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A few weeks ago, I promised a former Congressional-Candidate [and devout Christian] that Id summarize the politics of religion by invoking

hyperlinks culled over recent months, at least so far as to provide grist for the development of cogent public-policy; Guzzardi and I have grappled with these concerns, as he usually adopted a [Jewish] Bible-thumping stance [derivative of AISH] while I averred it is desirable to temper these positions with an anti-government Libertarianism [noting that americans desperately want-the-government-to-stop-banning-everything-they-like.] Executive Summary: It is desirable to tackle social-issues, but not to allow them to dominate the discourse; Guzzardi can list big-spending, pro-life legislators. Specifically, one must defend the Christmas Spirit against destructive atheists [but not rub-it-into-faces of Christians or of anyone else]; one must recognize the positive aspects of an engaging Papacy; one must fight worldwide persecution of Christians; one must ensure laws comply with the Bill of Rights [eschewing church/state-separation mandates]; one must conjure messaging that stirs and motivates youth; one must accept Gay-Marriage but not afford additional powers to those who might be tempted to issue unfounded accusations; one must adopt a multiple-choice approach to the Abortion controversy; one must not permit reverse-racism to supplant racism; and one must allow a liberal dosage of libertarianism to attenuate the temptation to allow Big-Government intrusion. Accumulated in the grist file are dozens of hyperlinks documenting global Christian Persecution [e.g., Iran has imprisoned a pastor, three American teachers were slaughtered due to their christian-faith, and a New Jersey Muslim targeted and beheaded two Coptic Egyptian Christians], as a Catholic bishop warned against the rise of anti-Christian bigotry in U.S. and appeals were issued that people help our Christian brothers and sisters; noted are two possibly-linked events, as lesbians repeatedly attacked christian-preachers-during a gay-pride-event-in-seattle and a Christian Airman, Punished by a Lesbian Commander, now Faces a Possible Court Martial. {Truly, it is hoped a moment will arise when these data can be organized and presented lucidly.} America will change course only when Conservatives encourage subversion of the occupation of our cultural territory by promotion of quality values and ideas. For example, what does NOT resonate in the creation/evolution divide is the Scientific Discovery of 400,000-Year-Old Human DNA; a comfortable paradigm is simply that God [and/or some ethical-force] Created [and/or animates] Evolution. And, sadly, what also does NOT work when trying to reach seculars is a vignette such as a man born-with-cerebral-palsy-expected-to-die goes-to-college. Finally, what indeed does NOT work when inspiring indolent youth to grasp life is learning of an aids-breakthrough entailing uncovering hivs-genetic-hiding-place. Yet it is possible to spark outrage [against corporatism] when noting that the nestle-ceo claimed water-is-not-a-human-right and should-be-privatized. In the most-recent blast, a few cultural-issues were tangentially addressed; inasmuch as the New 'Person of the Year' [per Time Magazine] is Pope Francis, it is desirable to recount his views on more than his Defense of Life in the Womb. He is popular, Drawing Crowds 4X Larger Than did his Predecessor, and he has been dubbed the jennifer-lawrence-of-vatican-city; this may be due to such actions as assuring atheists that you dont have to believe in god-to-go-to-heaven, prompting non-catholics to jump-onto his bandwagon and some observers to wonder if he is Starting His Own Reformation. This observation is reinforced when he bluntly-faults-the churchsfocus-on-gays-and-abortion and WARNS that the CHURCH MUST FIND a NEW BALANCE OR FAIL; some even predict Catholic priests may be allowed to marry amid Papal changes. He has already developed a reputation for Giving gifts to Rome's poor and has thus neutralized critics; ignored is his having Excommunicated an Australian-Priest-Over-Support-For-Gay-Marriage and Women-Priests and his having Separated Jews from Israelis [praising-jews-for-having-kept-theirfaith-in-god, but remaining stand-off-ish regarding Israel and having bowed-to-a muslim-queen]. When he issued his encyclical, Rush [et al.] wondered if he is a communist, which he denied. Overall, some wondered if the Pope is Right About the World, for it has been argued by some

