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Clues 1ask lorce3- 1argeL populauons

Summary sLaLemenLs
A. Make lL our work Lo preach Lhe gospel Lo Lhe poor, buL do noL sLop Lhere.1, 3
8. Appeal Lo oLher classes of people Lhrough Lhe mlnlsLry Lo Lhe poor 2,1,3
C. locus on lmmlgranL populauons 4,3
u. 1argeL mlnlsLrles Lo Lhe slck 6
L. locus on Lhe un-churched 1
l. We cannoL focus on cerLaln groups 7,8,9,10,11
1. 8uL we are noL Lo Lhlnk only of greaL and gled men, Lo Lhe neglecL of Lhe poorer classes. ChrlsL
lnsLrucLs Pls messengers Lo go also Lo Lhose ln Lhe byways and hedges, Lo Lhe poor and lowly of
Lhe earLh. ln Lhe courLs and lanes of Lhe greaL clues, ln Lhe lonely byways of Lhe counLry, are
famllles and lndlvlduals--perhaps sLrangers ln a sLrange land--who are wlLhouL church relauons,
and who, ln Lhelr lonellness, come Lo feel LhaL Cod has forgouen Lhem. 1hey do noL undersLand
whaL Lhey musL do Lo be saved. Many are sunken ln sln. Many are ln dlsLress. 1hey are pressed
wlLh suerlng, wanL, unbellef, despondency. ulsease of every Lype aMlcLs Lhem, boLh ln body
and ln soul. 1hey long Lo nd a solace for Lhelr Lroubles, and SaLan LempLs Lhem Lo seek lL ln
lusLs and pleasures LhaL lead Lo ruln and deaLh. Pe ls oerlng Lhem Lhe apples of Sodom, LhaL
wlll Lurn Lo ashes upon Lhelr llps. 1hey are spendlng Lhelr money for LhaL whlch ls noL bread and
Lhelr labor for LhaL whlch sauseLh noL. [CCL 232.3}
2. 1he Lord calls upon Lhose who are ln posluons of LrusL, Lhose Lo whom Pe has enLrusLed Pls
preclous gls, Lo use Lhelr LalenLs of lnLellecL and means ln Pls servlce. Cur workers should
presenL before Lhese men a plaln sLaLemenL of our plan of labor, Lelllng Lhem whaL we need ln
order Lo help Lhe poor and needy and Lo esLabllsh Lhls work on a rm basls. Some of Lhese wlll
be lmpressed by Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo lnvesL Lhe Lord's means ln a way LhaL wlll advance Pls cause.
1hey wlll fulll Pls purpose by helplng Lo creaLe cenLers of lnuence ln Lhe large clues.
lnLeresLed workers wlll be led Lo oer Lhemselves for varlous llnes of mlsslonary eorL. Pyglenlc
resLauranLs wlll be esLabllshed. 8uL wlLh whaL carefulness should Lhls work be done! [CP 331.1}
3. LnLer Lhe large clues, and creaLe an lnLeresL among Lhe hlgh and Lhe low. Make lL your work Lo
preach Lhe gospel Lo Lhe poor, buL do noL sLop Lhere. Seek Lo reach Lhe hlgher classes also.
SLudy your locauon wlLh a vlew Lo lemng your llghL shlne forLh Lo oLhers. 1hls work should have
been done long slnce.--1esumonles Lo MlnlsLers, p. 400. (1896) [Lv 74.3}
4. Wake up, wake up, my breLhren and slsLers, and enLer Lhe elds ln Amerlca LhaL have never
been worked. Aer you have glven someLhlng for forelgn elds, do noL Lhlnk your duLy done.
1here ls a work Lo be done ln forelgn elds, buL Lhere ls a work Lo be done ln Amerlca LhaL ls [usL
as lmporLanL. ln Lhe clues of Amerlca Lhere are people of almosL every language. 1hese need Lhe
llghL LhaL Cod has glven Lo Pls church.--1esumonles, vol. 8, p. 36. [ChS 199.1}
3. ln new ?ork ClLy, ln Chlcago, and ln oLher greaL cenLers of populauon, Lhere ls a larger forelgn
elemenL--muluLudes of varlous nauonallues, and all pracucally unwarned. Among SevenLh-day
AdvenusLs Lhere ls a greaL zeal--and l am noL saylng Lhere ls any Loo much--Lo work ln forelgn
counLrles, buL lL would be pleaslng Lo Cod lf a proporuonaLe zeal were manlfesLed Lo work Lhe
clues close by. Pls people need Lo move senslbly. 1hey need Lo seL abouL Lhls work ln Lhe clues
wlLh serlous earnesLness. Men of consecrauon and LalenL are Lo be senL lnLo Lhese clues and seL
Lo work. Many classes of laborers are Lo unlLe ln conducung Lhese eorLs Lo warn Lhe people.--
8evlew and Perald, !uly 23, 1918.
