 4ill leave no room in your li)e )or anythin' that is not real% !isplace the mind?s /% with life?s truth. $t is all about seeing true life. Most people have to su))er a lot be)ore they even start really loo2in', but it is not necessary% Most o) the su))erin' in your li)e is created by the mind, and most o) the 4orldKs troubles are also% ;e have su))ered enou'h9 it is time to )ind the truth and divine li)e and be )ul)illed% Dll 4e have to do is ta2e control o) our minds to do it% The age of the mind is coming to an end. The truth is the key to controlling your mind. 20

The word *man* comes from ancient %anskrit and means *mind.* Eankind is mindkind. Eind)self #he mind is a 'reat tool i) 4e have it under control% #he problem is that most donKt have their minds under control% #he mind has been so use)ul to our survival that 4e have 'iven it complete po4er over our lives% 4e ha"e begun to belie"e that we are our minds. This falsehood puts our minds in control of us. ;e cannot be our minds, because our minds end at death, and 4e do not% ;e cannot, because 4e are immortal, and our minds or brains are not% Fur mind is a biochemical and bioelectric part o) our bodies% 6t e@ists in the brain, and it is destroyed 4hen the rest o) our body is destroyed at death, 8ust as a computerKs data is destroyed 4hen a computerKs hard drive is destroyed% :our mind can be destroyed even sooner than death by brain in8uries and diseases, such as Dl?heimer7s and some mental diseases% ;e can be certain that 4e are not our mind, because i) it 4as 'one, 4e 4ould still be here% ;e 4ould still be a4are o) li)e, actually more a4are o) li)e, completely a4are o) it% #he mind does not 'ive us li)e9 we gi"e the mind life. The mind?s 9ob is done #he mind is li2e a sophisticated computer% 6ts )unction is to learn, remember, process, and understand li)e and the thin's in it% #he ultimate thin' )or the mind to learn and understand is the nature o) li)e itsel)9 our true past, potential )uture, and the nature o) nature% Fnce 4e 2no4 the ultimate truth, our mindKs ultimate 8ob is done% 6ts reason )or evolvin' is accomplished% #hus, the mindKs purpose is )ul)illed% 4hen the truth is known# it is finished. Easter6ser"ant Fnce you 2no4 the Lmind truthB or Lintellectual truth,B your mind can ta2e you no )urther% #he mind needs to rela@ and become 8ust a technical consultant% #he mind needs to become your servant and stop bein' your master% The age of the mind #he mind has been such a bi' part o) our 4orld that a 4orld4ide reli'ion o) the mind has developed% (eople have )aith in the mind% (eople thin2 the mind is the 2ey to our success in everythin'% #his has 'iven the mind too much po4er over us% The mind has become 8od on this planet. 21

Eore than minds #he mind is the 2in' o) this 4orld% Gust about all institutions, schools, businesses, and 'overnments promote and support the mind% #his is all )ine and 'ood, as lon' as 4e 2no4 that 4e are more than our minds, that our minds are 8ust a very small and temporary part o) us% /ehind your thoughts and feelings# my brother# there stands a mighty ruler. An unknown sage ) whose name is self. $n your body he dwells. There is more reason in your body than in your best wisdom. -riedrich 2iet1sche The truth and the life is the last frontier. $sin' our mind 4as the 2ey to our success in the past, but it 4ill have to see itsel) and chan'e itsel) )or us to be a success in the )uture or even to survive% #he mind 4ill still be the 2ey to the ne@t step in evolution, but not by doin' 4hat it has done in the past% @ur minds ha"e to change for us to thri"e and sur"i"e. ;e need an a'e o) the spirit no4% Fur spirit must be seen as the more important part o) us% Spirit is the real part, the eternal part, 4hat 4e have al4ays been and al4ays 4ill be9 the real us% %tep up :our mind must step do4n so that your true sel), your eternal, spiritual sel) can step up% #his is the ne@t and last step in your evolution% :our mind needs to 'et out o) the 4ay, so you can learn the spiritual truth, the livin' truth, the real truth, the truth that is beyond the mind% The mind 6t is 8ust a tool that should only be used 4hen it is needed% :ou use a hammer 4hen you need to pound a nail% ;hen you do not need it, you put it a4ay% :our mind is al4ays there 4hen you need it% :ou use a chair 4hen you need to sit do4n, but you don7t carry it around 4ith you all the time% 6t 4ould 4ei'h you do4n% Ds the last &eatles7 son' said: A&oy, you7re 'oin' to carry that 4ei'ht a lon' time%A Take care of business :ou do not have to 4orry about not thin2in' enou'h to ta2e care o) business% #he only problem you 4ill have is the problem you al4ays have had9 thin2in' too much to live in the present, to live in the truth and the li)e% Computers Let the machines do the thin2in'% Fur 'oal is not to thin2, but to live, and 4e never have to 4orry about machines doin' it better% !omputers are bein' developed so that 4e can thin2 less and live more% 22

;ith the 2no4led'e o) the ultimate truth, you are no lon'er man2ind, or mind"2ind, because you are no lon'er 'oin' to live as a mind9 you are a ne4 bein'% :ou are 'oin' to live as an immortal spirit% $t is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know. &enry !a"id Thoreau The full potential of the mind $sin' your mind less does not mean you are not usin' your mind to its )ull potential9 less is more% #he less you bloc2 li)e, the more you 4ill 2no4 it% #he better you 2no4 li)e, the better your mind can serve you% 5now e"erything ;hen the mind is on standby, it is still in the 'ame% 6t is completely a4are o) the 4orld ri'ht alon' 4ith you% The only source of knowledge is e7perience. Albert Einstein :ou 4ill thin2 less, but 2no4 a lot more, because you 4ill e@perience a lot more, and 4hat you e@perience 4ill be real, not a deception or illusion% ;hen you use your mind less, you are doin' 4hat the mind is meant to do, 4hat it evolved to do% :ou are usin' your mind to its absolute )ull potential i) you use it to overcome itsel) in order to 2no4 true li)e% -riend or foe :our mind can be your 4orst enemy or your best )riend% 6) you are usin' it to overcome or transcend itsel) and reali?e the truth and li)e, it is your best )riend% 6) not, it is your 4orst enemy9 it 4ill distract you and prevent you )rom seein' the truth and true li)e in one 4ay or another% True life :ou are only receivin' a very small percenta'e o) all the li'ht that enters your eyes, the sounds that enter your ears, the sensations comin' )rom inside and outside your body, all the scents in the air and tastes in )ood% :our mind is distortin', )ilterin', interpretin' and bloc2in' most o) it, as sho4n in the dra4in'% #he )irst time you e@perience li)e completely, it 4ill astound you% 6t is the best thin' there is or can be, and it is here all the time in every moment o) your li)e, 8ust 4aitin' )or you to let it in% :ou 4ill be truly alive, born )or the )irst time%


:ou still have a mind )ilterin' the input o) li)e% 6t does does not let everythin' in9 it lets divine li)e in <per)ect li)e>, but divine li)e is not composed o) everythin' comin' to you% :our mind has to be discernin', or li)e 4ould have no de)inition% 6t 4ould 8ust be a )lood o) sensation, and that 4ould be too much9 too much o) a 'ood thin'% #he mind that 2no4s the truth o) li)e lets in all that comprises the best possible li)e e@perience, true li)e% 6t7s much more than the mind o) man lets in, but not everythin'% #he divine mind 4or2s li2e a sound eHuali?er that controls the volume o) di))erent instruments in a band, to ma2e it sound the best it can sound% 6t is very subtle, and doesn7t bloc2 li)e as the animal mind does, but it does re'ulate the input% People are too unconscious to know that they are unconscious. They are too closed)minded to know that they are closed)minded. They are too asleep to know that they are asleep. &ypnosis Man2ind is hypnoti?ed% -ypnoti?ed means to be put into a state o) semi"consciousness, a 4a2in' sleep% #he problem is that 4e have been hypnoti?ed to not 2no4 4e are hypnoti?ed% Under a spell 6t is li2e 4e are under a spell that has put us to sleep% ;e need the 2iss o) truth to 4a2e up )rom this spell% +ou will be carefree# but not careless# child)like# but not childish# innocent# but not ignorant. +ou will not need anything# but ha"e it all. Two ways #here are only t4o 4ays to e@perience li)e: throu'h the animal mind or not throu'h the animal mind% :ou have t4o choices in every moment o) li)e: to be 4ith your mind or to be 4ith li)e% The choice is yours. :our )ive li)e senses are much more than the sum o) their parts% #o'ether, completely open, they reveal true li)e% :ou 4a2e up )rom a lon' sleep% +ou do not need all fi"e senses to know true life( you can be deaf and blind and still e7perience it. $t is 9ust about getting your mind out of the way. $t is 9ust a change of perspecti"e from being a man6spirit to a spirit6man. True life is e"erything e7cept the mind?s illusion of Ireality.J 2,

The significant problems we ha"e cannot be sol"ed at the same le"el of thinking with which we created them. Albert Einstein The mind is the problem #he mind cannot solve this problem the 4ay it usually solves problems, because it is the problem and did not 2no4 it until no4% 6ts very presence is in the 4ay o) li)e% 6t is this a4areness that 'radually 'ives you the ability to chan'e your mindKs nature, to open up and stay open% 6t ta2es some practice be)ore you can do it, but you 4ill 'et a 2nac2 )or it% !o what you can# with what you ha"e# where you are. Theodore Goose"elt :ou do not have to 'o to a cave and chant9 8ust start openin' up your perception every4here you are, 4henever you can% @ur senses gi"e our spirit a window to the physical uni"erse. @ur bodies ha"e 9ust one purpose# and that is to support our senses. @ur bodies are simply a physical support system for our senses. #his is because it is our senses that open up the 4orld o) physical li)e to us% Fur bodies 8ust support and move our senses around )or us% Fur bodies and physical li)e have no other reason )or e@istin'% ;e need to become our senses% +ou 9ust ha"e to remember# the goal of your life is to be more aware of it. &ow can that not be the most important and most worthwhile thing to do' $ don?t belie"e people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the e7perience of being ali"e. Hoseph Campbell #he thin's you 'et throu'h your senses comprise your entire li)e, nothin' more, nothin' less% Li)e is everythin'9 there is nothin' else but li)e% True happiness isK to en9oy the present# without dependence upon the future. ,ucius Annaeus %eneca an7ious

$t is not the years in your life that count( it is the life in your years. Abraham ,incoln


+ou should de"ote your life to life# because life is the only thing that e7ists. The present is the only thing that really e7ists( how can it not be the goal' +our best #o ta2e the ne@t step in evolution, you have to do the absolute best you can do in this li)e 4ith 4hat you have to 4or2 4ith% :our absolute best is to learn and live in the truth and li)e% $t is all you ha"e to do to win the game. E"ery moment in the present is perfect and complete in and of itself. ,ife is without meaning. +ou bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whate"er you ascribe it to be. /eing ali"e is the meaning. Hoseph Campbell 4hat is life' 6t is simply everythin' real that is in the present% Li)e lasts )orever, because it is impossible )or it not to )rom your o4n point o) vie4% ;e also 2no4 that li)e is balanced, that it is absolutely )air )or every livin' thin'% @"ercoming ;e also 2no4 ho4 to overcome the balance 4ith the truth o) li)e <perspective>, thus 4e are in the process o) overcomin' pain and all ne'ative )eelin's and emotions, so 4e can be )ul)illed by li)e )orever% Could anything be more ama1ing or wonderful' &ow can people 9ust take it for granted' &ow can you be unhappy in light of the true situation' 6t is the most realistic movie possible9 it is in the ultimate hi'h de)inition and surround sound% 6t is even in smell"o"vision, and 4e are the stars o) it )orever% &ow can that be beat' Iettin' into li)e completely should be the obvious 'oal, but people are doin' the opposite by tryin' everythin' they can do to escape it% #he mind is anti"li)e, the opposite o) li)e% #he truth ma2es it possible to be into li)e completely and above it% &y Aabove it,A 6 mean able to see all o) li)e% ,ife is what happens to you while you?re busy making other plans. Hohn ,ennon ,ife goals Naturally, you have other 'oals besides )indin' the truth and li)e% :ou 4ill have a much better chance o) attainin' them i) your primary 'oal is the truth and the li)e, the present% 6t 4ill help you do everythin' you do better%


#he mind and society that is dominated by the mind is 'oal oriented, and that is a 'ood thin' to a point% :ou need to have 'oals and plans, but you do not have to thin2 about them all the time as people do no4% :ou 8ust set them as a 'uideline )or your li)e, and then live in the present as you 4or2 to4ards them% +our ultimate goal is always to li"e in the truth and life# the present. #he )uture is not as important as the present, simply because it does not really e@ist% 3eep your eye on the pri?e, true li)e% (eople no4 have their priorities bac24ards% Focus on the present instead o) 4orryin' about a non"e@istent )uture% $t is all about accepting yourself and your situation# accepting the present. True lo"e ;hen you succeed in openin' up the present completely )or the )irst time, you 2ind o) )eel li2e you did 4hen you )ell in love )or the )irst time% :ou be'in to notice all the little thin's, the birds sin'in', etc% :ou li2e it a lot, and you )eel li2e you are reborn, because you are reborn to true li)e% :ou are )allin' in love 4ith li)e itsel)% 6t 4ill never leave you or stop 'ivin' itsel) to you completely% $t is true lo"e# a lo"e that will last fore"er# a lo"e that ne"er dies. 4hen you see true life# all you feel is awe and wonder( it is sublime. Commitment 6) you commit yoursel) to this love a))air, you 4ill be completely )ul)illed )orever% 6t demands your total commitment, but that is not as2in' much 4hen you 'et bac2 literally everythin'% All you need is lo"e# but not carnal lo"e( you need lo"e of the truth and life. E"erything ;hen you commit to the truth and li)e, you are actually committin' yoursel) to everythin' in li)e% Every part o) your ne4 li)e, )rom your 8ob to your )amily, 4ill bene)it )rom it% &y totally committin' to 8ust one thin' <the present>, you totally commit to everythin' in your li)e at the same time% -o4 could it be easierE #his is somethin' you can start today% #here is no time but the present% C 0 ; ;hen you really see the opposites as a 4hole, they disappear, and the mind disappears also% #here is no you and li)e9 there are not t4o, not even one% :ou are everythin', and everythin' is you% 3no4led'e o) the balancin' opposites ma2es the mind disappear, because the mind 2no4s it is not needed, that li)e is sa)e, )air, and that li)e is on autopilot% 2

2othing is more secure and certain than your life when you know the truth. #he truth is the e@act opposite o) 4hat people thin2, because they thin2 on a physical level% Fn the physical level, nothin' is more certain than death% Fn the spiritual level, the opposite is true9 nothing is more certain than life. #his is 4hy the truth is so important9 it sho4s you 4hat you really are and 4hat is really happenin' all the time% #he truth sho4s you that li)e is per)ect all the time% Li)e is in absolute control, and everythin' 4ill be )air and per)ect% :ou and everyone else 4ill live balanced lives, no matter 4hat you do or do not do% The only .uestion is# do you want to do better than a balanced life' No one is doin' better or 4orse than anyone else% Some people are up ri'ht no4 materially, and some people are do4n, but it is a cycle, and everyone 'ets the same amount o) 'ood and bad% 6t 4ould not be )air any other 4ay, 4ould itE 4hen you see the whole of life# you get the whole# not 9ust half)and)half. Any pleasure you get without true life will be balanced. 4hy pursue it' #he only pleasure you really 4ant is the bliss that comes )rom 2no4in' the truth and li)e and livin' in the present% 6t is the only thin' that has true value% 6) you 8ust 'et your mind out o) your o4n 4ay and let li)e happen, you 4ill 'et 4hat you really 4ant% :ou 4ill 'et all that there is or ever 4ill be% 6t is that simple% 3no4in' it and doin'Clivin' it are t4o di))erent thin's, but 2no4in' it is the start% The ne7t best thing to finding true life is looking for it. +ou cannot lose. 4aking up :our controllin' mind 4ill be'in to 2no4 that it cannot help you as much 4hen it is active as 4hen it is passive% 6t 4ill be'in to understand 4hat it has to do in order to ma2e )urther pro'ress% 4hen your mind understands# it will help you know true life( it will begin to open itself up when it is not needed.


Eternal partner :our spiritual"sel) cannot do anythin' )or itsel)% 6t needs a mind as a partner to 'et thin's done, includin' openin' itsel) up 4hen it is not needed% &e)ore the mind can help you, it )irst has to understand it is the problem% The solution is the problem 6t is not easy )or your mind to reali?e that it is the problem, because it has al4ays been 8ust the solution to problems until no4% $nderstandin' it is the problem 4ill ta2e your mind some 'ettin' used to and some time to repro'ram itsel)% 6t 4ill do it9 its true purpose is to serve the spirit% True perspecti"e :ou cannot see your mind )rom your current perspective and level o) a4areness, because you are loo2in' throu'h the mind at the mind% #he mind is tryin' to see itsel) throu'h itsel)% #hat is 4hy your perspective must chan'e be)ore you can see it clearly% :ou have to loo2 )rom your spirit, your true sel), to see it% #hen can you see it )or 4hat it is and ho4 it is the adversary o) li)e% 4hat we are looking for is what is looking. +our mind is now in front of your spirit# and it needs to be behind you. People li"e as man6spirit and need to li"e as spirit6man. $t is 9ust a matter of perspecti"e and awareness. The mind is not ali"e unless you let it steal your life. #he mind is not a livin' bein', but it 4ill resist 'ivin' up control as lon' as you 'ive it your li)e% 6) you do, it 4ill become a livin' bein'9 it 4ill be you and try to survive li2e all livin' bein's% :ou have to ta2e the time to honestly 'et to 2no4 yoursel)% :ou have to 2no4 the nature o) both your mind"sel) and spiritual"sel) to 2no4 the ultimate truth% /lack hole -uman bein's are currently )illed 4ith the mind9 there is no room )or li)e% ;hen you turn it o)), you empty yoursel), and li)e naturally rushes in to )ill the void% :ou become li2e a blac2 hole, and li)e pours into you )rom every direction% D blac2 hole does not let anythin' out9 a spiritual bein' re)lects it all bac2 out%


Center of the uni"erse ;hen you e@perience li)e eHually )rom all directions, you e@perience natural li)e, true li)e% +ou become the center of the uni"erse# because that is what you truly are. The uni"erse is infinite in all directions# so no matter where you mo"e# you will always remain in the e7act center. :ou may be sayin' that this is a 'ood 4ay to loo2 at it, but it is more than that, because it is the truth9 it is the only true 4ay to loo2 at the bi' picture o) li)e% 4hen $ walk# $ am not 9ust walking on the street( $ am walking through the center of my own personal uni"erse. 5eli'ions 4ere ri'ht9 4e are at the center o) the universe% Ialileo, 3epler, and !opernicus 4ere also ri'ht )rom the mindKs perspective, but )rom your o4n perspective, the only perspective that really matters to you, you are at the center o) the universe, and that is the only place you can be in an in)inite universe% -irst step ;hen you reali?e that you are the center o) the in)inite universe and al4ays 4ill be, you reali?e ho4 special you are% :ou are al4ays at the e@act center o) li)e% Dll li)e that comes to your center is 8ust )or you and no one else% :ou are livin' in your o4n uniHue universe 4here everythin' is 8ust )or you% Livin' 4ith the a4areness that you are the center o) everythin' is the )irst step people ta2e to becomin' a spiritual bein'% #his is because it is the easiest thin' to do% :ou can do it 4ith your mind the 4ay it is, and 4ith other people around% Most people can do it ri'ht a4ay% #ry it ri'ht no4, and you 4ill see it is true% :ou 4ill see you really are the center o) the universe% :ou 4ill see that li)e really is comin' )rom every direction, and no matter 4hat you do, that never chan'es% $t does not matter where you are( your home is your body. True or false'


:ou have to let it all out instantly, or there is no room )or the ne4 li)e to come in% #he more li)e you allo4 in, the more you have to re)lect bac2 out to others% :ou become completely )ull o) li)e9 your cup runith o"er. As Hohn ,ennon says in song# Iyou can radiate e"erything you are.J +ou can be e"erything and reflect e"erything to others. ;hen you can let it all in and re)lect it all bac2 out 4ithout any mental intrusions, you have reached the ultimate level o) consciousness9 you are a spiritual bein'% :ou 4ill 'lo4 and shine 4ith li)e as sho4n in the dra4in' on pa'e )ive% +ou will become the present. :ou 4ill have presence% Ireat actors have 4hat is called sta'e presence% #hey become li)e itsel), and the audience can see it% Movie stars need presence, at least 4hile they are actin'% 6) you 4ant to see someone livin' in the present, 4atch a movie% (resence is created by livin' in the present and re)lectin' the present to other people% The mind barrier #he very mind that has made seein' the truth possible is no4 the only thin' preventin' us )rom ta2in' the last step, the )inal step in human evolution% (eople are livin' as their )alse, mortal mind"sel), and they should be livin' as their true, immortal spiritual"sel), or the e@act opposite o) the 4ay they are livin' no4% :our mind is li2e a door or 'ate, and the truth is the 2ey to that door% #he truth causes the mind to be'in to chan'e its relationship 4ith you9 it turns the mind )rom your 4orst enemy to your best )riend% +ou ha"e to turn the key. +ou ha"e to open the door. 2o one else can. #he mind is no lon'er you9 it is 8ust a small part o) you% 6t is no lon'er your master9 it is your servant% 6t has to do the e@act opposite o) 4hat it has evolved to do <control>% #hat is 4hy it ta2es the truth and some e))ort to 'et )ree o) the mind% $t is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the e"il from the spirit of man. Albert Einstein The way :ou 8ust have to do one thin'9 learn to reco'ni?e 4hat is true <li)e> and 4hat is not true <mind>% #hen 'ive your li)e to 8ust 4hat is true% 6) you do this, the )alse illusions o) the mind 4ill no lon'er control your li)e, and you 4ill be )ree% #hin2 about it until you understand the truth completely, and then 8ust do 4hat the truth dictates% 31

True life really is that simple# but most people cannot see the truth now. The mind is more powerful than the spirit in this world. The mind is a dominant force #he mind 4ill al4ays in)ect a person livin' clear o) the mind% D spiritual person cannot cause a person livin' in the mind to stop livin' in the mind, but a person livin' in the mind can cause a spiritual person to activate their mind% #he mind is a )orm o) ener'y9 the spirit is li2e a void% 8reat spirits are always opposed by mediocre minds. Albert Einstein The mind has the upper hand in this world. 6t is the 4ay it is, so you have to be alone or 4ith other people that 2no4 the truth to live 4ithout the mind% #hus, it 4ill 'et easier to live clear o) mind in this 4orld as more people learn the truth% :our mind and other minds 4ill do everythin' to 2eep you out o) the present and 2noc2 you o)) the path% +our 9ob is to 9ust let the mind do it# watch it# and see it )or 4hat it is, and it 4ill 'radually 'et 4ea2er% 6t 4ill 'et easier to stay on path% ,i"ing with less e"ol"ed people 6ma'ine you 4ere the only modern man in a 4orld )illed 4ith cavemen% #hat is ho4 a spiritual bein' )eels livin' 4ith man2ind% The cra1iest people are running the asylum. Einds beget minds Schools, )amily, 4or2, social 'roups, reli'ions and political parties are all minds creatin' other minds in their o4n ima'e% Fther minds are li2e an in)ectious disease9 the closer you are to them, the more they in)ect your mind% 6t starts 4ith the closest, most in)luential people around you, such as )riends, )amily, and superiors at 4or2 or school% The truth stops "iolence #he truth ma2es people happy and secure% Fnly unhappy, insecure or )ear)ul people )i'ht% ;hen the truth and li)e is revealed to everyone, everyone 4ill be happy and secure, and this 4ill stop all con)lict% %piritual beings could not win in the past# but the times are changing# and thanks to worldwide communication# spiritual people can win now.


The collecti"e unconscious 6n the last )e4 'enerations, 4e discovered t4o invisible )orces: electricity and electroma'netic <radio> 4aves% No one believed they e@isted a )e4 hundred years a'o% 6n this 'eneration, 4e are 'oin' to discover and con)irm a ne4 invisible )orce that 6 call the collective unconscious mind% 6t is the )orce o) nature, or part o) the )orce o) nature, that 'ives us continuity )rom one li)e to another% ;ithout it, there could be no evolution% The collecti"e unconscious is not ali"e. 6t is 8ust a part o) our minds, an e@tension o) our minds, not a separate li)e )orm% #he collective unconscious is somethin' li2e 'ravity that connects all o) us% 5eli'ions call it the -oly Spirit% E"ery e7tension of knowledge arises from making the unconscious conscious. -riedrich 2iet1sche 6n other 4ords, 4hen you 'et your mind out o) the 4ay, you become conscious o) 4hat you 4ere not conscious o) be)ore% :ou become conscious o) somethin' beyond the mind% :ou can ma2e contact 4ith the universal mind o) li)e% The intellect has little to do on the road to disco"ery. There comes a leap in consciousness# call it intuition or what you will# the solution comes to you and you don3t know how or why. The truly "aluable thing is the intuition. Albert Einstein $nspiration #he 4ord means Lbreath o) Iod%B 6t is 4here ideas, art, poetry, movies, philosophy, music, inventions, revelations and all ne4 creative thin's come )rom% 6t mani)ests in many 4ays, such as talent, intuition and insi'ht% $ntuition 6ntuition and inspiration come )rom the same place% #hey are both mani)estations o) the collective unconscious% ;hen as2ed 4here they 'ot the idea )or somethin', creative people 4ill say they 4ere inspired, they dreamed it, it 8ust came to them in a )lash, etc% Dll ne4, creative thin's come )rom outside our o4n minds% &y de)inition, they have to come )rom outside your mind to be truly ne4% (aul Mc!artney 4as once as2ed 4here his son's come )rom% -e ans4ered: L6 don7t 2no49 they seem to come out o) the air%B 4hen real music comes to me L the music of the spheres# the music that surpasses understanding ) that has nothing to do with me# cause $3m 9ust the channel. The only 9oy for me is for it to be gi"en to me# and to transcribe it like a medium... those moments are what $ li"e for. Hohn ,ennon 33

The e"idence #here has to be an outside in)luence, because ideas can come to many people at about the same time% E@ample: Lan'ua'e developed at about the same time every4here on the planet% 5eli'ions )rom di))erent times and places have many thin's in common% 6nventions and styles o) music and art come to people at about the same time% 6t is not 8ust a coincidence% :ou can 2no4 that all 'reat or inspired music comes )rom the collective unconscious, because i) it did not, the musicians that 4rote the classic son's in the past 4ould still be 4ritin' classic son's no4% D )e4 are, but most are not% Ireat inspirations come 4hen they come, and 4hen they Huit comin', there is no 4ay )or the musicians to do it on their o4n% -o4 4ell you play has nothin' to do 4ith it% #he older musicians 'et, the better they 'et on their instruments, but they o)ten have their 'reat son's 4hen they 4ere youn' and could not play as 4ell% 6t is the same 4ith boo2s, art and inventions9 every once in a 'reat 4hile, you 'et a Ne4ton, a &eethoven, an Edison or an Einstein% #hese people 4ere 8ust more connected to the collective unconscious, thus they received more inspirations% Ey brain is only a recei"er# in the Uni"erse there is a core from which we obtain knowledge# strength and inspiration. $ ha"e not penetrated into the secrets of this core# but $ know that it e7ists. 2ikola Tesla Eo1art# Tesla# and Einstein were 9ust more inspired than most people. Einstein had all his 'reat ideas in one year 4hen he 4as a patent cler2 in his t4enties% -e called it his ma'ic year9 it 4as a year o) 'reat inspirations% -e spent the rest o) his li)e 4or2in' on those ideas and did not have any more 'reat inspirations% -is li)e ma2es it clear that 'reat ideas come in inspirations% #his po4er o) inspiration comes and 'oes% 6talians are not 5omans% Iree2s are not as inspired as they 4ere 4hen Socrates and (lato lived% 6) you study history, you can literally see the inspiration movin' around throu'h di))erent people at di))erent times and places% 6t comes and 'oes, and a personKs or people7s po4er and 'reatness comes and 'oes 4ith it% $nspiration can come and stay if you learn the truth and life. Connected &ein' connected mentally by 'ravity andCor the earthKs ma'netic )ield or somethin' li2e it is not so )ar")etched9 our minds are 8ust bioelectrical activity in our brains% Iravity and electroma'netic )ields are passin' throu'h our brains at all times% 6t 4ould be more surprisin' i) they did not a))ect us% Iravity is connected to everythin' in the in)inite universe, and in much the same 4ay, our minds are connected, more or less, on a subconscious level to all livin' thin's% 3,

All religions# arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. Albert Einstein &ow $ see life 6n my boo2s, you 4ill see that 6 interpret thin's <movies, music, the &ible, etc%> )rom my o4n uniHue perspective% 6t is o)ten di))erent than the author7s interpretation% 6 see everythin' as comin' )rom 4hat 6 call the collective unconscious mind% 5eli'ions call it the -oly Spirit% 6 see t4o distinct cate'ories9 the animal mind and spiritual mind <divine mind>% Dll conscious livin' li)e )orms <people and animals> 'et their bodies and li)e )rom one o) the t4o cate'ories, or a combination o) both% #hese minds permeate all o) reality li2e radio 4aves, but are not ener'y as 4e 2no4 it% -umans and animals are tuned into these 4aves li2e a radio receiver% Dll animals e@cept humans and their pets are tuned to 8ust the animal mind% -umans, do's and cats are 'ettin' a combination o) the t4o% Some are more animal than spiritual, and some have more spiritual than animal% Every human is on a di))erent combination% (eople that can see the truth o) li)e can tune into enou'h o) the spiritual channels to connect 4ith the mind o) Iod <that 4hich creates the universe>% Fnce you ma2e this connection, you leave the animal realm mentally, and 4ill leave it physically 4hen you die and are reborn% #hat is the 'oal% 2ot perfect #his boo2 is not per)ect% Dnyone that can see the truth 4ould not e@pect it to be% #he reason is because the in)ormation comin' )rom the collective unconscious has to pass throu'h my imper)ect animal mind% #hat said, it is the clearest, most accurate and complete e@planation o) the truth o) li)e on earth% 6t has been at the top o) the #ruth !ontest )or )ive years% 6t 4ill remain in the top position until somethin' better is submitted to the contest% #his boo2 is constantly bein' improved and updated, so it should be re"read o)ten% 5epetition is necessary )or it to 'o into your subconscious and chan'e your mind and your li)e% As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth# so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path# we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path# we must think o"er and o"er the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our li"es. &enry !a"id Thoreau Gepetition 6t is better to read this boo2 over and over than to read other boo2s that are not as accurate and complete% 5eadin' other boo2s 8ust sidetrac2s people )rom the best path% :ou should also copy this boo2 to your hard drive )rom time to time, 8ust in case the )orces o) deception remove it )rom the 6nternet% 3.