that he fails to acknowledge the contemporary world is quite equal, peaceful, and prosperous. {And in this atmosphere, some predictably argued catholic-bishops-should accept gay-marriage.} These tunes went particularly viral this year [ Elvis Presley - 'Holly Leaves and Christmas Trees'; All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth; Acapella group sings "Little Drummer Boy" (they were on Fox & Friends, Friday-a.m., but the singers removed this hyperlink was inexplicably removed); little-drummer; 'The First Nol' by Celtic Women; and Merry Christmas From Julie Andrews. Deconstructing Santa was viewed as the latest offensive in the War on Christmas; it began as a blog post at Slate, which argued that the traditional white Santa Claus is frightening, alienating, and divisive to non-white children. Perhaps sparked by this event, Kids and adults flocked to an L.A. rarity, a Black Santa Claus and a Teacher was disciplined for 'Santa is white' remark; indeed, after Megyn Kelly professed to be a journalist rather than an opinionator to Jay Leno, she opined that Santa was Caucasian and felt compelled to defend that stance. It took O'Reilly to explore the origins of the mythology to conclude Megyn Kelly was Right, that Santa Is White. This issue was tangential, for it degenerated into a distraction, corroborated by a POLL that confirmed Christmas More About Jesus Than Santa while another POLL found that Half of US celebrates agnostic 'Christmas.' In any case, that the War on Christmas is for-real was illustrated when little-girls were kicked-out of a grocery-store for allegedly offending customers by singing christmas-carols. {Hannity and an Atheist went Head-to-Head Over the War to End All Wars on Christmas.} To a significant degree, the cry for separation of church and state serves as the basis for many disagreements [despite the fact that this phrase is not ensconced in the Bill of Rights but, rather, is derivative of a letter composed by Jefferson]; thats why a cross must be removed from a California cemetery, that may be why the feds are now-requiring-churches-to-get-permits-for-baptisms, that may be the motivator for efforts to stop Ten Commandments monuments from rising in Connellsville area, and and that may be why the MA-Supreme-Court could remove Under God from the Pledge-of-Allegiance. {I studied this issue years ago when the California-doctor raised it (before he lost standing), and I learned the Constitutions of all 50 states refer to the Deity and, thus, the United States must recognize that this transpired in-unisonthereby militating for retention.} As noted above, Christians have experienced worldwide persecution & prosecution, in America, such anti-Christian bigotry has been documented by controversial-historian david-barton [who works with Glenn Beck], and recent affronts occurred when the feds were forced to drop their demand-for-baptism-permits and when it was proposed in San Antonio that Christians could be banned from holding office. This may explain why some feel compelled to defend Sarah Palin and, although tim tebow is not longer with the pats, others are happy he retains his nfl dream. Perhaps partially explaining the current controversy, a duck-dynasty-star said they had been ordered-to-stop-praying-to-avoid-offending-muslims; reflecting what confronts Americans is the fact that a US Muslim Tried to Kill his Wife Because Divorce is Culturally Unacceptable and reflecting the attitudes of Muslims in Europe are facts that 75% think only one interpretation of Qur'an possible, 65% think Islamic supersedes secular law, and 45% think Jews cant be trusted. Here is a pastiche of contemporary Jewish events: a dc-jcc continued a patternof-promoting-viciously-anti-israel-plays; a British Novelist (Howard Jacobson) Plans to Reimagine Shakespeares Shylock in a New Book; it has been argued that a-goy-rabbi could exist; it has been deemed desirable [again] to reversecourse-on-intermarriage, and celebrities (gwyneth-paltrow, woody-allen, and zach-braff) celebrated Rosh Hashanah (the other new year) in myriad ways. Sexual aberrations in America range from the ridiculous [brooklyn-college-spent-$107,000-toreplace-logo-president-thought-looked-like-a-penis; liberals-want-to-stop-men-from-checking-outwomen; and RICHARD DAWKINS DEFENDS 'MILD PEDOPHILIA'] to the sublime [rfk-jr kept a

