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My 10 Fav Defintions (and a context of my framework)

by official ku shi's cult of personality
love affection! attraction! passion! sex!attachment! enthusiasm! needin" attitude! a position! a manner! a posture! a feelin"! a disposition! or hostility! and arro"ance responsibility! ability or authority to act on one#s own without supervision commitment! a pled"e! en"a"ement! obli"ation! promise! involvement! confinement discipline! self control! systematic method! state of order! set of rules! branch of knowled"e focus! clarity! main interest or activity! narrow attention! concentration! clear perception decision ma in!" controllin" an outcome! doin" what is best! discoura"in" creativity or individual responsibility! closure! resolution! settlement! $ud"ment! chan"e of mind! choice! pick! selection! re$ection! acceptin" alternatives! declinin" options compassion! awareness of and the relievin" of sufferin" !enerosity! liberality or fairness in "ivin"! nobility or humanist in thou"ht and behavior! amplitude or makin" one full! abundance or overflowin" wealth and affluence%a "reat amount of materials! freedom from pettiness in character and mind respect! relativity! and appreciativeness & 'he name of Darion "ives you a clever" #uic " analytical mind! but you suffer with a "reat deal of self& consciousness! lack of confidence! and much aloneness because of misunderstandin"s( )ri"inal! *ri"ht! +enius! ,rovin" truth by reason! -ocially ill .our idealistic and sensitive nature "ives you a deep appreciation for the finer thin"s of life and a stron" desire to be of service to humanity( /oble! -tarry&eyed! 0isionary! 1omantic! 1arefied 'here are times when you experience inner turbulence at your inability to say what you mean( 0iolent! Disor"ani2ed! 1estless! 3"itated! -adistic

4t is far easier for you to express your deeper t$ou!$ts and feelin"s throu"h writin" than verbally( -i"nificant! ,oker&faced! -u""estive! 3llusive! Forcible .ou find pleasure in literature" in poetry" and in your ideals and will turn to them when you feel you have been misunderstood( 5ell&read! -cholarly! 4ntellectual! Formal! 6earned .ou are deeply moved by the beauties of life! especially nature( 4mpressive! Da22lin"! -tunnin"! 7xcellent! *eneficial *ecause your feelin!s run deep! you must "uard a"ainst the ups and downs! bein" very inspired one minute! then moody! reserved! and depressed the next( +loomy! Dark! -aturnine! 3n"ry! Down in the mouth .our reactions to people vary accordin" to how you feel( /on&participatin"! 3pathetic! 4nactive! -low&movin"! 6a2y .ou tend to be secretive and noncommittal about private matters! yet at times you will talk effusively in order to hide your self&consciousness or to lead others away from personal sub$ects( 8losemouthed! 'i"htlipped! 8ryptic! Deep! 1eserved .ou are inspired by encoura!ement from others! yet suspicious of their intent( +lorious! 7lysian! Divine! *rilliant! 7nthrallin" .ou crave affection but seldom find anyone who understands your nature( ,oor! Demandin"! Deprived! ,enniless! Destitute %$ysical &ea nesses would show in your heart! lun"s! or bronchial or"ans( 'ear&$erkin"! Delicate! 5eak! 9nhealthy! *loodless

by official ku shi's law

'o the -emi&intellectual (on /eed! Motives! and 6osin" Face)

One body of order, one end of time. ,ara"raph (,+) 1 7arth is where people kill to make a livin"( 3nd some people think they are better than other people( *ut 4#m not like them( ,+: /o 4#m nothin" like these characters i see today! sellin" boo2e to drunken drivers! sellin" dru"s to teena"ers! sharin" ;(4(0( with sexual partners( /o! 4#m nothin" like those characters( *ut those are $ust the people i see in my life everyday( 5ho i don#t see are worse( 'he military! police! criminals! rapists! and murderers( For me! those "uys are the scum of the earth( 5ithout military! there mi"ht not be world peace but there#d certainly be more peace( 8riminals and police "o to"ether like peanut butter and $elly! so both sides need to put their "uns away( 1apists and murderers are both the loneliest of men! and they should#ve been aborted( -o! i#d say lack of birth control is to blame for society#s greatest ills( ,+< For those whom hate to bite their ton"ue and love to ar"ue! what could be "reater poverty= 4 have never! i repeat! never heard someone in poverty complain about their welfare&they may complain about violence! racial profilin"! and family dysfunction&but i never heard otherwise( 'he ones complainin" about

someone elses poverty are the "uys in suits i see on television! sayin" they need this and that but those ghetto or white trash people can speak for themselves( ,ersonally! i#d be more satisfied in a trailer park then i am in my current situation in a twin home in the suburbs( ,+> 4n 8hica"o! i can#t speak on what it#s like to be a scholar! a doctor! a lawyer! or a politician! but i know first&hand that there#s lack of trust for these self&proclaimed leaders( 5hen murderers are in my nei"hborhood! a scholar can#t console me( 5hen a family member is shot! a doctor can#t calm me( 5hen i#m $umped by a "an" of men! a lawyer can#t save me( 3nd when i retaliate with an"er! a politician can#t blame me( ,+? 4 think people need enou"h rope to han" themselves( 4ncreasin" food stamps to include clothin"! home! and utilities with a separate debit card for en$oyment will naturally eliminate the weaker of the species( 'hose who love dru"s! won#t be stealin" from their employers( 'hose who seem addicted to sex won#t need to sell their bodies to survive( 3 society such as this! will provide everyone the truth by seein" who the real criminals are! out in the open and free( 4nstead! of pickin" up a history book at the library which is dated and false! kids will see! parents will see the effects of absolute freedom on those who don#t deserve it( i am a"ainst $ails( i think its a way to hide someone that i am scared of( i am not scared of no man but i think when a criminal is outcast! the effects are always adverse( 5hether its incarceration or social exclusion! criminals act out then hide out( its hard to admit to my fra"ile human mind! but more criminals than we know ! "et away( -ayin" to them! that smokin" pot is like ci"arettes! or shootin" heroin is like a daily beer! it trains them to believe that what they are doin" is ri"ht! they don#t need to hide! and they can come out of the closet. i frankly think the rise of homosexuality is nature#s way of dealin" with overpopulation( 6on" term! their homosexual behaviour will not last! nor will it help the human species in whole( *ut to me! a dru" user! a dru" pusher! a 6+*' member! a dru" addict! a killer! a domestic and sexually abusive man are all in the same "roup because they are destructive to an e@ual culture! i believe in universal direction and if the lifestyle can#t work totally then by reason! it is dysfunctional( )ne man! one woman! sober! is my definition of a lon" term romantic relationshipA anythin" else one is doin" is $ust showin" off and attention-seeking( -o! i am a"ainst suicide with a "un or any other deadly weapon! but if these attention&$unkies! dope&$unkies! and secretly lonely people want to kill themselves! sooner or later! then let them do it naturally and in public for all to see( 'his way! doesn#t re@uire authority! only a chan"e of mood toward fruits (mari$uana! heroin) and plants (ecstasy! cocaine)( ,+B 4 know i don#t need school because it#s expensive (:0!000 a year)( i know i don#t need a car because it#s expensive (:0!000 total)! and my corner store sells hot&do"s( 5orkin" for a livin" never appealed to me( i think men! should live for a function( 3nd a good function( 4 think sellin" dru"s! whether le"al or ille"al by current standards! to provide for my family is not a "ood function( /othin" should be sold anyway! but given( 4n this day and a"e! there is enou"h financial abundance and historical pleasure to start giving more with no strin"s attached( 'oday! divorces are statistically hi"h because individuals chan"e on a daily basis( i have to deal with that( 4nstead of havin" so many reasons to break up! take religion out of the marria"e! and make jealousy the only reason to break up over( 4f your main-squee e! not your husband! is $ealous of seein" you eat food with another man! dump him or chan"e him( -ay it with me! dum! him or change him( 'his doesn#t mean love less! or be two&faced! it means i have boundaries! i don#t need a priest or parent to help me with this! and im serious( 5hen "uys come to expect this kind of treatment throu"hout a romantic relationship he#ll always be on his toes! buyin" flowers ! and rememberin" every anniversary because he knows his main&s@uee2e is not taken for "ranted and he is not the kin" of attractive ! well&mannered men( 'he main point! is to keep him feelin" challen"ed! and to keep you interested in the here&and&now( 4n this world! men will brin" in the open their mistresses and side&hustles with no shame( 5omen can speak openly about traditionally hidden feelin"s about ex#s! boyfriends! and prospects with honesty (not pride) leadin" all the way to the bedroom( ,ersonally! i think the bed is overrated( i think the more sex had in forei"n places! the better and more satisfyin" the relationship! but that#s me(

,art 'wo
"an domesticated and institutionalised for the sake of his inferior se# is a travesty of justice.

,+C 7veryday! men are turnin" $% and &$ and they don#t realise that all you in"est circulates and even mutates your semen( .es! the alcoholic#s cum is more acrid and sour to the -teve Dobsian fruitarian( -o! the sweeter the better( *ut that! mi"ht be a lesser problem to the a"e of ma$ority( 1E is far too hi"h for certain allowances( 4t makes no sense at all from an anti-school standpoint( 5hen someone wants to have sex! and their mate a"rees! they shouldn#t be held accountable to a third-!arty called assholes( 4f i#m past puberty! or before puberty! it#s my body! not yours( i repeat! its my body, not yours( 4f a baby is born and its first words are! F'obacco!G "ive that baby a ci"aretteH -ame stance! for drinkin"( My first experience with li@uor was dry "in before i reached a"e 1<( 4t was so hot! un@uenchin"! and bothersome! i didn#t drink li@uor a"ain until a few years in hi"h&school( My point is the drinkin" of it may cause the effect many parents want anyway( i#m a"ed :< now! and i drink a B pack of american beer a month and a hard drink once or twice a year! so i turned out splendid( ,+E Iids don#t need school( 7verythin" the teacher has read! the kid could read! if they want to( that#s one of the hu"est problems parents need to face today( 4f the child says no! to force them is the ra!ing of their personality and individuality( 4f the parent cares so much about what stran"ers think! to the child#s detriment! what confidence will the child have= 'he child will be less creative! less satisfied! and obnoxiously self&conscious! and with self&consciousness comes anxiety! obsessions! fid"etin"! and shortened breathin"( 4n this way! lookin" at traditional development strate"ies! parents are smotherin" their children to death( -ad! but true( 4#m surprised more parents of teena"ers don#t "et in fi"hts with police( ,arents are all ready to take the side of the random "uy who says that he#s authority than they are to take sides with their own childrenH 'his is outra"eous to me( ,+J 5hats authority! anyway= 'abula 1asa( 3uthority is nature to me( 'o you! it mi"ht be doctors! police! politicians! etc( 'hese "uys dont owe you anythin"! but do you owe them after seein" them= -eems like an unfair relationship( 5hat are you payin" for= Maybe you went to school for not @uite as lon" as them! so maybe its education( -o they bou"ht more books and took more debt( 'hanks to services like 3ma2on(com! those books are available to you and debt is for losers( ,olice yourself( Doctor yourself! when you can( *ut most certainly! "overn yourself( 4f i "ive my freedom away to a "uy in a suit on television be""in" for votes! then i didnt deserve freedom or life because my life is my freedom( i repeat ! my life is my freedom( 3 candidate would have a better chance "ettin" my vote if he were wearin" american blue $eans! american t shirt! and american trainers which he would even be more comfortable in( 4n comparison to the last >> presidents of the 9(-(! when i "o out in public wearin" sweatpants! a hoodie! and flips flips! i represent humanity! e@uality! and honesty better than them( 3s a poor man! watchin" television! why would i vote between two millionaires which i would like to cut my paycheck= 4nstead! i say fuck the candidates askin" for money and fuck the businesses offerin" to buy my leisure time especially when the owners of said businesses are already rich! wealthy! and better off( ,+10 *ein" reasonable! when an owner "ets pro"ressively richer! the prices of his products should repeatedly drop lower! 'hat is e@uality( 4nflation makes no sense! socially( 3nd credit makes no sense! racially( 3 bank is the kryptonite to society#s superman( 8har"in" an interest rate on a fictional or symbolic currency is one of the worst crimes known to man( 'he worst crime as the creation of a "un with the intention of killin" a human bein"( 5ho do you trust= 4 ;307 /) /3M7 4 ;307 /) *41';D3'7 4 3M 5;3' 4 3M *7F)17 '4M7 3/D 3F'71 '4M7 ';717 4- M7(

4 3/D 4( )/6.(

'y (e& )orld Order

by official ku shi's economy

Me ,arty Manifesto
For 7mployment 8onscription%$ob draft! based on need 8onstitution needs radical editin" and deletin" of extensive le"islation records to make laws kid&friendly and simple ( representin" e@uality) 6e"islatin" free money takes away corruption like bribes! extortion! embe22lement! patrona"e! nepotism! cronyism! and criminal enterprise like dru" traffickin"! money launderin"! kickbacks! and unholy alliance( 9niversal social security! new ener"y%oil! renewable ener"y! medicare%aid! welfare! medical mari$uana! and healthcare! poverty protection! and unemployment ri"hts Debt%deficit is eliminated by freein" money 3ffirmative action should be detached from race issues and attached to instate $ob draft (with republican overwatch) *ud"et%taxes will become revolutionised free money (anarchist overwatch) 8ampai"n%1eform 3ll prescription dru"s become over&the&counter dru"s by mandate or petition! reli"ions become ille"al (atheism provides more mental health benefits)! le"islation should always be consensus& based (sociocracy) 6abor unions%businesses%$obs partners for $ob conscription 7conomy freein" money will be permanent stimulus 7ducation students should choose their classes! hi"h schools should provide campuses and housin"! students should "et free stuff! makin" no babies%antinatalism should be encoura"ed durin" enrollment! "rants should be approved for everyone and homeschoolin" ri"hts will not be sti"matised the pre :010Ks system of non&free money causes racism! human traffickin"! and class stru""le free insurance brin"s everyone peace of mind! and alcohol should be subsidi2ed by "overnment somehow! /3-3 should be privati2ed to make the pro"ram a non&"overnment problem free money eliminates rape and crime homeland security! courts! police! prisons! war and debt are a waste of human life and should be of man#s utmost concerns marria"e should be ille"al open trade! open&trade is fair

;ealthcare self education should be expected! self medication shouldn#t be ridiculed! and help of friends should be idealised 4mmi"ration if the shoe fits! wear it! or! eliminate border security freein" food stamps "ives everyone food security and trust in authority free money takes away profilin" free press takes away discrimination and sti"ma! "uilt! and shame on permanent "overnment shutdown we don#t need federal con"ress and employees! only computer pro"rammers! technical desi"ners! and paper&money printers no 9(/( is necessary if every nation doesn#t meet consensus work on peace! and eliminatin" borders everywhere should be public sector except authori2ed bedrooms the individual should be seen and considered as soverei"n property ownership is riskin" violence to protect supposed property the state should continue to be authoritarian under competent executives abandon historical treaties! a"reements! wars! and conflicts to look forward instead of enforcin" contractin" science (natural) and technolo"y (codin") may need to be compulsory school education abortion do it yourself or have friends do it (with democrat oversi"ht) crime%death%dru"s refer to nokillin"(or" euthanasia refer to nokillin"(or"! and familiari2e yourself with consistent life ethic ,ro first amendment! free speech! internet (open) )n discrimination +ay ri"hts%human ri"hts should be secured and free lawyers should be provided talkin" to "od! and prayer should be ille"al 4nt#l trade freein" import%export increases peace "uns throw them all away and manufacture no more environment manson! and Dackson worried about this but 4 don#t (with schi2ophrenic oversi"ht) forei"n relations one lan"ua"e consensus is best even if it#s new%ori"inal pro int#l aid +uantanamo like situations talk to terrorists to see how#d they like domestic and forei"n matters to be settled 8uba help if we can

8hina arran"e import&workers pro"ram because many 3mericans won#t work -yria we#re here when it#s over with 4ran war or peace should be decided swiftly to hurry this post&capitalism revolution 4srael we should initiate a last historical war if they don#t stop reli"iosity! but political leaders should actually lead their troops like +eor"e 5ashin"ton 6ife will be as if everyone has won the lottery collectively under this new system

by official ku shi's 6aw
& 4f 4 were president! anyone could call me( 4#d answer my phone for a livin" with no brand loyalty( 3 blackberry! an iphone! an android! an ipad! a "oo"le nexus and chromebook would be all mine at the least and 4#d have assistants with their phones and mine to never miss one call( 0oice&mails would be acceptable anyway( 'he youth today lack luster because they can#t see the way for all the lies! half&lies! and mystification in the way( 'he befuddlement of us (as in all whom are not them) is in the worst of times since all the time that 4 have seen( 4 wouldn#t "o overseas! 4#d "o to the "hetto and diffuse the crime with political excellence( 4n ten thousand years! there hasn#t been social inventiveness the likes of mine( ;uman ri"hts is off to slu""ish crawl of a start( 6+*' will do anythin" but fi"ht for freedom( 3narchists are divided( 3nd atheists risk bein" hun" like that $esus&character if they push that anti&christ "ab to the wron" faith&$unky( 'he white house would be everyone#s house like the mall( 'here would be weekly movie&ni"hts for lottery& winners( 6ottery would determine the next president! and con"ressional members( 4#d take the security& "ates away and neutralise wealth! privile"e! and sainthood if everyone of us cannot have it( /ow! that#s my definition of peaceH 5omen would be respected by men or have the free ability to leave( 'here won#t be any divorces because there won#t be any (hopeless) marria"es( 8hildren would be properly planned for but rare to have a family of four with each member sharin" a slammed&close biolo"ical proximity because orphans and foster& children need homes ri"ht now( ;omeless children are starvin" while Iin" )bama is eatin" freshly&hunted pheasant and purple potatoes( Families need shakin" up( 4t wouldn#t be rare to see families takin" care of families( 'hat#s impossible now with bud"et cuts! unemployment! downsi2in"! and money hoardin"( )ut of any million workers! a mid"et is a trillionaire( ;e#s a secretive dwarf and it#s almost mytholo"ical that he even exists( 5hites are "oin" to church lookin" for escape! dreamin" of a snow white paradise( *lacks are smokin" pot feelin" like 8inderella in the wron" city( Mexicans have never felt welcomed and their 8atholic version of culture is not understood by most of us( 3sians are forced into "hettoes to try to thrive! but unsuccessfully so! and they wish for their rapun2el&es@ue castle( 4t#s not "oin" to happen( .ou know why= 4t#s because Fworkin"G has been desi"ned to be your culture( 4t#s what all american races have in common( 3nd the outcasts are outcasts either because they don#t work! or they don#t have enou"h savin"s to socialise( 'his is most people( 4ne@uality exists because the rich can only see their (Ferra"amo) shoes( 'o walk in ours takes stren"th! coura"e! endurance! consideration! and enou"h hope to break the camels back( 'hey "ive us '(0( then char"e us to watch it( 'hey make us food! but we have to indirectly attain it( 8ars! homes! planes! trains! and doctors are all around! yet we are the unhealthiest! la2iest! most submissive national culture that exists( 4t#s probably worldwide but 4 can only speak from this /ew French soil( 5e cannot trust police because they arrest and imprison us( 5e sit around as protests! wars! and declarations of wars take place( 4t#s not enou"hH Makin" anti&racism the law does not stop pre$udice( 6e"ilisin" "ay ri"hts doesn#t prevent hate&crimes( Iids are killin" parents and overcrowdin" has men cluckin" wild like chickens too many in a coop( 5e need

space like they think they need space( 'hey s@uee2e us financially! academically! socially! leisurely! militarily! politically! privately! and mentally and the worst off are not in an asylum under code fifty one fifty for clinical insanity! no! they are the kind! church"oin" folks on your block that live in their pink&cloud like this is the best we can do( 'his is not even close to the best we can doH 5e can run the "overnment( 'he ultimatum is that or end the "overnment( 'he secret crimes the "overnment commits are unthou"ht of! why= *ecause they control our thou"hts( ,overty is the number one cause of death (not heart&disease)! why= *ecause they control the wealth( 'he "overnment#s creation of debt places the workers in a hun"ry! emotionally unstable! untrustworthy attitude( ;aven#t you heard! FDesperate times call for desperate measures(G= 4 know for a fact (without researchin") that someones were killed! robbed! and raped today( 4t doesn#t have to be this way( *lame your "overnment( 'ake control of yourself( Mana"e yourself( Do it yourself( *e Me if it helps but bein" you is whats helps a movementH 3 labor&unions in connection to taxes are traitors( 'rade needs to open up( *ans on food&access and sti"mas on the poor are unacceptable( 'he individual is +od -overei"n! ,erfect! and *rilliant( ;ave you heard of conspiracy theories= 5ar! and violence feed Fthe beast(G 'he "overnment is hun"ry (some say "reedy)A they want your taxes! income! ener"y! work! leisure! privacy! and self&"overnin" abilitiesH 4f someone hurts you! then you "ain reven"e! you could be heard by anarchists with political expertise and readiness! in a world without a federal%state stron"hold( .ou could be sent packin"! mobbed! or whatever but you won#t be $ailed and there won#t be silly little mind&"ames like those played today! subliminally orchestratin" racism! sexism! and ine@uality( ;ave you seen the eye on top of the trape2oid on the back of your paper&money= 'hat eye which completes the pyramid%trian"le represents the anarchists and we#re watchin" christians harder than their fabulous "od( 3nd we are on every "overnor like (mandated) tattoos( 4f you#re on our side! "ive up your property ri"htsH 5e want land tooH 5e want privile"e tooH 5e want timeH 5e want funH 5e want to play like kids a"ainH 5e hate stressH 5e hate dependenceH 5e hate workH *oss! 4 hate youH ,resident! 4 hate youH *ankers! 4 hate youH 4ndustrialists! 4 hate youH 3ristocrats! 4 hate youH 4ntelli"entsia! 4 hate youH 3dvertisers! 4 hate youH 9pper&class don#t brin" it down a notchA take the elevator to floor&one and parlay with us( 6awyers and 87)#s 4 wouldn#t spit on you all if y#all were thirsty( Do what#s needed and spread your version of this word( 4 don#t know about you! but 4 don#t want to own wa"es( 4 want to own production&means like my mirror&ima"es in the upper&class( 5ith their surplus! and their materialistic worldview! we can comfortably en$oy leisure! and with basic! free! "uaranteed income we can be fanciful desi"ners! le"endary writers! illustrious painters! and even remarkable! and distin"uished ordinary men and women( 'oday! money is really what makes a bi" name( 'oday#s paper&money has no standard! the markets are fixed! and the possessions are concentrated( 5e want moreH 5e need moreH 'he (mathematical) system set up for the low&class is illo"ical( 3nd economics is not a science at all( 7very political economy tried has failed! and if not! it#s corrupt and only appears to be succeedin"( 'he "overnment likes to distribute( -o! distribute (absolutely) free fiscal policy and (absolutely) free monetary policy( 'he ;ollywood& 5ashin"ton&8artel believe in monopoly( 5e trust in e"alitarianism( 4 once heard that intellectuals are only tryin" to protect beauty that they#ve "rown to love and hold( 4#d love to see them drowned alon" side their yachts and trampled by their horses! but if they don#t let up! and they mandate self&destruction! then bloody dictators sprawled about and stinkin" will be the most beautiful tableau 4#ve ever laid my eyes on( 3sk yourself! did -ocrates deserve to die= ,(-( 5elfare is well&bein"! and social security is paramount( 3 "overnment that is ineffective with this is a failed "overnment(

T$e %erfect brain+Storm

by official ku shi's third way

,move t$e $omeless off street" in to $omes (this is one mandatory! and "odly motion) ,!ive $omes free utility (habitat for humanity&es@ue worldwide motives should proceed) ,!ive food free (do you make the earth= well make another one and live there! because humans are dyin" for hun"er here) ,!ive clot$in! free (bodies need clothin" or&bi" or&nudism needs universal positivism! favoritism! and promotion) ,no sti!mati-ation (sti"ma! that little six letter word has ruined lives! and made indentured servants out of billions) ,!ive free $elp &it$ above (everyone needs a hand to pull them up! but pushin" down should be "rounds for radical dismissal) 14+;'%67F' Lpainfully strive for expensive homes &or& adopt t$e lifestyle of s$arin!.dormin! (this is a loaded @uestion so watch out the latter is anti&e"o&centrism( which is ri"ht when there are homeless=) Lpainfully strive for expensive cars &or& adopt t$e lifestyle of &al in!.bi in! (the cars are doin" what to the economy=) Lpainfully strive for expensive schools &or& use boo s (knowled"e is free! and help should also be! alon" with teachin"! and proper assistance) Lpainfully strive for expensive clothes &or& adopt lifestyle of t$riftin!.borro&in! (if class and money had a copatriot it#d be fashion! dividin" us all into pretentious $erks) Lpainfully strive for expensive families &or& $ave trust in d$s.ebt (everyone has to eat! and this should be seen as standard! nonsti"mati2ed! nonpersonalised) Lpainfully strive for expensive friends &or& c$oose &isely by internet.blo! (some people with their friend count on their one hand! are portrayin" awfulness online) Lpainfully strive for expensive lifestyles &or& value t$e $omebody.liberal /society costs so much! but "ives so little outside of luck and privile"e! causin" people to become shut&ins) +)071/M7/' 0citi-ens !et money from &or +or+ from sellin! dru!s (those who don#t work are mar"inali2ed by workers%workaholics%owners! so this needs endin") 0citi-ens !et money from /$armless1 t$eft +or+ from violent robbery (those who aren#t stealin" for fun! are stealin" for hun"er%an"er%poverty! so this needs endin") 0citi-ens !et money from ban .interest +or+ from be!!in! (some are born in the former! but those of the latter are "hosts in the system! so this needs endin") 0citi-ens !et money from investment.privile!e +or+ commit suicide (some are so lucky! they couldn#t even ima"ine the opposite! so this needs endin") 0citi-ens !et money from socialism +or+ !et e2ploited from capitalism (one or the other! is how it seems! so there needs to find a halfway) 0t$ere &ill be a money $ac er.revolution +or+ not$in! (it#s "oin" to happen! or we all as humans will lose everythin" as we know it) ;)64-M 3everyone needs (everyone can relate! no lan"ua"e) 3everyone needs music.dancin! (blacks may relate more impressively but! no lan"ua"e is necessary to have a "ood time) 3everyone needs &ritin!.storytellin! (whites have this down pat! so they#d be the leaders of recreational thou"ht) 3everyone needs sleepin!.dru!!in! (precolombians are all over this one! but we can all use less sti"ma) 3everyone needs $u!!in!.touc$in! (intimacy! kindness! and tolerance could all use proper boostin" to increase humanistic trust) 3everyone needs nudity.$i!$ ener!y

(nudists have hi"h morals! and environmental responsibilities deservin" a looksee) 5;. 3*9F0 571M 4&e $ave $omely comforts (we are not livin" under trees! in caves! or lar"e bullock&naked "roups anymore) 4t$ere is easy food !ain ( we don#t have to kill too much! other than cultural staples! to eat heartilyA no huntin" necessary) 4&e $ave safe transportation (we aren#t in poorly made bu""ies! on horses! or rhinos or whatever historians rode in on) 4&e can $ave 56R (lon" distance relationships have the ability to be successfully pleasin" with an open world) 4t$ere are far+out travel capabilities (endin" any travelin" bias! intolerance! and petty discrimination will ease overcrowdin") 4&e $ave $i!$ intelli!ence (we are far too smart to allow depression! stress! and unhappiness to attach to our name)

5ast )ord%ress
by official ku shi's rap lyrics
& My piss it stinks of vodka now! i pineapple pop up i#m booked until forever and i never been fake and i#m the realest that means the most real i#m powerful enou"h to have a "host killed you boys are unskilled i#m nonprofit but your bitch! belon"s to the world! for real and "aia#ll take her back $ust before you take your dirtnap your first will be your last one you blast faker than a cap&"un watchin" Mash don#t prepare you for action i don#t move with tact tact does it for me strate"y strate"i2es only the bull is horny you boys are cornyA animal feed so i sell you like livestock the devil works for me i#m +od(

T$e Hospital 7afeteria

by official ku shi's sex
';7 ;)-,4'36 83F7'7143
& Dennifer $oins ;elen and 6inda in a booth after payin" for her lunch at the hospital cafeteria( -he takes a seat and says! F;ave you ever realised how similar this is to hi"h school lunch=G 6inda says! F3nd colle"e

lunch=G ;elen says! FDon#t "et ahead of yourself honey! you#re still as old as us(G Dennifer says! F;ey 4 have options plus 4 dated my teacher once(G ;elen says! F)h! Den the 8atholic on ;ookin" 9p 101HG 6inda says! F3ny $uicy stories=G Dennifer says! F4 can#t( 4#m a catholic(G 6inda says! F.ou can( .ou#re a 8atholic(G 'hey all lau"h then Dennifer says! F4 can say this&it#s ,+&before we hooked up! his name was *ill -chneider& he says Nit#s very unbelievably small so !lease hold all comments till the end#&4 almost couldn#t "o throu"h with it(G 'hey all lau"h at *ill#s shortcomin"s then 6inda says! F4 like a small one besides it doesn#t have to be hu"e to "et the $ob done(G ;elen says! F4 like Nem big( 6ike black bi"(G 6inda says! F)h my +od! ;elen= .ou know we#re not supposed to mix racesHG ;elen says! F5ho says=G 6inda says! F+odHG Dennifer says! F4#m so "lad 4#m not you "uys(G 6inda says! FDust because you#re 8atholic doesn#t mean you#re not 8hristian! 'ennifer(G Dennifer says! F5ell! 4 think any race shall be punished and put on the death penalty for war crimes(G ;elen says!G 5hat the hell is a war crime=G 6inda says!G)h! noH Don#t try to chan"e the sub$ect to somethin" less importantHG -he adds! F5hose black cock was in your mouthH!G loud enou"h for all the cafeteria to hear( 3fter they take a moment of silence! ;elen says! F4 love "od! and 4 hate violence so +od will for"ive me(G 6inda asks! F;ave you for"iven yourself=G ;elen answers! F4#ve fucked three married men since thenH 5hat do you you think=G Dennifer "ives her a hi"h five! and 6inda pulls her own hair with both hands on both sides of her head( 6inda in an attempt to pull it to"ether says! F5hat about fidelity in marria"e and renunciation of worldly pleasures=G Dennifer cuts in! F5hat do you want us to do! suffer our whole lives=G 6inda snaps! F4#ll "et to you later 'ennifer! but as for you (elenO=G ;elen says! F4 believe in unconditional love( 4f a black hates me at the be"innin" of the day! 4 want him to be shoutin" my name by the end of it(G Dennifer says! F3men!G and ;elen and her break out into a choreo"raphed dance for all the cafeteria to see( 6inda tries to hide her face! then says !G5ould you please sit down( .ou all are embarrassing me(G Dennifer takes a seat with ;elen then says! F+od! you really need to lighten up(G 6inda lookin" frustrated says! F6ike masturbate everyni"ht li"hten upH=G Dennifer lau"hs! F4s that what you do everyni"ht=G ;elen says! F.ou must not climax because three sixty five or"asms a year would do miracles for my mental health(G 6inda stares at ;elen and says! F.ou support abortion! sexual content! and premarital sex(G&and&G)ou!G starin" at Dennifer! Fsupport the hatred of "ays! and your family values discrimination! taxes! war! and capitalism(G *oth Dennifer and ;elen look shocked( 6inda ob$ects the silence! F*ut on the other hand! perhaps we could focus on welfare! diplomacy! and common interests which would lead to an ultimate separation of church and state(G Dennifer asks! F5hat would Desus do=G 6inda says! F;e wouldn#t trust a 1oman 8atholic(G ;elen asks! F5ho would Desus trust=G 6inda says! F'hose with universal tolerance for all personalities and cultures but 2ero tolerance for hun"er! poverty! and homelessness(G Dennifer says! F6inda for president(G ;elen says! F3men(G &'o be continued& Dennifer stands facin" ;elen and 6inda in their booth! and says F'oday is as "ood as any day for what 4 am about to say&+uys! 4#m "ay( .es 4#m a carpet crunchin" lesbiano! and proud of it&/ot proud enou"h to make "od hate me! but 4 mean 4 don#t re"ret my decision( 6inda! ;elen! will you date me in a mena"e a trois=G


by official ku shi's wordplay

& don't suffocate on the shoppin" ba"s ur buyin" i meditate because the other options dyin" and set ya strai"ht! so you'd take a vow of silence any other way! is motherhoppin" lyin" and those words are false! like it aint true and you wear a dis"uise like this aint u and theres no casulaties when i make a way thru but you're on tv tryin to sell your costume we aint byin"! with a million more and i mi"ht have to bomb a million stores and i'm strapped with Js like last century and my stable is dimes! i keep a pimp with me( so where the hoes at= don't ask when you know that $uice drippin from my bo2ack and the bitches really love that! they're lovin that before my sweat hit the floor! they lick it off of me and i'm destined for more so i cost money but these ni""as wont buy! and these bitches on fye somebody put 'em out after the wild fire and i bla2e trees like no tomorrow the o 2one is :E "rams! your blunts hollow i "ot a stoned face like i blew an elbow and ash the spliff on top of those shell toes believe! like christ was in your backyard or in boston settin bombs off to test y#all

put 'm on the cover! bet i#m a rollin" stone but i#m mossy ri"ht now! cu2 i'm still at home in my dreams where i roam! my ima"ination you're thinkin of dome! but that#s your fabrication the wheels out of chrome! for a nomination but the hood cant stand you! they#re in arms waitin" come on thru! it $ust mi"ht be your lat day i want to! to be alive thru this friday and if you want to! muscle thru like my way <0 sets! 10 reps like the ambassador of the state the soul penetrates! that aint the minds eye the folks imitate! 4 make a new drive by i#m on a two wheeler! like a dru" dealer i blast like nasa! and lau"h like ha ha i tease like na na! then erase your pa pa and delete your ma ma! i smirk at dra ma now! the comedic essence of frankness youd think i was french! i "ot bacon with champa"ne i#m a champion like put my "old on the news makes sure my enemies see it! like it's true don't "et it confused! the facts are true statements and the numbers won't lie! well! they dont talk and the money aint "ot no particular walk but confidence does! and i'm ten toes in the mud and my water is clear! where your beer "ot suds and i been a true thu"! like pass some blue bud i'd smoke that shit up like lets "et fucked up lets "et passed out about friends not doubt

which you full of! and fuck all the fooled ones and i brin" a new ton"ue! belief in voice like students and i "ot answers for cancer! and dancers for $aspers and last words for the $ealous! so over2ealous the envious are excluded! embarrassed like ashes i see your asses! no doubt its nonsense s@uared and more to come for this is middle of year here ye! where in middle earth you fear me like a kin" that i am! and royal i may be and the soil "rows weed! and i#m smokin hopefully and those who are unnecessary don#t even know me but it will stay that way! to i end your days and what could have been! aint! it stay that way so the truth i speak! like shot to me but if you miss then whooo that beats beats me! but never will it defeat me in the cause of effect! and my paws on your neck if a do" would you expect! and the char"e you ne"lect and the violence unperceived and the crimes are in the trees and the carbon that#s dioxide and the rain comes down to lend you another and the biolo"ical proximity of the sister and the brother and the full faith of family without fate to challen"e without chemicals to dismantle me but you're true stren"th is dismemberin" but you no fit in this "roup so depart and the unpopular is forever the spark of the art

Open 5etter to 6octors

by official ku shi's psychiatry
& 4n response to your letter! 4 had a ne"ative experience durin" and after 'hursday#s visit( .ou didn#t improve my @uality of life( 4 was "iven no freedom and no choice with your authoritarian approach( *oth medicines were irresponsible and unsafe selections( Depression of any type and de"ree! and dyspepsia or simply "as! is common for those with poor diet( *y poor! 4 mean irre"ular and uncertain eatin" times( 4#m sure you don#t have this problem! with five thousand dollars to play with at anytime( -ure! you#re probably middle class! 4 "ive you that! but 4! like anyone with reason! doesn#t like bein" taken advanta"e of! and toyed with to my detriment( 4 wasn#t seen as a e@ual! and 4 know that it is usual in the 9(-( for *lack 4ndians like myself to be treated as second class citi2ens! but 4 can do without further re$ection and discrimination( 4 came you your office! reminded you of continually untreated insomnia! due to chronic back pain! but complained about nausea and di22iness( 4 understand you#ve always had a busy life and 4 have philosophies you don#t @uite a"ree with( -o! you dia"nosed me with dyspepsia and depression and "ave me a life and diet plan( 3ll ten food&stuffs listed have positive health effects and have nourished my "enerations hundreds of years( .ou listed! my family#s favorite foods may tri""er acid! but hydrochloric acid and salt are critical components of healthy di"estion( .ou tell me to chan"e my way of life and prescribe me 3mbien and ,epcid which out of every adverse effect! hallucinations and amnesia was the worst( /ow! if this alternative life wasn#t temporary! you wouldn#t be receivin" this letter( *y luck! or fate or whatever you believe in! $ustice! you are readin" this( 3nd 4 thank you! more or less! for that! but 4#ll be refusin" medical treatment from you! from this day forward( 4#ll be alertin" social security of my medical chan"es from this month and 4#ll be storin" this letter for my records( .ou were "reat till you abandoned freedom of privacy! consent! and social e@uality( Darion *runston Martin ,(-( My mother still love you( 3nd my brother is scheduled to see you( My opinions do not reflect theirs( Day 1 )ct 1Cth took ambien before bed experience headaches! backaches ambien didn#t help sleep! didn#t help creativity five hours into treatment! i for"ot where i was i was at home ambien didn#t help sleep! five hours thirty minutes into treatment! my vision was dancin"! $umpin"! throbbin"! not blurry experience ni"htmares slept nine hours pepcid worded for one hour! didn#t help di"estion ambien was carelessly selected relative to my depression! fra"ility! and chemical sensitivities Day : )ct 1Eth woke up at five am felt creative to free write not interested in exercise raised to never volunteer ate breakfast with pepcid

wrote for two hours back pain severe! prescriptions caused depression! confusion! clumsiness! an"er! personality chan"es! stran"e mental sensations pepcid was carelessly selected relative to my depression! fra"ility! and chemical sensitivities

7allin! it :e$ova$" 6oesn;t ma e it 8od

by official ku shi's 7ducation
'o the witnesses of whatever!

*lacks have no culture( -uccess is not universal( 'hese are not aphorisms( 'hese are trut$s and so is the followin" sentence( I sympat$ise &it$ t$e devil( 3m 4 a bad person= 6et#s see( 'he worst that 4#ve done is plotted to murder four family members! one a nuclear member who 4#m not very close with( 4 used to love smokin" mari$uana and 4 don#t have a heart condition( 4t#s $ust that Heroin has my heart( *ut let#s not "et off topic( 4 eat food! sleep! watch '(0(! and read $ust like you( 5hat 4 eat! 5hen 4 sleep! and 5here 4 read doesn#t concern you( ,ick Nem out! ,oint Nem outH )n any "iven day! how many fools can you be sure of that are possessed by the devil= My cousin#s sick! blame t$e devil( My "randmas#s dead! blame t$e devil( My trust was killed! blame t$e devil< 4 never lost a fistfi"ht! blame t$e devil( 6ook! if 4 lie to you! it#s my fault and more ultimately! my c$oice( ;ow does man have dominion over animals without his dependence on man made buildin"s and homes= 6et#s wonder what#ll become of man in the =un!les( 6eave man in the many miles of purely wild $un"les! and without "uided survival trainin"! man loses( 6eave man in the ocean! even with ac@uire ability to swim! $e loses( 'he homeless are found dead all the time( 3nd with man bein" a $airless animal! he can#t survive lon" in extremes of temperature for too lon"( )ne year without food! man &ill lose( )ne month without water! man &ill lose( 3 reli"ious type mi"ht say they fear !od" but 4#d a"ree if t$at !od is 3I3 deat$ or violence( 'o summarise my para"raph! you could know that man is a loser( 3llow me to "o further( -o we#ve come as far as to know that man is a loser( T$e !reat loser of the animal kin"dom( -ocials constructs like capitalism" industry! and imperialism lead one to believe that he#s $ealt$y" $appy! and po&erful( 'ruth is! he#s not( *ein" in a reli!ious !roup does not insure one#s expected life span and does not rebirt$ the mind of man after c$emical" p$ysical! and literal death( 4f there was no death! the end of t$in!s to come! then we wouldn#t need a word to describe this( I don;t believe you( -how me a deathless man! and 4#ll believe him( 3nd for the record! when 4#m constipated! 4 don#t call Desus! 4 call ,rune Duice( 'hank you(

Hand&ritin! on t$e )all

by official ku shi's semi autobio"raphy


;andwritin" on the wall

F+heers to abuse, Mark declares as he takes one too many sips of his bourbon( 4f his 3lcoholics 3nonymous "roups knew how he was drinkin" at this public park! they#d have him deracinated( Mark hardly cares because he doesn#t a!!rove of humans anyway( ;e didn#t assimilate this trait from his father! but his father 'homas is also a misanthropist( 4t#s tirin" to disclose which of the two of them hides this peculiarity better! but they both are bloody hateful( Mark is nearin" the last half of drinkable li@uor! and he ima"ines nothing fallacious with bein" off&to&the& side on a bench! "ettin" high from a naked "lass bottle as small children run "aily! slide! $ump! and swin" about( Mark is sittin" next to the sand&pit and this makes the mothers of the children uncomfortable with lettin" them build sand&castles( Mark may notice that he#s deterrin" the childrens# play&efforts! but he appears to not mind this( Mark#s mother periphrastically raised him to not apotheosi2e what people think( 'his life&lesson "oes for friends and stran"ers alike( 'o Mark! friends are stran"ers! and stran"ers won#t become friends if they are at any bothered by his frownin" at them for no a!!arent reasons( Mark reckons that one cannot entirely know a person until one can hear all of a person#s thou"hts( 'his revelation alone is !robably what provides Mark his @uirks( 3ny "ood doctor would say that Mark is a !roblem&drinker or an alcoholic flat&out! and Mark lives $ust ten miles outside of -unrise! 4llinois! the ma$or city of the Midwest! so he#s heard this noteworthy conclusion more than fifteen times from some of the best medical doctors( 'hey warn him of his liver levels! ex "irlfriends warn him of his lack of style! family warns him of his drug relapses! but Mark will be Mark! and that means that he will act as if you#re influential all the while knowin" that he only respects a man with a past( 3nd everyone knows! to have a past! you have to make mistakes! over! and! over a"ain( Mark is the type of "uy who considers the mistake before makin" one! but does it anyway( 'o elucidate! Mark would "o to a bar! !remeditatedly to "et pissy&drunk then swerve his car home( 'hen! he uses an e#em!lification of said episode to filter throu"h "ood "irls to the bad "irls( Mark always thou"ht that he was a bad boy before he started drinkin"! dru""in"! and dressin" down in public! but after he was introduced to boo2e and pills and pot! the bottles started drinkin" him! the ecstasy be"an poppin" him! and the "a"e succeeded in smokin" him( Mark isn#t very good at bein" bad! but he reads teachers# editions of forensic science to become better! and he was bad enou"h to be imprisoned in ,an 8ounty Dail once for thirty five days(