Chapter F

/ig Picture of ,ife L Past and -uture

Gust as there are t4o types o) truth, the type you e@perience, and the type you 2no4 4ith your mind, there are t4o bi' pictures o) li)e% #he precedin' pa'es revealed the bi' picture o) li)e e@perienced in the present% #he )ollo4in' reveals the bi' picture o) your immortal li)e, your past and )uture% $f you die as an animal# you are reborn as an animal. $f you die as a spiritual being# you are reborn as a spiritual being# so it is important to become one. #here is no 8ud'e or 8ud'ment 4hen you die9 you 4ill 'o 4here li)e )orms li2e you 'o% 6) you live as an animal, you 4ill be an animal in the ne@t li)e% 6) you live as a spiritual bein', you 4ill continue to be one in your ne@t li)e% As Hohn ,ennon said# I$t is like getting out of one car and into another.J 8hosts Spirits do not live 4ithout a physical body o) one 2ind or another% Ihosts or disembodied spirits that tal2 to people and haunt houses don7t e@ist% 6) there 4ere 'hosts 4here people die, all hospitals 4ould be haunted% The cycle of the mind ;e 2no4 it can ta2e about three and a hal) billion years to evolve )rom plant bacteria to man2ind, but 4e did not ta2e that 4hole trip% (lant li)e is not conscious li)e9 only animal li)e is, so 4e 'ot on the evolutionary ladder 4hen animal li)e evolved about seven"hundred million years a'o% Plant life does not ha"e consciousness or a mind like animal life does. Cambrian e7plosion ;hen li)e became conscious, evolution really started movin' )ast% !onsciousness hoo2ed up evolution more directly to the collective unconscious, 4hich 'reatly accelerated evolution% 6) you loo2 at the )ossil evidence, you 4ill see that about hal) a billion years a'o, evolution e@ploded on earth% Li)e started evolvin' very )ast 4hen the 4eather permitted it to% 6t did this as a direct result o) consciousness in combination 4ith the ri'ht environment% Come together ;here 4e are no4 has a lot in common 4ith the !ambrian e@plosion a hal) a billion years a'o% #hen, 4e 4ent )rom sin'le cell animals to multiple cell animals% ;e had to in order to survive the )uture chan'es on the planet% Sin'le cells came to'ether )or the bene)it o) all, and 4e are doin' it a'ain% 3*

4ithout the truth# it is e"ery man for himself. 4ith the truth# it is one for all# and all for one. The truth and communication technology are connecting us. -uman bein's are li2e bi', sin'le cell animals% ;e are not directly connected to each other, but 4e are in the process o) connectin' directly 4ith the universal truth and advanced communication technolo'y in order to ta2e the ne@t step in our evolution% ;e 4ill connect spiritually 4hen the truth is reali?ed by the human race% The connection #he ultimate truth 4ill connect us, and the human race 4ill become li2e one bi' or'anism% 6t 4ill ma2e the survival o) the human race possible, and it trans)orms us into spiritual bein's as individuals% !urrently, 4e are at the top o) the evolutionary cycle o) this 4orld% #here is no4here to 'o e@cept to the bottom and start over, come bac2 as a human a'ain, or evolve into a spiritual bein'% There are only three ways to go. Always getting better Many people thin2 that li)e 4ill al4ays 'et better, that 4e are al4ays evolvin' more and more% 6t is 8ust 4ish)ul thin2in'% #he evidence does not support that% Fur physical li)e cycle sho4s that you physically pro'ress until about a'e t4enty, and then you physically start 'oin' do4nhill, so thin's do not al4ays 'et better and better, do theyE #hey only do i) you 2no4 the truth% The e"idence shows that e"erything is going in a circle# a cycle. :ou 4ill have to 'o to the end o) the line, or it 4ould not be )air to other animals in the evolutionary line% E"olution# linear or cyclical Dll animals are doin' the same thin'9 evolvin'% #he bi' Huestion is, is it linear or cyclicalE 6) it is linear, 4e are 4ay ahead o) all other animal li)e on earth% 6) it is cyclical, 4e are ahead and behind, because 4e are ahead no4, at the top o) the cycle, but start over at the bottom 4hen 4e die% ;e have to assume it is a cycle, because everythin' else in the universe is in a cycle% ;e have to do 4hat has the best chance o) leavin' the animal cycle )or a better realm% D better realm is possible, one 4here you do not eat each other and there is no pain, )ear, and death% Some reli'ions call it heaven% #hey say the truth, learnin' it and spreadin' it, is the 4ay% Science and common sense say the same thin', so learnin' and spreadin' the truth o) li)e is the 4ay to 'o%

The truth dictates that there are only three ways to go when you die. #he best o) the three options 4ould be to move on 4hile movin' on is possible% 6) you start over at the bottom o) the evolutionary cycle, you 4ould have to live in the animal 4orld, the 4orld o) )an' and cla4, )or millions o) li)e spans be)ore you 'et bac2 in this position a'ain% ;ho 4ants to do it a'ainE 4e ha"e done it at least once( why do it again' :ou can only leave the animal cycle and become a spiritual bein' 4hen you are in our very rare position at the top% 6) you reali?e your true nature and be'in to live the li)e o) a spiritual bein', you 4ill not 'o to any animal level a'ain% Use it or lose it #he only real di))erence bet4een man2ind and all other animals is our ability to reason and thin2% #hus, our minds have to be 4hat 4e have to use to evolve )urther% ;e have to use 4hat 4e evolved that separated us )rom all other animals to actually separate us )orever )rom the animal realm% 4e ha"e to use the last step we took to take the ne7t step. @ur only 9ob is to become more than we are while we can. $f we do not use our ability to know the truth of life# we may lose it# and we may ha"e to go to the end of the line. Ultimate purpose Since 4e are the only animal 4ith a rational mind, 4e must use it )or its ultimate purpose% ;e are the only animal that can learn and understand the 4orld 4e live in% No other animal even 2no4s it is 'oin' to die% There can only be one purpose for mankind# and that is to transcend mankind# e"ol"e past mankind# and in doing# e"ol"e past the animal world. 6) you die livin' 8ust as i'norant o) a li)e as an animal, you cannot be anythin' more in the ne@t li)e% :ou have to chan'e yoursel)% :ou have to become more than 8ust a smart animal 4hile you can% -o4 can anythin' or anyone else do it )or youE Even people 4ho are livin' a 'ood, moral li)e are still animals9 they are 8ust 4ell behaved animals% !riminals are the obvious animals, but at least they are bein' honest to their true nature% #hey are 8ust actin' li2e an animal acts%


Criminals !riminals live li2e animals% #he 4orst is the serial 2iller, a recent and alarmin' development in our society% Serial 2illers are actually doin' 4hat comes natural to animals% Dll predatory animals live li2e serial 2illers, are serial 2illers% Costs e"erything 6t is the natural 4ay all lo4er animals live and al4ays have lived% #he predatorCprey relationship is the animal 4orld% So people, a lot o) people, are 'oin' bac2 to their animal"sel), because they see no other 'ood 4ay to 'o, no reason not to do it% 5eli'ion is )oolish in its current )orm9 people do not believe it, even i) they say they do, so it is not a po4er)ul enou'h incentive to be moral and 2eep people )rom doin' bad thin's to other people% MoneyC4ealth does not brin' )ul)illment, so some people )i'ure, 4hy not have some animal satis)actionE #hey are 'oin' bac2 to animal behavior that actually does )ul)ill them )or a short 4hile, but it costs them e"erything. Fnly the truth can 'ive people a real concrete reason to be moral% 6t also 'ives them more than animal )ul)illment, so they 4ill rise above the animal% #here is a lot o) animal satis)action in violent and predatory animal behavior, and that is 4hy some people do it% #he Huestion they need to as2 themselves is: is it 4orth the priceE E"eryone# e"en good people# ha"e to ask that .uestion.


#he vents pictured on the previous pa'e are 4here the )irst li)e on earth is )ound, the actual bottom o) our evolutionary cycle% $ntil 8ust recently, 4e did not 2no4 that any li)e could live in super"heated 4ater miles do4n at the bottom o) the ocean% #he )ood chain starts do4n there 4ith bacteria that )eed on sul)ur <hydro'en sul)ide> that comes out o) volcanic vents in the ocean )loor% Scientists 8ust discovered that this bacterium 4as the very )irst animal li)e on earth, the start o) the animal evolutionary cycle% #hese vents are called blac2 smo2ers, because they spe4 blac2, sul)ur" )illed, super"heated 4ater% D )e4 )eet )rom the vents, the 4ater is )ree?in' cold% 6t is totally dar2, as blac2 as in29 no li'ht reaches that depth o) 4ater% +ou ha"e made your way from worm to man# and much in you is still worm. -riedrich 2iet1sche 8iant tubeworms Iiant, blood"red tube4orms eat the bacteria that live around the volcanic vents% #he bacteria actually live in the 4orm7s 'ut, in the belly o) the beast, in a symbiotic relationship 4ith the 4orm%


#he blood"red tube4orms pictured on the previous pa'e 'ro4 up to nine )eet lon', and can be over t4o"hundred years old% #hese animals live in total dar2ness, miles beneath the sur)ace o) the ocean% Dt the bottom o) our evolutionary ladder is a )orm o) bacteria that actually lives in the 4ormKs stomach% #here are more bacteria livin' in their stomachs than there are human bein's on the earth% #his is a )act% Livin' in the 'ut o) a nine")oot 4orm, miles do4n at the bottom o) the pitch blac2, )ree?in' cold ocean ne@t to scaldin' hot vents is the bottom o) the )ood chain% $f you return to the bottom of the food chain# that is where you go. :ou 4ill be eaten alive by other animals millions o) times be)ore you evolve into a human bein' a'ain% ;e already did it9 4e had to do it to 'et to 4here 4e are no4% The stakes could not be higher. 6) you miss this chance, you )ace millions o) years and millions o) )i'hts to the death to cla4 your 4ay bac2 up the )ood chain% 4e 9ust got out of the food chain ten thousand years ago. 8oing back into it is the biggest mistake possible( that is e7actly where mankind is heading. 2e"er forget 4hat 4e had to 'o throu'h to 'et to 4here 4e are no4% ;e lived )or millions o) years in a sava'e 4orld% (eople need to remember 4here they came )rom to 2no4 and appreciate ho4 luc2y they are to be 4here they are no4, and ho4 easy it 4ould be to 'o bac2 4here 4e came )rom% Hust a few minutes% Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. :ou have to 2no4 the situation to ta2e advanta'e o) it% ;hat separates us )rom the beast is that 4e can know the situation % ;e can 2no4 it and leave it% ;e also have to remember the truth a)ter 4e 2no4 it% #he problem is that most people )or'et that their true purpose is to escape the animal realm% (eople 'et cau'ht up in their everyday lives and )or'et% To forget one3s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. -riedrich 2iet1sche


-arthest from the light #hose bacteria are )arthest )rom the li'ht and the )arthest )rom spiritual li)e, both in distance and time% #he 4ay a bacteria )eels is balanced li2e all animal li)e, so bein' one is not any better or 4orse than bein' any other animal li)e )orm% ;hat ma2es it the 4orst thin' to be is that you are the )arthest a4ay )rom 4here 4e are no4% #hose bacteria are at least seven"hundred million years a4ay% #hat ma2es it the 4orst place on earth% Someone has to be bacteria, a lot o) some ones% #here are more bacteria than there are human bein's, a lot more% ;hy are they 4here they are, and 4hy are you 4here you areE ;hat did they do to 'et 4here they areE ;hat did 4e do to 'et 4here 4e areE ;e did not do anythin', and they did not do anythin'% ;e are both 8ust animal li)e )orms in di))erent places on the evolutionary cycle on earth% D li)e )orm can really only do one thin' that matters, and that is to learn the truth and the li)e and become a spiritual bein'% :ou can only do it 4here 4e are no4% ,ife clock 6) the time li)e evolved on earth 4as reduced to a t4enty")our hour day, human bein's evolved 8ust t4o seconds )rom the end o) the day% 4e take being human for granted. -o4 can 4e do that 4ith 4hat 4e 2no4 no4E 4hat e"olution means 6t means we crawled on this earth for a lot longer than we ha"e walked on it. ;e 4ere on the e@act same earth 4e are on no4% ;e loo2ed up at the same s2y and sa4 the same moon, sun, and stars% #he only di))erence is, 4e 4ere livin' in a di))erent type o) body% ;e evolved )rom them, so the odds are 4e 4ere them% 6) 4e 4ere not them, 4ho 4asE 6t had to be us% #rue or )alseE Gust as you are loo2in' out o) human eyes no4, you loo2ed out o) the eyes o) a dinosaur% Li)e loo2ed the same% #he only di))erence is that you are loo2in' )rom a di))erent body% :ou should ima'ine 4hat livin' in other bodies 4as li2e% 4hen the dinosaurs went e7tinct# we went e7tinct as dinosaurs. 8et it' %oul migration Gust as ener'y cannot be created or destroyed, it is the same 4ith li)e% ;hen one li)e )orm or species 'oes e@tinct, another )ills the void, and the soul <you> 'oes )rom body to body, species to species, reptile to mammal, etc%


Ds Gohn Lennon said9 death is li2e 'ettin' out o) one car and into another% ;hen one model becomes obsolete, it is replaced 4ith a di))erent, better model% Li)e does the same thin'% Gust as cars have evolved )rom the model A#A to the models o) today, animal li)e evolved )rom bacteria to humans, and the drivers <us> remained the same% D)ter the initial conscious li)e <souls> came to earth as bacteria, the evidence says all animal li)e, includin' us, evolved )rom them, but the initial souls had to come )rom some4here besides earth% Eost people do not see that there is absolute proof that souls migrated from someplace other than earth. -our and a half billion years ago# there was no life on earth# so all life had to come from somewhere else. Soul mi'ration is sayin' that reincarnation is true% #he alternative, the you only live once theory, ma2es no sense% 6t 4ould mean that i) you 4ere a ma''ot, or a rat, you 'ot to live as only a ma''ot, rat, or one o) the trillions o) other types o) li)e )orms one time, and that 4as it )or all o) eternity% /ig reali1ation ;hen you read boo2s and 4atch #J pro'rams about evolution, they al4ays tal2 about the animals as i) 4e 4ere not them% 6n the near )uture, people are 'oin' to ma2e the connection and be'in to see 4hat the evidence is really sayin'% Dc2no4led'in' our true past is the ne@t bi' step )or man2ind% The real missing link ;hen 4e lin2 ourselves to our true past, man2ind 4ill start trans)ormin' into spiritual bein's in the evolutionary blin2 o) an eye% Most people cannot )athom 8ust ho4 lon' 4e lived as sava'e animals, and they need to in order to reali?e ho4 ne4 bein' in a human body is )or us% A billion is a big number 6) you started countin' non"stop, day and ni'ht, seven days a 4ee2, and said a ne4 number every second, it 4ould ta2e almost thirty"t4o years )or you to count to a billion% Dnimal li)e has been on earth almost a billion years% 6) you put those seconds into years, you 'et an idea o) ho4 lon' 4e have been on earth as some other )orm o) li)e% Someone had to be those animals, and since 4e evolved directly )rom them, it had to be us% Nothin' else 4ould ma2e sense, 4ould itE ;e cannot remember any o) our past lives, because 4hen one o) our bodies dies, our minds and memories die 4ith them, but no4 4e 2no4, and it 4ill chan'e us% The truth sets you free ;e may not remember 4e lived be)ore, but 4e no4 2no4 4e did, and 4e must act on that 2no4led'e i) 4e do not 4ant to 'o throu'h the evolutionary cycle a'ain% #he truth sets you )ree )rom the animal cycle% ,3

Time machine 6) you could 'et in a time machine and 'o bac2 in time at the rate o) a hundred years per second, you 4ould only be man2ind )or about t4o minutes, and in a human body )or about t4enty minutes% For the ne@t thirteen point ei'ht <13%0> hours, you 4ould be in the body o) apes and mon2eys% D)ter you 'o bac2 about seven and a hal) days, at a hundred years per second, you 4ould be in the body o) a dinosaur% For the rest o) the ne@t t4enty )ive years, 'oin' bac2 at the rate o) one hundred years per second, you 4ould be in an animal body that is belo4 the dinosaur level% Most o) the time, you 4ould be livin' in the ocean, mostly as a )orm o) bacteria and other microbes% #he roc2 at the top o) Mount Everest is marine limestone created by the shells o) trillions o) creatures that died at the bottom o) the ocean% ;e 4ere there 4hen that roc2 )ormed% Some o) those shells could be our shells% #hat roc2 moved )rom the bottom o) the ocean to the top o) the hi'hest mountain at about one inch per year% ;e have been evolvin' durin' that same time into man2ind% Dll 4e 4ere 4as )ood in the )ood chain until 8ust recently% :ou have been eaten alive millions o) times by every species o) predator that ever lived% %harks have been on earth )or over )our"hundred and )i)ty"million years, lon'er than any other vertebrate% -umans have only been here t4o" hundred thousand years, and man2ind 8ust ten"thousand years% Fi)teen million years a'o, the 2in' o) all shar2s lived, and it had the most po4er)ul bite o) any animal% 6t 4as called a Me'alodon, and 4as the si?e o) a bus% 6t lived in all the 4orldKs oceans )or millions o) years lon'er than humans have been here% #hey 4ere the top predator, 8ust as 4e are no4% ;e lived in that 4orld% 4e were them and their prey# mostly whales. @ur spirit went from predator to prey and back again for millions of years. @ur spirit bounced back and forth from predator to prey and species to species as we e"ol"ed. #hose dinosaur bones 4e are al4ays di''in' up 4ere part o) someoneKs body that lived a lon' time a'o% 6t is no di))erent than di''in' up the s2eleton o) a human that lived lon' a'o% &ones are proo) o) a livin' bein' that lived be)ore% D million years )rom no4, someone could di' up the bones that are in our bodies no4% ;ould people understand that they belon'ed to someone that really livedE ;ould they understand that they could have been themE ;ould they reali?e that they could be di''in' up their o4n bones )rom another li)e they livedE ,,

1;;< of the e"idence says it?s true( there is no e"idence of anything else. ;e have thousands o) museums o) natural history )illed 4ith the hard evidence o) our evolution, and there is no hard evidence that anythin' else happened% Gational mind D rational mind is the only thin' that separates us )rom the lo4er animals% 6) 4e do not use it, 4e are not usin' 4hat ma2es us special and superior to other animals% ;e are 'ivin' up 4hat ma2es us di))erent )rom other animals% 6) you do not use the rational mind, you are not usin' the one thin' you need to use to learn the truth and ta2e the ne@t step in evolution% 5eason is 4hat 4e 'ained in our last step in evolution% 6t is 4hat ma2es us man2ind% ;e no4 have to use it to ta2e the ne@t step and become spiritual bein's% $se it or lose it% ;hen literally all o) the evidence says evolution is true, and there is ?ero percent hard evidence )or anythin' else, a rational, honest person has to accept the )act that 4e came )rom lo4er animals% 6t is 4hat a rational mind 4ould conclude% $f you do not ha"e a rational mind# that is what is not right# not e"olution. The e"idence is sacred Evidence is the most sacred thin' that there is, because it reveals the truth% #he truth reveals true li)e and sets you )ree% The e"idence #he bones are )ound on our planet in the dirt 4e no4 4al2 on, and 4e 2no4 their a'e )or certain% #heir a'es )it per)ectly 4ith ho4 lon' it 4ould ta2e to evolve )rom them to us% Everythin' adds up per)ectly% #he bones are )rom animals that are in our direct 'enetic line% ;e are 'enetically less than one percent di))erent )rom chimpan?ees, and 4e are connected 'enetically to all the animal li)e that ever lived on this planet% 1inosaurs had t4o eyes, a brain, bac2bones, hearts, lun's, stomachs, blood, mouths, noses, ears, and )our limbs% #hey have the same basics 4e have no4 as humans% #hey slept, ate, mated, and 4ere born and died, 8ust as 4e do no4% The e"idence says that we were once them , that 4e evolved )rom them% #here is no evidence that 4e came )rom some4here else% #hus, 4e have to conclude it is true until there is better evidence to sho4 4e came )rom some4here else% E"erything in this book 9ust says what the e"idence says# nothing else. ,.

#here 4ill never be any other evidence, because it 4ould have to say the bones 4ere planted 8ust to )ool us, and that ma2es no sense at all% ;e all 2no4 4hat the truth is9 4e are 8ust in denial% #he truth is the truth, and nothin' is more important% 4e know we walked the earth in the bodies of dinosaurs for eight) hundred times longer than we ha"e been in human bodies. This is the first book about physical and spiritual truth based on e"idence. #here are many boo2s about 4hat is true, but this is the )irst one that 8ust says 4hat the evidence says is true, nothin' more, nothin' less% 6t is estimated that there are about ten million species o) animals on earth% #here may be as many as a hundred million species% ;e are 8ust one o) them% The truth is# human beings are a small new twig on our e"olutionary tree. @ur spirit was not 9ust the twig( it has been the whole tree of life on earth. -uman bein's are 8ust one o) millions o) di))erent species o) li)e on earth% ;e are nothin' special in the eyes o) creation% ;e are 8ust le'ions in our o4n minds, and 4e have created myths to 'lori)y ourselves% Are we intelligent beings' ;e are special in the sense that 4e have a rational mind, but that is not a bi' deal, especially i) you misuse it and spread deception, or do not use it at all% The life of all animals below humans is fundamentally the same. !reation has )avored other li)e )orms much more than human bein's% &acteria is by )ar the predominate li)e )orm on the planet% 6t is really their planet% Microbial li)e has been here the lon'est, and there are more o) them than anythin' else% $f mankind destroys itself# bacteria will sur"i"e and e"olution will start o"er. &acteria are becomin' resistant to all our antibiotic dru's, and may 2ill man2ind o)) in the near )uture% ;e are actually still in the )ood chain% &acteria eats us% ;e are not more po4er)ul than them% ;e have the brains, but they have the numbers% #heir numbers could easily prevail over our intelli'ence i) 4e do not start puttin' more o) our resources into counterin' this comin' 4ar% 6t 4ill be a real contest bet4een 1avid and Ioliath, and the little 'uy 4on in that story%


Fut o) si'ht may be out o) mind, but the truth is, bacteria are every4here, and they are alive and conscious o) li)e as 4e are% 6) you loo2 throu'h a microscope at them, you can see )or yoursel)% #hey eat and di'est )ood, are born, die, reproduce, sleep, and avoid aversive stimuli, 8ust as 4e do% ;hat ma2es us di))erent, our mindsE ;e use our minds to )i'ht 4ars, to destroy the environment, and to deceive ourselves% Fne o) the 4ays 4e deceive ourselves is thin2in' 4e are separate )rom other animal li)e on earth% 4e were them# and we can be again. #he only real di))erence is that 4e can be di))erent i) 4e learn the ultimate truth% ;e are di))erent only in 2no4led'e and the ability to understand the 4orld around us% 6) 4e do nothin' 4ith it, 4e are no di))erent at all, and 4e 4ill remain as animals, but not at the top o) the )ood chain% #he 4heel o) li)e 2eeps turnin'% 4aste our ad"antage &ein' thin2in' creatures is 8ust a small di))erence, but this small di))erence can ma2e all the di))erence i) 4e use it% #his is 4hy 4e do not 4ant to 4aste our intelli'ence believin' that myths are the truth% 6t ma2es our 'reater intelli'ence useless% %ee clearly Evolution in action is the most terri)yin' thin' there is% Nature is beauti)ul, but it is also a slau'hter house, eat and be eaten% ;hen everyone really sees nature )or 4hat it is, it 4ill scare people into becomin' somethin' other than an animal% #rue 2no4led'e o) nature 4ill evolve us out o) it% 3no4led'e o) nature, evolution, and our true past ma2es it possible to leave the animal realm% The wheel of life :ou have been 4here li)e has been in the past% :ou had to be there to be 4here you are no49 4e evolved )rom them% :ou 4ill be there a'ain unless you become a spiritual bein' and leave the animal evolutionary cycle% D li)e )orm only 'ets to be on top so lon', as the 4heel o) li)e 2eeps turnin'% Gare6lucky #here are more bacteria on your s2in and inside your body than there are human bein's on the 4hole planet% #his )act should emphasi?e 8ust ho4 rare and luc2y it is to be human% The truth is what sets you free from the animal realm. The truth is what it looks like it is# and all honest# rational people know it. The truth is no wonderful fairytale. $t was inconcei"ably long and brutal.

The cusp Somethin' happened about ten"thousand years a'o that chan'ed everythin'% 6t 4as the start o) humans livin' in one place, in to4ns and cities% 6t 4as the start o) a primitive civili?ation% 6t 4as also the start o) a'riculture, domestication o) animals, and )arms% 6t 4as the end to the hunter"'atherer 4ay o) li)e humans lived )or the previous one hundred and ninety"thousand years% 6t 4as the start o) a completely ne4 li)e )orm% ;ords, lan'ua'e, and thou'ht evolved to a point that 4e connected to the collective unconscious at the level o) our modern minds )or the )irst time% #his made it possible to receive 2no4led'e throu'h inspirations and lo'ic% #echnical pro'ress did not start until about ten"thousand years a'o% ;e 4ent )rom hunter"'atherers to 4here 4e are no4 in the evolutionary blin2 o) an eye% Dbout )ive to si@ thousand years a'o, the mind reached a critical mass% ;ar)are and other )actors )orced people to leave smaller villa'es and 'roup to'ether in lar'er cities, mainly because o) the need )or lar'e armies% #his put our technolo'ical pro'ress in hi'h 'ear% Dll the lar'e monuments li2e pyramids started bein' built, and conHuerin' armies started roamin' the earth% $t was the start of what we call modern ci"ili1ation. ;e evolved and pro'ressed more in the last ten"thousand years than 4e did in the previous seven"hundred million years% ;e had to become a ne4 li)e )orm to do it% &uman beings became a fundamentally new life form Eankind. ;e became a ne4 li)e )orm in a very short period o) time, and the same thin' is happenin' a'ain, only a lot )aster% Man2ind has reached a ne4 cusp, the end o) one li)e )orm and the be'innin' o) another% $nner change ;e 'ained the po4er to chan'e our outside environment about ten"thousand years a'o, and over that time, 4e have chan'ed it to suit our needs% ;e no4 have to chan'e our inner environment, our minds%


-inal step: #hou'h 4e had some simple tools and 4ere physically identical to ho4 4e are no4 t4o"hundred thousand years a'o <brain si?e, etc%>, 4e 4ere still )undamentally no di))erent than other animals% Dbout )orty")ive thousand years a'o, 4e too2 our )irst real step a4ay )rom the animal realm, the realm o) )lesh% ;e started to spea2 lan'ua'e, have an ima'ination and use basic reasonin'% 6t 4as the first cusp, and it happened because 4e hoo2ed up 4ith that level o) the collective unconscious, so it happened to all human bein's near the same time, even thou'h 4e 4ere spread out and not in contact 4ith each other% Dbout ten"thousand years a'o, 4e too2 the second step, the second cusp, and became man2ind <mind"2ind>% No4, 4e are about to ta2e the third and )inal step% The third cusp Man2ind is about to accomplish 4hat it evolved to do% #he human race is 'oin' to chan'e into a ne4 human li)e )orm )or the third time% ;e 4ill evolve )rom man2ind, or mind"2ind, into spirit"2ind9 4e are becomin' spiritual bein's% Science cannot see the ultimate truth, because it is not really loo2in'% #hey are lost in the endless, complicated parts o) li)e, and do not even loo2 at the simple 4hole o) li)e9 the bi' picture that includes consciousness% $ntent :ou cannot thin2 your 4ay to true li)e, because you cannot turn the mind o)) by thin2in'% 6t is a contradiction in terms, but you have to 4ant it% :ou have to be see2in' it 4ith all your heart )or it to come to you% :ou have to have )aith in the truth to 'et it% 6ntent connects you to the collective unconscious% 5eli'ions call it the -oly Spirit% $n the uni"erse there is an immeasurable# indescribable force which shamans call intent# and absolutely e"erything that e7ists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link. Carlos Castaneda 2ot get it Many people 4ill believe the old traditional myths until they die, even a)ter they have learned a much more accurate interpretation o) the truth% #his is because they are not ready to ta2e the last step in evolution% People will only see what they are ready to see. Galph 4aldo Emerson #hey cannot understand the ultimate truth yet% #hey may have to come bac2 as a human on the level o) man2ind a )e4 more times% ,/

Top of the animal cycle :ou can come bac2 as a man or 4oman in the ne@t li)e i) you do not hear the ultimate truth, or i) you hear the ultimate truth but do not understand it% Most people in the past could not 2no4 the truth% :ou do not reach the top o) the animal evolutionary cycle until you hear and understand the ultimate truth% (eople are 4here they are% Lo4er animals have no chance to 2no4 the ultimate truth, and it is the same 4ith less evolved humans% 6n other 4ords, i) you do not 2no4 4hat you are doin', you 4ill 'et another chance eventually% &ut i) you do learn and understand the truth, you have to ta2e advanta'e o) it 4hile you have the chance, or you pay the ultimate price% The crossroad 6) you are told the ultimate truth and understand it, but do not be'in to live in it, you 4ill 'o to the bottom o) the evolutionary cycle 4hen you die% :ou had your chance, and you did not ta2e it% Hust about all mankind will know the ultimate truth# at least the mind part# in this generation. 4hat they do after they know will seal their fate. 6) you are readin' this boo2, you have heard the ultimate truth, because 6 have told you it% Fnly you 2no4 i) you understand it and 4hat it means% Unforgi"able 6) you understand the truth and do not at least try to ta2e the ne@t step and live in the truth, you are denyin' the truth and li)e, and there is no 'reater mista2e you can ma2e, no 4ay to hurt yoursel) 4orse% ;hen you die, you 4ill be reborn at the bottom o) the ocean, the bottom o) the )ood chain% :ou could be there in the ne@t )e4 minutes% 6t is hard to believe, but it is 4hat all the evidence says, and that cannot be denied% #he truth is serious business9 it can bless you )or a very lon' time or damn you )or a very lon' time% :ou have to move up 4hen you 'et the chance, or you automatically move do4n% Man2ind is at the top o) the animal evolutionary cycle, so 4hen you move up, you move all the 4ay up% ;hen you move do4n, you move all the 4ay do4n% :ou are no4 at the crossroads% 4hich way do you want to go' All people ha"e to do is see the truth( they do not ha"e to do anything else.


