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Bluegrass Undercover

A Bluegrass Brothers Novel

Kathleen Brooks

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, e cept in the case of brief !uotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. "his book is a work of fiction. "he names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer#s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organi$ations is entirely coincidental. An Original work of Kathleen Brooks. Bluegrass Undercover copyright % &'(& )mashwords *dition by Kathleen Brooks +over art provided by +alista "aylor. http,

Books by Kathleen Brooks Bluegrass )tate of .ind Risky )hot /ead 0eat Bluegrass Undercover

For Chris, Milo, Marcia, Pat, Mike, and Kathy. Thanks for all the hard work and su !nd "ost i" ortantly, to "y wonderful readers.


1rologue 0e wiped his sweaty hands on his mesh shorts and took a deep breath to calm himself. 2f he got caught, it would end his high school football career, cost him a chance at a college scholarship, and his parents would be pissed. "hose factors were outweighed by the fact that he was a full two tenths of a second slower in the 3' than his backup, and that meant if he didn4t pick it up, he4d be riding the bench this season. "he glass doors were looming in front of him as he approached the dealer. 0is hands left sweaty imprints as he pushed the doors open and tried to casually walk inside. 0is heart pounded as if it were up to him to make the last5second play to win the big game. 0e smiled to those he knew, which, thanks to being such a small town, was practically everyone. /id they all know what he was about to do6 "he locker room was 7ust ahead of him now. "his was it. 0e put his hand in his pocket and felt for the cash he4d stolen out of his mom4s and dad4s wallets over the last couple of weeks. 0e4d had to empty his piggy bank and save up his allowances for a month, but if this worked, it would be worth it. 0e4d be faster, stronger, and maybe even .r. 8ootball in Kentucky. A scholarship to a /ivision 2 school would make everything perfect. *ven his parents couldn4t get mad about taking a couple hundred from them if he was going to be on *)1N every )aturday. 90ey, man.: 9;hat4s up6: 9<ou got the five hundred6: 9<up.: 0e pulled out the cash and handed it to him. 0is eyes darted around the momentarily empty locker room. )omeone could walk in at any minute, but his dealer was as calm as could be counting out the cash. )houldn4t he hurry and give him the stuff before the police barged in6 90ere you go kid. "en units three times a week.: 0e caught the small, black duffle bag and nodded his head toward his dealer before he walked as fast as he could out of there. 0e managed to get home before his parents got back from work, but his little sister was already home and would be a problem. 2f only he had a lock on the door. 0e moved his desk chair over to his door and shoved it under the doorknob. 2t would have to work. 2f +indy knew he was home, she4d come running in, wanting to play or talk about the gossip going on in cheerleading camp. =od, little sisters were a trial. 0e placed the duffle on his bed and slowly un$ipped it. 2nside were a handful of diabetic syringes and a small glass bottle with a black rubber stopper. 1ulling off the orange cap on the needle, he slowly poked it through the rubber stopper and measured out ten units. 0e dropped the bottle back into the bag and pulled down his shorts. 0e heard the garage door open and knew his parents were home. 0e had to hurry. ;ould he feel stronger by tomorrow6 ;ould he be like )piderman6 0e envisioned himself as the best football player in the country, shredding defenses and scoring every time the ball was in his hands. 0e4d be a hero. 0e grabbed the skin at his waist between his thumb and middle finger. "his was it. "he needle met resistance as he pressed it against his skin. 2t pricked, and he winced as he pushed it through his skin. 0is thumb pushed the plunger down, and he watched the drug that would change his life enter his body. 90oney> /inner>: 9+oming, .om.:

+hapter ?ne Annie Blake felt the ocean bree$e ruffle her sweat5drenched hair. 2t was .iami in August. *ven being on the beach did nothing to cool her off. )he hardly ever went to the beach. ;ho had time6 But, she must admit, the sand did feel good between her toes, and the smell of the salt floating by and the feathered waves of the bree$e did rela her. )he looked over the sparkling blue water as far as she could see and took a deep breath. 2t was going to be a great day. )he scanned the beach and saw kids playing, sunbathers in barely there swimsuits, and a thug by one of the beach bars. 0e was shorter than she, probably around five si to her five seven. 0is black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail at the base of his neck. 0is body was shiny with sweat, which made his tattoos sparkle in the sunlight. 0is 7ean shorts started at his thighs and ended at his ankles. )he had no idea why thugs liked this style of clothing, but it worked for her. 2t was hard to run with your pants falling down. A young boy, maybe fifteen, sauntered over to the thug with a cocky attitude. 0is athletic shorts fell to mid5calf as he hiked them up over plaid bo ers. "he thug nodded his head to the nearby ice cream cone stand. "he kid and the thug walked over, got in line and started talking. )he had been tracking this thug for weeks. 0e was a drug soldier for @uan +arlos4s gang. About si months ago, Annie4s team at the /*A had been notified by an *R doctor of his suspicions of a new drug being pushed to kids, a drug that caused heart attacks in young, athletic boys. Annie investigated and found all the victims were local high school football players ranging in age from fourteen to eighteen. "hen, two weeks ago, she got a call from the same *R doctor. A kid was admitted for collapsing during a friendly football game. )he rushed to the *R and interviewed the kid before he went in for heart surgery. )he had been told of /iego, the friendly neighborhood drug dealer. )he had tracked him to this beach as his primary place of dealing while the kids were out on summer break. )he ad7usted her dark pink sarong to make sure the small )ig Amm .os!uito that was tucked into her pale pink bikini bottoms was hidden from view. "he last thing she needed was for someone to see her walking down the beach with a gun. )he pulled her long, red hair from the ponytail and shook it out. "he guys told her they liked seeing long hair dancing in the bree$e, so she went with it. )he pushed up her breasts so they were almost spilling out of her triangle top. )he was pretty sure /iego wouldn4t become suspicious of a big5breasted, beach bimbo. 9=ee$us, Blake> <ou trying to garner attention6 <ou4re supposed to be undercover,: her earpiece crackled. Annie looked past the ice cream stand to the ice truck parked in the lot. )he gave the /*A agents who filled the truck along with surveillance e!uipment a little wink. Annie gave one last toss of the hair and started walking across the beach to the ice cream stand. 0er voluptuous hips swayed, and her breasts teetered precariously in her top as she banked the intelligence behind her dark green eyes. /iego and the kid had 7ust bought their cones and were now standing to the side of the ice cream stand. )he headed right toward them and gave /iego a sultry smile when he looked up and saw her. 90ey,: she bit down seductively on her pouty, lower lip. 92 heard you were the man to contact if 2 wanted to score,: she winked. 9/ios mio. 2 would love to help you, but 2 don4t sell what you4re looking for.: 9But, 2 was told you were the man. "hat you could give a girl anything she wants.: Annie paused, 9;ell, how about whatever you4re giving the kid. .aybe that can hold me over until 2 find a real man to give me what 2 want.:

9?h, lady, you4re killing me. "his stuff is for athletes. 0ow about you both meet me here tomorrow at two6: /iego turned to the kid, 9<ou bring your buddies. "ell them it4s five hundred a vial.: Annie bit her lip again in a pout and wrapped some of her straight hair around her finger. 9And you, hmm,: he said to her as he rubbed his crotch, or what she guessed to be his crotch. )he couldn4t tell where anything was under his baggy shorts. 9<ou meet me here, too. 2 will get something special for you. "hree hundred.: 0e gave one last rub to his crotch and started walking down the beach, holding up his shorts as he went. 9=ood 7ob, Blake. ;e lost sight of the kid. /o you have eyes on him6: 9<eah, he4s with five other boys, ages fifteen to seventeen. Books like they4re going to be playing a little beach football.: )he lay down on her towel and pulled out her camera. )he snapped some photos of the beach and then swung the camera around and got some photos of the boys. )he $oomed in on the t5shirt of one of the boys with the name of a local high school football team. Bingo. 90ey, se y, how about we put that camera to good use6: 9=et lost, 7ackass.: 9Aw, don4t hate the player, hate the game.: )he looked up at the muscled beach bum, 90ow about 2 hate both. Now get lost, 24m not going to have se with you now or ever.: 0e looked stunned at the re7ection and slowly walked off towards his ne t victim. 9?uch, Blake. ;e thought you were a bitch because you couldn4t get laid.: 9Bite me.: 9;ith pleasure.: 9"he boys are leaving.: )he watched as they started to walk toward a minivan that had 7ust pulled up and honked its horn. 9+opy that. =o home. )ame place and time tomorrow.: Annie stood up, rolled up her towel, and stuffed it into her beach bag. )he closed her eyes for a second and felt warm rays of the evening sun on her face. )he4d have to try to make it to the beach more often. Annie reached her one5bedroom apartment in twenty minutes. )he unlocked the deadbolt and threw her bag down on the chair in the living room. )he placed her gun in the safe and walked into the small kitchen that overlooked the living room. "he walls were white, as she4d never bothered painting them. "his wasn4t her home. 2t was 7ust a place to live. )he opened the free$er and pulled out a Bean +uisine at random. )he tore open the bo and tossed it into the microwave. As she walked through the living room, she turned the "C on to the /olphins4 e hibition game and headed for the shower. "omorrow she4d be one step closer to bringing down this drug ring. D D D

Annie was worried that her gun might not work if she sweated on it anymore. "he sun was so hot on her skin that the sweat running down her spine was cascading around her )ig tucked securely in her lavender bikini bottoms. )he saw the kid and his buddies eyeing the ice cream stand and decided it was close enough to the meeting time to head up there. /iego hadn4t shown yet, but he could be waiting for them.

)he tied her hair back into a ponytail and slipped off her flip flops. )he needed to be able to run if anything happened. Annie saw the second the kid recogni$ed her. 0e ribbed his buddies and they all stared. .aybe she should have worn a one piece. )he was meeting with kids after all. But, /iego really liked her bikini so the tiny bikini won out. 90ola, senorita. Bet me take care of these kids and us adults can talk,: /iego said, appearing suddenly beside her as he ran his hand slowly down her arm. 90ey, kid. <ou all got the funds6: 9<up, twenty5five hundred, 7ust like you asked for.: "he kid handed a plastic shopping bag over to /iego who in return handed over his own shopping bag. Annie watched as the kids sauntered off, knowing that part of her team was waiting to follow them. As soon as they had /iego in custody, they4d arrest the kids and scare them and their parents into full confessions and lots of information. 9;hy put up with those brats6: she asked as she turned back to /iego, who was ogling her breasts. 90ave to. 2 speciali$e in a new product. 2t4s steroids on steroids for young athletes. 0igh school mostly, but our middle school market is picking up.: 9)ounds e pensive at five hundred a pop. ;here do kids get that money6: 9"hat4s the best part. "he ma7ority of our clients are middle to upper class. "hey 7ust take it from their parents and are above suspicion. No one will !uestion the star of the private school football team, and it reduces the risks on our end.: 90ow6: 9Kids like this have more to lose if they talk. "hey also aren4t used to life on the streets, so the risk of violence is low. 2t4s a win5win for us.: 9/o you make the drug yourself6 2t sounds very interesting.: 9No. ;e import it from up north. Now, enough about them. Bet4s talk about you. 2 got you something special.: 9?oh> ;hat did you get me6: 9A nice designer drug that gets you high as a kite but with the sensations of *cstasy. 0ow about we go back to your place and test it out6 2f you like it, you can show me your gratitude and 2 won4t even charge you for it.: 0e reached out and grabbed her waist with his hands. 0e ran them up her ribcage, stopping at her breasts. )he counted to ten to try to rein in her temper. 9)o, if 2 have se with you, you4ll waive the three hundred dollar fee6 Book at me. 2 think 24m worth more than three hundred. "hrow in two more packages and you have a deal.: 9<ou run a tough bargain, but you look worth it.: 0e pulled out three little pouches from his pocket down by his knee and slipped them into her triangle top. 9Now, let4s go party.: 9)ure thing, big boy.: Annie reached into her bag and brought out her cuffs. 9<ou4re under arrest for the sale and distribution of narcotics. <ou have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you inE: Annie4s head was snapped back by a strong slap to the face. A sla 6 ;ho slaps these days6 /iego took off down the beach in what could barely be described as a run. 2t looked more like skipping as his shorts kept falling down, causing him to miss steps while trying to keep the pants up. 9;e got him, Annie,: she heard in her earpiece. 9No. 0e4s all mine. =o pick up the kids.: 9Remember your temper. "ake a deep breath. 2t was 7ust a little slap,: the agent chuckled.

9/on4t forget the boob grab.: 9Really, Annie. "ake it easy.: But it was too late. )he had reached him in 7ust a couple strides. )he pushed off the sand with the balls of her feet and launched herself at him. )he wrapped her arm around his waist, taking him to the ground as his shorts slipped from their precarious perch on his thighs to his ankles. Annie sat half on top of him trying to secure her cuffs. 91uta>: /iego grabbed whatever he could, which happened to be her top, and pulled. 0er ties dug into her neck as she felt his nails dig into the soft skin above her breast. 0e brought his hand up and bo ed her ear. )and burned her eyes as her ear rang. ?kay, that was enough. Annie pulled back her right arm, tightened her hand into a fist and brought it down as hard as she could onto the side of his face. )he heard the satisfying grunt and watched as his eyes rolled back in his head. )he secured his hands in the cuffs and stuffed her breasts back into the tiny bikini top. )he4d hear about this for months. Nothing like having her boobs popping out on surveillance to suddenly have every agent in the department wanting to review the footage to 9help out.: )he looked up and saw the telltale sign of federal agents, cheap suits on a beach. No blending in for these guys coming towards her. 9Blake, you4re going to be in deep trouble when +ru$ hears about this. "his is the fourth guy you4ve knocked out in three months.: D D D

Annie took a deep breath. )he knew every set of eyes on the floor was on her now. )he looked up at the door belonging to her boss, )pecial Agent in +harge .anuel +ru$. )how no fear. )he raised her hand and knocked on the door before opening it. )he was e pected, she had been summoned. )he hadn4t even had time to get dressed before she had been called to his office. "here was no dignified way to face your boss in a barely there lavender bikini, but she lived by three rules F one, never show fear, two, never get attached, and three, if all else fails, fake it until you make it. )he stepped up to the large oak desk covered in papers and files and clasped her hands behind her back. 9<ou wanted to see me.: 9@esus, you could have gotten dressed first.: +ru$ took in her apparel, or lack of apparel, and shook his head. 90ere.: 0e threw her a /*A t5shirt and waited until she slipped it on. 9<ou said it was important, sir.: 92 know 2 did. 2 have a huge problem. 2 have a massive drug ring targeting kids, and 2 am this close to having my ass chewed out by the U.). Attorney because 2 have another perp beaten up. Buckily, it was caught on camera that he se ually assaulted you and hit you on the head. At least that4s the angle we4re taking.: 9)o, what4s the problem then6: 9"he problem is 2 can4t cover for you anymore. <ou4ve had three mandatory cycles of anger management, but 2 still can4t control you. "he problem is you4re my best agent, and you know the most about this new drug.: +ru$ paused and shuffled through some of the papers on his desk until he found the one he was looking for. 9/iego spilled his guts as soon as we said we4d let you interrogate him. 0e doesn4t like you very much anymore. 2t turns out the shipments all originate from a small town called Keeneston, Kentucky.: 0e handed the paper to her. 924m being transferred to the Be ington office6: )he stared in disbelief at the paper in her hand.