8hapter : Mark#s Diary

Day 1 *ehind *ars -o! prisoners are hassled to wake up at B <0 3M to exercise! shower! and make our beds( /ow! my cellmate by the name of -icholas doesn#t exercise! shower! or make his bed without e#cessive fuss and e#treme effort! but he has "ood reason( /icholas isn#t eatin" and he#s on a hun"er&strike because of improper livin" conditions and cruel treatment( 4 ask him what is someone like me supposed to take from his e#orbitant actions= ;e si"hed! 3bstain and en$oy( 4 re@uested to be transferred before sunup( Day : 4t helps to be eatin" with someone at breakfast today( 'hat someone "oes by the name of Dacob( Dacob was

found "uilty of homelessness! but he stressed that he was unhoused because his family didn#t a"ree with his homosexualness( 4 asked why would he expect culture to chan"e= ;e hissed! 7@uals make the best friends( 4 called to be relocated by the sun#s up( Day < Mornin" roll call at E 3M went swimmin"ly! but my new cellmate Martin has insomnia or something( 3nyway! we#re served lunch at 1: <0 ,M! mashed potatoes and chicken parmesan( 4t looks like a '0 dinner( Martin and 4 prearran"ed to take leisure time to"ether from 1 to > ,M( Durin" this time! he found out enough about me! and 4! too much about him( )n the outside! Martin was turned down by a street hooker who later dialed J(1(1(! and after the police officers arrived! he was arrested for $erkin" off in public( 4 asked! what does he expect society to think of him= ;e snickered! -elf&help is the best help( 4 applied for transfer that ni"ht( Day > 4 had a quiet ni"ht with my new cellmate! -am( 4 know his name only because the "uard told me( 3ll that 4 know about -am until showers was that he was a mute( 4n the showers! 4 realised that -am had a tattoo that read! FDeath before Dishonor(G 'his tattoo is standard amon" career&criminals who#d rather serve life in prison before rattin" on their partners( 4n between showers and breakfast! 4 told -am! 'he "reatest kindness will not bind the un"rateful( -am didn#t return to my cell after breakfast( Day ? My new cellmate Dwayne must#ve been transferred in while 4 was sleepin"( ;e woke me up by searchin" under my pillow! and bedspread! as 4 lay in bed( 4 tell him that 4 can assist him if he#d $ust annunciate what it is that he#s lookin" for( ;e boasted! F-ot snitching is what got him here, but snitching was going to get him out. 4 told him! that he didn#t know me( ;e lau"hed! Fair weather friends are not worth much( 4 was relocated by lunch( Day B My new cellmate Dohn didn#t have enou"h stren"th to "et to know me! until after lunch today( 3t leisure time! 4 discovered that he#s a bloody drug&addictH 4 asked him! what he thou"ht of the healthcare system! and of usin" doctors the right way( ;e theorised! 'hose who suffer most cry out the least( 4 almost cried(( -till! 4 re@uested to be transferred( Day C Matthew is my cellmate and to be honest! he "ives me butterflies( ;e doesn#t sleep( 4#m sure because he looks it( 3nd he has loads of "amblin"&winnin"s under his bunk( 3t supper! he tells me that he could share his winnin"s if 4#d keep his secret from other prisoners( 4 demand his secret( ;e says he#s a psychic and he "ot busted outside for winnin" multi!le lottery $ackpots( 4 sneerin"ly ask if that is it( ;e predicted! ;e is wise who is warned by the misfortunes of others( 4 re@uested to be relocated( Day E 3lexander! my new cellmate was busted unfortunately for male prostitution on the outside( 4 have never heard of such a profession( ;e seemed like such a providential bloke( 4 asked! what is his secret= ;e drawled! 'he value is in the worth! not in the number( 4 re"arded this as a threat( 4 needed to be transferred( Day J My new cellmate 3lbert is tou"h to pin down as a sin"le personality( 3nd most of the fellows in here kinda detach their selves from who they were on the outside&4 understand&so 4 try not to $immy( 3lbert was found "uilty for tax evasion( 4 said! F4 thou"ht that everyone paid taxesHG ;e e@uivocated! 4t sometimes happens

that one man has all the toil! and another all the !rofit( Day 10 My new cellmate 8arl was @uite an imponderable "entleman who 4#m pretty sure was dealin" dru"s( 'o save myself from an ass&whoopin"! 4 never confronted him about his stran"e habits with other inmates on the ward! but then a"ain we only knew one another for a day( 4 discovered that he for"ed checks! and counterfeited bills on the outside( 4 must#ve done a poor $ob with my poker face because he supervened with tellin" me that! 7very men should be content to mind his own business( Day 11 Daniel was an older "uy with wrinkles in his skin! he could hardly move around! he "ot about slowly! and he appeared to be any minute from a wheelchair! or "ood behavior release( 4 said that he may be one of the few who actually didnt do their crime( ;e croaked! /ecessity knows no law( ;e was busted for disability fraud( ;e had me fooledH 'he private humiliation was enou"h motivation to transfer( Day 1: Dericho mi"ht be the only inmate made for $ail( ;e doesn#t seem to mind at all( ;e makes friends easily with the prisoners and the "uards( 4 said that he reminded me of loss prevention at leisure time( ;e said that he would think about suicide if not for his unceasin" interactions( ;e volunteered that he was cau"ht after a hi"h speed chase left his car without fuel( 'he car turned out to be stolen( 4 asked if he expected to "et away( ;e replied! Do nothin" without re"ard to the conse@uences( 'his character made me apprehensive( 4 must be transferred( Day 1< 0incent didn#t like to shower! make his bed! and 4 think that he en$oyed bare knuckle fi"htin" for exercise( *y lunch! he had already beat thirty "uys to a pulp( 4 wondered what would become of me with a cellmate like him( *y "ossip! 4 found out before supper that he killed his boss and he tells everyone this same recordin"! 4n a chan"e of "overnment the poor chan"e nothin" beyond the name of their master( 4 thou"ht that 4 was middle&class( 4 call to be transferred( Day 1> 1oman! the church vandal had no remorse and he was very proud of his crime( 4#m not reli"ious! but without a "od wouldn#t he kill me for nothin"= 4 already knew that 4 wanted to be transferred before he told me at supper that 'he hero is brave in deeds as well as words(( 4 was transferred( Day 1? 4 wanted to celebrateH 4#m nearly at halftime of my sentence for robbin" 8oca&8ola vendin" machinesH 4t#s $ust my luck that my new cellmate 6ee is an anarchist with a toilet full of boo2e( 5e "ot so drunk at lunch that we didn#t wake up till evenin" roll call at 10 ,M( 'hat#s nearly twelve hoursH 'he 8()( (8orrections )fficer) could tell that we were not steady on our feet( 'o make a short story out of the anti&pole! 4 took the blame and was relocated for .ees protection! but not before 6ee told me! 9nion is stren"th( Day 1B 'oday is unbelievableH 4#m literally sharin" my cell with a writer named *ill! and he !romises that he was locked up for self publishin" criminal works of fiction and non fiction( 4 didn#t know what this meant! and *ill didn#t annotate( ;e only said 7very tale is not to be believed! before 4 applied to relocate( Day 1C

Doseph is his name and it seems that there is nothin" that he wouldnt steal( 4 could actually picture him flyin" over to 3f"hanistan only to return in an authentic american tank( )r maybe 4#d visualise him smu""lin" an alien home from area ?1( Doseph was pinched for sellin" "oods that he had nicked( 4 told him that 4 could#ve accurately pro"nosticated such( ;e kibit2ed! -toop to con@uer( 4 transferred( Day 1E 1aymond was arrested for abuse or battery( 4 never found out who he battered or abused( ;e#s so sedate! 4 couldn#t think of him leashin" a do"( ;e $ust sits and reads 'olstoy#s 5ar and ,eace( 4 told him that he seems the most content with life out of all the people 4 have ever met( ;e droned! 4n @uarrelin" about the shadow we often lose the substance( Day 1J 4 almost could not believe that kindhearted ;enry would cause the death of a teena"ed son by drivin" drunk( 4 was mostly aphonic around him! but 4 muscled up the coura"e to ask him what does he see in his future( ;enry sympathised! )ur mere anticipations of life outrun its realities( 4 needed relocation( Day :0 8alvin was nabbed for petty dru" possession( 4 think it was weed! or ,8,! or maybe even oreganoH ;e still smoked weed durin" his /arcotics 3nonymous breaks! he said( 'hat doesn#t surprise me because an"er mana"ement didn#t work for 0incent either( 4 told him that 4 could "o to a reli"ious service everyday of the week! and 4#d still walk out of the church! agnostic( 8alvin hinted that 4 should transfer! but not before prayin"! 7very man for himself( 4 a"reed and 4 did relocate to another dorm( Day :1 3dolf was not a closeted&racist( ;e was a dining-room! buffet&line racist( ;e had swastikas in his tattooed arm sleeves and a mu"shot of /hee ;itler that covered his whole back( 4 was already uncomfortable by mornin" roll call at E 3M( 4 didn#t even tell him that 4 was transferrin"! but before my meetin" after lunch! 3dolf lamented! 'ime and place often "ive the advanta"e to the weak over the stron"( Day :: Doshua the conman is not the type you can even ho!e to make friends with( 7very $oke he tells is to disarm you( 7very sob story told is to sli"ht you( ;e deals underhand( 4 asked if he#d ever come clean= Doshua $eered! 'here is no believin" a liar! even when he speaks the truth( Day :< Michael was interestin"( ;e was a world famous boxer who cheated in his last ten fi"hts for payin" off his opponentsH 4 commented that he must#ve felt on top of the world before landin" in here( Michael surmised! 4f words suffice not! blows must follow( 4 didn#t know if he liked or didn#t like what 4 said! but 4 re@uested to be transferred( Day :> 6arry was a top tier "an"ban"er( 5hen we first met! 4 was already terrified of him( ;e assured me that bein" his friend here or outside! would be the best decision 4 made in twenty four days( ;e said if 4 paid him! he#d protect me( 4 asked him! what would all the other "an"s think= 6arry confirmed! *irds of a feather flock to"ether( 4 was out of there! no time wasted( Day :? 4 was so happy to "et away from 6arry and meet 0ntonioH 3ntonio turned out to be as unstable as 1aymond

was stable( ;e would pace back and forth in the dorm and he was always extendin" a pocket mirror throu"h the bars to check the "uards# locations( ;e made me uneasy until 4 had to ask him if he was )I( ;e echoed! Don#t make much ado about nothin"! then! he sliced his own neck with the mirror he held( 4 left him as he was and promptly called the "uard( Favorably! 4 wasn#t suspected! but 4 was moved out of that musty! lu"ubrious dorm( Day :B 4 wish 4 could "o on vacation ri"ht now( 4#m so pensive( effete( and flummoxed( 4 need a drink( 'he mob boss 4 share my cell with by the name of -alvador doesn#t make these emotions of mind feel realistic( -alvador has a better breakfast( lunch( and supper! compared to mine( 5ell! this is unfair 4 thou"ht( 'he best thin" on my dinner tray is cookies and here he is( eatin" porterhouse steaks three times a day( My $ealousy had me relocated! but after he crowed! 4f men had all they wished! they would be often ruined( Day :C 1andy is a con"ressman( 5ith all of the insanity "oin" on everyday! he shouldn#t be here( 4 don#t know what he did and when 4 asked about his situation! he cursed! ,leasure bou"ht with pain! hurts( 4 felt tou"h as 0incent! sharin" a cell with 1andy( 4 called to be transferred for my sake( Day :E 'he last five days have been shit( My new cellie ,atrick is a dirty cop( 4 really wanted to know how a cop! clean or dirty! ever "ets busted( 5hen ,atrick "ets freed! he#ll probably do the same crimes a"ain! whatever they were( 4 was forthri"ht when 4 told him that he must feel like a $ackass in here( ;e critici2ed! )ne story is "ood until another is told( 4 prefer to do my time serious and not lau"hin" at my cellmate so 4 re&lo#( Day :J Dust when 4 thou"ht it couldn#t "et worse! 4 met a convicted rapist( 4t was bound to happen sometime( ;e is as unapolo"etic as 8assius 8lay( ;e has the attitude of Donald 'rump yet he#s in here( -ince he only ra!es "irls! 4 felt no fear when 4 told him that he must feel like an asshole on the outside( ;e instructed! Do not attempt to hide thin"s which cannot be hid( 4 relocated( Day <0 /eedin" to have a past! is kickin" my ass( 'oday! 4 meet a hit&man for pete#s sake( 'here are some former friends that 4#d want in$ured but instead 4 ask of how he#d "ot into that line of work( 1ufus the hit&man stated! )ld friends cannot with impunity be sacrificed for nu ones( 4 start to wonder if the warden is matchin" me to these men on purpose since 4 transfer so often! but 4 leave 1ufus in the dust anyway( Day <1 +harles the serial killer everyone, 1te! right u! and shake hands with the hands that have took the lives of numerous men, 4f 4 wasn#t leavin" in five days! 4#d let Iurt! the warden endure my wrath( -peakin" of endurance! 4 haven#t seen 8harles blink in six hoursH 4 demand a transfer at supper( Durin" supper! over our spa"hetti! he extolled! ,ride "oes before destruction( Day <: 4 couldn#t see my last days here "ettin" any better! but Dason the dru" dealer has so many connections on the outside that he#s !ositive that they ell keep him from the hands of the law next time around( 4 think he#s mentally defective( 4 asked him if that same posture "ot him here in the first place( Dason na""ed! ;arm hatch! harm catch( 4 transfer( Day <<

4#m sharin" my cell with a bank robber now( 8lyde seems to believe that he#s done nothing wron"( /ot only that! he thinks he#s done right by all( 4 ask if he#s seen the prison#s shrink( ;e "uessed! 'he memory of a "ood dead lives( 4 transfer( Day <> )ut of all my matchups so far! 4 think this one takes the cake( 3dam murdered both of his children( 3 boy a"ed seven( 3nd a "irl a"ed ten( ;e "ives me no reason as to why in leisure time( ;e only foretold! 8hildren are not to be blamed for the faults of their parents( 4 transfer as soon as possible( Day <? My final cellie before fresh air is 'homas( 'homas is doin" life( 'o be honest! he could be the most interestin" with the most pansophy! but 4 don#t want to "et to know him( 3ll he keeps confessin" is -low but steady wins the race( Day <B 7arly before official mornin" wake up at > o# clock 3M! the warden is "ettin" me out of bed! helpin" me "ather my thin"s! and escortin" me out side&by&side( ;e doesn#t express much orally! but he embraces me at the reception and he parts with! 7xample is more powerful than precept( Iurt possibly knows that without him! 4 probably wouldn#t have made it throu"h(

8hapter < Flash&forward to the ,ark

Mark finishes his favorite li@uid and he#s unsteadily on to his feet( ;e#s makin" too much noise to only be breathing and this makes his nei"hbors nervous with demiur"ic anticipation( ;e takes a shortcut throu"h the playthin"s instead of around the main play&area( ;e pets a little "irls head as he makes his way throu"h( 'he mother of said little "irl! screams! )ou ugly bum, dont sti!!le another digit on my *ecky, 2ll call the co!s, you !ig, Mark flips her the bird and continues ahead( Mark "ets home! and "reets his middle&a"ed mother on the sofa in the common area( ;is teena"ed brother must be to work at the local colle"e or the hospital( Mark#s not sure where but he knows that his kid brother works somewhere( Mark doesn#t retire yet! instead he "oes to the kitchen to make a meal for his self only( ;e eats corn out of the can! seven slices of bacon from the microwave! and finishes with a triple scoop of *en P Derry#s 0anilla 8aramel Fud"e 4ce 8ream( ;e keeps it down! but he isn#t sure of himself! so! he li"hts up a ci"arette that he rolled! and smokes it( )ne ci"arette shortly makes two and two finally makes twenty( 'he dinin" area is so cloudy! that he#s aroused his mother#s attention( ;is mother! Dulia! doesn#t spare him any words of disbelief and disappointment( -he snaps! 3oing to smoke outside is the kindest o!tion when everyone in this house doesnt smoke, "ark, -he always "ives orders after the dama"e has been done( Mark#s concentration is at a minimum! but since he does acknowled"e his mother#s presence! he asks! F5hat#s new=G Dulia @uips! F.ou tell me! MarkH 3ll you do is drink and smoke and $ail or doctors couldn#t chan"e you( .ou said you wanted to write but you haven#t been to the local colle"e to enroll or even stepped foot in a library since you barely "raduated hi"h school( *y the way! did you know who 4 seen at church yesterday=G Mark asserts! F)f course not mother! 4 didn#t know you went to church yesterday(G Dulia admits! F5ell 4 did "o! and 4 seen your old best&friend#s mother! Olivia thereHG Mark inter$ects! +atos mother was at yore church4, Dulia answers!! she#s a new member(G Mark interrupts! 5#cuse me, while 2 do like 0ntonio. Dulia faltered! F5hat=G Mark scolds! F-evermind!G and "oes on to sleep(

8hapter > Mark#s Dreams

4#m in what feels like +olorado( 4#m flyin" but not in a !lane! in my bodyO but without win"s( 4 feel like "reen lantern! or the silver surfer! hi"h above everything( 4 feel liberated above the buildin"s(( exhilarated

above the valleys((and wonderful above the mountains( 4 feel totally in control(( and !owerfulO and that 4#ve e#ceeded my ambitions with ease( 4Gm bein" chaysed and 4 feel frightened( 4#m runnin" throu"h a cemetery in what feels like Massachusetts and it#s pitchblack in the middle of the darkest ni"ht( 4 feel threatened by this horrible monster who appears to not be tirin"! 4 feel 4 am losing my breath like from smokin" too many cigarettes! he#s $ust in reach to grab my armmO 4#m lost in what appears to be a ma e( 4 feel like 4 am in /e#as( 4 cannot find my way out( 4#m in a buildin" that is larger than the earth itself( 4#m desperately lookin" for a door! a window! a vent! 4#m in the middle of the city of ;ouston((4#m underwaterO4#m trapped in a webO4#m paralysed in my bedO4#m awakeO /o! 4#m notO 8ato is dyin"O( 4#m at the hospital on his bedsideO( ;is family! )livia! Dulia! everyone#s here! cryin"( ;e#s been ill for months( 'he doctor complains! his cancer has mi"rated and it won#t be lon"( 7veryone sobs "oodbye! as 8ato breathes his last breath( 4#m at hi"h school( 8ato is in my creative writin" class( 4 feel like my essay won#t be finished at the deadline( 8ato asks to "o to the toilet( ;e must already be finished with his essay( 4#m nowhere near done( 'here#s ten minutes left and 4#ve only written two of the re@uired five para"raphs( 4 feel distressed and frustrated! 4 look around for a classmate to help me! 'he classroom is empty! 4 can#t find the teacher! 4#m in the $anitor#s closet( 4#m runnin" late for a $ob interview( 4 don#t think 4#ll make it( 4 feel frustrated( 4#m on foot and ten blocks away in 6os 3n"eles( 8ato is parked at a stopli"ht( ;e offers me a ride( 4 "et in( ;e crashes into the buildin" of my interview( 4#m allri"ht! 4 didn#t die! 4 feel no pain( 4 check 8ato#s neckO ;e has no pulse(( 4 wake up(

8hapter ? )nce *est Friends

4 knew 8ato for most of my life( 5e were best friends for the first half of my life( 4 met him in kinder"arten( 5e were in separate homerooms! but in the same "rade( 3t recess we were on the same team in basketball( -ometimes 4 would ride in the radio&flyer and he would pull! and other times we would switch! and 4 would pull him( )ur relationship was similar to this mutual concession all the way up to the sixth "rade( 8ato emer"ed to become wary of my "irlfriends! my popularity from basketball! and football( ;e be"an cryin" a lot! complainin" to his! and my family! and he even tried makin" me envious of his securin" new friendships every month( 4 thou"ht that he was actin" like a "irlfriend would act in a romantic situation! so 4 started befriendin" more cool kids! who cared about their looks and tried hard at sports( 4 stopped seein" 8ato in the seventh and ei"hth "rade( 4 "uess he was stayin" mostly with cousins and uncles nearby( 4n hi"h school! freshman year! 4 heard 8ato was smokin" pot! and tryin" out for wrestlin"( 4 don#t know if he ever made the team! but there was a rumor that he was "ood enou"h to play at the local colle"e( 4 seen him only at a few house&parties durin" our hi"h&school years! but he#d always leave before sayin" anythin" to me( 3fter hi"h school! out of the blue! he was tryin" to be my friend a"ain( ;e would come to my house and smoke pot with me( ;e tried settin" me up with an insider traders( 3fter three months of meetin"s! 4 decided it wasn#t for me! besides my pot dealin" and ecstasy traffickin" was payin" very well at the time( ;e be"an to take notice that 4 wasn#t cramped for cash at all( 4 had three cupboards full of habiliments! and he barely had one( 4 stockpiled footwear! and he compiled toys! but he was nineteen summers( Maybe he thou"ht that thirteen and nineteen sounded the same and that he would mature at twenty( -o one day! he calls me and divul"es that his cousin! whose name 4#m familiar with! was interested in

buyin" a pound of "rade&3 pot( 4 su""ested! 4f he had the twenty thousand dollars! 4#d sell it to him in @uarters! to minify the risk( 8ato insists! that he wants it all at once because he#s "oin" out of town with his cohorts whom! suposably are a rap "roup( 4 utter! Fine! and consider loadin" up my boot of my american muscle car( *efore 4 could han" up the phone! he avows that he#ll pick me up in thirty sixties( 4 customarily don#t do business&deals in such a hurried fashion! but 4 trust 8ato#s reasons and his cousin hasn#t caused any vexation for me reversely with past deals( -ure enou"h! 8ato is outside my family#s house in twenty five minutes! but in a convertible sports&car 4#ve never seen him in before( 'he top is down and he#s showin" me at least a stack of forty thousand dollars outside of his car window( ;e speeds off and leaves me standin" in the driveway( 4 dream he went around the block because he#s back in front of me in a minute( ;e tells me! "et in( 4 do( 3s we bend the first corner! he initiates throwin" ten thousand dollars out of the auto! and the bills are flutterin" all over the street( 4 tell him there#s no way 4#m makin" this deal with his temerarious behavior and speedin"( ;e#s ma"nifyin" too much attention( ;e tells me! G fuck offH!G and slams my forehead into the panel in front of me( FQ-peech MuffledR 4 must#ve blacked&out because 4 "ain consciousness in a factory district that appears to be abandoned or closed or something( 4#m in the passen"er seat of the same car! but my pot is no lon"er between my le"s( 3fter my vision clears! 4 see 8ato promenadin" towards me from about sixty feet away with uniformed and undercover street officersH 'hey arrive at the car! and they all have "rins on their faces! one who looks unambi"uously smu" swears! .ou#re not "ettin" your wei"ht (dru"s) back( 3nd 8ato emphasi2ed! .our life is cheap when 4#m chummy with cops( 'he self&proclaimed -herriff lectures! 4f 4#m cau"ht sellin" a little dime (half a "ram) ba"! 4#ll "o to $ail with felony char"es and will be hidden from my family and friends for a very lon" time(G

8hapter B 'he 8alm after 8ato#s -torm

4 had to pur"e my phonebook of fellow drug&dealers! and three years worth of prostitutes( 4 was bled for my safe#s contents (S100!000 dollars) the week after 8ato set me up! by the same "entlemen( 4 had to dump my apparel! my shoes! and my four muscle cars on i"nominious people who wouldn#t spark dubiosity( 4 be"an lookin" like a human&throwaway over time! and it#s been like that up to the last year( ;e tried to ruin me( *illions of people in a position like mine! would#ve probably took the easy way out like 3ntonio! but 4 didn#t( 4#m still here( 4#m here! to "et a call from 8ato! after years of silence( 3nd! 4#m drunk of the silence between us( 4n this phone call! he describes how life#s been "reat since we last parted! and! that#s he open to lettin" by"ones be by"ones! and! there#s an opportunity to clean his new "ym every ni"ht! if! 4#d like to do that( 4 think fast! so 4 said!! 4 would(G

8hapter C 5orkin" for 8ato

4 showed up the very next day to work for 8ato! hun"over from boo2e and loneliness( ;e didn#t acknowled"e me! which was odd for anyone#s first day! even mine( -o! 4 had no orientation or trainin"! but 4 ima"ined! 4 could handle that( 4 made friends with the mop! bucket! ra"s! sprays! and brushes! which! were set to the side( 4t shouldn#t take lon" for me to clean all of this! and! 4#ll probably be "one before he leaves his office once( 4 start with cleanin" the machines and end with the barbell racks and benchpress beds( 4t was like this for six months( 8ato never said ;i! never said *ye( 4 was also never paid once( 'he next six months! 4 would work overtime! outside of his house on offdays! trailin" his car by taxi on dates! and desi"nin" a calendar based on his schedule( 4 found that the "ym is as empty in the mornin" as it is when 4 arrive there( 3fter a year of volunteerin"! no one would suspect me of doin" what 4#m about to do( 'oday! 'hursday! the slowest day! 4 will arrive by taxi! and open the backdoor with a key that 4 copied( 4 have with me! a disposable! and biode"radable duffel ba" incapable of collectin" fin"erprints! but to be safest 4#ve worn "loves( 4 unlock his office with a master key that 4 copied( 4 unload my duffel of a lar"e roll of plastic which 4 will use to drape all of the furniture! and cover all the walls( 4 have a yo"a mat with no fin"erprints on it because it#s brand&new! bou"ht with cash! stolen cash( 4 have ducttape! but 4 can set that to the side( 3ll that#s next is to load my six&inch syrin"e with the horse&tran@uiliser 4 stole from a veterinarian! then wait an hour for 8ato to arrive( ;e "ets to the "ym late today! because 4#ve been waitin" for two hours( ;e unlocks the door! and turns the knob! to enter! one foot in! and 4 $ab the boss with an in$ection stron"

enou"h to knock out ten men( ;is eyes roll to the back of his neck! and 4 rush to the front and back doors because 4 want no variables( 3fter 4 lock both entrances! 4 notice that 4#m calm like 4#ve done this before! as 4 walk back towards the office( 4 use all of the roll of ducttape to secure 8ato to the yo"a mat( 'his wasn#t difficult because he#s probably fifty pounds smaller than 4( /o need to "a" him because he#s paralysed and will be for hours( 4 chop his body into thirteen pieces! then chop those pieces in half( 4t#s possible to stuff him in my duffel ba" now! alon" with the plastic( 4 can leave the yo"a mat and little insi"nificants like the syrin"e and tape&roll behind( 3fter the "ym officially closes! 4 lift and carry the duffel ba" on my shoulders to a location behind the buildin" to a man&si2ed hole that 4 carved into the earth last weekend( 4 drop the duffel into it( 4 stitch the earth back up with 8ato lovingly secured underneath the sutures( ;e alon" with the evidential ba" will biode"rade within two weeks( 3s 4 eva"inate! 4 think up a contin"ency( 'here#s enou"h fresh blood on my left hand to leave a reputable si"natureH 'o the left of the backdoor! 4 maneuver the symbols I(3(6(4( on the wall( 'hen! to retrace my footsteps! 4 return into the "ym! into the office! and with my cleanin" supplies! 4 wash everythin" professional&like with chlorine bleach and hydro"en peroxide solutions( 4 lock the "ym down( 3nd 4 travel north to never be seen by friends! and family! a"ain(

8hapter E 6uke
6uke left his family three years a"o( ;e never looked back( 5ith an alcoholic father! and a mother addicted to pain&pills! it probably best that he left( /ow 6uke lives alone! and when alone he sleeps! pro"rams his computer and runs his treadmill( 7verythin" in need of electricity is powered by the sun! with solar&"ad"ets that 6uke desi"ned himself( 6uke makes most of his social&contact throu"h the deepweb( 'he deepweb is an anonymous alternative of usin" the internet to link with friends! make new friends! video&chat like facebook! or one can buy military commodities like "uns! binoculars! bombs! and fati"ues without leavin" a papertrail( -ome surf the deepweb to find prostitutes safely! buy dru"s without risk! and watch ille"al porn videos( 'here are options there from hirin" hitmen! to operatin" a secret email address untraceable by hackers and re"ulators alike( 4f 6uke isn#t plu""ed in! he#s pere"rinated out to meet up with his anarchist "roup called the +reen Devils( 'ypically! the +reen Devils recruit( 'hey recruit at skateparks! mall foodcourts! raves! and $ust about anywhere one can find misfits these days( )fficial members are already stable in $obs like any s@uares (conformists)! but they#re mentality is anarchistic( For instance! at the drive&thru at 5endy#s! 'im may say 5elcome! how can 4 help you! but only the +reen Devils know that he is workin" for anarchy( 'im#s boss could be a +reen Devil( 3t 8hase *ank! the teller Dames who cashes your check could be a +reen Devil and so could the bank#s administrator( 6uke or people with skills like 6uke#s could be watchin" the deposits and withdrawals everyday( 3t the "rocery stores of the country here and that country there could be completely run by anarchists called the +reen Devils( 7veryone has to eat( 3t your favorite malls and favorite movie theatres! you mi"ht buy your clothes from +reen Devils and purchase your movie ticket from a +reen Devil( 5hen watchin" the movie you paid for! the main character! and supportin"&actors could be +reen Devils( -o could the director and the screenwriter( .ou mi"ht "o to the library! order on nook! or search on ama2on to find /ew .ork 'imes best sellers! never to find out that the authors! and the characters are +reen Devils or based on +reen Devils( .our postman! your landlord! your farmer! your "as&station clerk! your mayor! your "overnor! your president even( 'he point is! that anybody could be( 5hen 6uke leaves his dun"eon of a home! he looks like someone who $ust "ot done workin" at the footlocker( ;e could be walkin" alone! clearin" his head after a family dinner at the red lobster( ;e could be homeless or he could be rich( ;e could be strai"ht or he could be butch( /o one can really know for sure and since 6uke doesn#t put his self out there for the wron" types! he keeps his self safe! whole! alive and to see another day as a +reen Devil( 5hen tourin" past a basketball&court not too far from his domicile! 6uke notices someone walkin" towards him like he mi"ht have a confrontation in mind( 6uke knows more than a couple of the martial&arts so he#s not worried about personal&in$ury! but he doesn#t want to brin" unnecessary attention to his self and potentially slow the achievement of his "roups# a"enda( 'he person is ten feet away! but he waits till he is

pointblank before tellin" 6uke! @uietly! that he knows that he#s a +reen Devil( 6uke! for the first time since his father hit him! is dumbfounded( 'he suspicious "uy tells 6uke to walk with him( 6uke doesn#t have much choice! but to be curious so he walks alon" side the fellow( 3fter a block down! the "uy opens up a bit about his back"round( ;e says that he created an app linked to his custom iphone that can only be downloaded with his approval! and that! what it does is alert him to nearby iphone and android users who carry a faint deepweb si"nal that#s associated with an 4, address that he has coded into the +reen Devils# ;ead@uarter website so that his alerts are never faulty( 6uke acknowled"ed! 4 don#t have much choice! do 4= 'he "uy answers! /o! you don#t( 6uke a"rees! 5elcome to the +reen DevilsO'he "uy announces! my name is 6ee! 9nion is stren"th! my friend(

8hapter J ,hil
/o one really knows anythin" personal about ,hil( )r more accurately! maybe everyone knows everything personal about ,hil( ,hil keeps his affections close to him( ;is mother is a dru" addict that lives with him( ;e sometimes rents out a room to dru"&addict friends( 'here are always dru" addicts around because there are always dru"s around( ,hil is a drug dealer! but he isn#t like a dru" dealer you heard about! or seen in a movie( ,hil watches the black market like 8/*8 watches the stock market( )ne week he has !ain-!ills! the next week only high-grade !ot. 'he most peculiar thin" about ,hil is that he never leaves his house( ;e doesn#t have to( ;e literally has a slave! who he treats like a slave! his kid sister is his number one prostitute! and he throws dru" parties every week( 'he local police are paid off and his security system is top notch and state&of&the&art( 4f there is one person on earth that has no worries! it#s ,hil( 'oday! ,hil has sold one hundred pills! and one hundred ba"s of weed! but it#s only a li"ht day( 3 slow day "enerally means a competitor is pickin" wei"ht up in his nei"hborhood and that he should expect new customers( -ure enough! new people are at his door within five minutes of the thou"ht( ,hil knows his business( 'his "roup of three aren#t dru" addicts thou"h! they#re tricks here to pay for sex( ,hil has three separate whores! but they all want his sister Delilah( 'hree $ohns which could "et out of control will be triple sin"le price! and triple that price( 'he three "entlemen a"ree to the settin"s! circumstances! and conditions and make their way to the last room on the ri"ht( 7ven on a busy day! sellin" dru"s can "et pretty lonely if the addicts have no pleonastic interest or there#s too many people at the parties( 3 loyal customer calls ,hil#s main phone&line! to ask if he could swin" a busload of people over to buy shit (dru"s)( ;e )I#s it and the dru"&bus is on it#s way( 'he bus arrives in less than ten minutes which makes ,hil wonder if they were on their way before he )I#d it( 0nyway! he thinks this should be interestin"( ,erson number one named 8hris orders a "ram of mid&"rade pot and one ecstasy pill for fifty dollars( ,erson number two named *ruce orders ten amphetamine pills and ten codeine pills for one hundred fifty dollars( ,erson number three named Marco orders twenty five M pills and three pints of cou"h&syrup for fifteen hundred dollars( ,erson number four named +eor"e orders one "ram of hi"h&"rade and one morphine for fifty dollars( ,erson number five named 3aron orders an ounce and five M#s for five hundred dollars( ,erson number six named -ara orders twenty M#s and twenty morphines for five hundred dollars( ,erson number seven named 6isa orders a @uarter ounce of mid&"rade for fifty dollars( ,erson number ei"ht named /icole orders twenty morphines and an ounce for five hundred dollars( ,erson number nine named Melissa orders one thousand pills for five thousand dollars( ,erson number ten named Michelle orders fifteen pills for one hundred fifty dollars( ,erson number eleven named *rian orders ten ecstasy pills for one hundred dollars( ,erson number twelve named Denise orders two hundred Manax bars for five hundred dollars( ,erson number thirteen named Me"an orders five ecstasy pills and a !ound of hi"h&"rade pot for ten thousand dollars( ,erson number fourteen named 8assandra orders a half&!ound of hi"h&"rade pot and a bundle (ten "rams) of powder&cocaine for six thousand dollars( ,erson number fifteen named 1obert orders a half&"ram of mid&"rade pot for ten dollars( 'hey all leave $ubilant and this experience reminds ,hil of why he does his $ob( ;e feels like he $ust made a million dollars! but it#s not about the tax&free profit! it#s about! the people( 5hen ,hil checks his camera&monitor to see the bus drive away! he notices two new people at his door( 3s lon" as he has their faces recorded on camera! he feels comfortable bu22in" them in( )ne of the "uys is named -am and the other reveals he#s an undercover cop( 'he cop pled"es! F.ou#re in bi" trouble! ,hil(G ,hil exa""erates! F'wo minutes after you leave here! you#re in bi" trouble with a gang of dealers! a gang of militia! and a gang of official protection(G 'he cop explains! F4t won#t last ,hil! we#re

here for taxes(G ,hil starts daydreamin" of his former suppliers who are locked&up now because of years worth of unpaid millions in taxes( -am taunts! with a smu" look on his face! F5hen#s the last time 6hils paid taxes! -herriff=G

8hapter 10 Iate
Iate really is a simple woman( )r more authentically! she isn#t complicated at all( .ou pay to play! that#s it( 4f you like her smile! and you want to see it for fifty nine more minutes! it#ll cost you only two thousand dollars an hour( 5hether Iate has sex with you or not! her time costs somethin"( ;er friendship! her romance! her kisses! are all valuable( Iate checks her email and sees she has a hotel&date re@uest with thirty minutes remainin" before the offer expires( -he clicks! F)es, lets meetHG and the response is sent directly to the clients android( 4t#s $ust dinner for two hours! so Iate can cheat with the under"arments( -he could wear plain&old cotton panties and a two&year old bra! so she does( 'he clients "oin" to pay for the meal alon" with swipin" four thousand dollars to her -@uare account! on her android! for time served( -he meets him within the next two hours( -he shows up in a ,rada one&piece! 3lexander McTueen pumps! and 6ouis 0uitton $ewelry draped on her wrists and neck( ;er date! Dack -mithe is wearin" +ucci 6oafers! and a full suit by ;u"o! with sun"lasses by Michael Iors( -he kisses his ri"ht cheek and says! F4 must admit! we do look "ood to"ether(G ;e says! FQ;isR sense of fashion has never served him wron"(G Iate says! F4t#s all about culture in QherR business(!G then they walk in the bistro( ;e orders a salad for his self and a steak for the lady( 'hey eat! talk! lau"h! smile! have their "lass of wine at the bar! then they part ways( 5-7 money. Iate leaves the 5estin to head back to her room at the 5( -he#s checkin" her email a"ain! but nothin" has updated( -he "oes to her personal website and sees that a client wishes to take her on a shoppin"&spree at the hi"hest&class mall in town( /ot only does he pay for gifts! but for her precious time as well( .ou can#t beat it( 5hat Iate usually does! is! she orders whatever she likes at the stores and has the items shipped to one of her numerous ,) *oxes across the "lobe( ;er date! 6ou 8hase! picks her up in a stretch Mercedes& 6imousine&*en2 and then they are off( 'hey#re drinkin" 8hampa"ne for all of the twenty five minutes before arrivin" at their destination( Iate isn#t shy at all once it#s game-on( -he orders three leather purses by Dior! a suit by 8alvin Ilein! a !urse by +ucci! leggings by DI/.! a ring by David .urman! a watch by 8hanel! mascara by Dolce P +abbana! a leather coat by *urberry! si# rin"s by *ul"ari! three outfits by Michael Iors! a bracelet by 'iffany! sunglasses by 3rmani! a suitcase by 6ouis 0uitton! a sweater by 8oach! flats by Ienneth 8ole! a 8ole#! boots by Dimmy 8hoo! !erfume by .ves -aint 6aurent! a !olo by 1alph 6auren! jeans by +uess! and earrin"s by Fendi( 'hey eat at the food&court! then he takes her home by limo! six thousand dollars richer! not includin" the accoutermentsO 3t her hotel! Iate#s second to last place to look for clients is the deepweb( -he "oes to the hi"h&class prostitute section and sees someone has re@uested her( ;is name is ,aul 7rnest and he can take her by helicopter from the roof of her hotel to his island off the coast and back before last call( -he sends him an instant messa"e! leaves a number for him to text! and tells him that she can be ready in half an hour( ,aul responds in five minutes and says to be on the roof in twenty( ,aul lands! head to toe in /ommy *ahama( Iate is in a basic&bikini! silk and all white! under an all black trenchcoat from the thriftshop and heels she bou"ht on ninety percent discount( -he#s set in !robably a hundred dollars worth of "arb! but she makes one hundred dollars in less than five sixties han"in" out with ,aul( 'hey land at his island in under an hour and they have a blast! walkin" the beaches! explorin" the forest! receivin" massages on tree top! and drinkin" mohitos next to pet monkies! and tro!ical birds( 3fter a few hours of dee! relaxation! they#re on their way back to town( 'en thousand dollars comes easy to Iate and she doesn#t even have to see ,aul a"ain( 1idin" the elevator down from the roof! Iate decides to walk a few blocks from the hotel! half to think abut her day&and half to see if she catches the eye of any tricks( 6ess than one block out! she meets a man named

8arl( 8arl is spick&and&span in one 7rmene"ildo Ue"na suit and paired Ferra"amo shoes! and heres Iate lookin" like her pimp $ust dumped her( 5hen Iate realises her mistake! she precipitously loses confidence( 8arl si2es her up and !robably sees a colle"e student who#s returnin" from a pool party( 8arl asks her to accompany him a block up to a bar( 8arl tells her thin"s like! FQ-he'sR the most beautiful woman Qhe'sR seen after Qhe'sR been walkin" for hours(G ;e proposes! F'here is no wife livin" ri"ht now! that could be better taken care of than you by me(G ;e added! F4f 4 was in $ail for the last five years! meetin" you would make it seem worth it(G 8arl really puts his charm on her and he builds in her! all of the confidence that she thou"ht lost from bein" clothed so tatterdemalion( 6eavin" the bar! Iate obli"es 8arl with the truth! by tellin" him! that! she#s actually a hi"h&class prostitute! but after speakin" with him! she! would sacrifice the !lanes! the lu#ury! and the high cuisine all for him( -he corrects! that you#re such a gentleman that 4 $ust know that you#ll appropriate everythin" that 4 could ever want anyway( 8arl concurs! Fyoure right, actually 2 can,

8hapter 10V1 3nne#s *reakin" of the 5all

;ave you ever seen /he 1ocial -etwork= 3nne is foxier than that guy( ;ave you ever seen /he "atri#= 3nne is deeper than those guys. 8reatin" a new world isn#t easy to do! but 3nne does that! and does it a"ain( 3nne doesn#t have friends! she has associates( -he knows that capitalism makes an honest friend as rare as unobtanium on earth! but in her new world! authentic friends are as common as french&fries in /ew 3msterdam( 3nne sees a world where individuals don#t take advantage of one another! instead they love each other e#actly how they#d want to be loved( 7ach individual&lover studies how to love his%her beloved like scholars study computer science and mathematics today( -he sees a world where help is free! the disabled are cared for without interview! and wars! violence! and carelessness are unwritten social rules commonly understood to be detrimental to the individuals health on all soils( 3nne isn#t reli"ious( 1eli"ion is divisive( 3nne doesn#t believe( *elief is uncertain( 3nne knows her new world is as close as your senses! but you haven#t yet felt it( 'he prisons! the police stations! the hospitals! the churches! the businesses! the fast food restaurants! the car dealerships! and the internet porn make it e#hausting for you to feel it! but it#s there( 'o realise that help is free! you must acknowledge it! you must live it( -top counting chan"e! and start being chan"e( 5e#re already all in this to"ether because we all need help! and money isn#t enou"h! ownership is stressful! marria"e is frustrating! laws are insensitive! sti"mas are world-wide! and news is !essimistic and redundant( 4f that child#s bicycle was manufactured with a !rice-tag in mind! it was made from hate (malice) and causes much !ain (work) to "et it( 1acrifice is a re!ellant, inimical! un!re!ossessing word! and if a god is "reater than man! that "od would never support sacrifice( 'hat "od would support no e#cuses( *usinesses char"e prices that everyone can#t afford( 'his is unfair( 'his is universally wron"( 'his is racism! racism a"ainst the human race( 4ndividuals are valued by the work (pain) that they#ve put in for disability cases( 'his is racism a"ainst the human race( 4n order to survive! individuals must work! sustain !ain! endure stress! detach frustration! and displace s!ontaneity( 'his is racism a"ainst the human race( ;ave you heard of the +reen Devils= 5e are here! and we are not turnin" away from justice for the poor! and mercy for the rich( "y name is 3nne and 4 am a +reen Devil( "y name is 6ee and 4 am a +reen Devil( "y name is 8arl and 4 am a +reen Devil( "y name is Mark and 4 am a +reen Devil( "y name is -am and 4 am a +reen Devil( "y name is 6uke and 4#m a +reen Devil( 3nne asks Mark! Fdo you think those capitalists didn#t know we were comin"=G Mark answers! FFalse confidence often leads into dan"er! and capitalists and misguided workers are sufferin" from public drunkenness( 9e as +reen Devils only hope to "ive them baths, cheese and crackers! and coffee so that they sober up for everyones sake(G 6ee asks 6uke! Fdid they think that we didn#t have a plan all alon"=G 6uke answers! /heyve been living our !lan all along, 'he whole time that they thou"ht they were leading and starvin" their adversaries! we

were actually growing stron"er and innovatin" society beyond their beliefs(G -am asks 8arl! Fdid they think that the most downtrodden could not be saved for better use=G 8arl answers! F/e"ativity is death within( 'hat#s why our eyes o!en to see positivity around us( 4 soak up the li"ht eat nutrition because 4 know my life puts the fruit in fruition( 'he origin of my life is the origin of your life( 5e are all offsprin"(G 3nne! the world#s most infamous hacker could put 'ulian 0ssange to shame! but +reen Devils have no "uilt! and we plan out mistakes and 3nne#s next mistake is her largest yet( 3nne hacks every bank account! fatally disruptin" all bankin" procedures! ruining economical science as we know it! to! under her and 8arl#s leadership! distribute equal riches to every man! woman! and child in every city(center(across(the& world( 4f you haven#t received your free money yetO the +reen Devils Oare lookin" for you( 'he 7nd(

T$e )all Sub=unction

by official ku shi's autocriti@ue

From first word to last word 4 completed this novella under one sun and one moon( My proofreadin" was done over the curse of one week( 5hat is it about= 4t#s mostly about wordplay! as a writer( 'he 5all! is about people and the varieties! and differences you could discover in similar forms( 4t#s about bankruptin" expectations! and mutilatin" traditions( 4 heard some speculate it#s surreptitiously about overthrowin" the "overnments! but if anythin" close to that! it#s about bra2enly pauperi2in" the cultivation we#re menaced! and bulldo2ed! and pressuri2ed to accept( Mark starts off abnormal! absent&minded! and artistic( *ut swiftly into the story pro"ressively he#s shown to be numb! ridiculous! and thou"htless( /ot lon" after! he becomes discreet! orderly! and sober( ;e#s ever evolvin" and by the end! he#s maternal! mild! and "enerous! but always and throu"hout he was mercurial! an"elic! and deft( 4f he seems cold! it#s because he#s stoic( ;e#s a steadyhand when he#s miserable and he#s frank when he#s blue( ;e is ultimately naively supercilious( 6uke to me! seemed weak! ugly! and unhelpful( ;e was resourceful! revered! and imperturbable! but on him it was avera"e! dull! and cold( From the outside lookin" in! he looks la y! lame! and fussy! but he#s most beautiful mentally( ;e#s prudent! punctual! and hypercritical( *y the end! 4 can see that his fastidiousness makes him fabulous( ;is indefati"ability makes him inspirin"( 3nd his attentiveness makes him ama2in"( ;e was crucial in pivotin" the story( ,hil starts out "lutinous! hearty! and cordial( *ut how lon" can that last for anyone= 3nd that is what his bit 2eroed in on( 'owards the middle he seems moronic! sulky! and soulless! but that chan"es! but only a bit( ,hil doesn#t have much leeway( ;is idealism is lean and everyone around him seems to be clever( ,hil is as slothful as his products are volcanic( ;e#s self&assured! but he#s so un"uarded that it seems ostentatious( ;is demonic business of makin" everyone who fre@uents his home drunk is immodest and impressive( ;is intentions are nasty and sour! and 4 think his short&streak was lon"&winded( )n Iate( 5ho didn#t like Iate= Iate was the only ma$or character that didn#t seem to have ma$or "rowth till the end( Iate was brave! bri"ht! and brilliant throu"hout( 3t the be"innin"! when "ettin" to know her! 4

could see strai"htaway that she was powerful! practical! and proficient( -he was always keen! warm! and willing( -he was effortlessly respectful! responsible! and reassurin"( ;er independence made her sexy( ;er spirit made men touchy( Finally! her e"otism made her vulnerable( 3nne was the anticlimax( 5ith so much "oin" on in the story! one reader would ima"ine at the conclusion a hu"e spectacle( 5ell! it seems camaraderie is the only extrava"an2a the reader can "et( 3nne is meddlesome! competent! and conscientious( ;er sophistication is musical( 3nd her charm is ferocious( 3nne strikes me with serene dreaminess( -he#s benevolent enou"h to see what most are too drowsy to see( -he opens ones eyes to her lovelornness( -he challen"es the hateful! while makin" alert the "ro""y( 3nne is the world! delicate! tran@uil! unemotional( *y the end of the story! we see that it truly is about man#s wron"s! and that all that we need to place everyone in the best possible positions was invented alon" with our beatin" hearts( )ne can be mean and crabby or kind and ea"er( *e peaceful and positive or disa"reeable and distrustful( 4t#s about choices! but over all it#s about tolerance( 'o ;i"h 'olerance! 'he 3uthor(

Unre!ulated T$rillsee in! /T$e Best >uestions %art *1

by official ku shi's mystery
& 5hite Man 5hy don#t you want me to have welfare! ease of livin"! and a social advanta"e= Fox news 5hy must 4 be a couch potato! slouched forward to listen to criminal bystanders= ,arents 5hy does my nihilism and denial of lies make you fear lawlessness= /. 'imes 8riticism is an observation so why is my opinion not counted= 'eena"ers -uicide is self murder so why must you self destruct= 3lcoholics 4s your dependence an obsession or a habit= -elf 4s your isolation valuable when hidin" alone= +overnments ,rivacy is secrecy but is it worth the solitude= 3rtists 8reativity is a vision of ori"inality! is it not= 3narchists Does your rebellion re@uire the disobedience and dissent of the 9(-( forefathers! for they were dissenters as well= 8riminal Must your an"er and displeasure make everyone unhappy= ;omophobics 4s it your dis"ust and nauseation that is "eneratin" your loathin"= 5omen 4s ima"ination and insi"ht a re@uirement of wit=

3uthors 4s novelty truly a surprise without dernier cri= Ma"icians Does randomness and unpredictability trump your volatility= 1oyals Do you prefer altruism or kindness= -cholars 4s bein" new money of the self made or the profiteers= *usinessmen Does the elite and hi"h society have to be upper class= 8hristians 4f capitalism is competition! does the poor man stand a chance in democracy= ;umans ,arenthood is inestimable so shouldn#t motherhood and fatherhood be nonmono"amous=