Chapter 4

&ea"en ,ast %tep in E"olution

I&ea"enJ The ne7t and last step in our e"olution. Most people cannot see the animal 4orld clearly% Everyone that sees it clearly 4ill see that it is as u'ly as it can 'et, unless you thin2 bein' )orced by hun'er to murder your )ello4s and eatin' them is beauti)ul% #he animal truth is as u'ly as it 'ets, but the divine truth is as beauti)ul as it 'ets% Seein' the truth o) both realms po4ers the evolution o) animals into spiritual bein's% 6) you become a spiritual bein', you live the best li)e possible here, and 4hen you die, you 'o to a place reli'ions call heaven% 6t is a place 4ithout pain 4here everyone is )ul)illed9 there are all positives and no ne'atives% E"ol"ing past pain ;hen 4e die and are reborn, the physical parts o) our brains and nervous system that create and send us pain, )ear, sadness and the other ne'ative aspects o) our current li)e 4ill not be part o) our ne4 bodies% ;e 4ill have evolved past them% ;e 4ill have 8ust enou'h pain to let us 2no4 4hen 4e are in8ured or sic2 and no more% %e"ere physical pain will not e7ist or be possible in bodies not wired for it. #he part o) our brain that is responsible )or )eelin' pain and the other un4anted sensations 4ill simply not be in our ne4 bodies% ;e 4ill be hard4ired only )or pleasure and )ul)illment% (hysical pleasure 4ill come and 'o li2e in this li)e, but there 4ill be no severe pain or undesirable )eelin's and emotions, and 4e 4ill al4ays be )ul)illed by li)e% Hust pleasure ;e 4ill be reborn 4ith bodies that can )eel pleasure better than 4e can )eel it no4, but our bodies 4ill not be capable o) perceivin' the ne'ative side o) li)e% ;e 4ill still be motivated to do thin's, because 4e 4ill still 4ant to )eel the pleasure created by doin' certain thin's% Spiritual li)e does not need the carrot and the stic2 <pleasureCpain>, 8ust the carrot% #he need to )eed and breed in combination 4ith the natural environment 4ill control 4hat 4e do 8ust as they do no4% Ds 6 have pointed out, the physical universe cannot chan'e and e@ist%


-ear6pain# the power of e"olution ;e no lon'er need severe pain, sadness, )ear and the other ne'ative thin's to evolve% ;e did in the past9 )ear and pain po4ered evolution% 6t is an animalKs )ear o) pain and death that motivates them to evolve to avoid it better% 6t is the main po4er behind all animal evolution% 6t is po4erin' the evolution o) man2ind into spiritual bein's no4% D)ter you 2no4 the ultimate truth, evolution is )inished, and )ear and pain are no lon'er needed% ;e no lon'er need )ear, severe pain, or any o) the other ne'ative aspects o) li)e 4e needed to evolve% #hus, the ability to e@perience ne'ative aspects o) li)e 4ill be discarded in the chan'e )rom your current body to your ne4 spiritual one% 2ature ne"er wastes anything# and i) you do not need somethin', you 4ill not have it% 6) you 2no4 the ultimate truth, you no lon'er need the ne'ative side o) li)e, so you 4ill not have it% 6n the ne@t li)e, 4e 4ill have all the positives 4ith 8ust enou'h o) the ne'atives to 'ive de)inition to li)e% ;e had to have the ne'atives in the past in order to promote our evolution to the point 4here 4e could see the truth and the li)e, and we are there now. #han2s to 'enetic en'ineerin' and other advances in medical science, no one 4ill a'e past youn' adulthood or die )rom diseases% ,i"e a thousand years ;e 4ill have a very lon' li)e e@pectancy and never a'e, because a'in' is a disease that 4e 4ill have cured% #he medical evidence and the la4s o) probability say our li)espan 4ill be about a thousand years% ;e 4ill use 'enetic en'ineerin' to slo4 our a'in' to adulthood, so childhood 4ill last as lon' as 4e 4ant it to% ;e 4ill en8oy childhood )or a much lon'er time% D short li)e 4as necessary )or biolo'ical evolution% D)ter you reach the pea2 o) 4hat biolo'y can do, li)e no lon'er needs to be short% ;e have evolved biolo'ically almost as )ar as 4e are 'oin' to naturally% Science 4ill no4 evolve us )urther physically% :ou evolve mentally until you 2no4 the truth, and that is as )ar as it 'oes% Ienetic en'ineerin' 4ill be the )orce responsible )or physical evolution )rom no4 on% Dccidents 4ill still happen in heaven, and people 4ill still die )rom accidents% Fur physical bodies 4ill still be mortal li2e they are no4% No one really 4ants a body that does not die% #here 4ill be situations 4hen you 4ill 4ant to be able to 'et out o) the body you are in and start over in a ne4 body% 6) you are accidentally buried alive in an earthHua2e or avalanche, you 4ould not 4ant to be in that position )orever, 4ould youE 6) you 4ere trapped in a )ire, you 4ould not 4ant to be burned )or hours and live in a man'led body )orever, 4ould youE #hose thin's can and 4ill happen, so physical death is necessary% .2

(eople 4ill not a'e physically past about ei'hteen or ever 'et sic2, but eventually your body 4ill be dama'ed in an accident beyond repair% :ou 4ill be than2)ul that you can trade it in )or a ne4 one% 6n heaven, there 4ill be no )ear o) death% 1eath and birth 4ill be seen as the one event they really are% ;e 4ill live 2no4in' ho4 li)e and death 4or2s )or the )irst time% 6t ma2es all the di))erence% Taste death ;hen you die in heaven, you 4ill be reborn in heaven as a baby and start a ne4 li)e% #his 4ill 'o on )orever% ;hen reli'ious boo2s say 4e 4ill live )orever, 4ill not taste death, etc%, they mean spiritual death% ;e 4ill never 'o bac2 to bein' the livin' dead man2ind is no4% (hysical death is part o) the per)ection% &ea"en tech 6n heaven, technolo'y 4ill pro'ress )orever% Everythin' that is possible to do, 4e 4ill do% ;e 4ill ma2e contact 4ith other li)e in the universe% ;e 4ill 2eep all the old thin's 4e li2e such as music, classic cars, motorcycles, clothes and houses, etc% #he best o) the old 4ill be mi@ed 4ith the ne4% Natural disasters 4ill still happen% Nature 4ill be in complete control o) our lives 8ust as it is no4, so our lives 4ill chan'e as it does% Nature 4ill be the same, includin' the occasional natural disaster, but it does not bother you in heaven% 6t 8ust serves to ma2e li)e more surprisin', interestin' and romantic% Nature is 4hat 2eeps the adventure o) li)e movin'% Li)e is nature, and 4hen you see it clearly, it is the ma'ic 2in'dom% :ou 4ill live a li)e you can only dream about no4% :ou 4ill be beauti)ul i) you are a 4oman9 men 4ill be handsome% Everyone 4ill have a near per)ect body% Everyone is )earless, youn', healthy, di))erent and completely alive% $t is the way it could be# should be and will be for those that learn the truth. Everythin', even the bu's, )ish, and bacteria 4ill 'et to a permanent heaven, a place 4ithout predators, 8ust plant eaters and plants% #here 4ill be limited pain and sorro4, and /0= o) the time, 4e 4ill be totally )ul)illed, and almost totally )ul)illed the other 10= o) the time% 6t is the 4ay it could be, should be and 4ill be% #he only Huestion is, ho4 lon' 4ill it ta2eE 6 am shootin' )or no later than the ne@t li)e, or as soon as possible%


#here 4ill be a heaven on earth9 the only Huestion is ho4 lon' it 4ill ta2e% 6t could be t4enty years, or t4enty million years% 6t does not matter, because 4hen 4e die, 4e 4ill be reborn there, and no time 4ill have passed )rom our o4n perspective% Everyone that has 4or2ed as a prophet lon' enou'h to chan'e themselves 4ill be there% Fthers 4ill come bac2 to the animal 4orld in )uture 'enerations 4hen there are many more people, thousands, even millions, 4or2in' on spreadin' the truth and creatin' a heaven on earth% ;ithout predators, li)e on the animal level 4ould reproduce until they used up the )ood resources and then starved o)), 4hich is almost as bad as bein' eaten% Li)e that 2no4s the truth o) li)e 4ill control their reproduction to never overpopulate an environment% #his is the reason the truth 4ill ma2e heaven9 it has practical value% +ou will still a"oid death. 6t 4ill not be horrible li2e it is no4, but it 4ill still be the thin' you 4ill 4ant to avoid most% #he di))erence is, you do not )ear it, and it is not pain)ul, so in heaven, it 8ust ma2es li)e more interestin'% 1eath 4ill not hurt or be )eared, but it 4ill be a ma8or disruption o) your li)e, and you 4ill al4ays try to avoid it 4hen possible% 1eath is the opposite o) li)e, so li)e 4ill never li2e it and al4ays avoid it 4hen possible% (hysical death is necessary )rom time to time )or li)e to be per)ect% 4hen you know the truth and the life# you would not change the way life works# e"en if you could. :ou 4ill be )orever youn', healthy, stron', beauti)ul, )earless, 4ise, 4itty, di))erent, )unny and completely )ul)illed )orever% 6t is as 'ood as it can 'et and better than you can ima'ine% ,o"e will be reflected in lo"e fore"er. Gight now# we are in a position to go to the best or worst place possible. 6) you 2no4 the truth and the li)e, you do not need any moral la4s, because spiritual people naturally do the moral thin'% #hey treat others as they 4ould 4ant to be treated% #hey see everyone as i) they 4ere them9 they see them truly% 2ow is the time #he time has )inally come to see 4hat has been hidden )rom us% 6t is time to put the pieces o) the pu??le to'ether so that people can see the truth and li)e clearly and completely )or the )irst time% #he evolution o) technolo'y, such as the 6nternet and other )orms o) mass communication, have evolved enou'h to reach 8ust about all o) man2ind% .,

@ne mind 6t is the real reason 4hy 4orld4ide communication technolo'y evolved% #he 4orld4ide 6nternet 4eb is man2indKs e))ort to connect all minds on a conscious level, to create one conscious, collective mind% #he telephone lines that transmit the 6nternet are li2e the nerves in a 'iant brain% (eople online are li2e the neurons% 6t is ma2in' the 4orld one brain or mind% #his net4or2 4ill ma2e it possible to see the truth, transcend the mind, and live happily ever a)ter% $f it was not for the $nternet# you would not be reading this now# would you' Eankind 4ill never be able to live to'ether in peace and harmony% 6t never has and never 4ill% 6t is impossible, because it is not in man2indKs true nature% Man2indKs true nature is the nature o) the beast% (eople can and do resist it, but it cannot be chan'ed by resistin' and repressin' it% Fnly the truth can overcome it% Man2ind 4ill al4ays act li2e man2ind 4hen push comes to shove, and push 4ill al4ays come to shove% ;hen it happens, the ma8ority o) man2ind 4ill al4ays behave li2e the animals they are, 4hich dra's everyone do4n to the animal level% The beast must die# and the only way to kill it is with the truth. #he only 4ay to 'et rid o) the beast is at the source% #he beast must die )or the spiritual bein' to be born% 6) the beast does not die, the 4hole human race 4ill% ;e are all in an undeclared mental 4ar )or this 4orld% People ha"e it backwards. +ou are not reborn( the mind 9ust dies# because it was ne"er really ali"e in the first place. D spiritual bein' is not really born, because it is al4ays inside you9 it is hidden by the mind% #he spirit cannot be born9 it is immortal% +our spirit is imprisoned by your own mind# and only the truth sets it free. /ecoming a spiritual being is not a destination# not the end of spiritual growth# because li)e becomes ne4er everyday% :ou 8ust 'ro4 in the spirit% Every day seems to 'et better and more )ul)illin'% Ean is a rope# tied between beast and o"erman )) a rope o"er an abyss... -riedrich 2iet1sche ;e have tamed the beast in most people, but man2ind is still an animal 8ust under the sur)ace, and it 4ill resur)ace more sava'e than ever% ..

6t ta2es time to 'et complete control o) your mind, but you can become a spiritual bein' the minute you 2no4 Lthe truthB and chan'e your perspective to that o) your spiritual"sel)% L#he li)e,B or 'reater perception, 4ill )ollo4, sometimes )ast, sometimes slo49 everyone is di))erent% :our environment can help or hurt you% The swing trick #he mind has many tools and tric2s to 2eep you )rom ma2in' contact 4ith the truth and li)e% Fne o) its most po4er)ul ones is 'oin' )rom one e@treme to another% #he middle or center is 4here it is at, but you have to be there, totally conscious% (eople are loo2in' )or truth and love in all the 4ron' places% #hey are loo2in' every4here e@cept the present, the only place li)e e@ists% +ou must li"e in the present# launch yourself on e"ery wa"e# find your eternity in each moment. &enry !a"id Thoreau The problem and the solution are simple, but it is still possible man2ind 4ill miss the 4indo4 o) opportunity% Man2ind thin2s thin's 4ill 8ust 2eep 'ettin' better and better% #he opposite is true% 6t cannot 2eep 'ettin' better9 it is impossible )or that to happen in the physical 4orld% 6t 'oes bac2 and )orth )rom 'ood to bad and vice versa% 6t 4ill 'et 4orse, and 4hen it does, it 4ill brin' out the beast in man2ind9 you can 8ust loo2 at our bloody history to see 4hat 4ill happen% -ool3s paradise #he stable times 4e are in 4ill pass, because it is the nature o) nature to chan'e% Ds sure as the 4orld 4ill 2eep turnin', somethin' 4ill happen, and our true nature 4ill reveal itsel)% ;e have to ma2e the transition be)ore it does% ;e are livin' in a )oolKs paradise, in a castle made o) sand, in a house o) cards, and the 4ind is startin' to blo4% People think it will ne"er happen to them# when it is certain to happen. (eople thin2 that nothin' really bad can happen to them, that it only happens to other people% #his is one o) the most po4er)ul deceptions created by the mind% Natural disasters 4ill happen to people that 2no4 the truth also, but they 4ill not ma2e the situation 4orse by turnin' into violent animals% %ocial uphea"al 6t is the social upheaval that comes 4ith ma8or natural disasters that spiritual people 4ill avoid% #his upheaval o)ten mani)ests as 4ars and social chaos that causes much more dama'e than the disaster itsel)% A light always burns the brightest before it burns out. 2ight follows day. .*

44$$ ;orld ;ar ll started the year the movie the ;i?ard o) F? came out, 4hen )un"lovin' musicals 4ere the most popular movies% #here 4as not as much se@ and violence in these movies as there is today% (eople 4ere more re)ined and )riendly9 they did not loc2 their doors or have alarm systems% People were more ci"ili1ed 9ust before both world wars than we are now. :ou have to admit the human race has become a lot 4eirder, more lost, and a lot more dan'erous% ;e need to )ace the )act that it can and 4ill happen to us i) 4e do not do somethin' to stop it )rom happenin'% 6t is 8ust a natural cycle% #he most optimistic o) times have al4ays preceded this 4orld7s dar2est days% #hin's be)ore most disasters 4ere 8ust as they are no49 people 4ere asleep% Man2ind has not chan'ed% #he only di))erence no4 is there are a lot more people, and 4e are more alienated, con)used, vulnerable, and much more dan'erous% ;e have been centrali?in' the necessities o) li)e% #he )ood, 4ater and electricity that everyone is no4 dependent on can be disrupted very easily, sendin' us ri'ht bac2 to the la4s o) the 8un'le in 8ust a )e4 days% $ do not know with what weapons world war three will be fought# but world war four will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein #he most important and dan'erous di))erence is 4e have nuclear 4eapons% Fne modern thermonuclear bomb can have more destructive po4er than all the conventional bombs used in all the previous 4ars% The unleashed power of the atom has changed e"erything# sa"e our modes of thinking# and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe. Albert Einstein :ou 8ust have to loo2 at the content o) our movies and music to see 4here man2ind is really at% Jiolence is at an all time hi'h in movies and music% &e)ore the last 4orld 4ar, they had &in' !rosby sin'in' ;hite !hristmas% 6t 4as much less li2ely that the last t4o 4orld 4ars 4ould happen than a 4orld 4ar happenin' today% ,ittle sparks start big fires #he ne@t 4orld 4ar is shapin' up to be a reli'ious 4ar, and this 4ill ma2e it much 4orse than any precedin' 4ar% 6nstead o) )i'htin', 4e need to see the truth in reli'ions% Einstein said there are two infinite things the uni"erse and man?s stupidity. .

#he )irst 4orld 4ar started over one person shootin' another person% Fne shot led to millions o) shots bein' )ired% 6t 4as the assassination o) a member o) a royal )amily% Everythin' happened over the honor o) a royal )amily% 6t started the bi''est bloodbath in history% #hat one shot set o)) a chain reaction that en'ul)ed the 4hole 4orld% #he Second ;orld ;ar 4as 8ust an e@tension o) the )irst one% -itler 4ould not have 'otten in po4er or did 4hat he did i) not )or the First ;orld ;ar% 6t does not ta2e much to set the 4orld on )ire% 6t 4ill 8ust ta2e a little spar2 a'ain, and our 4orld 4ill literally be'in to e@plode, nuclear e@plosions this time% #he spar2s are )lyin' in the Middle East, and the 4orld is li2e 'unpo4der ri'ht no4% #hin's could not be more dan'erous, and most people do not even 2no4 it, 4hich ma2es it even more dan'erous% $t would be like all the wars of the past stacked on top of each other. 4inding a spring ;e have been in a very peace)ul, stable, and productive period since the end o) ;orld ;ar 66% 6t is the lon'est period o) relative peace and prosperity that this many people have ever e@perienced% 6t is li2e 4indin' a sprin', so a balancin' period is comin', and it could sprin' bac2 all at once% 6) you loo2 at our history, you 4ill see that every )e4 years, 4e have a ma8or blood bath% 6t is a cycle, and unless 4e chan'e, the cycle 4ill continue% The ultimate truth is the only thing that can stop it from happening. 6) it is 'oin' to happen, it 4ill start soon% #he trans)ormation o) man could happen at the same time, but the odds are a'ainst it% ;e need to do it be)ore it happens% 4e ha"e to change if we want the world to change( it is a reflection of us. The future 6) the beast prevails, 4e 2no4 4hat 4ill happen, because 4e 2no4 our bloody, sava'e history, but most people cannot ima'ine 4hat the )uture 4ill be li2e i) 4e all be'in to learn the ultimate truth% The following is how $ see it The rest of our current lifespan 6n the past, 4e had to )i'ht and 2ill to live% No4, )or a brie) period, man2ind no lon'er has to hurt or 2ill its o4n 2ind to survive9 4e no lon'er need to live li2e the animals 4e evolved )rom% 6) 4e chan'e, the 4orld 4ill chan'e 4ith us%


4e are the go"ernment (eople are al4ays sayin' the 'overnment is doin' this, the 'overnment is doin' that, as i) it is a separate entity% 6t is not separate9 the 'overnment is us% (eople in 'overnment live in this country and have )amilies li2e everyone else% 6) 4e are 'ood, the 'overnment 4ill be 'ood% /aby boomers #he people that 4ere youn' in the si@ties have evolved into the establishment, more or less% #he people that comprise the older 'eneration, the 4orld 4ar 'eneration, are dyin' o))% #he last o) them are in their ei'hties and nineties, and they 4ill all be 'one in the ne@t )e4 years% #heir po4er)ul and in)le@ible mindset 4ill 'o 4ith them% @ur fathers did what they had to do to sa"e the world( it is our turn now. The greatest generation #hat is 8ust &S to ma2e them )eel 'ood be)ore they die% #hey loo2 pretty 'ood i) you 8ust loo2 at our side and do not loo2 at the 4hole picture% ;e 4ere the 'ood 'uys, but the bad 'uys 4ere as bad as 4e 4ere 'ood% 6t 4as also the 'eneration that produced -itler, Stalin, Mussolini, #o8o and many other really bad people% #heir 'eneration )ou'ht a 4orld 4ar that 2illed at least seventy million people, hal) civilians% #hey bombed cities, 4omen and children% #he truth is, they had some o) the best and some o) the 4orst people, and they did some very 'ood and very bad thin's% ;e do not 4ant to )ollo4 in their )ootsteps% ;e cannot do it even i) 4e 4anted to9 our 4eapons have become too po4er)ul% (resident Eisenho4er pointed out that man2ind 4ent )rom mus2ets to hydro'en bombs in his li)etime% #heir 'eneration invented nuclear 4eapons and chemicalCbiolo'ical 4eapons, 4eapons o) mass destruction <;M1s>% #heir 'eneration le)t us a very dan'erous 4orld, one that can 2ill the 4hole human race% #here is nothin' 'reat about that% The almighty dollar #heir 'eneration believed that materialism 4as everythin'% #hey chased the almi'hty dollar all their li)e% #hey did not care ho4 much they destroyed the environment, and they le)t us 4ith a 'iant pollution machine that 4ill 2ill us all i) 4e do not stop it or rebuild the machine soon% #hey have also done their best to pro'ram our minds to do the same thin' they did% #hey 4ere very closed"minded% 6t 4as pretty e'otistical, and it 8ust sho4s ho4 blind they 4ere to the truth% 6t caused a lot o) con)lict and alienation in )amilies% ./

#he baby boomers are 'oin' to be the 'reatest 'eneration i) 4e do our 8ob% ;e are the )irst 'eneration in the history o) the human race that can really do somethin' that 4ill ma2e a di))erence% ;e can do somethin' that could really be called 'reat% 4e ha"e to turn around what Ithe greatest generationJ did# or there will be no future generations. 4inning is e"erything #he L4innin' is everythin'B mentality 4as necessary to 'et us to 4here 4e are no4, and it 4ill be 8usti)ied i) 4e do 4hat 4e have to% Pay off #he last 'eneration 4ill have done a 'reat thin' i) 4e use the 'ood thin's they did to help chan'e people into spiritual bein's% 6) 4e do not, both 'enerations 4ill be the 4orst that there has ever been, and there 4ill be no )uture 'enerations% 6) 4e 4ant the last 'eneration to be 'reat, 4e 4ill have to ma2e 4hat they did pay o)), and 4e 4ill have to be really 'reat to do it% %.uare 6 have no doubt that their intentions 4ere noble, and they did 4hat they believed 4as ri'ht )or the 4orld and us, but the truth is, they buried the truth in concrete, and 4e are 'oin' to have to di' it up )ast, or the truth 4ill stay buried% #heir lives 4ere simple, in blac2 and 4hite, 8ust li2e their #J% #hey 4ere certain that they 2ne4 ri'ht )rom 4ron'% #hey could not 2no4 the truth, but 4e can% ,i"ing in the 2@4 #he baby boomers 2ne4 livin' in the present 4as the 4ay to live% Many boo2s 4ere 4ritten on the sub8ect in the *0s, but the time 4as not ri'ht, and it could not happen, no matter ho4 hard people tried% The younger generation of the si7ties has become the older generation. 4e are in charge now ;e should have no problem doin' 4hat 4e 4ant no49 4e are in char'e% ;e are no4 the 'ro4n"ups, the establishment% The seed has been planted, and it is 8ust 4aitin' )or the ri'ht environment )or it to 'ro4% ;e tried everythin' 4e could try9 open marria'es, dru's, all the reli'ions, and 4e 2no4 4hat 4or2s and 4hat does not 4or2, so 4e 2no4 4hat to do% #he people that 're4 up in the si@ties are ready to 'et spiritual% #hey are 8ust 4aitin' )or the truth to be revealed and until the time is ri'ht to start livin' a spiritual li)e% #here is nothin' to stop us no4, so 4e can ma2e it happen no4%


Climb a mountain :ou do not have to 'et a lot o) money or 2no4led'e or climb a mountain, cross an ocean, be a hero, 4in a 'old medal, be beauti)ul or do anythin' other than live li)e completely to 'et to heaven% :ou do not need anythin' you do not al4ays have% Dnyone can have it all, at any a'e, at any time% The mind tells you that you need( the spirit tells you that you ha"e. #he mind tells you that you have to do this or that, be this or that% #he truth is, you do not have to do anythin' or be anythin'% Dll you have to do is learn the truth and truly live your li)e as it is bein' 'iven to you% The good life is li"ing true life# and that is the simple and absolute truth. :ou 8ust have to be yoursel), 4here you are, 4ith 4hat you have to succeed% 6t is not hard9 it is easy% 6t is not complicated9 it is simple% (eople have to 4a2e up to the truth, and they 4ill 'et it all and be saved )rom the animal realm% Eoney is not e"erything( the truth and life is e"erything. +ou choose. 4here"er you look# there is something to see. The Talmud !i"ine lo"e 0 attention D compassion. 1ivine a4areness, divine love, is mostly 8ust your total attention to li)e and everythin' and everyone in it% #otal attention 4ill 'ive you everythin', 4hich you can then re)lect bac2 out to everyone% !arnal love is a passionate, hot )orm o) love and desire% 1ivine love is a cool, sel)"contained love 4ithout desire% ,o"e is 9ust knowing the truth# and being in the present. $t is that simple. Eind "s. mind :ou need the mind o) man to 'et past the animal mind% #hat is 4hy 4e evolved )rom lo4er animals to humans% :ou have to 2no4 the intellectual mind truth, the thou'ht or 4ord truth, be)ore you can separate )rom the mind completely9 thus, you have to be 4here 4e are no4% :ou have to 2no4 you have a mind and its nature% :ou have to 2no4 you are really a spiritual bein' and the nature o) spiritual thin's% :ou have to 2no4 you are 'oin' to die and be reborn% Since animals other than man cannot 2no4 it, they have no chance to 'et )ree )rom the mind and 'et to heaven% #hey have to evolve biolo'ically into a human be)ore they 'et the opportunity 4e have% Fn the other hand, man2ind can evolve 4ithout chan'in' bodies% *1

Animal mind (eople that are tryin' to 'et clear o) the mind usually learn ho4 to turn o)) the conscious level o) the mind in a short period o) time, and then they 'o no )urther% #his is because they thin2 they are totally clear% Li)e is much more )ul)illin' 4ithout the conscious mind bloc2in' it% ;hen the conscious mind closes do4n, you are at the a4areness level o) all lo4er animals% :ou become as a4are as do's, cats, and all other lo4er animals% 6t is so )ul)illin' that people stop there% #hat does not mean you 4ill see as 4ell as an ea'le or hear as 4ell as a do'% Dll animals have some speciali?ed senses that are stron'er than other animals to help them survive and evolve% Fur speciali?ed sense that 4as superior to all other animals 4as and is our minds% 6t 'ave us a hu'e advanta'e over other animals and put us 4here 4e are, at the top o) the )ood chain% 6t is all about bein' more a4are o) your environment% Fur minds made us a4are on a completely ne4 level o) perception% 6t not only 'ave us the po4er to conHuer the animal 4orld, it 'ives us the po4er to evolve ourselves and to manipulate our environment li2e no other animal% ;hat man2ind has been doin' and could be doin' in the )uture is unprecedented in the animal realm, and people ta2e it )or 'ranted% 6t is the most 4onder)ul and miraculous thin' possible% :ou 8ust have to 2no4 the truth, and use the mind to its )ull potential% ;hen 4e learn the ultimate truth, the conscious and subconscious parts o) our minds start to open themselves up and 'o into the bac2'round% 6t )eels so 'ood and is so )ul)illin' that people are not a4are that there is anythin' else bet4een them and li)e% #here is9 it is the instinctual part o) our minds, the deepest part o) our minds% 6t does not open itsel) up 4ith the other parts% The instinctual mind is very po4er)ul, and it is harder to see than the conscious mind% :ou see your conscious mind by 8ust tryin' to 'et in touch 4ith your li)e senses% ;hen they are all clear and receivin' all o) the li)e comin' to you, you can 2no4 that the conscious mind is not in your li)e% :ou cannot do that 4ith the instinctual part o) your mind% #he instinctual part o) your mind does not bloc2 your other senses very much, not enou'h to 2no4 it that 4ay% $sin' that method to see it does not 4or2% #hat is 4hat ma2es it the most dan'erous part o) your mind% 6t is di))icult and scary to 'et past% #he instinctual part o) your mind mani)ests itsel) as )ear as 4ell as racism, all other a''ressive and violent animal behavior, and se@%


&itler and Eanson are e@amples o) people that 'ot their charisma and presence )rom livin' 4ithout the conscious mind much o) the time% 6t 'ave them their po4er, but 4ithout the conscious mind to 2eep the instinctual mind in chec2, you have a very charismatic super"predator% -itler 4as more or'ani?ed9 Manson 4as more spontaneous, but they 4ere on the same level% #hey 'ot past )ear, but not a''ression% #hey 4ere charismatic, )earless and a''ressive, and 4e all 2no4 the result o) that state o) mind% Manson and -itler did not 2no4 they 4ere livin' 4ithout the conscious mind9 they did not turn it o)) deliberately% #hey 4ere not a4are that they had no conscience% #hey literally lost their minds9 they did not ta2e control o) them as a spiritual bein' does% Fnly people that 2no4 the ultimate truth can turn o)) their mind% #o 'o most o) the 4ay and then stop be)ore you 'et past the instinctual mind can be a disaster% :ou 4ill 8ust be turnin' the beast loose at )ull po4er% :ou have to 'et past the )ul)illment and )ear o) 'oin' )urther% 6) you stop, you 4ill 8ust be a very dan'erous animal% #his is 4hy it is important to 2eep openin' up until you connect 4ith true li)e% :ou 4ill 2no4 4hen it happens% The mind3s last stand Ds you be'in to 'et past the instinctual mind, it can )eel li2e you are dyin'% #hat )ear usually stops you )rom 'oin' )urther until you reali?e it is not death, it is birth% :ou are dyin' to your mind"sel) and bein' born to your spiritual"sel)% Even 4hen you thin2 you are clear, 2eep openin' up9 it al4ays 'ets better and better% #o stop searchin' or openin' up is to die spiritually% Ds the &ible says, you 'o )rom 'lory to 'lory, and it never ends% #he 2ey is to never stop see2in' more, 4antin' more truth and li)e% %eeking ne"er ends :ou can 2no4 the truth completely, but never 2no4 the li)e completely% 6t is in)inite, and to 2no4 it the best it can be 2no4n is achieved by constantly loo2in' deeper, by constantly see2in' it, bein' open to more o) it% The beginning and the end #he instinctual mind is the last thin' that holds you in the animal realm% Dnimal li)e started 4ith the instinctual mind, and it 4ill end 4ith the instinctual mind% ;hen you 'et past it, your spirit is )ree% #he reason it is so hard to see and so hard to 'et past is our spirit has spent over seven"hundred million years 4ith the instinctual mind9 4e have only been 4ith the conscious and subconscious mind )or about 10,000 years%