9<es. <ou4ll be undercover as Annie 0ill. 2 got you a 7ob in Keeneston at the high school so you can keep a close eye on the kids there. 2f it4s being made there, then 24m sure they4re using it. <ou4ll be at ground $ero and reporting to )pecial Agent in +harge Cincent Romero. <ou4re his problem now.: 9;hen do 2 leave6: )he stood straighter. )he would not show the hurt she was feeling. 2t was 7ust one more move in her life. 2t4s not like she hadn4t done it a do$en times before. 9<ou4re transfer is immediate. =ood5bye, Agent Blake.:

+hapter "wo "revor =aylen didn4t want to answer the ringing phone. 0e knew it was the boss, and he was sure the boss had also heard about the incident in .iami. "he boss was going to be pissed and take it out on him. After all, he was in charge of recruitment. 0e was upper management, and with a nice share of the profits also came the responsibility of having control over middle management. .iami had sales that were skyrocketing in the last si months. @ust last month he4d gotten praise for it, but now some street soldier had messed things up for him. 0opefully, Boss would know he had nothing to do with this and let him live. 9=aylen,: he said into the phone. 9;hat the hell happened in .iami6: the digitally disguised voice asked. <up, Boss was pissed. 92 don4t know. "he reports 24m getting from management is that a soldier sold )& in front of a /*A agent and then sold her drugs. ;hen she went to arrest him, he clocked her, and then there was something about se ually assaulting her, but no one is really clear on that.: 90ow much did he know6: 9.anagement swears he only knew the name of his supplier.: 92 don4t want to risk it. ?rder a clean sweep of the .iami franchise. No one left alive. 8or =od4s sake and yours, find a stronger manager who knows how to handle his soldiers.: 9/one. 2 have had my eye on someone for e pansion, but he4ll do well as a new manager. 0e has a strong cocaine ring that4s been running for seven years. 0e4s stable and knows his business.: 9=ood. .ake sure everyone is gone by the end of the night. And, =aylen6: 9<es6: 92 don4t want any more screw5ups or 2 will hold you personally responsible, understand6: 9<es, Boss.: D D D

+ade /avies couldn4t decide when to teach meiosis in his freshman biology class. 0e sat at his desk at Keeneston 0igh )chool and stared at his lesson plan. 0e ran his fingers through his dark blonde hair and decided to teach it with photosynthesis before he tackled .endel. 8ootball camp started .onday and he wanted to use these two days to get all his teaching plans for the year ready. 0e looked up from his desk when he heard a grunt from his bearded collie @ustin, then noticed his friend ;ill Ashton trying to push the door to his classroom open. @ustin liked to lie against doors, and fifty5eight pounds of dog was hard to move. ;ill pushed harder, and because of @ustin4s long black and white coat on the slick tiles, @ustin slid along the floor like a mop as the door opened. 90i, ;ill. Am 2 missing a coaches4 meeting6: 9Nope. But, 2 did want to talk to you about the team.: 9)ure, what4s up6: +ade asked his longtime friend. ;ill Ashton had played football at Keeneston 0igh and then went on full scholarship to the University of Kentucky. 0e was a standout !uarterback who got drafted into the N8B and played for years before his father had a heart attack. 0e left the N8B at the end of the season, as the

number one !uarterback in the country, in order to run the family thoroughbred farm. 0e had succeeded at that too, with back5to5back Kentucky /erby winners in his stable. ?n top of running the farm, he was also the volunteer head football coach at the high school. 0aving grown up in the same town, they had known each other since they were knee high. 9;ell, now that the trial is done, 2 want to focus on Kenna. <ou know she is due in si months, and what with recovering from the shooting and all, 2 7ust really want to help her out with getting ready for the baby. )he4s trying to do it all, working full time, helping out with the farm, and getting the nursery ready. 24m telling you she4s out of control.: 1oor ;ill. 0e was frantic over the prospect of having a child. After having his wife shot and then having her as the star witness at the center of a ma7or corruption and murder trial, he didn4t want her more than five feet away from him. 2t didn4t matter that .cKenna was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. 9)o, 2 am resigning at head coach.: 9;hat6 <ou can4t do that.: 92 know 2 will be letting the kids down, +ade. ;e have a very young, very ine perienced team this year, but 2 can4t give them my full attention. 2t wouldn4t be fair to them. 2 have talked to .argaret, and as principal she agreed to the new hire already.: 9New hire6 ;ho is it6: 0e watched ;ill straighten up to his full si feet two inches and smile. 924m here to officially offer you the position as head coach.: 9.e6 But, 24m not !ualified. 24ve only been an assistant for a couple of years and no head coaching e perience.: +ade was overwhelmed. 0e had 7ust started getting the hang of being the offensive coordinator, but to take over the whole teamEhe wasn4t ready for this. 9<ou4ll do great,: ;ill said. +ade looked at his friend and thought he actually meant it. 92 guess 2 have a lot of work to do this weekend.: +ade sat back down in his chair and stared at his lesson plans. 0e now had to finish his lesson plans and figure out a coaching strategy by .onday. 9/on4t worry. <ou4ll be fine. +all if you have any problems.: ;ill gave him a thump on the back and headed out the door. +ade pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and sighed. "his was a hell of a year to start out as a coach. "he whole offensive line was empty because of graduation. "he !uarterback Austin +olby was good but la$y, and the only wide receiver worth mentioning was Ryan 0all, and he was a freshman> At least he had senior "rey *verett at running back. "he defense was small, but they had +orey Bonner coming off an all5state season as linebacker. "o make matters worse, spring practice had been a nightmare. 2t was like the whole team, e cept "rey, !uit. "hey were la$y and acted as if they didn4t care. "his was definitely a rebuilding year. 9+ome on, @ustin. Bet4s get home for dinner. 2t4s going to be a very long night.: +ade stood up, packed up his folders, and grabbed the team4s playbook. @ustin 7umped up at the mention of food and trotted out of the room ahead of +ade. +ade dug into the pocket of his 7eans for the keys to unlock the doors to his 0ighlander )UC. @ustin leaped into the front seat and pressed his black nose to the window. 0is pink tongue hung out as the hot sun warmed him up. 92s your dog wearing a bow in his hair6: +ade turned and saw 1rincipal .argaret Bope$ standing behind him, staring at @ustin with a goofy little grin on her face. 9"he groomer put it in. 0e can4t see without it. 0is hair falls into his eyes.: 9;ell, maybe ne t time ask for another color besides pink. 1oor boy, he looks embarrassed.:

+ade agreed. @ustin did seem embarrassed by the tiny pink bow on top of his head. 0e kept pawing at it and even growled at himself when he saw it in the mirror. 9;ell, let me be the first to congratulate you, +oach,: .argaret said as she patted him on the back. 92 know you4ll do a great 7ob.: 92 hope so, even though it4s a rebuilding year.: .ight as well make sure everyone knows not to e pect miracles. Keeneston wasn4t known as a football powerhouse. 2t was better known as a rifle club powerhouse. ;hile everyone bled blue for the University of Kentucky basketball and football teams, they 7ust didn4t have the population to support a strong program in those ma7or sports at the high school level. *ven though they weren4t a power house, he hated to disappoint his town. "hey may not be the best, but they definitely had the most hometown pride. 1eople closed businesses for big games, parades were given for 0omecoming, and most of the town showed up to support 9their boys: at the football games. 9;ill warned me about that. "he town will support you, especially with your knowledge and talent. All the kids love you. <ou 7ust take good care of those boys and do the best you can. ;ell, 24m off to Bluegrass Airport to pick up our new guidance counselor. 2 am so glad we finally got that position filled. 2 was afraid 2 was going to have to ask you to do it>: she 7oked. 9;here is the new counselor coming from6: 9.iami. 0as a great resume and references. =osh knows 2 haven4t found anyone 2 liked so far. )he4s on a one year probation, and then we4ll offer her tenure track if she works out.: 9=ood. 2 hope she does. )ee you .onday for orientation and football camp. Are you planning on giving your normal talk to the team before practice6: 9<es. But then the new counselor will be coming and getting smaller groups of freshmen throughout the day as their names are called for the smaller orientation groups. 2f that4s okay6: 9?f course it is. )ee you then.: +ade 7umped into the car and rolled the window down for @ustin, who en7oyed the wind blowing back his hair as they drove down the country road surrounded by rolling hills, black fences, and hungry cows. 2t was going to be a very long weekend, and he needed to get home fast to finish up those plans and then pretend he knew what it meant to be a head coach. Annie walked off the plane and into a small, neat airport. "here were no signs in )panish. "here were no lines at a )tarbucks. And there were no noisy people yelling the finer points of BeBron @ames4 game. 2t was so foreign. 2t made her nervous that everyone she passed smiled as they went on their way. 8rom the plane she saw large tracts of land surrounded by white and black fences. "he land was not covered with tall buildings or sprawling apartment comple es. ;as there even a downtown6 Booking at the artwork on the walls as she waited for her bags, she guessed there was a small one at least with one very tall blue building. 9.iss 0ill6: Annie turned and saw a short woman with caramel5color skin and dark brown hair looking at her. 9<es6: 92 am .argaret Bope$, the principal at Keeneston 0igh. 24m so very glad to meet you.: Annie shook her hand and smiled. )he seemed very nice and very matronly, like she would feed you in an instant if you said you were hungry. 9Bet me help you with your bags. ;e4re really e cited to have you 7oin our staff. ;e4re like a family, so if you need anything, don4t hesitate to ask.: .argaret picked up some of her bags and led her to a silver minivan.

Annie looked around and couldn4t believe there was so much green space everywhere. +olorfully painted horse statues stood nearby, and 7ust off in the distance the real thing ran in pastures surrounded by white fences. 9;e4re so lucky we found you. 2 have been interviewing, but no one has been !ualified. ;e start on .onday with new student orientation. ;e have ten groups of kids scheduled. ;e4ll start at nine in the morning and go until three in the afternoon. ;e4ll show the kids the school, tell them about the services we have and sign them up for their electives. 2t doesn4t give you much time, but 2 put together a folder for you with information about the school and town. 2 thought we could meet at seven thirty and 2 could show you around.: 9"hank you. "hat will be a big help.: 9<our principal at your old school, .r. +ru$, said you were seeking the transfer to be closer to your family. 2 believe he said they were in Bouisville6: 9<es, 2 have a cousin in Bouisville.: "hat much was true at least. 2t didn4t matter that she4d never met her or that she didn4t even know if her aunt was still alive. )he4d been raised in a series of foster homes until she turned eighteen, foster homes filled with fighting and foster parents who only cared about when the ne t check was coming. Not all homes were like that55 she had heard of the good ones, but because she refused to be a victim and fought back when her foster siblings started beating on her and stood up to an abusive foster dad, she got labeled a 9bad kid: whom the system couldn4t help. "he result of being labeled bad was a constant string of houses where the parents were essentially absent or 7ust turned a blind eye to a boy beating up his sister. Annie thanked =od every day that she had been able to fight. )ome of her foster sisters had not been so lucky. "hey ended up severely in7ured, or some ran away never to be heard from again. ;hen she turned eighteen and graduated from high school with honors, she headed to 8lorida )tate University on full scholarship. )he ma7ored in chemistry, and upon graduating si years ago, she started working for the /*A after graduating from /*A "raining at Guantico. )he had been moved from office to office ever since. )he had never looked back and had never kept in touch with anyone from her past. As far as she was concerned, her life started when she went to college. No one knew about her before then. 2t seemed no one cared, no one until +hrystal )harp. +hrystal had sent her an email two years ago. 2n it she told Annie that they were cousins, that she lived in Bouisville and was researching the family tree and had tracked her down. )he wanted to get in touch, get to know one another, wanted to become family. "hat all sounded nice, but Annie knew it wasn4t the truth. 2f +hrystal and her mother hadn4t cared enough about her when Annie was ten, and her mother went on a weeklong bender that took them from 2ndianapolis to ?rlando where she finally died from an overdose in an alley behind /isney ;orld, then screw them. )he had fought and won against staggering odds, and she wasn4t about to forgive and forget. )ee, what her social worker didn4t know was that Annie had heard her on the phone with her aunt while at the hospital. 0er mother had 7ust been declared dead and Annie had given the social worker her aunt4s name. )he heard the social worker begging her aunt to take Annie, but her aunt had refused. )he said she wanted nothing to do with her sister or her sister4s bastard child. Now, here she was on her way to yet another home, driving through the beautiful countryside outlined with black and white, four5board wood fences surrounding horse farms with rolling hills, horses gra$ing, and grass that appeared slightly blue. After all these years, she was 7ust two hours away from the only family she had left, and the only thing she felt was anger.