T$e Russian And T$e Ar ansan

by official ku shi's classic
& 'he -outh( 8olored ,eople 'ime( 5hite 8ouple( 7mpty life but with alternative possibilities( /ow let us be"in( FQ*aby!R 4 can#t stand to see you lookin" like that( 4n all of 6ittle 1ock! you are the most pitiful! tired! and defenseless peace of rabbit shit(G says 'om bitterly( F'om! why must you speak to me like i am the $apanese! 4 am your wife! yet 4 feel like a do" with no kennel(G says Mary( Mary thinks, if i wasnt defenseless, id cause myself more harm than luck, with him drunk of anger if not moonshine and the evil eye he borrows just might have a real home in hell. 'om says! FMoll! if 4 suspect you thinkin" somethin" wron" about me! i will whip the truth out of you(G Mary says! FDarlin"! 4 only was thinkin" that 4 should be more appreciative of your kindness to me! your carin" of my wellbein"! and the thou"htfulness of your deeds(G 'om says! FDo 4 look like some $unky at the food and li@uor drivethru= .ou hit me with another fa""ot#s word like coddlin"ness! and 4#ll $ust have to "et even! now won#t i= 3nd you know how((G Mary interrupts! Fyou "et even(G 'om lowers his voice even deeper! F*imbo! if you cut me off! i#ll cut you off! with a knifeH ,lay with me a"ain *imbo! and you#ll be wishin" that you could mail for doctors(G 4n 'om#s words! F.ou know we live in the anti&ni""er backwoods! MollHG 3ll alone no one to call on! and no workin" phones! cookin" is done outside in a cauldron the si2e of a modern day washer or dryer machine! and huntin" is done by *imbo as 'om likes to call her! but she (Mary) also has every domestic task and chore to attend to under 'om#s fre@uently drunken penetratin" eye( 4t#s possible a shoulder&an"el whispered the situation of -ophia (Mary#s real name) to 'om when she crashed her car&lost&leavin" her stranded( 'his was about twenty six years a"o( -he was ei"hteen and him fourty four years stron"( 5e can say that she was adopted at a youn" a"e! but 'om would say at a ripe a"e for his "rowin"! nurturin"! and harvestin"( 'homas Denkins sicknin"ly raped and mass murdered his family for his fortieth birthday! after wishin" for their death by birthday cake candleli"ht( ;is former wife 1ebecca was three years youn"er than himA she was stabbed in the heart! dissected! molested after death! and her eyes are pickled still in the tool shed( ;is first born was ei"hteen by the name of 8oby and he was beheaded! butchered and ate in sections like livestock( ;is second born! 0alerie was a"ed fourteenA she had her neck snapped! ton"ue removed! and face peeled off for 'homas to wear as a mask for his ;allow#s 7ve parodies( ;is third born! a"ed ten! by the name of 8had was drowned by river#s side! then boiled to vapors in the cauldron( ;is youn"est! a"ed nine! named /ancy was suffocated in ash! and burned while crucified( -ophia has no family and if they#d be clueless enou"h to show up! 'homas Denkins would probably see to it

that there was no si"n of their visit havin" them craved by crows! rats! or coyotes( -he knows what he did to his family because he reminds her anytimes that she as he puts it! F-teps out of line(G -ophia after becomin" Mary in her first week in captivity and once about every year since! a baby has been born and resultin"ly drowned and left to be animal&feed( 'his is the Man! the Myth! the ;usband that is Iin" 'om( F.our charmin" kin"#s hun"ry! *imbo! don#t you know 4 "otta eatH=!G 'om complains(! lover! 4#ll whip up somethin" strai"htaway(!G Mary submits( 'om adds! F5hat is your hi"hness havin"= .ou know! if it#s not enou"h! i#m lockin" you *elow for hours at a time(G Mary says! F4s that necessary= 3ll that 4 do is serve you! hunt for you! clean for you! and care for all of your wardrobe(G 'om says! FMoll! you#re talkin" like you deserve somethin"( Must 4 remind you! that 4 took you in and that a $un"le&cat would#ve had your arse for supper! if it wasn#t for my "odliness to stoop to your cocksuckin" level(G Mary says! F-o! that#s it! 4#m $ust a pair of lips to you=H=G 'om says! F3 pair of lips= *imbo! you#re more like four lips! two tits! and a bum wide enou"h to please $esus#s muleHG Mary attempts to cool the flame! F'o this day! 4 can#t see why someone as ma"ical as the messiah didn#t "o alon" and ride a unicorn(G 'om says! F5hat is thatH .ou know what 4 said about your little fantasies( .ou were supposed to contain that in your numbskull! and what#s that you say about our lord and saverH= 4#m "oin" to kill you *imboHG Mary demonically screams! FMy name is -ophiaaaaaaaaaHHHG -he with a runnin" headstart! $umps! strai"htens plank&like in mid&air! "oin" fast as shootin" stars! headbutts his sternum (dead center)! he ricochets back @uick as a bullet! and speakin" of ammunition! she uplifts the -mith and 5esson E&shot revolver he treasures on his hip at all times! empties all bullets! but leavin" one! she roll&spins the cylinder with a stron" wheel&of&fortune momentum! looks off to the side like she heard the door! stops the cylinder rotation randomly! turns her head back around! locks in on 'om#s neck&lump! not even seein" the "un! while knowin" the power! she pulls the tri""er! and the (<?C caliber pierces and impales 'homas Denkins third eye! makin" certain he sees no more( -ince the comedic&tra"edy that is the endin" of :ing 'enkinss life! -ophia (not mary) has started a new life! absolutely denouncin" marria"e! and all thin"s de"radin" by society! like re"ional reli"ion! anti&self& "overnment! and false authority( -he#s a feminist&purist like the earth which some call "aia( -he works at the ;ilton company until the revolution( 3uthor#s note ('om died at a dorian "rayish a"e C0( 3nd word is! -ophia has "otten a tattoo that reads! F'o 1oulette with 1ussiaG)

by official ku shi's fiction

*elow ('1'3 ,re@uel)

,ersonal Dedication 'o my lover&puppy +(T(
-till -outhern 'homas Denkins is a youn" man in a"e F4 don#t have to worry one bit about anything! Damal!G says 'homas( Damal says! F4 don#t see why you would! with everyone thinkin" you#re some kind of savant(G 'om! F'hat#s a fancy word! Damal! you two& timin" me with another master=G Damal pauses( 'om says! F'hat&there is a rhetorical @uestion! so! there#s no need of your answerin" it(G ;e continues! F4f 4 even had the slightest thou"ht of your disloyalty! 4#d have you fed to the wolfpack of my good friend! Dave(G Damal hunches over! like a submissive .orkie(G 'homas thinkin" to himself! F'hat#s right! as lon" as 4 stay ahead of these niggers! these jewish

communists and keep my family pure and rich( 4#ll be one bad son of a gun( /ow! where did that egg!lant learn that word! savant= Makes me think that he#s been in my study( 4 ou"hta whip(him ten lashes for even "ivin" rise to my doubts( ;e steps on his front porch! soakin" in the scenery( 'homas Denkins! says! F4#ve "ot all this land and not a parent in si"ht(G F63-;*38I > .731- ';)M3- 4- 1E F4 do what 4 want! when 4 want! how 4 want!G says 'om( 'om#s Father Mr Denkins says! F4f that#s so! it#s only because you were meant to be male! since you were only a drips@uirt( 5e as men are su!erior un@uestionably! and these halfbreeds we call women! must obey us((ri"ht hookerH= 'om#s mother Mrs Denkins says!! of course sir(G Mr Denkins says!! sir! will do just fine(G Mrs Denkins sir(G 'om#s! F-ay D(! you#ve surely "ot her trained(G Mr Denkins F7ver since we were around your a"e! youn" one! we would set out to have three hundred&sixty five new members shined and polished (licked and sucked) year by year till we had you( 'hose were the days huh *imboH=G Mrs Denkins .es! sir( 3t hi"h school! in 1ea"an -econdary! 'homas Denkins&top student&"rade 3 honor roll&of the nerd disposition! sits front row and center of Mr Iyle#s Methamphetamine 8hemistry course( 'oday! 'om doesn#t have the best of mindsets! as he sits! daydreamin" of his father&,astor Dim#s last sermon about seein" only one woman! not thinkin" dirty thou"hts! and not takin" the lord#s name in vainOMr Iyle calls on 'om! F3nd what does the ori"inal -udafed metaboli2e into when consumed=G 'om "uesses! FMethamphetamine=G Mr Iyle says! F1i"ht! now you see classO3s Mr Iyle fades into the back"round! 'om deeply feels that he wants more for his life like killin" a runaway slave for selfdefense! or murderin" a rene"ade prostitute for the "reater "ood! or stuffin" his 8hemistry teacher in the school#s basement incinerator because he talks too much( 'om murmers out loud! F9nder the law! every crime is $ustified(G 3 student left of him named 1uth looks at him with raised eyebrows! then slants her flat thin lips( 4t#s the second month into the last school year for him! but 'om& has had enou"h so he&stands up! says! F6ook Mr I! 4 see you want us all to be successful! 4 know the principal wants me to master the "raduation ceremonies! and we all heard that 4 had unprotected premarital sex with the superintendant#s ei"ht year old dau"hter! so let#s stop kiddin" ourselves! I! release me or 4 will eat you(G Mr Iyle with clear astonisment written all over his face! says! F9mOsoOlookO'om is his name! he is a student! he sits in the front of the classWhis robo&technics pauses finally for him to faint! break his neck on his desk! and head facin" the same direction as his tail (like an owl)! lies in his leak of blood( 'he whole class "asps at once! silence follows and inundates what seems like the whole world( 'om declares! F4 have four brand&new yearbooks! all from this school( 4f 4 find anyone of you said that 4 had anythin" to do with occult&8/-&dopaminer"ic& psychokinetic&selfprophetic&manipulation! then you will suffer Mr I#s fate(G 7ach of the children in assembly line fashion! rise up from their chairs and march slowly to the principal#s office like braindead 2ombies on heroin overdoses( 3*)9' : M)/';- 63'71 Mr Denkins (>>) F8on"ratulations son! you#ve officially "raduated with honors and a "ifted outlook( 4t says so ri"ht here in today#s letter from your school( )ut of respect for manhood alone is why 4 have manufactured silence between us the last couple of months! but 4 never doubted you( .es! 4((G 'om says! F7nou"h ,a! 4#m not "oin" to be callin" your bets anymore( 4#m callin" you whatever 4 want! like any old whore! and as for "rs 'enkins! she#s "oin" to be owned and controlled by me if you aren#t man enou"h to possess her( +ot it=G ;e looks at his father without blinkin"O F+ot it!G Dim Denkins ashamedly returns( 'om says! F3nd 4#ve been seein" Dave#s dau"hter&you know! the ;ave you didn#t want me seein"OG Mrs D( says! F5ell it#s because he#s so old andOG Mr D( F-hut up! ha"H 'om do what you want but 4 heard that rebecca&"irl is known as *lowjob 8hampion by the football s@uad(G 5ith a runnin" headstart! 'om sprints at his father like a linebacker full speed! hydraulic&pumps his ri"ht shoulder into Dim#s "ut! leanin" him back! and as Dim falls under 'om#s wei"ht! 'om lifts from under the body Dim#s le"s causin" Dim to belly& flop as he lands but on his back( 'his Fhuman&spearG that 'om performed has knocked Dim out cold( 5ith tools and e@uipment of all kinds in this hell&hole! 'om from out the shed! brin"s into the scene handcuffs& one pair for his mother and one pair for his father( -ince his mother is the mobile one he locks her up first! onto the hallway#s furnace&her! on her knees! with her arms&extended in front of her( 'hen! 'om locks Dim at the wrists with both Dim#s arms uncomfortably surroundin" an ei"ht inch thick painted steel architectural

stability pole that is impossible to break in half if you#re not 'he ;ulk( 'om steps out of his homemade $eans! leaves his shirt on! walks over towards his mother ,am to kneel down and comb her lon" silky brown locks with his hyperextended fin"ers( ;is bloodpressure is buildin"! his innerwolf is howlin"! his phallus is swellin"! he shifts her pelvis to be latin&american custom&close! his sex&symbol points at her soaky! slobberin" pink cove of his ori"in! and he flies into the no&"o&2one! strokin" her cleava"e! and beatin" her cheeks with his hardened thi"hs in the -tairway to ;eaven position( Dave#s walkin" in the wide&open front& door accompanys ,am#s climaxin"( 'om whips his head around! and without pause! barks! FDave! 4 seen you fuckin" your "oats! if 4 hear one word of this! you#re pi" shitHG Dave runs off like anyone with a brain( ';7 /7M' D3. 3' 8;918; )ne mi"ht crave to see F8hild rapes >1 year old Mother!G in the papers! but it#s business as usual as Dim "ives his sermon! on pride( F'he devil wants you to obey him! and to love him and trust him! but that will lead you wron"( 4t says! ri"ht here in Mark <? :J Man came out of the waters so that he wouldn#t have to fi"ht sharks anymore! and here in 6ee :: <1 5omen came from the heavens on 9F)#s to "ive up to men thy fanny(G 5e must follow this law! we must play the "ospel to our heartbeats! and we must han" more ni""ers( -ay it with meG&the entire con"ress&G;an" more ni""ersH ;an" more ni""ersH ;an" more ni""ersHG Dim F3nd that#s what +od wants from us( 5e "et bacon and e""s in heaven with $esus later(G 7veryone cheers! except 'homas( 3' -9,,71 /o one#s talkin"&in ten minutes&so 'om breaks the ice( F4 heard 'M4 at today#s sermon that could affect all of us! ne"atively(G ,am F'M4=G Dim F5hat is it=G 'om F4t#s too much information! you rednecksHG ,am F5as that a $oke=G Dim G/o where near as funny as 6arry the 8able +uy#s one&liners(G 'om Gyou know! 4 think it#s unfortunate that you all are holy !antsed(G ,am F;uh=G Dim F;uh=G 'om G/hats a $okeH /ow listen! 4 overheard -usan and 1icky in church today! talkin" about a rumor of 'he Denkins#s&us&as bein" the masterminds and operators behind reli"ious&fraud and financial&scammin"(G ,am G/ow! how couldOG 'om G4 don#t wanna hear anythin" but an explanation! and may 4 remind you all that 4 $ust "raduated from 1ea"an -econdary as a "ifted litterateur! so 4 know how rumors work(G ,am looks at Dim( Dim says! F6ookOG 'om says! FDon#t lie to me(G Dim clears his throat! F4 never thou"ht it#d "et this farOG 'om corrects! F.ou mean! you didn#t think anyone would find out(G Dim F.esOG 'om F5asn#t a @uestion(G ,am F,lease tell him!G not wantin" to see 'om upset( Dim FDon#t "et your panties in a bunch! ,amela! so! my blood! my fleshOG 'om becomin" impatient says! FDust say itHG Dim nods! F5e steal( 5e overchar"e them before! durin"! and after service( 5e char"e them for thin"s we don#t deliver and char"e for their seats even!&in the records&as reservations( 5e use nonprofit and charity names to promote donations publically but privately we profit from embe22lement and larceny( -ome of the older churchmembers can be exploited to Fdonatin"G more than the others by tellin" them that the profit mar"ins on their investments are widenin"O'om says!G4t helps when they#re in a good mood! doesnt it=G Dim nods( ,am cries( 'om says! F4#ll "et to the bottom of this(G : 577I- 63'71 3t breakfast! -unday! before 8hurch! 'om says! F+ood news(G ,am says! F)h! are you and *ecca back to"ether=G 'om says! F/o! *imboHG Dim lau"hs "enerously( 'om smirks! F'he rooster doesn#t lie about the sunrise! the spread of the rumor be"an with 1icky and -usan(G ,am says( F4 knew itHG 'om backhands her! Dim backhands him( 7veryone is stunned( 'om says! F4f 4 wasn#t ::! 4#d kill you(G Dim and ,am look at each other in a state of emer"in" confusion( ,am says! F-ometimes 4 lie about my a"e(G Dim tells her she#s fat( 'om says! he won#t be "oin" to mornin"&serviceA he has huntin" to do( : 577I- 63'71 3t supper! a"ain and a"ain and a"ain! Dim and ,am nervously look up at 'om then look away as he#s eatin"( 'om substitutes the silence! F-peak now or be hacked to pieces(G 'hey both say! F5ellOG Dim says! F.ou "o(G ,am F/o you(G 'om says! F4#m daydreaming of a cleaver(G Dim says! F9ord is that cou!le that started that ugly, untrue! and incredible rumor have "one missin"(G Dim and ,am look at 'om in want of an

explanation( 'om shru"s and says! F4#m "oin" to the drive&in with 1ebecca(G ;e says adios wetbacks and thou"htlessly slams the front&door( ,am looks at Dim! Dim at ,am! and they both shru"( ';)M3- D7/I4/- '91/- :0 -unday at breakfast! Dim says! F4#m so enthused to have you co&minister with me in a couple hoursHG 'om says! sardonically! FMe((too((G ,am smiles and rubs her tummy( (Dim looks at her with 'he&.ou&*est&/ot& *e&,re"nant&*itch&6ook() Dim F'oday we have a special "uest toni"ht! my son( /homas Denkins! but if he#s gracious enou"h to mingle with you afterward! you can just call him /om( 'om=G 'om F'oday 4 want to talk about !eccadillo( 2 live! you live! we all live( 5e shouldn#t have to need to put up with or be scared of petty crimes( 3nd i#m not talkin" about the slave ni""er that breaks his leg! or the baby that fell for"ettin" to protect his head! no! 4#m talkin" about us( 9e need to know that to wank with an ima"e of our bosses in our head is admissible( Iillin" our sisters&for +od&because she slapped&u"lies once! or she has co!ious amounts of booty&sex! with ni""ers is eternally relevant( 'here#s nothing more warranted than fuckin" the brains out of an afro&wearin" gutter&slut (for white power) when you#re out there slumming it! as lon" as you double bag your hard three inches of bone( 3t this point! Dim snatches the microphone and says! F)&I!Gwith a look of bewilderment( 'homas thinks 2 was done anyway( Dim wraps up with! FOand you heard my son! in the name of "od! fuck prostitutes&"enerally speakin"&and fuck ni""er&"irls in the ass! in the headstand position! "ot it=G 7veryone in unison says! F+ot itHG 3 577I +)7- *. *reakfast on this special -unday tastes unbelievably sweet! but it#s the same old bacon! "rits! sausa"e! and e""s( 'om says! F4 know 4 haven#t expressed appreciation in e#actly fifteen years! ten months! three weeks! two days! seventeen hours! nine minutes! and fourty&two seconds! but 4 am e#tremely thankful for today#s dish( ,am throws her dish at the wall! shatterin" it( Dim upturns the table( 'om push&slides back in his seat( ,am be"ins to cry( Dim says! F4#m "oin" to the church(G 'om says! F'he church is closed! remember=G Dim says! F.ou must#ve not "otten the memorandum! it was only to be closed for a week#s worth of renovation and repairs(G 'om F)h! for a minute 4 thou"ht my father was 1ob Ford(G Dim F/ever heard of him(G 'om F'he year twenty&thirteen did(G ('he writer pauses for the reader() O ,am is cryin"( Dim says! F4f 4 wasn#t scared of you! 4#d be scared for you(G 'om says! F3nd for that! 4#m not attendin" church this blessed mornin"(G Dim leaves( ,am is cryin"( Dim returns home in less than half an hour( 'homas is fuckin" 1ebecca&'ower of ,isa position in the bathroom( ,am "ot to see 1ebecca striptease( Dim hovers pass ,am in a blur( ;e opens the door of the bathroom late enou"h for 'om to luckily climax! but early enou"h to unluckily catch the cumshot in the eye( 'om says! F-orry but i#m not sorry(G 1ebecca says! F.ou for"ot the hashta"(G Dim says! F;ashta"! "et the fuck outHG 'om says! F'hat#s what she said(G 'he writer thou"ht! FMy arm hurts(G 'he reader doesn#t care( 1ebecca! ,am! 'homas! and Dim meet to"ether in the loun"e to play verbal&ta"( Dim says! F4 don#t wanna speak with 1ebecca here(G 1ebecca says! FMy father says! that anythin" new that reaches my ears directs me to a window of opportunity(G Dim says! F.ou must#ve not received the news(G 1ebecca @uestions! Fis that slang Mr Denkins= 4 know Dave is at $ury duty for his runaway brother#s trialO4 didn#t think anyone else knew thou"h(G 1ebecca has 'he&3m&4&-tupid=&Face( (Dim looks like he knows the answer() Dim says! G 4 spoke to seven police officers at the church this mornin"OG 'om asks! F0nd=G Dim F5ell! they were confused! the "overnment#s "ettin" involved! andOG F3ndG& 1ebecca cuts in&Gmy father said that in his dream! a double a"ent told him that capitalism is "ettin" overturned in fifty years time(G Dim says! Fanyway! all of the con"re"ation is dead(G ,am with a wow&face says! F3ll of them=G Dim F3ll two hundred of our bread and butter(G 1ebecca F*read and butter=G 'om F5ho do you think did it! 3liens or Desus=G ,am lau"hs to her death( 1ebecca F4#m hun"ry(G Dim screams to -aturn! F8all an ambulanceHG 1ebecca says! F4#m "oin" to "c;onalds(G 'om follows her

like twitter( )n the way to the hospital one hundred miles away on a nine speed mountain bike! ,am on his shoulders like olympic barbells! in blood colored rain! "a2illion locusts flippin"&n&flyin" about! and a one thousand eyed beast wearin" )xfords in the middle of the road! Dim meets a pothole! the bike does a vertical three sixty&lands on wheels and! "hostrides down the street pushed unar"uably strai"ht and steady by the western wind&Dim#s le" broken! and ,am still dead! but Dim can#t spell quit so he hopalon" cassidy but he can#t decipher the saviour#s code so in excuse he screams to neptune! F4#m un"overnable! bitchHG 6i"htnin" bla2es down from the heavens! leavin" Dim with $ust enou"h air to breathe( 3s @uick as Dim thinks to say! 4#m alive! another li"htnin" bolt ends his love( 1ebecca and 'homas return from McDonald#s and the 5al"reens ,harmacy to a home full of detectives! police! forensics! clowns! monkies! doctors! and a "host( 'he moral of this "roups# story is his parents died on the same day! 3cts of +od on the death certificates( 'he "host whispers into 1ebecca#s ear! 1ebecca into 'homas# ear like 'elephone! that he should expect a lum!&sum of two million dollars within a months time( O-o 'homas runs out of the estate headin" away from Dave#s plantation "rounds! him! and one million slaves&behind them the booby trapped mansion e#!lodes in a mushroom cloud of smoky fireO'homas returns home hoodrich but not hoodwinked( ;is wife *ecca says! F-o how#d it "o down=G 'om cups his scrotum throu"h his $eans with one hand! and says! FDave always said that he was a $ock so 4 beat his face in till it looked like a rottin" football(G *ecca cheers! F;oorayH /ow 4#m freeHG Damal&a runaway! sufferin" from drapetomania& says! F5ill y#all name the baby after me=G 'hey both shout! F-hut up DamalHG Damal mumbles under his breath! F*itch&ass bitch(G 'om spread a rumor that he killed everyone within a five hundred mile radius of his plantation( *ecca spreads rumor that he did it for no reason( &'o be continued& 'om admits! F4#m "oin" to need more slaves to build an all black militia(G 7M'131umor number : ;e had sex with each con"re"ational member after he killed them( 1umor < ;e ate his parents( 1umor > ;e isn#t human( 1umor ? ;e#s a "od(

T$e Russian And T$e Ar ansan

by official ku shi's classic
& 'he -outh( 8olored ,eople 'ime( 5hite 8ouple( 7mpty life but with alternative possibilities( /ow let us be"in( FQ*aby!R 4 can#t stand to see you lookin" like that( 4n all of 6ittle 1ock! you are the most pitiful! tired! and

defenseless peace of rabbit shit(G says 'om bitterly( F'om! why must you speak to me like i am the $apanese! 4 am your wife! yet 4 feel like a do" with no kennel(G says Mary( Mary thinks! if i wasnt defenseless, id cause myself more harm than luck, with him drunk of anger if not moonshine and the evil eye he borrows just might have a real home in hell. 'om says! FMoll! if 4 suspect you thinkin" somethin" wron" about me! i will whip the truth out of you(G Mary says! FDarlin"! 4 only was thinkin" that 4 should be more appreciative of your kindness to me! your carin" of my wellbein"! and the thou"htfulness of your deeds(G 'om says! FDo 4 look like some $unky at the food and li@uor drivethru= .ou hit me with another fa""ot#s word like coddlin"ness! and 4#ll $ust have to "et even! now won#t i= 3nd you know how((G Mary interrupts! Fyou "et even(G 'om lowers his voice even deeper! F*imbo! if you cut me off! i#ll cut you off! with a knifeH ,lay with me a"ain *imbo! and you#ll be wishin" that you could mail for doctors(G 4n 'om#s words! F.ou know we live in the anti&ni""er backwoods! MollHG 3ll alone no one to call on! and no workin" phones! cookin" is done outside in a cauldron the si2e of a modern day washer or dryer machine! and huntin" is done by *imbo as 'om likes to call her! but she (Mary) also has every domestic task and chore to attend to under 'om#s fre@uently drunken penetratin" eye( 4t#s possible a shoulder&an"el whispered the situation of -ophia (Mary#s real name) to 'om when she crashed her car&lost&leavin" her stranded( 'his was about twenty six years a"o( -he was ei"hteen and him fourty four years stron"( 5e can say that she was adopted at a youn" a"e! but 'om would say at a ripe a"e for his "rowin"! nurturin"! and harvestin"( 'homas Denkins sicknin"ly raped and mass murdered his family for his fortieth birthday! after wishin" for their death by birthday cake candleli"ht( ;is former wife 1ebecca was three years youn"er than himA she was stabbed in the heart! dissected! molested after death! and her eyes are pickled still in the tool shed( ;is first born was ei"hteen by the name of 8oby and he was beheaded! butchered and ate in sections like livestock( ;is second born! 0alerie was a"ed fourteenA she had her neck snapped! ton"ue removed! and face peeled off for 'homas to wear as a mask for his ;allow#s 7ve parodies( ;is third born! a"ed ten! by the name of 8had was drowned by river#s side! then boiled to vapors in the cauldron( ;is youn"est! a"ed nine! named /ancy was suffocated in ash! and burned while crucified( -ophia has no family and if they#d be clueless enou"h to show up! 'homas Denkins would probably see to it that there was no si"n of their visit havin" them craved by crows! rats! or coyotes( -he knows what he did to his family because he reminds her anytimes that she as he puts it! F-teps out of line(G -ophia after becomin" Mary in her first week in captivity and once about every year since! a baby has been born and resultin"ly drowned and left to be animal&feed( 'his is the Man! the Myth! the ;usband that is Iin" 'om( F.our charmin" kin"#s hun"ry! *imbo! don#t you know 4 "otta eatH=!G 'om complains(! lover! 4#ll whip up somethin" strai"htaway(!G Mary submits( 'om adds! F5hat is your hi"hness havin"= .ou know! if it#s not enou"h! i#m lockin" you *elow for hours at a time(G Mary says! F4s that necessary= 3ll that 4 do is serve you! hunt for you! clean for you! and care for all of your wardrobe(G 'om says! FMoll! you#re talkin" like you deserve somethin"( Must 4 remind you! that 4 took you in and that a $un"le&cat would#ve had your arse for supper! if it wasn#t for my "odliness to stoop to your cocksuckin" level(G Mary says! F-o! that#s it! 4#m $ust a pair of lips to you=H=G 'om says! F3 pair of lips= *imbo! you#re more like four lips! two tits! and a bum wide enou"h to please $esus#s muleHG Mary attempts to cool the flame! F'o this day! 4 can#t see why someone as ma"ical as the messiah didn#t "o alon" and ride a unicorn(G 'om says! F5hat is thatH .ou know what 4 said about your little fantasies( .ou were supposed to contain that in your numbskull! and what#s that you say about our lord and saverH= 4#m "oin" to kill you *imboHG Mary demonically screams! FMy name is -ophiaaaaaaaaaHHHG -he with a runnin" headstart! $umps! strai"htens plank&like in mid&air! "oin" fast as shootin" stars! headbutts his sternum (dead center)! he ricochets back @uick as a bullet! and speakin" of ammunition! she uplifts the -mith and 5esson E&shot revolver he treasures on his hip at all times! empties all bullets! but leavin" one! she roll&spins the cylinder with a stron" wheel&of&fortune momentum! looks off to the side like she heard the door! stops the cylinder rotation randomly! turns her head back around! locks in on 'om#s neck&lump! not even seein" the "un! while knowin" the power! she pulls the tri""er! and the (<?C caliber pierces and impales 'homas Denkins third eye! makin" certain he sees no more( -ince the comedic&tra"edy that is the endin" of :ing 'enkinss life! -ophia (not mary) has started a new life! absolutely denouncin" marria"e! and all thin"s de"radin" by society! like re"ional reli"ion! anti&self& "overnment! and false authority( -he#s a feminist&purist like the earth which some call "aia(

-he works at the ;ilton company until the revolution( 3uthor#s note ('om died at a dorian "rayish a"e C0( 3nd word is! -ophia has "otten a tattoo that reads! F'o 1oulette with 1ussiaG)

by official ku shi's trilo"y
8ivil 5ar 'homas Denkins P Friends & 'hree days behind bein" shot in his mask between his eyebrows! 'homas Denkins has risen from the dead bein" the resultin" action of Damal#s expressin"! F;ow is 4 "onna "ive out masser#s dollars and cents and thin"s=G 6ike the whisper of material wealth#s spellbindin" as a necromancer! electrical impulses! adrenaline#s spontaneous production! and a bit of cocaine dropped into his nasal passa"es follicles by Damal! 'homas Denkins has become alive a"ain( 5ell! undead! but movin" about @uite well in absence of pain&and! well! pleasure too( Damal bucks his eyes surprised! and sasy! FMasser! 4 was $uss "ivin the heavens a long prayer! lettin them know what 4 think uh them tryin to take my masser away too early(G 'om says! F'hat#s !rematurely Damal!G as he picks up the revolver used on him! reloadin" it with five bullets! then tellin" 'amal! F8ould you side-ste! about five feet to the left=!G bein" a bit stiff in his shoulders! then before you know it! he shoots Damal in the same head&spot which was sus!osably fatal to 'homas&ri"ht between his eyebrows( 'om yawns! F5hat a releaseH /ow to "et back to bein" me(G 'om rin"s his slave&bell! motivatin" five slaves to come runnin" into his @uarters to a scene of too much blood! a dead slave by the name of Damal! and a master with a head transparently holy( )ne Uone says! F+od is +ood! Master(G 'homas says! F3ll the time! now clean up this waste of space from my floor! 1oyal! and 7ssex! help him with his burial out back(G )n "oes 1oyal and 7ssex to finish the master#s dirty& work( 3fter lickin" his lips with an improper salivary response! Iey&low asks! F9h! 'homas! what is the matter with your head=G 'om says! F*oy! 4 think that#s the first @uestion you#ve asked me outside of Ncan 4 have a !rivate stash of cocaine# every week(G )xford! says!G-o are you dead! master=G 'homas says! 4 am 2ombie! ni""ers&officially one animated corpse raised by ma"ical means(G Uone shows off his idea of 2ombie walk with the accompanyin" lon" and low moans! and the drawn out "roans to match alon" then says! F-elf loathin" comes seperately(G 'homas says FUone! althou"h 4 am dead! 4 will still break my foot off in your ass! literally(G Uone wipes the stupid look from his face like Mary 'odd 6incoln then 1oyal and 7ssex return lookin" undeniably more filthier than when they had left( 'om says! F+ood! you two are back in time to hear this( 6isten up! ni""ers! there#s two thin"s which 4 must tell you& one& 4 am in no way fictional! and two&that which is already dead cannot be killed any further(G Iey&low lau"hs then stops when 'homas shoots him a look( 'homas adds! F4 have been dead all the while you slave&ni""ers were in the fields workin" sky&hi"h on cocaine(G Iey&low says! F4#m the hi"hest boss(G 'homas says! F5ell "ood! but you are still a lowly ni""er to me(G )xford asks! F5hat would like us to do 'homas=G 'om 5ell 4#m glad you asked )xford( *ein" at ten

million ni""ers stron" and countless deaths deep! 4 see us winnin" this here 8ivil 5ar( Uone ;ow so= 'om 5e will storm the union at ;ollywood 8alifornia! 8hica"o 4llinois! and /ew .ork 8ity /ew .ork takin" over every hostile re"ion as we spread out from center( 1oyal 4 think that#ll workH 'om 4 know it#ll work&mars told me! then hades! then poseidon( Four slaves! besides! )xford! looks at each other in awe! who says! F5hat else did death "ive you before returnin" to us=G 'om 5ell after 4 was shot between my eyes by that no "ood bitch! 4 knew that 4 was dead and 4 was pissed off( *ut then there was an onslau"ht of li"ht which "ave me my life review! and in exchan"e for my chronic sleep apnea 4 "ot a life !review( 3nd instead of stoppin" there bein" the entrepreneur that 4 am! 4 traded my lun" and heart disease for military expertise and the securin" of victory( Uone asks! F-o you#re sayin" that we#ve already won=G 'om says! F4t#s already written(G 7ssex 'his sounds like funH Uone 4#ll be your frontlineH 1oyal 4#ll take care of the pep&talkin"( Iey&low 4#m "onna need more cokeH )xford 4#ll be responsible for improvin" the slave&militia#s competency! literacy! and military ability( 7ssex 4#m "onna "o cra2yH < M)/';- 63'71 1oyal 3lri"ht it#s half time( 5e know that you all are slaves (like he isn#t) but )xford has prepared! cultivated! and enli"htened you all to not think like slaves anymore( 'he future rests in all of our hands( )ur administrator has defied death in li"ht of $oinin" us in this celebration! a "raduation of impoverished communities to hi"h culture! more food! more liberty! and more economic stimulus( 'he /orth cannot see us comin" like the nocturnal in day( 5e are the -outhern unit! unified in mission! di"nity! power! and prophecies( 3s they read from +erman or French literature! we train and try ourselves till no error( 3s they han" their heads over coffee tables! we extend with mi"ht! enforce with audacity! and rise with 8haosH 'oday you all become menH .ou all become oneH .ou all become me! 'homas! )xford! Uone! 7ssex! and Iey&low( 5e have the tools and so now we will fashion the architecture which will draw attention from afar and encoura"in" embrace from anear( )ur families will show praise to us and our masters would award us in this and the successive life( Do you feel meH= Do you feel itH= 8an you take itH= 5ill you take themH= Iey&low faints of an overdose but everyone else chants! chatters! cheers! and waves in reco"nition and perceivin" of the most "lorious of private rallies in all of history( D3. *7F)17 531 )xford 5e don#t hold the missin" piece to our pu22le and in less than a day is our deadline( Iey&low 5e aren#t low on cokeO7ssex 4 haven#t e$aculated since 1oyal#s monolo"ue( Uone 4 couldn#t be anymore ready than now( 1oyal .es you would if you had ever fou"ht a war before( Uone 5ord= 1oyal 5e have no pra"matic "uidance outside of you&Uone amidst our runnin" act of defendin"( Uone 5ord= 1oyal 'he defense of our principlesO Dust then! 'homas walks to the boys# circle and says! F.ou#ve probably been wonderin" how methodically are we pullin" this fixed battle offOit#s really easy! and that#s why i#ve waited for this lon"( 5e will use a +uerilla *lit2krie" strate"y which is like havin" no strate"y! but to win( )xford "uesses! F'his will never work out in favor of us(G 'homas executes him dead( Iey&low estimates! F'here isn#t enou"h coke in columbia for that(G 'homas "asses him dead! then asks! F3nybody else=G Uone shakes his head! Fno(G 1oyal 4#m still as ready as 4 had been at the immaculate conception of this "rand event of the millennium( 7ssex says F4#m "onna "o cra2y(G 53181. 3fter landslidin" at ;ollywood 8alifornia! and /ew .ork 8ity! the men are floodin" both sides of 8hica"o! surprisin" the enemy and leavin" them no time to reconsider( Uone char"es ahead! no clothin"! no armor! painted face! and submachine "uns( ;e hasn#t took a bullet yet and neither has 7ssex and 1oyal( 3s they kill off the last of the bunch of about a half million! the boys are startin" to realise they have made history forever( Uone takes his last sin"le competitor out before he looks to his ri"ht seein" 1oyal en"rave his

si"nature of eatin" 11 hearts of men! and 1 eyeball( 7very enemy has been slau"htered coldly like by sava"es( 3ll but 7ssex looks about the battlefield in pride! who is rapin" the moderate amount of :> dead men( Uone&from one of the bodies 1oyal already defiled&saws off a head at its neck( ;e peels the covera"e of skin away from its bone! like an oran"e fruit( ;e then! sculpts and hammers away till he has only the brain carria"e of the skull remainin"( ;e pours in it 8alifornian )ran"e Muskato from his wineskin then toasts his comrades! Fto us(G 3fter the confederacy#s win of the war! they not only banned feminism! but femininity! and female( 'he /ew -outhern ,atriot 7@uality 3ct $ailed any and all humanoids with female sex or"ans! only temporarily bailin" them out for need of birth and end of life companionship of the elderly( 'homas lives peacefully! nonbreathin" in a cave nowhere near our universe(

by official ku shi's astrolo"y
& this house i live in can be taken at anytime the wheels under car would stop spinnin anytime these clothes on my back aren#t really mine these shoes on my feet are above nines the member in my knickers is above nine cloud J dru"s are antibiotics that#s anti&life! not anti&problem i#m anti you! because you anti solve Nem i#m solvent! solved! the solution! you#re salty i#m vir"o! leo! scorpio! 8apricorn&bossy you wished you could make love like my taurus you wished you could have sex on film like my aries you wished you could build a world like this pisces you wished for you to be loved for you like my a@uarius "emini twins on the libra scales are struck like sa"ittarius cancer takes all! like the shadow of barnabas insecurity(

Ku S$i;s Rebirt$: About :ane

by official ku shi's science
*e"innin" 3fter Dane had her sex chan"e! she Ns havin" a hard time ad$ustin" to wearin" a penis( 7nd Dane was found! starved to death! in one apartment she couldn#t find her way out ofA compliments to a 6-D bin"e and crash(

T$e H@ndlin!
by official ku shi's superlife

& /o! call Mono! he has better "reens! says David to 3llen( 1in" 1in"! Mono picks up! F5hat#s up=G 3llen says! F.eah! 4 wanted some herb man! you holdin" any=G Mono )f course! man! how many#d you need= 3llen Dust like < or > "rams( Mono ;ave that bill (S100) ready and 4#ll be on my way( 4#m on bike( 3llen 3lri"ht dude! no prob! take your time but not too lon"( Mono 4 "ot you( Mono shows up packin" at least <0 or >0 "rams of 5hite 5idow mari$uana strain&kind bud( ;e knocks on 3llen#s door in *rooktown( Inock knock! 3llen opens up( 3llen 8ome in man! no time to waste( Mono lau"hs and enters( 3llen we#re in the basement( Mono Down we "o to "et hi"h! that#s ironic( Mono lau"hs( 3llen )h! we can roll it here but 4 thou"ht we#d smoke outside like at the park probably( Mono -ounds "ood( 3llen .ou "ot somethin" to roll in ri"ht= Mono 4 "ot one bowl! one chillum! and like ? ,hillies blunts( 3llen 3wesomeH 4n the basement! David says! F+lad you#re here manHG Mono 3wesome( 3llen says! F5ell 4 "ot >0S ri"ht here and David has >0S and are you matchin" us with : "rams or what=G Mono says! F4 can do that for now( 'hat#s fine(G Mono proceeds to roll two blunts of stuffed proportion( David 4 can#t believe you fit < "rams in each blunt( 'hat#s fuckin" insane( 3llen 4 know ri"ht! let#s "o tokeH Mono 4#m ri"ht behind y#all( 7veryone hops on bikes( 4t#s $ust before twili"ht! and Mono is wonderin" if the party ends after the smokin" session! but he has to live to find out( 7veryone makes it to the park in about fifteen minutes flat( Mono says!G5ow! dude! 4 won#t even act like 4#m nervous about this spot( David 5hy! cu2 it#s a children#s park= Mono ,retty much! but isn#t that an undercover#s car ri"ht there= David 4 don#t think so( 3llen 6et#s smokeH Fuck them( Mono says! F3lri"ht since you#re so thirsty if you#ll take the blame 4#ll spark one now ! but 4#ll also save you a sack for when we "et back to your crib(G David 5hoaH 3llen 'hat#s a bet! man( Mono 3lri"ht! bet( David finishes our first blunt then says! F'hat shit#s so stron" man! 4 know my eyes are red(G F;ell yeah they are! G says 3llen( David Mono! are they= Mono .eah! he#s not lyin" to you! and they#re low as fuck( David )h! fuckH 3llen 8an 4 spark the last one! Mono= Mono ;ere( 8lick click! 3llen sparks and pulls the psychedelian fo" in( 3llen passes it! then says! F'hat#s like the best stuff 4#ve ever smoked(G Mono 4t#s white widow( 'hat#s why( -ome of the best stuff there is( David passes it! then says! F4 love you Mono man! you#re the best( /o one else would#ve rode over on a bike! smoked us out! hooked us up! and then promised us some more later( 'hank you man really( Mono .ou#re welcome( 4#m "lad 4 could help( 3fter 3llen snuffs the roach! we#re back on bikes and ridin" back pass that undercover car to head back to 3llen#s( 5e "et there and it#s dark( 5e "o to the kitchen of course( 5e all "rab tall "lasses of kool aid cherry flavored and some "raham crackers to share( 5e "o to the basement to watch some music videos& /elly! Fat Doe and 'wista&but that doesn#t keeps us entertained as it mi"ht so we start to brainstorm( David#s like! F4 don#t care what else we do( 4#m so hi"h(G 3llen says! F4 remember Ielly and 1ula were talkin" about $oinin" me for a smoke at school(G David says! F8all Nem up(G & 3llen is "oin" to the door to let in his arran"ements( ;e says! FDavid and Mono are down here(G 'he "irls touch down and they#re all! F;ey everybodyHG Mono 5hat#s up= David .o( 1ula says! F-hit! David! you looked blit2edHG David 4 am( Mono ;e is( 7veryone lau"hs( Ielly says! F5hat do you "uys wanna do=G Mono looks confused and taken aback by the @uestion( David says! F4 don#t know( 5hat can 4 do=G 3llen lau"hs! F5e could put on a scary movie(G 7veryone a"rees( David falls asleep( Mono "oes out to smoke a ci"ar( 3llen is entertainin" the youn" women( Mono lets himself back in to David#s wakin" up! and the "irls sayin" they have to leave( 5e hu"! and 3llen sees them out( David says! FDid anythin" happen=G Mono .eah 4 fucked one! and 3llen the other( David 1eally= 3llen ;ell yeah ! man and she sucked me off( 'hen 3llen moons both of us( Mono 4ll! man that#s horrific( David .ou need to shave that werewolf packa"e mate( 3llen 'he honies love that( David F.#all wanna smoke more=G Mono lau"hs(

3llen opens the door for more "irls to come down leadin" some "uys too( 'here#s Molly! +in"er! -ally! Danice! then 1ichard! 'immy! and *illy( Mono hu" the "irls and dap the "uys( David is bein" really la2y( 'immy says! F6et#s DrinkH 3nd when we#re done with this 1um and *eer! i#ll make a run for more(G Mono is very pleased! and sees the ni"ht becomin" interestin"( 3llen chu"s a "ood amount of 1um( 1ichard takes a shot! then says! Fone and done(G ;e "oes and spoons with Danice( 4 think he was there most of the ni"ht actually( 3nyway! *illy takes a shot then sits next to the television( Molly! +in"er! and -ally are all drinkin" beers! as 'immy is doin" away with his "allon of 1um( 4 really don#t know how he#s standin"( 'immy asks! F.ou want any! Mono=G Mono says! F4#ll wait(G 'he three "irls are cau"ht starin" at me( 4 think whatever and ask 'immy if he#s ready for more( 3llen screams! F.eahHG 3nd -ally says she#ll $oin us( 5e all hop on bikes! except -ally ridin" on the handle bars of 3llen#s bike( 5e make it the corner store%"as station in less than ten minutes and 'immy and -arah "o in to shop( 3llen and 4 wait outside until it#s been too lon"! so we "o in too( 5e ask them what#s the hold up( -ally says! that she $ust came out of the bathroom! and 'immy isn#t lookin" so fresh( 3llen asks! if he#s alri"ht( 'immy says! F/o way! man! 4 don#t even know what 4#m doin" in here! and it#s bri"ht as fuck(G 3llen says! F'here#s nothin" 4 can do about the li"htin" man(G 'immy catches the clerk#s eyes and yells! F'urn down the fuckin" li"hts you prickHG 'he clerk&we can call him *obby says&if he#s "oin" to be a problem 4#ll be callin" the police( Mono says! F/o problem man he only came here for one or two thin"s(G 'immy "ets his act to"ether and alon" with 3llen#s help "et two more bottles of li@uor&1um and 0odka&and a caseload of ener"y drinks( 5e cheers *obby then we#re all peddles to 3llen#s( & 5e make it back! to Danice and 1ichard#s continued cuddlin" and *illy#s intense concentration on the television( Molly and +in"er appeared to be tipsy! and probably on their third and fourth beers( +in"er is loud at our entrance! FFuckin" took you losers lon" enou"hHG 3llen says! F-hut up whoreHG +in"er says! FFuck you 3llen(G Molly seconds! F.eah! fuck you 3llen(G Mono says! F.eah fuck you!G then lau"hs( -ally mans up and says! F8rack open one of those bottles(G 'immy calls on 3llen&too drunk to hear anythin" after Nopen(# 3llen "rabs one and "ives Mono the other( (oh! boy)( 3llen chu"s away( Mono matches him chu" for chu"( -ally says! F/ow me(G 3llen says! F;ere(G -he says! F4 want mine in a cup(G Molly and +in"er says! F9s tooHG 3llen "oes up to "et a few cups! and Mono sits the 0odka down( Molly is "ivin" Mono the "oo"ly&eyes( 4 have no idea what they mean( +in"er whispers somethin" into her ear! and she "i""les( 3llen returns and distributes cups where needed( -ally takes her share and takes a seat in a room off to the side to be alone( 4 think whatever! and say! F4#m "oin" for a smoke(G David says out of nowhere! F'hat reminds me! do you "uys wanna smoke a blunt( Mono owes me and 3llen but we#ll share it(G Molly says! F8ool! how much do you owe them=G Mono says! F)nly a "ram but 4#m willin" to roll up double(G +in"er says! F4 don#t smoke but 4 will toni"ht(G Mono! 3llen! David! +in"er! and Molly "o out in the alley linked to 3llen#s "ara"e to smoke( 4t seems like it#s takin" too lon" to finish&even thou"h we#re "ettin" hi"h&and Molly and +in"er run in leavin" the boys to finish up in half time( 3t re&entrance to the basement! there#s a scene( 'immy has stripped the walls bare of all artwork! he#s knocked over the billiards table! and he#s trashed the room -ally was havin" private time in( -ally looks like she wants to "o home now( 1ichard is still cuddled! and *illy is still focused( 'immy says! F4#m "onna use the toilet now(G 3llen#s had enou"h in two minutes and he says! F'he hell you areH .ou#re "onna "et the fuck out of my basement and my houseHG 'immy doesn#t hear any of this and tries to blind&find the toilet anyway( Dust before he#s about to urinate with his exposed self in a wastebasket! 3llen tackles him! socks him in the $aw! and starts a drunken&fi"ht( 'immy only knows how to receive blows thou"h so he takes a few! before 3llen#s mother of&say&mid >0Ks comes downstairs and says! F3llen can 4 speak to you(G ;e says! F/ot now Ma! 4 "otta "et this fa""ot outta the houseHG -he helps lift 'immy outside( 4 "uess he rode his bike home( 7veryone#s noticeably @uieter downstairs while 3llen and his mother talk upstairs( 4t seems like half an hour before 3llen returns and says! F7veryone has to "et the fuck out(G Mono says! F-erious=G 3llen says! G ;ell fuckin" noH *ut seriously! we have to act better and not "et as drunk as 'immy did(G 7veryone a"rees and acknowled"es 'immy an asshole(