The animal mind ne"er goes away in this life( it is always lurking like a lion# so you ha"e to be constantly "igilant. 6t is hard4ired in our brains, so it is di))icult to 'et past, but many o) us can and 4ill 'et past it% Fthers 4ill stop at the instinctual mind and cause a lot o) trouble 4ith their ne4")ound, charismatic presence% Everythin', includin' the Huest )or enli'htenment, is a double"ed'ed s4ord% #he price )or many people becomin' enli'htened is many people 'oin' 8ust part 4ay and becomin' more dan'erous animals% Fther people that live in the mind are al4ays 'oin' to be a problem 4e 4ill have to live 4ith in this 4orld% $ntil all people that live in the mind are 'one, 4e are 'oin' to have to deal 4ith them% Gust bein' around other minds, especially stron' ones, ma2es it almost impossible to stay completely mind )ree and open to the present )or very lon'% 8reat spirits are always opposed by mediocre minds. Albert Einstein #he 'ood ne4s is, once you 2no4 true li)e, you 2no4 it )orever, because the collective unconscious 4ill never let you )or'et the 4ay% :ou 4ill be able to live in the truth and li)e part time )or the rest o) this li)espan, and 4hen you die, you 4ill be born into a place 4here you can live in the truth and true li)e )ull time, because everyone else is in the present and 2no4s the truth and the li)e% 6t is sel)"evident to them all the time9 there is no mind opposin' them as there is in this 4orld no4% $ lo"e acting. $t is so much more real than life. @scar 4ilde ,i"ing stars Success)ul stars o) sta'e and screen are in the business o) livin' in the present on cue% #hat is 4hy 4e li2e 4atchin' them9 4e see the truth and the li)e in them% ;hat ma2es a 'reat actor 'reat is their ability to be real and re)lect the real% :ou can7t )a2e it9 you have to be li2e a mirror and ta2e all the li)e in, and then re)lect it bac2 out to the camera or audience% #hat is 4hy they are called stars% #he stars in the s2y shine 4ith li'ht9 the stars in sho4 business shine 4ith li)e% #he tric2 is to learn to do it all the time%


5now the way Most o) the stars o) sho4 business cannot do it 4hen they are alone, because they do not 2no4 ho4 to do it9 they do not 2no4 the 4ay, the ultimate truth, the spiritual method% #hey cannot live li2e spiritual bein's e@cept durin' some rare moments 4hen they are on sta'e or in )ront o) the camera% ;hen you are actin' a part, you have a script% :ou 2no4 4hat is 'oin' to happen, so you do not have to thin2% #hat is 4hy people in the movies seem more real than your o4n li)e9 they are% 6t is one o) those thin's that is the opposite o) 4hat people thin2% Dctors are in the li)e business% #hey recreate and present true li)e% D spiritual bein' also 2no4s 4hat is 'oin' to happen, because they 2no4 the ultimate truth% #his ma2es it possible to live 4ithout the mind% Acting somethin' is thou'ht to be not real, because you are play"actin'% 6t turns out that the act o) playin' someone else can reveal the real you% %piritual beings can li"e like stars or mirrors of life anywhere. /e the star of your own mo"ie# your life. Dctin' or playin' someone else helps you reali?e that you are not your mind, because you are actin' as i) you are in someone else7s mind% 6t ma2es you reali?e you are not someone else7s mind, nor your o4n% The Eethod Method actin' is the art o) livin' )rom the outside in% :ou are not even there% :ou are 8ust a reaction or re)lection o) 4hat is outside o) you% Ireat actors such as Marlon &rando and Games 1ean use the method to 'et into the present and become the center o) it% D spiritual bein' 8ust does it all the time% 6t is all about becomin' the truth and the li)e% #his boo2 8ust sho4s you ho4 to do it% 6n actin', you include ne'ative emotions i) the role calls )or it% 6n real li)e, you leave them out, because they are not needed and can cause problems% Many o) the 'reat actors andCor stars o) the past 2ne4 ho4 to 'et into the present intuitively% #hey had a connection 4ith the collective unconscious or -oly Spirit i) you are into reli'ion <they are the same thin'>% (eople li2e Spencer #racy and 3atharine -epburn 4ere masters o) 'ettin' into the present on cue, but because they did not 2no4 the ultimate truth, they 4ere only )ul)illed 4hen 4or2in'%


Acting6performing is a form of religion 6t is a tool to become spiritual, at least 4hile per)ormin'% 6t 'ives you a taste o) the present so that you 2no4 4hat it is% Everyone should ta2e up actin', at least )or a hobby% #here should be a small live theater in every nei'hborhood, and everyone should ta2e a turn on sta'e in the li'ht% 6t ma2es it a lot easier to 'et into the present, plus it can be )un, and it is a 4ay to share the present% 3no4in' the )ul)illment o) the present is essential% 6t 4ill motivate you to learn the truth and the li)e so that you can be )ul)illed all the time% 5now what is going to happen Dctors playin' a role can live in the present, because they 2no4 4hat is 'oin' to happen% (eople that 2no4 the truth o) li)e also 2no4 4hat is 'oin' to happen, so they can live in the present and be )ul)illed all the time% 6) you 2no4 the ultimate truth, there is no un2no4n% 6t 'ives you absolute security, and this )rees you to live li)e to the )ullest% Ey doctrine is ,i"e that thou mayest desire to li"e again ) that is thy duty ) for in any case# thou wilt li"e againM -riedrich 2iet1sche Child)like# not childish 6n the )uture, people 4ill play a lot% ;e 4ill be child" li2e, but not childish or irresponsible% :ou 4ill be )illed 4ith li)e li2e a child% ,eaders 6) the truth is seen by most o) man2ind in the near )uture, the human race 4ill evolve past leaders and )ollo4ers and any other real divisions bet4een people% #here 4ill be people that are more popular than others are, but that is about it% 6t 4ill 'o bac2 and )orth )rom li)espan to li)espan li2e everythin' else% &e who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of li"ing creatures. -riedrich 2iet1sche #here 4ill be a 'overnment, but not much o) one% Most o) it 4ill be part time volunteers% 6nstead o) leaders, 4e 4ill have teachers o) the truth o) li)e% @ne no longer becomes poor or rich both re.uire too much e7ertion. 4ho still wants to rule' 4ho obey' /oth re.uire too much e7ertion. Anyone that does not agree goes "oluntarily into the asylum. -riedrich 2iet1sche (eople that 2no4 the truth o) li)e lead themselves9 they 'o 4here love leads% +esterday# we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. /ut today# we kneel only to truth# follow only beauty# and obey only lo"e. 5halil 8ibran **

Pain and fear 6n addition to causin' all the hate, deception and discontent, the mind tries to close do4n your sense o) )eelin' as much as it can to avoid physical pain% 6t does not 4or29 pain 4ill still hurt 8ust as bad% #he problem is that your sense o) )eelin' stays closed even a)ter the pain is 'one% (eople try to hide )rom pain and end up hidin' )rom true li)e% ;hen the mind tries to shut out pain, it does not succeed, but it does succeed in shuttin' do4n your perception o) true li)e% 6t is the 4orst bar'ain you can ma2e% :ou have to embrace all o) li)e completely, includin' physical pain% #ryin' to i'nore li)e, any part o) it, is the 4orst thin' you can do% 6t is the only sin there is% +ou ha"e to take the bitter with the sweet to li"e true life. :ou 8ust have to remember the pain 4ill pass and be compensated )or 4ith an eHual amount o) pleasure% :ou can be in pain and still be )ul)illed% No one li2es pain, and everyone 4ill still try to avoid pain 4hen they can, but 4hen you cannot, you 8ust have to suc2 it up and endure it until it passes% ;hy try to mentally avoid it 4hen it does not 4or2 any4ayE :ou have to ta2e 4hat is comin' to you and ta2e it all, no matter 4hat it is% :ou cannot try to shut out pain 4ithout shuttin' out li)e% :ou can ta2e pain medication to stop or relieve pain 4henever you can, but never close your mind to the present% %eparating the spiritual beings from the animals 6t is easy to be completely open 4hen li)e is 'ood9 almost anyone can do that% 6t is 4hen times are bad, 4hen you lose, 4hen you )ail, that it is most di))icult% 6t is 4hat separates the spiritual bein's )rom the animals% 6t is the baptism o) )ire% 1i))icult or not, you have to be open to the present at all times% :ou have to 4ant it 4ith all o) your heart, no matter 4hat it is, and let it in, embrace it as your true love% %uccess is going from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm. 4inston Churchill &ardwired Fnce you 2no4 the ultimate truth, you 4ill be able to separate yoursel) )rom )ear completely, alon' 4ith all ne'ative thin's created by the mind, but not physical pain, because it is hard4ired into our bodies% Some people can mentally reduce pain )or short periods o) time, but most people cannot% (ain medication 4ill help, but not al4ays, and you 4ill not al4ays have access to pain medication% 6) there is no 4ay to avoid it, 4hy tryE (hysical pain 4ill hurt as lon' as you are in your current body% 3no4in' the balance 4ill help you throu'h it, but it 4ill not stop it% (ain is hard4ired into our current bodies% 6t 4ill not be in heaven, but 4e are not there yet%

Most o) the pain, sadness and discom)ort in our lives is mental, a creation o) our minds% Fur minds create it, so they can stop creatin' it once 4e reali?e the truth, but 4e cannot do much about the physical pain in our lives% #he pain caused by in8uries or disease is real% 6t is real, and it cannot be avoided, but it comprises a small percent o) most peopleKs lives and is balanced by pleasure% Pain is concentrated pleasure D little pain buys a lot o) pleasure% :ou can never )eel as 'ood as you can )eel bad% #he 4orst pain )eels a lot 4orse than the 'reatest pleasure )eels 'ood% (ain, especially )rom in8uries, is a lot more concentrated and intense% #he pain"pleasure balance is never eHual in intensity or duration% D )e4 minutes o) e@treme pain can eHual months o) )eelin' 'ood or hours o) pleasure% -ear factor D)ter you 2no4 the truth and start openin' up to the li)e, you 4ill become more )ear)ul o) dan'erous situations% 6t is natural and to be e@pected9 it tells you that you are on the ri'ht path and becomin' more a4are% #he )ear can serve a positive or ne'ative purpose, dependin' on ho4 you loo2 at it% 6t can have a po4er)ul ne'ative e))ect i) you let it close you do4n and ma2e you less a4are o) the present% Never try to mentally hide )rom anythin'% $se )ear as a cue to brin' you into the present% Fear is a 'reat positive i) you let the )ear ma2e you more a4are o) li)e9 let it brin' you more into the present% Fear can ma2e you more a4are, more in the present% Fear is the mind7s 'reatest tool to control you, but i) you ta2e control o) it, )ear can be used as your 'reatest tool to )ree yoursel) )rom the mind% ;hat is no4 your 4orst enemy can become your best )riend% Eake fear your friend. Loo2 at a coyote9 it lives in constant )ear and is a4are o) everythin' happenin' around it% Iet into )ear 4hen it occurs, and use it to open you up to li)e% Never let it close you do4n more% As Earlon /rando says at the end of the mo"ie Apocalypse 2ow I+ou ha"e to make horror your friend# or it will be an enemy to truly fear.J Fear never really 'oes a4ay, because it is a re)le@ response to dan'erous situations and is semi"hard4ired into our bodies% #he best you can do is separate yoursel) )rom it, see it )or the mind"made thin' it is, and not let it control you% *0

Chapter :

&ea"en on Earth
4ar ;ars 4ill 8ust )ade a4ay% (eople 4ill have a hard time believin' they ever happened% #he 4hole last ten thousand years 4ill be seen as one lon' 1ar2 D'e, a pathetic and u'ly time that 4e 4ill not even 4ant to remember% 4hy do people that want the same things ha"e conflicts' $t is stupid when seen from the truth and the life. 4hen people wake up# all conflicts will stop for many reasons# but sur"i"al will be the main one. 6n the past, 4e had to )i'ht )or limited resources to survive, so it 4as necessary, but no4 the opposite is true, and 4e 8ust have to see this )act in time% ;e no lon'er have any reason to )i'ht 4ith each other, and every reason not to, survival bein' the main one% #he truth and communication 4ill be the 2ey% The age of mankind 6t 4ill be rele'ated to museums% #he a'e o) man2ind 4ill be ri'ht ne@t to the e@hibit o) the caveman% 4e must learn to li"e together as brothers# or perish together as fools. Eartin ,uther 5ing Hr. Altogether now Dll con)licts happen because someone 4ith po4er does not see the truth% 6) one 'roup sees the truth, but one 'roup does not, the one that does not can )orce the one that does to )i'ht in sel)"de)ense% #his is 4hy 4e all have to learn the truth at about the same time to avoid a bi' con)lict% Most people that create )ear and violence are o) the beast9 most people that create peace and love are o) the spirit% 6t is 8ust that simple% !on)lict 4ill not stop overni'ht, but it has to happen soon, or 4e are 'oin' to destroy ourselves% Eisguided people and nuclear weapons are a "ery dangerous combination. ;hen 6 4atch the ne4s, 6 mostly see rich celebrities 'ettin' into trouble and people that revert bac2 to their primitive animal sel) doin' somethin' horrible to someone% #hese thin's 8ust help hide the monster that is really destroyin' us% /efore you can do the right thing# you ha"e to know what the right thing is. People ha"e to learn that the better other people do# the better they do. */

#he more money people have, the more they can spend on the products 4e create% #his 4ill ma2e us 4ealthier, and our enemies )riends% Ds Dbraham Lincoln said, the best 4ay to de)eat an enemy is to ma2e a )riend out o) them% ;e 4ant everyone in the 4orld to do better and have more money, because it 4ill come bac2 to us% -al) o) the human race is very poor and lives on less than t4o dollars a day% 6) 4e 8ust doubled that, they 4ould have double the money to spend% #hey 4ould live better, and they 4ould spend double the money they are no4 spendin', doublin' the value o) the economy o) hal) the 4orld% (rosperity 4ill create prosperity i) 4e 4a2e up to the truth% 4ork creates something out of nothing. $f you build a house# you ha"e a house where you did not before. Eaking things better# makes them better. A rising tide lifts all boats. Hohn -. 5ennedy A go"ernment?s 9ob 4ill be to 2eep everyone productive% #hey 4ill help create enou'h 'ood 8obs to 2eep everyone busy and earnin' enou'h money to live 4ell% 4e ha"e a gigantic nuclear reactor in the sky( there is no energy shortage. ;hy are 4e spendin' at least a )ourth o) every dollar 4e ma2e directly and indirectly on ener'y, 4hen 4e can have it )or )reeE Dre 4e stupid or 4hatE +ou cannot get too much electricity #here are a never endin' amount o) thin's 4e can do 4ith it to improve our lives% ;e can ma2e materials that reHuire a lot o) electricity to ma2e, li2e aluminum, )or much cheaper% ;e can use it to ma2e super cold )luids and ma2e super conductivity o) electricity 4idespread% ;e can use it to separate hydro'en )rom 4ater and ma2e clean, po4er)ul )uels )or vehicles% ;e can ma2e )resh 4ater )rom ocean 4ater and solve the 4orldKs )resh 4ater problem% Dbundant, )ree electricity 4ill chan'e everythin' )or the better, and 4e can have it in the ne@t )e4 years% 4hy wait' ;e use the technolo'y 4e have no49 4e do not 4ait until it is as cheap as oil% #hat is 8ust a deception to 2eep us )rom doin' it% Ds technolo'ies to produce )ree, clean electricity become cheaper and more e))icient, 4e 8ust replace the older technolo'y 4ith the ne4er technolo'y or 8ust add it to it% !oing anything is better than 9ust burning the money up. 0

4e are literally burning up o"er two billion dollars a day. #hat is 8ust the direct costs )or heatin', li'htin' and transportation% #here are also indirect ener'y costs 4e pay 4hen 4e buy products% ;e pay )or the ener'y it costs to produce the products, and it is more than the direct costs% ;e could build a solar po4er system in a )e4 years, and then 4e 4ould save more than a hal) a trillion dollars a year )rom then on, so 4hy donKt 4e do itE +ellowstone ;e should develop :ello4stone 'eothermal to ma2e all the hydro'en 4e need% 6t has the heat and 4ater needed to do it% ;e could build a system to ma2e rivers o) hydro'en to po4er all en'ines that no4 burn 'as% #he :ello4stone caldera is over about a hundred sHuare miles% ;e could build hundreds o) po4er plants 8ust li2e coal po4er plants, but 4e 4ould not need the coal% ;e could not only ma2e all the po4er the $S needs, 4e could be the bi''est e@porter o) hydro'en in the 4orld in a )e4 years% 6nstead o) buyin' pollutin' oil )rom other countries, 4e could ma2e and sell hydro'en% ;a2e up people% 4hat is wrong with creating millions of new# high paying 9obs in the U%A' 6) 4e can tap a source o) )ree, clean ener'y, 4e should do it no4% ;e should not 4ait until the technolo'y is as ine@pensive as oil% #he sooner 4e do it, the less money 4e 4ill be 8ust burnin' up, and the less 4e 4ill hurt the environment% @il companies will make more money ;e need to save our oil )or ma2in' plastics, medicines, )ertili?ers and other necessary products that are made )rom oil% ;hy use it )or ener'y 4hen 4e can 'et that )or )ree )rom the sunE 4e are literally burning the most useful material found on the earth. Even the rich oil people are 'oin' to 4a2e up and reali?e it 4ould be in their best interest to stop usin' so much oil )or )uel% #hey are scre4in' themselves% Plastic houses Ne4 ine@pensive structural plastics and moldin' methods 4ill be developed% ;e 4ill start ma2in' vehicles, houses and buildin's out o) them% 6t 4ill cost less, be easier to maintain, loo2 better and last lon'er than anythin' else% 6t can loo2 and )eel li2e marble, rare 4ood, etc% 6ntricate desi'ns can be molded ri'ht in to loo2 li2e the 4or2 o) artists and cra)tsmen% Loo2 at the interiors o) buildin's in Star ;ars: Episode #4o, and you 4ill see ho4 'reat plastic 4ill loo2% 1

;hen oil is no lon'er used to po4er vehicles, there 4ill be so much supply that it 4ill start bein' used )or houses, buildin's, and other structures that need to be made ine@pensive, be lo4 maintenance, loo2 'ood and last as lon' as possible% Environmentalists are al4ays sayin' that plastic is not biode'radable and stays in the environment )orever% #hat is bad 4hen used )or thro4a4ay products, but it is a very 'ood thin' 4hen it comes to peopleKs houses and buildin's, because the lon'er they last and the easier to maintain, the better% ;e 4ant structures to last and not need costly maintenance% #ermites do not eat plastic, and it does not rust li2e steel or rot li2e 4ood% -ouses made o) plastic 4ould not be hurt in )loods or earthHua2es, and they 4ill be so li'ht that they 4ould be easy to move and build% ;e can mold 4hole 4alls 4ith the spaces )or 4indo4s and doors molded in any color and te@ture% 6t 4ill never need paint% $ntil plastic can be made )ire" proo), sprin2lers and other )ire prevention systems 4ould be part o) all plastic structures% Sprin2ler systems don7t hurt plastic li2e they do to 4ood structures% 8reen architecture #he roo) 4ill be molded to accept solar panels% 5ain4ater runo)) 4ill be saved in plastic tan2s in the 4alls to use as drin2in' 4ater or to 4ater the roo) in dry periods% D house or buildin' could 'o to'ether somethin' li2e ,egos, so every house 4ill be di))erent to suit the needs o) the people livin' in it% !onstruction and transportation costs 4ould drop% #hey 4ill come in 2its, and people can put them to'ether themselves 4ith 'lue or clips, so they can ta2e the houses 4ith them 4hen they move% #he oil companies 4ill 'et bi''er and ma2e more money than they are no4% #his business 4ill also last much lon'er i) 4e stop usin' oil )or )uel% #he more 4e have le)t )or other thin's, the more the oil companies 4ill ma2e, and the lon'er they 4ill stay in business% A bonus will be that the oil business will not pollute the air. $t will stop global warming# because it 4ill not release carbon dio@ide into the air as burnin' oil does% 6t 4ill also stop our )orests )rom bein' cut do4n to be used )or buildin' material% #hese )orests also ta2e carbon dio@ide out o) the air% $nstead of beating on the oil companies# we should be gi"ing them big enough incenti"es to make it profitable for them to do what we want them to do. 4e are burning up the ultimate construction material by using oil for fuel. Fnce 4e start 'ettin' electricity )or )ree, most steel, concrete and 4ood 4ill be replaced by ne4 alloys o) plastic and aluminum as a buildin' material%

6t all starts 4ith people bein' able to stop )i'htin', 4astin' time and resources, and seein' 4hat needs to be done% #he universal truth is the only thin' that can ma2e that happen, so de)inin' and spreadin' the truth is the )irst step% Commitment ;e need a president that 4ill commit to buildin' the solar po4er system the 4ay GF3 committed Dmerica to 'ettin' to the moon in the early si@ties and the 4ay F15 did it to build dams to end the depression and build the atomic bomb in ;;66, only 4e 4ill do it )aster and better this time% 4hen people wake up# they will reali1e we can do anything we ha"e the technology and will to do# and we do not need a war or depression to do it. #he )act is, doin' it no4 4ill prevent a 4ar )rom happenin' )rom the problems usin' oil 4ill cause in the near )uture% 4hen we wake up# we will 9ust do it. 4hy not let the power of the sun and the heat of the inner earth do most of the work for us' #he oil companies 4ill 8ust 2eep oil cheaper than solar to prevent solar )rom bein' developed% #hat is 4hy 4e need the 'overnment to 'et involved% #he mass production 4ill brin' the price 4ay do4n, but 4e do it re'ardless o) price at )irst% 4hat we really need is some real inspired# enlightened leadership again. Eobili1ed ;hy does it ta2e a 4orld 4ar to unite all o) Dmerica and mobili?e our manu)acturin' to4ard a sin'le 'oalE 6t does because it is li)e or death, and 4e have no choice% ;hen the truth is seen, 4e 4ill see buildin' the ener'y system is li)e and death, and 4e 4ill do it% The truth is free# and it is the foundation of spiritual life. %olar power is free# and it is the foundation of physical life. Print new money ;e )inance it the same 4ay 4e )inance 4ar% #he ener'y pro8ect is so important and valuable that it 4ould 8usti)y printin' ne4 money to pay )or it% 6) 4e did that, 4e could start buildin' ri'ht a4ay% $t would cost about three trillion dollars to con"ert our country to solar power. 4e would get that money back in less than four years# with the money we are now spending on oil and sending outside of our country. ;hen 4e print money, it 8ust dilutes and devalues all our money a little, so i) 4e do it, everyone 4ill be payin' )or the ne4 ener'y system, 4hich is the 4ay it should be any4ay% ;hen the system is completed, it 4ill be so valuable that the value o) our money 4ill 'o up more than enou'h to o))set the money 4e printed% 3

4e act as if we are in a war now to pre"ent a real war from happening. @ur goals Dmerica has to do t4o thin's 4ith all its e))ort% !reate a )ree electrical po4er system, and spread the truth9 nothin' more, nothin' less% $nfrastructure ;e are proposin' to spend almost a trillion dollars rebuildin' in)rastructure such as old brid'es and roads to create 8obs and stimulate the economy% #he problem is that brid'es and roads do not pay )or themselves, let alone ma2e money li2e solar and 'eothermal technolo'y% ;e need to spend our ta@ dollars on thin's that pay )or themselves and ma2e money )irst% The solution abo"e sounds too simple to be true# too good to be true# but it is not( it is simple and good# and we can do it now. $f we did it in wartime# we can do it e"en faster in peacetime( we 9ust ha"e to be as moti"ated. ;e need people li2e Ieneral Irove 4ho ran the Manhattan (ro8ect that developed the nuclear bomb durin' ;orld ;ar ll to run the ener'y pro8ect% ;e could use the militaryKs e@pertise in controllin' manpo4er and or'ani?ation by puttin' them in char'e o) all bi' public 4or2s pro8ects, such as the solar po4er system% @nce Americans see the way# they will go that way. $t is as simple as that. Dll the 4ars that have ever been )ou'ht, the rivers o) blood that have been spilled, have been 8ust )or one purpose, and that is to create a heaven on earth no4% Dll the soldiers that have ever )ou'ht and died in any 4ar did it to 'et us to 4here 4e are no4% Everythin' 4e have done, 'ood or bad, has 8ust been )or this one purpose, 4hether 4e consciously 2ne4 it or not% 6) 4e do not do 4hat 4e need to do no4, it 4ill all have been )or nothin'% The world is a dangerous place to li"e# not because of those who are e"il# but because of the people who don?t do anything about it. Albert Einstein ,et e"ery nation know# whether it wishes us well or ill# that we shall pay any price# bear any burden# meet any hardship# support any friend# oppose any foe# in order to assure the sur"i"al and the success of liberty. Hohn -. 5ennedy 4e li"e in a dangerous world# and we ha"e to stop li"ing like a bunch of morons 9ust to sur"i"e as a species much longer. 4e ha"e no choice.

D)ter 4e unite the 4orld, 4e need to put most o) our money into do4n to earth science and pure research to ma2e li)e more sa)e and better )or everyone% ;astin' money on thin's that 4ill not really help us 4ill 2ill us% &ow can people think we can sur"i"e without facing the truth' 6t is impossible9 it is certain destruction and the ultimate 4aste% Even i) everyone 4o2e up and 4e started spendin' all our money on the ri'ht thin's, our survival 4ould still be a close call, but i) 4e do not 4a2e up, 4e 4ill have no chance at all% 6) a lot o) people learn the truth in the ne@t )e4 years, the odds are really 'ood that 4e 4ill create a heaven on earth% 6) most people do not learn the truth, the human race 4ill be destroyed, so 6 thin2 4e 4ill learn the truth% ;hen you live in the truth, you 4or2 )or the best, but are al4ays prepared )or the 4orst, because you 2no4 it 4ill happen% 6t does not matter i) it is a bomb, a car accident, or old a'e that 2ills you9 you are 8ust as dead% #here)ore, the only thin' that matters is that 4e live in the truth and the li)e and do the ri'ht thin' 4hile 4e are here% The truth forces people to look at the hard facts and make big decisions. Gule of the beast #he animals have ruled this 4orld )or seven hundred million years% ;e no4 have a small opportunity to chan'e that )orever% 6t too2 us about seven hundred million years to 'et into this position, so to not ta2e advanta'e o) it 4ould be the bi''est mista2e 4e can ma2e% 4e can easily forgi"e a child who is afraid of the dark( the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Plato Comfort 1one (eople only 4ant to read thin's that entertain them, ma2e them )eel 'ood, reassure them that everythin' is o2ay% No one 4ants to do or )ace anythin' uncom)ortable% #his boo2 is not that 2ind o) boo2% #his boo2 is about the truth, the 4hole truth, because it is our only hope% #his boo2 is only scary and uncom)ortable until you see the ultimate truth, then you 4ill love 4hat it says% %pirit food Most boo2s )eed 8ust the mind9 that is 4hat ma2es them popular% &oo2s that are intended to )eed the spirit, li2e this one, have to also )eed the mind 8ust to be read, but it 4ill never be as en8oyable to read as a boo2 that 8ust tries to please the mind% $t is not the taste of the medicine( it is what it does that matters. .

