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Amanda Anderson Class notes 10/22/13

Began class with the Continent song with the lap harp o Asia, Africa, North & South America, Australia, Antarctica, & Europe too. o Maps are great to show and points to it like in the YouTube video of continents and oceans song but make sure your map is up-to-date. You dont have to put on a big show, just get the content across.

Pg. 113 We are going to the zoo (tune of London Bridges) used with a lap harp Pg. 118 The Bus (wheels on the bus) w/ lap harp o Hand motions o Used this song to keep kids from being uptight on first bus trip o Can alter words to the students bus picture or number (The kids on the kangaroo bus go over there over there over there) Pg. 120 Stop, Look, and Listen poem o Things get more pleasant and impeded in your head when you sing them. o Stop look and listen before you cross the street. Use our eyes, use your ears and then use your feet.

Class got into talking about where people live. o Might have to explain what apartments, duplexes, suburbs are. o Careful about explaining homeless people Discussed a few things from chapter 8- special days and holidays. o Use music/song to tell a story Music clip where in the US is this at? o Play short clips of it and guess (southern music) o Give clues from lyrics drinking gourd (big dipper) o Slaves followed river for freedom.

Strategies for reading comprehension 1. 2. 3. 4. Visualize (man, Louisiana, following big dipper to freedom) Predict- what is going to happen next? Schema- connect to life- end of semester pack up and go home (freedom) Inference- does anyone know where your family is from? Important to teach Historyboth good and bad (gently). So what is this song really about slaves escaping in the Underground Railroad? 5. Synthesis.

Eleanor Rigby song Connect to the past o Had a survivor from Auschwitz concentration camp speak YouTube video greatest speech ever Robert Kennedy about MLKs death o Speech was played to music o Wrote speech in the back of a car, told it wasnt safe to give speech, gave it on back of a flatbed truck. o Very moving! Mr. Fairchild went to Chicago in a youth group and saw MLK speak. Love one another o 1968 April 4th. MLK Shot, Chicago Riots, saw bad things. o Explain tragedy to students at their level The more you know the bigger moral obligation you have to share that knowledge. Mrs. Fairchild read a book about kids starting to learn about MLK and the students dreams o 1st night of class card- if you could change the world in one way Mrs. Fairchild brought a quilt in-slab town (Southwest Wi) o 1st integrated school o If quilt hung upright with certain symbols it meant food, housing, etc. o If quilt upside down, not safe. Ronald Reagan created MLK day 15 years after his death o People mad about loss of revenue-go calculate the cost of 300 years of slavery. We shall overcome in Music Express Magazine that comes with a CD o Sing with audio and follow along in magazine Leo Bretholz o Born 1921 Vienna Australia. o Holocaust survivor o Mrs. Fairchild was inspired by him and wrote a piece for it with him. o Never Forget- Leos favorite quote Scholastic books have a whole unit lesson plan on slavery.

Thematic Unit- integrate a lot of subjects into a unit o Compare two flags for similar/differences. 15 stars, 15 strips added one each time a state was added. Must be careful about what you teach and expect o Jehobus witness cannot sing national anthem-have them study the history of it instead. Mrs. Fairchild had this as a quarter long project-class met every other day o Study vocab-donnserly-dawns early light, Rampart, perilous o Practice writing lyrics-test is write whole song then sing it alone to teacher o Art Project-make a book from sentence strips story about the flag o Math-Flag is 32 x42 about size of a classroom in dounda o Music- Star spangled banner o Personal story or guest speaker. Flag restoration, reopening of museum, and share about travels. o Flag history-written as a poem by Francis Scott to the melody of an English drinking song

Holiday Thematic Unit

Arbor Day History: give presentation or paper on history o J. Sterling Morton and his wife moved to Nebraska in 1854. They were nature lovers and planted many trees and shrubs on their land. o Morton became a journalist and used this writing to promote planting trees. o Trees were needed as windbreakers, to keep the soil in place, and to provide shade. o Morton proposed a state arbor day to the board of agriculture for April 10th. Estimated that over 1 million trees were planted that day o Nebraska governor Robert Furnus declared it a state holiday, then later the read date was set on Mortons birthday April 22nd. o Schools started planting trees nationwide in 1882 o Arbor days vary by date depending on best planting weather. Science o Learn how trees benefit the environment. o Study the ecosystem and function of trees. o Study the types of trees and identify the ones in the area. o Research trees to discover which tree would grow best at their school. o Research how to care for a tree. o Plant a tree. Math o Research how much it would cost to plant a tree(s) o Learn how to measure a trees height, crown, spread, and diameter. o Calculate trees age- count rings. o Seek out a pattern of numbers in nature. Art o Collect leaves and using tempera paint make leaf prints with them. o Create bark rubbings and trade rubbings to see if other students can identify the tree. English o Write an Arbor Day poem, song, or skit and present it to the class. o Write letters to the community asking/thanking them for planting trees.

Ch 7 Where we live. Ch 8 Holidays and Special Days

Pg 113 Plant a little seed: Dig a little hole, plant a little seed, pour on a little water, pull a little weed. Give a little sunshine, and before you know, your little seed will be a plant and grow, grow, grow. o This would be a cute educational poem to use with younger students to help them remember how to make plants grow.

We are going to the zoo (tune of London Bridge) o Can change words to suit any situation (going to the park, to the gym, to the library)

Pg 123 Ten Little o Can use this type of song with counting anything or whatever season you are studing. o One little, two little, three little pumpkins (witches, stees, easter eggs, dreydels)

Three Green Goblins o Cute song that is just for fun. o Three green goblins danced on Halloween. One was fat, one was think, and one was in between.

Pg 131 The Witches Pot o Teaches rhythm of the chant and helps with language development and speech.

o Promotes question/answer and taking turns. o Discuss gruesome things witches would put in their pot to make brew. Each child adds something to the mix. o All: boiling hot, boiling hot, what will you put in the witches pot? Child 1: boiling hot, boiling hot, Ill put some spider webs in the pot. All: same as beginning. Child 2:Ill put some mud in the witches pot. Etc. Notes on teaching holiday/ special days. o It is ok to teach about holidays but Present holiday not Promote it!

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