sex-diary-of-adultery; Prosecutors are weighing an appeal of 30-day rape sentence in Montana; and a prisoner-sued a caseworker for having forced him to-have-sex 50-100-times. Meanwhile, the Porn Industry was Shut Down Again after a New Star was found to be HIV Positive, perhaps because of an attitude of abject-denial [The industry is against using condoms because it would affect tape sales, but itd be like allowing people to race cars without helmets on! ]. Harboring the aforementioned Libertarian stances would not prevent intuitive-condemnation of these events. Through it all, the LGBTQ-community has enjoyed increased acceptance during recent yearsparticularly after Junes SCOTUS-rulingand this lifestyle has even been defended biblically by popular joel-osteen by rebuking three apostles (paul, peter, and john); same-sex marriages are broadly accepted, behaviorally, both in America (they comprise 17% of Washington-State Marriages) and abroad (70% of israelis support affording equal-rights to the lgbt-community). Indeed, gays have truly arrived when chicago sex-ed, beginning-in-kindergarten, is now to promote the gay lifestyle and when Private Manning, the Nature of Sexuality, and A Straight Man's Commitment to the Constitution has tantalized academe. Now that a Polygamy Ban was Ruled Unconstitutional, unbridled maintenance of polygamy is now envisioned (manifest as issuing multiple Marriage-Licenses). The problem that arises, however, is when some gays feel entitled/empowered to act obnoxiously (crushing opposition by using the Homosexual Agenda), callously [in NJ, a gay waitress functioning as a Bistro_Worker claimed she was given an anti-gay receipt (but was found to have LIED because she had DOCTORED the RECEIPT) and, thus, lost her job], irresponsibly (after a judgeordered-baker-to-serve-gay-couples-despite-his-religious-beliefs, the Bakery was Threatened For Refusing to Make Gay Wedding Cake and the militant-gaysforced the bakery-to-go-out-of-business), and dangerously (gay-activists-wantthe-death-penalty-for-us-christian-evangelists). This is why I concur with the view of Liz Cheney, who says gay marriage should be decided by the states. Technically, for a while, I recoiled against endorsing gay-marriage by quoting the etymology that suggests fundamental sourcing is related to the anticipated sex-roles of the participants: The modern English word "marriage" derives from Middle English mariage, which first appears in 12501300 C.E. This in turn is derived from Old French marier (to marry) and ultimately Latin martre meaning to provide with a husband or wife and martri meaning to get married. (The adjective mart-us -a, um meaning matrimonial or nuptial could also be used in the masculine form as a [11] noun for "husband" and in the feminine form for "wife." ) The related English word "matrimony" derives from the Old French word matremoine which appears around 1300 C.E. and ultimately derives from Latin mtrimnium which combines the two concepts mater meaning "mother" and the suffix [12] monium signifying "action, state, or condition." " Thus, my basic approach had been to advocate that this word be reserved for -relationships, employing civil union to accomplish legally what would be necessary to accommodate the societal-goals of participants in this type of interaction [ e.g., including whether a state would have health insurers accommodate identified members of a household within a unitary policy]. This approach would accommodate modernized awareness of parental activities [ e.g., surrogates] while acknowledging the fact that 30 states apparently now have adopted a definition of the word marriage that is consistent with my exploration of its originsand have rejected GLBTQ-isms. And this approach had served as the foundation for how I have functioned since medical-school; now, however, noting that few people try to distinguish marriage and civil-union, I relented. Thus, regardless of what this bond is called, its status should be defined only on the state-level, for the SCOTUS explicitly declined to state that sexual orientation is a fundamental civil right.