:ou have to do somethin' 4ith your time on earth, and a spiritual bein' spends their time helpin' others% 6t is 8ust 4hat 4e )eel li2e doin'% The purpose of human life is to ser"e and to show compassion and the will to help others. Albert %chweit1er /ig changes Dt this time in history, 4e have to ma2e bi' chan'es, or the little chan'es 4e ma2e are not 'oin' to matter% 6) 4e do not, 4e 4ill die, and that is the bi''est chan'e there is, so 4e have no choice but to ma2e the chan'es% /ig picture D spiritual bein' lives in the present and al4ays sees the bi' picture% &y bi' picture, 6 mean 4e see our true past and )uture, see past death, see past this current li)e span% The only security in life is knowing the ultimate truth. The right thing D spiritual bein' al4ays 2no4s 4hat the ri'ht thin' is, because they are not deceived by the irrational passions and deceptions o) the mind% The o"erman# who has organi1ed the chaos of his passions# gi"en style to his character and become creati"e# aware of life?s terrors# he affirms life without resentment. -riedrich 2iet1sche The goal #o trans)orm ourselves into spiritual bein's and then to create a heaven on earth% 6t 4ill all start 4ith the truth o) li)e bein' de)ined and spread% Everythin' else 4ill happen as a result, so start li"ing in the truth now. @nly the truth and the life can sa"e mankind and create a hea"en on earth. $f not us# who' $f not now# when'

Chapter >

The /eatles
Prophets Most people thin2 all the prophets lived hundreds o) years a'o, but the truth is, there have been many recent prophets% Some have been in sho4 business and the arts% Let me tell you about )our o) the most po4er)ul% I,i"ing is easy with eyes closed# misunderstanding all you see.J Strawberry Fields Forever The /eatles #he &eatles themselves 4ere li2e other men, but the music and lyrics channeled throu'h them contained ma'ic and messa'es )rom beyond the mind% 6 remember the )irst time 6 heard a &eatles son'% 6t 4as February 1/*,, 8ust a )e4 months a)ter (resident 3ennedy 4as shot and 2illed% Everyone 4as in a )un2% 6 4as 4al2in' home )rom school <si@th 'rade> 4ith a )riend, and 4e 4ere 'oin' over to a nei'hborKs house% -e 4as older and very cool% -e built dra' racin' cars in his 'ara'e and al4ays had his radio blarin'% #here 4as a son' comin' out o) it that stopped me in my trac2s% Fn a cold and 'loomy 4inter day, the 4ind blo4in' throu'h my hair, 6 heard: L $s there anything that you want' $s there anything $ can do' Hust call on me# and $ will send it along with lo"e# from me to you.J ;e stood there on the corner and listened to the 4hole son' in silence% 6 4as stunned% My )riend said, L#he son' is called OFrom Me #o :ou%7 #hey are called the &eatles, and they all 'ot haircuts li2e Moe o) the #hree Stoo'es%B 6t 4ent ri'ht throu'h me9 it seemed )amiliar and un2no4n at the same time% 6t 4as one o) those rare moments that you never )or'et, 4hich chan'es your li)e% #he 3ennedy assassination 4as one o) them% $ lost my innocence and the /eatles ga"e it back to me. 6 4ent )rom no hope, to anythin' is possible, and 6 4as not alone9 it seemed li2e it happened to every 2id in the 4orld% #here 4as no shorta'e o) 'reat music at the time% 6 did not really li2e or disli2e the son'9 it 4as 8ust di))erent, li2e somethin' )rom another planet% 6 had never heard anythin' li2e it, no one had% 6t 4as 2ind o) 4eird, because they 4ere sayin' silly thin's li2e little 2ids, and had haircuts li2e little 2ids% #heir son's said thin's li2e, LShe loves you yeah yeah yeah, 6 4ant to hold your hand,B and stu)) li2e that 4hich 4as stran'e, but it had a po4er)ul vitality and 8oy% 6t 'ot my attention% #he 4ords 4ere simple and direct, and it seemed li2e they 4ere tal2in' directly to you, not 8ust some un2no4n 'irl li2e other son's%

&e)ore the &eatles, 4e 4ere all into loo2in' li2e Games 1ean and tryin' to be cool% D)ter the &eatles sho4ed up, at about the album, 5ubber Soul or 5evolver, 4e Huit 4earin' shoes and started 'ro4in' our hair% 6t 4as time to 'o our o4n 4ay and 'et into li)e% 6t 4as the start o) a lon' party )or me and a lot o) other 2ids% #he movies Animal House and American Graffiti depict the 4ay cars, music, and people 4ere in 1/*3, 8ust be)ore the &eatles sho4ed up% ;e 4ere happy 4ith the music, and 4e 4ere not loo2in' )or somethin' ne4% 6 am still into that music and hotrods% #he music be)ore the &eatles 4as the 'reatest roc2 and roll ever made% 6t did not matter9 the &eatles chan'ed everythin' overni'ht any4ay% #heir po4er 4as over4helmin'% Nothin' li2e it happened be)ore or has happened since% That is what made what they did so special and magical( it was impossible. -orce of nature 6 am not sayin' their music 4as better% 6 li2ed the music be)ore they came better, but they 4ere better9 it 4as the 4hole pac2a'e% #he &eatles 4ere a )orce o) nature, and all us 2ids 4ere 8ust s4ept a4ay% 6t 4as a 'reat time to be a teena'er% 6t seemed li2e they came out 4ith a ne4 son' every )e4 4ee2s that 4as totally di))erent and better than the one be)ore% #his is at a time 4hen they sold sin'le records, 4ith one son' on each side9 they 4ere called )orty )ives% So in the be'innin', 6 bou'ht their son's t4o at a time% People that were not there cannot comprehend what it was like for a kid to hear a new /eatles song for the first time. $t put a real magic in the air. #hey 4ere very ma'ical times% #his 4ent on )or seven years and too2 me )rom the a'e o) eleven to nineteen% #he &eatles 4ere the sound trac2 )or my 4hole teena'e li)e% 6 4as blessed% 6 4as too cool )or the &eatles a)ter the )irst year or t4o% -o4ever, 6 al4ays 2ne4 #he &eatles 4ere there, bein' per)ect, bein' better than should be possible )or mortal men% #hey 4ere li2e the 'ods o) the si@ties% Dll other bands in the si@ties 4ere 8ust 'reat musicians, but the &eatles 4ere somethin' more, and they 4ere ours% Most people that are into music 2no4 the si@ties 4ere a time o) musical 2in's% Everyone 4as 'reat, but the &eatles 4ere the 2in' o) 2in's, and that is 4hy they 4ere so e@ceptional% Dnyone can be bi' no49 bac2 then the bi''est meant somethin'% &ein' 'reat 4as the norm9 to be the undisputed best too2 ma'ic% That is why $ talk about them in this book. $t is not for their music( it is for the way they took o"er the hearts and minds of most young people when it should ha"e been impossible to do. 4hat they did was real magic. 0

$t is a sign Nature set them apart )or a reason% 6t is so 4e do not 8ust thin2 they 4ere 8ust another 'reat band, so 4e loo2 closer and listen a little better% #here 4as an P )actor to the &eatles, and everyone 2ne4 it on some level, even the adults and people that did not li2e their music% Ds musicians they 4ere unbelievably 'reat9 as people they 4ere )unny and smart% #hey 4ere the stron'est voice o) a 'eneration o) many stron', talented voices% #hey made the older 'eneration loo2 stupid and made us loo2 'ood9 they 'ave us real stren'th% 6 too2 them )or 'ranted li2e most people and did not 2no4 ho4 special they 4ere until years a)ter they 4ere 'one% 6 al4ays thou'ht that some other band 4ould eventually come alon' and be that 'ood% No one has, and no4 6 2no4 4hy% They were not 9ust musicians( they were prophets. ;e do not need a ne4 band9 4e still have them% ;e still have their music9 4e 8ust have to really hear it% %piritual e"ent #he &eatles music 4as behind and po4ered the last bi' spiritual event% 6t 4as called the peace and love movement% #hey 'ave it le'itimacy, and that 'reat &eatles L we can do anything and ha"e fun doing itJ vibe% #hey 'ot it 'oin' 4ith albums li2e Ma'ical Mystery #our, S't% (epperKs, and ended it 4ith #he ;hite album via !harles Manson% ;hat happened 4as not their intention, but their music on #he ;hite Dlbum < Helter Skelter/Piggies> 4as involved in endin' the peace and love movement in the summer o) 1/*/% -ippies 4ere not seen as harmless anymore% $t happened like this ;hen Martin Luther 3in' 4as shot, it started 'oin' do4n% 6t ended politically 4hen &obby 3ennedy 4as shot% #he hippie movement ended 4ith the Manson murders and #he Stones concert at Dltamont% 6t then ended spiritually 4hen the &eatles bro2e up% Ds Gohn Lennon said, the dream 4as over% Eost people felt if the /eatles could not make it happen# nothing could. &idden messages #o hear the hidden messa'es in the &eatlesK music, you do not have to play the son's bac24ards li2e some people in the si@ties thou'ht9 you 8ust have to chan'e your perspective, listen bac24ards% 6nstead o) their son's bein' sun' to a 'irl some4here, you hear them as bein' sun' to you personally% :ou listen li2e the son' is ne4 and you have never heard it be)ore, because you really havenKt9 no one has, not even them% /

$n the song *Hulia*# ,ennon says# *&alf of what $ say is meaningless# but $ say it 9ust to reach you.* This clearly means that half of what they say is meaningful# and the rest is 9ust there to reach us. Some o) their son's 4ere obviously bein' sun' directly to the listener, and others are 8ust love son's to a 'irl, but most are both% #hey are bein' sun' to a 'irl and to you, even i) you are not a 'irl% #hey can be interpreted either 4ay dependin' on your perspective% From the perspective o) a teena'e 'irl, you hear a silly love son'% From the perspective o) a truth see2er, you 4ill hear a love son' also, only its spiritual love, divine love% Fther bands are 8ust sin'in' love son's to a 'irl some4here, but in hindsi'ht, 4e no4 2no4 that the &eatles 4ere into somethin' bi''er9 they were prophets. Time lock Most o) their early son's appear to be 8ust silly love son's% #his is 4hat made it possible to 'et a spiritual communication to the most people% #hey su'arcoated the truth, hid it as a love son', and sent it to the truth see2ers o) the 4orld under the radar% 6t 4or2ed, i) 4e 'et it no4% 6t 4as actually created )or no4% The sign #here is a si'n in their son's to let us 2no4 the son's are not 8ust a love son' )or a 'irl% #he si'n is the 4ord *friend* 4hich is not a 4ay that you 4ould address a 'irl you are sin'in' a love son' to% E@amples: #he son' !ll Follow the Sun, A#hou'h 6 may lose a friend, in the end you 4ill 2no4 6 4as the one%B #he son': "e #an "ork t $ut, ALi)e is very short and there7s no time )or )ussin' and )i'htin' my friend%B #he son' #an%t &uy 'e (ove, L6 4ill buy you a diamond rin' my friend, i) it ma2es you )eel alri'ht%B #he son': !ll Get )ou, ASo 67m tellin' you my friend, 6 4ill 'et you in the end%B #hey 4ill 'et us no4% 6n that last son', %ll Get )ou* they say, L#here is 'oin' to be a time, 4hen 6 am 'oin' to chan'e your mind%B #hey mean literally chan'e your mind, )rom the mind o) man2ind, to the mind o) a spiritual bein'% See the di))erence it ma2esE They actually say change your mind and make you mine at the same time.


4ords with two meanings Iirl, her, baby, honey, she, darlin', etc% M receiver% #he receiver is )emale, 8ust as biolo'ically )emales receive the seed o) li)e )rom males% ;hoever is listenin' to their music is the receiver, because you are receivin' the music% #he 4ord9 man, he, him, his, etc% M transmitter or sender% #he collective unconscious via the &eatles are the transmitters9 they are sendin' the music and messa'e% -ome M the (resent, Iod, etc% End M be'innin', etc% This is why metaphorically 8od is a male. 8od gi"es us life( we recei"e it. ;hen they say Lyou,B they mean you% #hey use metaphors li2e reli'ious boo2s do% #he t4o meanin's )or the 4ord LloveB are divine love, 4hich means, Iod, the (resent, total a4areness, etc% #he other meanin' )or love is carnal love <man 4oman love>% Fne meanin' is )or your soul, the other is )or that mystery 'irl% 6) you listen to son's li2e +wo of ,s <Let 6t &e> and )our &ird #an Sing <5evolver> and "ait, +he "ord or +hink For )ourself <5ubber Soul>, you 4ill see the meanin's clearly, and you 2no4 4here they are comin' )rom and 4ho they are tal2in' to% :ou 4ill reali?e they are tal2in' to you in the here and no4% Some other son's 4here it is easy to see the dual meanin's are the son's All 'y (oving <;ith the &eatles>, "ill <#he ;hite Dlbum>, +ell 'e "hat )ou See <-elpQ>, -o .e/ly or "hat )ou%re 0oing <&eatles For Sale>, or +hings "e Said +oday <D -ard 1ayKs Ni'ht>% Fn that same album <D -ard 1ay7s Ni'ht>, the son' %ll &e &ack is tellin' us they 4ill be bac2, a second comin', once 4e can see the true meanin's o) the son's% %econd coming #hey are comin' bac2, but not as the cute mop tops 4e sa4 the )irst time% #his time, 4e 4ill see them )or the prophets they really 4ere and hear the spiritual and truth side o) their music% $t will change the world again. #he po4er and vibe is still there9 add the truth and the li)e <the present>, your ne4 perspective, and you have a door to the ma'ical mystery tour, a tic2et to ride% #he lon' and 4indin' road that leads to your door, they mean your door, your spirit% ;hen they say 6 4ant to be your man, it means they 4ant to be your Lmind,B send you a transmission, in)orm you% ;hen they say, 6 4ant to hold your hand, it means they 4ant to connect to you, sho4 you the 4ay, be 4ith you, etc% 4hen they say Icome on#J they mean come on like a light# wake up. 01

Listen to 1verybody%s Got Something to Hide e2ce/t 'e and 'y 'onkey on #he ;hite Dlbum, and you 4ill see 4hat 6 mean by the 4ords Lcome on%B Some o) their lyrics mean e@actly 4hat they say, and some have hidden meanin's li2e all reli'ious material% Sometimes you have to listen to them repeatedly until you 'et it% 6 hear somethin' di))erent every time 6 listen to them% #he album names have dual meanin's and spiritual connotations: 5evolver, 5ubber Soul, -ard 1ays Ni'ht, Ma'ical Mystery #our, Let 6t &e, Dbbey 5oad, etc% They did not write the songs with those intentions. #he &eatles say they 4ere 8ust 4ritin' a love son' to a 'irl9 at least that has been their cover story% 6 believe they did not 2no4 the spiritual content o) their son's until a)ter they 4ere 4ritten9 that they came out o) the air 8ust as they say% #hey came )rom the collective unconscious or -oly Spirit i) you pre)er, not their o4n minds% #hat is ho4 the -oly spiritCcollective unconscious communicates% :ou usually do not 2no4 it at )irst, but you usually 'et it be)ore anyone else, but not al4ays% E@ample: (aul says the son' 'artha 'y 0ear 4as 4ritten )or his sheep do' Martha% Gohn said (ucy in the Sky with 0iamonds 4as inspired by a dra4in' his 2id made% 0ear Prudence 4as to try to 'et Mia Farro4Ks sister to stop meditatin' and come outside 4hen they 4ere in 6ndia% #hou'h it may not have been intended, there are obviously other meanin's 4e 'et )rom those and most o) their other son's% They did not know the truth 6t is true that they do not 2no4 4hat their son's mean9 no one could 2no4 until no4, not even them% #here are thin's in &eatles son's that 'o more )or a )eelin' than a thou'ht or messa'e% 5emember, thin's that come )rom the collective unconscious can 'et 'arbled by our minds, so you have to interpret it% #his ma2es it possible )or thin's such as poetry and son's to mean di))erent thin's to di))erent people% #he early son's are more direct and )rom and to the heart <no mind>9 they 'et more cerebral in their later son's% #ry listenin' to them )rom this ne4 spiritual perspective, and you 4ill see 4hat 6 mean% D 'ood 4ay to do it is start 4ith their later son's <so you 2no4 they are spiritual>, and 4or2 bac24ards to their )irst son's% Listenin' to their music bac24ards does sho4 you 4hat they are sayin', but not sin'le son's bac24ards% 02

Most people thin2 the later son's are more spiritual than the early son's9 the opposite is true% 6t is the early ones that have the most spiritual content, but you have to 2no4 it to hear it, and the later son's ma2e their intent clear% Their most spiritual albums where their first ones. Fne o) their )irst albums, L;ith the &eatlesB 1/*3, is the most spiritual to me% 6) you thin2 the later ones 4ere the most spiritual, listen to this )irst one% #he son' -ot a Second +ime ma2es a lot o) sense no4% #he son', "ant to &e )our 'an is literally sayin' L#hey 4ant to be your mind%B 6t is the spirit tal2in'% #heir music 4ent )rom9 Please* Please 'e and 0o )ou "ant to 3now a Secret to am the "alrus and A 0ay in the (ife4 Dnyone that has ever been in a band 4ill tell you that 4hat they did 4as impossible% #he band that 'ave us "ant to Hold )our Hand could not have been the same band that 'ave us the son' n 'y (ife* and it 4asnKt9 they chan'ed completely% Changelings #hey 4ere chan'elin's9 it is a characteristic o) many prophets% Every time you loo2 at them, you see a di))erent person, because a spiritual person chan'es as the present chan'es% #hey re)lect the present as it chan'es% :ou chan'e <re)lect li)e> as the li)e around you chan'es, and it is chan'in' all the time% Listen to the son's above or any early and later son' and you 4ill see 4hat 6 mean% #hey are a completely di))erent band% #hey loo2ed and sounded di))erent% 6 li2e to listen to the LS't% (eppersB album and the, L;ith the &eatlesB album bac2 to bac2% 6t is a po4er)ul and enli'htenin' e@perience% D lot o) bands and per)ormers made the 'irls scream and 'o cra?y% #he &eatles did that too, plus they did a lot o) thin's that 4ere di))erent than any other musicians or pop stars% #heir music channels the truth and the li)e% Eagic #hey 4rote )orty"ei'ht son's durin' the )e4 4ee2s they stayed in 6ndia9 4ho else could do thatE Many o) those son's are on #he ;hite album% #heir music speeds up and slo4s do4n9 you cannot dance to most o) it% #hey use obscure instruments and odd sounds% #hey did some stran'e and di))erent stu))% #hey 4ould create 'reat son's )aster than anyone else has% E@ample: Gohn Lennon 'ot the idea )or the son' nstant 3arma* rented a piano, and recorded it all in one day% Most people have to 4or2 on a son' )or a lon' time be)ore they 'et it ri'ht, and it is rarely a hit% #he &eatles did it all the time%


The song $nstant 5arma says most of what this book says in one song. Ieor'e Martin, their producer, said the &eatles created son's much )aster than any o) the other bands he 4or2ed 4ith be)ore or since% -e said the son's and albums seemed to 'ro4 by themselves% 6 am not tryin' to say they did not 4or2 as hard as anyone else did, they did, but 6 am tryin' to sho4 ho4 they 4ere more inspired than any other 'roup o) people% Dll a prophet is, is a person or 'roup o) people that can connect 4ith somethin' beyond their o4n minds )or a period o) time, and channel or brin' into the 4orld somethin' )rom beyond it that reveals the divine truth and li)e% #heir son's chan'ed and they chan'ed in a very short period o) time% Ds their relationship 4ith each other 'ot 4orse, their music 'ot better% D)ter the &eatles bro2e up, t4o o) them brou'ht their 4ives <not musicians> into their ne4 bands% ;ho else could or 4ould do thatE #here 4as somethin' behind them that could not be stopped, somethin' that 'ave them a po4er to do thin's that no other band has done be)ore or a)ter% Dnother thin' that made them di))erent )rom any other band 4as that they 4ere all eHual% :ou 2ne4 all o) them eHually% ;hen they spo2e in intervie4s to'ether, they 4ere li2e one person% Fne 4ould tal2, but it did not matter 4ho it 4as9 it came )rom them all% #his is really di))erent, and sho4s the spiritual )actor that sets them apart% #heir solo stu)) 4as also very spiritual% E@ample: From the Gohn Lennon son' )er &lues* LMy mother 4as o) the s2y, my )ather 4as o) the earth, 6 am o) the universe, and you 2no4 4hat itKs 4orth%B #hat is as clear as it 'ets% #he son's, Gimme Some +ruth* 'ind Games* .eal (ove* and magine also tell you 4here he 4as at% :ou 4ill not understand everythin' at )irst, so do not try to even thin2 about it, and you 4ill 'et a little more each time you listen% Gust remember they are tal2in' to you 4hen you are listenin' to them% $t makes sense( you are the one listening# and no one else is. $f the song were for someone else# it would not make sense. E"erything that comes to you is 9ust for you. $t is the same with this book. $t is 9ust for you when you are reading it.


#heir incredible success is the most obvious si'n o) ho4 di))erent they 4ere% 6n the last )orty years, some other people have bro2e their sales records, but i) they had the competition the &eatles had and the &eatles themselves )or competition, they 4ould not have done as 4ell% #he truth is, no one has even come close to the success o) the &eatles% #hey may have been the most success)ul people that ever lived, because they 4ere success)ul prophets in their o4n li)etime% ,o"e has ne"er been so successful. 4e were all on this ship in the si7ties# our generation# a ship going to disco"er the new world and the /eatles were in the crow?s nest of that ship. Hohn ,ennon The apple #he transition could not have happened in the si@ties9 the time 4as not ri'ht% ;e needed computers and the 6nternet% :ou 4ould not be readin' this boo2 i) it 4asnKt )or the 6nternet% #he ultimate truth had to come on the 6nternet )or )ree, because boo2s cost money and are not available to everyone% +ou would not be learning the truth now if it were not on the $nternet free. #he apple is associated 4ith every ma8or step in man2indKs evolution% #he apple in the Iarden o) Eden 4as the creation o) man2ind <mind 2ind>, the apple )allin' )rom the tree is 4hen Ne4ton reali?ed the la4s o) motion and 'ave birth to calculus% #hen there is Dpple 5ecords, the &eatlesK record company, and Dpple !omputers, the start o) 4idespread computer use% Dnother coincidenceE (eople say the apple in the Iarden o) Eden and in the Ne4ton story never really happened, and it didnKt% 6t does not matter i) it really happened or not, because most people thin2 it did9 4hy do theyE Somethin' put the apple at the ma8or events in human evolution% 6) it did not really happen, it is even more ma'ical and ma2es it even a 'reater si'n o) a divinity in our lives% #he 4ord LappleB means LevilB in Latin, and evil is live bac24ards% -ro1en in time #he time is ri'ht no4, and the &eatlesK music is still here e@actly li2e it 4as then% Dctually, it has been remastered and is even better% #he &eatles have been )ro?en in time still youn', 4aitin' )or us to evolve enou'h to hear 4hat the music contains, 8ust as Gesus has been 4aitin' on us to understand him%


#he son' )esterday did not even ma2e sense until no4% #hey )irst san' it at the pea2 o) their success% ;hy 4ould they be yearnin' )or the past or yesterday at the pea2 o) their successE 6t ma2es total sense i) you listen to it no4% D lot o) their son's only ma2e sense no4% #he &ible and the &eatles are )or no4% #he divine ma'ic is in all 'ood music to some de'ree more or less, because it comes )rom beyond the mind and e@ists only in the present% #he &eatles are 8ust by )ar the bi''est, most concentrated source o) it% 6 li2e the music be)ore #he &eatles sho4ed up, because it 4as a simpler 4orld, and the music re)lected it% #hat is 4hy 6 li2e early &eatles7 son's li2e that )irst &eatles7 son' 6 heard, From 'e to )ou <&eatles *2"*.>% Some others are Should Have 3nown &etter <D -ard 1ayKs Ni'ht>, +hank )ou Girl and She%s a "oman <(ast Masters>, +here%s a Place <(lease (lease Me>, Hold 'e +ight <;ith the &eatles>, +ell 'e "hy and 5 Feel Fine <&eatles *2"*.>% #he )ollo4in' are a )e4 more &eatles7 son's 4ith 4ords that mean t4o di))erent thin's9 see i) you can hear the hidden meanin's: Hey &ulldog, :ello4 Submarine #ry &aby #ry, #he ;hite Dlbum Glass $nion, #he ;hite Dlbum (ady 'adonna, &eatles 1 Across the ,niverse, Let 6t &e Fool on the Hill, #a2e ,, Dntholo'y 2 %m (ooking +hrough )ou, 5ubber Soul Ask 'e "hy, (lease, (lease Me %m $nly Slee/ing, 5evolver .eal (ove, Dntholo'y 2 Se2y Sadie, #he ;hite Dlbum )ou "on%t See 'e, 5ubber Soul &aby%s n &lack, &eatles For Sale +he -ight &efore, -elpQ Sgt4 Pe//er%s (onely Hearts #lub &and, S't% (eppers "ith a (ittle Hel/ from 'y Friends, S't% (eppers 6 do not listen to the &eatlesK music to 8ust listen to music% #heir music is in its o4n cate'ory% 6 listen to the &eatles )or the same reasons 6 read the &ible and other reli'ious boo2s% #he &eatles are a part o) my reli'ion, alon' 4ith 'ol), sur)in', romance, hotrods, classic cars, boats, eatin' and everythin' else% 0*

#heir music helps 2eep me in the present and on the spiritual path% #he &eatles are 8ust another thin' that ma2es my reli'ion more en8oyable than most others% Ey religion is the present and e"erything in it. The last line, in their last son' medley, in the last album the &eatles released, Dbbey 5oad, says it all% Golden Slumbers, #arry +hat "eight, +he 1nd% 6t says, LAnd in the end the lo"e you take# is e.ual to the lo"e you make.J 6n other 4ords, the more love you ta2e )rom li)e or accept )rom li)e, the more you 4ill be able to ma2e or re)lect bac2 to people% 6t is the most important thin' to do% (eople thin2 it means, the more love you ma2e, the more love you 4ill ta2e, but they have it bac24ards% :ou cannot ma2e love9 only IodCli)e can ma2e love% :ou can only let it in and re)lect it bac2 out% #he more love you ta2e, the more love you can ma2e or re)lect to other people% Gemember# e"erything is backwards. 6 have heard the actual last 4ords in a son' they recorded 4as, LFne, t4o, three, )our, )ive, si@, seven, all 'ood children 'o to heaven,B 4hich is also true% $t is now the time to start listening to the /eatles? music with new ears. 2ot for entertainment( this time listen 9ust for its spiritual "alue. Even i) you do not li2e their music, it is easier to listen to them than to read reli'ious boo2s% 6t is a painless 4ay to 'et a shot o) truth everyday% Listen to them to learn the truth, and you 4ill be hearin' them )or the )irst time% Gock and roll Dll roc2 and roll is made by youn' people )or youn' people% ;hat the 2ids o) today have to reali?e is they 4ill not be listenin' to music )or old people, their parentKs music% #hey 4ill be listenin' to music by 2ids their a'e% Ieor'e 4as 8ust )i)teen 4hen he 8oined the band9 they started out as a teena'e band% #hey 4rote the best son's as teena'ers and bro2e up in their t4enties% #he &eatlesK music is made by youn' people )or youn' people no4 and )orever% 6t is more this 'enerationKs music than it 4as ours, because this 'eneration 4ill understand it% ;e did not9 4e 8ust thou'ht 4e did% The time is right for it now. 4ake up kids( it is all for you now.

#he 2ids o) today have to reali?e, all roc2 and roll is their music% #hey have their ne4 music and all the roc2 and roll that came be)ore, because it 4as all made by youn' people their a'e% 6t is one o) the reasons 2ids today have it better than any 'eneration o) 2ids that came be)ore% They need to claim all their music. 6t is no coincidence that many radio stations play a sho4 called brea2)ast 4ith the &eatles on Sunday mornin's% Subconsciously, most people 2no4 there is somethin' spiritual about them% Gohn and Ieor'e may have died physically, but they are still 4ith us in spirit and truth and in son'% Lets not 4ait )or the last t4o to die be)ore 4e 4a2e up% %peaking on reincarnation in 1=>N# 8eorge &arrison said *+ou go on being reincarnated until you reach the actual Truth.* E"erything is for now Ds 6 said earlier, everythin' that happened in the past 4as 8ust to help us )ind the truth and the li)e no4% 6t is not 8ust the &eatlesK music9 it includes most 'reat music% D 'ood e@ample is classical music% Iro4in' up in the era o) roc2 and roll, 6 have never appreciated classical music% ;hen 6 4o2e up, 6 4as ama?ed that 6 suddenly li2ed some classical music as much as roc2 and roll% #he best e@ample is &eethovenKs Ninth symphony% 6t contains the spirit o) conHuest, so it has been stolen and used by dictators and tyrants li2e Stalin and -itler since it 4as 4ritten% 6t 4as per)ect to inspire armies marchin' into battle, but &eethoven 4rote it )or the e@act opposite purpose% Most people thin2 it is 8ust instrumental and has no lyrics, but actually it 4as 4ritten )or a poem by the Ierman poet Friedrich von Schiller called $de to 6oy4 6t is about man2ind becomin' one brotherhood% 6t 4as be)ore its time, because it 4as impossible )or man2ind to become one until no4% #he music does inspire conHuest, the conHuest o) the spirit% D)ter you 4a2e up, listen to it, and you 4ill be astonished by ho4 per)ectly it embodies that conHuest% Li2e &eatles7 son's, you 4ill be hearin' it )or the )irst time% :ou can )ind many versions on :outube%


Listenin' to &eatlesK music is a 'ood 4ay to share the present and the ultimate truth 4ith people, because everyone can relate to it on their o4n level% 1onKt lie to children about Santa !laus9 tell them the truth about the &eatles% #heir true story is 'reater than any myth% 6n ancient E'ypt, a beetle 4as the symbol )or eternal li)e9 another coincidenceE I,i"ing is easy with eyes closed# misunderstanding all you see.J Strawberry Fields Forever All you need is lo"e. Actually# all you need is the truth. +ou need the truth first. True lo"e only comes after you know the truth of life. All you need is lo"e# of the truthM #hey lay it all out in the son's above% Iod is love% Love is everythin', but the only 4ay to receive and 2no4 everythin' is to reali?e that you are nothin'%


Chapter O

The 2ature of 2othing

The nature of nothing 6) you ta2e a4ay everythin' that is physical <matterCener'y>, you are le)t 4ith nothin' <no thin'>% Nothin' is completely empty space, absolute cold, silence and dar2ness% Nothin' is in)inite, eternal and indestructible% 6t does not move9 it does not have to% 6t is already every4here% #he universe is more than //%///= empty space, includin' our o4n bodies% All physical things are made of atoms which are mostly empty space. $f the nucleus is the si1e of a marble# the electrons would be specks of dust a half mile away. E"ery physical thing has that much empty space in it. 6) you removed all the empty space )rom human bodies leavin' only electrons and the other subatomic particles, all seven billion human bodies 4ould )it in the space o) a su'ar cube% True perspecti"e #he 4ay our solar system is sho4n in boo2s does not 'ive you a true perspective o) it% 6t sho4s the sun and the other planets orbitin' it in rin's that are not to scale% #hey could not 'et it in a boo2 i) it 4as to scale% #he actual scale is more li2e this9 i) the sun 4as the si?e o) a bas2etball, the earth 4ould be about the si?e o) a &&, and it 4ould be /3 )eet a4ay )rom it% (luto, the outer most planet in our system, 4ould be a 'rain o) sand over a hal) mile a4ay% #he ne@t star outside our solar system 4ould be thousands o) miles a4ay% 6t ta2es li'ht that travels about one hundred and ei'hty"si@ thousand miles a second about 0 and a hal) minutes to 'o )rom the sun to our planet% 6t 4ill 'o around the earth seven times in one second, but it ta2es )our years to 'et to the ne@t star outside our solar system, and 2%. million years to 'et to the ne@t 'ala@y% #his 'ives you a more true idea o) ho4 much empty space there is in our universe% Eost of e"erything is nothing. ;hat is )aster, the speed o) li'ht or the speed o) dar2E #urn o)) the li'ht and try to 'et into bed be)ore it 'ets dar2% 6 am 8ust 2iddin', but 6 am tryin' to ma2e a point% :ou cannot turn o)) Lnothin'B or do anythin' to it% 6t al4ays stays the same, is al4ays every4here all the time% /0

