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Proposal What is your story?

Jack and the beanstalk Jack sells his cow milkey-white to a strange man who gives him magic beans in return. When jack got home his mum was furious and threw the beans out the window. When jack woke up in the morning there was a giant beanstalk. Jack climbed all the way to the top of the beanstalk and walked down the long road at the top of it and came to a big house with a big women standing at the doorstep. The women took jack into the house and fed him until her man an ogre came home. She quickly put jack into the oven. The women told jack to wait until the ogre was asleep before he left. Jack snook out took a bag of gold from the ogre he chucked it down the beanstalk into the garden and then climbed back down himself. !fter the gold ran out jack climbed back up the beanstalk. "e took the golden hen and went back down again. "e repeated this another time and went up the beanstalk. Jack stole the golden harp and ran off with it but the ogre woke up and saw him they both climbed down the beanstalk and when jack got to the bottom he called out for an a#e. "e cut the beanstalk down. married a princess and lived happily ever after. What product are you going to make? $ am going to produce a %raphic narrative of the story jack and the beanstalk. $ am going to use &hotoshop to turn the illustrations $ draw into a rotascope. 'y doing this $ will use the polygon tool and colour range selection on &hotoshop. Then use other tools on &hotoshop to alter them to how $ want them. $ want it to look very professional this is why i am using rotascope in my work because i think it makes it look like it(s a real %raphic novel. )y panels aren(t going to be placed in the traditional way* this is because i want it to look more modern and different from the normal way. Who is your audience? )y target audience is young adults and teenagers +,--.,/ interested in comic and action. This group of people will enjoy pictures rather than many words and also will be of a middle social class. )ainly males the 0ovel will appeal to because of the main character been a boy and the story is more based around men. This is because $ am putting a lot of action and detail into the graphic narrative which will appeal more to an older audience then young. 'ecause a younger generation prefers simple pictures with little detail and also a few words.

What methods will you use to make the product? The methods $ am going to use consist of the rotascope tool on &hotoshop to make my photos look professional. $ am going to lay the pictures and words out in a more modern layout which $ think is more creative and harder to understand and $ think it makes them look a lot better. The images are going to be very colourful and there will be between 1-2 pictures on each page to tell the story. To present the writing $ will use speech bubbles connecting to different people to show they(re talking or a thought bubble to show what they(re thinking. The font will be a comic specific one to make it look professional also. !nd the words needed to be e#aggerated will be in bold. $ will use the correct colours to connote a certain mood going on in the picture $ think this looks really effective and gives it the right tone. The pictures will all be in different si3ed bo#es

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