6. ChrlsL has sald of Pls people, "?e are Lhe llghL of Lhe world." We are Lhe Lord's denomlnaLed
people, Lo proclalm Lhe LruLhs of heavenly orlgln. 1he mosL solemn, sacred work ever glven Lo
morLals ls Lhe proclamauon of Lhe rsL, second, and Lhlrd angel's messages Lo our world. ln our
large clues Lhere should be healLh lnsuLuLes Lo care for Lhe slck, and Lo Leach Lhe grand
prlnclples of healLh reform. [Cu 76.2}
7. 1he smaller resLauranLs wlll recommend Lhe prlnclples of healLh reform [usL as well as Lhe larger
esLabllshmenL, and wlll be much more easlly managed. We are noL commlssloned Lo feed Lhe
world, buL we are lnsLrucLed Lo educaLe Lhe people. ln Lhe smaller resLauranLs Lhere wlll noL be
so much work Lo do, and Lhe helpers wlll have more ume Lo devoLe Lo Lhe sLudy of Lhe word,
more ume Lo learn how Lo do Lhelr work well, and more ume Lo answer Lhe lnqulrles of Lhe
paLrons who are deslrous of learnlng abouL Lhe prlnclples of healLh reform. [CP 483.4}
8. Means have been drawn from Lhe sanlLarlum Lo erecL bulldlngs for Lhe care of people who can
never be relled on Lo ll places ln Lhe mlnlsLry or on counclls. 1hey have noL a knowledge of Lhe
work of characLer-bulldlng and Lhey cannoL be relled on as men of foreLhoughL. 1hey have
rulned Lhelr menLal powers and nearly desLroyed Lhelr splrlLual dlscernmenL by Lhe lndulgence
of appeuLe and passlon, and Lhls makes Lhem weak. 1hey are ckle and changeable.--Leuer
213b, 1899, p. 2. (1o ur. !. P. kellogg, Lyped uec. 14, 1899.) [4M8 420.1}
9. We do noL advlse our people Lo open up a work ln our clues, Lo Lhe exLenL of erecung
bulldlngs Lo whlch Lhey can lnvlLe Lhe mosL depraved class of people Lo come and recelve food
and beds and LreaLmenL wlLhouL money and wlLhouL prlce. none are requlred Lo esLabllsh a
work ln any clLy whlch glves Lo an lndlscrlmlnaLe class an lnvlLauon Lo be supporLed by Lhe
charlues of Lhe SevenLh-day AdvenusLs people, whose speclal work ls Lo bear an unpopular
message Lo Lhe world. 1he commlsslon ls glven Lo bear Lhe message Lo all nauons.--Leuer 90,
1900, p. 2. (1o Llder and Mrs. S. n. Paskell, !une 12, 1900.) [4M8 420.2}
10. A mlsLake has been made ln semng young men and young women aL work ln Lhe slums of our
greaL clues. lew wlll be saved as a resulL of Lhls work. . . . 1he Lord has shown me LhaL our work
ls Lo brlng lnLo Lhe LruLh Lhose who wlll be producers as well as consumers. 1here are men of
LalenL and lnuence who are longlng for someLhlng Lhey have noL yeL recelved. LeL Lhe LruLh ln
lLs slmpllclLy be presenLed Lo Lhem. lf converLed, Lhey would exerL a powerful lnuence for Lhe
LruLh. [8C 242.3}
11. Cur work ls Lo puL on Lhe armor and make aggresslve warfare. Laborers are noL Lo be
encouraged Lo work ln Lhe slums and lLh of Lhe clues, where Lhey wlll only secure converLs who
need waLchlng, and LhaL conunually. 1here are elds all rlpe for harvesL, and all Lhe ume and
money ls noL Lo be devoLed Lo gaLherlng ln Lhose who Lhrough lndulgence of appeuLe have
Lralned Lhemselves ln polluuon. Some of Lhese may be saved. And Lhere are Lhose who can
labor ln Lhe lowesL places of Lhe earLh wlLhouL becomlng deLerloraLed ln characLer. 8uL lL ls noL
safe Lo glve young men and young women Lhls class of work Lo do. 1he experlmenL would be a
dear one. 1hus Lhose who could work ln Lhe hlghways would be dlsqualled for work of any
klnd. . . . Men's feellngs may become deeply moved as Lhey see human belngs suerlng as Lhe
resulL of Lhelr own course of acuon. 1here are Lhose who are speclally lmpressed Lo come lnLo
dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhls class, and Lhe Lord glves Lhem a commlsslon Lo work ln Lhe worsL places
of Lhe earLh, dolng whaL Lhey can Lo redeem ouLcasLs and place Lhem where Lhey wlll be under
Lhe care of Lhe church. 8uL Lhe Lord has noL called SevenLh-day AdvenusLs Lo make Lhls work a
speclalLy. Pe would noL have Lhem ln Lhls work engross many workers or exhausL Lhe Lreasury.--
ManuscrlpL 16, 1900. [WM 239.2}

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