2othing is really something. Einstein7s 'eneral relativity eHuations sho4 that space bends and prove that nothin' is really somethin' 4ith substance% Supposedly, empty space is shaped, and it is the shape o) space that creates the 'ravity that controls and creates the 4hole universe% 6t holds the planets in orbit, ma2es the sun and other stars burn, and it is empty space, nothin'% Palue of general relati"ity 6 al4ays 4ondered 4hat the practical bene)it o) 'eneral relativity 4as, and no4 6 2no4% 6t proves that nothin' is somethin', and in )act controls and creates the 4hole universe% 2othing causes e"erything to happen. 6t creates 'ravity, 'ravity creates planets and stars, stars concentrate and release all ener'y and matter% #hus everythin' physical comes )rom and is created by nothin'% ; 0 C Fur spirit is also li2e nothin'% 6t is the so"called empty space bet4een everythin'% #he ma8ority o) everythin' is nothin', and it connects everythin', every4here% Fur essential, immortal sel) or soul is li2e the blan2 sheet that physical li)e is 4ritten on, the dar2ness that 'ives li'ht a place to shine, the silence that 'ives sound a place to be heard% Dn in)inite stadium that the 'ame o) li)e is played in% Nothin' is more than somethin'% 6t is the complete opposite o) 4hat people thin2% 6t is impossible to 'et your mind around9 all you can do is 2no4 it is true and be it% There are some things that are beyond the mind# literally. +ou can only know them or in this case be them# when the mind is open. +ou cannot e7perience nothing :ou do not loo2 inside yoursel) to )ind yoursel) as some eastern reli'ions have been sayin'9 there is nothin' there% :ou cannot see or e@perience nothin'9 it is impossible% :ou can be li2e nothin', but not e@perience it% #here is nothin' to e@perience% 4hat does the e7periencing cannot be e7perienced. %piritual perspecti"e :ou do not loo2 in9 you do the opposite, and you loo2 out throu'h your senses% ;hen you e@perience everythin', you e@perience nothin' at the same time% :ou have to be nothin' to e@perience everythin'% 6) you are somethin', there is no room )or everythin'% 6t is the spiritual perspective% :ou are loo2in' out )rom nothin' to everythin', )rom no4here to every4here, )rom stillness to movement, )rom dar2ness to li'ht% /1

$t is interesting that the word InowhereJ is also Inow here.J The watcher6witness #he perspective o) a spiritual bein' is as i) you are sittin' in a dar2 movie theater 4atchin' li)e% 6) the theater 4as not dar2, you could not see the movie% :our soul or spirit is in a dar2, silent void that is open to li)e% :ou are the void and everythin' in it, nothin' and everythin' at the same time% (eople, man2ind are livin' as their )alse, mortal mind"sel), and they should be livin' as their immortal spiritual sel), the e@act opposite o) the 4ay they are no4% 6) you are completely open, li)e )ills the void completely% Dll li)e comes to you9 it is 'iven to you by li)e% :ou are 8ust a receiver% :ou do not create li)e9 all you can do is live it and re)lect 4hat you receive% Li)e moves around and throu'h you% ;hen you are completely open, nothin' is completely displaced 4ith everythin'% Unified field e.uation #he holy 'rail o) physics, the science that is tryin' to e@plain everythin' mathematically is somethin' called a uni)ied )ield eHuation% 6t 4ould e@plain in a mathematical eHuation 4hy everythin' does 4hat it does% #hey have not been able to do it, but they have not been considerin' the )ield or tried to add it to the eHuation% #he )ield is 4hat 4e call nothin'% 6 4ould 'ive it a ne4 mathematical symbol% D 'ood symbol and model )or li)e in the universe 4ould be an empty circle% #he circle represents ener'yCpositive, the space inside the circle 4orld represent nothin'Cne'ative%

4hen the solution is simple# 8od is answering. Albert Einstein C 0 ; says it all #4o bein' the balancin' opposites, one positive one ne'ative9 they cancel each other out, eHual nothin' and everythin', represented by the ne4 symbol% #hat is the uni)ied )ield eHuation% $t also goes the other way# ; 0 C. E"erything should be made as simple as possible# but not one bit simpler. Albert Einstein /2

:ou can only understand the universe i) you loo2 at it )rom the perspective o) li)e% 6t 4ill never really be understood )rom the mindKs perspective, because it cannot perceive Lnothin'B )or 4hat it really is or understand anythin' in)inite, 4hich is the true nature o) everythin'% The spirit is more like darkness than light. (eople thin2 that the spirit is li2e li'ht% #his is because li'ht reveals 4hat 4as hidden in the dar29 it represents li)e, and dar2 represents death% #he 'ood 'uys 4ear 4hite, and evil li2es the dar2% 1ar2ness represents evil, and li'ht represents 'ood% 6t is a misunderstandin', a deception% #he opposite is true9 li'ht is more li2e evil and dar2 is more li2e Iod or 'ood% #his is because the spirit is li2e dar2ness% 1ar2ness is nothin', and so is the spirit% Li'ht is somethin', a )orm o) ener'y9 the spirit has no ener'y% 6 am not sayin' that li'ht is evil9 6 am 8ust sayin' as a metaphor )or Iod, it is missin' the mar2% #he spirit has more in common 4ith dar2ness or nothin'% #he mind, li2e li'ht, is a )orm o) ener'y, and the mind creates the evil in our lives, so li'ht should not be associated 4ith the spirit, e@cept in the conte@t o) enli'htenment% !isplace the spirit #he mind is a )orm o) ener'y, and because it is, it 4ill al4ays displace the spirit, 8ust as li'ht 4ill al4ays displace dar2ness% Eind power #his is 4hy you cannot live completely 4ithout the mind 4hen there are any other active minds tryin' to communicate 4ith you% #he mind can al4ays intrude on the spirit, but the spirit can never intrude on the mind% #he spirit is a void, and the mind 4ill al4ays try to )ill it% :ou could say the mind is more po4er)ul than the spirit, and you 4ould be ri'ht, e@cept that the spirit does not need po4er to do somethin'9 it is already every4here and the bi''est part o) everythin'% So the spirit could be seen as the ultimate po4er9 it is simply 4hat is% 6t is automatically 4herever ener'y is not% #he spirit is the only thin' in the universe that reHuires no ener'y to e@ist% #he mind is a''ressive9 the spirit is passive% #his is 4hy you have to be by yoursel) or be around other people that 2no4 the truth to really be )ul)illed% :ou 4ill be much more a4are than people that do not 2no4 the truth, but you 4ill not be able to be completely open, completely )ul)illed around active minds% 6t is a dra', but the 4ay it is and 4ill be until everyone 2no4s the truth% #his is 4hy you have to learn to e@perience true li)e alone at )irst% :ou 8ust have to start 'ettin' a4ay )rom the mind, as much as you can, 4henever you can% Eventually, you receive the input o) other minds as you ta2e in all other ener'y, and it is not so bad, but it is not as 'ood as the ener'y you 'et directly )rom li)e% /3

The significant problems we ha"e cannot be sol"ed at the same le"el of thinking with which we created them. Albert Einstein The new mind D ne4 and improved mind 4ill be 4ith you )orever% 6t 4ill start over 4ith every death and birth, but it 4ill 'ro4 in the collective unconscious )orever% #he bi' di))erence is, it 4ill be your servant, not your master% :our mind 4ill become your trusted )riend% 6t is a valued and necessary part o) a divine li)e )orm% E"erything is Eind Everythin' comes )rom nothin'% 6t comes )rom a thou'ht, the mind o) Iod% Nothin' is the only thin' that is omnipresent% Everythin' is mind% D thou'ht is nothin', it has no mass or ener'y% Everythin' starts 4ith a thou'ht% D man loo2s at an open )ield and thin2s: A6 could build a house thereA, and soon there is a house there% ;hat starts as nothin', 8ust a thou'ht, becomes mani)est as somethin'% The double slit e7periment pro"es that the mind affects energy and matter. ;hen the laser beam is observed, it chan'es )rom a particle to a 4ave, so the observer7s mind is a))ectin' ener'y and is connected invisibly to the particles% #he di))erence bet4een the 4ay the animal mind <mind o) man2ind> and the spiritual mind mani)ests is the spiritual mind does it on the subatomic level, the level 4here matter and ener'y is created% #he mind o) man2ind mani)ests on the level above the atomic level, the 4orld 4e are conscious o), e@cept in the rare times li2e the double slit e@periment 4hen 4e become a4are o) Huantum behavior or phenomena belo4 the atomic level% The spiritual mind could be called the mind of what religions call 8od. #he universal mind or mind o) Iod, 8ust does it 4ith all matter and ener'y% 6n this boo2 6 say do not thin2, clear your mind, because 4hat is le)t is the mind o) Iod, the mind o) creation itsel)% 6) you allo4 the mind o) Iod to become your mind, heaven 4ill mani)est in your li)e a)ter you die or 4hen enou'h people in the animal 4orld 4e are in no4 see the truth%


Eind of 8od 0 The collecti"e will of all fully e"ol"ed life in the uni"erse Not all thou'hts, but certain 2inds o) thou'hts create movement and ma2e nothin' into somethin'% $ want to know 8od3s thoughts# the rest are details. Albert Einstein EMM!2 is an e@ample o) Iod7s thou'ht% Dtoms, the buildin' bloc2s o) all matter, are really 8ust movement, ener'y movin' so )ast in a circle that it appears and )unctions as somethin' solid% #hat is ho4 movement becomes physical% 6) the movement inside an atom stopped, it 4ould turn into nothin'% 6) the atom is split, it releases the ener'y out in a strai'ht line and mani)ests as a nuclear e@plosion% EMM!2 tells you ho4 much )orce or ener'y is released )rom a 'iven amount o) mass or solid matter 4hen the atoms split% E"erything is mo"ement( thought creates e"erything in the physical uni"erse. #hat does not mean any )antasy you have 4ill come true, only that 4hich is in accord 4ith the mind o) man or the spiritual mind% ;hat mani)ests )rom the mind o) man is temporary9 the thin's o) the spiritual mind can last )orever% $t is time for the spiritual mind to start manifesting on earth. #he thou'hts o) man can and do become mani)est in physical reality% #hey are currently mani)estin' as everythin' the human race has built, and 4hat the human race does, such as corporations, reli'ions, science, etc% #he man"made 4orld re)lects ho4 man thin2s% Most o) it is not the same as 4hat Iod thin2s% Man2ind, or the mind o) human bein's is in the process o) evolvin' a4ay )rom the animal mind and into the mind o) Iod% E"ery man knows what he is and what he does.


A man is but the product of his thoughts. 4hat he thinks# he becomes. Eohandas 8andhi No4 that the truth o) li)e can be seen, that evolution 4ill be'in to accelerate% ;e are be'innin' to be able to see the di))erence bet4een a creation o) the animal mind and a creation o) the mind o) Iod% ;e are also startin' to see that 4e need the mind o) Iod to create a heaven on earth% !i"ine program #his boo2 is 8ust spiritual thou'hts, a divine pro'ram that is no4 bein' do4nloaded into your mind% 6t 4ill chan'e you and the rest o) man2ind into spiritual bein's, and create a heaven on earth% 6t is important to simpli)y the 4ay you see and 2no4 li)e, because it is the only 4ay it can be 2no4n% 6t can be almost in)initely complicated, and tryin' to understand it all is 4hat man2ind is tryin' to do% ;e have to 'o the other 4ay and see and 2no4 it in the most simple 4ay, because it is the only 4ay 4e can 2no4 all that can be 2no4n% ;e can never 2no4 all the details, they are in)inite and it is impossible, but 4e can 2no4 the simple bi' picture o) li)e% #hat is 4hat this boo2 attempts to do% E"erything should be made as simple as possible# but not one bit simpler. Albert Einstein 6n this boo2 6 say do not thin2, clear your mind, because 4hat is le)t is the mind o) Iod, the mind o) creation itsel)% 6) you allo4 the mind o) Iod to become your mind, heaven 4ill mani)est in your li)e a)ter you die or 4hen enou'h people in the animal 4orld 4e are in no4 see the truth% 8@! 0 T&AT 4&$C& $% 0 ,$-E 0 T&E PGE%E2T


Chapter N

,i"ing and !ying

,ife is what happens to you while you3re busy making other plans. Hohn ,ennon Planning for the future ;hen most people are youn' adults, they put a lot o) their e))ort into preparin' )or their )uture% #he problem is, the )uture never really comes% D)ter middle a'e, they may or may not have money, but they no lon'er have youth and the illusion o) a dream )uture% (eople start to reali?e that their dreams are not 'oin' to come true, at least not li2e they dreamed them, or people did 4hat they set out to do, and it 4as not 4hat they thou'ht and hoped it 4ould be9 it did not satis)y them )or very lon'% #hey start reminiscin' about the 'ood old days that really 4ere not that 'ood% (eople 'o )rom )antasi?in' about the )uture to )antasi?in' about the past% #hey miss the present all to'ether% (eople live their 4hole li)e 4ithout really livin' at all% #heir )riends start to die and their health starts to 'o% #hey start to see that they are headin' )or sic2ness, old a'e and death% 6t starts to da4n on them that their li)e has passed them by, and they are headin' )or the abyss 4ithout a clue% #hen they tell their 2ids to do the same thin' they 4ere tau'ht, because they do not 2no4 4hat else to tell them% So it 'oes, passed do4n )rom one 'eneration to the ne@t, the sins o) the )ather passed do4n, the blind leadin' the blind as the &ible says% 6t is tra'ic and no lon'er necessary% Prime of life ;e may live an avera'e o) about ei'hty years, but our prime o) li)e is considerably shorter% For most men it is about ten years, )or most 4omen it is only about )ive years, because youth and physical beauty matter so much% Dll this e))ort is to prepare )or a )uture that is sand4iched bet4een youth and old a'e% #hose )e4 years are not that 'reat, even )or the people that are luc2y enou'h to succeed in their plans9 even the one in a million that reali?es their childhood dreams is disappointed% ;hat is the pointE Even )or those )e4 that their bi' dream comes true, that become )amous in sports or sho4 business, it only lasts a )e4 years% (eople need to see the bi' picture, immortal li)e% A spiritual being is in the prime of life all the time. /

6 am not sayin' that people should not prepare )or the )uture% :ou have to do somethin' 4ith your li)e, and 'ettin' an education that 4ill help others and help yoursel) is the thin' to do% ;or2in' to help others and yoursel) is also the ri'ht 4ay to spend your time% 6 am sayin' you can do those thin's and ta2e care o) yoursel) spiritually at the same time% Success and money 4ill come and 'o, no matter 4hat you do, but li)e is al4ays 4ith you, so it is 4hat matters the most% 6) you ta2e care o) the present <live in the present>, the )uture 4ill ta2e care o) itsel), as the sayin' 'oes% Dl4ays 'ive the present priority over the )uture or the past, and you 4ill be on the ri'ht path% Livin' in the present does not mean you do not 2no4 the past and the )uture% :ou have to 2no4 the true past and true )uture in order to 2no4 the truth and live in the present% ,i"e e"ery moment# like it is your last dance on earth. Carlos Castaneda Even thou'h people are al4ays thin2in' about the past and the )uture, they do not see it truly% #he mind is preventin' people )rom seein' the present, and it is also preventin' people )rom seein' the true past and )uture% 2o one really looks past a hundred years. 4hat happens then' Many people do not thin2 past the ne@t )i)ty or si@ty years or past death, because they thin2 it is a lon' 4ay o)) or that there is no hope9 dead means dead, or they believe in a myth% They could not be more wrong. 4hen you know you are going to die and life is short# shouldn?t you prepare for it' +ou need a long)term plan that goes past this life and death. Someone once said that Lpeople live in Huiet desperation%B #he truth is, they live in i'norance% (eople are so busy playin' mind 'ames that they never see or even ima'ine that there is really another 4ay, a 4ay to a place that is better than any dream you ever had% %hort sighted ;e needed to be semi short si'hted in the past to 'et civili?ation to 4here it is, but 4e no4 have the lu@ury o) loo2in' at the bi' picture% (eople need to see that everythin' they are doin' to ma2e their li)e better ends at their death% :ou cannot ta2e material thin's 4ith you% (eople are blind 4hen they don7t see that they have to do somethin' that can 'o 4ith them 4hen they die% #he truth and li)e are the only thin's that 4ill e@ist every4here, so they 4ill e@ist a)ter death% Dlso, there has to be a lar'er mind than 8ust the one that 'ets destroyed 4ith your brain in death% :ou can 2eep 4hat you learn and 2no4 on a spiritual, eternal level% #here)ore, the truth and the li)e are the only thin's that ma2e sense to develop, evolve and 'ro4, because everythin' else is lost )or certain% /0

6) the collective unconscious mind did not e@ist, you could not ta2e anythin' 4ith you 4hen you die% 6 am sayin' i) in this li)e you learn the truth o) li)e and live in it, by helpin' to spread it 4ith a hundred percent commitment, you become it% :ou become the truth and li)e% #hus, 4hen you die, your spirit 8oins 4ith other spirits li2e you that embody the truth o) the li)e% #he ne4 realm you are born into is based on truth and li)e because it is a paradise, a heaven% $gnorance is not bliss. $t is the cause of all misery. ;e have to 2no4 the truth in order to 4al2 the path% #he truth is the path% :ou have to be able to see the path, all o) it, be)ore you can 'o 4here you really 4ant to 'o% Dlmost everyone is lost% Most people 8ust do not 2no4 it, 4hich ma2es them even more lost% #he de)inition o) bein' lost is not 2no4in' 4here you are and not 2no4in' 4here you are 'oin'% #hat ma2es 8ust about everyone lost% Fnly the truth and the li)e can sho4 you the 4ay, because it is the 4ay% The saddest thing is someone dying without e"er li"ing. ,ie and die (eople live their lives livin' a lie, and they then die in a lie% $t is interesting that IlieJ and IdieJ are so close to the same thing. Dnyone that says they are o2 4ith death is lyin'% No one can be o2 4ith it, but that does not ma2e people )eel 'ood, so no one can be honest about it% #he problem is, it tells people it is o2 to be dishonest even 4hen you are about to die, 4hich it is not% Gust be)ore you die is the time to be most honest% Fther4ise, you send the 4ron' messa'e to people you care about% #he reason it is the saddest thin' to see someone dyin' 4ithout learnin' the truth is because it is no4 unnecessary% #he truth can be 2no4n, and people 2no4 it subconsciously% 6t is ri'ht there, but they 8ust cannot connect 4ith it% 6) you do not 2no4 the truth, the 4orst thin' to do is deceive yoursel) and others, because it removes any chance o) you learnin' the truth%


Even 4hen you 2no4 the truth, there is not much to )eel 'ood about% :ou can )eel 'ood that you are one o) the )irst people on earth to die 2no4in' the truth, and you can loo2 )or4ard to bein' reborn in a better place, but that is about it% 6) you are in 'reat pain and have a hopeless, de'enerative terminal disease, you may 4elcome death, but that only means that your disease is 4orse than death% 6t does not ma2e death o29 death still suc2s on many levels% !eath sucks :our death )orces you to have to leave everythin' you have ever 2no4n% :ou are leavin' everyone you love, and that is never o2ay% Even i) you thin2 death is not that bad, it ma2es your loved ones sad 4hen you die9 there is nothin' o2 about that% No matter ho4 you loo2 at it, it is bad% Dnyone 4ho says they are o2 4ith it has not really thou'ht about it, are stupid, or are lyin' to themselves and everyone else% 1eath suc2s, and that is the bottom line% 6) you learn the truth and the li)e, you can die 2no4in' you did the best that 4as possible )or a human bein'% -avin' learned the truth and the li)e, you 4ill be reborn in a ne4 4orld 4here death 4ill never be as bad as it is in this realm% 6t is a lot better than dyin' in i'norance or livin' a lie% :ou 4ill 2no4 that death is necessary and 4hat is 'oin' to happen ne@t, but death 4ill al4ays be tra'ic in many 4ays, and it is never o2ay% Physical life is short 6) people reali?ed 8ust ho4 )ast their physical li)e is 'oin' to pass, they 4ould be much more concerned 4ith learnin' the ultimate truth 4hile they have the chance% The truth is# we are all dying. Gust as2 any old person i) li)e is short or lon', as2 i) their li)e 4ent by too )ast% 4e all li"e in a house on fire# no fire department to call# no way out# 9ust the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped# locked in it. Tennessee 4illiams 4hile we are postponing# life speeds by. ,ucius Annaeus %eneca


End of the world (eople are al4ays tal2in' and 4orryin' about the 4orld endin'% ;e are destroyin' the environment, 'oin' to use 4eapons o) mass destruction, pla'ues and pandemics, asteroids )rom space and reli'ious prophecy, etc% ;e are so busy 4orryin' about the 4orld, 4e are missin' the )act that the 4orld is 'oin' to end soon )or us no matter 4hat happens or 4hat 4e do% The certain prospect of death should sweeten e"ery life with a precious and fragrant drop of le"ity. -riedrich 2iet1sche /irth is like being thrown out of an airplane without a parachute. $t is 9ust a matter of time before you hit the ground and lose e"erything. Gust remember, death cannot be avoided )or very lon', even i) you are care)ul% :ou have to be as ready as you can be to die, because it can happen anytime% 5eali?e ho4 unprepared you are9 reali?e the reality o) dyin' and 4hat you 4ill have to )ace, and it 4ill be the start o) a 'lorious Huest )or the truth and li)e% 1eath is not a pleasant sub8ect% 6t is the 4orst thin' that there is, and no one 4ants to tal2 about it or thin2 about it, but it is 'oin' to happen to you and everyone else% 6t is true, and )acin' the truth o) it is the only 4ay to overcome it% Actually# you ne"er die from your own perspecti"e. The opposite happens. E"eryone else dies6disappears. 6 hope 6 scared you% &e a)raid9 be very a)raid% 6 hope you are as scared as much as you should be% :ou need to be scared enou'h to do somethin' about it% !o not take this world for granted( it could disappear anytime# you can disappear anytime. -eart )ailure, stro2es, blood clots, and accidents happen to youn' people, so do not thin2 it cannot happen to you% Every time you eat, you could cho2e% Every time you 'et in a car, another driver can 2ill you, so do not be surprised 4hen death comes to you% :ou could die today9 thousands o) people 4ill% !eath is the most certain thing in life# and most people are not ready for it.


Chapter =

%eeking and 5nowing

There are many popular mo"ies about the unseen magic behind our li"es. #he movies Dmerican &eauty and Forrest Iump are about ho4 li)e is on automatic and 8ust happens% #he ba' and )eather blo4in' in the 4ind are metaphors o) ho4 li)e is under the control o) some unseen )orce% #he Matri@ is about hidden truth% #he Fountain -ead is about livin' )or the truth, no matter 4hat the cost% 6 doubt that these thin's 4ere put in these and other movies 8ust to convey the messa'e 6 am pointin' out% #hey 4ere probably slipped in by the collective unconscious 4ithout the 4riter even 2no4in' the messa'e, or 2no4in' ho4 true it is% Ds you be'in to become more a4are, you start seein' these interestin' subconscious si'ns% 6n #he ;i?ard o) F?, #oto pulls the curtain bac2, and the truth is revealed% (eople li2e to 4atch luc2y people in the movies% Dll our heroes 4ere really 8ust very luc2y people, in real li)e and the movies% Ieor'e ;ashin'ton may have been very brave and smart, but he 4as also very luc2y% &ullets came so close to 2illin' him that they made holes in his coat% 6) a bullet had been 8ust a )e4 inches to the ri'ht, history 4ould be di))erent, and someone else 4ould be on the dollar bill% #he truth is, 'ood and bad luc2, or the balance, controls everythin'% For every ;ashin'ton, there are many patriots that 4ere 8ust as brave and smart, but not as luc2y, so they died in obscurity% #he real 4orld is the real 4orld% Hames /ond ;e li2e 4atchin' &ond in action, because he is the luc2iest person that ever lived% -e 'ets out o) one impossible situation a)ter another and 'ets the 'irl, 4hich does not happen in real li)e9 it is a 'reat )antasy% ;hat really impresses us is not that they 4in or live, but that they are ready to die and lose, but donKt have to in the movie% The main reason for myths is the truth did not look "ery good until now. That is why we ha"e mo"ies that show a world where e"erything ends well and people li"e happily e"er after. The ama1ing thing is people can li"e happily e"er after# if they learn the truth of life.


,ife looked bad 6n the real 4orld, the 4orld o) truth you can chec2, it loo2ed li2e you 8ust live a di))icult li)e and then you 're4 old and died in some horrible 4ay% #hatKs 4hy people have all these di))erent belie)s% Dnythin', no matter ho4 )ar")etched, 4as better than 4hat the real truth loo2ed li2e% (eople 4ould rather try and believe in the impossible than a truth they did not 4ant to believe% 6 do not blame them9 no one 4ants to believe li)e is pointless and horrible% !rowning people will grab a talking snake Abelie"e in religious mythsB. The most wonderful thing is the truth has turned out to be the best thing. Time for the truth No4 4e 2no4 the truth, and it is not horrible the 4ay people thou'ht% 6n )act, it is better than anyone could have hoped )or% 6t could not be more per)ect or better, so it is time to )or'et the myths and embrace the truth% The truth is not #oday 4e can 2no4 4hat the truth is not% ;hen you 2no4 4hat the truth is not, you have a chance to 2no4 4hat the truth is% The real truth #he di))erence is as 'reat as the di))erence bet4een a real li)e and an ima'inary li)e% :ou are really 'oin' to die, so i) you are really 'oin' to live, you need to 2no4 the real truth% Literally, everythin' depends on the truth% Truth is what stands the test of e7perience. Albert Einstein The truth is still the truth after the mo"ie is o"er. A mo"ie can let you escape it for a few hours# but it comes back. Gemember# C D C 0 4 6t does not eHual anythin' else% #he truth is, there is only one real truth% &elievin' 2 N 2 M . or * or anythin' else does not ma2e it true% #here are an in)inite amount o) 4ron' ans4ers, but only one real ans4er% #he real truth has the po4er to ma2e sense out o) the 4orld, and in doin', trans)orm a man into a spiritual bein'% Nothin' else does anythin' but deceive% #here is the story that is bac2ed up by all the evidence and everythin' else% Fne story is li2e the , in 2 N 2 M ,% Dll other stories are li2e all the other numbers% There are a million different stories# then there is the truth you can check.


Geal hero story #here are 'ood stories, 'reat stories and even the 'reatest story ever told, then there is the real story% 5eal heroes are livin' the real story% $ con9ure you# my brethren# to remain faithful to earth and do not belie"e those who speak unto you of super terrestrial hopesM Poisoners they are# whether they know it or not. -riedrich 2iet1sche To know the truth is the best thing. To know that you do not know is the second best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease. ,ao T1u All you ha"e to be is honest to learn the truth and li"e in true life# nothing more# nothing less. 6 li2e a 'ood story as much as the ne@t 'uy, but 6 do not li2e it 4hen people try and say it is true 4ithout any evidence to support their claims% 6) it is bac2ed up by the evidence, it is the truth% 6) it is not, it is 8ust a story% 6t is that simple% 4hen all the e"idence says it is true and none says it is false# it is true. To admit a belief merely because it is a custom ) but that means to be dishonest# cowardly# la1yM ) And so could dishonesty# cowardice and la1iness be the preconditions for morality' -riedrich 2iet1sche $t is a new day No4 that you can 2no4 the truth, you have to ac2no4led'e it and chan'e accordin'ly, or you 4ill be lost% There are only two ways to li"e your life. @ne is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though e"erything is a miracle. Albert Einstein ,ife is the only miracle #he )act that nothin' happens out o) the ordinary means the ordinary, or nature, can be understood% 6t does certain thin's and does not do others, and 4e can 2no4 4hat those thin's are% The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. Albert Einstein Hoy in looking and comprehending is nature?s most beautiful gift. Albert Einstein 10,

$magination 6ma'ination is a 'ood and necessary thin' 4hen it comes to bein' creative, but not 'ood 4hen it comes to the truth% #he ima'ination has been runnin' 4ild and is responsible )or all the myths about li)e and death% Millions o) people are playin' ma2e believe% #hey believe or are tryin' to believe in a )alse ima'inary 4orld, a 4orld that does not really e@ist e@cept in their heads, in their ima'ination% 6t is a certain recipe )or physical and spiritual death% There is not enough lo"e and goodness in the world for us to be permitted to gi"e any of it away to imaginary things. -riedrich 2iet1sche +ou can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time# but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham ,incoln 2o problem can be sol"ed from the same le"el of consciousness that created it. Albert Einstein A5epentA means to change your mind. !han'in' your mind means chan'in' )rom a mind that controls your spirit to a mind that serves your spirit% 4e shall re.uire a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to sur"i"e. Albert Einstein #he more unbelievable somethin' is, the more )anatical the )ollo4ers 4ill be% 6t ma2es no sense, but it is part o) human nature% !eception kills( only the truth sa"es. 1eception 2ills, because it buries the spirit in deception% Fnly the truth can save us, and almost no one 2no4s 4hat it is% Most do not even 4ant to 2no4% The only reason people want to escape reality is they do not know what reality really is( they do not know that it is better than any myth.