92 believe you4ll find Keeneston very different from .iami. But, 2 think it4s a good thing. 2 grew up in Keeneston, so if you need anything 7ust let me know.: 9"hanks, what is Keeneston like6: Annie looked out the window, and since they were traveling around ten miles per hour, got to en7oy the scenery that was slowly changing from open fields to houses on big lots filled with old trees. 2n front of them on the narrow country road was a huge green tractor. Unlike the Kenney +hesney song, she did not find the tractor se y. 9;ell, we4re coming up on .ain )treet. 2t has everything you need.: Annie tried to see around the tractor but gave up. ;ithin a minute, a pictures!ue town with its old buildings painted in whites, yellows, and tans came into view. Barrels of pink, purple, yellow and white flowers lined .ain )treet. )ome people stood talking on the corner and waved at .argaret as she drove by. "here were little shops that sold anti!ues, a stately courthouse and more people waving at her. 9"hat4s the Blossom +afH. 2f you ever need something to eat, their food is ama$ing.: .argaret pointed to the restaurant on her right where a thin woman in a flower print dress was sweeping the sidewalk. 9"hat4s /aisy .ae Rose. )he and her sister Ciolet run the +afH.: As they drove by, .argaret honked the horn, and /aisy raised her arm to shield her eyes from the sun. 0er eyes narrowed as she looked into the car and saw Annie. 2n a split second she called something into the open door of the +afH, and people started walking out to stand on the sidewalk. )ome had sandwiches in their hands, some 7ust had cold drinks, but there were all looking at her. 9;hat are they looking at6: Annie asked. 9<ou.: .argaret rolled down Annie4s window and leaned over. 9"his is Annie 0ill. )he4s our new guidance counselor.: Annie felt her eyes go wide as twenty people started saying hello at once. )he didn4t really know what to do, so she smiled and waved back. 2t seemed to placate them and they turned to hurry back into the +afH. 9;e are a small town. "here is no hotel, but )t. 8rancis 7ust built a new rectory for 8ather @ames, and the +hurch is renting out the old rectory. 24m sorry, it4s very small. ?nly has one bedroom, but it4s clean, cheap and close to the school.: 9)ounds good to me.: Annie watched as they drove past a bank, a law office and a bouti!ue before finally turning into )t. 8rancis4 parking lot. "he church was old, with a beautiful rose window above the old oak front doors. At the far end of the parking lot sat a tiny little house with a statue of the Cirgin .ary out front by the steps that led up to the wood porch. An elderly priest with graying hair stood on the porch and smiled at them. 9"hat4s 8ather @ames,: .argaret said as she got out of the car, 90ello, 8ather>: 90ello .argaret. And this must be our new tenant. 2t4s so nice to meet you .iss 0ill.: Annie shook the older man4s hand and smiled. 2t wasn4t very often she met someone she instantly liked, but 8ather @ames was one of them. 0e was kind of portly, balding on the top of his head and had a smile that made you want to sit down and tell him your whole life story. 0e could be trouble. 92t4s nice to meet you too, 8ather.: 92 put some groceries in the refrigerator for you. "here are clean linens on the bed. 2f you need anything, 24m right across the street on the other side of the church. And, here is your key, young lady.:

9"hank you,: Annie said, and for once meaning it. 9;ell, 2 better be going too. 2 have to get dinner on the table for the family. 2 will see you at the school on .onday.: Annie stood on the old wooden porch and waved good5bye before heading inside to check out her new homeEfor now. )he closed the front door and looked around. 2t was spotless but sparse. "here was a kitchen table for two, the kitchen smaller than the one in .iami, a living room with a "C that was so old it wasn4t flat screen, and there was no chance of watching sports in high5 def. )he made her way to the small bathroom complete with one shower and a tiny pedestal sink. +onnected to the bathroom was her bedroom. A twin bed with a homemade !uilt filled the room. "here were only two other pieces of furniture in the room, a small night table and a chest. 8irst things first. As soon as her car arrived tomorrow, she would be driving to Be ington for a high5def "C and some microwaveable meals. "he groceries were great, but she didn4t cook. No one had ever taught her so she never bothered to learn. )he walked outside and sat down on the cushioned chair while looking out over the church parking lot. )o, this was to be her life now.

+hapter "hree +ade thought the steam coming from his ears was visible. 0e had never been met with such indifference before. <es, it was hotter than a billy goat in a pepper patch, but it was August in Kentucky and it4s always hot and humid. <ou 7ust say, 9/amn, it4s hot,: and move on. But his players were lagging. "hey weren4t even trying to run the drills at full speed. )hoot they weren4t even running them at half speed. )ome of the freshmen were trying and "rey *verett was trying, but that was it. 9?kay. 1layers with the last names *50 go with +oach 1arks for drug testing. 8irst strings get on the field. ;e4re going to try to run a play at full speed.: +ade blew his whistle and watched as the starters meandered onto the field. +enter Bee 8aust snapped the ball to Austin +olby, the 7unior !uarterback, who handed it off to "rey for a run. "rey blew through the defense and scored. +ade blew his whistle and tried to remember they were 7ust kids. 9Bonner, get over here>: 0e watched as +orey Bonner sauntered over with a bad attitude written all over his face. 9;hat is the matter with you6 "his is a simple play and you blew it. <ou didn4t even try to tackle *verett.: +ade watched as all two hundred and twenty5five pounds of Bonner went from cocky teenager to pissed5off teenager. 9;hat do you know about it6 <ou4ve never coached before. <ou can4t tell "e what to do. 24m the only all5state player you got on this team, and 24ll do whatever the hell 2 feel like doing. Now step off.: Bonner turned to go back onto the field and +ade snapped. 9Bonner, get your ass back here. <ou leave when 2 tell you to. Now, you will stand here, listen to me, fi your attitude or ride the bench all year.: +ade knew when someone was itching for a fight. After four years in special ops you could tell the second someone decided to fight, and by the set of Bonner4s shoulders, he had decided in favor of it. +ade watched as Bonner spun around and shoved +ade with all his might. Bonner may outweigh him by fifty pounds, but +ade had stayed in special ops condition. 0e took the hit but didn4t budge. 9)ee, if you hit lower like you were supposed to, you could have moved me.: +ade wasn4t given the chance to continue with his lecture. 0e saw Bonner4s hand close in a fist and stood still, waiting for the punch to come so he could deflect it. 9;hat do you think you are doing6: +ade took his eyes off of Bonner as a red headed woman 7umped in between them. Bonner didn4t react fast enough and let go with the punch intended for +ade. +ade lunged forward, but the woman had already handled it. )he easily blocked the punch with her forearm and grabbed Bonner by the front of his football 7ersey. 9<ou want to try that again, kid6: Annie asked him as she got up in his face. 0ere Annie was 7ust coming out to get a group of kids for their orientation and she walks in on a fight. +learly this coach couldn4t take care of the matter, so it had been up to her. )he looked into the boy4s eyes and wasn4t surprised to see them dilated and cra$ed. 0e was much taller than she was, so it was easy to look at his pulse in his carotid artery. 2t was pumping feverishly and slightly erratically. 0is face was beet red and his body clearly agitated. )he had 7ust found her first lead. "his kid was definitely on )&. Bonner slapped her hands away and took a step back, staring down his coach.

9<o, this bitch 7ust saved you. Ne t time you try to chew me out she won4t be around to save you.: 0e turned and headed into the locker room, leaving the field momentarily stunned. +ade was a badass and everyone on the field knew that, e cept Bonner and this woman apparently. +ade couldn4t believe this curvy spitfire thought he couldn4t handle a teenager. )he had put herself right in the middle of a highly volatile situation with someone two times her si$e. 9"he better !uestion is what do you think you are doing6 /o you know how idiotic it was to get in between us6: +ade4s hands went to his hips as he stared down into the dark green eyes of the woman in front of him. 9;ell, e cuse me for saving you from an embarrassing ass beating from a teenager.: )he mimicked his stance. ;ho was this woman6 ;hoever she was, she was very amusing. +ade smiled as he rocked back on his heels. +onfusion clouded those beautiful eyes, and that gave him a bit of pleasure he reali$ed. 9/o you really think he4d beat me up6: +ade asked as his smile grew. 9<es, 9 she answered without hesitation. +ade4s smile slipped and he felt his ego deflate under her withering stare. )he should be an interrogator. 0e bet she could make any man feel so low that he4d say anything to get back into her good graces. )he was beautiful, but in that unassuming way that 7ust made her even more desirable. )he was normal height, fit, but not like the actresses 0ollywood pushed out. )he was strong, curvy, and !uite voluptuous. 0e never understood that old description, but now he did. 90e4s a rabid dog. <ou better take care of him or he4ll take your whole team out.: Annie !uickly lowered her eyes to check him out. 0e was tall, probably si one. /ark blonde hair slightly longer than a bu$$ cut. 0is ha$el eyes conveyed that he was not 7ust some dumb 7ock. And a body, well, he had a body that reminded her it had been almost two years since she had beenE oh never mind. )he raised her eyes in a span of a blink, but he had noticed. .ost men were so caught up in her chest they never noticed when she was surveying the area or even them. But he did, and by the cocky smile on his face, she guessed he knew she liked what she saw. @ust as fast as the smile came, it went. 92 7ust drug tested him this morning, and after what 2 7ust saw, 24m pretty sure we both know how that test is going to come out.: +ade knew he was about to lose his star defensive player, but why6 0e had a spectacular season last year, and there was no way he was on drugs then. ;hy now6 9"est the levels of magnesium. 2f it4s very high, then you know you are probably dealing with )&. 2t4s a new drug on the market for athletes. 0ave you heard of it6: Annie watched his eyes to see his reaction, but there was none but curiosity. 9No, 2 haven4t. But, Keeneston isn4t really known to be on the cutting edge of anything, especially a new drug 2 haven4t heard of before. 2t4s most likely plain old steroids.: 9But see, the high levels of magnesium, which is used for the prevention of muscle cramping, is a sign it4s not plain steroids. 2f it shows up high, you4ll need to send it out for a chromatography-mass spectrometry reading. 2t4s the only way to test for )&. 2t will come up looking like steroids, but is masked by heavy doses of probenecid, which prevents e cretion of the steroid into the urine.: 92 have two !uestions.: +ade watched her become slightly hesitant before she nodded her head for him to continue. 98irst, who are you6 )econd, how do you know this6:

9?h, sorry> 24m Annie 0ill, the new guidance counselor. 2 7ust came out here to gather some of the freshmen for their orientation.: 9Nice to meet you, .s. 0ill. 24m +ade /avies, head coach and also the biology teacher.: +ade stuck out his hand and she shook it. 9Now, how did you know all of this6: 92 saw it at my old school. ?ne of our kids died from a heart attack after using it. 0e was si teen. "he school had run a regular urine test and didn4t detect it. 2f they had run the chromatography-mass spectrometry, they would have. 2t4s an e pensive test, but if you have a hunch that a player may be taking it, it4s the only way to prove it.: 924ll order it for the whole team then.: +ade ran his hand through is hair in frustration. "hese were good boys. ;hat were they doing hooked on drugs6 0e then turned his attention to her. 9"hanks, but 2 need to get back to practice. 0urry up with the orientation. ;e4re behind schedule.: +ade turned back to the field to see his receiver miss another catch. 90ey, +oach.: +ade turned back to Annie when he heard her call out to him. 9"ell your GB he4s focusing on his target receiver too soon.: /amn if she wasn4t right. But she turned around on her heel, and he watched what could only be described as her mesmeri$ing backside as she walked away from him. ;ho was this woman6 D D D

+ade tossed a bottle of beer to his older brother .arshall and took a seat on the new couch in his living room. Actually, most everything in the house was new. 0e had been living with .arshall while his house was being renovated and updated. 0is brother lived two pastures over, about a mile or so to the south. 0is parents were another mile to the southwest, and his oldest brother .iles lived about two miles to the west. 0is family was very large, si children, and very tight knit. 0e, .arshall and .iles had gone off after A-(( and 7oined the Army Rangers. "wo years later they signed up for a classified elite /elta 8orce. All three of them had made it in after a rigorous test and training period. 0e had helped in rescue missions of dignitaries that no one had ever known about, or would ever know about. 0e had rescued, killed, and garnered intelligence for his country for four years before coming home, completing his education and becoming a teacher. 0is other brothers were surprised when he chose to teach instead of going into business with one of them. ;hile they were overseas in the Army, .iles had started buying up small tracts of property surrounding his parents4 farm. 0e and .arshall liked the idea, and so they too started buying small tracts whenever they came up for sale. As a result, the /avies family now had a huge spread in Keeneston, where his parents raised vegetables and he and his brothers had a cattle ranch. But, like his brothers, it was 7ust a hobby. .iles was a corporate tycoon who helped small family farmers fight against the big corporations, and .arshall owned his own security firm in Be ington. 0is younger brother +y was the black sheep. No one knew what he did, and +y hadn4t felt like telling them yet. 0e technically had cattle on the farm but was hardly ever around to take care of them. As a result, he shared the profits with his brothers who took care of them for him. 0is youngest brother 1ierce was a graduate student in agriculture at the University of Kentucky. 0e liked to plant things and watch them grow. 8inally, there was his sister 1aige who was going to be the first one of the /avies4 kids to get married. 0er fiancH +ole 1arker was a good guy F 8B2, but more importantly cared for and loved his sister. Now +ade4s mother had gotten it in her head that all her kids should marry and settle down. )he4d even made a wager with the Rose sisters at the Blossom +afH about when 1aige and +ole

would have a baby. *very )unday night the whole family gathered for dinner, and her mother always had a new 9friend: she wanted one of the boys to meet. said she has a new friend she wants me to meet,: .arshall complained. .arshall slumped on the couch and sighed. 0e was an inch taller than +ade, and instead of having his dark blonde color, he had the same brown that ran in the family. All the brothers looked similar, the differences being their facial features. "hey all had ha$el eyes, but +ade had sharp angles to his face, giving him an old5fashioned, aristocratic look compared to .arshall4s more s!uare face complete with a sharp nose that was slightly crooked. 9;here did this friend come from6: 9A dental hygienist from when she got her teeth cleaned yesterday. Apparently she has a sisterE: +ade groaned, so that was why his mother had called him earlier today. 92 think 2 already got a call about that. )peaking of women, 2 met the most confusing, frustrating, se y woman today.: +ade took a drink from his beer and slouched back on the couch with his brother. 9Really6 /on4t tell .om or she4ll reserve the church. )o, who is she6: 2f +ade didn4t know his brother so well, he would think by his posture he didn4t care, but his eyes were the giveaway. .arshall was dying to know. 9Annie 0ill, the new guidance counselor.: 9;hat did she do6 9)he walked right into the middle of a +orey Bonner steroid5induced meltdown. )ent him packing when he threw a punch and then, well, then she told me she was protecting me>: .arshall choked on his beer, 9)he said she was protecting you6 8rom a kid6: 9<up, she said she didn4t think 2 was able to protect myself. 2 couldn4t believe it.: +ade shot him a glare as he started laughing. 9)top laughing, .arsh. 2t, um, gets worse.: +ade ran a hand over his face, embarrassed to tell him the rest. 90ow could it get worse6: .arshall said between chuckles. 9)he identified the problem with my !uarterback on the pass plays in under a minute.: +ade hung his head as .arshall4s chuckles turned into laughter. +ade took another drink of beer, but he had a feeling that it did not matter how much he drank, Annie 0ill had taken up permanent residence in his mind. Annie tossed her car keys onto the small, worn kitchen table and carried the bag of fro$en dinners to the free$er. )he needed to hurry and check in with her boss. )he should have done it yesterday, but she kept putting it off. )he 7ammed the meals into the small free$er and dug out her cell phone from the back pocket of her 7eans. )he scrolled through her emails until she found )pecial Agent Romero4s phone number. 9Romero,: her boss barked into the phone. 90i, sir, this is Agent Blake checking in.: 9About time. ;elcome to Kentucky. ;e need to set up an appointment to meet in person. 2 thinkE: Annie about 7umped out of the chair when she heard the knock at the door. 2t must be 8ather @ames. )he didn4t know anyone else. 924m sorry, sir. +an you hang on6: )he waited until he grunted his approval and went to the door. )he opened the door and stood staring at a woman dressed perfectly in black trousers, and a pink button5up blouse accessori$ed with a casserole dish.