'immy left his two bottles&naturally! and -ally no lon"er wants to "o home because she#s "ettin" wasted( David helped her( 3llen is disappointed and cleanin" the room -ally was in( /o one is cleanin" the main area! in fact! +in"er and Molly are makin" their way over to me! as 4 stand over the mess like some sort of kin" of the ruins( +in"er says within my listenin" distance to Molly! FDoesn#t Mono have "reat lips(G Mono says! F5hat the fuck#s that mean=G Molly says!G 'hey#re like so "ood ! for like suckin"! and likeO can i $ust suck on your lips=G Mono 5hatH= +in"er says! FMe tooH 8an i suck on your lips too=G Mono says! F9m yeah then! 4 "uess(G Molly! then +in"er! then Molly a"ain suck away( +in"er says! F.ou#re drunk Molly(G Mono says! G .ou#re both horny(G +in"er says! F4 am(G 1ichard out of no where says! F.ou#re drunk +in"er( 5hy the fuck are you "uys suckin" on that man#s lips=G *illy adds! F3nd he let them(G +in"er "oes to defend herself from the supposed hypermasculine onslau"ht! and i make my way with Molly to the toilet 'immy was desperately tryin" to find( 4 shut the door behind us and try to lock up but the knob falls off on our side so 4 $ust let it sit! not secure but blockin" view of us( & -he says! F4 want you so bad( 4#m so horny(G 4 tell her to take a seat and she does( 4 turn the li"hts off! and un2ip my $eans( 4 lower them to my knees and direct her to feel for me( -he leads me on the same! liftin" her top for me to feel her breasts( -he $erks back with sensitivity at my touch! probably cold( -he pulls down my briefs! and places me inside her face pocket( -he pulls! and sucks! and twirls her ton"ue in a way sufficient enou"h for me to re@uest of the procedure over and over( 4 caress her silky smooth latin american hair! and 4#m feelin" like the envy from my phallus of my lips has been satisfied! then knockin" at the door( 4 full&palm it with one hand! the other wrapped around her skull( /ow! there#s two knockin"( 4 hear! F;ey what#s "oin" on in thereH=G 4 say! F;ey $ust a minute(G 3llen says! F4t#s me dude open up(G 4 remind you! under the possession of fantastic oral sex! 4 am holdin" off now three youn" men at the door pressin" in as i continue to receive oral to phallic sensations( Molly says! F'hat#s enou"h( 4 should stop(G Mono says! F/o! keep "oin"(G -he says! F'hey#re ri"ht there( 5e#re throu"h(G 4 submit to their coercive curiosities and release my hold( 3llen says! to everyone when 4 come out! FMono was "ettin" head in the toiletHG 7veryone ooohs and aaahs( 1ichard runs up to my face! and says! F4s it true mate! is it trueH=G 4 don#t say anythin"( 4 look and see +in"er $ealous( Danice looks like she#s ready to "o home( -ally#s too drunk to stand steadily( 3llen is smilin" bi""er than cheese( *illy has mana"ed to sit back down after poundin" at the door like a dru" bust and "o back to watchin" television like he wasn#t $ust up( 4 shake my head at this( Molly comes out wipin" her mouth and says she wants to "o( Danice runs to her and says! Flet#s "o( -ally&let#s "oHG -ally "oes&a& runnin" like Danice#s lapdo" and 1ichard readies his self too( 3llen says! F,arty#s over(G David say#s F3w! boo(G *illy says! F4#m stayin" ri"ht here(G 4#m thinkin" what the fuck( 4 float for a bit so that 4 can leave alone and not the same time as ? people( 4 tell 3llen! 4#ll see him at school tomorrow( 4#m not even friends with *illy( 3t school! all dynamics have chan"ed( 4 "et there early today oddly enou"h because 4 always come late! but even before all the kids have arrived already! everyone knows what happened to Mono at 3llen#s toilet( 'hat week! 4 made ten new friends a day&all male( 'hat week! 4 "ot five new numbers a day&all female( -ome "irls thou"ht they were hotter than my spicy latina! and they promised they could suck the color from me( 'he fraternity was impressed and as usual wanted to know if she was worth pursuance( 'hen! there was Molly! walkin" by me in the hallway! speechless! lookin" like she lost both parents in the same ni"ht! dried hair! pale face! clashin" clothes! and as shrunken and shriveled as a raisin in the hardened cold winter snow( -he never spoke to me the same after that( *efore! we were best friends( 4 "uess she thou"ht that 4#d bra""ed! but 4 was discreet from a step outside of the crime&scene( 'he last times 4 heard from her! was (1) her askin" me to sell her MDM3! and (:) her askin" me if 4#d want to be in a hip hop "roup that she hadn#t yet started( )verall! Molly#s ton"ue did the yin yan" symbol when i didn#t think it lo"ical and 4 witnessed the yin yan" of instrumental action in relation to oral sex while havin" too many heads (or variables) around( )ral to

phallic stimulation ruined my friendship and sabota"ed my nihilism( 'on"ues slitherin" in the mud( )f hell( 'o roots( 'ill end(

Urinalp$obia :trapped in toilet

by official ku shi's horror
4 mi"ht as well not scream Nhelp# yet another time( 4 have become sure of my bein" in another dimension( /o one knows 4#m here( /o one knows me( /o oneO 'here is no one( 4#m no one( 5ho was 4 anyway= 4 knew to eat prey( 4 en$oyed the track laid for me( 4 had no workO /o real work to do( 'his planet was spinnin" before me and probably after me( 4f this isn#t death this surely oblivion( 4 thou"ht it#d be darker( 4 feel darker( 4 feel worthless( 5hat are eyes that cannot see= 5hat are ears that cannot hear= 5hat#s a problem without solution= 5hat darkness where there is no such thin" as li"ht= 5hat#s food to the tasteless= 5hat#s fra"rance to the unac@uired nose= 5hat#s tactile sensation with nothin" to feel= 4 feel like screamin"( 4 feel like huntin"( 4 feel like ban"in"( 4 feel like makin" noise! breakin" toys! eatin" boys! and rapin" children( 4 want to live a"ain( 4 want to die a"ain( 4 want to see the cycle( 4 need to be apart( 4 hate to"etherness( 4s this why 4 am here= 3m 4 here to learn= 4#m talkin" to myself= 'here is no one else( 5here to "o= 4 walk in circles in a toilet lar"e enou"h to fit E standin" me#s side by side( 4 wish there were E of me#s standin" here now alive( 4 love me( 4 wish there were enou"h li"ht to see me in this mirror( 4 wish there were more mirrors to see more me#s( 4 wish all could be me( 3nd 4 could be all( 5hy= 5ho said that= Me( *ut 4 am me( 3re you me too( 4f you like( 4! me too! why&you ask me! and 4 shall tell you( 4 wish all could be me and i could be all because&listen closely&4 know that 4 am ri"ht! and 4 am perfect( 4 am secure and 4 am one( 4 am sin"le and 4 am unified( 9nited! whole! collective! incorporated! undivided! unanimous! inte"rated! linked! homo"enous! pooled! banded! associated! of the same opinion and federal mind( 4 am concerted and in a"reement( 3ll as me would have no need to be plu""ed in( 4! me! that wish is unreasonable! for one you needs no reason( )ne you would only see no meanin"! no ar"ument! and no dissent( 5ould you miss this= 4 wouldn#t( 3nd 4P4 wouldn#t leave you now(

;ello=H ;elloHH== 3re you thereHHH 5here did you "o= (6ion eats his self! paw by paw! forele" by hindle"! or"an! muscle! and bone( 3ll that is left is the head! the think tank! cranium! and "ray matterA the basilica of the mind! aptitude! and capacityA the hei"ht of the apex! the summit! the vertexA the rise of the van"uard! ori"in! and source( -o! now! we must only be"in at the conclusion() 5ife as s only t$is: 7an you mana!e your $abits9

T$e Round Tabl? 'eetin!

by official ku shi's thriller
5hen nearin" the abandoned buildin"! where we#ve set up a hi"h class dinin" area! in a lower classed situation( 4 can#t help! but feel elated! at the anticipation of chattin" with some of my favorite missionaries of various works of propa"anda( 1ou"hly! <00 miles outside of Iansas Metro! in the backwoods! this mansion we (me! cameraman! V driver) arrived to is horrible( 'here is vine crawlin" upside the buildin"! the once lush "reen perimeter has been de"raded to black&brown&"rey nothin"( )n and around a barn are weeds "rowin"! rampantly( 4 feel! 4 have $ust entered a horror movie set of the 1J?0Ks! but i pull myself to"ether because i#m the micromana"er of this( 4f 4 fail! my mana"er fails! my company toni"ht fails! and the re"ard readers like yourselves have! becomes lon" "one! leavin" me helpless in the deeper depths of solitude! loathin" my self for havin" been so naXve( 3s 4 ready myself! nervous and apprehensive W the camera li"hts too bri"ht! all of the house! except the dinin" room too dark! except for me and my cameraman#s li"ht attempts at small talk! there#s total silence( 'hen there#s a knock( 'he cameraman&Doe&has already been workin" since last week! but my role in this didn#t really pick up until now( 4 answer the door&double my hei"ht&to a stran"er! whom 4 "reet! with a smile( 4 ask! F5ho are you=G 'he dapper fellow says! F4 am *urton 8oca! and it is nice to meet you(G 4 say! that 4 am pleased! then shuffle aside to let him enter( 3 *urton 8oca looks all about! soakin" in his environment! and describes it Nawe&inspirin"(# 4 ar"ue! F4 find it! to be morbid=G *urton 8oca asks! F;ow so=G 4 say! F5ell! whomever left this property in such bad shape must have been some kind of asshole(G *urton 8oca says! F4t has a shitload of potential and to the ri"ht challen"er! it#s a real fixer&upper(G 4 nod then we proceed to the dusty! din"y livin" room to our ri"ht on the east side of the foyer( *urton 8oca takes a seat on the sofa and 4 on the loveseat across from him& both couches draped in cobwebs and&with a coffee table separatin" us( *urton 8oca says suddenly with tension! F'hat loveseat is made of rosewood&4 can tell from its rich hue! and dark veinin"(G 4 say! F.eah! and that couch you#re sittin" on is a Iubus sofa&who caresH=G *urton 8oca says! F4#m aller"ic&it#s possible my chest could ti"hten till 4 faint of exhaustion(G 4 say! FDon#t worry Mr +oca! we won#t be here lon"(G ;e says! F9h! you can call me *urt(G 4 say! F4#ll call you Dr Dolittle if i want&4 run this show!G with intensity( ;e looks reprimanded( 4 say with compassion! F)f course 4#m kiddin"! *urt&G then the door bell rin"s&to my surprise! *urt says! F4 didn#t know that doorbell worked(G 4 say without suspense! F/either did 4(G&then 4 head to answer&*urt lookin" red of histamine(

4 turn the knob and open the "iant door&to a tomboy who looks no more than 1C years old( 'his creature with hi"h feminist vibes! says! F;ow do you do=&4#m&who are you=G 4 asked! F3re you Dr -euss=G -he asks! F5hat=G 5e both lau"h(&then she wraps me in a bear hu"( 4 tell her! F.ou are a friendly one(G -he says! F'his friendly one&is Dane&Dane *in"ham(G 4 say! F5ell! Dane *in"ham&4#d be pleased if you#d enter softly and make a hard ri"ht to $oin company(G Dane *in"ham curtsies then follows instructions( 4 stand outside for 10 minutes smokin" a ci"arette and keepin" an eye out for the next "uests but there are none so 4 return to *urt and nem( 4 revisit the seat i previously left warm to Danes#s tellin" me excitedly&G'his man is $ust wonderfulHG 4&#)h yeah! did he tell you&that he#s a "ay=G Dane looks dumb! for"ettin" of her $oy( 4 look at *urt&G.ou#re bisexual! ri"ht! *urt=G *urt pauses then&G5ell! yes! sorta! actually 4#m intersex&G 4&G.ep! *urt had his breasts removed&but he still has a dick thou"h(G Dane asks *urt&curiously&G5hy#d you "et fake tits $ust to cut Nem off=G *urt answers hesitantly&G3ctually! 4 was born half of each "ender&they were natural breasts which i removed(G Dane admits to *urt! F.ou sound prepubescent(G *urt be"ins to cou"h violently( 4 tell him! F/othin" in the kitchen works but you can pull yourself to"ether in the toilet&$ust above the windin" stairwell (of rou"hly ?0 steps)(G ;e nods&and 4#m left w% Dane( 4 stare at Dane like Michael Myers for a lon" minute then submit! FDon#t worry Dane (like hannibal lecter) 4 won#t rape you(G -he says flippantly F4#m "oin" for a smoke&don#t $oin me(G&then stands! and walks out( 4 hear *urt cou"hin" like a "host with lun" cancer but 4 don#t want to check on him&4 instead scrape off some rosewood from under the loveseat&with my swiss army pocketknife&to later use on *urton in a state of sabota"e&unless he dies in the toilet& Midthou"ht! Dane returns with a -ophia&who after 4#ve seen in the scattered twili"ht! makes Dane appear not feminist at all( 4 curtsy&-ophia lau"hs&then entitles Dane W F.ou#re an asshole(G Dane bewildered! says! F5hat#s that for=HG -ophia says to me! Fmay 4 sit=G 4 "esture F,lease(G 5e all return to the livin" room W includin" *urt who doesn#t speak to -ophia W and remains silent( -ophia says! FDane W tried to slander you when i#d arrived(G 4 command! F'ell me more(G Dane starts to sob( *urt assists her to the basement 4 wouldn#t touch with a lon" stick( 3lone! -ophia seems to fade into a new personality W takin" on "racefuller motions! an erecter posture! and an ac@uired seductive talent of drawin" my attention to her ton"ue especially durin" her showboatin" W of forcin" the overuse of N-# and N6# in placements to hei"hten my attraction&for example she says "ently! F-eduction( is $ust( a tool( used to( sustain( fools( pullin"( their pupils( a"ainst them( satisfyin"ly( percolatin"( one peculiar( set( of circumstances(G )h dear "od! 4 ima"ined her muscular hydrostat animatin" such tricks 4 could hardly dream of( (pun intended) Midconversation&or Mid snake charmin" W 4 for"ot what we were su!!osed to be talkin" about( 4 didn#t know if this was "od#s plan or not( 4n this case! -ophia is my "od( -he says! F.ou stay here W 4#m "oin" to check on the boys(G 4 sit like an obedient puppy till there#s a @uick three repetitive knocks at the front door( 4 open the door and answer to a 'ony clothed in a "rey sweatsuit and snow white "ymshoes( 4 say "leefully W F;eyH /ow that you#ve arrived! we can be"in to prepare! since half of us are already hereHG 'ony says surprised! F1eallyH=G 4 thou"ht 4 was the first(G 4 add! F)h! sorry! the "roups downstairs&G before 4 can say more! he#s shiftin" his attention to critical thinkin" and seekin" the basement&but predictably&he#s back upstairs sooner then it took him to "o down&in fear of scuffin" his clean new /ike#s on a filthy recently flooded basement floor( 4 smile bi""er on his return back up to from the basement than when we first met( 'ony asks me! F5e aren#t sittin" in that room are we=G&pointin" to the livin" room( 4 answer&G/o of course not! by "eor"eH& we#re in this room&c#mon 4#ll show you W it#s "ood you came when you did&any earlier and you mi"ht#ve become upset(G 'ony avows! F4 love my shoes! Iu(G 4 lie! F4 know&now let#s sit here(G Doe the cameraman orders a cook whom should arrive within the hour with catered hors d#oeuvre (caviar! bruschetta! spanakopita) and fresh food service cooked to order with two choices of steak dinner or ve"etarian "ourmet(

'ony and 4 are dallyin" with talk of fashion! art! and film prior to bein" saved by the bell( 4 rise to the obli"ation of accommodatin" the next "uest who is 'homas Denkins&who looks no older than :> summers( ;e#s all smiles and ready to meet the "roup( 4 intuitively wonder if 'homas is only actin" a role W flirtin" with pleasantries and playin" the fool( 'homas and 'ony hit it off instantly like they#ve been best friends for eternity( -peakin" of eternity! it#s about time 4 check on the brood of the underfoot( 4 descend to discover to my ama2ement *urt lyin" on his back on the floor&Dane sittin" her va"ina on his mouth! *urt#s chin bein" the back of her seat W Dane bendin" com!letely backward to fit his penis in her mouth&her knees straddlin" *urt#s head! formin" the "olden "ate position! pressin" the floor with her hands to support her with *urt claspin" his arms around her waist and -ophia between *urt#s spread le"s on her knees in the basset hound sex position lickin"%orally probin" his anus( 4t#s @uite beautiful W 4#ve never seen nothin" like it W Dane curved like the rainbow and -ophia the pot of "old( Me like a man catchin" his beloved of one open&marria"e F'he < of you put some clothes on W 4 have people to entertainHG Dane lifts up from her core &like doin" sit&ups and turns to face me! speechless( -ophia slides back like a toy car W and wipes her mouth with Dane#s shirt before handin" it to her( Dane lifts up backin" herself into a corner W puttin" her clothes back on( -ophia $ust sits on the floor W in a kneelin" pose like the $apanese( *urt i"nores me (Iu -hi) W still bein" sexually aroused to one erection W he lifts himself up to his feet! takes < steps towards -ophia! and! without pause! be"ins masturbatin" to climactically finish on -ophia#s face! which she tilts up W like rinsin" her hair in the shower W to receive his spunk in a consecutive collection of < splashes! and instead of lettin" *urt#s penis spatter &-ophia orally vacuums the residuum with her pursed lips( *urt sits back down! next to -ophia who is wipin" her face! with *urt#s boxer briefs( FIu -hi Dane said she thou"ht about performin" the .M83 sex position with you on the loveseat(G 4 say F)h! 4 "uess that means you#d do the choreo"raphy while you ride me&cow"irl! huh=G -he says! lookin" away from me! F3ctually! 4#d be inverted(G 4 be"in to rub my penis throu"h my trousers( *urt asks! F-o! if we#re havin" another "o 4#m ready(G -ophia says! F4#m dressin" and $oinin" the party above(G Dane says weakly! F4#ll "o up too(G *urt looks at me su""estively! but 4 say! F/ot a chance&Gmy cock spontaneously flaccid( 4 lead( 'he feminists follow me( 3nd *urt comes up after we#ve let in the cook and his team of >( 5hen we make it back in the dinin" room&4 learn that 0eronica Dethro and 5illiam Do*ad arrived to"ether from the airport( -he says! FO8all me 0&DOG ;e says! FO8all me *illyOG -o! as soon as 4 acknowled"e that i am becomin" exhausted from the formalities W a /atalie walks in from an alternative entrance from everyone else( 4#m too depleted to care&and she doesn#t help my situation none because she burns a ton of "roup& ener"y! drainin" me to a low battery( 4 sense my inevitable blackin" out! then like a cold readin" saviour& the cook&Dan&brin"s me a cold "lass of ice water which i chu" like a 'aliban! in the 8alifornian desert( ;e takes my cup&refills it W and brin"s me a second "lass which after drinkin" &4 am @uenched( -hortly! thereafter W Milky 'its flies in throu"h the window like a skydiver off his course W breakin" the window W dama"in" architecture! and causin" "reat commotion( ;e lands on his feet and 4 land in his bear hu" &;e says! F8all me Milky W 4#ve heard enou"h about you(G 4 say! F'hanks 4 "uess W would you like to have a seat=G Milky says! F4t#s my show nowH 4 only have a half hour so make this fast(G 4 ask sarcastically FDoes Milky have planets to save=G 7veryone lau"hs! someone *ronx&cheers( Milky looks challen"ed a bit then he says! F3ctually! 4 do& < of them(G 7veryone takes their seats( 3nd 4 submit( 'he cook serves Milky first&;e orders the ve"etables( /atalie has the steak( 0&D "oes for the ve"etables and *illy "ets a steak( 'homas and 'ony both "et steaks( -ophia and Dane "et ve"etables( *urton eats with the servers in the kitchen( (4 thou"ht maybe he#s feelin" "uilty() 4 start Fso we all know why we#re hereOG Milky cuts me off! F-o then "et to the pointHG 4 say! F4 wasOG Milky F4nterview usHG 4#m becomin" frustrated( *illy says! FDo me first!G with a su""estive smirk( 4 say! F3ctually 4#ll do ladies first as a type of counterphobic experiment(G 'ony and 'homas "ive one another dap&loud enou"h to echo in the whole buildin"( Milky crosses his arms! defensively( -ophia and 0&D look pleasedA Dane and /atalie look baffled( *illy snaps! F5ell! "o on thenHG

4 say! F)k +ood( -o Dane ;ave you accepted yourself for who you are! yet=G Dane $umps to conclude F4 will never be a reli"ious freakHG 7veryone a"rees with her $ud"ment except 'homas who raises his hand to speak &'homas says! F6ook dear! 4#ve been throu"h more in the last < years than you#ll probably "o throu"h in your entire life V two more(G 'ony nods and says! F8ould you expound on that=G 'homas F-ure W what 4 mean is she is $ust a small rat in a trap tryin" to be free only to break into another house she don#t belon" in(G Milky says! F4 can relate(G 7veryone lau"hs( 'homas announces! F4#m seriousH -he aint "onna never learn because she#s runnin" away from all knowled"e! advice! and friendship but crashin" into bad boys! pedophiles! and dirtballs(G Dane cries! F.ou#re ri"ht W 4 can#t chan"e(G 0&D says W F4 chan"ed from a poor slut to a rich porn star(G *urt enters the room and takes a seat in the last available chair( (that#s some timin"! *urt) Dane still sobbin" says! FDo you like it better=G 0&D says! F4 don#t know what 'om was "ettin" at! but 4 think you want freedom! but you only see it throu"h another#s eyes( or throu"h another#s affections(G 4 say F*ut aren#t you the one giving affection! Dane=G /atalie says! F-he isA 4 can relate(G 'ony asks! F;ow so=G /atalie says! F4 conned the homeless after possibly killin" my child(G *illy says! F)oh! $uicyH 6et#s hear it(G /atalie screams! F4 will not spill the beansHG *illy says! F'hat can of worms is already open! honey(G /atalie says bluntly! FFuck you(G 4 say! F6et#s move on( 0&D! have you found that you don#t have to deal with your stress alone &that you can ask for help=G 0&D says! F4 have everythin" 4 could want and more(G Dane says! F.ou sound rich(G 'ony says! FMaybe that#s $ust a front(G -ophia confirms! F4t is a front(G 0&D snaps! F;ow do you know! bitchH=G -ophia crosses her arms in soberin" silence( *illy insti"ates! F5ell! obviously she doesn#t know(G -ophia looks smu"( 0&D says! F-he#s a bitchHG -ophia says nothin"( 'homas says! F4 like her! so what you said isn#t true! <-'(G 'ony asks! F5hat are you all#s definitions=G 0&D contemplates( 'homas says! Fa bitch is unpleasant and insatiable(G 0&D says! F'hat#s me(G -ophia tells 0&D calmly! F.ou#re a bitch(G 3fter an awkward silence! 4 ask /atalie! F;ave you noticed how avoidin" demandin" and unreliable people! makes your life#s transitions much smoother=G /atalie says! F6ook! if 4#m "onna shoot you! 4#m "onna do it when you#re not lookin"(G 4 say! F4 don#t know how to respond to that(G Dane says! F4 think she threatened to kill you(G *illy confirms! F-he did(G 'ony says! F4 disa"reeA 4 think she#s sayin" that the way you see thin"s will never be authentic to her experience(G 'homas says! F4 disa"reeA 4 think she means! to protect what is hers! you can#t know what she loves(G *urt says! Fyou know 4 Nve been listenin" for awhile! and most of you are dumb! but 'om V 'ony &you make stron" points &and so do i! with my point bein" &she has primal ur"es W but maybe she#s more sensitive to them! because all of us animals have instincts( /atalie nods thrice( 4 say! F)ur last lady! -ophia W have you found all that can become of stayin" "rounded with a mindfulness throu"h crises=G -ophia says! FDust because 4#m a feminist! 4 have to be in crisis=G Dane says! F-he answered you#re @uestion with a @uestion(G 0&D tells Dane! F-hut up! bitch(G Dane says! F4#m not the bitch! you are(G 'ony and 'om dap another echo( -ophia says! F-ee how 4 mean= men will do that! and women will do that(G Dane asks! F5hatH= 4 thou"ht you liked me(G -ophia says! F5ake upA you#re a tool(G 4 say! F1eally=!G to -ophia( Dane says! F.eah! she#s ri"ht W 4 am(G 4 ask -ophia! F3re you "onna answer the @uestion or play mind"ames=G -he asks! F5hy couldn#t 4 do both=G 4#m "ettin" frustrated then 'ony cuts in( 'ony says! F-he#s either stuck up or she#s "otten fucked so many times by the system that she#s scarred for "ood(G -ophia asks! FDo you mean systematic sexism which you love=! or do you mean systematic racism which 'om loves=! how about systematic ableism which 0&D loves=G 'ony looks at me( 4 ask her! F-o you#re sayin" that the only "ood people here are .ou! /atalie! *illy! and *urt(G -he says! FMilky#s okay but 4 hate Dane(G Dane smiles( 'homas says! F*itch! 4 could turn you out(G -ophia says! F4#d kill you(G 'homas smiles( 4 say! F4 "uess that#s where that is endin"A so Milky my lord W are you available for interpellation=G Milky nods thrice( 4 say! F-o! if your life were considered a catastrophe! in what ways would it inconvenience you=G Dane says! F5hatH= 5e "et all these personal @uestions! and he "ets this star trekkian bullshit=HG 4 answer! Milky says! F4 really don#t mind and my life is a catastrophe but you aint seen nothin" yet(G *illy asks! F)oh! what haven#t we seen=G Milky says! F4t#s an expression! and 4#m the climax(G *illy says! F4 don#t care much for the climax(G /atalie says! FDon#t swallow(G 'ony asks! F3re we done here=G 'homas says! F5e#re a house divided(G

Iu -hi says! F5e can wrap this up W 4#m sure you all would pass on dessert(G Milky 'its! with a runnin" start towards the foyer! $umps then flies away! blastin" a full woman si2ed openin" in the roof of the mansion! sendin" debris thunderin" down! while everyone else leaves neatly in sin"le file( O 7veryone except -ophia and Dane! who were hidden in one common cupboard! towards the front of the house( Iu -hi havin" believed everyone was "one! without countin" for sure! didn#t expect to find people in the cupboard! where *urt insisted! he#d find a housewarmin" "ift&unwrapped( Iu -hi turns the knob and opens the door to an ambush from the two feminist "uerillas( -ophia breaks his le"s with two tae kwon do kicks( Dane followin" -ophia#s directions! breaks both his arm( 'he two dra" Iu -hi to the porch! so that he#s visible to the first of whomever happens to be drivin" by( 4n two weeks time! Iu -hi was found where Dane and -ophia left him! by a realtor( 3ll the "uests of the dinner! were arrestedA all except Milky and the perpetrators( 3s the story "oes! 5hen the detectives spotted 'ony leavin" the park! he took off runnin"! influencin" them to shoot him down! in his back( 3ll over! "ossipers are still bu22in" about the man who died! wearin" the cleanest pair of snow white shoes! with not a sin"le mark! on them( 'he 1ound 'abl< Meetin" & Y(7xclusive(Y

6ru!!d Up
by official ku shi's nonsense
*rad says! F6emon 3bsolut is the best(G Ieith says! F/uh uh( )ran"e 3bsolut is better(G *en says! F/either one of those can compare to ,each 3bsolut! so "ood that 8iroc copied it(G *rad says! F5hen life "ives you lemonade! make 6emon 3bsolut(G Ieith says! F)&I(G *en says! F7veryone like peaches(G *rad says! FIin" 7dward didn#t(G Ieith asks! F5hich one=G *rad says! FIin" 7dward 04 of 7n"land( 4f it wasn#t for the peach! he#d have lived a lon"er le"acy(G *en says!Git could#ve been apples! plums! or cherries(G *rad says!G4t wasn#t(G Ieith says! F,eaches suck( 'hey kill people(G *en a"rees( *rad says! Flemon it isHG Ieith repeats! F/uh uh( )ran"e 3bsolut is better(G *rad says! F4 thou"ht we $ust a"reed(G Ieith says! F*en a"reed( 4 $ust listened( 4 still like oran"e(G *rad says! F)ran"e is $ust old and a"ed lemon( Don#t you like vir"ins=G Ieith says! F;ow old=G *rad asks! F;ow old what=G Ieith says! F3re the vir"ins=G *rad )h! she#s&say&1J( *en says! F/ice a"e(G Ieith says! F.oun"er(G *rad says! F9m! )&I! 1C or 1E(G *en says! F+ood picks(G Ieith says! F5hich one=G *rad says! FFuck manH 1C&alri"ht&fuckin" 1C years a vir"inHG *en says! F4#d do her(G Ieith says! F/ow we#re talkin"( Do you have her cell phone number=G *en says! F4 can#t wait to "et on some )ran"e 3bsolut(G *rad says! F5ait! 4 thou"ht we were "oin" for lemon(G *en says! F4 thou"ht Ieith won(G Ieith says! F.eah! first to "et laid is the last to be spayedHG *rad says! F.ou mean neutered( Females are spayed( *ut both submit to forms of fixin"(G *en says! F.ou#re stupid! *rad(G Ieith says! F.eah(G *rad says! F4#m smarter than both you combined(G *en says to Ieith! F.ou wanna "o "et some pussy Ieith=G Ieith answers! F.ou know it(G *en says! F6et#s roll( 3nd we can pick up some )ran"e 3bsolut on the way(G *rad says! FFuck you "uys(G 'o"ether *en and Ieith say! FFuck yourselfH!G then split from *rad( *rad&alone&thinks! 2 dont need friends to be a junky alcoholic. 2f 2 can watch /< alone, or imagine myself skiing alone, then i damn well can drink 0bsolut alone, 2 hate those two guys anyway. 2m starting to

wonder how, why, when, where, and what made me friends with them in the first !lace ( 4 didn#t even like them and it appears they didn#t like me( *rad co2ies up hori2ontally on a bench outside of his second favorite li@uor store with only enou"h chan"e to buy a third of a fifth of 3bsolut 6emon( 4t#s $ust ten minutes that "o by before he hears honkin" and screamin"! F5e "ot this 3bsolut ,each at your favorite li@uor storeH ;ave at itH!G says! *en in the passen"ar seat of a stolen vehicle as he chucks the full unopened "lass bottle throu"h the air! with /F6 @uarterback precision tar"etin" his wide receiver for a touchdown& *rad liftin" onto his buttocks to sit correctly on the bench&and the bottle slammin" and breakin" a"ainst his skull! knockin" out *rad with a fatal blow( 'he homies drive on not knowin"&or much carin" about&what $ust happened( *ut the li@uor keeps pourin" and the drunks keep snorin"( 3m 4 ri"ht=

'y 5aptop is Blac "/7olor1+/ism1 'y i%od is )$ite by official ku shi's literalism
i#m bathin" in the sun closin" my eyes and seein" the oran"e i feel so warm a sunray swarm

bu official ku shi's politics
& 5hat exactly is Nhistorical deletion!# -ocrates=!G asks 8herokee( -ocrates says! F;istorical deletion is a collection&of the pur"in" of the historically and politically best and bri"htest by monopoli2ers! prior review of written work by monopoli2ers! and the demotin" of humans to a nonperson status which takes away le"al! social! and basic ri"hts( 3 closed city like 3merica keeps mexicans out! and censorship denies 3merican citi2ens the ri"ht and ability and trust of them thinkin" for their selves( ;istorical deletion is anti& self "overnment( 4t#s a crime a"ainst humanity(G -ocrates adds! G 4f someone burns my book! that someone has the deadliest of enemies(G 8herokee says! F4 thou"ht 'he ,ur"e was $ust a movie(G -ocrates says! FForced disappearance is real! and even Desus was persecuted(G 8herokee asks! 'hee Desus! that 4 heard about=G -ocrates .es( 'hat#s ;im( +uantanamo *ay was the capital of torture hosted by the 9(-( 3nd discrimination! surveillance abuse! and police brutality is occurrin" on the front street each and every day(G 8herokee wonders! F4f the citi2en can#t trust his police force! who can he=G -ocrates says! F4n a police state which supports punishment! execution! and imprisonment&you! 8herokee&shouldn#t even trust me(G

BAnd I amB
by official ku shi's rhymin"
Dedicated to )ne! *ut with ima"ination of others Y'his may re@uire an urban dictionary

O3nd 4 amO
'he black N+eor"e 8looney# 4n N'he 'own# like toonies )n i#tunes# like i#m Nlooney# *ut i#m not for buffoonery -o! call me tom foolery 'he sparkle in my eye is my $ewelry 3nd this +rey +oose 4 abuse like cruelty /ow let me descend to lunacy 'his was unexpected 4 was unprotected to be uninfected 3llah why did you forsake meH= /ow 4#m reconnected /o way you can disrespect it 'o 3rt 4#m sub$ected 'hat#s what you suspected 'he criminality reflected 4lluminati#s elected 4 pro$ect it 6ike heroin! you in$ect it .our "oose&bumps are erected Mine are too! but 4 ne"lect it 4mpossible to be unaffected My worldview is hectic 9nanticipated creativityO point&press&selected 'he universe i nicked it 7ven Nthe @uick# couldn#t fix it

4#m word&proofO 5ord,ress&encrypted .our mentality has been flipped! dipped! and tipped +et a "ripA 4#m wicked -o 4#m the conductor of this N"ravy train# 3nd the manufacturer .ou can try to N"rill# me *ut that#s like N"ift card launderin"#! 4 "ot ya 4 had a N"hetto up"rade# 3nd my calendar#s N"irlfriend&proof# 'hat#s :01>Ks 4#m the N"ift parasite#! N"oo"ly eyes# can#t see N+et real# )n this N"rape drink#! N4#m "ettin yucky# N+ood lookin# out#! N"overnment# of N"an"sters# 4#d hit the N"irl next door# like a N"&spot# 'rust me! 4#m N"ully# From the N"it"o#! 4#ve been N"ank#in" N+oin" ham# on this N"an$a# like Dason 0oorhees 'hese whores need more knees 4#m vapori2in" N+&1<K W it#s "rown by the "overnment 4 have N"ame# like +>'0 Maybe call the Marley#s W 4 need more weed 4 break a Nblunt# down W the color of N"abrielle union# 4 have private ri"hts W you need a worker#s union 3head of the communion 4 bombed my hi"h school reunion

4f you don#t see the apostrophe#s! N"a" me with a spoon! bitch# 4 met a bitch today! she was N"a""in" for it# 'he N"a" factor# didn#t matter because her N"a" reflex# was unimportant My N"ame face# on! but this is the N"amebreaker# 3re you N"ame or lame#= W norm or stran"e= 4#m a N"ameophile# W these N"amer chicks# bow to my N"ame of thrones# 4#m a N"amer# and if N"ame reco"ni2e "ame#! it#s N"ame over# N+eah# W 4#m N"#d up from the feet up# 4#m Npimped out# and dressed to kill 3nd the dead are N"eeked up#H 'hey#re N"eekin# so hard! 4 said N"ee2 louise# 5e don#t really N"el# so you should $ust Nchill# on your knees 4#m N"enderless# but my N"entleman#s bet# was won&thanks to N+enevieve# 4#m pickin" up where she left off! but i N"o apeshit# 3nd the N"uerillas# N"o bananas# N+o bi" or "o home#H 4 $ust N"o commando# +oddess of -ex looked at me and said N+od bless you# 4 say N"oddammit# W 4 have a N+od is dead# complex N+o die in a hole# My Nswa""er# is N"od2illa# N+o fuck yourself# 4 N"o for broke# or N"o full retard# 4#m a N"o "etta#! you#re $ust N"o&"o# N"o""les# 4 N"o hard# pimp .ou only "o N"uacamole# N+uala "uala# told me lon" a"o 4 aint from N+uadala$ara#

6&o&l! 4#m N+uapo# -o i speak F+uaponese# 6ike 4#m not from N +uatemala# *ut i#m N"ucci# .our N"ucci# aint my "ucci )ne slut said N+uess 5hat#s 4n My ,ants#= 4 said .ou#re Ncoochie# aint my Ncoochy# /ow let me pause for this Nselfie# O O O O O -ome said 4#m too lon" like 6ord of the 1in"s 4 said Nyour mum# My Ncomeback#s are princess to castle NFace# -o 4 "ot off base 1hymes are a chase 4 then won the race 8all me 3ce 4 spray like a multior"asmic libra full of "race! wearin" lace! or maybe $ust mace 4 debase then displace the human races# attention 4llumination is an obstacle race 7ducation is deception 3nd depression is the acknowled"ment of tension 5hat a session of perfectionH 4#m bi""er than the +eneva 8onvention

4#m multifariously intricate W compoundin" 'he 4llinois&3merican +reen +entian A)

Kic Aoot: 6umb )oman

by official ku shi's 2eit"eist
Dedicated to My 3unt (whom i have no proof to be my aunt)
& 6ucky is a female -he lives in our world -he#s hated by atheists for the followin" reason 5hy not be a red letter christian= says 'ony! 6ucky#s nephew( 6ucky says! F.ou shall love the 6ord your +od with all of your heart! and with all your soul! and with all your mi"ht( 4t says so! in Matthew :: <C(G 'ony says! F4 love myself and myself only if i#d be perfectly honest with you! and you think the same way when you#re perfectly honest with your self(G 6ucky says! F.our heart! your soul! your stren"th belon" to "od and "od only(G 'ony says! F-ure! if this "od of yours is titled biolo"y! evolution! and physical fitness(G 6ucky says!Gwhat is this atheism that you speak of=G 'ony says! F4#ll tell ya( Di"nity is my own( Dustice is my not killin" you( 4#m married to whichever chick 4#m fuckin" at the time( 3nd if you hit me 4#ll probably hit you back! at the least(G 6ucky responds in fear! F.ou speak the ton"ue of the killersHG 'ony 4 didn#t know Iillers had a nation( 6ucky 'hey do! and 4 set out to save you from $umpin" bad with them( 'ony Dumpin" bad= 4 thou"ht it was breakin" bad( 6ucky ;ow so= 'ony 'he movie! breakin" badO 6ucky 'his is serious 'ony! 4 won#t see you like these homosexuals! transsexuals! and sex addicts( 'ony 5ait a second 6ucky! who said that 4 had a sex problem= 6ucky 4f you speak to me from atheism! you don#t know my "od( 'ony .ou mean $esus= 6ucky .es( 'ony 3nd what did $esus say in declination of sexuality= 6ucky 5e christians are a"ainst abortion! casual sex! and same sex marria"e( 'ony -o $esus did not decline sexual persons( /ow let me move alon"( From abortion let#s scale back( 4s masterbation a sin= 6ucky 5ell! not flat outO 'ony -top there( 5ould you as a christian rather see to it that youn" men not masterbate= 6ucky .es! 4 wouldO 'ony 7ven if their sexual repressions cause indirect effects&say&like murder! rape! and various acts of mischief= 6ucky /o! not in that sense! /o( 'ony -o! masterbation wins( 6ucky says! F'ony you tricked meH *ut that#s expected because you#re anti creationist! anti corporation! and anti law(G 'ony says! F4#ll shoot those one at a time if 4 may( 8reationism is false if it leads to somethin" as trivial as censorship( 'hat#s the soft atheist way to look at intelli"ent desi"n! but to an hard atheist! chaos was and still is( ;ate it or love it! but thinkin" of it! makes you smarter! or of a more intelli"ent desi"n( 6ucky says! FDon#t take the lord#s name in vain(G 'ony says smu"ly! F5ho= Desus= 4 didn#t even say his name( 4 only made fun of you( 4 said you#re stupid with a silver ton"ue! and 4 add now that you#re thinkin" style or lack of philosophy is pullin" people back past the stone a"es(G 6ucky says!G 4 will only talk about my reli"ion! not any dinosaurs(G 'ony 5ho said anythin" about birds and li2ards= -ee! this is why! 4#m anti theist! because all that you see is theism( 5e can#t have a conversation because of your lack of holistic knowled"e( 6ucky My knowled"e is holy and my faith is holy too( 'ony 5hat faith= )r a better @uery is why faith= Faith is lack of reason( 6ucky 4 have no reasonO 'ony .ou#ve proven that time and time a"ain( .ou#re nonsense in the flesh( 3nd you can#t prove the life of $esus( ;e wasn#t the only man named $esus durin" his lifetime either by the way( 6ucky says!G *ecause you don#t want to work! you want to read science books! write stories that make

people do bad thin"s andO 'ony -topH 4 didn#t say 4 didn#t want to work( 4 don#t read only science! and you haven#t even read any of my work( 6ucky -o! you want to work= 'ony .es! but not under current conditions( 6ucky 5hat conditions suit you= 'ony 3 moneyless conditionO 6ucky says! F.ou can#t work and be poor( 4t#sOG 'ony 4 know and if you#d let me finish! 4 mean a taxless system! a system where 4 know my ener"y doesn#t pay for the death of a stran"er overseas in a war! a system where 4 know every livin" human has a home! and a system where the wa"es are e@ual to the advertisements i see on my family#s television( 6ucky -o! that#s it= .ou want to buy everythin"= 'ony /o! 4 don#t want it all( 4 $ust want everyone to want for nothin" at all( 6ucky 5ho said that= 'ony 2 didH 6ucky asks! F-o! that#s your @uote= 'ony answers! .esH 4t#s my @uoteH 6ucky asks!G5hy must you be so proud! arro"ant! and disobedient to the law= .ou only live for yourself and you don#t see family! and you think that your way of life is the hi"hest road! over "od! and reli"ion= 'ony says! F5ait! 4 did not put your reli"ion in the same barrel as all reli"ions for most of the issues we#ve spoken of today( 3nd yes! 4 a"ree that 4 am selfish( 3nd 4 would accept family if they#d accept me( 4n fact! 4 am more tolerant of everyone than most christians are of me(G 6ucky 4 love you 'ony! but it seems to me that you don#t love yourself( 'ony 4f 4#m selfish&which we both a"reed on&then 4 love myself too much if anythin"( 6ucky )&I fine( *ut why did you say that you hated my reli"ion= 'ony 4 didn#t say that( 4 never said that( 5hy would you put words in my mouth= 6ucky Fine! maybe you didn#t say you hated christianity but that#s what atheism is! isn#t it= 'ony 4 can#t speak for this "roup you put me into but it#s not what it means for me( 4#m anti theist! and in particular anti christianity because on a whole! your "roup has no tolerance! you press your beliefs on stran"ers! and you#re compulsive to the point of thinkin" that christianity is the only way to live( 6ucky 4t isH 'ony! that is what 4#m tryin" to tell youH 'ony says! F/o! you#re tryin" to recruit me for some covert evan"elical reason(G 6ucky F.ou hate the law and it will turn you into a homosexual transsexual(G 'ony /o! atheism is secular! and what does my individualism have to do with sexuality= 6ucky 5verything( 4#ve seen youn" men in your same position 'ony! readin" the books! thinkin" the thou"hts! and seein" only the mirror! until it#s far too late! and they#re under some older man#s arm! and he#s "ettin" salad&tossed in the dark( 'ony 5hat the fuck are you on= /ow atheism is the same as "ay and "uilty and immoral= 6ucky .es! what do you think of my commandments= -@uatH 'ony 5ait! the ten commandments= 6ucky .esH 'ony 4 think the commandments are moral but to be moral doesn#t take reli"ion( 4#m not killin" and stealin" and 4#m atheist( 6ucky *ut you don#t have or know "odH 'ony thinks if 2m above the bible thum!ing lawmakers, 2 am god( ;e instead! says! F4#m more "odly than you#ll ever be! walkin" around thinkin" that you#re a perfected human with divine psycholo"y! and that only you can save mankind(G 6ucky 4 have compassion for you! and love( 'ony 5ell! love me for who 4 am! and not for who you#d want me to be( &'o be continued& 3t heaven#s "ate! Michael says! F-end 6ucky to MelechA ;e#ll know what to do with her( -he#s "uilty of dramati2in" crocodile tears! fetishi2in" celebrity culture! and dumbin" down the impressionable local youth(G

Tamed Uselessness
by official ku shi's haiku
5ho are you= 5ho are you! youn" boy= & .ou think you know yourself= .ou#re $ust a little "irl(