Discussed when tracking the Martin/Zimmerman trial have been issues related to Racism and Reverse-Racism; updating the issue of prejudice (and outcomes) are a few hyperlinks that illustrate the level of sensitivity to this third-rail that must be maintained when formulating policy: UN Played Race Card while Demanding Answers on Zimmerman/Martin Case; George Zimmermans highly controversial prosecutor, Angela Corey, is now under state investigation for firing Ben Kruidbos; George Zimmerman's girlfriend wants charges dropped; de-blasio ran a-racist-campaign according to bloomberg; i-hate-white-people randomracial-rampage-in-new-york-left-one-man-brain-dead; and Sister of Alleged Murderer of Baseball Player Blames Racist Whites. {This graph could easily be amplified by excerpting the text of daily rants by Al Sharpton & Chris Matthews.} No update of the social-issues would be complete without citing the many ways the polarized abortion debate affects society, worldwide. Pathos is unrelenting [college-freshman-died-alone-in her dorm room after having given birth to a stillborn-infant; babies gosnell butchered in infanticides and abortions were felt to deserve-proper-burials; and an abortion-clinic-closed-inmichigan after a woman underwent a forced-abortion there]; psychological damage is ubiquitous [64% of Women feel Forced to undergo abortions and my abortion was a horrifying experience, for women-were-treated-like-cattle], theorizing still abounds [newborns recall words heard in_utero], and civil disobedience turns violent [in iowa-city, a foreign-student-from-hong-kongpunched a 78 year-old pro-life protester because he felt a anti-abortion viewpoint was strange]. Stats fuel the debate [ALMOST HALF OF U.S. BIRTHS COVERED BY MEDICAID; 300-abortiondoctors-do-abortions-after-20-weeks and 140-after-24-weeks; and a pew-poll-showed-fewamericans-find-abortion-morally-acceptable], California seems to be the repository for key-events [coerced-sterilization occurs in-prisons and a Bill Would Allow Non-Physicians To Perform Abortions], while abuse persists [Planned Parenthood again caught in blatant rule-breaking]. Overall, the one observation that has been recently offered to me to explain the liberal mindset is that a woman who has had an abortion may feel compelled to advocate slavishly for its legality; this paradigm has been used to explain why Jewesses, in particular, seem avidly pro-choice. {Through it all, I remain personally pro-life and professionally multiple-choice, in that I accept that Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, but that Rs feel comfortable imposing restrictions that Dems aggressively reject (no public funding, no third trimester, mandatory parental notification).} Raised transiently earlier [when quoting Daylin Leach s stance] was the issue of pot-legalization, noting that the politics-of-pot has prompted some to list-the2014-candidates-who-want-to-legalize-it; it should be noted that democraticsenators-OKed the dojs-new-pot-plan (tolerating, in this instance, states rights). Regarding tobacco-use, it remains uncanny that any restriction would be placed on e-cigs by Bloomberg, it remains unbelievable that a PBS Guest would claim that Public Health Officials are Lying About Harm from Second-Hand Smoke; and it remains reassuring that 100,000-americans-have-quit-smoking-due-to-graphicads. {As I predicted in 98 when filing litigation against the Master Settlement Agreement signed-off between Big Tobacco and the Attorneys General, absent enforcement, Scientific American noted tobacco-settlement-money-squandered.} Finally, trying to act 62 years-young [rather than as a pre-Medicare somewhat-senior citizen], youth-culture must be scrutinized; when trying to motivate, a fiery-pastor-didnt-mince-words-onwhat-young-men-today-need-to-hear, claiming they must stop-smiling-because-youre-the-joke. This generic admonition must be delivered sensitively, however, for the number of Children taking antipsychotics has tripled during the past decade and suicide persists [having met the bereaved friend of the mother of a suicide-victim on the evening after the Memorial Service held in memory of her son by Bryn Mawr's Maxwell family]. A 13 Year-Old was Arrested After Burping In Class and a 13 Year-Old was Arrested For Carjacking a 78-Year-Old; also, a Boy was arrested for punching his grandma after she had refused to buy him a toy. It is unlikely that Justin Biebers 'retirement' will affect these people, nor will twerking-with-a-monkey yield a quality role-model as miley-cyrus-severs-all-ties-to-her-wholesome-disney-image; on the one hand, MILEY CYRUS

claims to have MADE HISTORY, proud of her vulgar twerking and tongue dancing at vma awards but, on the other hand, she has offered a brutal self-assessment [f***ed-up] that may have been triggered by word that the hunky-australian-actor-liam-Hemsworth-apparently-was planning-todump-fiance-miley-cyrus ASAP or by a Hysterical Star Trek Reaction To her Twerking. Anyway, one cannot legislate morality and, thus, all states can do is to promote positive images.

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