90iya> 24m 1am =ilbert, the 1"A 1resident,: she said as she smiled at Annie and held out the casserole dish. 92 wanted to welcome you to town on behalf of all the parents.: Annie took the dish in her hands and stared at it. 0omemade food6 )he couldn4t remember the last time she had homemade food. 9"hank you, 1am. 2t4s nice to meet you.: 9;ell, 2 won4t keep you, but if you need anything 7ust give me a shout.: 1am gave a little finger wave and went back to her minivan. 9Blake>: Annie shook her head as she watched the minivan with the /ale @unior sticker on the back window, ne t to the white stick figures of a dad, mom, and two boys, peel out of the church parking lot. 9)orry, sir. @ust meeting the locals.: Annie closed the door and headed to put the casserole into the free$er. 9As 2 was saying, 2 was hoping we could meet in person onE: Annie pivoted in the small entryway when the doorbell rang. 9;as that the doorbell6: 9<eah, sorry. 0old on for 7ust a sec.: Annie balanced the casserole dish on her hip and the phone on her shoulder as she opened the door. )he looked out and then down to a trio of white5 haired ladies. 90ello, dear. ;e4re the Rose sisters. 24m Bily Rae. "his is my sister /aisy .ae.: "he leader bobbed her head toward the thin, wiry looking sister with her silver hair pulled back into a tight bun, with a couple pencils poking out of it. Annie reali$ed that she had seen when she had driven past the +afH. 9And this is Ciolet 8ae.: "he small, round woman grabbed her around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug that had the casserole dish teetering and the cell phone coming close to getting lost in Ciolet4s puffy cleavage. 9Bless your heart F you are a skinny thing> "hank goodness we brought you some food. <ou must be starving>: Ciolet clucked as she looked Annie over. 9"hank you for the food. )omeone named 1am 7ust dropped off a casserole. "his is all very nice of you.: 9/ang it> 1am beat us here. ;e4ll never hear the end of it.: /aisy shook her head and shifted the large basket hanging at the crook of her arm. 9But 2 bet she didn4t stay to give her a proper welcome. )he had to pick the boys up from soccer practice,: Bily pronounced. 9;e won4t run out on you so !uickly. +ome and sit for a spell and we4ll get know one another.: "he sisters pushed past her and into the small kitchen before Annie could stop them. 924m sorry,: she said as she trailed after them. 92 do not mean to be rude, but 24m on the phone.: Annie paused at the kitchen and watched as they looked around. 9"hat4s okay, dear. =ive us that casserole and we4ll 7ust put the food away. 24m sure you want to finish your call with yourEboyfriend6: Bily asked as she reached for the casserole. 92 don4t have a boyfriend.: "hree white heads swiveled around and smiles appeared at once. 9;ell, love your heart> 2t4s lucky we stopped by then. ;e know plenty of men. Now don4t be rude and keep that person waiting on the phone. /on4t mind us>: Bily put the casserole in the fridge, turned to her sisters and started pulling out covered dishes from the basket. Annie looked down at the phone and cringed. 9)orry about that. "he welcoming committee is here.: 92 guessed that. Now about our meeting.: "he doorbell went off again and her boss dropped the f word. 92 got it, dear>: one of the sisters shouted from the kitchen.

9=o ahead, Romero. But, you may want to make it !uick.: Annie looked to the door to see a pretty woman her own age with a handsome man who had 8ed written all over him. 9)ir, do you have anyone else in town6: she whispered, looking away from the couple. 9No, why6: 9A fed 7ust walked in. 2 would bet my life on it.: 9/etails.: 9"hirty, dark hair, silver eyes, si feet, no visible tats. 0e4s with a woman in her mid to late twenties, brown hair.: Annie waited as she heard the keys of Romero4s computer tapping as he ran a search. 92 think 2 got it. +ole 1arker. 0e4s the )pecial Agent in +harge of the 8B24s Be ington ?ffice. 2 heard through the cop5vine he 7ust got engaged. 2f you need anything and he4s nearby, you get him to help. 0e4s the one that 7ust took down that corruption ring out of New <ork and /.+. Now, before we get interrupted again. @esus, was that the doorbell again6: 9<es, sir.: Annie was sure she heard the whistle of steam coming out of his ears. 9.eeting, tomorrow, seven in the morning at the office. =ot it.: 9<es, sir.: "he doorbell rang again and Romero hung up while rattling off a string of curse words. "hey really did have a lot to discuss. Annie tucked away her phone and turned to see her small house filled up and people hanging out on the porch. ;ho were these people and why where they here6 9?h, good, you4re off the phone. +ome meet everyone>: Bily took her hand and dragged her over to the 8B2 agent and his fiancH. 9"his is +ole 1arker and 1aige /avies.: 92t4s so nice to meet you. 2 heard all about you and 2 7ust had to meet you>: 90eard about me6: )he shot a glance at +ole. .aybe he knew somehow who she was. "he look she got back said he didn4t, but he was smart enough to figure it out. 9<es> .arshall told me all about you and my brother. 2t was so funny that 2 had to meet the woman who didn4t swoon at his feet.: 9)orry. 1aige forgets that not everyone knows her family tree. "he brother to whom she is referring is +ade /avies. 0e4s the biology teacher and football coach at the high school.: 9?h> "he guy that needs to learn self5defense. <eah, 2 know who you4re talking about. 2t4s nice to meet you both.: 9Annie, come meet this young man. 0e4s single too>: ;ow, Bily was sure one for subtlety. 9"his is Ahmed. 0e4s not from here either.: Annie looked at the hard man and cringed. ;as everyone here a fed6 At least the feds here were hot. Ahmed was shorter than +ole, but was built. 0is body showed a life dedication to training and she bet she could bounce a !uarter off hisEwell, his everything. 9)o, what do you do for a living6: 92 am the head of security for .o,: he said in a heavily accented voice. .iddle *ast somewhere she guessed. 9.o6: 9"he 1rince of Rahmi. ;ell, and now also his fiancHe /anielle.: 0e nodded to the couple now talking to +ole and 1aige. 9)o, .iss Bily has put you on the must need to be married list.: 92t appears so. Never really wanted to be married. .y lifestyle doesn4t support it.: 90mm. =uidance counselors have tough schedules.: 0e gave her a look that said he knew way more than she wanted him too. 92f you ever need helpEguiding someone, let me know. ;e single5don4t5want5to5be5married people need to stick together.: ;ith a !uick bow of his head, he turned and headed out the door. ;ho were these people6 )he needed to hook up her computer as

soon as she had her meeting with her boss, get her new login to the database and run a search on the whole town.

+hapter 8our +ade stared at the papers spread out on his desk in disbelief. 0e had never felt like hurting a kid, but he sure did now. ;hat were they thinking6 /rugs... drugs in Keeneston. 2t didn4t happen. 2t 7ust didn4t happen. But, the evidence was right there in front of him. Not one, not two, but three of his players had tested positive for )&. "hey had had an alright practice on "uesday, and besides Bonner being an ass, practice today went well too, not good, but not as horribly as .onday4s. Now, though, he was going to have to get rid of three of the team4s best players. "he starting wide receiver was out, Bonner was out, and the only offensive lineman with any e perience was also out. "he team went from a five hundred team to a 9we4ll be lucky to win a game or two: team. ;orse, he was going to have to tell these kids that their dreams of college ball were over because he was left with no other choice but to kick them all off the team. +ade shoved his long legs out from the desk and paced around his classroom. ;hat would their parents say6 0e knew they would all be asking to talk to him. 0e paused by one of the large rectangular windows and looked out into the almost empty parking lot. +orey Bonner and Bee 8aust, the starting senior center who also tested positive for )&, were standing by their cars. +ade watched as Bonner shoved 8aust and started waving his hands around angrily. 8aust calmly looked at Bonner and said something that made Bonner free$e. 8aust was always the one you had to worry about when he was !uiet. +ade watched as Bonner pulled out his cell phone and made a call. As soon as he put it away, +ade pushed up the window and leaned out. 9Boys, 2 need to see you a minute. +ome on into the room.: +ade didn4t wait for them to acknowledge him before closing the window and heading back to his desk. +ade picked up the drug test reports and put them in his desk drawer as the door to his room opened. 0e looked up and into the face of 8aust who clearly looked guilty and ashamed. Bonner, on the other hand, looked cockier than ever. 9;hat did you want, +oach6: Bonner asked as he leaned his large body against the wall by the door. 92 wanted to know if you boys had anything to tell me6: +ade folded his arms behind his head and waited. 8aust looked like he was about to confess all. 9<eah,: Bonner pushed himself off the wall and walked over to +ade4s desk. 0e put his hands on the top of +ade4s te tbooks and stared right into his eyes. 2t was hard for +ade not to break eye contact. 0e was 7ust so shocked at Bonner4s appearance. 0is eyes were bloodshot, his face flushed. Beads of sweat dotted his brow. 9<ou4re not letting me blit$ the !uarterback enough.: 92s that it6: +ade slowly put his arms down and stood up and walked around the desk to face the boys. 9;hat kind of !uestion is that6 ?f course that4s it. 2f there was more, 2 would have told you.: Bonner folded his arms across his wide chest and glared at +ade with such anger it rolled off of him and hit +ade in the face. 9"hen, 24m sorry to tell you, you both are off the team for testing positive for )&. =o clean out your lockers immediately.: 8aust hung his head and nodded once. Before +ade could say anything more Bonner e ploded. 9<ou can4t do that> 8ootball is my life. 2t4s my way out of here. 2 have scholarship offers to some of the best schools in country>: Bonner yelled. "he sweat on his brow was now rolling down his cheeks as his face became redder and redder.

9;hat did you e pect, Bonner, you were taking illegal drugs6 <ou knew if you were caught you4d be off the team. ;hy risk it6: 9<ou asshole> "he drugs were to get me into B)U. 2 was so close to a scholarship offer and you 7ust ruined it for me>: Bonner took a step toward him and glared pure hatred. 9"here is no reason for me to ruin you. <ou ruined yourself. Now go clean out your locker.: +ade stared him down. "he situation was so volatile he knew Bonner might snap. A flicker of color appeared behind Bonner, and +ade glanced !uickly to see if it was a threat. "hat split second was all Bonner needed. 0e pulled back his right arm, curled his hand into a fist and planted it right on +ade4s cheek. Annie stepped further into +ade4s classroom and sighed. 0ere we go again. +ould he not see that he was about to getEpunched6 ?w. Annie didn4t wait to see what happened ne t. )he kicked out her leg and hit Bonner in the back of the knee, sending him falling to the floor. )he was afraid +ade might collapse to the floor in dramatics, but when she looked up, she saw that he was staring daggers at her instead. 9<ou really need to learn self5defense. 2 can4t always be around to save you.: Annie knew she was being a smartass, but it was fun to see the way his mouth hung open like that. 9<ou bitch,: Bonner moaned from the ground as he turned towards her. 0is face was so red Annie gasped. )weat was pouring off his face. 0is shirt was damp. )he watched in horror as he tried to stand up to grab her arm but fell face down onto the cool, tile floor. )he saw a trickle of blood run out of his nose and pool on the floor. 9<ou, kid... call A5(5(> 0e4s had a heart attack. "ell them to send the heli.: )he didn4t wait for the kid to pull out his cell before falling to her knees to help +ade turn Bonner over. 9<ou sure it4s a heart attack6: +ade asked her as he felt for a pulse. )he focused her attention to finding the pulse. 2t was there but fading. 0is heart was struggling to work. 0e had stopped breathing, or it was so shallow she couldn4t detect it. 9<es. 2t4s a side effect of )&. ;e need to start +1R if he4s going to have a chance to live.: )he waited for +ade to start the chest compressions before tilting back Bonner4s head, pinching his nose closed and breathing into his mouth. "hey continued +1R while Bee stood fro$en to the spot, cell phone still in hand. Annie could feel that Bonner4s skin had turned clammy. "his was not good. )he felt for his pulse again and felt it flutter. "hey needed to hold on a little longer. 2f they could keep him breathing, the doctors may be able to save him. Annie was too afraid to check to see if he was breathing on his own or not. But the white tint to his skin with the shallow blue lines around his lips told her enough. )weat rolled down her back as she bent to blow some more air into Bonner4s lungs. 9Kid, go out front and meet the *."4s. "hey should be here any minute.: Bee finally moved from where he was rooted to the floor but still stood staring at Bonner4s unconscious body with a look of shocked disbelief. 9Now, kid>: Annie snapped when he didn4t leave right away. )he heard his feet pound down the hall at the same time she heard the first sounds of the helicopter. "hey couldn4t get here fast enough. +ade had been doing chest compressions for almost ten minutes. 0e had to be e hausted, but he hadn4t said a word about it. 0e had counted and compressed, counted and compressed and had helped her keep Bonner alive. 9?kay, we got the mask ready.: Annie and +ade stepped back as the *."4s bagged Bonner. 9;hat happened6:

90eart attack due to an overdose of steroids,: she answered. 90ave you been doing +1R the whole time6: 9<es. 0e still had a slight pulse but shallow to no breathing.: "he *."4s lifted Bonner onto the stretcher and hurried from the room while they issued orders into their radios. Bee had been standing by the door as the *."4s had loaded Bonner onto the stretcher and had not moved even though his friend was no longer here. 9<ou okay, Bee6: +ade asked as he put a hand on the shaken kid4s shoulder. Bee 7ust nodded but didn4t say anything. 924m going to follow +orey to the hospital. 24ll call his parents on the way. 2 don4t think Bee here should drive. +an you take him home6: 9No problem. +all if you need anything.: )he put her arm around Bee and felt the tiny shivers of shock rippling through him. 9+ome on, Bee. Bet4s get you home.: D D D

+ade lay down on his couch and closed his eyes. 0e was so emotionally drained that he barely heard # ortsCenter on the television. 0e flung his arm over his eyes and tried to make his mind go blank. 0owever, that was easier said than done. A red head was currently running laps up there, making it impossible to think of anything else. "here was a knocking at the door, and a part of +ade4s mind irrationally hoped it was Annie. 2t was that small part of his mind that propelled him to his feet and sent him racing to the door. 9/on4t look so disappointed to see me, brother. 2t makes me think you were e pecting someone else.: .iles /avies snapped his fingers and with a smirk said, 92 know, you4re e pecting that cute guidance counselor you have a thing for.: .iles may be the oldest of the /avies brothers, but that didn4t mean he didn4t deserve to have his ass whooped every now and then. 9/on4t be such an ass. ;here did you hear about Annie6: +ade asked as he headed back to the couch. 0is brother always did think he was so important. 0e held himself as if he were the 1resident of the United )tates. ;here .arshall was always dressed in black, and +ade was usually in some form of athletic gear, .iles was never without a suit and tie. ;hat made it worse was that when pushed, .iles was the most dangerous. 0e and .iles were doing a snatch and grab in the foothills of Afghanistan that turned out to be a trap. 0e got caught and had transmitted to .iles to get the hell out of there. 2nstead of leaving his brother behind, .iles took out each and every one of them in under twenty seconds. 0ow6 +ade would never know. .iles earned a little e tra credit for saving his life, but that was only going to afford him so much when it came to teasing him about Annie. 9;here do you think6 "he biggest gossip of us all F .arshall.: .iles laughed as all si feet, two inches of him sauntered in to the living room. 9@esus. .arshall needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.: +ade fell back onto his mahogany5 colored, leather couch and tossed his feet onto the matching coffee table. 9;hen, in all of your thirty years of life has he ever been able to keep his mouth shut6: Being a rhetorical !uestion, since the answer was clearly never, +ade didn4t bother answering. 9)o, to hear .arshall tell it, you4re ready to get married and have kids. ;hat4s the real story6 ;ho is this woman6: 9.arriage, no way> 2 don4t even like her. )he4s infuriating. )he thinks 24m a helpless idiot.: +ade rolled his eyes and picked up the beer he4d been drinking before .iles knocked at the door.

9)ounds promising.: +ade didn4t need to look at his brother to know he was trying not to laugh. 90a. )he has stepped in front of +orey Bonner who was in a full steroid rageEtwice> )upposedly it was to protect me. )he told me 2 needed self5defense lessons. .e> "hen she helped me save Bonner4s life, calm as can be.: 90ow is he doing6: 90e4s stable. 0is heart has taken a beating though. 0e4s never going to be healthy again. "he walls have thinned after using so much of the drug. 0is blood pressure was through the roof, but the doctors think he4ll be able to live a normal life after he deto es and his system basically reboots. 0e4ll be on heart meds the rest of his live though.: 9"hat4s tough for a kid. 0ow did Annie keep her calm6 .ost women would be slightly hysterical coming upon a fight and then a kid collapsing like that.: 9"hat4s 7ust it. )he4s never hysterical. 2nstead she thinks 24m the hysterical one6 2 don4t know what the school was like in .iami, but nothing fa$es her. 2t 7ust makes me cra$y to prove myself to her, which is cra$y in itself because she4s so infuriating>: +ade leaned his head back on the couch and cursed himself for not being able to 7ust put Annie out of his mind. 9+ome on. Bet4s go to the +afH and have dinner. ;e can talk it out and develop a plan of action,: .iles said, standing up and buttoning up his sports coat. 9?ne, you can4t develop a plan of action on handling Annie. )he doesn4t fit into any plans. "wo, )ummer Ridell is bound to be working tonight and she had a huge crush on you.: 92 was hoping you4d run interference so 2 could finally eat something without being hit on. *ver since she turned eighteen and graduated, she thinks she should be getting married and having a kid or two. ;hat4s worse, she thinks she should be doing it with me>: .iles said with disgust. .iles did not cook and depended on /aisy and Ciolet to feed him when .om4s fro$en casseroles ran out. 9<ou4re old enough to be her father>: +ade laughed. 0e en7oyed goading .iles. 0e really did. 924m not that old. /amn, +ade, you can make thirty5four seem positively ancient. 0owever, it4s too old for an innocent kid like her.: 98ine, 24ll go with you. 2 haven4t eaten at the +afH for a while. <ou can tell me what corporations you4re taking apart for the better good of the little people like me.: Annie couldn4t decide if she hated or loved the fact that a diner was so close. 0ated the fact they didn4t deliver. )hoot, no one delivered. 2t was great when she wanted real food, but it was strange to have a ten minute conversation with the person taking your order when you 7ust really wanted a chicken salad sandwich. ?ver the past couple of days since her arrival in Keeneston she had been eating the most ama$ing home cooked meals. But tonight she thought she4d try the local cuisine. )he grabbed some cash and took off down the street to the +afH. 2t was a nice night. "he stars were shining overhead, a slight bree$e brought the smell of oats to her, and the full moon bathed the small downtown in a soft glow. Bright light poured out of the large old windows of the +afH onto the sidewalk, highlighting the mums that were planted in large barrels under the windows. )mall bistro tables were set up outside on the nice warm night and filled with people who all smiled and said hello to her as she walked past them and into the +afH. Annie fro$e with one foot over the threshold when the packed restaurant fell silent. A bree$e from all the heads turning at once caused her hair to flutter. .ovement drew her eyes to go to a

back table. 0er eyes narrowed as a waitress, who was maybe 7ust out of high school, was leaning her perky breasts in +ade4s face as she picked up his plate. A man in a gorgeous pin striped suit who was slightly taller than +ade with dark brown hair and a handsome s!uare 7aw stood and walked over to her. )he noticed +ade4s unhappy e pression at the same time the waitress placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a little rub. 9<ou must be Annie. Be easy on my brother, will you6: "all, dark and handsome flashed a killer grin at her that almost had her forgetting about whoever this other brother was. 9;ait, who are you6 ;ho4s your brother and why should 2 go easy on him6: "all, dark and handsome grinned again.924m .iles /avies. "he brother to whom 2 am referring is +ade, and you should go easy on him because he4s a good guy. 0ave a nice night, Annie.: 90ow many brothers are there in that family6: she mumbled as she made her way to the cash register. 98ive brothers and one sister.: Annie looked down at the stranger who had clearly been eavesdropping. 9Um, thanks.: ;ow. No wonder she kept tripping over them. 90ey.: Annie pulled up short and checked out the man who had stepped in front of her. 0e was tallish, almost black hair slicked back, and did his suit sparkle6 No, it must 7ust have shine to it. 9;hat are you doing walking into a place like this6: he asked. 92s that a trick !uestion6: ;ell, the town did have a lot of handsome men. "oo bad they weren4t all that bright. 9<ou can sit with me if you4d like.: 0e gestured towards a small table in the back. 924m 7ust here to pick up my to5go dinner.: 9;ell, here 2 am. <ou can take a bite out of me anytime.: 0e raised a perfect eyebrow and ga$ed at her. Annie couldn4t decide whether to laugh or to kick him in the balls. 0e reminded her of an old man who used to live near her apartment. 0e yelled obscenities at her that were in a way complimentary and made her day. 9?kay. Bet4s get out of here. 2 want youEnow.: Annie deadpanned. )he watched as his slea$y e terior cracked and he stared at her as if she had two heads. 9@ust kidding, hot shot, put your tongue back in your mouth.: )he smiled at him and when he broke out into laughter, she 7oined him. 90enry Rooney at your service.: 9No servicing of me tonight. 2 thought we covered that, 0enry.: 0enry laughed again and she had a feeling she had made a friend. 9Annie 0ill. 2t4s nice to meet you, 0enry. 24m sure we4ll run into each other again soon.: 0enry smiled and walked out the door. Annie turned her attention to the table near the cash register where the waitress was still servicing +ade. Rolling her eyes, she walked over to them, 92 hope 24m not interrupting,: she tapped her foot impatiently. 9?h> <ou must be .iss 0ill. 24ll be out here in a 7iffy with your dinner ma4am.: 2f she needed another reason to dislike the waitress, there it was. 9.a4am6: 9Anyone over the age of twenty is a ma4am to her. ;ould you care to 7oin me while you wait6: +ade stood up and walked around the table. 0e pulled out a chair and waited for her to take a seat. 9;on4t your girlfriend get mad6:

9)orry to disappoint you, but 2 like women, not girls. <ou really don4t like me, do you6: +ade asked, his smile faltering slightly. 8eeling a little guilty about her snap 7udgment, she sat down and looked up at him. 0is eyes seemed green tonight. )ometimes they were brown. 924m sorry. 2f it makes you feel better, you4re not the only one.: 9.ilitary brat tired of all the macho men6: he 7oked. 9No, foster care brat.: Not wanting to get into it, she asked about +orey. 90e4ll live, but they don4t know how much damage has been done yet. ;e should know more tomorrow.: 90ere4s your dinner, .iss 0ill.: ;ith a smile, the perky waitress handed her a plastic bag. 9"hanks.: )he pushed back her chair and fro$e when +ade did the same. )he raised her eyebrow at him in silent !uestion. 92 thought 2 could walk you home and show you the sights,: +ade said in response to her silent !uery. 9"hanks, but .rs. Bope$ already did that.: 9;ell, then 7ust allow me to walk you home to fulfill my daily gentlemanly re!uirement.: +ade smiled at her then and her heart pounded in her chest like it did when she was going on a bust. 2f she thought .iles4 smile was something, +ade4s eclipsed it. 98ine.: )he turned to go, but +ade slipped his hand onto her elbow to guide her around the table. All conversation stopped until he guided her out of the +afH. Before the door closed, the noise level escalated to near deafening, and people didn4t even try to hide the fact that they were staring at them leaving together. 92s it always like this6: she asked +ade. 9No. 2t4s usually worse.: )he laughed then and didn4t even mind when he slipped his hand from her elbow to the small of her back. 9)ee over there. "he store with the yellow and white awning6 "hat4s my sister4s store.: 9"hat4s 1aige4s store6: 9<ou know 1aige6: 92 met her, along with most of the town already.: 9Ah, the welcoming committee.: 0is smile was so genuine and happy when talking about his sister and the town that Annie became lost in it. A loud thumping started to vibrate her body and draw her out of her reverie. 2t drew louder and seemed so completely out of place in Keeneston. A week ago she wouldn4t have even noticed it in .iami, but Keeneston wasn4t a place people cruised around with their windows down and rap music pumping. 2t was more of a windows down and country music drifting on the bree$e type place. )he looked down the street and saw a large black *scalade roaring towards them. +ade had already stopped to watch it. )he wouldn4t be completely surprised if some old man came running out shaking a cane at the *scalade and yelling at them to turn it down. "he thought brought a smile to her face, a smile that !uickly disappeared when the doors to the *scalade were thrown open as the )UC slid to a stop ne t to them, and three massively muscled men leapt out of the car. "hey were all dressed in those tear5away athletic pants and white tank tops. ?ne man had his head shaved, one had cra$y curly hair with a receding hairline and the third had black hair with bangs. /amn, her dinner was sure to be destroyed saving +ade again. )he shifted the handle, getting ready to smash it in the first person4s face to reach her when +ade wrapped his arm around her

waist and flung her behind him as if she weighed nothing. )he stumbled backwards and fell on her bottom, landing against the old brick building. )he cringed when the man with curly hair brought up a tire iron from his side. "he moonlight, which had 7ust moments ago cast a romantic glow on the street, now cast a menacing reflection off the tire iron. 0e raised the tire iron and swung it at +ade. )he had to save him> )he watched in horror as the tire iron came swinging down in an arc towards his head. 0e blocked it with his forearm and followed up with an uppercut that snapped the guy4s head back before the man knew what hit him. )he would never have guessed he had so much speed. As the other two closed in at once on +ade, she watched the in7ured man stumble back to the car. )he tried to get her feet under her to help, but it was already over as she stood up. ;ith a swift kick to the knee, +ade brought the one with dark hair and girly bangs to the ground. Annie watched in awe as he crumpled to the ground, holding his in7ured knee. 0e had to drag himself to the safety of the car. ;ith a !uick strike of his hand, +ade shattered the nose of the third man. Blood flowed freely down the white shirt as the man with the shaved head scrambled into the car and tucked tail out of there. +ade dusted off his khaki pants and turned to her. "here wasn4t a speck of dirt on him. "he only evidence that he had 7ust been in a fight was his ha$el eyes shone bright with e citement. ;hen he held out his hand for her, she stared at him for a moment in disbelief that he had disabled three attackers in less than twenty seconds. )he looked at his large hand for a second and then placed hers in it. 0is hand was warm, strong, and she had to admit, she didn4t want to let it go. 9;ell, it4s nice to see you took my advice and learned some self5defense.:

+hapter 8ive +ade watched Annie set the takeout bag on the small kitchen table. "he way her tight 7eans hugged her hips was so se y. 0er fitted .iami /olphins 7ersey showed off her curves in an understated way that made it very hard for him to think of anything but what she might look like naked. 0er long red hair was loosely tied back in a ponytail that swung as she walked. *ven through his lust ha$e, something was nagging at him. 0e watched as she stretched up and pulled down a plate from the cabinet for her dinner. "hat4s when it hit him. )he was 7ust acting normally. )he wasn4t shaking. )he wasn4t crying. )he wasn4t scared at all. Nothing. )he was acting like a mugging was no big deal. 2t was the same reaction he got from her after both physical altercations with +orey. 0e knew .iami was a tough place, but something didn4t seem right. 92 am sorry about tonight. Keeneston doesn4t really have much crime. +ertainly muggings do not normally happen. 2 didn4t recogni$e them or the car, so 24m guessing they were 7ust punks from out of town trying to score some easy cash.: 0e certainly didn4t believe that, and by the 9what, are you stupid 6: look she 7ust shot him, she didn4t believe it either. 9Um, yeah. 24m pretty sure those are what are called gang members,: she said to him as if he was a total bo$o. )he set the plate on the table and headed back to the kitchen. 9;e don4t have gangs in Keeneston. "he Rose sisters would never allow it.: 0e shot her a !uick grin and was happy to see she momentarily returned it. 0e leaned his shoulder against the kitchen wall and put his hands in his front 7ean pockets. 9<ou may not have in the past, but you do now. /on4t be so naive, +ade. Anywhere there are drugs there are gangs who sell those drugs. "hat was probably supposed to be a warning from the dealer who sells to those three kids on your team.: Annie tried not to suck in a hissing breath at her mistake. 0e hadn4t told her there were three kids who had tested positive for )&. )he knew because she got a sneak peek at the test results before he got them. )he turned her back on +ade to get some silverware and hoped that he hadn4t noticed her slip up. 92t sure sounds like you know a lot about drugs and gangs. But, how did you know about three of my players testing positive for )&6: Annie set the silverware on the table and shrugged her shoulders. 9Bee said something about it in the car.: )he turned back around and found his ga$e sharp and totally focused on her face. )omething wasn4t right. "hat wasn4t the scrutini$ing look of a high school biology teacher. And those had certainly not been a teacher4s moves against those gang members. ;hat was up with this town6 )he really needed to get her computer hooked up, like now. 9;ell, 24m going to have dinner now. ;ould you like some coffee6: she asked, hoping he would leave so she could throw the dinner in the fridge and hook up her computer. )he needed to run a background check on him to see if her gut was right. 9No thank you. 2 need to get home and work on some lesson plans.: ;hat he needed to do was get over to .arshall4s government computer and run a background check on this woman. )omething was definitely off. 92 have been so busy with football that 24m behind in getting my school work done.: 9;ell, thanks for an eventful night.: Annie smiled and leaned against the front door 7am. ;ould he hurry up already and leave6 9<ou4re welcome. 24m 7ust glad you weren4t hurt. .ake sure to lock your door.: )he watched him walk down the stairs and did take a moment to en7oy the view before he turned to give her a

wave good5bye. )he returned it with a smile and watched him as he headed back towards the +afH. 0e really was a nice guy. As soon as he was out of sight, she shut the door and ran into the living room. Against the far wall was a tower of unpacked bo es and somewhere in that stack was her computer. )he searched for the bo with her computer e!uipment in it, neatly at first, but when it became obvious it was hiding from her, she started tossing bo es and clothes in frustration. )he finally spied the bo with the word 9computer: in black marker on it. ?f course it was on the bottom of the pile. ;rapping her arms around the brown, cardboard bo , she tugged at it until it wiggled free of the last couple of bo es surrounding it. 9?kay, let4s see who you are, +ade /avies,: she said as she started pulling computer e!uipment out of the bo . +ade slammed on the brakes and sent his )UC skidding to a stop in front of .arshall4s old farmhouse. 0e 7umped out of the car and in three long strides was on the old wood porch that surrounded .arshall4s house. 9.arshall> 2 need your computer,: he yelled as he burst through the front door without bothering to knock. 9<ou have a computer at home. ;hat do you need mine for6: .arshall asked, looking up from his desk in his office ne t to the entranceway. 9Not that computer. "he other one.: 9Ah. ;ho are we hacking tonight6: .arshall slid his chair over to a locked armoire against the wall behind his desk. 0e pushed back a small panel hidden in the base of the armoire and pulled out the key. 9"he lovely .iss 0ill.: +ade paced back and forth in front of .arshall4s large oak desk. ;as his brother purposefully moving slowly6 9/on4t you think a date would be a better way to find out about her than running a background on her6 2t4s more fun that way. 2 believe .om calls it the honeymoon period.: 9Not when she is not who she says she is.: 9;hat do you mean6: 92 told you. )he4s not a guidance counselor. And 2 want to find out who she is. ;e were mugged tonight by three men, one armed with a crowbar, and she didn4t even blink an eye. ;ent home and set out dinner all the while lecturing me on gangs and drugs.: 9)o you think she4s a fed6: .arshall stood up and indicated the computer was ready. 9<up. 24d also be willing to bet you my University of Kentucky basketball tickets that she4s /*A.: +ade fle ed his fingers and went to work on the encrypted computer. 90ere she is> Real name Annie Blake. @ust like 2 thought, /*A,: +ade told .arshall as he scrolled through her records. 9"wenty5seven years old. 0mm.: 9;hat6: .arshall leaned forward to try to see the screen over +ade4s shoulder. 9)he graduated second from the academy. "hat4s pretty good. Bet4s see, after that she was stationed all around Alabama and =eorgia before ending up in .iami, where she has as many commendations as she does complaints.: 9+omplaints for what6: 9;hen she arrests them, seems she likes to rough up the drug dealers who peddle to kids. 2t also looks like she was the reason for some very big busts. "he last one was 7ust a week ago. 0owever, there was an issue with her beating up the drug soldier she was arresting. "hey patched it up by saying it was self5defense during an assault. )he was transferred immediately after that.:

9;hy was she transferred here6 ;e don4t have any dealers here.: 9Apparently we do. )he4s looking into an )& drug highway that they think starts here in Keeneston or possibly in Be ington.: +ade leaned back in his chair and turned off the computer. 9;hat are you going to do about .iss /*A6: .arshall crossed his legs and shot him a grin. 0e was so glad .arshall found this all so amusing. 92 think 24ll help her where 2 can. 2 do have a certain skill level that could be useful. At least 2 can try to keep her safe.: 92 don4t think you have to worry about that> 2sn4t she the one protecting you6: .arshall laughed. 9Are you going to tell her you know who she is6: 9"hat would take all the fun out of it.: +ade smiled. 0e had his own idea of how to handle .iss /*A. Annie couldn4t believe it. )hock had her fro$en as she stared at the computer monitor in front of her. 9)on of aE,: she groaned. )he buried her face in her hands and muttered, 92 told him to learn self5defense, and he4s a freaking national hero with a higher clearance level than 2 could ever dream of. 0e must have gotten one heck of a good laugh at my e pense after 2 told him he couldn4t protect himself from a kid.: )he lifted her head from her hands and sat there for a minute staring at his military photo. ;ow. )he might have to make that her screensaver. 0e was lean and muscled, his face tight and his ha$el eyes serious as he stared into the camera wearing his Ranger4s beret. 9;ell, 2 might as well find out who else is in town.: )he tried to remember the guy4s name Bily introduced her too. 9Ahmed, that4s it.: )he typed in his name and gasped at the data that came back. No wonder the name sounded familiar. 0e was famous for his interrogations. No one knew how he operated, but he had led the security teams that kept the Rahmen family safe and the country of Rahmi free of terrorist activity for the last ten years. )he searched +ade4s brothers4 names and couldn4t stop the giggle that escaped. )he couldn4t decide whether to be angry or embarrassed at herself for thinking she was the only one who knew danger and the seriousness of law enforcement, so she 7ust laughed. ;hat else could she do when she was actually surrounded by military heroes6 Annie pushed back her chair on the old hardwood floor and walked over to the front window. ;hat must he be thinking of her6 .ore importantly, how was she going to face him again6 )he had insulted him and he4d never said anything. Not too many men with his resume, or without for that matter, would let a woman take a bite out of their pride like that. 9;ell done, +ade /avies. ?r should 2 say +aptain /avies.: 0e was definitely different from all the other men she knew. .aybe he wasn4t as bad as she first thought.

+hapter )i +ade placed the royal blue K0) hat on his head and took a deep breath. 0e hated television interviews, especially because he knew they would ask him about the dismissal of three of his players and the horrible loss they suffered last week during the scrimmage against a far inferior team. 2t had been a rough couple of weeks. 90iya, +oach.: 90i, )teph. ;hat4s up6: he asked his fellow science teacher. )tephanie Bong taught chemistry. )he was nice and loved to flirt with him, pretty even. )he was petite, only about five two and had beautiful blonde hair that she kept in a 8rench twist during school days. )he always wore a pencil skirt and heels when teaching. After school, however, she wore her long hair down and switched out her tight skirts for tight 7eans. )he was every male student4s teacher crush, and he could see why when looking at her. But, for some reason he 7ust never felt any chemistry with her. )o, he was polite but distant to make sure she didn4t get the wrong idea. 92 7ust wanted to wish you luck for your first game. 2 know it4s hard being the new guy, especially after losing three of your best players. ;hat happened to them6: 9)orry, )teph, 2 can4t get into it. 2t was 7ust a violation of team rules and was handled internally. But, thank you for wishing me luck F 24ll need it.: 0e looked nervously over the local news crew and tried to keep his stomach calm. 9<ou4ll do fine during your interview. <ou4re so handsome and nice that the camera will love you. @ust pretend you4re talking to me.: )he gave him a little wink and he couldn4t help but laugh a little. 9"hanks. 2 do feel better. 2 guess 24ll go get this interview over with. )ee you on .onday.: +ade smiled and walked away from the small field house to the camera crew setting up along the sidelines where his players were warming up on the field. 9+oach /avies. +ould we have a few minutes6: the sports reporter asked. 0e looked 7ust like any other sports reporter, middle aged, small gut, big hair and a really weird colored tie. 9)ure.: +ade stopped ne t to him and waited until the camera was recording. 90ow do you think you4ll do tonight against ?akdale 0igh )chool6: 92 think it will be a tough game. "hey are returning twelve senior starters compared to our three senior starters. "hey have a lot of e perience.: 92t has been reported that All5)tate linebacker +orey Bonner, offensive lineman Bee 8aust, and senior wide receiver /an Bikens have all been dismissed from the team. +an you tell us why and how you will make up for their loss6: 9"hey violated team rules. ;e cannot make up for the hole left by their dismissal. "hey were wonderful players and have now been replaced by less e perienced players. ?ur freshman wide receiver, Ryan 0all, has stepped up in practice and is showing a lot of promise. Running back "rey *verett is the heart and soul of this team and will provide the leadership we lost with Bonner4s departure. ;e4ve taken some of the defensive players and converted them to offensive linemen. "hey have a lot to learn, but again, are showing great promise after only being in this position for a month.: 9"hank you, +oach.: +ade nodded and headed out onto the field as the reporter wrapped up his pre5game comments. 0e took in the scene and his nerves steadied. Assistant +oach 1arks was warming up the offense. "he defense was stretching out. "he smell of the fresh cut grass mi ed with the aroma of

popcorn coming from the stands now filling with people. "his was it, the first home game of his coaching career, and boy, did he love it> 0e placed the silver whistle in his mouth and gave it two short bursts. 0is team responded immediately and circled around him. 9?kay, men. 2 want to focus on e ecution tonight. 0it your marks, block your targets, and make your tackles. ?kay, "rey. <ou and Ryan head out there for the coin toss. Break>: "he deafening sound of clapping and cheers arose from his team as they pumped each other up. Annie took her seat in the stands. )he opted for the highest row in the bleachers so she could see everything that happened around her. .aybe, 7ust maybe, the boss or some more of the soldiers would be here tonight. 2f she kept an eye on who was in the crowd, and if she could identify anyone who looked like they didn4t belong, she could then also keep an eye on which people the players looked at. "hen maybe she could figure out who the dealer was. )he looked around the small stadium. Apparently the first home game was a big deal in Keeneston. "he place was packed. 1eople mingled with each other, kids ran around the bleachers, and signs and pompoms waved in the air. )he heard cheers as the game started and cheered when others did. )he knew football. )he loved football, but tonight she was not here for fun. )he was here for surveillance. )he glanced down at the field and saw +ade coaching one of the boys before sending him into the game. Unlike a lot of coaches she4d seen, he didn4t yell at his players. 0e taught them. 0e pulled them aside and showed them what they did wrong and how to do it right. "hat was 7ust the kind of person he was. "hey had talked !uite often since the night of the thugs. 0e had stopped by her office to talk, and she had politely e cused herself as fast as she could. )he 7ust didn4t know how to act around him. After learning who he was, she knew he would have the smarts to figure out who she was and she didn4t want to risk it. 0e was nice, polite, and the farthest thing from the egotistical men she was used to. *very time he saw her at the Blossom +afH, he would e pertly remove her from whatever grilling she was receiving from /aisy or Ciolet. 0e always would walk her home, claiming he had to protect her from errant thugs. ;hich, in turn, would fuel the gossip flames at the +afH and cause her to listen to lectures of not buying the milk when the cow was free F or something like that from the Rose sisters. )he and +ade liked to talk about the team, and she tried to dig around to learn more information on the town. "he way he would describe his childhood adventures with his brothers, or the way he helped teach 1aige how to outshoot them, always had her laughing. 2t would only be later that she would reali$e they had been talking comfortably for almost an hour each time he walked her home. )he would scold herself and try to remember to keep her distance. )he had a 7ob to do after all. )he shouldn4t be looking forward to nights on the porch with +ade. Annie had to shake her head to focus herself on the task at hand. )he was doing it again. )he was here to keep a look out for drug dealers, not watch the way +ade4s butt looked when he crouched down to watch a play. )he didn4t know why it was so hard to keep her eyes off of him. )he4d worked with plenty of attractive, masculine men before. )he never had this kind of physical reaction to them though. ;ell, maybe it was because he wasn4t e actly like those men. "hey were macho, egotistical and always cocky. 2f anyone had a reason to be cocky it was +ade. )he4d seen all the medals and awards he had won while in the Army. 0owever, he never mentioned it. 0e never mentioned his accomplishments and he always talked to her about the accomplishments of the kids in his class or his family. 0e was kind and caring and staring right at her> )he felt her cheeks redden as she

