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Searching for Elizabeth.

When this couple posed for their picture to be taken, they didnt realize their daughter had snuck into the background. The parents offered nervously, She is getting ready to go help the farmers who are our neighbors. It was 4:30pm, and the hot pink tights suggested she wasnt helping the farmers with their crops.

Dear Friends, Christmas Greetings! We are excitedly anticipating the arrival of Sarah & Emilee for the holidays and we assume you are also preparing for family celebrations. This holiday season, let us ponder not only creating space for festivities, but also places of safety, havens, and restoration. In the Spirit of the giving season, The Garrisons

The Role of Elizabeth: Yesterday and Today

Elizabeth. We tend to overlook her role in the Christmas story, but during the past few years, my (Karas) appreciation for her has grown. She was a safe person, and when a young girl felt vulnerable, Elizabeths door was open. When the ancient author and physician, Luke, collects eyewitness testimonies on the life of Jesus, he alone seeks out the story and records the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth. He recognizes that she is a vital character in the story of Jesus entrance into the world. Luke tells us that within days of the angel visiting Mary, Mary hurries to Elizabeths house. An interesting choice of words considering the distance was ninety miles as the crow flies, and we can assume that the hilly terrain provided an indirect route for the pedestrian. Assuming she was able to traverse the rock studded terrain averaging ten miles per day, the pregnant young woman traveled at least ten days. Marys decision to make the journey tells us that Elizabeth was worth seeking out. This tells us that Elizabeth had proven herself safe prior to Marys crisis. Mary was anticipating a gracious reception, not a spirit of condemnation. It is not Mary alone who benefits. The very child whom Mary must protect is also well received, Elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary, God has blessed you above all women, and your child is blessed. Why am I so honored, that the mother of my Lord should visit me? What a contrast this must have been to the many others Mary and her child would encounter over the next few months - and years. How is this story relevant today? Because in many places a young unmarried girl who becomes pregnant can expect disastrous consequences, especially in shame-based cultures. In the past few years of investigating the factors contributing to the human trafficking which is so prevalent in this part of the world (SE Asia), the lack of Elizabeths has become evident. The reason? Karma and culture.

If we are serious about anti trafficking we need more Elizabeths, not necessarily more organizations. T h e G arri s o ns !

Both photos on this page were taken by our friend, Stu Corlett

Servi ng w i th th e P eo p l e o f M yanm ar (B urm a)

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We Pay Tribute to the many Elizabeths that we have encountered along our journey:

the women whom we met during our years in Athens, peers at Ohio University who are now scattered, those we met through churches and the many we encountered through Good Works, Inc. who remain close to our hear ts even now the women of Tulsa who nur tured us as a young family and made us feel more impor tant than we actually were the women of Marietta who have known Craig since childhood and have been a tremendous encouragement the women of CUMC and EUMC in Wisconsin who welcomed us on the basis of a recommendation and continue to pray for us today the women of Grove City who have listened to our stories with interest and woven us into their traditions the women of Wilmore and surrounding areas who befriended us during our seminary years, many of whom pray for us weekly and of course our sisters, mothers, grandmothers and aunts who embraced who we are and made us feel safe in their presence

This Christmas (and beyond), pray with us for God to raise up more Elizabeths around the world.

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As westerners, we cannot fully grasp the pervasiveness of the Buddhist concept of Karma and its hold even on Christians in the region. A tainted young woman returning to her hometown is a curse. She is not restored to the community, rather she is spit upon. Even by her parents. It doesnt matter that the parents sent her away to earn money for their welfare. As a result, if a young woman returns home from her employment abroad she must never reveal the truth and thus she remains haunted and unable to escape her hellish memories. Several months ago at a community development conference, I suggested that one of the greatest problems in impoverished communities is not a lack of jobs, or clean water, or education, or healthcare access but rather the lack of safe people. Several nationals working with exploited children agreed with me. One young woman who operates a safe house along the Thai/Burma border said, We cannot even get Christians to assist us in any manner with what we are trying to do. They have verbally said, It doesnt look good for you to be involved in this type of work. Beginning in January, this will be the very issue that will be addressed among the women in discipleship groups that we are connected with. Why are there so few Elizabeths to be found? What hinders you from living in the spirit of Elizabeth? To whom can young girls run when their parents/relatives are threatening to sell them? To whom can young girls turn when they have managed to escape their captors? Why is it easier to find a neighbor who will help abort a child in her home, than one who responds like Elizabeth? While Marys pregnancy was a result of divine conception, the risk to her life was indeed grave. She could have been stoned, forced into prostitution, or sold along with her child. We have no account of Marys parents response, nor of any woman from her community it is the protection of an older woman, a ten day journey away, that is sought after. Today, there is a great deal of emphasis on safe houses, rescue missions, and helping with anti-trafficking. Perhaps, however, the most effective ministers to those caught in the trafficking business have been the Elizabeths without the backing of an agency or mission, but who simply demonstrate that they are safe people. We know a small handful of such women here, and your dollars have assisted their acts of mercy and grace. Elizabeths history is evidence that Gods Word is living and relevant. Her example is a model to us2,000 years laterand will be relevant to future generations.

We recognize the list goes on to include others not even mentioned, simply because there are too many to recall Our lives have been full of Elizabeths, and we feel rich from the bounty of relationships we have enjoyed. We are grateful for each of you and the example you have been. Thank you. This Christmas, you remind us of the many gifts He has given us out of His grace. !

All gifts toward our work with the people of Myanmar (Burma) should be sent to: CornerStone International, P.O. Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390. Please write Myanmar Project on the memo line. Additionally, you may make secure donations online at THANK YOU for your generosity towards our family and the people of Burma!

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