The age of escapism has to end# or the human race will. Livin' in an illusion 4ill lead to our destruction% :ou have to 2no4 the true situation to deal 4ith it% 6) you are tryin' to disarm an atomic bomb, you have to 2no4 ho4 it 4or2s to do it% 6) you 8ust start movin' 4ires around because you have )aith it is the ri'ht thin' to do, it 4ill set the bomb o))% 6) you believe poison is mil2 and drin2 it, it 4ill 2ill you% 6t should be obvious, but the truth is, most people do not see ho4 dan'erous livin' blind is% #he blind are leadin' the blind% 6n the past, illusions and misunderstandin's caused most o) our con)licts, but 4e 4ere not po4er)ul enou'h to completely destroy ourselves% 4e are now. This is why# e"en though we do not want to face the truth# we ha"e to. As Hohn ,ennon said# the dream is o"er. ;e 4ill end it, or it 4ill end us% #he mind has not had to 4or2 very hard to deceive people9 they 4ill believe anythin' someone tells them, no matter ho4 nonsensical% #he more nonsensical, the more they believe% #he problem is that the truth is 8ust too normal )or most so"called normal people to believe% The public will belie"e anything# so long as it is not founded on truth. Edith %itwell -lat world Gust a )e4 hundred years a'o, people believed the 4orld 4as )lat, and even 4hen there 4as 'ood evidence that it 4as round, most people did not believe it or 4ant to believe it% #hey did not 4ant to admit they 4ere 4ron'% The truth may set you free# but first# it will piss you off. 8loria %teinem #hose that can accept the truth 4hen they hear it and see it are 'oin' to be saved9 those that do not or 8ust 4ant to stay in their popular and co?y com)ort ?one are 'oin' to be lost% #hat is )air% 8andhi said# I$f you are a ma9ority of one# the truth is still the truth.J Prophets are teachers not leaders. True prophets set you free from leaders. ,eaders6followers #he truth needs no leaders, 8ust teachers% 6t is important to 2eep personalities out o) it% Follo4ers 'et dependent on spiritual leaders, the leaders 'et dependent on the )ollo4ers, and the truth is lost% #he truth is, people need to lead themselves% Dll the truth needs is the 6nternet and 4or2 to spread it% 10*

+ou must take all the help you can get# and gi"e as much help as you can. #his time, the truth is not dependent on a sin'le leader% 6n the past, a lo4li)e could 2ill a prophet and stop the truth )rom 'ettin' out, but not no4% This book is 9ust the spark that will get people talking about the real truth. $ am 9ust a guy with a match that is trying to start a truth fire. The only thing we all ha"e in common is that we play tricks in order to force oursel"es to abandon the .uest. The counter)measure is to persist in spite of all the barriers and disappointments. Carlos Castaneda The ne7t best thing to knowing the ultimate truth is seeking it. A new re"elation is the revealin' to others a )undamental truth that has never been revealed be)ore% #his boo2 is )illed 4ith ne4 revelations o) truth% 6 did not 2no4 any o) the thin's that 6 have put in this boo2 be)ore they came to me% 6 8ust )illed in the blan2s as they appeared% 6t is a 'i)t to me and no4 to you% /ehind your thoughts and feelings# my brother# there stands a mighty ruler. An unknown sage ) whose name is self. $n your body he dwells. There is more reason in your body than in your best wisdom. -riedrich 2iet1sche #he 2ey is to not thin2 much% Ds Gohn Lennon said, you need a blan2 sheet o) paper be)ore you can put anythin' ne4 on it% :ou have to 'et the bats out o) the bel)ry, ma2e room )or daddy, and ma2e room )or somethin' ne4 to come to you% :ou have to have the desire to receive the truth )or it to come, but thin2in' about it does not ma2e it happen% 6t is 4hen you stop thin2in' that it comes% ;hen a revelation is true, it ma2es sense and )its into a pattern, 4hich has continuity% 6t is also true )or everyone, all the time9 that is ho4 you 2no4 it is true% The re"elations are 9ust passing through me and this book to reach you. #hey are )or you as much as they 4ere )or me% 6) you are ready to receive them, you 4ill understand 4hat 6 am sayin'% 6) not, you 4ill thin2 6 am cra?y% $t is interesting that most of the word IknowJ is Inow.J People think life is "ery complicated. The truth is# it is "ery simple.


Chapter 1;

/alanced Uni"erse
People think they are in control of their life( the opposite is true. 5arma Most people thin2 that 4hat you do 4ill have an e))ect on your )uture li)e, even a)ter death9 4hat you do 4ill come bac2 to you, etc% 6t is not true% 1oin' somethin', bad or 'ood, to or )or someone 4ill not create the 'ood and bad in your )uture li)e% 6t is balanced9 it 8ust happens no matter 4hat you do% #he balance ma2es everyoneKs li)e )air, 8ust, eHual and per)ect, but it is not in)luenced by any actions you ta2e, 'ood or bad% :ou are never a victim o) anyone% Everythin' that happens is al4ays li)e creatin' balance% :our only choice is to see it )or 4hat it is, or not see it% There is occasions and causes why and wherefore in all things. 4illiam %hakespeare -ate "s. freewill (hysically, you are a 'roup o) over si@ty trillion livin' cells that do 4hat they do by themselves% Every second, there are trillions o) thin's happenin' inside our bodies that 2eep us )rom droppin' dead, and 4e have no control over it% &lood is bein' pumped% !ells are bein' created% -ormones are distributed% D trillion thin's out o) our control have to happen 8ust )or us to di'est )ood, and 4e are not even a4are that it is happenin' ri'ht no4% (eople are a4are o) the )act that they are not in control o) the inner 4or2in's o) their bodies, but most people are not a4are o) the )act that they do not control 4hat is 'oin' on outside o) them either% Most people believe they are in control, and the e@act opposite is the truth% The dance of life Li)e leads, and 4e )ollo4 in the dance o) li)e% 6n other 4ords, the outer environment does somethin', and our inner environment <mind> reacts to it% 4e are under the absolute control of our en"ironments. :ou 'et hun'ry you eat, need money you 4or2, the phone rin's you ans4er it, 'et cold you put on a coat, 'et hot you ta2e it o)), and i) you have an itch, you scratch it% #hen there is lar'er environmental control9 4here and 4hen you are born, i) you are rich or poor, educated, talent, health, loo2s, se@ and race, etc% Check it #he easiest 4ay to chec2 i) 4e are in control or not is to 8ust loo2 )or someone that does not die li2e everyone else% No one beats death, not even the )aith healers, and no one 4ants to die% #he )act that everyone dies and in less than a hundred and )i)ty years tells you 4ith no doubt that 4e are not in control% 100

People think free will is a gift( the opposite is true% #he 'i)t is that you do not have to be in control% Fnly 4hen you 2no4 4ith absolute certainty that li)e 4ill be absolutely )air <balanced> can you really rela@ and en8oy the ride% Free 4ill or control is an illusion, a deception created by the mind% 6t is the second 'reatest deception a)ter the deception that you are your mind% ;hen you 4a2e up to the truth, the )irst thin' you reali?e is you are not in control% +ou see that the creator and the creation are together in the present. (eople 4ant to believe in an all"po4er)ul Iod, but they also 4ant to believe that they are in control or have a )ree 4ill% 6t is another mind 'ame% Li)e is in control o) everythin' all the time, no matter 4hat you thin2% 6t is easy to believe you are in control% D)ter all, you do 4hatever you 4ant% #he truth is, you 4ant to do somethin' because somethin' in your environment 'ives you a reason to do it, even i) it is your mind% The en"ironment is e"erything that isn?t me. Albert Einstein 6n other 4ords, everythin' outside your spiritual sel), includin' your mind, is your environment% :our mind 4as and is created by your 'enetics and your environment, past and present% :our mind is part o) your environment, 8ust as your body is, and it is controlled by the lar'er environment directly and indirectly% :ou can say lo4er animals are also in control o) 4hat they do and do not do% D bear or 4ol) can decide 4hat to do )rom moment to moment, but it is 8ust reactin' to 4hat is happenin' around it% :ou do the thin's you do )or the same reason a bear or any other animal does 4hat they do% -umans do the same thin' as all other animals, but 8ust in a little less direct 4ay% Fur minds 'ive us a 'reater a4areness o) the past and )uture than lo4er animals% #hus, 4e ta2e 4hat 4e have learned in the past and 4here 4e 4ant to 'o in the )uture into account 4hen 4e react to the environment, so 4e react a little less directly than lo4er animals 4hen 4e can% E"erything is determined# the beginning as well as the end# by forces o"er which we ha"e no control. $t is determined for insects as well as for the stars. &uman beings# "egetables or cosmic dust( we all dance to a mysterious tune# intoned in the distance. Albert Einstein 10/

Ds 6 said earlier, the )irst bi' 4orld"chan'in' reali?ation 4ill be 4hen science reali?es that evolution bein' true means 4e evolved )rom all lo4er animals, that 4e 4ere those animals, that 4e 4ere dinosaurs, bu's, etc% The second big reali1ation Science 4ill reali?e that 6ssac Ne4ton7s la4s o) motion mean that the la4s that 'overn all matter include us, because our bodies are matter% ;e are not in control9 )ree 4ill is an illusion, a delusion% 6t is Aaction"reactionA that causes the motion o) all thin's in the universe, includin' us% #here can be no matter in the universe that is e@empt )rom these )undamental la4s o) nature% -is boo2 Princi/ia 'athematica e@plains the la4s o) motion, and they have proven to be true% #hat boo2 is the )oundation o) modern physics% Fur bodies are 'overned by those same la4s, because our bodies are matter in the universe% #rue or )alseE #a2e a closer loo2 at the thin's you do, and you 4ill see the truth% #here is al4ays a reason precedin' your every action% From the mindKs perspective, the 4orld is a hu'e ma?e% :ou have choices, but a limited number o) them% :ou al4ays choose 4hat you thin2 is the best one% None o) the choices 4ould ma2e any real di))erence until no4% Everyone is playin' mon2ey see mon2ey do and blindly 'oin' around in circles, bi' and small% ,ife is what happens while you are busy making other plans. Hohn ,ennon The carrot and the stick (eople do everythin' they do to avoid pain and )eel pleasure% :ou 4al2 a path bet4een these )orces% 6t may loo2 li2e some people are doin' somethin' )or another reason, but it is an illusionCdelusion% E@ample: Sel)"sacri)icin' behavior is only done i) it ma2es the person doin' it )eel 'ood to do it% #o some people, it )eels 'ood to help others, or it )eels 'ood to do 4hat you thin2 is the ri'ht thin' to do% :ou do everythin' you do )or sel)"preservation and sel)"'rati)ication directly or indirectly% Every move you ma2e is ultimately )or yoursel), no matter 4hat you may thin2 or ho4 it appears to others% #he thin's you do may not al4ays ma2e you happy, but you al4ays thin2 they are 'oin' to eventually, one"4ay or another, or you 4ould not do them% Mother #eresa helped the poor, because it made her )eel 'ood to do it andCor )or the re4ard she thou'ht she 4ould 'et in the a)terli)e <)eel 'ood later>% 4hen you see the truth# helping others is the best way to help yourself. ;e put ourselves in other people7s shoes, and do the thin' 4e 4ould 4ant done i) 4e really 4ere them, thus 4e are helpin' ourselves in t4o 4ays% ;e also 4ill help others, because 4e 2no4 it is indirectly helpin' ourselves% ;e 2no4 4e have to help others )or the human race to survive% D spiritual bein' naturally helps others% 110

The power of pain ;e avoid pain and see2 pleasure, and it does not ta2e much o) it to control us completely% Most people can and do accept a certain amount o) pain in order to 'et more pleasure in the )uture in one 4ay or another% #hey 'o to 4or2 in order to have pleasure later, etc% #here)ore, you could say that 4e are not under the direct control o) pain and pleasure, and you 4ould be ri'ht% (eople can and do intentionally ta2e some pain and avoid some pleasure, but they still do it to avoid pain or 'et more pleasure at a later date% Man2ind does this a lot9 lo4er animals are controlled much more directly by the environment% #he 4ay man2ind deals 4ith the control o) pain and pleasure is 8ust less direct and harder to see, but the truth is, it boils do4n to the same thin'9 the environment controls us% #he best and the 4orst have happened to us in the past and 4ill happen to us a'ain i) 4e do not leave the animal realm 4hile 4e can% Eost important thing ;hat 'oes around comes around, and this is 4hy 4e have to 'et out o) a 4orld 4here e@treme pain e@ists and the bad 'uy has all the advanta'es% ;e can only do it no4, so nothin' is more important% 5nowledge of the past will moti"ate e"eryone to lea"e the animal realm. The animal path ;e all 4al2 a path a4ay )rom pain, discom)ort and )ear, and to4ard pleasure and perceived security% :ou 4ill continue to )ollo4 this path even a)ter you 2no4 the ultimate truth% Li)e uses these )orces to 'uide us home% #he mind uses these )orces to 2eep us 'oin' in a circle% 6) you 2no4 the ultimate truth, you are 'oin' to heaven% 6) you do not, you are 'oin' in a circle9 you are in a brutal holdin' pattern until you learn the truth% Ean6animal (eople do 4hat they do )or the same reasons all other animals do 4hat they do% ;hy does your do' or cat do 4hat they doE Man2ind is not any di))erent% ;e 'o a)ter 4hat 4e 4ant and move a4ay )rom 4hat 4e do not 4ant% ;e try to adapt, survive and thrive in our environment li2e all animal li)e% #he only di))erence is man2ind thin2s it is in control and is not as )ul)illed as other animals% All animals are the same( the only difference is mankind can know the truth. The truth is# you 4ould not 4ant to be in control even i) you had the option% ;hen you learn the ultimate truth, you reali?e li)e outside the animal mind is per)ect the 4ay it is, and you 4ould not chan'e anythin'% ,ife is not imperfect( it is 9ust people?s awareness of life that is imperfect.


There is too much going on for the mind to control life e"en if it could. Li)e does not need to chan'e% 6t cannot chan'e9 it e@ists because it is per)ect% For somethin' to last )orever, it has to be per)ect% +ou are only truly free when you know for certain +ou are not in control. #he only thin' that can chan'e and needs to chan'e is peopleKs perception and level o) a4areness% (eople need to see the per)ection o) li)e% ;hen they do, they become a re)lection o) per)ection and become per)ect themselves% #he animal mind by its very e@istence ma2es your li)e imper)ect and un)ul)illin', then it becomes stron'er tryin' to )i@ it% #he stron'er it becomes, the less per)ect li)e appears% 6t is the ultimate vicious circle% +ou cannot control life# but you can control the way you see life. ;e need to see the truth and the li)e and 8ust rela@ and )lo4 4ith li)e, accept li)e, surrender to li)e, live the li)e 4e are bein' 'iven as it is bein' 'iven% 6t is impossible to live totally alive all the time in this 4orld, but the more o) li)e 4e live, the more )ul)illed 4e 4ill be% ;e 8ust have to turn o)) our minds 4hen they are not needed, and 4e can% #he truth is 4e can live 4ithout it most o) the time% ;hat could be more obvious, easier or smarterE #he truth is 8ust too simple and obvious )or our minds to reco'ni?e it, and it does not 4ant to see it% The ob"ious is that which is ne"er seen until someone e7presses it simply. 5ahlil 8ibran !estiny Not bein' in control does not mean our )uture is predestined% No one 2no4s the )uture9 the )uture cannot be 2no4n% Dnythin' can happen% #he only thin' 4e can be certain o) is that it 4ill be a lot li2e it has been and be balanced% To be or not to be #hat is the Huestion% :ou do have a choice ri'ht no4 and in every moment o) li)e, and that is to live or not to live, to live in the present or not live in the present, to be completely alive or not be completely alive% The only choice that matters 6t does not matter i) you have a )ree 4ill or not9 4hen it comes to the physical 4orld, it 4ill be balanced no matter 4hat you do% #he only thin' that matters is i) you 2no4 the truth and the li)e and live in the present% :ou have that choice no4, and it is the only choice that matters%


$t is no coincidence that you are reading this book now. 2ew en"ironment #he 2no4led'e in this boo2 has no4 become part o) your environment and has chan'ed you and your options% 6) you understand it completely, it 4ill chan'e you and the 4ay you see your environment completely% 6t is true you are not in control, but this boo2 has chan'ed the environment that controls you and 'iven you some ne4 options, the option to 'o to heaven% :our environment controls you% 6t does somethin', and your mind reacts to it% #he 2no4led'e in the boo2 4ill chan'e your mind, your inner environment, and 'uide you to the truth and li)e% 5emember, 6 did not 4rite this boo29 it came to me )rom the spirit and saved me also% No4 it has been 'iven to you% Eind6brain Ne4 2no4led'e actually chan'es you physically% Memories and other aspects o) your mind are created and saved bio"chemically in your brain% 5nowledge causes your brain to change# making you change physically. Ds you read this boo2, the physical ma2e"up o) your brain is actually chan'in', thus your environment is chan'in'% :ou are becomin' a little di))erent physically% Dnythin' you learn chan'es your brain chemically a little bit% #he more time you spend 4ith somethin' or the more impact somethin' has on you, the more you are chan'ed% :our brain is actually chan'in' physically ri'ht no4% 5nowledge can physically change you into a new species# a new life form. Gepetition 6) somethin' is repeated, it ma2es a bi''er impression and chan'es your brain more, chan'es you more, your inner environment more% #hus, the more repetition, the better% #hat is 4hy 6 repeat some thin's many times and say the same thin' many di))erent 4ays% #J advertisers repeat commercials )or this reason% -ope)ully, 6 repeated thin's enou'h to chan'e you enou'h% As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth# so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path# we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path# we must think o"er and o"er the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our li"es. &enry !a"id Thoreau The en"ironment controls you# but your en"ironment has now changed. 113

!i"ine sense of humor ;hen you be'in to see li)e truly, you )eel li2e lau'hin' all the time li2e some demented person <donKt do it, people 4ill thin2 you7re cra?y>% (eople believe obvious myths are the actual truth, and these same people thin2 they are intelli'ent bein's% #hat is )unny% #he beauti)ul people, the success)ul celebrities in this li)e 4ill be the eHuivalent opposite in the ne@t li)e% #hose that have the best thin's in li)e 4ill have the 4orst% #hose that have the most pleasure in their current li)espan 4ill have the most pain in their ne@t% #he most com)ortable 4ill be the most uncom)ortable% #he most po4er)ul 4ill be the most po4erless% (eople 4ill 'o )rom the best situation to the 4orst unless they learn the ultimate truth be)ore they die% #hat is bad ne4s )or those that are on top in this li)e, and 'reat ne4s )or those on the bottom, but the truth is, it is not 'ood )or anyone% 8oing in an endless circle is not good for anyone. Many po4er)ul and success)ul people 'o around thin2in' they have 4hat they have because they are better than unsuccess)ul people in some 4ay% #hey ta2e credit )or their position in li)e% (ride comes be)ore a )all, as the &ible says% 4hat goes around comes around. #he truth is, 4hatever people have, li)e 'ave them% Many rich and )amous people ta2e credit )or their success and loo2 do4n on the less )ortunate, and they 4ere and are 'oin' to be 8ust li2e them very soon% #hat is )unny% :ou 'et to be a beauti)ul rich person by bein' the Elephant Man in another li)e% #he Elephant Man 4as the u'liest man in the 4orld in one li)e, so he 4as the best"loo2in' person in another li)espan% ;ho is the best"loo2in' person alive no4E #hat person could have been the Elephant Man or is 'oin' to loo2 somethin' li2e him in the near )uture% Someone 4as the Elephant Man9 he lived% Ioin' )rom Elvis or #om !ruise to the Elephant Man is not a 4ay to live% Loo2s, talent, po4er and personality traits 'o bac2 and )orth li2e everythin' else% Livin' in the truth o) li)e is a better 4ay% 5ise above the opposites% 6) you do not, todayKs 4inner is tomorro4Ks loser% 6) you rise above the balance, it does not matter% The truth is# no one is special or different from anyone else. 2o one is special# and e"eryone is special. ,ife has to be balanced to be fair. 11,

4ake up# rich beautiful people. -o4 could you even thin2 that you deserve to have a better li)e than other people doE ;hat have you done to deserve a better li)e than some poor, sic2 personE :ou have not done anythin', have youE 6) you do not 4a2e up and chan'e your 4ays, you 4ill be a poor, sic2 person very soon% People born with a debilitating physical disability or disease are in a cycle. #hat is ho4 the balance 4or2s9 it is 4hat ma2es li)e )air )or everyone% 6t is 4hat ma2es li)e per)ect and 'ives you the ability to live 4ithout the mind% Hoy in looking and comprehending is nature?s most beautiful gift. Albert Einstein The edge :ou no lon'er have to 4onder 4hy some people are born poor 4ith a cripplin' disease and others are born 4ith health and 4ealth, 4hy someone 'ets 2illed by a serial 2iller and someone else 4ins the lottery% #hey are 8ust people livin' at the ed'e o) the balance% :ou do not )eel sorry )or one and envy the other, because they 4ill essentially s4itch places in their ne@t li)e to create balance% Everyone else does the same thin', only most people live closer to the middle o) the balancin' )orces and have a normal li)e o) ups and do4ns% #he middle o) everythin' is the best place to be% %uperman Sometimes a li)e o) bi' ups and do4ns happens in 8ust one li)espan% #here is no clearer place to see this than in the li)e o) !hristopher 5eeve% -e became a rich and )amous movie star playin' Superman% -e 4ent )rom there to a Huadriple'ic that could not even breathe on his o4n, in the seconds it too2 to )all )rom a horse% Jery bad and very 'ood thin's can happen )ast% #he balancin' )orce can chan'e everythin' in a heart beat% @nce you know the truth and the life# you ne"er ha"e to ask IwhyJ again. @ne in a million 5ich, po4er)ul people have less )ortunate people thin2in' that it is their )ault that they are not as rich and po4er)ul as they are% #hey 4ill never ac2no4led'e that they 4ere 8ust luc2y, because most o) them do not 2no4 it9 they really thin2 they are better or smarter or 4or2 harder, etc% #hey believe the illusion, because they 4ant to% #he truth 4ill be seen by poor people )irst, because they 4ill 4ant to see it more% 4inning only lasts for a moment in time. The truth and the life is fore"er.


@nly happens to someone else (eople really believe this, and it is a deception created by the mind% ;hat 'oes around does come around to everyone% The only way to really succeed is to learn and li"e in the truth. 4ithout the dream# there would be no occasion for the di"ision of the world. -riedrich 2iet1sche True e.uality No4 you 2no4 the truth, so you 2no4 that no one is better or 4orse than you in any 4ay% Li)e is al4ays )air, and you 4ill 'et your share% Fnce the rich and po4er)ul 2no4 the truth, they 4ill start sharin' the 4ealth and be a lot more humble% #hey 4ill i) they do not 4ant the opposite and i) they 4ant to be )ul)illed no4 and )orever% &ein' rich only lasts a )e4 years, and it is not that 'reat% #he truth and the li)e lasts )orever, and it is as 'ood as it can 'et all the time% Gich6poor cycle :ou 4ill 'o 4here you 4ant to 'o, but only i) it balances your li)e% :ou may have been rich and )amous in your last li)e, and it is not your turn this time% 6) it is not your turn, it is not your turn% 6) you 'ive your attention to tryin' to 'et rich, even i) you succeed, you 4ill 8ust be 'ettin' into the rich"poor cycle% #he hi'her you )ly the )urther you 4ill )all% :ou 'et to play bi' shot )or a )e4 years, and then you die, come bac2 and 'et to play bum )or a )e4 years% 6t 8ust 'oes bac2 and )orth )orever i) you do not see the truth% 6) you are tall, you are 'oin' to be small9 i) you are rich, you are 'oin' to be poor% :ou have been around this cycle many times, and 4e can do better no4% $t isn?t me ;ithout the truth, people loo2 at someone that has a bad li)e and thin2, L6tKs not me and it is not my problem%B ;ith the truth, they 2no4 it is their problem% #his insi'ht 4ill not let people o)) the hoo2 anymore, and it 4ill chan'e the 4orld% Eerry)go)round 6) you 'ive your attention to the truth and li)e, that is 4hat you 4ill become% Iet o)) o) the merry"'o"round o) li)e% 6t is the only 4ay you 4ill become 4hat you really 4ant to be and stay that 4ay )orever%


%hades of gray #he balance is mostly in shades o) 'ray% E@ample: &eauti)ul people 4ith money and other advanta'es can have a horrible li)e, and many poor people live 'reat happy lives% Some people are success)ul )inancially, but are )ailures at love or have bad health, and vice versa% 6 use blac2 and 4hite analo'ies 8ust to ma2e a point% #he 4ay the balance actually happens is in)initely complicated, but the bottom line is, the balance 4ill al4ays balance everythin' evenly and )airly in one 4ay or another% The center of life :ou 4ill )ind that you li2e everythin' 8ust about eHually 4hen you become a spiritual bein'% 6t really does not matter 4hat li)e dishes up9 you eat it all 4ith a deep 'ratitude% :ou li2e dar2ness as much as li'ht, silence as much as sound, nothin' as much as somethin'% 6t is all li)e and you 2no4 you 4ill 'et to taste everythin' sooner or later, so you al4ays en8oy 4hat is happenin' in the present no matter 4hat it is% :ou do not li2e pain as much as pleasure, but endure the pain and en8oy the pleasure in the 2no4led'e that 4e 4ill no lon'er have pain in our ne@t li)e% :ou 4ill endure pain until it passes 4ith the 2no4led'e it 4ill lead to an eHual amount o) pleasure% This knowledge is what sets you free. Time you en9oy wasting was not wasted. Hohn ,ennon 4aste time #here is an art to doin' nothin'% #he mind tries to 2eep people runnin' to4ards somethin' or a4ay )rom somethin'% #he hardest thin' )or most people to do is nothin'%


-ear of freedom 6) there is no moral ri'ht or 4ron', because everythin' balances, there is nothin' stoppin' people )rom doin' horrible thin's to each other% #he thou'ht is that everyone 4ill 8ust turn into a bunch o) animals and tear each other apart the )irst chance they 'et% #he opposite is true% (eople that 2no4 the truth do not hurt others because they are no lon'er animals9 only animals 4ill act li2e animals% (eople that 2no4 the truth o) the balance 4ill become spiritual bein's and act li2e spiritual bein's% Conse.uences #he 2no4led'e o) the balance does not remove all the conseHuences o) behavior% The opposite is true( now you are responsible. Criminals now think# I,ook what my "ictim is going through# and they did not do anything to deser"e it# so deser"e must not ha"e anything to do with bad things happening#J and they are correct. ;hen you 2no4 the truth, you 2no4 i) you act li2e an animal a)ter you 2no4 the ultimate truth, you 'o to the bottom o) the )ood chain% #here is no 'reater conseHuence9 thus, the truth is the best deterrent to bad animal beha"ior. All the marbles (eople thin2 that i) everythin' balances, it does not matter 4hat you do% #he truth is, everythin' you do matters, because you are playin' )or all the marbles% 4hat you do will determine your immortal future. 6) you 4ant to evolve past the animal realm, to a realm 4here there is no )ear, pain or death, you have to learn and spread the truth o) li)e% :ou have to live as a spiritual bein'% 6) you live li2e an animal, you 4ill continue to be one% %umming it up -eaven is a real place% 6t is the place the hi'hest )orms o) li)e live9 it is the top o) the evolutionary ladder% :ou 'et there by learnin' the ultimate truth and livin' in true li)e no4% -ell is a real place% 6t is 4here the lo4est li)e )orms live, the bottom o) the evolutionary ladder% :ou 'et there by learnin' the truth and not tryin' to live in true li)e% 6t is up to you9 you have the ball <the truth>%


Chapter 11

The Geal %tory

&ereafter 6) you 4ant to 2no4 4hat happens a)ter you die, 8ust loo2 at your o4n li)e% #his is the herea)ter% #his is 4hat happens a)ter you die% 6t is the herea)ter o) the li)e you lived be)ore you 4ere born% This is the hereafterM :ou are bac2 )rom the last li)e you lived, and so is 8ust about everyone else% #he people livin' in this 'eneration 4ere alive in the previous 'enerations% 4e are mankind# all of it. E"eryone is back now to un"eil the truth and the life# to open our presents together. 4e are all back again Dll o) the people that have lived and died in the past have been reborn and have re8oined man2ind% Dlmost every human bein' 4ho has ever lived on earth is alive ri'ht no4 or 4ill be reborn in this 'eneration% :ou could be Ieor'e ;ashin'ton, !olumbus or Ddol) -itler9 someone has to be them% #heir spirit is bac2 alon' 4ith everyone else that lived in the past and did not learn the truth% #hey are 8ust in a di))erent body and mind and are nothin' li2e 4hat they 4ere in their previous li)espan% Everyone is bac2 or 4ill be soon% #hat homeless 'uy that as2ed you )or some chan'e could be Ieor'e ;ashin'ton% 2o past life memory ;e have no memories o) past lives, because memories are biochemical parts o) the brain, and our past memories die 4hen our past physical mindCbrain died% Everyone that did not learn the truth and the li)e in their last li)e, includin' us, are bac2 or 4ill be soon% ;e have to come bac2 to this 4orld until 4e learn the truth and become a spiritual bein'% Everyone that started the evolutionary cycle on earth 4ill be here no4 to 'et their chance to )inish the Huest and leave the animal cycle% Ancestors ;e do not have to blame or than2 our ancestors )or )i'htin' all the 4ars and doin' all the 4or2 that has 'otten civili?ation to 4here it is no4, because 4e 4ere our ancestors9 4e did it% ;e did it )or us, and 4e did it )or no4% ;e have been all the heroes and scoundrels throu'hout history% ;e built this civili?ation )or one purpose: to become spiritual beings. 11/

@ld ones Man2ind is the oldest li)e on earth% ;e are descended )rom the )irst animal li)e that evolved on earth% ;e are at the very top o) the evolutionary cycle, because 4e have been evolvin' )or the lon'est time% #he people that see the truth and the li)e )irst 4ere the very )irst animal li)e to evolve on this planet% ;e have been travelin' to'ether )or a lon' time, have seen it all and su))ered it all% Ds a result o) our a'e, 4e 4ill be the )irst to see the truth and spread the truth% The e7ponential progression #he evolution o) the human race is acceleratin' in an e@ponential, 'eometric pro'ression% More 4ill happen to our li)e on earth in the ne@t )e4 years than has happened to us in the last seven hundred million% %nowball ;e are in a pro'ression that is no4 pro'ressin' 'eometrically% 6t too2 ten thousand 'enerations )or the human population to reach t4o billion people% 6n the last 'eneration alone, 4e added more than t4ice that number o) people% Fur avera'e li)espan 4ent )rom about thirty )ive to seventy ei'ht <doubled> in the last )e4 hundred years% #echnolo'y 4ent )rom mus2ets to D" bombs in about the last hundred years% #he speed o) travel 4ent )rom the horse to 8et aircra)t% ;orld communication 4ent )rom months to seconds% 6t is li2e a sno4ball rollin' do4n a hill9 it 2eeps rollin' )aster and 'ettin' bi''er and bi''er% No4 that it is bi' and movin' )ast, it 'athers more sno4 in a partial turn than it did )rom many revolutions in the past% #his is 4hy 4e can evolve more in the ne@t )e4 years than in the previous seven hundred million, but this can only happen i) 4e )ace the truth and stop playin' ma2e believe% 6) 4e do not, 4e can undo all the 'ains o) the last seven hundred million years even )aster% 6t can 'o either 4ay% 6t 4ill 'o one 4ay )or those that learn the truth and the li)e, the other )or those that learn it, but do not accept it% The human race will go where the ma9ority of the population goes. ;hat most people do not reali?e is that everythin' that ma2es up our 4orld 8ust happened% #J, cars, re)ri'erators, air conditionin', indoor plumbin', toilets, 4ashin' machines, micro4aves, computers, etc% have all 8ust appeared in the last )e4 'enerations, most thin's in 8ust the last 'eneration% Dmericans could le'ally o4n people as slaves 8ust a hundred and )i)ty years a'o% ;omen could not o4n property, si'n a le'al contract, or vote until the 1/20s, and 4omen did not have eHual ri'hts under the la4 until the 1/*0s% Everyone is actin' li2e li)e has al4ays been li2e it is no4 or that it has been this 4ay )or a lon' time9 it hasnKt% 6t has all 8ust happened, and it can all 8ust end% #here 4as nothin' li2e the 4orld 4e live in no4 in the past% ;e ta2e everythin' )or 'ranted% 6t is a deception, the 'reatest and most dan'erous deception% 120

Everythin' in the past 4as 8ust leadin' to no4% #his is 4hat 4e have all been 4or2in', )i'htin' and 4aitin' )or% #his 4orld is ne4 and temporary% ;e have to 4a2e up to this truth be)ore 4e can 'o )urther% 4e need to wake up# or it ends. /ook of life 6) the less than t4o hundred thousand year history o) human bein's <-omo sapiens> 4ere in a t4o hundred pa'e boo2, each pa'e 4ould represent a thousand years% For more than one hundred and si@ty pa'es <one hundred and si@ty thousand years>, most o) our history, you 4ould 8ust read about 4ild animals doin' 4hat 4ild animals do% ;e did not do anythin' di))erent than any other 4ild animal )or more than three")ourths o) the time 4e have been in these bodies% Fur brains 4ere the same si?e they are no4, and 4e loo2ed e@actly as 4e do no4% #he only di))erence is ho4 4e lived% ;e had no permanent shelter other than caves, and stic2s and stones )or 4eapons% ;e could not ma2e a )ire% 4e were food #ry to ima'ine you and your )riends runnin' around na2ed in a hot 8un'le or 'rassland 4ith only stic2s and stones )or protection% For most o) our history on this planet, 4e 4ere eaten alive by bi' cats, bears, bi' li?ards, and even bi' birds% #he -aas ea'le had cla4s as bi' as a ti'erKs, and 4as eatin' us )or more than ninety percent o) the boo2% ;e 4ere li2e bi', slo4 rabbits to them% /eing eaten ali"e sounds horrible# because it is horrible# as bad as it gets. 6t 4as horrible to live on earth up until 8ust recently% 6t 4as 4orse )or us than any other animal, and it 4as the 4orst )or our children% Most o) them did not 'ro4 up% Ca"es #he stron'est people lived in cold, dar2, dirty and insect )illed caves% 6) you 4ere the bi''est and stron'est, you 4ere luc2y, because you could ta2e and 2eep the best places to live% !aves 'ave you a little protection )rom the animals that tried to eat you, but you constantly had to )i'ht other humans )or the cave% Fnly the bi''est, stron'est, and healthiest humans lived in them% Most people lived outdoors in small 'roups% Most people 4ere out in the open, and 4hen it 'ot dar2, you did not sleep 4ell% Most o) the real li)e monsters that ate us alive snuc2 up in the dar2 4hen you tried to sleep% 4e were defenseless until recently.