T$e Best >uestions9

by official ku shi's @uestions
Y'he *est Tuestions=
/ow why would 4O= 5hy would 4 "o back to the "hetto to sell drugs= 5hy would 4 work at 'ar"et to smoke dru"s= 5hy would 4 leave my room to talk to biologically familiar people= 5hy would 4 eat three meals a day= 5hy would 4 answer when someone calls my name= 5hy would 4 turn off the li"hts and be scared of the darkness= 5hy would 4 share love while knowin" 4#m heartless= 5hy would 4 expect "ood memory when 4#m old= 5hy would 4 stare at you when 4 know 4 must blink= 5hy would 4 ask questions when 4 don#t care that you think= 5hy would 4 e#!ect to have your trust= 5hy would 4 waste ener"y chasin" a bus= 5hy would 4 buy a de!reciative car= 5hy would 4 even try to understand the stars= 5hy would 4 act like 4 know accurate definitions= 5hy would 4 try to explain the large picture= 5hy would 4 not daydream when 4#m livin" in outer space= 5hy would 4 make eye contact when 4 don#t like the look of your face= 5hy would 4 have se# with one person for my whole life= 5hy would 4 dedicate my life to a book called the bible= 5hy would 4 let anyone control me= 5hy would 4 let a !et console me= 5hy would 4 "o to the oo when 4#m an animal trapped= 5hy would 4 "o out to eat when 4 could bite your neck= 5hy would 4 fear disease when bacteria was here before me= 3nd monkeys were here before me( 3nd re!tiles were here before me( 3nd trees! plants! and ocean was here before me( *iolo"y is biology but you disa"ree( 8hemistry is chemistry( 3 chemical action every time you eat( 5e#re all mutant! lo"ically we#re not the same( 4 still don#t know my authentic name( 'hat#s the only shame( 3nd 4#m aller"ic to guilt so stay away(

I $ave a story idea" but not a story<

;ow does one sue "od when "od never existed= 8hristians live their whole lives tryin" to sue "od for freedom! and well&bein"( 4t was "oin" to be titled *6))D F6))D M3-- M91D71 )F 3/+76-

Sin!le and Alco$olic in Suburbia

by official ku shi's absurdity
Y-in"le and 3lcoholic in -uburbia
Fresh outta bed 4 $ust masturbated in( 4 feel refreshed and renewed( 4 "et up to wash my acne and prepare for an unconventional breakfast of losers( 3 day leftover 5endys# cheesebur"er with a hard bun and s!oiled tomato( 4 chase the $unk&food with root-beer and the gas&pill my doctor prescribed to me( 3sshole didn#t prescribe anythin" 4 could sell on the street to fellow&losers( 4 mi"ht dump him on my next a!!ointment( 6ife is too short to be unsatisfied( -o 4 "reet the day as the sun comes up with a frown( 'his planet is obnoxious with its seasons! temperatures! weather! day! ni"ht! day! ni"ht! day! ni"ht! day! ni"ht! day! ni"htA for man#s sake! choose one already( 3s 4 hate on the sun with half my mi"ht! 4 use my other half of mi"ht to walk my tired mass to the convenience store which is inconveniently placed too far for my likin"( 4 walk in! dont "reet the mana"er! and sus!iciously throw my hood on( 4 browse in aisles 4 have no interest in! and walk two times slower than my normal pace! 4 pour a soda from the machine! and drink all of it without payin"! then toss the cup( 4 finally confiscate a bottle of red wine! two bottles of white wine! a bottle of Dim *eam#s bourbon! and a twelve pack of 8orona mexican beer( 'his is a light day for me but 4 plan to pick some wei"ht up on the weekend( 4t#s 'hursday( 3nd it smells like shit on my side of town but some leftover heroin in my sweater pocket stuffs my nasal passa"es just fine( 4 mana"e to walk my cart to the back of the local police station to "et my kicks( *eer first! wine second! then 4 finish myself off walkin" down the street with the bottle of *eam 4ncorporated in my hand( -ta""erin" is my favorite way to walk! and salurrin" my wuhords is my fadavorite way to um talk( 4 spend most of my days alone( 6ife isn#t too excitin" to me! so 4 must drink the pain and loneliness away( &'o be continued&

F,ick yourself up before 4 call the police! the doctor! your parents! and a priestHG

C'an+)ife+'utual Suicide
by official ku shi's free knowled"e
YMan&5ife&Mutual -uicide
4 shot him at the stop si"n( My "an"sters don#t waste respect in 8hica"o( -ellin" dope on my block is a privile"e! a privile"e that doesn#t come cheap( ;e fell where he stood! and 4 let him lay! like the ambulance probably would( 'here isn#t too many "uys in uniforms showin" up around my crib (home)( 4t#s ironic a bit! because nearly all the dru" dealers wear the white t#s! and ba""y $eans with 3ir Dordans! real and knockoff (counterfeit)( 4 didn#t like him anyway( 3nytime 4 seen him! he would frown at me like 4 raped his sister( 4f 4 knew his sister! 4 would rape his sister( 'hen! 4 would date his sister( ;ow=! you mi"ht ask( *ecause 4#d threaten to kill her if she didn#t feed me McDonalds on a weekly basis( 'hat#s how it is( 6ife is cheap( Doctors are expensive( Dru"s are everywhere and experts don#t like my kind( 5hites call me black! but blacks call me ni""a (ni""er)( 4 never looked into what Fni""erG means( 4 don#t even know what FviolenceG means! but 4 robbed someone#s "randmother last ni"ht( -ometimes it#s like the moon effects me( 4 see it full in the sky! and 4 feels like a baboon that#s broken out of the local 2oo( &'o be continued& F5hat do you mean=H ;e was be""in" me to kill himHG

)$at Dear is it9

by official ku shi's life
Y5hat year is it=
3fter about three "ifts in! 4 finally realised it was my birthday( /ext year! 4#ll kill my entire family on my birthdayA let#s see them sin" happy birthday to me then( 4 cant wait to "rab a drink at the bar after this horror movie of a dinner( /o one here knows me and 4 like no one here( 5hoever invented family! did not understand human nature( ,arents have sex and "ive birth to a brand new stranger then they "et the nerve to tell the children don#t speak to stran"ers( 'hat seems like somethin" to tell someone after puberty anyway! but before these teen moms turn thirteen( 4f 4 hear one more toast to many more years or to a faithful "irlfriend! 4#m "oin" to slit my throat with this !lastic knife ri"ht here in my mother#s half&kitchen( 5hen you#re poor! everythin" is split in half! includin" parents! before divorce and out of wedlock( 3round the table we "o! birthday wishes for me! and more non-alcoholic champa"ne spilled on the floor for me to clean( )ut of a random ten people in my family! 4#m the only one who drinks! more about that later( 4n my family! testosterone "ets tired at thirty&five! so at that a"e! the men either marry or have children! or new strangers( 4 mean! seriously! parents don#t know who these little $erks are "onna be( 'hey can be "ivin" life to +harles "anson a"ain! or -ha@uille )#nealA that would hurt( My mother tells me not to drink! but she "oes alon" and has a baby( 'alk about playin" god( 3ll 4 do is "et drunk( 4f 4 didn#t like sleepin" so much! 4#d "et drunk for a livin"( &'o be continued& FDon#t you like that "olden rin" for your future wife=Z

Z*itch! 4 don#t even have a fianc[ yetHG

7$ild vs Sperm+donor
by official ku shi's history
8hild vs -perm donor
5ho needs parents anyway= 4 decided sometime before a"e ten that it probably best that 4 not even brin" my parents out in public( My mother always puttin" on her second face for my friends( -he $ust physically abused me the day before! but she#s tellin" them how proud she is of her son( -he#s allways been like that! and my father is no better( 7veryweek he steals a new car from his dealership in place of the last one when he#s supposed to be sellin" the damned thin"s( My friends thou"ht 4 lied whenever 4 spoke about him like they knew that my skincolor was too dark to have a father present( Maybe they were my friends for a reason( 4 was always attracted to the weird and stran"e( Maybe they could tell the future because by a"e eleven 4 was a smokin"! drinkin"! fool( 4f the herb was rolled up! 4#d smoke it( 4f the drink was poured! 4#d swallow it( 4#d come to be known as the class&clown you couldn#t pick on( 'he class&bully with a true sense of humor( 4 chose the identity that best fit any "iven situation( .ou know! sometimes my fist had to kiss a classmates cheek! and other times makin" fun of a teacher until she cries is the best way to a victory( 'eachers liked me because 4 "ot 3#s! but hated me because 4 picked fi"hts( 'o me! everyday was a talent show! and everyone had hobbies( -ome painted! others played instrumentsA 4 beat up my peers in the hallways and on the basketball court! in the locker room and in "ym class! in spanish! and after en"lish class( 8ontrol was what 4 was mostly a"ainst( 5ith me! my victim never seen it comin"( ;ell! 4 didn#t see it comin"( )ne minute! 4#m coolA 'he next! someone#s been abused( -o slappin" little "irls# asses and smackin" little boys# faces was my childhood! parentin"&free( My hi"h school years are a step closer to who 4#ll become( &'o be continued& F*athrooms were not desi"ned for snortin" Manax ! youn" manHG

Tric olo!y
by official ku shi's antithesis
i know nothin" about poetry & i#m outside even when i#m in the house they asked are you black=! or are you white= i said bein" both is what i#m talkin" about so call me presidential but the "ods know that i#m hi"her workin" is prostitution ni""er! your arse is for hire

now! whose really so black=! when all the town is enslaved= all the city low wa"e all the state is unpaid and my family they deserve more and i don#t score! i make them score and then i pinch pennies but if you aint rollin with me! it#s the truth you#re rollin a"ainst me now! see the sky is it blue or black= do you trust the moon=! does the sun react= are you in the way=! or do you make a way= i am the only wayA follow me like dorsey $ now! who do you think you can kill=! when i#m already undead= i rebirth as a ma""ot! $ust to fly over your head and i#m the blue mold on the bread the red mold in your shower stalls and i#m under"round! so it doesn#t matter if you meet a hi"her "od i#m disbelievable! because i#m so convincin" but convicted! and you lie if you don#t attract my communication so what#s the syndication= communist%socialist nation i produce a production duh i refuse the confucksion yes! that#s fuck&shit translation anythin" i don#t like but i don#t need an urban dictionary to tell you how 4 "rew up! ri"ht=

i boiled in the life! now i#m spoiled in the li"ht i heard that royals! i was feelin" like that team is on my side and the rest of you are losers i#m livin a dream! you all are snoo2ers in the supreme set coordination i redeem my insubordination of anyone that once held me and i am $ust so hellweek and huffy! but to ride you need two wheels! extra i#m so conceited but it#s only because you need it the revolution i already seen it and the news is slow to meet it and the "roups wonder what it#ll be lik e! probably that#s ecstasy ! but the dru" is nameless without definition who are you=! but a lie write down your name! now despise all i hear is cries! but they only "et from me si"hs & i'm "od

Eirtuous Sinners
by official ku shi's interview
& 3re you a russell brand fan= Do 4 wave "ood vibes his way= )eah( 3m 4 his adversary= -o( Does he provoke me= /o! but he grounds me in knowing that 4#m not the only revolutionary thinker( 4 mean! seriously! he#s !o!ular because he#s an actor that thrives on screen s!ectacularly! his personality has flamboyance! and he#s boastfully ethical( ,erhaps! "uiltlessly "odlike( 4#ve seen his workA they#re "ood( *ut his off screen opinions are "reatH

5ould he work as a political fi"ure= ;e is already working as a political fi"ure( ;e is not o!!osite of )bama in 3merica! but he#s actually )bama if *arack )bama were married to himself( *arack has "one on record saying! that he#s fearful of his wife#s !resence( 1ussell *rand embraces, ignites! and casts a woman#s spirit to another realmH 3 realm of equal account! lavish love! and o!enhanded "oodness and kindness( Do you think celebrities should "et involved in politics= .ou#d have to be more specific( .ou must take me as an i"norantH 4#m 3theist so 4#m at the top of the top without much effort at sunrise( .ou should know that all celebrities are not equally opinionated and all do not have the same interests! and 4#d be willin" to bet you that most aren#t atheist and some don#t have a political opinion( 5hat do you think of 1ussell *rand on /ewsni"ht= 4 thou"ht he was brilliantH ;is words used were !recise( 'he vocal delivery was !assionate! and his firmness in ri"hteousness was beatific( ;asn#t he succeeded in startin" this anti&"overnment dialo"ue= 4 disa"ree( 4 don#t think that he prompted an anti-government discourse but his rhetoric! to me! was belly& full of revolution( .ou could talk to any random ten people on any random sunday and they#d tell you how they#re unhappy with politics today( Dournalists are recordin" the a"ony( 3uthors are publishin" the apathy( 'he "overnment is in "rand disorder! and some publically! but many privately want a coup d#tat( 5ith so much turmoil and debacle! overturnin" the political criminals whom are subversive to the under"round activity of the "uerillas would brin" calm! peace! and lon" overdue political! social! and economic sta"nation( 4sn#t it funny! how 3narchy is the final harbin"er of order= ;ail! 6uciferH

One 5ie
by official ku shi's truth
& My most for"otten memories Dippy doesn#t but Dod"y does( Dippy thinks but Dod"y doesn#t( Dippy is everywhere( Dod"y is in one place at one time( Dippy stays still( Dod"y dances( Dippy#s dark( Dod"y is exhibited( Dippy never comes out to play( Dod"y is out"oin"( Dippy has never been seen( Dod"y is famously known by all( Dippy hates attention( Dod"y indebtedly pays attention( Dippy keeps to himself( Dod"y must seek everyone else( Dippy is one( Dod"y is all( Dippy is refined( Dod"y is u"ly( Dippy is misunderstood( Dod"y is understood( Dippy is unbelievable( Dod"ey is trustworthy( Dippy is intan"ible( Dod"y is insatiable( Dippy is tolerant( Dod"y is pre$udice( Dippy is lovin"( Dod"y is ven"eful( Dippy doesn#t follow throu"h( Dod"y is determined( Dippy is the definition( Dod"y is moved by the times( Dippy is raw beauty( Dod"y is bou"ht beauty( Dippy is memory( Dod"y is amnesia( Dippy is timeless( Dod"y is shackled to hours( Dippy is above( Dod"y is below( Dippy is hi"h( Dod"y is low( Dippy is in( Dod"y is encasin"( Dippy is feelin"( Dod"y is sensin"( Dippy is dirt( Dod"y is plant( Dippy is first( Dod"y is clueless( Dippy is natural( Dod"y is manmade( Dippy is us! we! 4P4( Dod"y is them! you! me! and 4(

Dippy is water( Dod"y is fire( Dippy is subtle( Dod"y is obnoxious( Dippy is feminine( Dod"y is masculine( Dippy is wished for! lon"ed for( Dod"y pokes and prods( Dippy is flats( Dod"y is heels( Dippy is innocence( Dod"y will s@ueal( Dippy is unknown( Dod"y is vain( Dippy doesn#t care( Dod"y cares( Dippy doesn#t help( Dod"y helps( Dippy doesn#t see( Dod"y sees( Dippy doesn#t hear( Dod"y hears( Dippy doesn#t taste! smell! talk( Dod"y tastes! smells! talks( Dippy is fantastic( Dod"y is fantasy( Dippy is or"asm( Dod"y is death( Dippy is intimacy( Dod"y is violence( Dippy is response( Dod"y is i"norance( Dippy is the ur"e to kiss( Dod"y is the kiss( Dippy has no bounds( Dod"y is out of bounds( Dippy is truth( Dod"y is lies( Dippy is old( Dod"y is new( Dippy is tried( Dod"y is erroneous( Dippy is done( Dod"y is doin"( Dippy is walked( Dod"y is walkin"( Dippy is laidback( Dod"y is leanforward( Dippy is then and now( Dod"y is never and a"ain( Dippy is undefeated( Dod"y is cancer( Dippy is immortality( Dod"y is bacteria( Dippy is silent( Dod"y is music( Dippy is full( Dod"y is empty( Dippy hasn#t be"un and won#t end( Dod"y starts and finishes( Dippy is hands off( Dod"y is impulsive( Dippy can wait( Dod"y is "reedy( Dippy is tolerant( Dod"y is indi"nant( Dippy is nonexistent( Dod"y is livin"( Dippy is @uery( Dod"y is answer( Dippy is none( Dod"y is more( Dippy doesn#t but Dod"y does( Dippy thinks but Dod"y doesn#t( Dippy is none( Dod"y is more( Dippy is undefeated( Dod"y is cancer( Dippy is immortality( Dod"y is bacteria( Dippy is silent( Dod"y is music( Dippy is full( Dod"y is empty( Dippy hasn#t be"un and won#t end( Dod"y starts and finishes( Dippy is hands off( Dod"y is impulsive( Dippy can wait( Dod"y is "reedy( Dippy is tolerant( Dod"y is indi"nant( Dippy is nonexistent( Dod"y is livin"( Dippy is @uery( Dod"y is answer( Dippy has no bounds( Dod"y is out of bounds( Dippy is truth( Dod"y is lies( Dippy is old( Dod"y is new( Dippy is tried( Dod"y is erroneous( Dippy is done( Dod"y is doin"( Dippy is walked( Dod"y is walkin"( Dippy is laidback( Dod"y is leanforward( Dippy is then and now( Dod"y is never and a"ain( Dippy doesn#t care( Dod"y cares( Dippy doesn#t help( Dod"y helps( Dippy doesn#t see( Dod"y sees( Dippy doesn#t hear( Dod"y hears( Dippy doesn#t taste! smell! talk( Dod"y tastes! smells! talks( Dippy is fantastic( Dod"y is fantasy( Dippy is or"asm( Dod"y is death( Dippy is intimacy( Dod"y is violence( Dippy is response( Dod"y is i"norance( Dippy is the ur"e to kiss( Dod"y is the kiss( Dippy is raw beauty( Dod"y is bou"ht beauty( Dippy is memory( Dod"y is amnesia( Dippy is timeless( Dod"y is shackled to hours( Dippy is above( Dod"y is below( Dippy is hi"h( Dod"y is low< 6ippy is in< 6od!y is encasin!( Dippy is feelin"( Dod"y is sensin"( Dippy is dirt( Dod"y is plant( Dippy is first( Dod"y is clueless( Dippy is natural( Dod"y is manmade( Dippy is us! we! 4P4( Dod"y is them! you! me! and 4( Dippy is water( Dod"y is fire( Dippy is subtle( Dod"y is obnoxious( Dippy is feminine( Dod"y is masculine( Dippy is wished for! lon"ed for( Dod"y pokes and prods( Dippy is flats( Dod"y is heels( Dippy is innocence( Dod"y will s@ueal( Dippy is unknown( Dod"y is vain( Dippy is everywhere( Dod"y is in one place at one time( Dippy stays still( Dod"y dances( Dippy#s dark( Dod"y is exhibited( Dippy never comes out to play( Dod"y is out"oin"( Dippy has never been seen( Dod"y is famously known by all( Dippy hates attention( Dod"y indebtedly pays attention( Dippy keeps to himself( Dod"y must seek everyone else( Dippy is one( Dod"y is all( Dippy is refined( Dod"y is u"ly( Dippy is misunderstood( Dod"y is understood( Dippy is unbelievable( Dod"ey is trustworthy( Dippy is intan"ible( Dod"y is insatiable( Dippy is tolerant( Dod"y is pre$udice( Dippy is lovin"( Dod"y is ven"eful( Dippy doesn#t follow throu"h( Dod"y is determined( Dippy is the definition( Dod"y is moved by the times( Dippy doesn#t but Dod"y does( Dippy thinks but Dod"y doesn#t(

My most for"otten memories which never lived

Holiday Truffles
by official ku shi's remake
4#m on that "reen tea and mushrooms 4#m "onna live forever too 'he eastern races have it fi"ured out y#all Dyin" is a"ainst my law 4#m eatin" pussy but 4#m a ve"an -ushi on my plate and my bitch wetter than the ocean man 4 only care about me but all of you need some help so my pride $ust 1(4(,( 4 "ive it up free of char"e 'hey call me back like '&Mob -avin" the world is my day $ob 3nd 4 spend it all before they rob man 4 heard! F+ive to the poor! make them rich Don#t lose si"ht of your "oal 3 "iant couldn#t make me flinch 4#m like this till 4#m vampire&old 4 don#t have to stop this train .ou could hop alon" this with me )n the side the haters han" 3ll the lovers ride with me 4#m on that "reen tea and mushrooms 4#m "onna live forever too 'he eastern races have it fi"ured out y#all Dyin" is a"ainst my law 4 love life so 4 won#t die 'he be"innin" wants me back 3nd 4 know stars in the sky man 4 don#t even need to "et hi"h 4#m already up there 3nd 4 speak truth when the official lan"ua"e is lies

My nei"hbors are speakin" spanish 'he pride is of the en"lish 4 "et up! everyday 4 mana"e 3nd Nme first# is how 4 finish man 5hile y#all die! 4#m still livin" 4#m not bra""in! it is what it is 3 is 3 is what 4 heard from him 3nd he authori2ed the truth like a sentence 'his life wasn#t made for y#all 3nd not for y#alls ima"ination 4f pride comes before the fall 4#m under"round like ve"etation 4#m on that "reen tea and mushrooms 4#m "onna live forever too 'he eastern races have it fi"ured out y#all Dyin" is a"ainst my law

I sa& 5i!$tnin! but T$ere )asn;t a Storm+ %la!iarised %art ?

& 6aws and systems of polity always be"in by reco"nisin" the relations they find already existin" between individuals( 'hey convert what has a mere physical fact into a le"al ri"ht! "ive it the sanction of society! and principally aim at the substitution of public and or"ani2ed means of assertin" and protectin" these ri"hts! instead of the irre"ular and lawless conflict of physical stren"th O 4f people are mostly so little aware how completely! durin" the "reater part of the duration of our species! the law of force was the avowed rule of "eneral conduct! any other bein" only a special and exceptional conse@uence of peculiar ties W and from how very recent a date it is that the affairs of society in "eneral have been pretended to be re"ulated accordin" to any moral lawA as little do people remember or consider! how institutions and customs which never had any "round out the law of force! last on into a"es and states of "eneral opinion which never would have permitted their first establishment(

by official ku shi's $ournalism
& ;rug na=vet> is delaying our universal reward systems golden era. "i# drugs or youll miss it,

4 know a man who bit into an apple and lost all of his front teeth( 4 knew a woman who choked to death on a donut( *ut this isn#t about death! disaster! or dentition at all( 'his is about dru"sH 3s 4 place my bucket&bon" down and evoke my inner&hippie! we#ll prepare ourselves for the rushH 4t won#t be as vul"ar as free&base! but will be more cerebral than ethylphenidate( 'weak with me(

3s we chase the dra"on into popular&culture! we can as easily see that heroin! morphine! and oxycontin come from opium( 'his "olden&standard of a depressio"enic was used by 3n"elina Dolie in +ia and was featured on M'0 specials on cable television( From opium dens to opium lamps! on every continent! this mutual&$ackpot has conspired to enli"hten all cultures( 'his divine substance! exalted and revered by holy men and spiritualists alike is still provin" 3ndy 5arhol wron" by not havin" fifteen minutes of fame! but fifteen centuriesH 3dored! and saved! and consecrated! these tears of poppy have the endowment to make the cursed unprofaned and to lift the persona non "rata amon" the an"els( )pium has many imitators and types of extracts! but only the opium poppy can be used primarily as food( 5ith an abundance of ma"nesium and calcium! it makes bones stron" and mind tran@uil( 4n the ei"hteenth century! women would use opium for the same reasons Manax is used for today! like pain! anxiety! insomnia! an"er! depression! psychosis! and hysterical menstruations( 4n the fourteenth century! connoisseurs would order opium&tea like you order a -tarbucks! black( 'he few sips desired would make one euphoric! cool! and fearless( F+od#s )wn MedicineG was coined the -tones of 4mmortality( 4f you were lookin" for the fountain of eternal youth! by me! you#ve found itH )piates (opium derivatives) are the leadin" medical tablets in the world! and americans are the number&one consumers( 3nd we know why( For Dorian +ray may have strayed from personal authenticity! but the foxiest of the clever could not fool an 3merican( 8ontinue on in the paradise of opium! and all misery! and sadness! and sorrow be "oneH 3s we for"e ahead! try not to catch a contact&hi"h from my cold&water&extract of poetical codeine( Did you know that dru" tourism is an industry! and dru" fraud is the principal cause of preventable death when consumin" the exhilaratin" fruits of cultural history= 6et#s $ourney downward into the k&hole with our steamy ewer of mushroom tea! and our sex and dru"s to repel our parents( My name is -teven Mc;enry! and 4 will be your cordial trip&sitter as we Ftune in! turn on! QandR drop out(G &'o be continued& FFuck that heroin( 4 "ot my purple&drank ready( /ow! where#s the pill&party=G

by official ku shi's panpsychism
& pisces my soul still smells like flames satan all the demons revere my name a2a2el the scape"oat of this physical plane baal the prince of the hell you call place bee2elbub the catholics blame me for sickness and sin belial the idol of those whom need redemption molech "ive me your kids! and i#ll "ive you mine leviathin will you stand the envy of mine= succubus i will haunt your dreams toni"ht incubus likewise! ladies! sleep ti"ht daemons of fate!

mammon of "reed asmodeus of lust! lucifer of "luttony twisted with envy! coiled with wrath BBB! i wish you well the pride where st( francis dwells the lies st( peter tells the desire of st( $ohn the baptist the satisfaction of st( barnabas to the chaos keepers! the impatiently la2y! to impure and hateful temptations! to st( bernard and st( stephen to st( bartholemew and st( dominic to hardness of heart! and shamelessness! to st basil and st martin! to the rich! the vain! the arro"ant to virtue! cruelty! and disobedience! to reven"e! lies! and inventions! to wars and devestations! to in@uisitors! and accusations to satan#s witches and warlocks who marchH to asmodeus# eternity in the dark to molech#s sacrificial christmas lambs to the confusion of baal by ten to astarot! and his serpentine feminine crown to the permanence of berith to belphe"or! with the beauty and stren"th by five to our lack of $obs by two to worthless men! the opposers and the insolent to the deservin" of $ealousy and the envious by seven to seven with a rei"n so heavily!

and heavenly! praise the food like the flood deity wipe out! with reli"ious and astrolo"ical implications! and mysticism! pay alle"iance to these descriptions

5iars %arado2
by official ku shi's experimental
& 'he lottery representative says! F5alk this way! Mr Iellin(G Mr Iellin says!G 'alk this way! Mr -immons(G 'he rep says! F7xcuse me(G Iou"er Iellin says! F/evermind(G 'he rep says! F5e#re "oin" to have you pose for the cameras with the "iant check then we#ll "et you back to your family in no time(G Mr Iellin says! F5ell your no&time is some time for me(G 'he rep says! F.ou know what Mr Iellin= 4 don#t like you( .ou#ve been on and on with these sharp remarks all while 4#ve been escortin" you! and 4 frankly think that you#re an ass&wipe(G Mr Iellin /ot an asshole= 'he rep Fuck youA hair and make up is to your left( 3s Iou"er Iellin walks into cosmetolo"y heaven! he thinks F4 wish that 4 could#ve killed that representative prick( +ou"ed his eyes out! stuck a billiards&stick throu"h both ears! and shoved an ice pick up his ri"ht nostril throu"h his brain to make a cross with the billiards&stick in his skull( 4f he only knew that he cursed out a hi"hly skilled serial killer( 3 makeup artist says! F1i"ht this way Mr Iellin and we#ll have you in front of the cameras in no time(G 3fter walkin" off sta"e! away from cameras and reporters! Iou"er Iellin feels an honest sense of relief( 4t lasts no time before the 8hief of 6ottery asks to speak with Iou"er in private( 4n 1yan#s )ffice of 8()(6(! 1yan asks Iou"er&cuttin" to the chase&what#s this 4 hear about you bein" a serial killer= Iou"er in a "enuine state of disbelief says! F;as the "overnment created thou"ht&recorders so soon=G 1yan says! F5hat the fuckH -o it#s true=G Iou"er says! F4 didn#t say that( 3nd if 4 did 4 meant that you#ll never take me alive(G 1yan says! F,lay dumb! but we have manuscripts with a tweet of yours on one which reads tweet 3 serial killer would win the lotto( 7nd tweet( 8ould you explain this to me= Iou"er says! F4 didn#t kill anybody yesterday(G 1yan says! F-o today then=G Iou"er says! F,robably tomorrow(G 1yan says! F3re you $okin"=G Iou"er says! FMaybe! but 4#m sure that 4 don#t know(G 1yan says! F'hat#s enou"h for me( 4#m "oin" to be puttin" an investi"ator on your case so that 4#m not involved in "ivin" a serial killer S10 million dollars of more power to prey on the weak(G Iou"er pleads! F4 am so weak(G 1yan says! F+et the fuck out of my office and out of the buildin"(G Iou"er leaves for home with his sin"le mother and his ex "irlfriend! both wantin" their piece of his pie! and he knows it( 5atchin" the 3ndy +riffith show! Iou"er can#t think of anythin" but his missed opportunity of killin" 1yan earlier that day! and he would probably never see him a"ain( Iou"er looks to his left at his ex! 6ucy on the loveseat! and asks! F5ould you assist me in choosin" a bottle of wine from the basement=G -he a"rees and stands up( ;e says! F4#m ri"ht behind you(G -he walks about ten yards to the door atop the basement stairs! then opens it revealin" total darkness( Iou"er says! F6et me "et that li"ht for ya(G ;e flips the switch up! and trips the bitch up( Down she "oes like a bear market! tumblin"! 2i" 2a""in"! and breakin" enou"h bones to put the bone collector out of commission( Iou"er looks behind him in both directions ! aware of his mother#s in@uisitiveness( ;e walks down the fifteen stairs! procures the nearest clothesline! spirals it around 6ucy#s throat! and stran"les her to death( ;e leaves her there then returns upstairs to 3ndy +riffith( 5ithin five minutes! his mother! *etty appears and says!GDid 4 hear you "ettin" wine from the cellars=G Iou"er bein" a patholo"ical liar says! F.eah ma! but the cellars are empty(G -he asks! F0ll of them=G ;e says! F3ll four(G -he&even with havin" problems with her memory&isn#t buyin" it and says! F4#ll see for myself(G Iou"er says! F-uit yourself!G and turns the volume up on 3ndy +riffith! then lifts from his feet( ;e hunches and lurks behind his dear old mother till she reaches for the basement door knob! which is

locked( 'hen! he takes her like holdin" her hosta"e with a "un to her head&but instead $ust a remote controller&and he kicks the basement door off the hin"es like a police raid&not havin" the key&and with his forward momentum! they both fall down the fli"ht of stairs into the basement! dyin" in one anothers arms( 5hat#s the value of < million dollars to the dead= Mr Iou"er Iellin#s 'ombstone reads 6ived like -carface! Died a 3 Made Man

Intuitive 'orbid :ealousy of+ Dour O&n 6eception

by official ku shi's psychophysics
i tried to call yesterday but it#s only today i tried to plan for tomorrow but it#s only today they said it#s 1: months but there#s only today they said everyone dies but i#m only alive today & ,(-( 4 never seen a crab born in human form 'alent ;ittin" the tar"et +enius )nly the "enius can see the tar"et .our "raspin"&limitations were expectedly calculated(

I beat+dro&n+ illed $im because+ $is al-eimers made me an2ious+tense+mean

by official ku shi's aphorism
& see i live with de"enerates! but that#s their preference see me! i am treacherous! and irreverent but i am not at all! murderous before i#d sink there! we#d see an exodus i wear pride as a necklace carryin" the stren"th of ten elephants but there#s moreO my recklessness knows restlessness do we know any references of the "enesis of pe"asus= the "overnments benevolence is directionless

leviticus is incredulous have you once @uestioned the intelli"ence of blessedness= decadence is the catalyst of universal ele"ance me"abucks pays for the messa"es of exorcists but my demons seek unpleasantness with direct evidence the preeminence of pink elephants is nebulous with emphasis on the "entleness and not effortless elo@uence the prevalence is ne"li"ence to the sensuous specialist my tetanus is excellence the sickness in my membranous elements my tree of life has no pendulous the methodist worships helplessness so i won#t help them i#ll $ust sur"ically infiltrate cancerous morpho"enesis but i psychically administrate like a super&stalin or like hitler i imitate but i permeate what i implicate so why intimidate when i can precipitate= and facilitate the infiltrated= what i#ve dictated is penetrated to your unconscious&shadow self&which is unsophisticated so what i bla2e like bacon and behold satan as sacred it $ust means! the iron maiden that is this nation! is awaitin" vacant takin" every mason haven and station then breakin" the situation you can#t fade a pa"an my awareness is blatant i tie on to my waist the apron those whom have been fakin" will be achin" souls will be bakin" and i and the le"ion will be eatin" fresh&fried raven you can strai"hten your "ayness but my hate wei"hs tons and "ravity is on my side! you#ve been forsaken

the mistakes you#ve made have added up to the wei"ht you will carry under the billion laws buried and su"ar has no sweeter ton"ue i sleep on the lawn of love the bums deceive the cons the $ohns are dumb "ive man rum and sin and it#s tou"h not to win i#m up you#re down the once yours is my town take it on the chin you are not my kin from the loony bin it seems an ori"inal sin throu"h your animal skin you could swim but in a whim the fun ends take another vicodin plan a another trip and vacation "o on and dance with the women lon" a"o my neck had been bitten ever since i#ve been driven by omen like a criminal from prison my vision is that of the villain but i describe it soft as linen your decisions won#t be for"iven your ability to listen has its limit with a million timid the slimmin" of the population and the dimmin" of inoculation re@uires no translation but the temptation is in numerous @uotations the fixation to its flirtation the "yration of its "radation is well worth the notation of its vocation for the acclimation is deservin" of adoration and your dislocation mutes disputation so all hopes of dissertation are de"raded to contemplation your conversations have been confiscated under this coronation this is deviated divination any news channels defamation exclamatin" the escalation of evocation more than mexicans face deportation no blood relations the calculation is culmination of stern concentration elevated education and illustrated $ubilation lubricated machination

places syndication in a position to cause suffocation and stran"ulation your recitation causes ulceration i made milk and honey variations money is monopoli2ation

:ane;s Revie&
by official idee fixe
'hat party was sick huh Daney= says Mary( FMare let me tell you somethin"! 4#m a little bit drunk! but &Mary you#re way drunk! don#t lie to me bitchHG&Dane 4#m drunk okay= *ut 4 was "onna say that 4 was "onna put out toni"ht but that fuckin" "uy 4 was talkin" to is such a fuckin" prickH Mary 5hich one! Martin= Dane ;ell fuckin" yesH ;ow#d you know= Mary 4 seen you talkin" to him! as Danny "ave me a hicky on my neck( 'hat party was so sickH Dane 6ook! so 4#m flirtin" with him and 4 thou"ht he was flirtin" back! but out of six times i went to kiss him each time someone would call his name and i#d smooch nothin" but air( Mary *itch you have the worst luckH Dane 'hat#s not all! 4 was tryin" to open him up to like talk to me you know= 3nd here#s what he does&he "oes&so do you live with your parents= 4#m like yeah( ;e#s like! do you have brothers and sisters= 4#m like yeah( ;e "oes! do you ever talk on the phone= 4#m like yesssssss( ;e says! "ive me your number and 4#ll "ive you a call( 'hat#s what he says in the middle of our fuckin" conversationH Mary 5hat a loserH ;e#s hot thou"hH Dane ;old it! don#t talk like that cu2 i still like him and i woulda "ave it up but anyway! i "ive him my number ri"ht= 'hen he#s like cool! 4#m uh text you now so that you have mine( ;e rin"s me! 4 enter his number and name( -o! 4#m like do you party alot! or $ust sometimes( ;e says! sometimes! but he mostly parties instead of "oin" to school( -o 4 say! ;old upH 4 see you in our hi"h school#s hallways! so how are you "onna say you don#t "o to our school( ;e says! so 4 "et really "ood "rades! and i cheat alot( 4#m like wait! so you "o to school! but you cheat and ditch sometimes( ;e "oes! yeah sometimes i "et so bored that i $ust "otta leave( -o i ask if he#s ever "otten cau"ht( ;e says! not that i know of( 4 ask! do you run or what= ;e says! 4 do enou"h runnin" in basketball practice when i "o( Mary! now 4#m $ust tryin" to keep up with this vir"in( Dane ;e#s a vir"o= Mary 4 think he#s a pisces or a cancer or somethin" watery like that! but anyway&so i say! do you start on the team= ;e says! when i feel like it= -o of course 4 ask what this means( ;e says! the coach is a dick so i "otta let him hear who#s boss sometimes you know= 4#m like! uhhhhhh i "uesssss( 4#m like so what else do you do besides be weird= ;e says fuck you bitch! and storms off from the room we were sittin" in( -o i#m $ust standin" there alone now for like three minutes! then he fuckin" returns with four fuckin" beer bottlesH Mary how was he carryin" four of Nem= Dane 'wo in his hands! two in his pockets! 4 mean this dude is impossibleH Mary 5hat happened next= Dane -o we#re drinkin" and talkin" then all the sudden! he starts chu""in" his last beer before 4#ve opened my second( Mary -o what= Dane 5ell now he#s like do you smoke pot= 4 tell him 4#m more into xanax and vicodin and stuff like that but i#d smoke only if it was with him( Mary 5hy#d you only smoke with him= 4#ve asked you hundreds of times! and you#ve re$ected meO Dane 4#d smoke with you too but only if he is with us( Mary 5hat the fuck DaneH .ou act like you#re fuckin" married or somethin"H Dane 4 wish i fuckin" wasH ;e#s fuckin" awesomeH Mary 5hat do you even know about him besides what he told you at this lame assed party we $ust "ot back from=H Dane 5ell 4 know what you know! like the mythical stuff about him at the school! the fi"hts he always happens to win no matter how bi" his opponent is! all the pot he smokes and never dies or even cou"hs! and i heard he#s been "oin" into the city more han"in" out with "an"sters and even "ettin" into shootouts and not dyin"( Mary )f course he#s isnt dead! you were $ust fuckin" talkin" to himH 3re you on anythin" else but beer= Dane ;ells yeahH 4#m on some of his shit! and he had two little sample bottles of rum in his pockets( Mary ;ow deep are this "uys fuckin" pockets=H 3nd what does Nsome of his shit# meanH= Dane )h! he had like these clear capsules! with i "uess five or six different pills mixed up( Mary 5hat the fuck DaneH 5e mi"ht need to take your "oofy self to the hospitalHH Dane -top overreactin"! 4 trust himOMary .ou don#t even know him DaneH Dane ;e saidO Mary 4 can#t believe i#m bein" friends with you ri"ht now! you#re talkin" to stran"ersODane ;e saidO(Mary you#re fallin" in love with "an"stersODane ;e said it would make me be honest with him when he texts me toni"ht( Mary /ow he has ma"ic pills that like pull truth out of your va"inaH 3re you kiddin" me DaneH= 3re you fuckin" really kiddin" ri"ht now= Dane ;e#s the best( 4 think 4 love him( 4 hope he asks me out( 4 bet he has the cutest dick ! but bi""er you know= Mary *i""er

than fuckin" what=H .our brainH= Dane ;ells yeah( 4 wanna like choke and "a" on it( 4t#s like such a cult of personality! secret societyish vibe around everythin"&him you know= Mary 5hy! cu2 you don#t know shitH= Dane /o! 4 meant you know he#s "ettin" laid by like anybody he chooses but you never hear shit! like the "irls are banned from sayin" anythin"( 3nd then his friends&and fuckH&even his enemies never seem to be able to cross him( 4 heard that he#ll seek out someone who#s started a rumor about him! and he#ll $ust sock Nem in the face whenever he sees them without sayin" one word and even his friends cannot predict his actions( Fuck Mary! even the teachers and security "uards label him a public threat( Mary 5hy cu2 he "oes to football "ames he#s banned from to sell dru"s= )r he "oes to basketball "ames he#s supposed to play in! but instead comes hi"h and sits in the bleachers with "irls= 5hy! Dane! because he sends "irls home on dru"s in a trance so that he fucks you and never calls back= 4s that why= F'hat#s it(G says Dane( Mary says!G 4 knew i#d "uess one of Nem ri"ht(G F/o!G Danes says! F4 mean that#s it! you#re $ealous i "ot the hook up! and you#re fat and stupid(G Mary says! F)h! so now 4#m fatH=G Danes says!! you#re a horse(G Mary says!G .ou know! that#s "ood seein" as that i heard that Martin likes a rounder ass anyway(G Dane says! G /o he doesn#t! 4 heard he likes bi" tits like i "ot(G Mary says! Fcall him! bitch(G Martin sends a text like he bu""ed their shoutin" match( 4t says! F5here do you live=G Dane replies F4#m at the park by my house(G Martin says! F.ou wanna smoke andG Dane texts back! Fcome and "et me&pleaseH&if you can(G Martin texts! F4#m on foot bitch(G Dane says! F/o prob! 4#ll walk with you(G ;e text messa"es! F8ome out then! 4#m ri"ht outside your cribG )ut "oes Dane runnin" to his arms like star crossed but not crossed anymore lovers( Mary is starin" like $ason voorhees throu"h the mansions windows( 'hey walk off! and Mary "oes home alone(

)$at t$ey t$in

by official ku shi's ne"ative feedback
yes he talks like us but he doesn#t walk like us have you seen his posts yet! his words dis"ust he must think that stuff! he mi"ht be sick we should try to "et him help! but he probably wouldn#t take it he thinks he a "enius! he believes in hi"h 4T he praises steve $obs! writers! and painters too he think he the new mo2art! the new $esus he says he#s better than every writer! poet! and member he hates christians! reli"ions! and sciences too he hates his family! his friends! his nei"hbors too i don#t really trust him but he always tells the truth he scares me! i think he#s evil or at least demonic to tell the truth i think he runs with demons! and he confirms this too he said he worships the devil and i believe it too anytime i show his work off! it brin"s bad vibes but he preaches non vibes! his honesty is a "ood vibe

I Kno&
by official ku shi's opinion
5hy don#t they like me! or want me= Mi"ht it be my personality= My way of seein" thin"s= 4s it my face! my skin#s complexion! my dreams behind the scenes= 4s it my luck! the taste i had "rowin" up= 4s it my past! the violence! the chances to "ive up= 4s it my politics! and how i stand out so much= 4s it my reli"ious aversion! and the stren"th of pure trust= 4s it their pain= 'he name= the fame= 'heir shame= 'he "uilt of them knowin" that i will chan"e us= 8ould it be their "ames! their blames! their chains! my stran"eness! that nud"e them to think of han"in" it

up= 8ould it be their dress! their best! my test of wits= 5ould it be my knowled"e! their honor! their respect to "ive= 4s it because 4#m better than colle"e! taller than scholars! sharper than dollars! and lar"er than manners= 4s it because 4 walk with certainty! live with di"nity! die with heroism! reincarnate with enmity=

Humanity Still Un=ustified

by official ku shi's uncate"ori2ed
they#re talkin" spanish next door (south) korean up the street (north) "reek on the next block (southeast) italian on the next block (southwest) some arabs are over there (northeast) and some blacks are over there (northwest) that is my town (centered) but i live in the suburbs (removed)

/(on1 Human History

by official ku shi's poetry
i seen a martin flyin" around in the middle of winter it seems he#s lost his sense of direction his sense of belon"in" his sense of purpose his sense of life &ill s$e find $er &ay9 &ill s$e live tomorro&9

by official ku shi's comedy
F.ou like the way 4 ride that dick!G say#s 0D! F)ooh! yeah! you#re "onna make me cumH uhH uhH uhH aaaaaaaaarhhhhhf"hd"d$f"$k"hhhhH "ood $ob baby(G ;er screenmate passes out of exhaustion( 0D pulls her panties up from around her six inch heels and walks off of the set shirtless( 3s another porno"raphic actress is walkin" on to the set! 0D asks to take her tanktop off of her hands! and she "ives it away in "ood faith! but 0D pulls it over her head and shoulders and skips the dressin" room to "o directly to the parkin" lot(