reali$ed he4d caught her staring like a doe5eyed teenager at him. ?h =od> "his was so embarrassing. )he scanned the field and clapped when the receiver caught the ball. .aybe he would think she was 7ust watching the game6 )he took a !uick peek and saw he was still looking at her. Before she could look away, he smiled and gave her a wink. )he felt all eyes in the stadium turn on her. 1eople stared at her and started whispering. "hey poked the people in front of them and they turned to look at her. )ome smiled, some winked, and she felt her face turn an even brighter shade of red. 9<ou go, girl>: .iss Bily stood and waved from the front row. "his couldn4t be happening> Annie tried to make herself shrink as people laughed and shouted encouragements. 2t turned out +ade was !uite the catch, but she already knew that. )he was watching him. 0e never thought he4d feel such pride as he did now. +ade turned back to the game 7ust in time to see Austin throw an interception. 0e groaned as the safety ran into the end $one. ?akdale was now leading &(5('. "he game had started off strong with a touchdown by "rey, but after the second !uarter, things began to fall apart. Austin was sloppy. 0e wasn4t seeing the field. 0e thought he was a running back instead of a !uarterback and tried to run the ball every down. +ade was undecided about what happened at half5time. Austin was an arrogant ass. 0e refused to admit he needed to hand the ball off to "rey, the actual running back, or that he was refusing to throw the ball to Ryan. "rey had stepped forward and given an emotional speech to try to charge the team. 2t had worked. "hey had run out in the third !uarter and put together a great drive until Austin decided to play running back again. "hey had to settle for a field goal. And now here it was nearing the end of the game and Austin throws and interception. 9Austin. ;hat were you looking at when you threw that6 "here wasn4t a receiver around6: 9Ryan missed his route. 0e should have been there. 0e 7ust lost the game for us, so go yell at him.: Austin yanked off his helmet and threw it to the ground. 2t rolled over to the metal bench and came to rest at the feet of a very upset Ryan. 9Ryan didn4t miss his route. 0e was to run a fifteen yard post, and you threw the ball right into the middle of coverage while Ryan was still five yards from his mark.: +ade saw Ryan pick up the helmet and head over towards them. Austin was a strong guy. 0e was around +ade4s si$e but still needed muscle. *ven though Ryan was two years younger, he was much more developed. 0e was already Austin4s height but probably had twenty pounds on him. +ade was sure by his senior year Ryan would be All5)tate. 9<ou dropped this.: Ryan shoved the helmet at Austin. 9And try to show some leadership. )top blaming others for your mistakes.: Ryan turned around and headed back over to +oach 1arks. 0e also had a maturity Austin was lacking. 9"ake the bench, Austin. 24m putting your backup in if we even have another chance to score.: +ade watched as Austin sulked his way to the bench and sat down, ignoring all his teammates. +ade took a !uick glance back at the crowd and saw Annie scanning the people in the bleachers. 0e smiled as she evaluated the threat level of every person. At least one good thing came out of this game F he knew Annie was interested in him thanks to .iss Bily> 0e turned his attention back to the game and watched as his defense managed to hold ?akdale to a field goal as the last seconds ticked off the clock. Annie didn4t know what she was doing. )he was hanging around teenagers too much because she was starting to act like a lovesick girl. )he leaned against the bleachers and sighed. .aybe he

would think she was 7ust slow to leave6 .aybe she could say she was talking to the parents, who were the only ones left milling around the parking lot6 9;aiting for me6: Annie almost 7umped as +ade came up behind her. 9Um. No. 2 was talking to some of the parents.: Annie took a step away from him. )he couldn4t think straight when she was so close to him. 924m sure they appreciate you coming and supporting their sons. )ome of them have talked about you, you know6: 9"he parents are talking about me6: Annie stopped looking at the old cracked pavement and looked up into his eyes. "hey seemed browner tonight. 9No, my kids are talking about you. "hey really appreciate someone taking such an interest in their e tracurricular activities. "hey said you4ve been trying to get to know each of them. "hat4s real nice of you. ?ur last guidance counselor never sought out kids 7ust to get to know them and to find out how they are doing in class and on the field.: Annie left her face blank. )he wasn4t e pecting the kids to talk to +ade about her interrogations. )he called them conferences. )he had the boys come in and go over their classes, their goals and then tried to get them to talk about football as much as she could. 9"hey4re great kids. 24m sorry about the loss tonight. 2t was a tough game.: )he kept her eyes on his and tried to keep her thoughts focused. 9"hanks. 2t was sloppy and some players need more work, but 2 saw promise.: +ade watched her closely. )he was really good. )he didn4t give anything away. 0e had known what she was doing the past couple of weeks. )he was bringing in players and !uestioning them. "he added benefit was his players thought she really was interested in them and came out with a little more confidence. )he was actually a really good guidance counselor. 9"hanks for coming to the game. 2t really means a lot to me.: 0e gave her a smile and watched as she blushed again. 2t was really cute when she did that. 2t made him want to know more about what was underneath her tough /*A cover. 9"o you6: she stuttered. 9<eah. <ou4re supporting the team and that4s really great of you.: +ade was en7oying himself. 0e liked making her feel as discombobulated as she had made him feel. 9?h> <es, the team. Anything for the team,: she mumbled. +ade smiled. )omething about this woman made him feel as if he could do anything. 0e looked up and saw that most of the parents had picked up their kids and headed out. "he parking lot was !uickly becoming empty. 9+an 2 walk you back to your car6: Before she could say no, which he knew she would, he put his hand on her back and gently pushed her forward. 0e stopped in front of her dark green convertible. 0e had to focus on keeping his hand still. 0e desperately wanted to run it up and down her back to feel every inch of such an intriguing woman. 9"hank you, +ade.: "hey stopped and he watched her dig around her purse for her keys. ;ell, it was now or never, and if he didn4t do this, .iss Bily would be mad at him and tell .iss /aisy not to feed him the ne t time he went to the +afH. 92 was wondering if you4d like to go out to dinner with me6: +ade could swear his heart stopped beating. ;as it a good sign or bad that she wasn4t answering right away6 9+ade> Book out>: she screamed and tried to grab him, but it was too late. A van skidded to a halt ne t to him, almost running him over. "he van door was open and two men with shiny shaved heads looked out. 0e shoved Annie hard against her shoulder. )he fell

backwards against her car and out of reach of the hands grabbing him from the van. 2n a split second, +ade had assessed the situation. "hese guys were idiots. "hey had fumbled when they grabbed him. "hey had blindfolded him, but they did such a bad 7ob that he could still see everything. "hey had tied his wrists, but he could easily get out of them. 2t was then that he decided instead of escaping, he4d see what they wanted. 0e looked around and took in the guy with a broken nose and a guy in the passenger4s seat with a cast on his leg. Ah, these were the same geniuses that had tried to rough him up. 0e had to admit, he was curious to see what they wanted. "he van was a standard utility van. "here was industrial carpet on the floor. No seats e cept the front two. "here were three men in the back of the van with him. "hey were all burly guys who looked like they had been using )& themselves. )o many men thought the bigger the muscles the better the fighter, but that 7ust wasn4t true. )ure they may be able to lift more weight than he could, but being a good fighter meant that you had strength, speed and precision. "hese guys were so bulky they4d never be able to keep up in a fight. 0e had a feeling though that this wasn4t about fighting. "his was about drugs, and he had was pretty sure he was about to meet one of the key players in the drug trade. Annie would be very happy with this news. 0e watched the scenery change as they drove into Be ington. 0orse farms with rolling bluegrass gave way to commercial shipping centers, subdivisions and shopping malls. "hey drove round and round, trying to confuse him. "hey thought he couldn4t see, and the length of the trip would make it impossible for him to tell where they were. ;ell, e cept for the fact he had 7ust seen that they had gone past Rupp Arena and were driving downtown. "hey circled around Rupp and headed back towards Keeneston. "hey pulled into one of the strip malls closest to the small country road that led back home and parked. 0e saw the neon lights of 2ron +lub and )pa, one of the national chain gym franchises. "here was one in Keeneston too. "he lights were on, but it was after ten o4clock at night and there was no one working out. "hey pushed and shoved at him to get him moving. 0e pretended to stumble and smashed the foot of one of the goons ne t to him. *ven if he couldn4t see, he would know it was a gym. "here was a distinct smell that belonged to gyms. 2t was a mi of sweat, metal, rubber, and disinfectant cleaner. 0e was pushed through a small door camouflaged into the wall near the rac!uetball courts and led up a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a small lobby and bathroom. "o the right was an open door to a large office that overlooked the gym from behind the two5way mirrors that covered the walls of the gym. 9"ake it off,: a gruff voice with a slight )cottish brogue said. +ade4s blindfold was taken off, and he pretended to blink his eyes as if ad7usting to the sudden light. ;hen he brought his eyes up, he came face to face with a thug in a suit. "his must be upper management. 9=ood evening, .r. /avies.: "he man stood from behind his desk and walked around his desk and placed a hip on the edge of it. Unlike the goons who had a hold of him, this man earned his muscles from the streets, not the gym. "hat was obvious from his thickness, but lack of bulging muscles like the steroid triplets behind him. 0is guess would be that he was imported from *dinburgh or =lasgow to run this little drug ring. 2t was common to import someone with a reputation, but not well known. "hat way they could start a lie about how many people they had killed and the horrible acts they had committed 7ust to gain respect. 2t worked because there was no way to check it out.

9By the name on your desk, 2 assume you are "revor =aylen. 2f there was something you needed, there is this little invention called a phone.: +ade watched the red5headed )cott crack a small smile. A flash of a gold tooth caught his eye before "revor pushed himself off the desk and came towards +ade with his arms crossed over his barreled chest. 9"hat 2 am, .r. /avies. 24m glad you catch on so fast. 2 was afraid this would be a rather long, painful meeting if you were 7ust another dumb academic.: +ade stood with his arms loose, even in the face of veiled threat. 92t seems that you are off to a rough start with your football team this year.: "revor stopped a couple of feet in front of him and took his measure. 9;e4ll turn it around. ;e4re a young, ine perienced team.: 92 thought we could enter a partnership of sorts.: 9;hat kind of partnership6 <ou4ll let my boys use these facilities for free6: +ade watched as "revor tossed back his head and laughed. 9Aye, you are funny, .r. /avies. But, no. "hat is not the kind of partnership 2 was wanting. )ee, 2 have something that will help your players grow stronger, run faster, and increase their reaction time.: 9And what would that miracle be6 )ome new vitamin supplement your gym is pushing6: 9Not e actly. 2t4s an in7ectable supplement.: 92n7ectable, huh6 As in steroid based6: "revor grinned again, but it was calculated. 0e was in full sales mode. 92t4s a derivative of steroids, yes, one that doesn4t show up in any standard test. 2t will improve your players tenfold by mid5season. =uaranteed.: 9And would this be called )&6: 9)o, you4ve heard about it. ;ell, of course you have. <ou specifically tested for it during training camp. )trange that you4ve heard about it, considering that it has 7ust now been submitted to the 8/A for the animal testing phase. Also it4s strange that you knew you had to test specifically for )&.: +ade watched as "revor transformed from the buddy5buddy salesman to the cold blooded dealer that he hid underneath a nice suit. 924m the kids4 coach. 2 hear them talk in the locker room. )ee what they do when they think no one is around. 2 see and hear everything that goes on with my team. "hat4s what being a good coach is all about.: 9A good coach, yes, but not a great coach. 2 can make you a great coach.: 90ow6: +ade was interested in seeing how much he could learn for Annie. ;ould bringing her this information get her to say yes to a date6 )he hadn4t, after all, been able to give him an answer to his !uestion about a date. 92 can make you a great coach by you accepting my proposition, .r. /avies. .y very profitable proposition.: 924m listening, but 2 can tell you now the mostly likely answer will be no.: +ade heard the steroid triplets suck in their breath. At the sight of "revor4s eyes narrowing into cold flints of blue ice, he guessed not too many people told "revor no, and of those, not many lived. 9No one says no to the =aylen and lives to tell about it. ;hat do you want me to do about it boss6: one of the steroid triplets asked. 92sn4t that a little clichH6: +ade suppressed the chuckle. 2t was all straight out of a bad movie. 9NothingEfor now. Bet4s see what .r. /avies says after 2 have pitched him my proposition.: "revor took a step forward and 7abbed him in the stomach. +ade sucked in a breath from the punch he was not e pecting. 0e had gotten caught up in laughing at the goons and didn4t take =aylen seriously, a mistake he wouldn4t make again. 2t

wasn4t the strongest punch +ade had ever taken, but it was enough to make his stomach knot. ?kay, time for playing games was over. 9Now, be a good boy and listen to what 2 have to say before you answer. As a teacher, you should know better than to make a 7udgment before hearing all the facts.: 0e watched as =aylen stepped back to lean against his desk. 9"his is what you are going to do. <ou are never going to test for )& again. <ou are going to strongly recommend to all your top players that they come in for a free, si month promotional pass to the Keeneston 2ron +lub and )pa. "hey will receive free personal training from retired N8B player /evon Ross as a nice perk and enticement to 7oin. 2t should also give you peace of mind to know they4re being trained by one of the best.: 9/idn4t Ross only play for one season with the +incinnati Bengals6: 92t4s more than you played. 2 believe your coaching bio states you only played high school ball,: =aylen scoffed. 9<ou got me there. =o on. ;hat else do you want6: +ade tried not to roll his eyes. 8ighting terrorism got in his way of college ball. Apparently "revor hadn4t dug that far in his history. Not too smart on his part. 9?h +oach, it4s not what 2 want. 2t4s what 2 can give you. 2 can give you the best team in the state. All 2 need from you is for you to coach the team.: 9"hat4s it6: +ade asked skeptically. 9"hat4s it. <ou recommend the players come to the gym, you stay out of the locker room after practice, and you stop the special drug testing for )&.: 9<ou4re asking me to break the law. "o supply my kids with an illegal substance.: 9Not at all> )& is only temporarily illegal. )oon enough it will be legal when we have a chance to present it to the 8/A. And, 2 am not asking you to supply it. )imply turn a blind eye to it and in return you get a championship team.: 9;hat about the state re!uired drug tests6: 9/o them. By all means do everything the athletic board re!uires of you. @ust what they re!uire you to do. No more special testing, which, by the way, the board does not re!uire you to do.: 9And in return 2 get a share of any profits from the sale of your supplement or maybe from gym memberships.: =aylen tossed his head back and laughed. IAye, you are a funny one. But alas, no, .r. /avies. 2t4s much more simple. 2n e change, 2 let that cute little girlfriend of yours live. 2 always did have a thing for red heads.: 9NE: +ade started to say. 9And if you say no, 2 will take everything and everyone that you cherish from you, one by one, starting with that hairy mutt of a dog and ending with your mother, or maybe that hot little sister of yours.: =aylen4s tone had turned deadly. +ade recogni$ed it for what it was. "he truth. 0e would try. 0e may not succeed, but he believed he would, and sometimes those who overvalue their strengths are the most dangerous because they simply do not understand that they cannot win, so they keep trying. 0e needed to buy time to see how this would play out. 9+an 2 think about it6: =aylen rela ed and gave his salesman smile. 9?f course you can. 24ll give you until .onday morning. =ood evening .r. /avies.: ;ith a flick of =aylen4s wrist to indicate the meeting was over, the steroid triplets grabbed him and pinned his arms back. "he remaining man tied the blindfold over his eyes, poorly, again. 0e

contained his sigh at these amateurs only because he knew =aylen was trying to be intimidating. 0e didn4t want to fracture his ego. 0e was a gentleman after all, and he needed to get back to Keeneston as soon as possible so he could find Annie. 0e had played enough games with her these last weeks, little innuendos and taunts trying to get her flustered and wondering if he really knew who she was. ;ell, the time for playing was over. 0e needed her help to protect his team.