#oni'ht 4hen you are lyin' in bed in the dar2, ima'ine you are layin' on the 'round in pitch dar2ness, 4ith no 4alls and doors, and thousands o) insects and other stran'e creatures are out in the dar2 ma2in' loud noises% 6ma'ine there 4ere predators many times your si?e, 4ith lar'e )an's and cla4s, that can see in the dar2 and smell 4here you are sleepin'% +ou were there. &easts li2e the saber tooth ti'er lived in the same places 4e lived up until about ten thousand years a'o, and they 4ere 8ust one o) many creatures that 4ould 2ill and eat us alive% 5emember, this is the 4ay it 4as )or /0= o) our history% -ire ;e could not ma2e a )ire up until about )orty thousand years a'o% #hat means )or about a hundred and si@ty thousand years, 4e had to 'o to sleep 4ithout a )ire burnin'% For most o) the time 4e lived on earth, 4e )eared the ni'ht% Not too lon' a'o, seein' a rabbit runnin' around 4ould have made you hun'ry% :ou 4ould try and 2ill it and eat it ra4% ;e did not 'et rabbit very o)ten9 they 4ere hard to catch% ;e 4ould eat 4hatever 4e could catch or )ind, mostly insects and li?ards, alon' 4ith berries, roots, etc% For at least one hundred and si@ty pa'es o) the t4o hundred pa'e boo2 <1*0,000 years>, 4e could not ma2e a )ire, and 4e ate other animals ra4% :ou lived li2e that )or a lot lon'er than you have been in a 4arm, sa)e house 4ith )ood in the )rid'e% #he truth is hard to believe, but it is the truth that sets you )ree% The last paragraph Fnly on the last hal) o) the last pa'e in the boo2 o) our history 4ould you read about a 4orld 4ith boo2s% ;e did not really communicate 4ith each other be)ore the printin' press% The truth is# 9ust about e"erything happened in the last one percent of the time we ha"e been human beings. %melled bad Most people 4ent years bet4een baths up until 8ust recently% ;hen Ieor'e ;ashin'ton lived, everyone smelled bad% Dlmost no one too2 a bath in the 4inter% &e)ore indoor plumbin', ta2in' a bath 4as very di))icult, so people did not do it very o)ten% ;e did not have 'arba'e pic2 up until 10/.% Li)e stun2, literally, until this last 'eneration, and it still does in most o) the 4orld% 122

,ast sentence Dlmost everythin' that comprises the 4orld 4e live in no4 happened in the last sentence o) the last pa'e o) the t4o hundred pa'e boo2 o) our history as human bein's on earth% Are you starting to get the true picture' -uman bein's lived in an unbelievably brutal, sava'e 4orld )or at least ninety"nine percent o) the time 4e have been on earth% ;e have only 8ust recently en8oyed livin' in a semi"sa)e, clean, semi"civili?ed, and understandable 4orld% /ad guy wins 6n our past, the better 2iller you 4ere, the more success)ul you 4ould be% 6t is a )i@ed 'ame 4here the bad 'uy 4ins% #his is 4hy 4e need to 'et out o) the animal realm 4hile 4e can% #he animal 4orld is 8ust 2ill and be 2illed% The bad guy is usually the aggressor and the aggressor has the ad"antage. ;e have to do the e@act opposite o) 4hat 4e did in the past to be success)ul% ;e have to completely chan'e a mind that has been evolvin' )or millions o) years in a short period o) time to be success)ul no4% ;e have to see and spread the truth% /eing eaten ali"e is the worst way to go and is the fate of most animal life. 6t is 4hat happened to us millions o) times% 6t is the ultimate incentive to become a spiritual bein' and leave the animal realm% ;hen 4e needed to eat or mate, it made us the most vulnerable to attac2 by other predators% 6t is one o) the 4orst )eatures o) the natural animal 4orld, that 8ust 4hen you thin2 somethin' 'reat is 'oin' to happen, the 4orst does instead% 4e are eating and mating now like ne"er before# and we think something good is going to happen. This makes it the most dangerous time in history. #he animal realm )orces us to endure the absolute 4orst thin's to motivate us to become the absolute best thin's% 6t had to be the 4orst )or us to be the best% 2ot working now Nature has been tryin' to )orce us to evolve into spiritual bein's% 6t too2 a lon' time, but 4or2ed in the past% 6t is not 4or2in' no4, because the )orces o) deception have removed the motivation to ta2e the last step% 123

Gollercoaster #he pain o) the past 4as balanced, but that does not ma2e it 'ood% ;hen you 4on a battle or )i'ht to the death or 4ere success)ul 2illin' an animal durin' a hunt, it 4as e@tremely pleasurable, because it meant survival% #his is 4hy men still )eel 'ood 4hen 4e 2ill somethin'% :ou 4ere much more a4are o) the present, so li)e 4as much more )ul)illin' than it is no4, but that does not ma2e it o2% Livin' on a rollercoaster o) e@treme ups and do4ns prevents you )rom ever learnin' the truth and the li)e% Fnly at the rare times you 'et o)) the rollercoaster o) animal li)e do you have a chance to see the truth and the li)e and have the ability to evolve past the animal realm% ;e 2no4 it has not happened )or at least seven hundred million years% ;e 4ere 2ept busy 8ust survivin' until no4% Center of the storm -uman bein's are no4 li2e the eye o) the hurricane, the cyclone o) animal li)e% 6t is only 4hile in the calm, at the center o) li)e, that it is possible to see the ultimate truth and transcend the animal realm )orever% Taking for granted ;e are ta2in' the 4ay 4e live no4 )or 'ranted and actin' li2e our past did not happen and assumin' it can never happen a'ain% ;e have created myths o) the past, so 4e can pro8ect an eHually )alse myth o) the )uture% #hus, i) 4e )or'et or i'nore the true past, this 4ill literally cause us to lose in the bi''est possible 4ay% #o come all this 4ay and then stumble on the last step is the 4orst possible thin' that can happen, period% $t is the ultimate fall. For millions o) years, our li)e 4as a daily stru''le 8ust to survive the day and then the ni'ht% ;e 4ere hun'ry and a)raid )or millions o) years% #hin's li2e murder, rape, and cannibalism 4ere standard behavior and happened to everyone% 6t 4as more horrible than anyone can ima'ine or describe in 4ords, yet 4hen 4e )inally 'et in a 'ood situation )or a brie) period, 4e spend our time tryin' to 'et more rich, be 4inners, and have as much se@ as possible% Are we really intelligent beings' 4e are not acting "ery intelligently. !oc2roaches have se@ over t4o hundred times a day% !oc2roaches can do 4hat most people are tryin' to do no4 better% #ryin' to do 4hat a coc2roach can do better 4ill ma2e it happen% $f you want to be like a cockroach# you will be. 4e are the e7ception !oc2roaches have been on earth unchan'ed )or more than three hundred million years, and there have al4ays been a lot more o) them than us% 4e are the e7ception to the rule of animal life( they are the rule. Hust look what is going on in the animal world around you. 12,

The ultimate tragedy ;e no4 have the opportunity to chan'e our nature and escape the animal realm )orever, but instead o) ta2in' advanta'e o) it, 4e are ta2in' our situation )or 'ranted and tryin' to live 4ith our eyes closed to the truth% 4hen the truth is reali1ed# people will stop worrying if parts of their bodies are too big or too small or if they are cool# popular# winners or losers# etc. -ool3s paradise ;e are missin' our only opportunity to escape the animal realm% Millions o) people are buryin' their heads in the sand and hopin' some myths 4ill save them% ;e are busy playin' mind 'ames and missin' an opportunity that comes once every seven hundred million years% For 4hatE ;e are not happy livin' the lie% Dll 4e have to do is ac2no4led'e the truth, but 4e are doin' the opposite and tryin' to live in a lie% Could anything be more stupid or tragic' Einstein said there are two infinite things the uni"erse and man?s stupidity. 6t 4as )or'ivable in the past 4hen 4e could not 2no4 the truth )or certain, but no4 that 4e can 2no4 it )or certain, it is un)or'ivable% +ou will lose e"erything. The price of hea"en ;e have spent at least the last seven hundred million years payin' the price to 'et to heaven% ;e have almost paid it9 4e 8ust have to 'o the distance% $n)ortunately, it is also the time 4e are most asleep% 4hat was it all for' 4hy did we ha"e to struggle and suffer for so long' Ultimate awareness 6t 4as all to cause us to evolve% #he )ear o) bein' eaten causes a li)e )orm to evolve better senses in order to avoid predators and )ind prey% 6t caused us to become more a4are o) our environment, more a4are o) li)e% E"erything that happened was 9ust to make us more aware of life. ;e evolved a bi' brain in order to be more a4are o) our environment, but it 4as an indirect a4areness% 6t 4as a totally ne4 4ay o) seein' li)e% Dll our senses be)ore evolved to better 2no4 the environment directly% Fur minds actually did the opposite9 the mind bloc2s our direct a4areness o) the environment%


There are two types of truth truth you know and the truth you e7perience. ;e need both direct and indirect a4areness to have the ultimate a4areness% Fnly 4hen 4e do 4ill 4e have reached the top o) the evolutionary ladder and achieved total a4areness o) our environment and li)e% Fur minds 'ave us the ability to 2no4 Lthe truth%B #he truth is indirect a4areness o) our environment% Fur indirect a4areness came at the e@pense o) our direct a4areness o) our environment, a4areness o) Lli)e%B ;e 8ust have to put our direct and indirect a4areness to'ether to 2no4 the truth and li)e and ta2e the )inal step in evolution% 6 am hammerin' on this, because everythin' )orever rides on it% The truth and life 0 ultimate awareness. The last page #he last pa'e o) the boo2 o) our history on earth is turnin' no4% ;hat is 'oin' to be 4ritten on the ne@t pa'eE 2e7t page 6) 4e 4a2e up to the truth, it 4ill be about a heaven on earth% 6) 4e stay asleep much lon'er, it 4ill be about a hell on earth, a 4orse one than has ever e@isted be)ore% 6t is the price o) comin' so )ar and then thro4in' it all a4ay% #hin's 4ill either become as 'ood as they can possibly be, or the 4orst it can possibly be% #hat is ho4 the balance 4or2s and it is as certain as the sun 4ill rise and set% ;e can be as smart as 4e possibly can be, or as stupid as 4e can be% #he sun risin' and settin', day and ni'ht, sho4s us the nature o) the universe, the nature o) the balance% Nothin' could be more obvious, yet almost no one can see the truth% #he sun is about to set or rise on the human race%


,ife after death ;hy do people seem to care more about the )uture o) the human race than their personal )utureE ;hy 4ill people sacri)ice their lives )or the )uture o) man2indE Soldiers sacri)ice their lives )or a better )uture9 4hy do they do itE ;hy do salmon s4im upstream and 'ive their li)e )or their o))sprin'E ;hy do most animals ris2 their lives to save their o))sprin'E 6t is not 8ust love% #he most po4er)ul instinct is LsurvivalB or sel)"preservation, so 4hy do 4e o)ten put the survival and 4ell bein' o) our descendents ahead o) our o4nE 6t is because 4e subconsciously 2no4 that 4e 4ill be our o4n descendents% 6) you have children, you 4ill most li2ely come bac2 as your o4n 'rand children or 'reat 'rand children% :ou may even inherit some o) your o4n money% #his is 4hy 2in's al4ays passed the cro4n to their o4n bloodline% 6) you do not have children, you 4ill come bac2 as the o))sprin' o) relatives 4ith the closest 1ND to the 1ND you have no4% :our spirit 'oes 4ith 4hat it 2no4s, but there are many )actors that can chan'e your tra8ectory, such as the balancin' )orce, and the truth o) li)e% #his boo2 reveals them clearly )or the )irst time% 4hen you wake up e"erything is ob"ious and you know what is happening. The spiritual agenda #he collective unconscious, alon' 4ith the survival o) the )ittest, caused evolution% 6t is behind all pro'ress and the current population e@plosion% 6t has done 4hat it had to do in order to 'et us all here no4% The last ice age #he collective unconscious 4or2s 4ith the natural environment to move the spiritual a'enda ahead 4henever it 'ets the opportunity% ;hen the last ice a'e ended, it made its move, and so )ar, it has resulted in the 4orld 4e are livin' in no4% 6t has 'otten us to the very door o) heaven, a per)ect e@istence% The en"ironment #he unusual lon' period o) 'ood 4eather in the last ten thousand years has made it possible )or us to pro'ress enou'h to 'ive all man2ind a shot at a heaven%


Eore countries are getting nuclear and biological weapons. They will start being used if the truth is not seen soon. 4e ha"e a choice life or death. Even i) 4e do not destroy the environment, nature 4ill% #he 4eather chan'es in natural cycles% Dnother bi' disaster is 'oin' to come soon, no matter 4hat 4e do% 6) 4e become enli'htened spiritual bein's, 4e 4ill survive most o) 4hat nature thro4s at us% 6) 4e do not, 4e 4ill not survive even a minor 4orld4ide chan'e in the 4eather, because it 4ill unleash the beast 4ithin man2ind% All together now. For the )irst time, 4e are all to'ether, and 4e have everythin' 4e need to ma2e the transition as a 'roup to spiritual bein's and create a heaven on earth% For the )irst time, 4e also have the means to destroy ourselves% 6t is no coincidence% 4e shall not cease from e7ploration( and the end of all our e7ploring will be to arri"e where we started and know the place for the first time. T.%. Eliot ,ife is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. &e marches directly to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss# his ultimate destination. @scar 4ilde 4here"er you are is where it is at. #he present is the ultimate 'i)t9 it is the 'i)t o) the truth and o) li)e% #he present is al4ays the same <)ul)illin'> and al4ays ne4 and di))erent, and it 4ill last )orever% +ou must li"e in the present# launch yourself on e"ery wa"e# find your eternity in each moment. &enry !a"id Thoreau !o what nobody else can do for you. @mit to do anything else. &enry !a"id Thoreau


Chapter 1C

Gemember# all you are doing is separating the real from the mind made. !an you tell the di))erence bet4een 4hat is mind made and 4hat is made by li)eE :ou can, anyone can, so it is not li2e your 8ob is not clear% 6) it is anythin' that the mind creates, 4orry, )ear, an'er, in)eriority )eelin's, sadness or any mental su))erin', it is not real% 6) you are sic29 itKs real% 6) you stub your toe9 the pain is real, etc% 6) somethin' ma2es you mad, it is not real% !an you see the di))erenceE $f his spirit is distorted# he should simply fi7 it)))))purge it# make it perfect# because there is no other task in your entire li"es# which is more worthwhile. To seek the perfection of the warrior?s spirit is the only task worthy of our temporariness# or manhood. Carlos Castaneda :ou become a spiritual 4arrior, not a physical one% Dt )irst, the thin's you have read in this boo2 4ill ma2e you thin2 more, but as it sin2s in, you 4ill thin2 less and less% :ou 4ill eventually mani)est, #he (resent, in the present% A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. $ must soon lay it down and commence li"ing on its hint. 4hat $ began by reading# $ must finish by acting. &enry !a"id Thoreau &a"ing the fewest wants# $ am nearest to the 8ods. %ocrates 6nstead o) thin2in' 4hat else you need, thin2 o) 4hat else you can live 4ithout% Complicated :ou have to un"complicate your li)e to 'et into the truth and li)e% #his does not mean your li)e cannot be complicated at 4or2% ;or2 is 4or2, but you leave it at the o))ice, and the rest o) your li)e should be made as simple as possible% Complications are a friend to the mind( simplicity is a friend to the spirit. As you simplify your life# the laws of the uni"erse will be simpler. %olitude will not be solitude# po"erty will not be po"erty# nor weakness# weakness. &enry !a"id Thoreau :ou should ma2e your 4or2 li)e as simple as you can and ma2e your personal li)e completely simple% Some 4or2 4ill need to be complicated, so you live 4ith it )or 0 hours a day, but you do not have to in your personal li)e%


Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more comple7K $t takes a touch of genius ) and a lot of courage ) to mo"e in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein Gust do a routine that starts in the mornin' 4ith plantin' seeds o) truth to others% :ou have to help the truth )or the truth to help you% #he rest 4ill )ollo4% $f your ultimate goal is to know the ultimate truth# you ha"e to gi"e Ahelp spread itB to get it. +ou ha"e to gi"e to recei"e. +ou reap what you sow. $ teach you the o"erman. Ean is something that shall be o"ercome. 4hat ha"e you done to o"ercome him' -riedrich 2iet1sche Everyone 4ill bene)it by 8ust tryin' to see2 truth and live consciously% #he more people that do it around you, the easier you 4ill be able to do it% #here 4ill be many )alse starts, and your moments o) clarity 4ill come and 'o durin' the transition period% 1o not let it bother you9 it is the 4ay it happens% 6) you do 4hat you have to, it 4ill happen eventually% Take your time :ou do not 4ant it to happen too )ast, because your mind needs time to chan'e itsel), and that happens 'radually, mostly 4hen you sleep% :ou have 4aited millions o) years and millions o) li)etimes9 a little 4hile lon'er is no bi' deal% #he transition time is important and necessary% /e nice to yourself. Never do anythin' that is bad )or you, only thin's that are 'ood )or you, not 8ust because you can live lon'er and better, but because it is the ri'ht thin' to do% D person that 2no4s the truth al4ays does the ri'ht thin'% #hey try to stay on the spiritual path% -inish each day and be done with it. +ou ha"e done what you could. %ome blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in( forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day( begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with the old nonsense. Galph 4aldo Emerson $ ha"e told you all $ can tell you now. 6) you 4a2e up, you 4ill 2no4 the thin's 6 have not told you and you 4ill 2no4 4hy 6 could not tell you no4% 2ow it is all up to you :ou no4 2no4 all you need to 2no4% :ou 8ust have to actively start livin' in the truth by helpin' the truth contest spread it% $t is all about 2@4# the present# simply because nothing else really e7ists. E"erything we learn and do is to get into the 2@4.


2o @ther 4ay
This book re"eals #hat 4e are immortal% #he true past and )uture% #he truth is the opposite o) 4hat people thin2% #hat 4e have a choice bet4een li)e and death% #hat man2ind is livin' in a state o) 4a2in' sleep% #hat 4e need to 4a2e up )rom this sleep to see the truth% #hat everythin' is balanced and )air )or every livin' thin'% #hat 4e are in the process o) ta2in' the last step in evolution% #his boo2 reveals many important thin's no one has ever heard be)ore% True or false' !on?t belie"e me 6 Huote and re)erence Albert Einstein F1 times# -riedrich 2iet1sche 1N times# &enry !a"id Thoreau = times# The /eatles and many o) the 'reatest prophets, philosophers, scientists, leaders, seers, poets and artists that have lived on this planet% 6) you cannot or 4ill not believe them, 8ust believe your o4n eyes% $t is self)e"ident. C&EC5 $T -@G +@UG%E,-. 4e ha"e tried e"erything else. Try the truth the e"idence supports. ,ie and die ;hen people reali?e that they are 'oin' to su))er and die alon' 4ith their )amilies in the very near )uture, they 4ill no lon'er be motivated by riches, po4er, )ame or any other in)luences that come )rom our animal minds% 2ew world Fnly the truth and the li)e 4ill matter to you, because they are the only thin's that really e@ist and the only thin's that can save us% Everythin' else is 8ust &S created by the mind% To be or not to be( that is the .uestion# the only .uestion. $mportant %tart e"ery day thinking you will die# because one day# you will be right. $t makes you serious about finding the truth. Ask yourself Gust as2 yoursel) i) you 4ant to live a pointless, un)illed li)e o) deception, or i) you 4ant to live a )ul)illed, true li)e no4 and 4here it lasts )orever% Eternal sanctuary #he present is 4here everythin' is, and i) you are there and you know the truth, li)e is per)ect at all times, and it 4ill last )orever% The present is for you. :ou 8ust have to accept it% 131

L6 4ent to the 4oods because 6 4ished to live deliberately, to con)ront only the essential )acts o) li)e, and see i) 6 could not learn 4hat it had to teach, and not, 4hen 6 came to die, discover that 6 had not lived% 6 did not 4ish to live 4hat 4as not li)e, livin' is so dear9 nor did 6 4ish to practice resi'nation, unless it 4as Huite necessary% 6 4anted to live deep and suc2 out all the marro4 o) li)e, to live so sturdily and Spartan"li2e to put to rout all that 4asn7t li)e%B &enry !a"id Thoreau The beast within is doin' everythin' to try and 'et people to s2ip the truth and try to 'o directly to li)e, 4hich is impossible% #his is the main problem% (eople 4ant a short cut, a Huic2 )i@, and this tric2 o) the mind 2eeps the human race in bonda'e% (eople try dru's, se@, po4er, money, )ame, anythin' and everythin' e@cept the truth, but people 4ill never be )ree until they learn the ultimate truth% The difference between knowing and not knowing is checking. Nothin' could be simpler% 6) you care enou'h about the truth to chec2 4hat it is, you 4ill 2no4 the truth o) li)e% #he sad truth is, most people do not care9 they li2e playin' animal 'ames% 6) you care, no4 is the time to prove it% $f e"eryone looked at the big picture of life# we would see the same thing. This simple thing would unite human beings# and we would li"e in paradise. There is only one way. :ou have to 2no4 the )ull truth o) li)e to 2no4 a )ull li)e% &ow can you en9oy life before you know how life works' 2o one can fully en9oy life until they know why things happen and where their life will lead. ,earning the ultimate truth of life and death is the true mission of mankind. 5ead The Present Awith religionB, even i) you do not li2e reli'ion% 6t is a more complete version o) this boo2% 6t includes reli'ion and many other thin's% 6t is the lon' version o) this boo2% :ou have to read it in order )or the truth to 'o subconscious% 6t helps chan'e you into a spiritual bein'% Chosen one :ou may be 4onderin' 4hy most people cannot see the truth no4, 4hy no one even seems to care about the most important thin' there is% 6t does not ma2e sense% Ds it says on pa'e one o) #he (resent <4ith reli'ion>, the truth has been veiled, hidden )rom human consciousness by the collective unconscious% #he time has to be ri'ht9 technolo'y, politics, and all other )acets o) li)e have to evolve to a certain point and be ready be)ore the truth can be seen, or it 4ill cause more harm than 'ood% Ds the &eatles son' ADll :ou Need is LoveA says, *There3s nothing you can see that isn3t shown.* #he level o) truth 4e can see no4 could not be seen be)ore no4, and even no4, it can only be seen by a )e4 people% Dre you one o) themE 6) so, you have been chosen to help reveal the truth to the rest o) the human race% 6t is a callin' you cannot re)use% 132

8reatest family ;e are 4or2in' 4ith the &eatles, Ne4ton, Einstein, #esla, Niet?sche, #horeau, and all the other 'reat prophets, seers, and scientists that have ever lived% #hey are our )riends, our partners and our )amily, and 4e are theirs% #his is your opportunity, your invitation to 8oin us% 4orking with us makes you a prophet# which is the ne7t step in human e"olution. Anyone who spreads unseen truth of life and death is a prophet. Even i) the seeds o) truth you plant do not 'ro4 in others, the seeds you plant 4ill 'ro4 4ithin yoursel)9 you reap what you sow. :ou cannot be certain o) helpin' others, you can only try, but tryin' to help others helps you )or certain% 6) you so4 truth, you 4ill reap truth% 6n other 4ords, you 'et 4hat you 'ive% 6t is the best 4or2 you can do )or this 4orld, and )or yoursel)% Teach to learn :ou have to teach the truth you 2no4 to others to learn ne4 truth% 6) you do not, you do not pro'ress% (eople have it bac24ards and thin2 they have to learn it completely themselves be)ore teachin' others% #his is a mind tric2 to stop the truth )rom bein' revealed, because people 4ho do not teach 4hat they 2no4 4ill never 2no4 the ultimate truth themselves, and the truth 4ill not spread% $f you want your life to change# you have to chan'e yoursel) )irst% 6) you do not chan'e yoursel), and stay the same, your li)e 4ill stay the same% (eople that read one boo2 a)ter another never become enli'htened spiritual bein's% 6t is best to 8ust read #he (resent over and over and ta2e the ne@t step% 5eadin' this boo2 is 8ust the )irst step% #he ne@t step is to help the truth% Those who ha"e the pri"ilege to know# ha"e the duty to act. Albert Einstein 6) you are not part o) the solution, you are part o) the problem% Many people read this boo2 and thin2 they 2no4 the truth, then )ade ri'ht bac2 into the animal realm% #he po4er and in)luence o) the animal mind cannot be overstated% :ou have lived in the animal realm )or a hal) billion years% ;hat ma2es people thin2 readin' a boo2 )or an hour can chan'e all thatE :ou have to be 100= in your e))ort to stay in the truth%


6) you are old enou'h <time on earth> and you have paid your dues helpin' spread the truth, ho4 li)e 4or2s becomes clear to you% :our a'e is not up to you, but helpin' the truth is, so 'ive it all you can% 6t is ho4 you )eel about yoursel) that counts% 6) you )eel you have 'iven all you can, then you are in the best position you can be in, and you 2no4 it% 6) you are not doin' 4hat you can, you also 2no4 it% +ou 9udge yourself. :ou never 2no4 4hen you are 'oin' to die, so you al4ays 4ant to be in the best position you can be% Geading about the truth does not mean you know the truth. Geflection of en"ironment $nderstandin' the balance, immortality, and your history completely ma2es it possible )or you to rela@ completely and live in the present completely, 4hich )ul)ills you completely% #he problem is, you are a re)lection o) your environment, and the animal environment 4ill not allo4 the above to happen much o) the time, so all you can do is 4or2 to chan'e it 4ith the 2no4led'e that you 4ill chan'e it or die tryin'% +ou win either 4ay, because i) you die tryin', you are reborn in an environment in the )uture on earth a)ter it has chan'ed )rom your e))orts and the e))orts o) others on the path% :ou 4ill be reborn in an environment o) truth and li)e, 4hat reli'ions call heaven% 6t could be ten years, a thousand years, or millions o) years in the )uture% 6t 4ill not matter to you, because it 4ill seem to you as only a second )rom the time you die until you are reborn in a heaven% #here 4ill be a heaven on earth eventually, even i) it ta2es another billion years% :ou can7t lose i) you are helpin' to spread the truth, helpin' to create a heaven% $t could happen in a few years. 8oal of book 6t 4ill be di))icult to be a truth see2erCspreader and live in the truth o) li)e until you ma2e the connection 4ith 4hat 6 call the collective unconscious, 4hat reli'ions call the -oly Spirit% #he 'oal o) my boo2s and everythin' 4e do is to help people ma2e that connection% :ou 4ill 2no4 4hen it happens, because you 4ill reali?e you are not alone9 you are connected to an all 2no4in' po4er, 4hat reli'ions call Iod, that is omnipresent and omnipo4er)ul, is every4here and does everythin'% 6t is everythin' e@cept )or the animal mind, and it is the animal mind in an indirect 4ay% ;hen you see it, connect 4ith it, you 4ill see li)e per)ectly clear% :ou see the ma'ic o) li)e, the per)ection% :ou become invincible, and are loc2ed in on the path to a heaven, and you 2no4 it% #hat ma2es this li)e as 'ood as it can be, and the ne@t li)e per)ect% -or the ne7t step# write me at michaelOOOOO> ,$-E 52@4$28 ,$-E# ,EAG2 $T R EAG2 $T.
R 200 "2013 Dll 5i'hts 5eserved


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