-he opens the driver door of and sits in her old *M5( -he says out loud! F4 need a new fuckin" car! richer fuckin" dicks! and a cute fuckin" driver on fuckin" discount(G )ne of the mana"ers runs out of the warehouse marked 6ot :C! and "ets to 0D before she has a chance to pull out of the parkin" spot! to tell her! F5e#ll need you a"ain tomorrow for suckin" *arney#s cock for half an hour(G 0D says! Fwhat#s in it for me=G 'he mana"er Don says! Fone thousand up front! one thousand after(G -he asks! F$ust suckin" cock! why so "ood a check=G Don says! leanin" on her driver door! F5ell ! 0D! you#re "onna do the usual suck and slurp! but we need you to deep throat! and "ar"le and swallow! and for a bonus&lau"h the cum out from your nose! like milk(G 0D 'hat still only sounds like five hundred dollars max( 5hat#s the catch=G Don! clears his throat and breaks eye contact&lookin" toward the 6ot :C buildin"! F'his "uy has ;40! but the two "rand will compensate you for anticipation anxiety! on screen denialism! and post traumatic stress(G -he says! without @uestion! G Fine! 4#ll do it(G 'hen drives off! almost runnin" over Don#s ri"ht foot( -he "et#s to her condo&inside&and nervously sparks up a $oint( -he bla2es for 10 minutes( 'hen turns on Mo2art#s Don +iovanni( -he twists! and twirls! and tanks about her loun"e room! in a state of hopeless ama2ement( )n her "lass table in the center of this room is the remainin" three lines of JE\ pure cocaine she#d used to "et "oin" before her shoot earlier( -he takes a s@uat! and her vibratin" fin"ers of friction and active learnin" molds a one hundred dollar bill to suit her intentionsA she places the dollar#s bottom openin" to the first white line! and up it shoots throu"h her face! in her nose! and behind her eyes! to her brain cells( -he lifts her head! her face north! buckin" her eyes to the ceilin"! then "oes down for seconds and thirds( -he looks rabidly throu"hout the two bedroom apartment for her purse which keeps her baby si2ed stash of heroin! but she can#t find it! so for substitution she pulls from out her kitchen cabinet! a half full bottle of 1emy Martin and a half full bottle of clear *acardi( -he chu"s the *acardi like at a colle"e frat party! then eyes the 1emy like an hyena envious of a lion#s feast( -he pops the reusable cork off and pours about :?\ of it on her head! and the bottle alon" with the bottom :?\&she throws at her ?: inch television in the loun"e room( 3fter it hits her tar"et! knockin" over the television! bruisin" the white wall behind! and causin" a racket! she screams to the sun! F4 hate my lifeHG ;er Mo2art 8ollection 8D she "ot at 'he *est *uy! is skippin"! so she "oes over&mascara runnin" down her face&to turn it off and break it in half( -he beats the record player with her fist&ima"inin" herself to be a kin" kon" si2ed "orilla and breaks that too( 'hen! the front&door is knocked upon and the door&bell#s run"( -he thinks it sounds like an emer"ency&comin" down from her cocaine hi"h&so she upturns her mirror where she sniffed the crystal white powder! and hides it under her sofa! she brushes her "lass table with one of the sofa#s E pillows! and puts that under the sofa( -he doesn#t remember doin" heroin or not! so she#s runnin" around like an alli"ator tryin" to sniff it out( -he can#t find it( -he $o"s to the kitchen! places the bacardi bottle in the sink! i"nores the '(0( situation! and opens her dishwasher randomly( 'here she finds her purse! with enou"h ba"s of heroin to brin" back to life Iurt 8obain( -he answers the door! with it on her shoulder! and li@uor on her skull&n&bones# epidermis makin" her feel dry and itchy( 3t the door is her nei"hbor she likes to call *i" 1edd( *i" 1edd has red hair! tall hei"ht! and his real name is -hane( ;e asks to come in and she allows that! lockin" the door after him( ;e said he was sure that she was bein" raped so if she didn#t answer the door he would#ve been obli"ated to call any law enforcement( -he said that she was "lad he didn#t because he and her would#ve been arrested for conspiracy( ;e says! that he doesn#t shoot porn movies for dru" dealers so how#d he even be in trouble( -he says that if she ever "ot into any kind of trouble she wouldn#t accept bein" taken down alone( ;e said! it &virtuous( -he asks! if he#d like some wine! he declines( -he says! well if that#s all you wanted thenO*i" 1edd says! with his hand on her thi"h as they sit in the loun"e room! F.ou know that you don#t have to live any way that you#re not proud of ri"ht=G -he says! F7xcuse me(!G and sends a text( ;e looks at her eyes in want of an answer( -he answers his @uestion with a @uestion! F5hat do you want from me *i" 1eddH= 4#m out of coke! out of pot! out of boo2eA where do you "et offH=G ;e says&embarassed for her&G4 $ust think 4#d clean you up(G -he bats her eyelashes! lifts to her feet and takes him by the hand( -omethin" $o"s her memory! and she says! Fwait!G so that she can send another text( -he throws the phone on the sofa! and the two of them make their way to her bathroom spacious enou"h to fit two or three sumo wrestlers comfortably( -he undressed him! and him her( -he turns on the steamy water flow! and they step in( ;e "rips her left breast with his left hand! and with his ri"ht he manuevers a come&hither motion $ust inside her va"ina( -he "ets excited and her helpin" hand waves back and forth across her clitoris makin" her pulsate and oo2e of or"asmic pleasure( ;e says! F5ould you like me toOG -he says! F*e a man( 'ake me(G ;e reverses her

body! she facin" the wall under the shower head! he takes a obese chunk of hair in his ri"ht hand! his left hookin" under the showers metallic entrance&structure for balance! as he rams! and thrusts! and pumps in the body"uard position with a youn" man#s vitality! sendin" her into another climax and him fallin" over in the tub( -he hops out like dod"in" a bullet( -he turns the shower off( 'he front&door has someone knockin" outside of it( -he dries her hair! and puts on a velour $umpsuit from her dirty laundry pile( )n her way to the front& door! she stops in the kitchen to pour corn&meal on top of her hair to take the showered look away( -he rubs it in "enerously! replaces the corn&meal to its ri"htful place! then walks toward the front! with a hospitable! FDust a secHG -he opens up to a detective( -he says! F4#m so "lad you could make itH 'here mi"ht not have been another chance(G 'he detective Frank Freeman a"rees and lets his self in( -he "oes on sayin"! Fhe#s ri"ht there around the corner in the bathroom! unconsciousObut i didn#t try to drown him or anythin" ven"eful like that(G Frank says! F-o this bloodthirsty prick actually tried to rape you=G 0D says! F.eah! and he wanted me to sell myself for him! alon" with a shitload of blow(G Frank raises his eyebrows( 0D says! F;e stuffed it in my handba"(G Frank says! F4t looks like hell in hereHG 0D says! F.ou can see it started a bit in the kitchen but it was mostly in the loun"e room! and here#s where he took me by the hair! and he entered me over my bathroom sink! and that#s when 4 took to his head a 1: inch can of hairspray knockin" him out&but i don#t think i even cut or marked him in anyway! when he fell over into the shower(G Frank says! F'hat#s not a problem( 5e#ll "et the story strai"ht! but how#d it "et so wet in here=G 0D says! FO4 started to drown his bitch&ass(G Frank says! F)&I we#ll need to make only a few chan"es of your story to undermine le"al suspicions(G 0D says F'hen we#ll be closer to that cross country trip you#ve been tellin" me about(G Frank says! F/ot really(G 0D looks nothin" but doubtful( Frank says! F4 hate my $ob! so 4#m takin" you to ;awaii! where we#ll be able to "et away from this nonsense! of ine@uality! racism! sexism! and overall "reed and secret societies of slothfulness(G 0D says! F3nd 4#ll be raped no moreHG !&with one of the lar"est smiles&AFrank a"rees! O0D GO*utO if we#re "oin" to ;awaiiO4#m "onna want O anO extra OtwoO thousand dollars(G

A 'il y Tits Seduction

by official ku shi's automatic writin"
-ometimes! you $ust "otta snort meth! says Milky to the stran"er in the public bathroom stall beside him( 'he stran"er can hear him sniff! snort! and decorate his dru" in"estion with a variety of ooohs! aaaahs! and even oh yeahs like the kool aid man( (to think of it! i think the kool aid man only breaks down the walls of houses containin" secret meth labs in the basement! only to increase his total supply)'he stran"er with no anxiety says! F)nly meth huh! none of the other thousand dru"s float your boat=G Milky! says 4#m Milky 'itsA what#s your name chap! you have some interesting conversation= 'he faceless stran"er opens the stall loudly! skips the sinks and mirrors then returns outside of the bathroom to the dance floor! remainin" nameless( Milky says to the no one he thinks still there! F)&I! you can play hard to "et! but i#m bisexual& the to! bisexual&so you can#t run away from me! and if you hide pleasure in your rectum! my stick of love will surely find it(G Milky "oes on! F(uh! what#s that you say= )f course! 4#ve used cocaine! but 4 "raduated to "eth +rade when i realised that Meth was cocaine#s older brother and cocaine is a minute& man! but the bi" bro&oh the bi" bro&is a :> to C:0 hour&man dependin" on how you pace yourself( -o leave that crack alone! and $ump on this po"ostickHG 3 police officer! announces his authority! and says! F4 think you mean bandwagon( -tep on out !lease(G )ut of B total stalls! Milky is shufflin" underneath partitions back and forth ! back and forth until he sees a break! he darts out from under the bottom of stall furthest from the door he entered in( 'he police man readies himself by crouchin" in sumo position( Milky runs at the officer full speed! the officer tries to clamp&hu" him with his arms! but as he misses! Milky ducks and slides feet first throu"h the space between the officer#s two le"sA Milky#s le"s contact the wall! he pushes off like an olympic swimmer! rises to his feet! and swin"s open the door towards him! everythin" happenin" so fast! the door swin"s with potential momentum forceful enou"h to connect with the side of the officer#s face! sendin" him clumsily backward into stall 1 in reverse "ear! the door busts off the hin"es! and the policeman landin" on the back of a lonely duchess whom happened to be "ivin" oral sex to a rounder "entleman( 'he fat man in stall 1! rocket&launches e$aculate ri"ht into the policeman#s eyes as he

turns around to @uickly&but&politely say sorryA the pearl $am blinds the officer! sendin" him to frantically hyperextend his arms in front of him around the men#s bathroom like frankenstein in need of a sink#s cleansin" abilities! leavin" enou"h spare time for Milky to "et away( )utside Milky is pacin" as he waits for a cab! sweatin"! and in a ma"nilo@uent hurry( 'he cab stops at his feet! and Milky whistles for another! bein" too restless to ima"ine the reality of havin" to sit still in a car for anytime over B0 seconds! even if it#s too "et away from legal trouble( Milky says Fsir could you step out of the cab throu"h the open front passen"ar window(G 'he cabbie says! F5hat for=G Milky says! F4 dropped my wallet under your car and i need a second set of eyes before you either dama"e it with your car! or send it slidin" to the sewers(G 'he cabbie runs over to Milky#s side( Milky does the unthinkable! which is a remarkably splendiferous swan dive into the passen"ar window! he tumbles into a forward tuck and roll! and "yrates his body ri"ht to face the windshield! then he pulls away before the driver realises it happened! and a half second before the police officer breathlessly runs out of the club! to ask the cabbie&which is the first person he sees&if he seen anyone with meth in his nose! onyx for eyes! and a pink thon" risin" above his skinny $eans# belt line= 'he cabbie said! F;ells yesH 4 seen that pink thon"ed freakH ;e $ust stole my rentalHG 'he officer says! Fno worries( 5e#ll track him down(G )n a clear street in Fictional 8ity! durin" an overcast! with millions of cabbies on the rode and them all drivin" cra2ily! this feat seems a tadbit far fetched( 'he cabbie responds! F.ou better! and @uickA time costs money(G Milky 'its is <<! "ray hair! wrinkly skin! white! looks hispanic! short strai"ht bu22! hitler mustache! osama beard! ruler len"th fin"ernails! and si2e 1? shoes! standin" at > foot tall( 4n the cab! Milky says! FMoney costs time in this dimension( 4 need to "et out(G Milky $umps and rolls out of the movin" car! the car rear& endin" a mercedes ben2 in front of it! the luxury driver "ettin" out pissed and yellin" obscenities at Milky( 4nstead of runnin" from this heinous crime! which could "et more wicked! he walks towards the *en2&man eerily slow like michael myers! and with a stone&cold face like him too! causin" the driver to return to his vehicle and make an ille"al turn left at a red li"ht and to proceed down a one way street to oncomin" traffic( Milky thinks F8harles Manson always said don#t ever underestimate the power of fear(G ;e realises he needs more methO )fficer to dispatch we have another meth head! club hoppin"! stall sniffin"! people displeasin"! peace disruptin"! skinny! bald! some type of a"in" disorder! extremely flexible( Dispatch we#ll send backup ri"htaway( 'he cabbie is sittin" on the curb in a funk! ri"ht next to fresh drunk#s piss( 'he officer says! F8#mon you can ride with me(G 'he cabbie $umps up! like a child hearin" about the plannin" of his first disneyland visit( 'he cabbie says! F4#ve always wanted toOG 'he officer -ave it( 'he cabbie )&I( 'hey "et in the car! slam their doors! and @uickly&naturally the cabbie who#s name is ,eta sparks up a bombaclot $oint one inch wide! and four inches lon"( 'he officer says! F3re you fuckin" shittin" meH=G 'he cabbie looks dismayed( 'he officer waitin" for somethin"! anythin" to "o on( 'he cabbie! ,eta! says! F4#ve "ot meth too if you wanna slam(G 'he police compulsively tries to handcuff and subdue the suspect! takin" his hands off the wheel! and for"ettin" the traffic( ,eta is stru""lin" to manually roll down the window! smoke his $oint! and lift&pull up out the window at the same time( 'he officer recitin" his miranda Oyou have the ri"ht to remain silentO ,eta says! FFuck off! prudeHG 3fter what seems like at least <0 seconds of "hostridin" the reader would assume a crash would happen! so it does! hittin" Milky 'its cross&countryin" his way back to the club( Milky flies in the air! somersaults! flips! does acrobats! vo"ues! poses for pictures! pauses! replays! plays a"ain! does some skateboard tricks! someone throws a pen and pad for an auto"raph! he sends a tweet on his brothers phone that he borrowed! he hits ,eta#s $oint! "ravity returns the $oint for him then he flies up and around and away( OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'he police officer *ob! shoots his brains out with his standard pistol( ,eta finishes his $oint and "oes back into the club to finish sellin" the rest of the ba"s of pure methamphetamines(

i have a traveldesk! halfbed! naturally two sets of clothes and a library card! yet i feel rich it hasnt always been like this i used to sell dru"s to make a "rip (1000S a day) instead of lookin" for love! i#d pimp a bitch (100) favorite movie! favorite book= i won#t know until i#ve made my own i know everythin" but its not enou"h information i never was the type to sit by the phone waitin" for a "irlfriend! a teacher! a friend! or relative i#m anti&relative! ask family the last time they "ot me to "ive you unappreciatin" is like me takin" my "ift back! so! i never even "ive at all once! i thou"ht i could save the world! but thats old news i did that wearin" tube socks and a lucky pair of drawers those are! boxer briefs! my body look supermodely but i value my self more than self proclaimed stars if you#re a sexy! stron"! bad bitch! i#m self proclaimed hard

Everyt$in! in movin! Order

by official ku shi's true self and false self
'he Tuestion 4s there nothin"=

6reamy 'ind Bender

'ruth is water( *ut Man insists the buildin" of brid"e(

6reamless 'irror See er

by official ku shi's bi""er than life
& ;ealin" is painful ;atin" is "ainful 5hat is my name fool= ;ow could 4 chan"e it= ;ow mi"ht 4 chan"e it= ;ow would 4 chan"e it= 4 need to chan"e it( 3rtistic omnipotence( 8reative )mnicompetence( 9niversal )mnipresence(

4 never wanted to come back from there and that is why 4 am here now(

)riters Bloc /%arts F+G1 HF+

by official ku shi's automatic writin" rap
5riters block part 1 -elfism! -elf&worship
& T$e world is burnin! do&n and im burnin! up 4s it me or did somebody turn the furnace up= T$e $oods bonds are do&n B<E<T;s stoc s are up 5e live in the "hetto where nobody#s savin" us 7apitalists are bussin! up" clapping and laughing 5e need a superhero to knock hate on its ass and All I &anted to do &as ball out t$en brin! my ass in /ballin1 4t#d help if strippers said Fwho that is, bring that cash in=# (strippers) IF.IJ means it doesn;t matter &$en i;m =ust spazzing /spa- out1 and most of these players don#t ball at all (y#all don#t) I;m livin! li e psy" 5i e mi e i;m off the wall /'ic$ael :ac son1 i#m the one behind the scenes that calls the calls (J) 'y lac of foret$ou!$t $as me ma in! rules as I go along /I ma e it up1 8all ']Mobile and tell them to (old the !hone /ationalists call atPt less than they call the law 5a&yers: Re+up on my sta2" no! re+up on my sto2 4 call my cash like Fhey#ve you "ot that gua!=G (it don#t stop) 4t never stop! 4 never stop (it never stop! i never stop) 4 once heard when you believe in life! you#re living life (that#s life) So loo " i )on;t die" I =ust !ro& my wings and fly /li e an!els1 'hey used to call me 'et but 4 thou"ht we couldn#t be this hi (i#m sober) 3s men but now 4 see that i fly like eagles fly (dont"etit) My classic 1JJ0 buick re"al! 4 bucked it so fuck it (i totaled my car) 4 was -ittin" on somethin" plush! it was so lux#ious (luxurious) /ow finish the rest of the letters! that are the units 6ike " unit! 4#m extortin" banks like 6loyd and the feds move it (the "overnment#s dru" dealin") 3cross the sea 5i e =esus &al s but aint none crossin! me 4#m in a concubines lap like where ya dog mite be 3nd like a million do"s had to bite me! i#m rabid 6ike a lucky bunny foot i#m rabid (rabbit) 4 don#t cut off hookers like the ripper! but 4 stab Nem (4 poke em) I $ave more t$at I must $ave ,ress play then i Iill beats like a blood bath .our favorite rapper is fake but 4#m real if you must ask in the mob! 4#m a made&man so 4 don#t rush pass 4 dust pass! and brush pass! waves 4 kould clear ya dusty ass! hay 6ike horse feed T$e roc : pass to me 4 show you what to do with it 4#m so smart with my foolishness *ack on my bullshit after for"iveness (i#m not 8hristian) -o wait! like you work at applebee#s

-o wait! like $ose $ust servin" me 4 cut off hookers like surgery 3nd still cash&out with virginityH I;m on t$ou!$ 6eave your "irlfriend with a sore throat (sucky sucky) 3nd 4 want boats! but i wont work ("overnment service) /aked teena"ers $ust wanna twerk 4 wanna flirt so that#s what 4 do 4 tell your "irlfriend afterwork come thru -he and i will be fuckin" all nite 3fter 4#ve had to @uit! she suckin" all nite 1ay word 1eal M8#s in the buildin" like calm your nerves 4 hit then swerve *end them curves *itches served But I !et on t$ey nerves )n they jaws 4 bust (i e$aculateH) ( I I trust *een hi off dust don#t u lie to us

part : -efl knowled"e

& 4 have to ride like six fla"s )ne in my pocket so five fla"s *oppin" is walkin"! so boppers are !layers too 4 $ust dusted like my shoulders is dirty too bad .ou musty and you aint been smokin" (so sad) 4#m on cu2 bein" off is darker than who you#re strokin" 4 hate a dark bitch! and a bright bitch 6ike a light bitch! 4 have to shade my eyes bitchH :udas aint dead And =esus cant save me 8ocaine would tell you 4 rock since the %?s ;i class bitches wish that they could taste me 3sk diddy these ;arlem dealers can#t shake me 4 mi"ht fall but 'he bones can#t break me As :% 'or!an )$at;s a bank to me9 4 know that .a money#s fake like wax !astries 3nd 4 ax cra2y! the shinin"! jack nickelson 4 do whatever it is! 4 have to do to "et it done *itches come whether or not 4 have a mill 3nd if i#m not with your "irlfriend i#m with her ton"ue 6ike slinkies down stairs 4 "et her sprun" 3nd without a doubt she always cums! ca cum, cum /o nikes! 4 run like run! kill beats like redrum 4#d Dump on ya bed punk! ya "irlfriend#s pussy is ded punk 8ive some &ater" And I rap li e i;m on a pill 3nd 4#m 'alkin" like 4 desi"ned the bills 'he bills= 'he bills you would kill for 3nd 4 still "o! still flow 6ike who for"ot to turn the sink offH 3nd 4 drink off my flow

/o need of a water bill And i;m a#uarius &it$ t$is water skill 4#m heated but never /0:5- back like my dau"hter killed 4 bou"ht a pill! slau"hter kids! brou"ht the crib like trailer park Tattooed" yes I made a mar /ow its on you to remove it 4#m teachin" so how am 4 a student= 4 marry the "ame! i#m prudent 4#m winnin" the "ame! you#re losin" 4f i#m in the lead! you#re caboosin" 3nd i#m aimin" for -(9( n 8(8(7(-( the ne#t spelled I;m too $ot li e put me in t$e next $ell 4#m in the futures cell like 1iddick )n a future cell like cricket .ou can "o to hell 4#d buy you a ticket *uy the blunt and $ust split it 3ll the crimes! 4 did Nem 3ll the broads! 4 hit Nem .ou#re still fuckin" with Nem I never love Kem" I =ust flip Kem .ou rather fuck a prisoner in prison .ou barely are "ettin" cau"ht I !ot cau!$t and still fuc ed t$e system 4#m still workin" on my mission 1till trappin" like buy these prescriptions 'hese rappers are losers And &$at i;m doin!" is ra&: no condom 4n the house is where you find him '.5./( like a reminder /ame myself like a desi"ner 6ay 2 boy! yes i#m reclinin" 4#m makin" a new "ame like gra!hic designer 3nd 4 fuck you over like vagina 4 beat ya ass like rihanna 4 skeet like s!iderman *ut i#m $ust ya nei"hborhood grinder

,art < -elf exaltation

& 4 could ball like lebron pimp But i;d rat$er c$ill or $ave an or!y I $ave bitc$es dyin! to $ear my story 4 "rew up in the suburbs 5ith substandard conditions Moms was in the kitchen standing over dishes 4 was a gangster! shit *eatin" kids# asses at the !reschool I;m on t$e play!round li e )$at t$e fuc is a old rule49 (obody could tell me s$it" because i;m so cool 9rban -tyle! My ba""y $eans! they hanging 0lways "an"ban"in" 0lways dru" slan"in" )verdoses is -athan (thats nothin")

+reenbacks i#m raking (like leaves) 3ll these whores! i#m draking (i make em sin") 3ll these bens is franklin (ben$amin) 3nd 4 aint never pussy chasing (they chase me) 4#m a do" but 4 chase my tail ( i#m in love with my self) I;m my o&n competition yea$ 5i e T.I< verse T.I.P< /clifford $arris1 /o "an" but still a 3.2.*. @"an"ster) 8hief keef like 3.*.5.@chica"o my city) 8orporate thu" like +./.5. (family in 3'6) ? star like -.*.+( (i miss you saraH) 7asy as 1(:(<(0.*.+( (MD 14,) /ever die like 'ackson *> that happen i#d jack son 6ack son! in the trunk and mash son (*urn out) 1ead the ca!tion don#t feed wild animals 'he 2oo cant hold me because i#m a cannibal (i#d eat you) T$e best &ould no& i;m t$e best And since i;m t$e best" t$e best knows /$a41 ;ennessey put hair on my chest! and whats on my chest grows (taco meat) 4 see a chick with bi" breasts! soO 5hat! 4 D 8 like obama (don#t care) that#s what hooked my papa to my mama (loser) 3nd papas to most mamas like B0#s music (baby boomers) 6ike mPm 4 $ust lose it! then find it (shady) 'y mind" its on anot$er planet so don;t retry it I mean research it 3nd 4 don#t "et nervous! 4 $ust "et violent ("rrrr) -eein" red not violet 4f you#re mad! then start a riot shit ("o cra2yH) 4#m live as shit! $ump out the commode to kill you 4#m the shit like you smell me like diarrhea dude (ill) 3nd i#m kind of near you (i#m close by you) /o bible or fear of him in you (you#re doomed) So !a!a not ya lady but s$e;s mine /i !ot $er1 Aluid I drin from out ya spine /its spinal) 4#m stron" and you weak by design (its tribal) 4 don#t care about ya hips! 4 $ust need to see ya eyes to know if you mine (you hear me=) 4f you#re dying! you did too much lying (you deserved it) 4#m too real! but not much trying ( no effort) 4n the shower! but no crying (pussy is wet enou"h)

,art > -elf sustainability

& /o rain needed to hide my tears 4#ll (ide ya body if we "ot beef 8ause i#m aimin" above ya neck! for your teef (ya teeth) you must 'urn a new leaf! and say sorry (ri"ht nowH) I say why bot$er9 4 "ot problems mr president i#m growling (hun"ry) 4#m livin" this life no hi fiving (low fivin") 4#m bi" do""in"! and styling (no profilin") 4#m :1 so 4 stay driving ( now im :<H)

Ieep hatin" and lose ya eyelids ( don#t play with meH) 4#m throwed off! killin" the quieted (speak upH) I;m insane" a villain" try it /be bad sometimes1 .ou ,ull ya piece! but don#t use it (you#re too scared ni""aH) 4 been a beast! is you stu!id= (4#m a bear ni""aH) 4 was endin" careers when you#s studyin" blueprint From :.8.1( to '( (that#s $ay 2H) 4#m marley rollin" 's (lil marleyH) I;m on t$e coast in .!< /t$at;s santa monica41 4 always have it my way (like bur"er kin"H) .ou could call me 1inatra (that#s frankyH) -hout out to my !artner (that meH) 3nd that is who 4 am 3 business man! not a businessman /evertheless Ni#m connected 6ook up to me! res!ect it (i#m so hi"hH) My humility! 4 ne"lect it (too much prideH) 4 ben the best but if you check it .ou#re bound to find I;m sellin! time and yall are buyin! 4#m rich like richie .a money#s skinny like /icole richie (anorexicH)

,art ? -elf Defeatin"

& I;m doin! my damn t$an! .ou tweakin" off mary $ane (pot) ,ut the plant down *ut al2eimers patients remember my name (what=) 4 "ot whores teachin" whores the "ame (pickup arts) '(M(U( my middle name (i#m unpopular) 4#m mad son! like manson! charles here (na2i) 8all ya lawyer! b> you miss a step son (watch me) /on relative like anti 7instein ("et it=) 4#m +od! like anti reli"ion ( believe in MeH) 4#m hi! fuck ya law of "ravity ( so fuck it) I !ot ya !od loo in! after me /i made $im sub=ect1 'y comedy is ya tragedy I tal s$it li e Socrates I;m a boss so bosses floc to me Too muc$ money I need more countries /&o&1 I need t&o earthes /&o&1 I said it &ron! on purpose /&o&1 I;m on t&o dro;s /$ydroponic cannabis1 T$ey not youn!" t$ey old /classic1 Old li e my x"o #classic1 I cross &$ores li e x"o /classy1 I tell ya !irlfriend lets go /s$e listens1 S$e $op in t$e car li e vamanos /i;m spea in spanis$1 I ta e leaps of fait$ li e $eronimo Over t$e top is &$ere ima go / i;m too $i!$41 I put a $ump in my bac " on $ump day li e a llama though I put do&n t$ose camels though /no smo in!41 Its all about t$ese commas though /million -eros41

'oney in front of me" %.&< be$ind / i cant see ya41 And i;m a in!" li e royalty is in my spine /i cro&ned 'e41 Read t$e si!n" and stop I !ot &it$ LFF" don;t call a cop 5i e L.FF I don;t =ust drop you I drop ya whole building /ouc$41

,art B -elf "overnance

& 'he '(0( off! but i#m on 4#m $in"lin" baby like $ewelry on ($in"&a&lin") 3nd 4 don#t need to buy any $ewelry! homes (homie) 'hese bitches "ive "ifts like its xmas bro (it aint christmasH) I don;t miss a whore 4 have to "o )ut the door like dominos (like pi22aH) i 7at pussy but i#m no !iranha thou"h (no blood please) 4 "ot "ame like :k1< (thats /*3H) .ou haters would love to hurt me 4 "ot ? bitches s@uirtin" (like pornH) )n their cum! i#m surfin" (like shaun) 4#m sippin" drink! its purpley (codeine syrup) .a "irlfriend wanna $erk me (she wanna wank me offH) 4 damned near crashed the whip 4 "ot balls han"in" lower than de!ression (thats low) 4#m on! no second guessing (no @uote) 4#m on! its in my "ut (like cancer) 4#m on! < naked sluts (they#re all dancers) 4#m on! but off my butt! i#m hiH (too hi"h) /o lie! like lie detector ( no police) Any &$ore could &in &it$ my direction /li e a pimp41 5innin" is my profession 4 talk shit to prove a lesson Ta e my advice .ou don#t want me to show you somethin" 4 "ot ya "irlfriend strE crumpin" ("oo"le krumpin) (o !oons" I do t$e dumpin! /t$ats s$ootin!41 5ith my new boots! i#m 3&town stompin" (i#m $umpin"H) 6ike youn" buck! 4 stay up in somethin" (crime) 6ike ?0 cent! 4 double up like $??A (funny) I;m !ettin! my !rip li e 'erk off /masturbate1 I =ump on some pussy t$en swerve off it /i;m !one41 I get t$e purp" roll t$e purp" hit t$e purp" cough /t$at;s &eed41

,art C self creation

& Dou no& me li e bernie madoff / a scoundrel1 I;m off t$e dope" but I &on;t stay off /an addict forever1 I can ball =ust li e t$e playoffs /li e t$e $eat41 Dou aint a star" so stay out my sky4 / you cant compete41 My schoolteacher said Fboy you hiH# 4 had to reply! 4 said F2 tryG 4n the "ames window 4 pried! bruh man

4n the "ame! 4#m ^1! no hands 4 can freestyle off the brain 'ouchin" on what#s poppin" and what i see (whats poppin=) /o one can clone how 4 be (no clones) 'hru the door i came in! is how 4 leave (the same doeH) 3nd 4f 4 was a leaf in )ctober (its /ovemberH) 4#d fly up! instead of fall down (thats incredible) 4#m so heavy in the "ame! 4 could make the tree timber (with no axe=) .ou fall down! i rack up (that#s wealthyH) 3ny other ni""a "et smacked up ( i smacked friendsH) .ou fell! 4 $ust lau"hed&4 cracked up (no friendsH) ;umpty dumpty a wall flower 3 flower is an e"" 4#m smokin" flowers! it smell like rotten e"" ( you don#t "et itH) 4 take ya shit like a pirate! rotten le" (super&duperH) 4 can#t ride with you like you >"ot a pe" (on a bike) T$is life: i don;t $ave to obey it /i ma e t$e rules1 4 won#t do 4t cause simon said 4t ( who is that fool=) )bama could say it (it doesn#t matterH) 6amn $e !litter but $e not gold / not silver eit$er1 -o! 4#d rather have the gold Ta in! a bat$ &it$ an () year old /s$e;s se2y too1 -he youn" but her head is an old soul (she "ives head "ood) My exes are old thrills (they don#t matterH) *ut i don#t date! i $ust smash! rebuild (that#s a one ni"ht standH) 6ickin" cunts! is custodial (i#m a va"inal $anitor) 4 talk shit from the !odium 4 swish even when i#m floating then (like derek rose) i rose like Derek Dick swoll like parrish 4 eat you crackers like !arrots (that#s racistH) And I impeac$ presidents" nigga*from paris /illuminatus41 4 "ot some clothes! so 4 wear Nem My wardrobe clashin" like !arents 6ike ya parents when they had you I smo e good &$en I !ot a bad mood /$a$a1 My confidence is tattooed Fuck 8inderella! 4 sold the "lass shoe (nice) 3nd came knockin" for the match 4#m hot! don#t need no match 4#m wearin" dress shirts with the sleeves detached ( 4 cut Nem offH) /one of you ni""as is my match (that#s racist) .a wife would "ive me her snatch (tamin" stran"eH) I;m rich" i;m cool 3nd didn#t even dro! hi school ( i "raduated 0EH) 4#m poetic like haiku ( > lines) 3nd 4 "ot dra"onball2 like goku ( cartoon2) 3capellas cool! don#t need !ro tools ( no beats) 4 spa2 out like a damn fool

,art E -elf reliance

& 4#m poppin" and snappin" these rubber bands ooh *itches#r poppin" and snappin" like : live crew

To you dead bitc$es" i;m too live for you 4 could fuck all nite! and y#all are : minute whores I;m $avin! an or!y" its too many &$ores My dick done touched a 100! like eenie meenie minie mo .a boyfriends a rat like "innie thou"h 4 slipped my own self! a mickey (thats +;*H) I;m =ust naturall born and illin! /i;m cra-y41 4 can low blow you like !isces (number 1:H) .a "irl show me her ton"ue rin" like $B 4#m on the beach! no surfing 9nless swa" surfing is a sport! i#m first see 4#m never bowin" down 4 am the kin"! don#t touch my crown 5hen i#m up its "oin" down .ou hear bands! you hear clouds 4 mean thunder I;m so !enius" I ma e alice &onder Iurt cobain! i#m grunged up .a "irl laid me down! after we "ot fucked up )e ML" ML &ays / ama sutra1 4 control criminals cause crime pays My kids misbehavin"! they colored ya "irl face that#s shock value like yall ta2ed *ittersweet is what yall taste Dou can;t find me in + &ays 3nd 4 don#t run! and 4 don#t hide -o smooth! 4 don#t walk! 4 glide -uch a "entleman! takin" fi"hts outside *ut i#m no stran"er to benihanas stove! standin" on the top of it like im wyld 4 son you ni""as like my child 4 brin" the tech to you ni""as like im fouled .ou better pay the price if you wanna sit in my crowd My bon" louder than the crowd 4#m black and love to shout Old $eads said i;m too proud ,eah! thats what im talking bout +irls#r rollin" and they look !o!eyes (that#s MDM3H) 4#m rollin" up spinach! that !o!eye (that#s mari$uanaH) 4 kept writin" after 4 "ot tired (i#m tired nowH) It;s a ne& dru!9 Ill try it /'+cat1 My bitches "ot next My bitches "ot wet 4 "ot lon" but i#m already lon" ( that#s ^ inchesH) -o their mothers "ot next (Milf) 4 last lon"! long like my dick (^ inchesH) I;m on my =ob" on my =ob li e a bad bitch /a prostitute1 4f they#re ratchet! 4 still smash it (4#m fuckin" divasH) 4 do this strictly from !assion Save t$e magic Money comin" in like skullca! bitch (that#s craps) -o listen up like dre beats (headphones) My mantra is fuck you !ay me (yo"a )MMMMMMMMM) (o& namastey 4 always was a thu" and 4 stay that way 4ts "oin" down like mayday, mayday .ou#re comin" down like kickoff 3ll that "litter make my dick soft (no "litter)

.ou ever tried to scrub that shit offH 'hat shit hard! that shit stick 4-been-in-the-game > a min-it .ou#re drivin" ya car like its rented 4 drive my car like its stolen And I $old ya future li e remote controlling /sims1 5hen it aint shit to do! 4 count tokens 8all me ford! ni""a im focus ,urple color is the !otion (eon color is ya girlfriend after se2" s$e glowing /after!lo&1 -he bend it! stick it out! buss it o!en (that#s pussyH) 'he public bathroom like a stri! club 4n the library tryin" to "et my dick sucked (true storyH) 4ts either fuck colle"e or stay in colle"e don#t vote! 4 say motherfuck the knowled"e 3nd fatherfuck the knowled"e /ew cars where the garage is +ot here with no help! $ust scholarshi! (ironic) 3nd honorin" the ones before me I don;t rap" I -... 6ike macauly 5hen you down and out! don#t call me ;i ni""a! 4 don#t relate 4 rise and its no time to wait 6ike the sun at a(m( lift ya face Attac t$e day" !o &ild at nite My dick "ot li"htnin" in it! when 4 fuck my dicks a nite-lite 4 leave vanilla babies on "irls ton"ues like ice, ice 4 cop weed at the ne#t lite 4 roll and spark with a bitch that sin" like $ordin sparx 4#m holdin" my own on charts like file cabinet (i#m better than lorde) I;m suc$ a beast t$at i;m &ild stabbing it I;m a roc star" $alf na ed" =ump in t$e crowd stabbin! it I beat t$e pussy up" for real i;m floyd =abbin! it /rou!$ se241 +ri!s still crabbin" 4t! bloods still slobberin" 4#m half "remlin half goblin .ou are half furby half ;onald duck 'hat weed must "ot you stuck (you cant moveH) Dou aint !et t$e memo" I dont givva fuck Ridin! round &it$ %eethoven turnt up /true story41 My collar its turnt u! like my nose (4#m snobbyH) .ou have to pay to like my whores (pay to playH) +rey and black how 4 ice my toes (pedicures for menH) Dreadlocks how 4 ice my fro# (i "ot lon" hairH) 1olex how 4 ice my wrist (no advertisements) ,andora how 4 ice my neck and ears (that#s $ewelryH) 8od not $ere so aint shit to fear /no fear41 +ot my bitches and family here (but i don#t need Nem) 100 million dollars blown in one year (i don#t need it) 5ho is warren buffet= ( i don#t know) don#t that ni""a "ot !rostate cancer= (probably so) Turn not to t$e s y but to me for $onest ans&ers /i;m 8od1 4 have strippin" bitches 'hey say they dancers 4#m fly ni""a like prancer 4#m stra!!ed ni""a like $ansport

8et bamboozled ni!!a dance for it /t$ats spi e lee41 4#m dutch! snow! &!ac ( a real "an"ster) 4#m tellin" you to put down ya & glo# 4#m :1 "uns in the trunk Make ya booty bounce like devchum! (ooooh) My bed made! my hair did 4#m livin" a life you cant dream kid My bitch pussy sweet like where the bees live (she taste like honey) /ever have a si"n that say N!lease give I !ive it all I !ot .ou talk a lil shit! 2 talk a lot ( 4 mock myself) 4#d take the presidents !arking s!ot 2d s!it on the !o!e 'u" of war! 4 own the ro!e 'his my new testament! holy flow 3nd my li@uid crystals all diamonds (whoaH) &intermission& Dou could c$ime in but I o&n t$e bells ? school teachers! ? rooms at ? hotels 5e#re playin"! don#t ask don#t tell /o homo like $im and them (they#re "ay) +ot $ewels like -antana and (that#s dipset) 4 back ni""as down like the heat (power forward) I already &on" why compete9 My fin"ers startin" to hurt! 4 need ice on me (that#s diamond rin"s) 'he lights on me! and that#s when the future hit him 1uths chris pictures for online hypes (i#m ballin") 4 fuck dykes only! online nice (the only lesbian&fucker) 3nd my e bay cost the online price (that#s ecstasyH) -o brin" it up! when you need that (:? a pill) 4 have a bitch tattoos where her sleeves at I overdose because I don;t need t$at /fuc life1 don#t need that resuscitation /uck you and ya visitation %ayin! no ta2 &ould change t$e nation I;m t$e best because t$at spot &as vacant If $ip $op &as la-arus" i;m 'esus &it$out $esitation 5ipe my feet with your hair dont you wanna ride in a lac with this young !layer ,layer like too short! but the bitch not too short 5hores ask what can 4 do for ya= 'ricks eatin" pussy like "ood lasa"na 4#m blasting chronic! !assing chronic (like snoopH) My dick is su!ersonic! my pimpin" is bionic (i#m incredible) My bitches blow like a trum!et (oral sex) 3nd 4 beat the beat up like a drum kit (freestyleH) /i""as use to think that 4 was a dumkid (only bad) /ow they don#t even think that fuckshit (proved em wron") I;m on this s$o&" that s$o& /on t$e ne&s1 .a money#s skinny like where the fat go= (you lost it) 4 have money and 4 blow up like badaboom (kaboomH) My summer home it "ot alotta room 'y trac record s$o& NpussyO yours s$o& alotta spoon /you cuddle1 4#m a "oblin! that means i#m alotta goon (id shoot you)

A c$i to&n ni!!a li e a lotta tune /c$ica!o1 )n itunes im killing (buy somethin") )n instrumentals i#m dahmer (murder somethin") .ou $ust dumber (i#m smarter) 6osin" money like what a bumber (that sux) -o 4 could be a bomber (terrorist) 9hich ya hurt locker4 ,ut the cash in the first locker (pay first) 4 was the first clocking (thats "ettin" cash) 8all kesha how i#m tik tok-in (thats "ettin" cash) 5ith a big cock in! i#m eatin" chicken but i#m not chicken ( i aint what i eat) /o "enie but keep on wishin" (rub the bottle) My downfall is weak fiction (its not true) 3nd my hits number one all week (you didn#t know) ?: weeks! that#s all year ( you didn#t know) *all fi"ure! like sandlot babe ruth (remember him=) *lack! brown! blue! or "rey suits (i#m classy) *usiness handled like a "old tooth (i#m shinin") 4 could row thru you and ya whole crew (ooooh) I;m $eatin! up li e old ste& /you;re leftover1 4 could kill your style with my old $uice (my old swa" better than your next swa") 4#m "ettin" money like an old $ew (they "et money) )ld money! new money like a family & by & (i have both) 4 have "irls comin" over! & by & ( i need >) 5e mina$ like nicki! how bout you= (you do the same=) 3nd i#m still not carey Oo!s 4 mean not carin" 4 "ot a book with photos of me "ettin" face! but no sharin" (thats oral sex) I ton!ue &restle &it$ vir!ins /frenc$+ iss1 'hen 4 cut them like a sur"eon (i fuck Nem) 4#m throwed off like i#m pur"in" (i#m drunk) And only I am certain /i;m ri!$t1 I;m livin! t$is life on purpose /predestined1 3 hood ni""a is worthless ( fuck Nem) 4 aint scared of no ni""a (no ni""aH) I;m ballin" you;re =ust &or in! / fuc you41 6ause 6ause! like i#m homo ( i#m not "ayH) I $ave &$ores li e t$e U<S $ad presidents /t$ats @@ to F1 4#m hi so 4 raise !recedence (you can#t reach MeH) My house next to the "e#icans ( mexicano) 4 shoot E like E "e#icans E shots of the lean Make you lean for B> hours I $ave M@ powers 3nd 4 can skeet B> times 4n B> hours (o pill included Da u!ly cousin is e2cluded .a swa" mean! mine the rudest My swa" so mean! it bum! ya shoulder .ou look back! you could get shot 'o deadmen! that#s unheard of 7yes on the money -o the money watchin" me 4#m watchin" it! like *(7('( M('(0( 4 kill ya reserve ener"y

I;m =ust an evil entity Fake ni""as try to mimic me *ut real masters roll swisher sweet 'hen pass Nem to bitches 4#m puffin" cohiba myself! like this the bi ness 4 "et all my !ublishing 3ll my royalties 6eat$ b@ my dickfail -ave your loyalty 4 know devils wanna boil me 5eeds "rowin" where the soil be -omethinn smell fishy don;t !et koi &it$ me /o bois with me like ms( ;ilson Dust "irls with me like hef mister 'wins! i#m fuckin" whichevers the best sister (true story) My breath hit her! she know i#m drunk Im so what honey0 hop in the truck 5e#re in the parkin" lot B hours -he sucked me dry for the money and the !ower (poor "irl) 'y life" so many close calls / near deat$ e2periences1 My knife! so many closed jaws (i#m strapped) My dicks too bi" to fit in jaws mouth (open wide) 4ts my world so its my south My throne with my clout And no doubt &it$ t$is at$iesm /uck your life and what youre thinking 4#m bourbon drinkin"! cham!agne pukin" 4 throw up like "an" si"ns! but to me both "an"s losin" 'hese broads! they kee! on choosin" I don;t care what t$ey doin! 4#m doin" me as long as i#m a"in" :!000! <!000 like true blood&anna !aquin ( i#m a vampire) Realer t$an you could ima!ine 3 stand out like daphne (on scooby dooH) 4 need "ood brains like velma (i need head tooH) -o cruel intentions, no 1elma @selma blair,C I &ould;ve pus$ed you off t$e led!e t$at you fell from /i don;t care41 4 was a sinner then the bell run" (saved by the bellH) 4#m smokin" so yes you smell somethin" (medical mari$uanaH) 4#m stainin" housekeepers in hotel rooms (i fuck mexicansH) 4 have so many bars 4 should open a jail soon ( alcoholicH) 4#m so fresh haters wonder how 4 won#t be "ettin" stale soon (i#m fruityH) 3nd my barley in bails, homemade (beerH) 3nd my marly 4n bails, homemade (weedH) 3nd that#s hydroponics and beer! well !layed 4 told ya bitch that 4 fuck better! and that#s well said (4#m the best in bedH) 3nd don#t "et mad at me t$at;s &$at she said /o work like the office *ut my bi2ness strE ho!!ing My flow "ot le"s! no sto!!ing /o snitchin" over here! so no coppin" /o callin" out! $ust coming in .our door! your !ussy girl Eart$ translation is pussy world /t$at;s funny1

4#m "ettin" it till the ne#t land (i sold my soulH) /o ri"ht then 4 use my left hand (satanic reference) 4#m sharp like unlike butter knife man (cold) 3nd my castle not out of sand Makin" money out of plan I outplan you 4 do what you oughta do 5hen 4 was broke 4 caught up to you Dou more poor t$an t$e rest In choice0 in thought Da morals can be bou!$t /mine can;t1 I;m independent0 spontaneous And I !et what I want It could be Ariday F?t$ and im lucky /true story1 I stri e ric$ li e ten pens And I been in pussy you aint been in /real tal 1 Auc you" alon! &it$ many men /no $omo1 T&o testicles &$at my sperm is in /t$eyre $oldin!1 I;m strG li e a perm is in I;m bac li e two terms look man I;m conceited And my fas$ion is fla!rant 'y coura!e is fra!rant /you smell me91 'y fait$+in a &ay its+ !ttached to love (o !o if you knock the glove 8loves on li e im killing Dou;d t$in I &or for B<% the way I be drilling 'y flo& li e from a stab &ound" blood spilling Too many litres" too many litres I &rite till demons see me And c$i fol say K I see you And I reply" Kme too T$e only comp is in t$e mirror /me versus 'e1 I couldn;t see it any clearer 3nd if 4 could have it my way 4#d end this with a swear word 3oodbye fuckers &intermission& !nd hello again 'y flo& floodin! t$e flo again (o ban account but t$e bank brought in Refs &onder will I stay balling Dep don;t blo& t$e &$istle I clean my piss &it$ t$e mil t$istle I s eet on c$ee s with dimples I s eet on buttc$ee s with pimples I ma e Kem bounce t$at cellulite I write so much0 the paper hating right 'y pen li e possessed 'y chicken" it Is fres$ /resh coo ed" fresh loo s li e fas$ion &ee in 'ilan (o tattoos on my arm but cuts on $ers I run li e str) t$ru t$ird

Home li e I deserve R<B<I" li e i;m at R<B $i /riverside broo field41 T$is aint even my alumni /no ne& friends41 Hold your t$umbs hi you li e /you no& t$is is ti!$t1 The new chief0 who has and eats his pie # i defy reality1

:01< *onusH

(i!!a- and Bitc$es

& bang bang let 2her3 hang0 dont cut P$erQ from t$e tree i "ot knives! and pistols! revolvers for the cheap all my klan rollin with me! they call us in tennessee its the cool clucks man like the colonel :D+ i don#t water whip the chicken up! -oH i load up! and threaten you with a sharp throat it aint no&$ere i &ould never !o these boys sayin nigga cu2 they clever folk they only doin that there to save their arse t$ey no& &e;ll come for t$em li e cardinal sins" &$en you &in" you must tell nobody my father told me that! and if he lives! you wont no !robably i ran back to the crib! i $ust cau"ht the wrong body this murder music! "et a butterknife is that#s all you "ot and don#t be scared! don#t slip! never chan"e up! let EherF ri! blood drip! don#t trip! life sometimes "oes by the instant

Boustrop$edon /To Dou1

by official ku shi's experimental
& example abc __________________ fed ``````````````````` this mirror style is meant to be read "oin" the direction 4 am writin" in now direction opposite polar the "oin" read be to meant its then amanda seyfried was probably the best cover worst the probably Michele lea take the "ood with the bad ri"ht= life next the until subscription my cancel $ust this is the style! deal with it bold print is reminder of which side to be"in from have funH ) passionate provocativeness! presumable practitioner imperialism i"norant! impotence impenetrable secure sex savvy! symbolism sustainin" everlastin" embers ener"etic! exterior emblematic broilin" barbies! bearin" beautiful blemishes fatalities feministic feeble! fru"ality futile realistically ra""edy! royalistically renovated

decorated defiantly! demonstrated demonically victorious ventilation! ven"eance verification witnessin" air%wind! witherin" warfare !odly "oodness! "reatly "entrified full&love the of limericks! lustful is lavishness impressively trustful

Ta in! t$e Auspices

by official ku shi's poetry a"ile
& my mind is absent! their body is !resent i#m brave in anarchy! they#re cowardly in !ilgrimage in the windy city! the streets are never calm i#m always cool! because you reli"ious pussies keep me warm

& alienation i salute the land is cruel! so i adore the blue ecstatic euphoria is a"ainst nirvana when the @uarrelsome ra"e a"ainst my mama ("aia)

& only the @uiet are !ure the wise have "reat restraint idealism is the source of creativity (and) resourcefulness has no mercy

nerve (the "enre&buster)

