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Dog Training Methods for Special Cases: Working with Shy and Fearful Dogs Some dogs, due

to their personalities or past abuse, may come to you with e cessi!ely shy, fearful or submissi!e beha!iors" This can affect e!erything from their willingness to be petted to their ability to en#oy going for walks" $s you can imagine, the %uality of the dog&s life and his or her relationship with you will be greatly affected if these problems aren&t addressed $"S"$"'" (efore we discuss the appropriate training methods, let&s take a %uick look at some of the most common signs of fear)based beha!ior in dogs: *" +awning ) ,f it&s the end of a long day and your dog is rela ed, then a yawn is natural" -owe!er, yawning can also be a sign of stress and an iety" The key is to look at your dog&s body language" .er!ous yawns are usually %uick and accompanied by tense body language" /" 0ars 'inned (ack ) -appy, confident dogs keep their ears upright or pinned forward most of the time" Slight pinning is normal and not a source for concern so long as the dog&s body language is otherwise normal" -owe!er, if your dog pins her ears back when you approach and lea!es them that way, it is a clear sign of an iety an apprehension" 1" Tucking Tail (etween 2egs ) 0 treme apprehension" 3" Shaking ) This is a sign of e tremely high stress" 4" Crouching ) 5ften accompanied by the tail between the legs, this sign represents a seriously fearful dog" This is a sign of complete submission intended to con!ey 6'lease Don&t -urt Me"7 8" Submissi!e 9rination :and;or defecation< ) ,n the wild, submissi!e dogs will sometimes show their submission to a threatening alpha dog by urinating or defecating" ,t is close to the human e%ui!alent of losing control of your body due to fear, and is really in!oluntary on your dog&s part" ,f your dog is displaying any of these signs, it&s time to desensiti=e him" The process can be slow, and it is !itally important that you approach your dog gently and patiently" The first rule in dealing with fearful dogs is that it is better to focus your :and their< attention on the positi!e beha!iors you want to enforce, while ignoring the beha!iors you want to eliminate"

$dditional methods that you may want to try: *" Change your petting style" The least threatening way to approach a dog for touch is to

lower your hand beneath his head and gi!e him a %uick scratch on the chin or chest" /" 'ay attention to posture" Some training books will tell you to get down on the ground at the dog&s le!el, but this is not always the best approach, particularly with smaller dogs" Try to determine what makes your dog the most comfortable :to see you sitting, standing, etc<, then slowly work to desensiti=e him to your mo!ements from each position" 1" Don&t carry" The only time you should pick up and carry your dog is when there is an ob!ious threat of danger from a larger dog" 5therwise, make sure your dog has all four paws on the ground when you go for walks and do not gi!e in" >eep walks short in the beginning, and close to home" ?eward your dog with plenty of praise and attention when he is beha!ing in a calm and confident manner" ,gnore him when he has peed on the floor or is trembling under your attention, and resist the urge to comfort him" @i!ing your dog attention when he is displaying fearful beha!ior only reinforces the beha!ior" This sounds harsh, but it is actually best for both of you in the long runA For more great information regarding Dog Training Methods please check out this fantastic site"

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