& ooooh i like your stomach! your le"s and your lun"s oooh i like your buttocks! your belly button oooh i love your blood! your feet! your forehead i must have your brain! your nose! your ton"ue your di"estive system turns me on your kidneys are feelin" so very strong your ears! your $aws! your hair 0-one your heart! your hips! your hands are "rade 3 your pituitary is clear! pancreas is se#y i love each and every one of your cells into your spine! from your va"ina! i wish to empty&flat my testes

>00 lux
& you don#t love me unless you cut your wrist i don#t love you if you "ive another punk a kiss stories told! but sometimes i for"et did we start this= did we start all of this= to"ether! we were meant to be! like kibbles n bits we#re never seen to"ether! you#re so secretive the men they love me! but you "ive the love of the "oddess and i am !od! heroic! pure $eroine "ot them noddin" like this F(3nd 4 like you) 4 love these roads where the houses don#t chan"e (and 4 like you) 5here we can talk like there#s somethin" to say (and 4 like you) 4#m "lad that we stopped kissing the tar on the highway (and 4 like you) 5e move in empty streets 4#d like it if you stayedF

"lory and "ore

& i#m fi"htin" til the end! you think i#m notH= i have violence in my hand! and the other#s not withoutH i have a shield to cover me from your violence and before you reach my heart! you have to take away my smile! men then! and only then can you say you con@uered me i would takeover towns with no fleet! but dominantly one may try to exploit! but there#r some diamonds left if you must trade them for blood! you better call reinforcements cause F+lory and "ore "o hand in hand 'hat#s why we#re makin" headlines ()hH )hH) .ou could try and take us (oh&oh) *ut victory#s contagiousF

white teeth teens

& my white teeth! my black skin my hard bones! soft organs science called me! i didn#t listen art tryed to kill me! i paid no attention i#m a colle"e dropout! a mari$uana scholar 100 "irls want me! i#m sin"le like a dollar haters do" me! so i went and bou"ht them collars no wisdom! no molars! and my teeth are shinin" like they#re solar F5e "ot the "low in our mouthsO 5hite teeth teens are outO

5e "ot the "low in our mouthsO 5hite teeth teens are outF

a worlde alone
& you won#t chan"e me! 4 won#t let youH 4 don#t a"ree with your mother that you#re s!ecialH we had to breakup because 4 neglect youH and nothin" you could do! to make me res!ect you you speak out of turn! then 4 check youH 4 pull your hair like 4 wanna wreck youH 4 like it rou"h but you#re "entle like ducksoup 4 eat you up to let you down! 4 could never trust you F1aise a "lass! cause 4#m not done sayin" it 'hey all wanna "et rou"h! "et away with it 5et Kem tal ! cause we#re dancin" in this world alone 5orld alone! we#re aloneG

still sane
& you know who i am! you see the chart you know i#m dark! i don#t have a heart if you#re in my way! i won#t run over you i#ll boil you! volcanic oceania over youH i ho!e you drown! re"ardless! i hold you down i#m awesome cu2 its allowed! i#m awesome cu2 its allowed its awful to hear the sounds you make when i#m killin ya i didn#t really need ya! you were $ust familiar F1idin" around on t$e bi es" &e;re still sane 4 won#t be her! trippin" over onsta"e ;ey! it#s all cool! 4 still like hotels! but 4 think that#ll chan"e -till like hotels! and my newfound fame ;ey! promise I can stay !ood Everyt$in! feels ri!$t 8hase paper! "et it I;m little! but 4#m comin" for the crown 4#m little! but 4#m comin" for you 4#m little but 4#m comin" for the title ;eld by everyone who#s upG

Balls 6eep 'on ey 5ove

by official ku shi's low brow
F4#ll flip you a nickel if i could tickle your pickle( ("ive hand$ob)G says 0eronica Dethro with the utmost chut2pah( *ut her tar"et isn#t havin" it! or maybe he just has a girlfriend( 0eronica! or 0D as she likes to be called! thinks guys these days are so boring, 2 mean whats it take to get injected with the hot beefien

@rhymes with codeineC without the small talk4 0D is so desperate that she#s been workin" on a new style of pickup coined nin$a&pickup! or $ust stealth pickup( 4t#s a no&holds&barred approach! holdin" nothin" back! and bein" as improvisational as possible to ultimately put some bounce to her ounce (achieve multiple or"asms)( 0D has no fear( -he $umps out of bushes (literally)! from off of rooftops (i seen it)! curlin" from around trees (true story)! sprintin" out of shadows (like the con$urin")! and $umprisin" out of "an"way dumpsters (seen oscar=)( -he hasn#t had much&or any& luck so far! but she remains determined! psyched! and obsessed with her innovative new pickup style( -he#s of her twenties&lo"ically&she only pulls on $eans! and t&shirts are her FfaveG as she puts it( 'o be honest she looks like a "uy in her lucky Dr Marten boots( 0D lives in her parents# basement&her parents elderly&but she#s hardly ever home because&see&0eronica has what doctors and health$unkies call 3&D&D( 3&D&D( stands for the half&famous%half&made&up 3ttention Deficit Disorder( Ms Dethro is off( her( set (emotionally unbalanced)( ;er parents "ot so accustomed to her bein" out past&late and for"ettin" her keys! bein" "rounded and leapin" out of windows! havin" her cellphone confiscated by them! only to always find her usin" a stran"er#s mobile device( 3n immovable ob$ect could not stop 0D#s force of forward momentum (answerin" the riddle)( *ill +ates inhales mari$uana! 0D inhales 3&D&D (in her lun"s)( 8ory Montieth shoots heroin! 0D shoots 3& D&D (throu"h her veins)( -tephen Iin" sniffs cocaine! 0D sniffs 3&D&D (passin" blood brain barrier)( 'hen shifts additional lines and sniffs some more (addictive personality=)( -he doesn#t need alcohol! nor ci"arettes! and at the bars she sneaks in! she stands out like $et&black nails because she never drinks( 5alkin" down the mainstreet on her way to the club! she#s whistlin" dixie! thinkin" im going to get my fire wet tonight, (s@uirt female&e$aculate)-he barely passed a "roup of three men&apparently all three of them drunk&and one says! F;ey! man&"irl! care to "et mounted rite&naH=(do""ystyle position) 4#ve had one too many and i#m feelin" nau"hty (horny)(G -he turns and says! F4 think you#ve had a few too many but anyway my name is 0D but if you aint hittin" it raw (without a condom) then i can#t break you off (cow"irl ride him)(G ;e says! F3w! baby! when i hit skins (play dominant role)! i make that $elly rollH (crouchin" ti"er position)G (;is two mates lau"hin"() -he says! F)ne hundred contacts in my phonebook could say that 4 know how to twerk somethin" ("ive a "luteal applause) but $ud"in" from the way that your win"&men are bawlin"! 4 say that 4 should probably only let you hide the sausa"e in your stron"est hand( (masturbation)G 'he two friends deeply cheer! FoooooohHG 0D says! F)uch!G then licks her ri"ht index and impresses her pantyless buttocks! followin" with a si22lin" sound before she says! F'ake mental photo"raphs as what you coulda had struts away(G 0D is now half way to the ni"htclub of her choosin" before a flyin" twelve inch fairy appears out of thin air! and says to her amidst its "littery "low! Fthat my tallness! is why ladies "et raped (severely rou"hhoused) in that alley(G 0D says! F4ll! shoo! "et awayHG 'he fairy defends! F6aw of vibration (law of attraction) *uttercup! you#ve summoned me throu"h the dao of badassery (impressive action)(G -he says! F5ell! three second rule (initiatin" pickup within first three seconds)! 4#ve seen you and i#m not interested(G 'he fairy says! F4 don#t want to storm the cotton "in (have rou"h sex) ;oney *unny(G 0D snaps! F5ell what do you want!&G and tosses in a sarcastic&G8asanova=G 'he fairy says! G 4 prefer Dollface! Flame! and 4#m here to help you play and win at the "ame of ;ide 'he -alamiHG(va"inal intercourse) -he says! F5ell! 4#ve had a nooner (sex with a worker on his lunch&break) and a @uickie (spontaneous sex in a cupboard) before rush& hour so 4 already have "iven it a "o( (successfully came)G 'he fairy says! F.ou lie! -chnookums! but 4 can be your 3ir 'raffic 8ontrol( (5in"man&like alarm of intrudin" variables)G -he says! F4#m not for the ball bustin" (takin" the piss)( 4 have bottom bitches ("irls she relies on) to help me break in the clouds (to make a way out of no way)(G 'he fairy says! FFine! try your luck with death row (the alcoholic and probably closeted&homosexual wallflowers at a strai"ht bar) but those fuck me eyes (self explanatory) you#ve been perfectin" for two weeks are "oin" to "et you hurt((raped)G 3ll the sudden! 0D enters a state of hyperfocus (tunnel vision)( 'he fairy senses the chan"e in vibration! and says! F1i"ht! +oddess! channel your inner

nympho( (bein" in a"reement with exceptional! extraordinary! immeasurable sexual pleasure)G 0D says! F4#m feelin" like 4#m "oin"&nearin" the club&to "et me a 2ero ni"ht stand toni"ht((a one ni"ht stand but with more ni"htlife possible afterward)G 'he fairy (whose real name is 0enos) says!! now that& that bitch shield ( inhibitions! defenses! tease theory) is down(G &'o be continued& 0D parts with the fairy! and enters 8lub :C strai"ht after( )n the surround stereo speakers! hip hop music blares "randilo@uently! FOride my dick (reverse cow"irl position)! 4 tap that ass like a nail (+&-pot)! shine my dick (deepthroat phallic&disappearin"&act fellatio style)! then my ni""as wanna pull a train (consecutive style "roup sex)( (3uthor#s note keep your chin up! 0D( .ou were awesome()

6edicated to Us
by official ku shi's escapist fiction
& 'he 2oo ,resent time -uburbs F3ll they do is fuck! fi"ht! and play!G says *urt as he watches the baboons in ama2ement( ;e adds! F4#d bet they#re not worried about one thin"(G 'hen a 2ookeeper walks up and says! F,ardon my eavesdroppin" on your thinkin" out loud! but if i#d comment! baboons are an a""ressive species! the female are mere ob$ects and the male can fi"ht all day&in the wild&so under these overcrowdin" circumstances! the animal are bound to destroy one another! and probably before the 2oo closes down because of lack of economic aid(G 3s *urt re&2ips his fly in the 2oo#s public women#s restroom (he! a hermaphrodite) he wonders to himself! what would it be like, could he stand it, would he ever be ha!!y! if he were a baboon held captive( ;e rinsed his hands then looks up at the e"alitarian mirror! and says out loud! F4 wish 4 knew what the baboons&my monkey ancestors&were thinkin"(G 3 time&warp starts spiralin" before him! instantly he has tunnel vision! he feels the sensation of leavin" his body! like death! but it feels "ood! damn "ood! and feels sucked into a black hole! deleted! void! in a second that felt like hours! all to be realisin" he is still in the no mans land restroom( *urt leaves for home to try to sleep it off&without anxiety&without schedulin" for doctors( *urt awakens to screams in the mornin"( 4t#s 'uesday C <? 3M around the time! when the most exodus& traffic for primary school is passin" by the boulevard of his livin" @uarters( *urt looks out his front window of his loun"e room and sees no emer"ency! no ur"ency! and not even a "irl in si"ht to match the hi"h pitch s@ueal( ;e tries his balcony! and there *urt finds Dimmy his nei"hbor of eleven years old mutilatin" a fly! pullin" off win" by win"! le" by le"! then pokin" it with a needle( *urt opened the front&door in a furious yank like expectin" to catch a pubescent teena"er in the act of self sex! and boldly voices! F-cram! you little runtHG Dimmy takes off! shoutin"! F+ood mornin" Mr( 8ocaHG *urt thinks to himself in response! yeah, whatever( 'hen! impossibly! the fly is heard! Fyou think youre annoyed= 4#m called a fly! but not only am i win"less! i have no le"s to even walk(G *urton 8oca thinks himself clinically insane but asks anyway! Fam i hearin" you speak&fly&did you $ust sympathi2e with me=G 'he fly replies telepathically! F/o! i only thou"ht about it(G 'wo hours later at the 2oo! *urt is unpredictably in the ;ippopotamous exhibit embracin" the beauty of the "iant pi"! the obese horse! the unlucky rhinocerosO3 hippo says! F7nou"hH 3re you "oin" to "o on like

that all of the rest of your fifty minutes standin" there=G *urt thinks surprised! F5ell no! 4( DustOG 'he hippo says! F4 seen you before stars of times and you do what you#re doin" there now! talkin" shit for an hour before you move on and bad mouth another species(G *urt thinks to apolo"i2eO'he hippo says! my name is (enry. *urt says! it#s a pleasure to be ac@uainted! 4 amO;enry the hippo says! F3 $erk(G *urt thinks! granted! then leaves for where he feels more comfortable( ;enry shouts! F-ayonara assholeHG -tandin" before the sacred baboons! ;enry thou"ht! well that was embarrassing. 2 was just humiliated by a hairless formed, stubby legged, barrel-sha!ed, even-toed, enormous mouthed hi!!o!otamusH 3 baboon says to *urt while he in deep thou"ht! F4t could#ve been worse( .ou could#ve "otten urinated upon by my father( ;is urine smells of turpentine(G *urt says! F4#d like those chances( 'he hippopotamus is ar"uably the u"liest of all the animal kin"dom andOG 'he baboon says! F4#ve heard enou"h( 4f anyone could make anyone feel as bad as i sense you are! this hippopotamus you speak of must be 'he one! 'he only! 'he bi" black ;enry(G F*y "od!G *urt says! Fyour "uesstimation is correctH 4#m instinctually impressed(G 'he baboon says! FMy name is *arbara and you#re welcome( *urt is dreamin"! or more like havin" ni"htmares! (maybe havin" somethin" to do with the 2oo bein" closed tomorrow for halloween) of do"s bein" hun"! horses bein" beheaded! fish bein" oiled! and "oats bein" molested( 'he last dream before *urt wakes is a peculiar oneA he actually feels to be a part of it( ;e#s in a $unkyard! no an abandoned buildin"! no he#s in a stran"er#s backyard! yes! a stran"er#s backyard( *urt feels like his name is Ienneth! and he has matches! a li@uid spray of flammable solutions and a brown cat in a cloth ba"! tied at the top by rope( *urt bein" a new personality in this dream! cannot even think of stoppin" this insatiable hun"er to destroy that which lives( *urt! or Ienneth sprays the sack! li"hts the match andO *urt wakes up in a cold sweat( ;is heart is sped up like $eff "ordon and he $ust wants to feel human a"ain( ;e presses the buttons on Mr 8offee to "et some arabica heatin" up! then he clicks on the televisionO'he news reporter confirms! FIenneth 8oleman! a boy next door! an honor roll student! a child with many friends! and a family respected by the community! was arrested( /ow! Ienneth belon"s to the 8oleman#s( 'he 8oleman#s donate the only money that keeps the 2oo#s "ates open today! but Ienneth was troubled! and we all know depression can make people take perverse action( Ienneth is held in custody for settin" his nei"hbors cat on fire and lettin" it burn to deathOG *urt#s mind is a wind instrument( ;e doesn#t drink coffee! he walks to the 2oo( 3t the 2oo today! hundreds of people are on ed"e( *urt wonders to himself! FDid everyone else "et this superpower too=G ;e asks a red&haired woman in her mid&thirties who $ust "ot off the phone! what is "oin" on in here= 'he woman says! F'his is too much for my two children! "o to the smelly hippo exhibit if you want answers(G *urt thinks! how these people are actin"! maybe i can#t handle the truth( 3fter *urt arrives he notices! the bloodiest of messes since 8arrie( *lood has literally hurled into the air to cover and drench a number of tourists( 4nside the hippo#s "ate! the killer has blood all over the front half of its body! "ivin" the hippopotamus a sa"ittarius vibe( *urt thinks! F4 mi"ht have started my 5ednesday with a terrible dream! but plenty kids will be endin" theirs with some toni"ht(G *urt takes one last look at the killerpotamous( 'he half bloody&red hippo winks at *urt! then eva"inates to his invisible cave( *urt#s back in his comfort 2one! tryin" to cool off! in the misty baboon exhibit( *arbara swin"s over and haikus! FDon#t even tell me! because i already know( i#m not saddened because ;enry was a fine bloak( ;e#d take care of distractin" ni"ht&watchman when 4#d try to breakout( ;e will be remembered like an asshole to a snout(G *urt says! wow, that really cheered me u!. 1ay-you animalsG *arbara says! F5ait&are you not an animal now! *urt=G *urt says! F8hristianity&i#m sure you#ve heard of it&is the reli"ious thou"ht and do"ma of severe and chronic denialism(G *arbara says! F-ounds like you need a (monkey) doctor! or a cherokee(G *urt says! F-ay&would you take my ostraci2ed hand in marria"e=G 'hat ironic mornin" before halloween! *arbara ate her last meal as a sin"le monkey( *urt promises to break her out(

S$e &ore a So2 7ap /or" Blind 6ate1

by official ku shi's poetical freestyle

you need a reset! my life#s on preset you wanna bet= i didnt break a sweat! at the presidents threat i#m like aOvet in debt flyin" in a $et! when its wet outside! and i $ust "ot back from annette she blew me like a bad "as $et! i wont for"et i#m the $et set! in a drift net Oowner of my own "a2ette! so what#s next= i play with your life like roulette Osi2e you up like a pipette no re"ret! like i sip anisette! on some new bedroom set or puffin" a ci"arette! beside my kitchenette i "et blown like a clarinet! by bernadette i rank antoinette hi"h like a baronet $uliette and nicolette make me hot like ta"amet or the back of a '0 setO politicians only talk like a telephone set but i write with character sets you#re livin" in oxy"en debt i was told by your radio set your blood is mine! no mos@uito net bram stoker is back from recess &read$ust& i wind by in a "ust! this is lust but that i trust! so i keep it on me! like a fan with dust i mi"ht spontaneously combustO you fall off like !ie crustO your breach of trust wasn#t nonplussed at the thrust little do you know! it reached cosmic&dust "od#s shoulder was brushed i mean $upiter was puffed now the tufts&$unkies are cuffed i huffed because y#all were stuffed now they#re hushed becauseO well because they were flushed i#m of the new royals &readapt& you must snap out of that nap a chin strap must#ve been madeO to keep your head up as you "et penis&slapped that#sO slapped with a penis andO mine is the cleanest andO only what i emit! is this banana split i meanO so sweet what i trasmit andO you#re unfit to make it andO

i remit your throwin a fit your buildin" permit has no mother wit my scrotum holds the brace and bit yes! i said it i spit the mitt! fit the mitt thenO lose the mitt if you#re into prostitution! i#m the pimp Olittle bitch care to recommit & (`=%_=)

Snippets of my life
by official ku shi's literary colla"e
& F;as 3nn (3n"rily&7motional! 4ntolerant&8onservative&7van"elist&/on$udeo&8hristian&1eli"ionist 3unt) always been stupid= Q,auseR -he wears furs but can#t afford heat( -he wears $ewelry but can#t afford "as for hyundai= -he travels all over the place but can#t find a $ob( 5hy is this= -he wants you (mother) to help her but wouldn#t help you if vice versa( -he wants Do 3nn (mother#s sister) to help her then shits on Do 3nn#s name every chance she "ets( -he talks about sex! dru"s! and rock&n&roll but sits and recruits churchmembers for hours at a time( 5ho is she= Do you think! she even knows=G N)ritin! Team %reliminaries: Do you stereotype= Do you summari2e mentally= Do you think before speakin"= 9pon completion or dis@ualification determines route of succession( Q*y this measureR 4#m dis@ualified for indifference and she Qmy motherR is dis@ualified for inferiority complex towards others( Ho& to &rite: 8haracter 4ntroduction 7xposition 1isin" 3ction with needs! conflicts! ur"encies! difficulties! and reasons 8limax Fallin" action Denouement 1esolutionG

N8rocery S$op 5ist: -imple *rand (sensitive skin collection) ,hillips /orelco <in1 kit ,hillips /orelco "roomin" kit 0anilla%,each body spray by bodycolo"y

/atural 6otion by *urts *ee *ody spray (womens) 8etaphil 8ulturelle 8harco8aps -t 4ves )atmeal%-hea butter lotion sprayG

NOf T&itter: My brother has an 7xtended ,lay worth of son"s releasable and 4#ve completed my first work of proud literature and workin" on third manifesto ^6ife4s+reatG NHaircare: ,roper cornrows (of kinky! coiled! hair of helix type! african descendant type) can last up to ei"ht weeks -leepin" with hairwraps is neatly habit dry shampoo or wet shampoo are prime conditioners antiseptics (like alcohol) are exceptional for itchin" tea tree oil is used for extreme situations of scalp dryness! itchin"! aller"y spray bottles assist shampoo when travelin" by backpack toothbrushes can do no wron" for multiple proceduresG N(onreli!ionism: 6arion 'artin /'e1 to 7ousin Ka$lea /A1 /Ka$+lea1 %arty follo& up a &ee later by email Me (') 5hat are your opinions on the 'rayvon Martin%+eor"e Uimmerman 8ase= ;er (H) ;ello Darion! ;ow are you= 4#m "lad to hear from you( 4 only saw a couple of trialsO O3nd even if they saw Martin on top of Uimmerman! who can tell what happened before the incident started unless we "o back to the startin" point( 5as Martin tryin" to defend himself the best that he could= 4 don#t want to $ust completely take up for Martin $ust because his black and was a teena"e but the facts about Uimmerman bein" innocent! do not add up eitherO 'ell what you think( ' 4 think what you said is fair( 7ither way! it#s a devil#s case because somebody diedO My father said that if 'rayvon were me or Deavin (brother)! that he would kill Uimmerman( F;unt him down and kill him(G 4 said it! F;eroic(GO O4 thou"ht me bein" ima"inative&that Uman and his nei"hbors were havin" continuin" problems (break& ins! robberies! thefts) and he&bein" a part of his nei"hborhood watch&was fed up! sick! and tired of F"an"stersG comin" into his nei"hborhood! causin" trouble! then "ettin" away scot&free( My opinion on Martin bein" a "an"ster is based on pictures of him han"in" out! wearin" crooked baseball caps! and not takin" advanta"e of community activities above video "ames! which apparently he and his friend were playin" prior to his departure to the C%11( 4 heard he was a talented football player! but also a mari$uana user and supplier( 'he $ud"e didn#t allow this to stron"hold the $ury( Q'he lady $ud"eR also steered attention away from Florida#s controversial -tand

.our +round law( 4 thou"ht! that fair( /ow the fi"ht was the most meanin"ful event of the trial! if not the cause of the tra"edy alone( 4 understood 'rayvon could#ve left the nei"hborhood while Uman was talkin" to dispatch on that first J11 call( Martin decided to hide in bushes( Martin approached U! after seein" him exposed outside of his motor vehicle( Martin be"an! with F5hy are you followin" me=G or somethin" like that( /ow for"ive me because 4 don#t much care what they said( -o! their words led to wrestlin"! and blows with 'rayvon "ainin" an upperhand! threatenin" U#s lifeA he went to reach for U#s "un! U intercepted to counter and shot! probably no more than an inch away( -upposedly! there are videos online of 'rayvon and his "an" fist&fi"htin" homeless men for fun or recreation( 3nd U! 4 "uess! failed his police exam( 4 think! pre$udice or not! that U had too much time on his hands! and 'M was at the wron" place !at the ri"ht time because now he#s famous( My dad thinks a riot if +eor"e U is let free( H 4f they let him off! he#ll reap what he sow( ' )uchH ;arsh last words( 3nyway! 4#m here for anythin" you wanna talk about (e" politics! life! saturated fat)! but seriously! anythin"( 3nd sure enou"h! 4#ll reach out to you at any spur of the moment( H Darion my man, my main man ("ot it from 5reck it 1alph) (6)6) 6ikewise( 6ove talkin" to you tooO -o! what#s new= 4 hope you#re doin" well( .ou#ve always been a thinker and a sweet hearted person( Ieep that up( Do you have anyplans to "o back to school or $ust work which is "reat too= 4 don#t remember but were you into art= ' ;i Iahlea! 4 loved 5reck it 1alph by the way! but my favQoriteR character was 'he +litch( 4 feel like 4#m her Qin real lifeR( -o! in your letter! 6ride and 0rrogance linked to 9rongdoing and *ad thin"s( *ut really! what is Fwrong=G (4ts meanin" with examples to the word() 3nd what is Fbad=G (4ts meanin" and examples)( 4 mi"ht be arrogant to nud"e an a"reement but if it wasn#t for !arenting, teachers, and law enforcement! there is really no F9rongG and there#s no F*ad(G .ou know! us as so&called F!roductiveG civilians makes us think that because we work! or "o to school! or draw%be creative! that we are FdecentG and FrighteousG and respected%re"arded( *ut 4 think this attitude is poisonous%toxic( 4f one doesn#t work! we call him bum Dailure has-been(G 4f he isn#t formally schooled%educated! he dumb la y a burden(G *ut 4 must say that! student loans are Fa burden(G Dorced ta#ing is a burden. +onformity is a burdenG when 4 can study for free at a library and educate myself! or 4 can avoid work&by that 4 mean! do what 4 love&like the people of this state! nation! and world who "et by easily! live stress&free! and help abundantly to those who need help! without secondthinkin"! ulterior motives! or wishes for future returns and advanta"es( -chool should be based on what the student wants! not the state! teacher! and president( 5ork should be our heart#s love and desireOwhat "ets us up in the mornin" and helps us to sleep easy( 5e are creative as a people&4 think&but not creative enou"h because say for instance! $ust because 5ill -mith finds his so&called FcallingG in life and he does whatever to "ain QfinancialR success! that doesn#t mean millions of people from his birthplace! or city have the same opportunity( Many people think that wealth is based on luck( ,oliticians tell us that that it#s hard work that "ets us Fto the to!G but politicians don#t work at all! and maybe i don#t en$oy climbin" ladders ) 4 read! 4 watch! 4 think! 4 very rarely feel! because in supercapitalistic state! feelin" anythin" is "rounds for dismissal! selfdeception!! and financial misfortune( 'he richest are the coldest! is how is see it! or they#ve inherited what "overnment down the line FallowedG one to attain( Tuite frankly! i#m sick of bein" "overned! so if i can employ myself! teach myself! and live or die by my beliefs then so be it! because out of my reli"ious! spiritual! and sensational experience! 4#ve "rown to know that with one dollar between us! there can never be one hundred percent trust between us( H O4n the past and now! 4 had friends who stru""led with homosexuality and wanted to serve "od and

others who stru""led with sexuality as a heterosexualO O-tru""lin" sexually is Qsinful(RO Mark E <> ' 4 believe that "od has no personality! "ender! opinion! action! or reaction( 4 think "od is faceless! uninformed! nondenominational! noninterventional! more invisible than air( 4 think "od is what lies between "ood and so&called evil( +od#s the line between love and hate( +od#s the one between life and death! or not dead and not alive( +od is more of a contradiction than a paradox itself( +od is like the ori"inal thou"ht( 4t#s like sin was thou"ht of $ust so we can have the free&will not to be saints but to not believe in sin! and instead live out our lives in this bubble of di"nity! power! and understandin"( 4 think christians call this faith. *ut out of faith, love and trust must grow or else that seed of faith and !urest ho!e never blossoms. 9ithout the rain for the soil, we would have never known the beauty of a rose. ,(-( Dohn 1J 11 Desus answered! Fyou would have no authority over meOG Dames 1 1? 'hen when lust and desire has conceivedO Matt :> :B F-o if someone tells you! F6ook the messiah is out in the desertOG H ;ey darion! i read both your letters and i was concernedO( 4n re"ards! to your Fwithout the rain for the soil! we would have never known the beauty of a rose(G 'hat#s beautiful( ;owever! why "ive the creation so much authority or worship the power of the creation when we can worship the 8reator of the creation=O ' Iahlea! $ust to clarify! i don#t "ive FcreationG authority! and i don#t Fworshi!G anythin"( many words! you credited to me! are yours and not mine( and what one does reli"iously! is reli"ion( 'hat fact alone has been misunderstood for centuries( 0nd so much talk about this god of yours( 5hy not add an F)G and believe in "ood( +ood is the natural cause! and purpose( .ou#d help more people! in my opinion( 3nd you seem to me to be either a saint or $ust very condescendin"( Mi"ht have been how you were raised! but i try to think for myself as much as possible( i heard there are no more saints! so listenin" even to Mark or 6uke carries no wei"ht in the world today( ,reachers are takers $ust like most everyone else( 'he churches call on people but they don#t want to Q"ive serviceR for free( *esides! that suited "uy on the podium under the cross behind a microphone! has the same physical body parts as me( 5e animate ourselves! but with common D/3 and roots! re"ardless of so&called race or culture( -o anyway! are you tellin" me&in short&that one has to be $ewish&christian! obsessive&reli"ious! and worldy&recruitin" while speakin" of unworldly matters to be saved= 4 thou"ht we all bleed! and if that#s true! the blood is probably the same color( if havin" an idea or hallucination or delusion of a life after a life! because i don#t believe in death! then so be itA if it works for you! "o aheadO H ;ey Darion! .ou think like the worldO 4 believe in christ because i have personal relations with himO( i have personal Qmeetin"sR with himO( so! i#m not only a christian because i was raised that wayO i don#t live a christian life! based on a preacherO however! i don#t want this to turn into a debateO ' ;ey! 4 like the meanin" of your name( 4t seems scientolo"ical( .es! scientolo"ical( 'hey#re bi" on people bein" bri"ht and clear! literally(

'o sum up my thou"hts! you seem to be 6agan, !essimistic, and !sychotic( *ut i "uess we could a"ree! post&debate! that my $ud"ment is not supreme( this may seem selfish! and thanks for sharin" your experiences! but Fam i included with the saved ones! or am i not=G 'ake your timeO H -ometimes "od "ive sinners QunrealR experiences to draw them to himO( we are all "od#s children but some don#t Qbelieve the history of "od(RO ' 4 was tellin" my mother! i swallow my tears now( i don#t cry anymore( and i like no oneOhow#s that for favoritism= H 5ell! i love youO H 4 did want to respond more accurately to your last @uestion! however( .ou asked! G am i included with the saved ones or am i not=G well! it#s really! very simple( if you sincerely received $esus as your precious lord and saver and seek to Q"ive this man pleasureR (sounds homosexual afterall) and obey Qhidden ordersR! you are included in the saved bunchHG N(arrative<com )or s$op 7$ica!o+Style Hopeful: Darion Martin here( 4 think your publishin" and editin" Iurt 0onne"ut and Ien Iesey is awesome( 4 wouldv#e sent this kite if you hadn#t tweaked their work anyway( 4#m studyin" words! learnin" fiction styles! and i#m a lifelon" book&seeker! and ex hip hop M8( 'his is some transition that i am tryin" to realise( i went to doctors today! and he said that i#m depressed( this writin" is all that i have( i have a sli"ht interest in essay! and short story! but my heart is lon"in" for the bi" time! the horror or the fantasy( when i#m comfortable to share with anybody and not $ust a few QloversR! i have real ideas for at least five works of fiction that will either chill the critics or make them hot with intense urgency to pen the un!redictable, culture challenging, time !recise, emotional underlook of the !sychic wills of !ostmodern man that is my creations( let me $ust say! one day! a man will honor the bible with a masterpiece to retire it forever( 8ould you !ersonally supply me with any fundamental information that i#d need to pursue this may :01> "oal of mine( ,- 5hat is your definition of a manuscript( 1eception 3dmission to the class is based on submission of a manuscript and a brief interview and discussion with you! on the phone( 4 don#t work with anyone in a class with whom i have not had direct contact and read for in advance of the classO 'here will be an assi"ned readin" list of fiction and nonfiction! includin" one book&len"th work! a novel( in addition! each participant will read one manuscript by each of the other participants! in advance of the class( three of these manuscripts will be discussed each mornin" in the workshop( in the afternoons! we will discuss the assi"ned readin" by Qhis favoriteR writers( 3nd will read a second manuscript by each participant for a conference with each of participant( 'he pro"ram is QsecretiveR and Q biasedR ! which doesn#t mean we can#t have some fun (meanin" be a ti"htwad with money and certainty of humanist discrimination)( but it is a lot of work (aka stress)( 4f you are interested in the class ! please send a manuscript of any len"th! representin" the kind of work that you would like help with in a classO

'he cost of the class is Qnearly <!000SR! which includes only the cost of the class itself and does not include travel!lod"in"! food! or any other costs( 4 don#t arran"e travel or lod"in" for the participants in the workshop ( repeated like he heard that i#m numb)( the class will be held in a hotel meetin" room in downtown chica"o( if you were to decide to $oin the class after i have read and we have discussed your work! there will be a Qnearly 1!000SR deposit to secure your place! and the balance of the class fee for the may :J class will be due on march :E! which is also when the manuscripts will be due for the class( if you are interested in other class dates or locations! i can provide the deadline information for those classes as wellO( 4 look forward to readin" your work and to Qcommercialisin"R your writin" and the class( if you have any @uestions at this point! please email me Qa"ain(R kind re"ards! 'om $enks 8o founder and editor of narrative ma"a2ine bringing great literature to the world free(=) (sure about that slo"an! 'om=)G N%syc$iatry: +ood reasons why psychiatry must be abolished by don weit2 D574'UL4/'716)+(8)M please snowball copy and publish with no copyri"ht or permission re@uired psychiatrists are fraudulent! falsely claimin"! without scientific proof! that these Fmental disordersG are caused by a Fbiochemical imbalanceG in the brain! "enetic factors! or F"enetic predispositions!G despite the fact that there are no "enetic factors in Fmental illnessG psychiatrists are racist in disproportionately incarceratin" and dru""in" afro&descendants! abori"inals! and other colored people! and labelin" them FpsychoticG and Fschi2ophrenicG psychiatrists violate the hippocratic(the founder of modern medicine) oath which orders all physicians G first do no harmG psychiatrists don#t "ive Finformed consentG of toxicity! disablin" and permanent effects! memory effects! dyskinesia! psychosis! parkinsonism! dementia! brain dama"e! and death psychiatrist violate civil ri"hts! human ri"hts! constitutional ri"hts! such as imprisonin" innocent people without court trial or public hearin" (F4nvoluntary commitmentG)! and sub$ectin" them to cruel and unusual punishments or tortures such as forced dru""in"! brainwashin"! psychosur"ery! solitary confinement! Fchemical restraintsG! and Qstrapped down in chairsR psychiatrists deceive! lie! to patients! prisoners! families! and public psychiatrists don#t inform psychiatric inmates! and prisoners about existin" safe and humane! non&medical alternatives in the community such as survivor&controlled crisis centres! drop&ins! self&help! or advocacy "roups! diet! massa"e! wholistic medicine! affordable supportive housin"! $obs psychiatrists masterminded mass murder of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people includin" disabled children! the elderly! and psychiatric patients durin" the holocaust in na2i "ermany! and FselectedG hundreds of thousands of concentration camp prisoners for death and Qdeleted historical facts from textbooks and historical $ournalsR psychiatry is not medical science psychiatry is @uack science! pseudo science! Qdepended on fantastic dia"nosesR psychiatrists threaten! intimidate! or QforceR many patients& particularly women! children! elderly! prisoners& into consentin" to health&threatenin"%brain&dama"in" FtreatmentG such as the antidepressants! neuroleptics! brainwashin"! and hi&risk experiments Qon human personsR psychiatry is based on fraud fear and force

psychiatrists cannot accurately and reliable predict dan"erousness! violence! or any other type of human behavior! yet make such claims as Fexpert witnesses!G and with the media promote the Fdan"erous mental patientG myth%stereotype psychiatry is a form of social control or punishment& not treatment psychiatry is fascist& a direct threat to democracy! human ri"hts! and life particular white male psychiatrists are homophobic! once labelin" in the official psychiatrist $ournal the 3,3 that homosexual attraction is Fmental illnessG and Fmental disorderG and have tried to brainwash and electric shock lesbians out of their homosexualness may i add my own point here! it bein"! the author of above psychiatric&points is an anti poverty advocate which i find notable! and that i have myself survived psychiatry and all its faults! fraud! and deception( after about ? years of constant stru""le leadin" to the present! $ust last month! my <rd dose of 6-D&a psychedelic dru" has ended &i repeat&ended my dependence on heroin! cocaine! mari$uana! and various stimulant substances( i am clear of dru"s! alcohol! and my life has been saved&no thanks to psychiatry and all thanks to those the likes of timothy leary! steve $obs! francis crick! aldous huxley! and the creators of south park(G

T$an s!ivin!
by official ku shi's open letter
'o whom it may concern! 4#m not "oin" to participate in this holy&day! that you uphold so much( 4#m not "oin" to be a resident of this artificial island! re@uirin" to constantly ask myself Fwhat is this=# .ou build and they will come! has european evidence( *lacks as a culture! hasn#t really innovated very much outside of dancin" and bad music lyrics recently( 3nd christianity which 4#m supposin" is the basis of this holy&day may be more honest compared to united nations day or presidents day as a holy&day! but nonetheless thanks"ivin" is predominately unproven as si"nificant! and trivial and unimportant units take part in it#s appraisal( & 4 know that millions do thin"s without thou"ht! contemplation! and historical accuracy! but 4 won#t be one in a million( 9nless! maybe 4#m in east asia where there are more than a billion in one "eo"raphical location! then 4#m as atheist as any of them at random! but until then or if then! 4#m mana"in" to practice freedom of nonreli"ion in a !rimarily reli"ious state! and freedom of nonassociation in a unwanted! unloved! and lonesome state( Do 4 have freedom of thou"ht ! and freedom of life! and freedom of movement= May 4 live free from torture and slavery! even if this torture is emotional and this slavery is mental= 8ould the water 4 drink be uncontaminated with your poison! may the speech 4 control be pure in essence! and may the sex 4 may happen to en$oy be of my own and not your curiosity= 4 have an individual ri"ht to ban "roups from my friendship and to choose carefully of my identity politics( 4 have natural ri"hts to dismiss kin"s! and disen"a"e from republicanism( 3s an author! 4 do not express copyri"ht laws! or property laws on my works! because like the creator! my work is free! viral! and phenomenal( 3s a disabled person (unofficially)! my safety and accessibility is of utmost importance to me! no matter what accommodations this may entail( 3s a minority! since my sex practices are none#istant! my reli"ious practices are none#istant! and my class is none#istant! 4 remain sovereign to ma$ority decision and international law( 3s a native! 4 reserve the ri"ht to fi"ht for inte"rity and survival( 3nd finally as an animal! 4 should not suffer nor be researched! and 4 should be entertained! clothed! and fed accordin" to my will( )ut of C billion wordly individuals! 4 presume a minority to disa"ree! if only as devil#s advocate! but 4 know well that the ri"hts listed above are universal! inherent! and indispensable! but should be obli"atory and compulsory( Hnfortunately! 4 live where common sense is not mandatory! needs are not met re"ularly! and human&bein"s are starved habitually( 5ith knowled"e of these travesties! and the pseudo&"overnment that is reli"ion! and the sham holy&day that is thanks"ivin"! 4 view my nonobservance! noncompliance! and cold detachment to be triflin"! and

inconse@uential( 5ith affection Darion *runston

by official ku shi's "enius
& Ooh! baby! you#re in 1t. 6etersburg, 8ussia4 4#ll be there tomorrow( 4#ve $ust touched down in *urbank, +alifornia but it#ll be dead here in the morning( 4#ll catch that flight( *ut 4 won#t stay long( 4 "otta see my two "irlfriends in /okyo( 'hen! 4 have to break the last bank in 1hanghai( 3fter! 4 have to break a last "reat wall down in ;elhi( 4#m a""lomerated in "e#ico +ity. 4#m under the finest hat in ;anbury! of /ew )ork 8ity( 'here#s three turkish hookah lovin" women waitin" for me in 2stanbul( 4 feel so lar"e in :arachi ri"ht now( 4#m walkin" on the once national hi"hway! with three thousand friends in *eijing( 4#m in "ay fashion at 1ao 6aulo for the weekend( 4#m in "oscow feelin" like a twenty&twelve billionaire( 4#m in "umbai( 'hirty ,ortu"uese courtesans treat me like the +T man of the year( 4#m at 1eoul! swimmin" in the (an 8iver( 4#m 'akarta! the friendly population is the whole city( 4#m at *angalore! innovatin" like the late -ilicon 0alley( 4 land in .ondon $ust to vomit in a few alleys with the ex mayors( 4#m in /ehran! burnin" down churches and mosques( 4#m in *ogota! han"in" out with sixty lesbian $obs (addicts)( 4#m in .ima playin" "irls like the lost ,an 0merican "ames( 3t (ong :ong! they treat me with O!ium and 1e#. 4n ;haka! they learn fast( )ne hundred sluts in my public palace in *angladesh( 3t +airo! 4#m spiritually influenced! but still dream of 6aris( 6ahore to 8io! 4#m partyin" like a university student( 3t *aghdad! a special lady shows me the multiculturalism( 4n 1inga!ore! 4 fuck four asian ti"ers like a dominican( 3t 1antiago! the pussy flows free like floodin" the central valley( 4n 'ohannesburg! 4#m with three bad bitches hotter than lightning( 3t *erlin! 4#m drinkin" thirty ounce beers! and smokin" durban poison laced with !ills *ack to "adrid! 4#m thrillerin"ly% lookin" for a !lush buttocks( 4#m feelin" like 0E )bama in +asablanca( 0tlantaH you#re callin" me home( *ut 4 can#t for"et about *arcelona( Dallas is dead! but 6os 3n"eles is alive( ,aris is fine! and in 'oronto $?? fans wait for my invasion outside( 5e did away with every laws! and for"ot about all history( ,olitics is done! so wars are far&history( 7conomic warfare has w(run)" its cQoRurse(Y Money historically devidedYY us with punishments and rewards( /ow there isn#t a sword! there isn#t a prison warden( 'here isnt a killer! there isnt a rapist(

'here is a lover! there are happy&women( 'here a trillions of men "ivin"! "ivin"! giving( _%` ;ave you seen michael $ackson#s hit video= remember the ombies= 4#m !ossessed by my hands and theyre leading me like a carrot&on&a&stick in front of Mr 7d! (or 5hitney ;ouston carryin" crack&on&a&stick in front of *obby *rown) _Y` 3 reader could say run it#s course! or wrun" it#s curse! both are relevant _YY` 4 initiated FdividedG with D7 instead of D4 because in addition to financial theory dividin" us! it de& ceives us! so it#s only a play on syntax (but tax is the true sin! ri"ht babies=H()

/T1* 7ric ets

('): 8rickets by official ku shi's black comedy
& 4n their shared one bedroom apartment! -ilas (1C) asks /atalie (1C)! Fif you could $ust pass me the sweetener! babe=G /atalie thinks! he never wants to move when 2m around, but let his big buggy eyes land on a trail of me, and hes all, give me sweetener, hell !robably ask for me to brew another !ot of coffee ne#t( /atalie says! F-ure honey! you know 4 love you! so why#d you need to ask=G -ilas says! F9h! 4 didn#t know that 4 didn#t have to(G ;e continues! F9h! two thanx then(G /atalie responds! F)h! twoH=! you#re es!ecially "enerous to day aren#t you=G -ilas says! Fno not really! 4 $ust wanna use youOuh((forO(uhOyou knowOtoOso((4(can love you like a husband should(G F63-;*38I /atalie slurs! Fpo2e fa da picture22! you dicckHG -ilas says! F4#ve always wanted to "et marriedHG -ilas readies his self for the marria"e&officiants camera&lens( /atalie screams! in his ear! Fput down the fucckin" bottol uh vodka before you say chee2HG *oth of them are drunk beyond bloody hell! "ettin" married in 0e"as at the 6ittle 8hapel off the strip! as brother and sisterO twin brother and sister( 4ronically! they are "emini#s( -ilas bou"ht the rin" made&out&of&plastic from a coin&machine for a @uarter&of&a&dollar and the celebrant! random weddin"&crashers! and even the officiant is stoned-drunk( 'he marryin"&official announces! Fyou may now smooch the cooch(G -ilas lifts up the remainin" inch of this sixteen year old#s miniskirt and literally "oes to town! downtown, way south! like "eor"ia! or florida! in the rainy season! and /atalie#s disinhibited! moanin"! epileptic! and compulsively cuspin" his skull while forcin" forward as much of her lotus befittin" to his facial orifice( 'he official rips the shoulder&strap of her tank&top and corks a double&D tit in his mouth( -he#s pre"nant with a soon&to&be&aborted&fetus! and she#s supershootin" mammal#s milk like 8hampa"ne on new year#s( 6on"&story short! they took this ceremony to 'hessaloniki( *38I 3' ;)M7 F/o re"rets(!G /atalie mentions hesitatin"ly( F;ell! noH!G -ilas says! F4 love kids(G /atalie asks! F even 7ros(G -ilas answers! Fonly 7ros( 'he rest of those dicks are !ricksHG /atalie yells! F5ros! wake your !unk& ass upH .ou#re father has somethin" to tell you(G 5ithin three minutes! 7ros wakes off the hardwood! furnitureless livin"&room floor( ;e kicks his brother 7n"el awake as he heads to the kitchen( F5hat the fuck! Dad=!G says 7ros charmingly( -ilas says! F4 was up! but your mother took care of that like a low paid whore(G (Mind you! these children all of which are half the a"e of their parents! at ei"ht and a half! are as numb as a ba" of stones and they have no idea how to @uestion reality) 7ros says! FMaybe 4#ll "et laid toni"ht by one of those 8atholic&sluts at Matre 8hristi outside of bible&study(G -ilas says! F*oy! you aint "ettin no !unchy&pufferfruitH 6lus! 4 thou"ht you were banned from all school&"rounds in a nine mile radius from this livin"&room(G 7n"el replaces his eye&boo"er back into his eye&corner before he says! F7ros! you2e a bitch! 4 seen you suckin dick(G /atalie admits! Fthat#s my $ob!G then she yodels randomly in&to&the&air& like&tryin"&to&reach&"od! F3ster! wake up now! before 4 "et 7ros# carbon&1? automatic power&rifle and end your loveHG 7ros inter$ects! F/ice play on words! Ma! but it wouldv#e been !erfect to use on me(G F5hat=!G

she snaps( FMy name((is((7rosO(the "odO(of(loveH! 8#mon maH! we#ve talked about thisHG /atalie like she cau"ht the holy "host&shouts! F7ros! 4 hate youHG F0ll of you! 4 hate you allHG -ilas says affectionately! F4 love you too sweetheart(G 8)/D)M 513,,71 3ster walks into hell#s kitchen and says! F5here#s manhattan= Dust kiddin"(G -ilas commands! F-it down before 4 make you suck my cock(G 3ster sits under the table( (*ut doesn#t sexuali2e this scene! there#s $ust no chairs left) 7ros finishes his pop&tart and says! F4#m leavin" for Matre 8hristi!G before /atalie puts him in a 1andy -ava"e chokehold( -he clenches ti"ht with the essence of a titanoboa on a house&kitten( ;e swiftly passes out! landin" on head! possibly dead( /o one#s took 8,1! or had any knowled"e! nor curiosity about first&aid( (/ot to mention! sympathy) 7n"el says! F;e looks like he is sleepin" very deeply( 4f you#d demonstrate how well your chokehold works! you could save millions from heroin&addiction( 4#m not sure what addiction is! but 4 heard it#s bad( 4#m not sure what bad is! but 4 heard it#s not good( 4#m not sure what good is! but 4 heard not any of the above! so! good! must be me&even thou"h you call me 7n"el& because 4 always feel low! and !ressed! and intrusively in between you and -ilas(G -ilas interrupts! FMy name is Dad to you! pup(G 7n"el says! F3lri"ht! bi"&do"! you "ot it(respect)(G /atalie finishes bitin" her fin"ernail before boltin" out of the front&door( 3ster rises from the ashes like a phoenix and takes /atalie#s seat( < 577I- 63'71 -ilas! 7n"el! and 3ster(are(returnin"(home(from(7ros#(funeral(concession(and(they(are(collectively(in the best of moods! hi"h off cocaine&laced mari$uana&filled ci"arettes( -ilas says! F4#m euphoric of my&at least& bein" able to abuse dru"s with my two illegal sons(G 3ster never says anythin"! so 7n"el asks! F5hat is ille"al=G -ilas understands the semantics of context! and answers sincerely! F.ou all were stolen! all three of you! well! now! two of you! are still! about nine years stolen( 5e "ot you from someone! who "ot you from someone! who "ot you from someone! like the stacked turtles that made up the uni&3ster cuts him off! F/o fuck thatH 4#ma kill him! 7n"el(G 7n"el corrects! Fyou aint "onna kill him(G 3ster confused! F5hy not! did you hear what&7n"el stops him! F.ou#re not "onna kill him because 2m "onna(G 3ster a"rees! diarrhea& rocket&shits a :&foot louisville&slu""er all&black with F8aponeG plastered in thick&white F4mpactG font on its side with nails reversly $ammed into the top in a spiraled desi"nation! maliciously forethou"ht of causin" catastrophic skull&bashin" and puncturin" and laceratin"( 4n a wink! 3ster lobs the slu""er pointy&side north! 7n"el takes it&ri"hthanded&at the handle&all the while -ilas in shock&helicopters it around the crown of his head nine times beforeO 17071-7%< 577I- 3F'71 8;)I7;)6D 3t home! after the funeral ceremony! -ilas disbelievin"ly says! F4 can#t believe that hardcore bitch really killed him(G +oddamned bloody feminist!G 3ster adds( 7n"el creepily confesses! F;e looked comfortable and relaxed in that coffin thou"hA for now on! 4#m "oin" to live as deadly as possible to set an example before 4#m buried like shit of a ,ariah(G 3ster calls 7n"el an asshole before the family#s shared cellphone rin"s sirenly soundin" *ritney -pears# F<(G 'he son"#s chorus loops before -ilas submits! F;ello=!G he @uestions( 3 brief pause with heavy breathin" before /atalie reveals herself( O (-ilas ends the call and trails! F*ad news(G 7n"el says! F5hat the fuck=G -ilas says somberly! F/atalie is dead too(G 3ster celebrates! F4#ll never have to eat under the table againHG 7n"el punches his upper arm like beetle bu"( 'hey#re about to fi"ht before -ilas hurries! F4#m kiddingH *ut the truth is! /atalie or .our Mom&*onnie to my 8lyde&is stayin" with the homeless in a skid row&ish commune "ivin" blow$obs and chokeholds for half the price of heroin&a hit(G -he claims! Fit#s a "ood livin"! and that she#s satisfied(G -ilas daydreams! F4(think(that#s(oh! no! that#s not it&he says in a hurry&she promises that she isn#t swallowin"(G 3ster says! F'hat#s unusual(G 7n"els says! F-he told me she#d "ar"le then swallow til she dies(G 7veryone breaks out in hysterical lau"hter( 'hey serendipitously say with shru"s! FFuck her!G synchronistically( -ilas says moronically! F-he wasn#t that good-a-fit our last months to"ether anyway! (then slips) now let#s "et you some pussy! 7ros(G 3ster at 7n"el! 7n"el at 3ster turn their neck&lumps towards one another in a moneyshot! but remain silent! with their three eyes (one of 3ster#s twitchin") "lued to one anothers! acknowled"in" the severity! and whiplash of 7ros# death(

< M)/';- 63'71 -ilas is overmedicated on his birthday as he and his two sons sin" and blow out the candle( 'he children say F;appy 1E ,a(G -ilas# head throws forward violently by "ravity landin" in the top&center of the cake#s frostin"&him! passed out drunk( 3ster looks at 7n"el and asks! F;ow is it that they#re twins! but they didn#t share a birthdate(G 7n"el shru"s! F2 don#t know( 4 asked that same @uestion to Dad once before! but he didn#t know either(G 'hey look at each other in discombobulation and shru" simultaneously( &'o be continued& -ilas hyper! to the 8riminal Dustice professor (and periphrastically a classroom of thirty students)! F4 can#t !atiently wait to become a detective( 4 could use political&power to locate my wife (the class is confused! unknowin" he was married! probably because it#s his sister) but fuck that bitch! 4 $ust intensely love snoopin" throu"h stran"e people#s shit(G

BA fat$erless 7$ild
5ork was and still is my father#s escape( 'he end(

by official ku shi's romance
you remind me of )livia but the cooler version you remind me of -arah D but the homelier version you remind me of -arah 6 but the strai"hter version you remind me of Dana but the darker version you remind me of +ina but the lonelier version you remind me of Irista but the sweeter version you remind me of 3pril but the wittier version you remind me of /ancy but the fresher version you remind me of Melissa but the taller version you remind me of 3n$elica but the saner version you remind me of Mor"an but richer version you remind me of Dac@ueline but the warmer version you remind me of Micaela but the stron"er version you remind me of +abriella but the hi"her version you remind me of +iselle but the hotter version you remind me of 1achael but the lovelier version & you remind me of 3nastasia but with a smoother tail you remind me of *rianna but with lon"er hair you remind me of 8hrissy but with model le"s you remind me of 7lena but with an oval head you remind me of 1ebecca but with finer taste you remind me of *lanca but with a thinner waist you remind me of *rielle but li"hter colored you remind me of Ielly but better composed you remind me of Me"han but with ti"hter rhythm

you remind me of 6yndsay but wetter O6auren but smarter O;eather! my friend O8laire! the end you remind me of Ma""ie! but 4 never seen her a"ain 7li2abeth! 7mily! and Danielle were wron"ful and so! Diana was a son"ful 4n /atalie#s padO O O 4 lost my phonebook full of bitches but 4 wasn#t mad (you are the lost memories 4 never had

you "row up wearin" $eans and t&shirts then you say i wanna wear a button up probably with khakis then you wear car"os and a polo then you rematch the six items above now you say i think i#ll wear a suit and become a politician you#re >0H what else will you doH finally this all ends after sayin" i wanna be stalin

T$e (ort$ernmost Sout$ /it &on;t matter earlier1

the smoke i puff is risin" with the sun i#ll be hi"h when i#m done! takin" a ride on opus one outside its $ust be"un! to clarify the hopeless son wary i if i#ve become! the teary eyed spyridon but i fly as airlines and then some! fair si"ns to defend them accidents from happenin"! and mistakes from unfoldin" passionate not immaculate! because traces of the odor are still residual! and this chilled is critical the ori"inal! non biblical! ministerial! ephemeral va"uely seen criminal! self evident! i did&habitual committed the visual! instant! immiscible hyper&literal! spittle what i mean like interviews bypass the screenin"s of those who are not into you like a film interlude! miserable! with chicken stew but this is food! down the drain pipe like a swimmin" pool who isn#t a fool! pain caused by our own minuscule or"anisms lack of truce

)$at;s a &ater to an Air si!n9 /7ry1

by official ku shi's love poem

my divine rod is a heartthrob -he "oes wild about in yearnin" 'here was a pink party yesterni"htA 4 was moonstruck! ;er amorous beau 3 bou@uet of tulips and a hu" on a holiday is all she needs 4#m smitten with for"et&me&nots! 3nd crushed by her tenderness and unre@uited love(

Sync$ronistics Become Second Hand /'ot$er;s 6ay1

by official ku shi's amateur poem
& 4s this the end of the end= My friend! is this the be"innin" of the end= 'his mornin" 4 woke up! momentarily "a2ed at the minute hand! a millisecond into the new month! and the moment 4 had his wife#s or"asmic body vibrantly vibratin" at each meridian seems like a millennium away( now! i am a millennial so 4 steal wristwatches like a pickpocket kleptomaniac only to crush them below my "ravitational wei"ht at my feet( my schedule is on a stopwatch and 4 stop it at anytime( 'he season is shiftin" and as soon as the sun rises! my synchronistics become second hand( 4 studyed dreams last semester! and someday 4#ll make time to chan"e my time 2one( 'wili"ht or toni"ht= 'hat isn#t the @uestion! but today my my temporary tardiness toward death is on a timer( ,erhaps! tomorrow 4#ll eat the timekeeper( .es! 4 once knew a man whom ate "ods( 4 knew another woman who divorced a "randfather clock( 7arly on in life! an eon is declared in an epoch( 3fter this evenin"! after 4 have dreamed a"ain! 4 will have observed a whole era( 'he half&life of life follows no set horolo"y( 3nd the hour"lass shape of ,hil#s wife on a dime made me want to cross her boundaries like the international date line( 4mmediately! 4 want in her annually at anytime( From the front like 3(M( 3nd from the back like lost time( -he makes me feel bi" &like cosmolo"y bi"( -ometimes 4 feel small enou"h to hide in the "nomon( -ometimes 4 feel 4 am stran"e like how christians think of "eolo"ic time( 3nd those famous people 4 view on screen are not stars if they haven#t seen one "alactic year of time( 'he followin" decennium! 4 hope the decade is delayed( 5orkers contemplate overtime in the mornin"( *y the afternoon! 4#ve @uenched poverty( *ut 4#ll miss you -arah 8urio until you kiss "oodbye(

Blac (oise
4I dont see family5

4#m plu""ed in 4 said fuck all my old friends 4 don#t need them 4 never needed them 4 don#t see family Do you have some of them= 4 ima"ine 4 act like 4#m adopted 3nd 4 "ot none of these broads popped off yet 3nd my top off! convertible 4 don#t "ive a fuck about any "od thats not servin" you 3nd 4 murder few if most are like me 4n a $iffy! 4 drank her blood like iced tea 4 $ust "otta see to the sea! capital with capital c the capital aint for me! nor is the capitol 4 "amble like +ambit too! 4#m superheroic 3nd my knowled"e is potent! so @uote it

S$ould;ve stayed in bed

4#m :<! and 4 still drink like a teena"er 4 curse the whole planet and 4 don#t even beware Fuck your upbrin"in"! your bodymeat tastes the same .ou#re associated with a killer! and you don#t know me name 4t#s not a "ame! but if it was! the controller#s in my hand 4#m makin" you move accordin" to my plan .ou could act as if you#re not scared when 4#m watchin" 3bsolut the vodka! red the "rapes! and the soup#s ramen .ou#re not startin"! yet you thou"ht that 4#d listen .our life aint my life! so stop bitchin" .ou put info# in the news like please pay attention 4 don#t see death! 4 brin" death! spree killin" is in my statement of mission "od#s soldier F4#m drinkin" blood with my thu"s! and my bruh (bro)! he#s smokin" dru"s(G

4obstruction of the flow of knowledge could be the destruction of mankind.5 F;ey *aby! take a look at this! my phallus "rew an inch when it#s flaccidHG -o much for the "reatest pickup line of all time( My prospect turned away from me with a "rimace and continued on her lonely path( 4t couldn#t be any lonelier than mine thou"h( 4 wake up to wank off then "o to sleep the same way( 4n between those wanks is where the insanity happens( 'oday is the first day of the week! first week of the month! first month of the year! first year of eternity( 4 am *illy Do*ad and 4 spend my whole entire life tryin" to do "ood by people( 4 "rew up poor! but thanks to a few wise choices of robbery&victims! 4 became rich( 4 never wanted to be rich! and its actually worse than bein" poor in this way 4 have all of this money to be spent but not frivolously "iven away( 5hen 4 was poor! 4#d usually take what 4 needed in that day( /ow! 4#m deeply saddened for my lifestyle as a career& criminal has come to a halt( *ut who is Dohn +alt= 4#ll tell ya( *efore 4 killed him! Dohn was a pleasant man( ;e went off on a tan"ent more than enou"h times in a sin"le conversation but he smelled wonderful( Dust thinkin" of him! brin"s to mind the emission of automobile fuel exhaust this second( 4 love the fra"rance of a bou@uet of carnations as much as the next "ay but

anosmia prevents me from actually smellin" anythin"( -o the stench of incense and the aroma of spices are as bland and dull as any strai"ht man#s sex life( 3nd if 4 know Dohn +alt! he was no stran"er to a fantastic sexual experience( )h my devil! we would "o to *ur"er Iin" every sunday and ask for mana"ers to complain about the sexism of the company#s name( 5e demanded they chan"e the title from *ur"er Iin" to ,ussy *ur"er because it was universal! nondiscriminatory! and modern compared to that +lown 1ociety McDonalds( 5e never "ot them to chan"e the name and it#s been nineteen leap&years( 5e had so much fun( Dohn +alt was the absolute worst man that 4#ve ever met in a hundred thousand years( ;e would smear lipstick all over his mustache and beard but never his lips( ;e#d wrap Ma"num condoms on both feet but never his penis( ;e told me he was "ettin" knee surgery once! and came home with a face lift( )h my devil! if it weren#t for him teachin" me six hundred sex positions! 4 would have murdered him earlier( 4 mean really thou"h! who needs a :ama 1utra when you have a $ohn "alt= )h the nostalgia of his 8andies and Duicy 8outure !erfumes( 4 could $ust eat him up( 4 eventually did eat him up but you are what you eat so now 4#m Dohn +alt( 4 really am 'ohn 3alt( 4 went to -ocial -ecurity! chan"ed my name! and received a new 4(D( /o one important realised anythin" @ueer at all about me except from my bein" as "ay as a ;ello Iitty backpack at a mas@uerade ball in Downtown! Fictional 8ity( 4 wish Dohn was with me now! lively and not without arms and le"s in my landlord#s basement free2er( 4 mi"ht serve some fried $ohn for dinner but since 4 don#t have any family! 4#d need to invite fake friends over to taste the $ohn#s texture! and "ustatory complexity reminiscent of the fruit of ma"nolia vine(

%art * %la!iarised but 7uriously Spirited

by official ku shi's individualism
. 6$o ahead0 dare further0 no one can compel you to live5 & 9pon those bare rocks where ea"les build their nest! 4 "uessed how stron" the thou"ht of committin" suicide could be( 'he idea that you can say "oodbye to the world at any time makes life wonderful( N+o ahead! dare further! no one can compel you to liveH# throu"h the obstinate voice of that demon we can face any enemy( 4n fact! all blackmail collapses on the sharp point of this kind of awareness( )n the ed"e of an attractive cliff! in the absolute emptiness where fiction disappears and only what counts really counts! 4 met unreserved love( 4n other words! the optimist prevailed with reasons that reason doesn#t know( 5hen one ni"ht in the rain a kind of cosmic voice (my personal Mephistopheles) proposed a pact to me! 4 felt an irrepressible euphoria N4f you renounce your ideas 4 will take you out of this wood#( 4 said euphoria! which is what 4 felt when 4 refused the offer( -till rhetorical even when he is delirious! some will say( 3fter all! even our hallucinations reveal who we are(

6o you believe in Alipism9

by official ku shi's pseudopolitics
mon"oose! "rey "ooseO all you need to add is some $uice (i was an alcoholic) crocodile chartreuse (that#s "reenH) now han" from your neck! like a noose (merrill lynched) too much rope to let loose (i need more) my reasonin" will deduce (deductive reasonin") child abuse raised my "astric $uice (acid reflux) i was on the loose with dru" abuse (extasy)

fuck your fla" of truceH (no peace in these streets) here#s the redux! the redoO (my review) the context of use is about my substance abuse (polydru" abuse) i drink their blood like tomato $uice (vampirism) and i chase it with alcoholic abuse (i chase it with vodka) i break looseO (like a wolf off it#s leash=) and spray bullets like hair mousse (that#s a lot of bullets) im a recluse who will seduce if he needs to (the "irls next door) the in&"roup is in cahootsO (see below) its not "rassroots (pluto rules) you#re bein" misused (last warnin") by the "overnment! parents! doctors! "oo"le! $ournalists! novelists! physicists! social en"ineers! criminals! christians! russell brand! and musicians! and artists! bankers! landlords! shareholders! and business&owners! lawyers! and opinionated friends! conformity! peer pressure! and influence! rule of law! bureaucrats! armies! churches! reli"ions! and everyone but atheists and anarchists & Fthis flower isn#t for your hair! but to be meditated on! for prayer is wron"! P lon"! but the dao "ives you stren"th to carry on upri"htly(G

%la!iarised but Beautiful

by official ku shi's phenomenolo"y
&oon my thoughts go to those locked up in 'ail who cant en'oy any of this. & 4 have reached the torrent after hours spent in a train! then walkin"( 4t is hot and 4 can feel my shirt wet with sweat under my rucksack( /o one followed my steps alon" the road and throu"h this little valley! which means that still nobody knows who 4 am! where 4 am "oin" or what 4 am doin"( 4 walk alon" by the river! lookin" for a spot where 4 can stop and free myself from the wei"ht on my back and relax( 4 soon "et the chance there is a lar"e! clear pool of water surrounded by stones and a little further on there is some shade under a few trees( 'his is the place( 4 "et rid of my rucksack and soon my lun"s fill with airA 4 take a couple of deep breaths and am full of ener"y once a"ain( 4 have a @uick look around and 4 reali2e that 4 really am alone( 4 "et into the water! step by step! without hesitatin"! and reach the middle

of the pool( 4 plun"e in and abandon myself to this embrace with my face pointin" to the sky( 4 am enveloped in a stron" sensation of freedom at the same time 4 feel 4 am part of the totality and free from any ties( -oon my thou"hts "o to those locked up in $ail who can#t en$oy any of this( )f course it is hard for me! but nothin" will make me turn back( Moments like this and the sensations they fill me with are sufficient to for"et any tiredness! they are the oxy"en that keeps me "oin"( 4 try to fix this moment inside myself! my closed eyes turned towards the sun /ow! in whatever part of the world! 4 am free(

T$e 7astle 7rus$er

by official ku shi's hip hop lyrics
4excess i caress0 i hope all the gays egress5 im sufferin" from success! i never won at chess before i came out as atheist! my family said that i was blessed now im not addressed! ne"atively depicted by the press they think evil is what i possess! like lucifer i fluoresce if id undress! i#d no lon"er be of the noblesse the same "oes for you is what i assess excess i caress! i hope all the "ays e"ress i distress with finesse! no redress me and protestants don#t coalesce i used to believe but see i convalesce more or less! youre ballin" without the nets the whole nation is sweatin" me like i#m doin" sets i dont think that i could do enou"h reps im the only contemplative executive on the world wide web my city is under"round! my lab is underwater insensitivity is ne"ative! thats a disorder youve missed two whole steps step by step you love yourself! then infect everyone else thats conta"eous! and conta"ion doesnt have to always be outra"eous the advanta"eous call themselves coura"eous unless your traits make you a"eless! you come short of "reatness theres no patience in ve"as famous faces make statements produced by "hostwriters youll never see me follow the piper and drink that cider im cyber! this cipher has hemp&like fibre too hi"h&strun" to sniper my blood carries venom of a viper a typewriter isnt a typewriter without the son"writer im anti&copyri"hter! i eat 87)#s like a ben"al ti"er i dont mean to be a bli"hter! i $ust mean to bea fi"hter my li"hter is whiter for you overni"hters but the s@uire is the enemy! my pyrophilia makes him perspire

Une2pectedly R$adamant$ine
by official ku shi's
47hat am I doing85

sippin on si22urp (syrup)! make ya mind wi2arp (warp) most are blind to this i2art (art)! bitch im badder than bi2art (bart simpson) was! in school! act for act! and this is an act of "od you cant see me ($ohn cena) like a blind man to an eye chart i cut the crack&cocaine piece by piece like a pie chart take this to heart! bleedin" hearts are in my shoppin" cart my "ranny has an artificial heart! my "randpa a purple heart i#d be half computer! half soldier if i ate their hearts do you understand meH= i $ust described the fuckin" terminatorHH child support came in! i bou"ht a polo shirt with it traffic court sentencin" is in the mail! i can $ust sense it i#ll take that ticket! all the way to the fuckin" supreme courtH you know it#s fuck every little inferior court! when im superior&court wives! like they dont even have husbands i "ive information to you strai"ht like i find "ays dis"ustin" have you ever felt like a ba"= (katy perry) well i#m punchin your popular music! is worst than the bible! it means nothin" Fbefore i wrote this i mixed the combo that killed cory montiethA "ot me feelin" likeOG

5ove and )ar+play

4you couldnt see through my screen0 if i wiped it clean5 they want more! more! its me they adoreH makin" my own lane! like footprints in the floor its never a chore! to open opportunitys new door im not ri"id! i could soar! or use an oar contract muscles of your core! count two&four now roar! they mi"ht forfeit the call of war now they#re done for they better exit the dance floor! and use the back door near the dutch door! is whores "alore i implore senor to restore rapport you "et what you pay for! in or out the trap door im indifferent like a swin" door! any dame i#d fall for i#d bow and kiss a ladies feet at the shoe store then s@uee2e for her cake! speak for the both of us! and rava"e her like a wild boar bodily attachment of c>! pro"rammed in the name of Dior what is war without love! whats love without war= the "uarantor cant take the floor! when not in a state of war and my family crest is still lookin" for the "od of war i know the score! you must "o to war spanish war! crimean war! first world war civil war! prewar! postwar! anymore= the cold war! the *oer war! the "reat war who to care for in the old war= i deplore the hardcore! i know none in 6ahore i see va"uely to 'imor like throu"h a screen door was it you that had to opt for this hot hot war= i feel for the peace corps with such vain decor six days i fast for the six day war where do we "et the bud"et for=

who accounts for= not the fire door but the li@uor store is open twenty four Iorean and 0ietnam and thirty years war all for a musical score the best i can do! is hope to be a film star because the commoner is $ust livin" out the bell $ar but my "randeur takes me on a "rand tour this "reat year here they call me monsieur and care none of my career in america they are $obs! but its more about life here livelihood! personal and with due care for sure! i declare! im aware of unfair i tell you this thou"h! with fine li@ueur! life is like a beach chair make sure your friends arent $ust blowin hot air the cool bree2e never expires here! and the lords prayer isn#t my healthcare its so severe how you revere! its immature i in@uire to inspire and insure murals the writin"s on the wall! the concubines at the ba2aar Fchauffeur to the cashier! i#m smokin" my ci"arHG school year boys are my voyeurs! they keep me on the wire they disappear before force ma$eure coitus is my evenin" prayer! its laisse2 faire clitoris is my mornin" star! im a movie star a husband is saboteur! im reassured i overhear in open air of my love affair my nom de "uerre helps me persevere the @uestionnaire maybe shes unaware of the souvenir of my pubic hair black marketeer! no vanity fair and we#re too entrepreneur to be electioneer what an astronomical year( i played her cunt like a ;awaiian "uitar im a civil en"ineer in my castle in the air and i act on delusions of "randeur with reasonable care while you were ridin" in the carts at k marts my black arts were "ivin" me head starts take heart! Descartes imparted me with the state of the art so i misreport my teleportin" until the last resort you couldn#t see throu"h my screen! if i wiped it clean i "ot a canteen full of ben2ene and caffeine casein and chow mein is my favorite cuisine you think bein one is hard enou"h! im like a machine of fifteen im serene behind smokescreen! tinted "lass is my sunscreen it mi"ht seem sweet like sixteen! but im unseen like saline in a shell bean! my routine is nineteen not @uite adult! not @uite kid! im in between but i can see in widescreen that the obscene trampolines bounces out of this world like a time machine but im $ust the fi"urine of the "olden mean a day or two after halloween and the yellow submarine has yet to intervene im solid like "elatine! vir"in like salad "reen too many illicit substances turn my head into a spinnin" machine read every book is my library routine but i lost count somewhere around x ray machine re"ression toward the mean "ot your automatic teller machine askin" @uestions you mi"ht as well freshen up for this special session my trans"ressions "ave me indi"estion

expression&con"estion led to depression compressed possession is a definition of oppression and obsession is a di"ression from pro"ression a""ression is an impression deservin" of discretion the succession of confession is suppressive su""estion decompress your a""ression sex is a practice session the "reat recession isn#t a facial expression its retarded depression and multiple re"ression the le"al profession "ivin" you reactive depression the medical profession "ivin" you pulmonary con"estion ecolo"ical succession is an idiomatic expression chronolo"ical success is material possession intercession doesn#t prelude accession

6ivine 7omedy II
4%orn in a rummage sale0 with no surface mail.5 ok! so put me on screen! i dont even need to act i improvise! my intelli"ence is already stacked my brain "rew alien bi"! my skulls already cracked i sold my soul to the devil twice! im already backed by demons! the le"ion! you seen them! its a fact to"ether we#re packed! we si"ned the pact we#re $acked where you lacked we snacked where you slacked with tact we sacked your @uarterback! he#s whacked we#re blacked like the raiders! in fact! "et hacked we attract the abstract to distract your retract we the accomplished fact to the end like a suicide pact in point of fact! we dont overreact when counterattacked we $ust hold back! because to reenact would be inexact i interact by optic tract to protract my nerve tract i redact by unpackin"! diffractin" the compact how you react is repacked inside the cultural ba" as a matter of fact! pride subtracts when youre attacked butterflies in your di"estive tract re@uirin" cola extract contrary to the fact! we#re all accessories after the fact i piss "reatness! check my urinary tract im apt! so i took a nap before you "ot the nerve to slap me im rapt! but i didnt snap back because the crowd is clappin" i adapt! and you could never contract whats untapped youre trapped! and wrapped! sapped! and flapped i kept a map of where to direct the strap to your cap i "ot a knack of whackin" loud $acks on yak put the $o" down! ol chap! and have a chat he threw a $ab! i dod"ed! the $ap "ets chopped and robbed im upbeat like a $ock! and built like a chock he#s a $erk who wants to $am! but i dont do $a22 i hit $ake with a $oke! and you with ra22mata22 &

i told him! i cant take a trip without this shoulder on my chip i know my life is $ust a clip but it feels like the lon"est movie strip im tryin to "et a "rip but my mood always flips then it dips! and slips! and its "one in a rip then im like oh skip! if i could only "et nips on some @uips bein depressed is like a bitch! if you had a sip! you know it aint hip i could 2ip by in a ship! as @uick as a whip but the scrip aint ti"htknit until i draw up the strip i snip a pip but only the tip could be eaten i shouldnt be surprised! im well e@uipped for a "uilt trip im in the cruise ship! like id trade you my pink slip for your blue chip he said id outstrip you with a roach clip! youre worthless like a corn chip now that didnt hurt my feelin"s like a slave ship now im holdin on to my pistol "rip like a filter tip i un2ip my denims and prepare for an e"o trip i said i havent seen a bu""y whip! but i seen a landin" strip and i seen a man killed with bean dip and a tie clip he said uh huh and you cant procure clam dip on its supply ship now i "et upset! i take his poker chip! and waste his cheese dip i use a tortilla chip as a bar"ainin" chip he takes me hosta"e with a potato chip now we#re in a pickle on the +a2a strip my memory chip is more like a brick his field "oal percenta"e is more like a ma"ic trick he was rich! when he walked in whereas i was poor i was in the thick when i came in! financially crippled like a walkin" stick i could see that he was rich like oil&slick my pride is nonstick and i lurk like a house dick or old nick im chav and spick lookin to slip him a mick i never thou"ht i#d be in this predicament! not in a flick in a mouse click! i prick him with pain i re&clip my switchblade! handpick his blue chip and depict my "et away i know women and all they wanna do is talk like "raham bell its the worst when youre packed ti"ht like an epithelial cell my old flow was menstrual but my new flows like an artesian well now when my talent knocks! heads rin" like the liberty bell all you have to do is absorp it like silica "el and i fi"ht my opponents off like white blood cells my clientele is personnel like common sense of smell resell what they repel! i propel to rebel they ravel the retellin"! but my misspellin" would entail the end of my intel! i have that note in my lapel so i expel what they foretell! im a hard&sell i dispel with farewells! i wasnt prepared at cornell so the cartel compels! but we know thats a death knell i can feel it in my brain cell! my bone cell! my sperm cell i reproduce fiction but cold spells as well when i turn a cold shoulder its like a ma"ic spell its like everyone who knew me reappears in hell if you know of some who fell they should be swell if hell is where they dwell! theirs lots of korbel a turtle could live its whole life in a shell but if that shell is for sale! it would hate to exhale so many men who were derailed are waitin" to inhale women try to help out but theyre a short sale

i pen a tall tail but only to unveil the travail born in a rumma"e sale! with no surface mail the wa"e scale is as sour as lukewarm "in"er ale so my bill of sale is more like a coffin nail the holy "rail is $ust an old wives tale old men are sellin" theirselves like a clearance sale youn" men are sellin" themselves like an auction sale the middle a"ed are more like a fire sale and me! im the lead of an heroic tale

Ea!ue Hubris
4/reedom is my business5 the rulers back! yes! i have risen and the soldiers are back in commission yes! my le"ion dressed in crimson could stiffen from a distance they "listen in your vision your position of makin" a decision to "reet them with suspicion is of forbidden fruition! the divisive condition causes attrition at the i"nition and my co"nitive omissions "ives me pause before my provision of volition i make incisions to partitions(=) i#m only a musician with keen si"ht like an optician with your permission after dentition i can provide you with munition in the form of nutrition until the mortician or at the least! a clinician my ambition to audition proceeds this petition no revision! the tradition is in transition(=) with your tuition!im a technician of rescissions your rendition without remission defines my patrician a tactician must avoid a hospital admission the addition of a physician and lo"ician is short of a ma"ician my edition is not what you could envision im aware of the derision because of my ni"ht vision(=) theres nothin" hinderin" my precision the sedition of the for"iven! could cause collision im prepared for whats hidden freedom is my business im driven to listen like we#re in $uxtaposition abolition and prohibition was precondition to my criticism my reco"nition is repetition like politician cell division like extradition(=) im not a mathematician! but admonition of my ac@uisition would not be wise! my ammunition is erudition did he say he "oin to "et bread= i mustve misread i knew a man who bled to "et head his life was on a thread! on thin ice he tread(H) the snake never pled! yet his skin shed does anyone die bloody red in bed= beheaded on a brick red bunk bed= or how about drop dead one step from their twin bed= could their be widespread history thats unsaid=

i think im awkward enou"h to drown in a waterbed so many have been misled! to sacrifice for overhead but im unwed $ust until i see deaths head the overfed "et their med so i "uess im brain dead(H) the next spread i could shred! then become a pil head stalk acid heads in francis and sleep on a truck bed i need a repair shed! to sharpen pencil lead until i lay to rest on my tulip bed! i thrust ahead im livin" dead(H) & 6arentheses notesI *oth sets are conce!tual. Juestion !oints are anarchist meta!hors, and 5#clamation !oints are ca!italist meta!hors.

Has$ta! /Has$ta!1
4 convinced my mother obama#s a money&hun"ry prick( he "ot in office and "ot rich while people are dyin" all over this bitch ^'heydontcare others asked me why do i care so much= i said why wont you= people arent only dyin" all over the ^news! dont "et ^confused brin"in attention! like a chinese ^lynchmob and the ^cops always stop me before i#ve plotted to rob thats racist! but ^postracism is the way now i was here before everyone and thats how i know who lies now im ^ancient! and those who abhor me! are borin" i summon ^truth before i be"in my story i#m like a robot! everythin" i say is ^true i kill liars dead! until the picture#s ^"ory some are racists but never show it! because all they do is ^brew all they do is ^work! until they find old "lory i dont respect you&not because your racist&because you never "rew instead of carin" about the ^youth! you care about your inventory i ran out of ^6-D! i had to settle for mornin" "lory im $ust talkin my stuff! hopin that i break throu"h its only truth on my rain cloud! i hope it falls throu"h and reaches the "round crew! hits you without kun" fu my skin is clear because of bamboo! this is my ^beauty debut before you come throu"h! you need to come to! and let my truth cut throu"h i make do without "ym shoes! i pull throu"h while you pursue and push throu"h! all for head like shampoo you need to renew! and redo! and review your own ^lifestyle how does it effect a forei"ners ^worldview! ri"ht now= who do you turn to! to speak about ^taboo= i ne"lected my sta"e crew to "ive you this ^tattoo you wear the mask! i write the son" but their isnt enou"h ^banks for you to break into most are not stron" enou"h and itll take too lon" so im with my cordon bleu! irish stew like de $a vu until my stomach flu but "oin alon" with ^hon"kon" cannot be lifelon" tell mao 2edon" so lon" as i strin" alon" to sincerity#s son" dont misconstrue whats in your field of view! no need for a peer review all you need to follow throu"h is to lace into ^3narchy like a tennis shoe

no security! no $ud"e! no doctors only people like me! no actors! no oscars and all "rouches dont slouch i didnt compose this from a studio couch in my sub&urban house only the truth can vouch if truth hurts! in all lan"ua"es! my name is ^ouch(

T$e Ans&er
& (ow does decoloni ation relate to anarchism as well as achieving or creating a moment, !lace or state of anarchy4 'he proof is in the puddin" and thou"h we aren#t all chemistry&savvy enou"h to dissect its components! we all know that it is sweet( 1i"ht now! we are witnessin" post&coloni2ation( 3narchy is low! and restrictions are hi"h( 'he foundin" fathers! hell! even the slaves had more freedom and open land than we do now( ;ow does it relate= -laves (workers! prisoners! bosses) can#t run away or $ust simply @uit today( 3ll of this non& self&controlled ener"y is causin" biolo"ical waste! mental fati"ue! and spiritual poverty( 6e"al abuse is the only crime( 3n atheist could see that heaven on earth is possible! before a obsessive&compulsive&reli"ious would( 3nd 3narchists know that 6awlessness will ;ouse every sin"le ;omeless that wants a roof! shelter! and clothin" for his hairless form( 'hank you( )ut( 9hat is the 5go4 7"o is awareness of e"o( 7"o cannot be the unawareness of e"o( 7"o is of itself( 7"o is the self( 7"o is not someone else( 7"o knows( /on&e"o doesnot know( 7"o is )ne( 3narchy is reflection of 7"o( 7"oless are politicians! lawmakers! and social handlers( 'he belief in status is non&e"o( 'he trust in 3narchy is 7"o( 'hank you! *ye( (ow do anarchists, both in and out of the us, res!ond to the KL$$ hysteria4 *y non&response( 3 terrorist is one whom does not respect the @uality of life( 3ll life( /ot $ust the housed! but the homeless as well( /ot $ust the rich! but the poor as well( /ot $ust the full! but the hun"ry as well( 'he africans and the europeans( 'he animals and the flora( 'he dru""ed and the sober( 7veryone comin" to"ether is love( 5ar is supported by reli"ions! racism! and banks! and its been this way since the first war between matesOone erroneously thinkin" he better than the lot( /o one is better! only e@ual( 'hank you( *ye( /heft and !ro!erty rights4 /o property! no theft( ,roperty is more of an idea than it is a concrete thin"( 6awlessness is propertyless and propertyless is crime&free( 4f you see two fi"htin"! they are fi"htin" F)1 -)M7';4/+( 4 used to fi"ht for nothin"( 3 man would disrespect me! so 4 hit him( 3 woman would lau"h at me! so 4 hit her( ,ride! respect! honor are all nothin" compared to cars! clothes! and money( -o 4 used to fi"ht for nothin"( 'hese are connected anyway&nothin" and somethin"&because they#re could actually be less nothin" to fi"ht for if we as human bein"s see that propertyness is wron" morals! ethics and philosophy( 4n the words of 1ussell *rand Fwhere there is profit! there is also deficit(G Make no profit! take no life( (ow would 0n 0narchist society deal with healthcare4 ;ealthcare or the care to be stron" and not weak is a "overnment term and i can see why( -tren"th "oes to work! follows orders! militantly kills traitors! supports its nation! conforms! and stresses over external

problems( 5eakness is pacifist! kind! @uiet! knowled"eable! and lovin"( 3 society cannot be 3narchist( .ou either have society or 3narchy( -ociety is an or"ani2ation! an institution! a corporation( 5e as 3narchists can#t have that( 'hat is what we as 3narchists are a"ainst( 4#ve answered your @uestion on all sides of the spectrum but 4#ll end here! simply( 4f healthcare by political means is nonprofit! nonkillin"! and e"alitarian! it will work! but if not! then we will continue havin"! careless overdoses! epidemics! and abuse of the profit&marchin" system( +ould individual anarchy or being Mungovernable lead to unintended civil war with some organi ations4 2n that !eo!le could actually bring down the state, but then offer no alternatives and little organi ational resistance to more fascistic tendencies which might lead to Mthree-way fights4 7"oist 3narchy is civil war at its hi"hest remark( 4f *illy doesn#t fit into society#s norms! customs! and manners then he#s in a civil war( 4f 3manda is abused! exploited! and @uieted by professionals then she is in a civil war( 5ar is the opposite of peace! and an a""ressive mind causes harm to external ob$ects( 3narchy is such hard work that on some days the sun could be comin" up and 4#m already exhausted( 'he ri"htwin"ers are violent! plain and simple! so they#ll be the first to "o in a "lobalised feminist world( 'he leftwin"ers are like moderate 3narchists! 4F! (bi" if) they fi"ht F)1 ;9M3/ 14+;'-( ;uman ri"hts upholds feminism! "ays! blacks! basically everyone! so it#s a step to better times( Ieep your si"ht on 3narchy and even if you#re in a coma for the next ten years! you will have done your part( 'hanks( ,eace( how to o!!ose the state N ca!italism wLo resorting to a dichotomous critique bLt socialL!olitical, naturalLartificial4by which i mean, how do we struggle against the state and o!!ose an anarchism that sim!ly resorts to essentialism with regard to humans are naturally coo!erative or social and the state is artificial4 @not that i am !ersonally o!!osed to a considering humans as coo!erative and social creatures, but that the dichotomy is !ointed out by many as an essentialist argument that limits and determines what a thing is or will become.C dichotomous( 4#ve read 1!000Ks of books and i haven#t seen that word til now( +ood oneH -o yes! we live in a bit of a bipolar world! now don#t we= *ut let us address the history of those polarities( 4 am pro&criticism because an 3narchist is the only authentic critic( 5e were and will be social without politics( +ood and bad is artificial in relation to morality because morality is decided by reli"ionists and conformists( 'here is no ri"ht and wron"! and no truth and false( *ut 4 tell you this! 3narchy is superior to "overnment( .ou can a"ree or disa"ree( -ocialism without capitalism is better than meanin"less money&worship( .ou can disa"ree or a"ree( 5hat#s natural or artificial is how you see it to be( 'o a christian! baby $esus is natural and or real( 'o an atheist he#s artificial or a paradi"m( 3narchy brin"s the contradictions to"ether! ends the competition! and disen"a"es the hostility and petty rivalry( 4n re"ards to essentialism! man can only do so much! so my sense of humor see comedy in the lon" distance relationships that are modern day politics( 'he fiat money system is the funniest $oke of the last B0 years( 3nd socially! entertainers carry more word& by&word wei"ht than the first :: presidents contemporaneously( *ad press is "ood press to the miley cyrus# in need of publicity( so it#s not differences that will cause uprisin"s( 4t#s essentialism that will cause peace( (ow is crime dealt with by anarchists in an anarchist society4/his is something that !eo!le always bring u! when 2 mention that 2 am anarchist to them. 2 always tell them that we, as the !eo!le, deal with it as a whole. 2 just want to know s!ecific ways of which we would go about dealing with it and the outcome of dealing with it. 0lso, it can be any scenario that you guys come u! withI murder, ra!e, etc. /o laws ! no crime( /o fear! no harm( ,eace of mind is the only anarchist law( 9niversal peace of mind and conscientious social practice( Freedom is obli"ed by actin" ri"ht( 6iberty is kept by lettin" "o of sava"ery( Movin" ahead has more force than lookin" back( ,'-D is treated by I4/D or kindness( 'he sick are treated by the healthy( 'he talented put on a show for the lame( 1ape is the cause of planned&society( 8haos cures! and feminism is the alternative medicine for those who are testosterone&aller"ic( Don#t "ive ener"y

to the idea of rape( 4 don#t(

Une2plained 'ysteries /(irvana+s$a ti1

4you wear the mask0 i write the song5 & so it appears that im at the top of my "ame like im sittin on the roof of the stadium mane but im no "ucci mane cu2 my swa"&flu would make you "o insane even haters say im super man! no lois lane and when the cold&front came! it met me then went the opposin" direction! i#m cold like ice&cream that#s to down&play it! like a southern video&"amer but if there#s no limit! i mi"ht write this til there#s no errors errors of the human kind! i#m so divine love "reets me with open arms becu2 i do the time in a blue room like the president but him to me is like a cold to the flu cu2 i am on another level! you need cheat codes and kin" $ames with all his successors have been dethroned in my sub&urban home! lookin" at all the crime like a pro$ect window but i make Fni""asG know! and FbitchesG know its not rap until you hear those words that#s why this work here is artful and in walton#s store! i buy a cart&full never know when the "ov will le"islate bear&shit so hear this! with everythin" but wealth is what i#m prepared with i never was the type to be scared of shit i#d rather tear up shit! and let my parents repair the shit now i#m parentless! i killed em both no confession! no evidence! i dumped em <0 miles off the west coast in a $et! you couldn#t fly @uicker than i think i can solve poverty @uicker than you blink look! i never enlisted in psychodynamics but my conscious motivation is nonexistent my unconscious motivation defines my attachment theory sometimes i emit my thou"ht&waves louder so that a human hears me my personality is psycho and ille"al so i must chan"e the law to be everyday&people you#re mesmerised becu2 my exchan"e of ener"y is hypnotic the way you interpret my e"o is cathartic i un&"row lethar"ic! with the pseudo&science! psychotherapy telepathic word&choice makes one appear psychic totally my doctoral education is preco"nitive and i#ve un&"rown youn" of near&death&experiences my psychokinetic obsolescenceO this is the burden of a "od without a @uestion i am only an apparition reincarnate my psychometrics are measured by clairvoyance anomalous co"nition is of the superior so im drinkin bacardi! to anythin" less than three eyes! i#m inferior i#m on another plane! postdiction chi2uko mifune would tell you! i#m post&fiction it#s all paranormal! it#s all etheric your sense of science is on the frin"e when you see my psionics hear a direct voice! this is your death&warnin"

i cold&read from the ectoplasm! you#ve been haunted from worldly pon2i&schemes! to spiritual pauli&effects transliminality is my backyard! if i itch! you scratch i#m psychokinetic theists call me "od you wear the mask! i write the son"

5ist of FJ Historical Ai!ures I;d Invite to 6inner /Hint: I c$eat1

marcus !arvey for em!tying america of blacks blac pant$ers and neo&na2i#s for securing garveys mission ml =r for saying what garvey ghostwrites aaliya$" ciara" dm2 for a character study on O+; and im!ulse control &$itney $ouston" mic$ael =ac son for downers and cocaine =anet =ac son for her body (+awdH) mi e =ones for gallons of liquid heroin stevie &onder" lud&i! von beet$oven to make fun of adolf $itler" c$e !uevara" napoleon bonaparte" c$ristop$er columbus to see if they yawn when i yawn cleopatra" poca$ontas to double down&of course&at the end of the ni"ht bonus4 &alt &$itman and mo-art for highest grade music and !oetry &F+awdHG

%oison %en 5etter /*+in+F1

what#s loud= crunchin" with your mouth open( what#s loud= the deadly "unshot of my uncle( what#s loud= the stab&victims blood puddled on the floor( what#s loud= the words! i don#t wanna be here anymore( &

i seen a man killed todayOi hope it "ets better i know a woman was raped todayOi hope it "ets better a teena"er overdosed on cocaine todayOi hope it "ets better today#s alcoholics deny tomorrow#s han"oversO(i hope it "ets better the "overnment sent me a million dollar credits in the mailO it can#t "et any better anarchist&thou"ht decreased violent crime to one manO that man is me! and i said it can#t "et any better J billion people shun opium and "et hi"h on loveO it can#t "et any better my words are like "old to a bumO they can#t "et much betterO until 4 sleep! then wake to a star&crossed love letter(

If It;s not poetry t$en it;s !otta be prose4

i put the ener"y out! then shit chan"e fork in the road! like poseidon! "oin whichway you can try to wish a way! but neptune comin thru

the veils of subconscious andd lillith too im drinkin oran"e $uice! "ot me in the mood for hi"h health! in underwear! half nude its all blue in my room to remark the sky and the shades over my windows like a fly colored red "reen black but i do the bri"ht shinin and the dirt you done in the darkness! ri"ht timin it couldnt have been riper! so call it bananas leadin" to the end! but life is the only handler switchin channels on the tube like you in control boy you aint "ot nothin! not a sin"le soul in the days of old! see too much to talk about a million dollars= a million years aint shit to the @liphoth i read on! but that wont suffice til literary success literati liberaci in the @ueen dress im feelin fine! but what im bein is perfect i perfect shit! then re$ect shit

Aor t$ose partial to pure $ip $op" poeticsBtupac

im checkin my free style skills cu2 im curious yep i still i "ot it! im serious texas chainsaw all i do is murder shit and i leave the body where it was dropped at im not the industry type! anarchyst and my blood type "ot em hatin! bite me its nothin more than lookin! that yal can do so youre cold stairs dont lead to floor two i "ot punchlines! a $ab or an upppercut and i never date! cu2 i cant trust a duck in the cut! $ust absorpin" the scenery in the cut! like a blood donation! cut n bleedin bleed with me! or you wont be rich one day i "ot a litre with me rollin down the hi"hway and the business is however i market it professional of professorship! dont mock this shit i come up with rhymes unthou"ht of by mr seuss and most dont know that the doctor title was poop and like poof! you boys only tellin lies i murder your "od! no witness no alibis

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