+hapter )even Annie couldn4t believe it. "he bumbling idiots had gotten +ade into the van although he didn4t put up much of a fight. .aybe his military record was forged6 0e always seemed to need saving. )he had tried to follow them, but her damn keys had been eaten by her purse. )he had to toss the whole thing on the hood of the car to find them. By that time the van was gone and she stood alone in the large parking lot. )he4d tossed all her 7unk back in her purse and headed home. )he drove through the church parking lot which was sprinkled with cars for some sort of Bible study or singles dance, or whatever they were scheduled for tonight. "here may not be many people in Keeneston, and there may not be that much of a night life, but )t. 8rancis could throw some kicking parties. Annie parked ne t to the small wood cottage house and leapt up the stairs to her front door. Unlocking the door she ran to where her computer still sat on the kitchen table F the only place she could fit it F and booted it up. )he may not know where +ade was now, but she could find out where he would be when it was over. )he typed in his name and found his address. )he entered it into the mapping system and stared at a dot in the middle of a field. "he system said it couldn4t find the location. 8lipping open her phone she dialed the only number she had bothered to learn since moving to Keeneston. 9Blossom +afH. ;hat can 2 do for ya#6: 92s this .iss /aisy or .iss Ciolet6: 9"his is .iss Ciolet, dear. ;hat can 2 do for you, hon6: 9"his is Annie 0ill. 2 need to know how to get out to +ade4s house.: 9?h, bless your heart, 2 won> 2 won> 2 never win> /aisy .ae 2 won>: Annie had to hold the phone away from her ear as .iss Ciolet shouted out into the +afH. 9;hat do you mean you won6 ;ho is it Ciolet 8ae6: she heard .iss /aisy shout. 92t4s Annie. )he wants to know how to get to out to +ade4s house> 2 won the pool> "oday was my day>: "here was a chorus of groans as the patrons of the +afH checked their dates in the pool and even through the phone Annie bet they could see her red face. 9"hank you, dear. 2t was about time the two of you got together. <ou4ve been circling each other ever since you got to town.: 92 got twenty on a @une wedding>: someone shouted. 9;hat6>: Annie shouted into the phone. 9.iss /aisy, what was that6: Annie4s stomach had flipped at hearing the word wedding. "alk about a commitment5phobe. ;ith her history who wouldn4t be6 9?h nothing, dear. Now, you want to know how to get to +ade4s. *asy. "urn right out of your house onto .ain )treet and keep going for about five miles. <ou4ll see his parents4 stone gate entranceway on the right. =o a half mile further and turn left into 8ire =ate Nineteen there. "hen make a right on the first dirt road you come to and take that for about a mile. 2t4ll stop at his house.: 9)eriously, there are still dirt roads6 And what4s a fire gate6: 9<ou4ll see it. "here4s a break in the fence line, like a driveway, and there4s a white wood marker that has the number (A in red on it. "hat4s the fire gate. ?f course there are still dirt roads, honey. 0is house is almost a mile from the road. <ou know much that would cost to pave6 Now, would you say you like the month of @uly or )eptember better6: 9Neither. 24m partial to @anuary.: 92sn4t that a little soon6 ?h well, why waste time is what 2 say. 0ave fun tonight>:

Annie closed her phone and stared at it for a full minute. )he could 7ust see .iss Ciolet putting twenty bucks on a @anuary wedding that was never going to happen. Not that a wedding to +ade would be bad, but those were 7ust fantasies. 8irst she needed to make sure he was still alive. Annie missed the fire gate twice and the dirt road once. A mailbo or a light would be helpful. )he turned onto the dirt road and turned on her high beams. )he drove through pastures and saw more cows than she ever had before in her life. )oon she came upon some trees and followed the dirt path through the woods. )he rounded the corner, slammed on her brakes, and sent dirt flying as she stopped before hitting a family of deer. Betting out the breath she reali$ed she was holding, she started heading down the dirt road again. )he drove around a bend and came out in an opening. A white farmhouse stood there. 2t was beautiful. )he could tell from the architecture that it was very old, but also from the fresh paint 7ob and what looked like a new deck, that +ade had 7ust finished some renovations. "he house was lovely, a two5story, wood farmhouse with a large front porch that had soft5 looking chairs sitting out and speakers wired for music. )he pulled up to the front steps and turned off her car. "he house was dark, and +ade4s )UC was nowhere in sight. A tingle of worry crawled down her spine, but if half of what she read in his military file was true, then he could easily handle himself. )he had to admit, she was pretty curious to find out what that 7oke of a kidnapping was about. )he climbed up the stairs and looked at the comfortable porch chairs, but then she looked toward the house. )he wondered what it was like inside. )he also knew that to do her 7ob, and do it well, she needed proof that +ade was not supplying his team with )& or anything illegal. *vidence like that coming to light during a trial would break any case she would make against any of the dealers. )ometimes in her 7ob she had to do things she didn4t like. ;ell, if she were honest, a little B and * never hurt anyone. And think how much she could learn about +ade. )he took out her pick case, but when she reached for the door, she discovered it unlocked. "he knob turned easily in her hand, and she felt her heart speed up at the thought of walking around +ade4s house alone. )he pushed at the door and nothing happened. 0uh6 2t was unlocked. "he door was open 7ust a sliver. ;hy wasn4t it opening all the way6 )he pushed again, but it didn4t budge. ;as something barricading the door6 )he took her pick and ran it through the sliver of open door. No, nothing was barricading the door. )he took a step closer to the door and bent her knees. )he put her shoulder to the door and pushed. )he heard someone grunt and the door flew open. 2t opened so fast she fell forward onto the old hardwood floor. 2t was her time to groan. "he 7eans had prevented her knees from being scraped up, but she had landed hard on her hands. )he lay there for a second, regaining her breath, when she felt that she was not alone. )he slowly raised her head and came face to face with him. Annie stared, he stared, and neither of them moved. 0e had big brown eyes that seemed to look right into her soul. ;ith his lopsided grin, he looked like he was laughing. *ven his soulful eyes twinkled with some untold 7oke. 90i there. 2 wasn4t e pecting anyone at home,: she said in a calm voice so as not to upset him. )lurp> A big pink tongue lapped her across the face. )he looked at the happy face in front of her and at his tongue hanging out, his white hairy 7owls, and his big, black tail as it thumped against the ground, and smiled. +ade4s dog looked like he had 7ust stepped out of a /isney movie.

9;hat a guard dog you are. <ou sure know how to keep people out and then how to make them feel welcome once they can push past you.: @ustin4s tail thumped again as he cocked his head to one side. 9;ell, if you don4t mind, 24m going to take a look around. /o you want to show me where things are6: @ustin stood and walked beside her. 0is big, black nose kept nudging her hand every time she stopped rubbing his head. 9+an you show me where the drugs are6: @ustin stopped walking and plopped to the ground, rolling over to e pose his belly. 90mm. 2 take it that your drug is belly rubs.: )he rubbed his belly for a second as she took in the house. "he house had 7ust had a complete upgrade inside. *verything was new. "here was an entranceway with narrow stairs leading upstairs. A half bath was tucked in under the stairs, and an office sat across the front room facing the porch. 1ast the stairs was a dining room that also connected with the kitchen 7ust beyond that. +ade had obviously knocked down walls to create a large kitchen and living room area in one. "he kitchen had brand new stainless steel appliances. A large island with black granite countertops and si barstools separated the kitchen from the living room. "he living room held a large leather couch and two matching chairs, one of which was now occupied by @ustin. A large B*/ television was mounted to the far right wall. "he back wall had 8rench doors that led out to a brick patio. Annie walked into the living room and slowly looked around at the pictures and books lining the walls and sitting on tables. "here were pictures of +ade with all his siblings, a picture of +ade, .iles, and another one of his siblings in military fatigues in some desert, pictures of an older couple she guessed were his parents, and then some she guessed to be of grandparents. )he opened drawers and looked behind photos but could not find anything relating to drugs or anything else illegal. )he decided to run upstairs and check his bedroom before doing a search of his office. Annie hurried up the stairs and peeked into two guest rooms before finding the master suite. A large, king5si$e bed with a dark green comforter sat along the far wall in the middle of the room. )he walked through the door to his room and couldn4t help the slightly giddy feeling she got when she sat on his bed. Against the wall opposite the bed was another B*/ television and a chest. )he felt through his clothes and couldn4t find anything. )he made her way through his walk5in closet and only found a couple of old unloaded rifles. )he pushed open the other door in the room and walked into a massive bathroom. A large shower with si shower heads took up most of one wall. Annie couldn4t look away from the shower. )he knew what she wanted to do in that shower. 2t was the perfect shower for it, the hot water pulsing all around, the steam rising up, the bodiesE she needed to get out of here before she spontaneously combusted> Annie lifted the small curtain ne t to the front door and looked out. All was dark and silent. )he felt as if she were in her own world out here. *ven though she was illegally breaking and entering, well, the door was unlocked she felt very peaceful out here. Knowing she was in the clear, she headed into +ade4s office. 92f there is going to be any evidence of drugs, it will be in here.: )he sat down in his chair and surveyed his desk. 0e only had a bookcase and a desk with a computer on it in the room. )he opened the desk drawer and found nothing. )he opened one of the side drawers and found a desk full of small black cases. )he picked one up and opened it, National /efense )ervice .edal. )he picked up another bo , )ilver )tar. "here were more than ten bo es in the drawer> )he picked up another one and opened it, Begion of .erit .edal. )he picked up one more and opened it. 0oly

crap> 2t was the Army4s /istinguished )ervice +ross. )he put it back down in the drawer and closed it. )he suddenly felt guilty for searching his house with his literally being a national hero. )he !uickly went through the other drawers, and finding nothing, pushed back from his chair. )he went over to the bookcase and looked at his books, finding a lot of history book such as A. @. Bangguth4s Patriots, /avid .c+ullough4s $%%&, /an @enkins4 #e"i'Tough and other football novels. Annie was 7ust about to call it !uits and head back outside to wait when she noticed a heavy5 duty lock on the wall hidden behind some large plants. )he pushed the plants out of the way and found that it was actually attached to a door. 0mm, now this was strange. Annie pulled out her black leather lock pick case and opened it up. 2t took her a couple of minutes, but finally she heard the telltale click of the lock opening. )he put her tools away and put the case back in her purse before opening the narrow door. Booking around, she took a cautious step forward into the darkness. "he room was pitch black, and she pulled out her small penlight. Annie aimed the light onto the wall and gasped. 2t was lined with weapons. )he found the switch and turned on the fluorescent overhead lights and fro$e. Rifles lined one whole wall. )he recogni$ed the Army4s standard issue .&3 )niper along with an .3'AJ and a very large .K&A( )A)R. ;ow, it was a beauty, a .L' caliber beauty. Along the other side of the wall were various handguns. "here was an .K&3, and oh, there was the new .(( also known as the )2= 1&&K> )he had always wanted to try one those. 2t was calling her name. )he would swear to it in court if she got arrested for trespassing. )he picked the .(( off of the wall where it was hanging and tested its weight and balance. 9?h, you are one handsome guy,: she cooed to it. 9;hy thank you.: "he voice slid over her. )he 7umped, swinging the gun around and pointing it at her target. 9<ou do know it4s not loaded, right Red6: 9;hat are you doing here6>: Annie accusingly asked him. 92 live here. ;hat are you doing here6: )he heard the laughter in his voice and lowered the gun. <eah, that4s right. )he was the one breaking and entering. 9<ou don4t seem surprised to see me. 0ow long have you been here6: ;as he here the whole time she was drooling over his guns6 9.arshall called me from the +afH and asked how 2 felt about getting married in April.: Annie groaned and desperately wanted to hit the light switch and hide under the large wood table in the middle of the gun room. 92 said 2 thought it would be lovely, but apparently my bride is in a rush and wants to get married in @anuary.: Annie eyed the rounds for the .(( on the shelf and contemplated ending this before she died of embarrassment. +ade only felt kind of bad for her. 0e was having way too much fun embarrassing her though to take pity on her. 0e had been halfway home when .arshall called, wanting to know all the details of their hot night together and telling him .om was e pecting him to bring Annie home for dinner on )unday. 0e had found his house still dark when he drove up and her car empty. 2t didn4t take a genius to figure out what she was up to. 0e had !uietly come in the house from the back door and found

the faint glow from his arms room spilling out into his office. ;hen he looked in the door, there was his dog, sound asleep at her feet. Annie was holding his favorite gun and practically worshiping it with her hands. 92f you keep touching my gun like that, 24m going to be 7ealous.: 0is voice came out a little rougher than normal but her skilled fingers manipulating his gun was making him think of her using those fingers for something else. 0e was having a very hard time remembering he didn4t want a @anuary wedding. Annie practically threw the gun back onto the wall and he had to laugh. )he was so 7umpy that he bet he wasn4t the only one affected. 9)o, you like what you see, Agent Blake6: ;ith a small wave of his arm he indicated his gun room. 0e could see the momentary shock on her face when she reali$ed he knew who she was, but she recovered !uickly enough. 0e watched as she wiped her tiny hands on her 7eans and then as she slowly raised her green eyes to meet his. ;hen he looked into her eyes, he felt transported to pastures during springtime with the multiple shades of green fighting for dominance. 92 would ask you how you know who 2 am, but after looking around your house, 2 think there is a lot to you and your military record that was left out of the database.: +ade smiled and rocked back on his heels. 9<ou could say that.:

+hapter *ight +ade held the door to the gun room open for Annie. )he walked into his office and leaned her hip against his old desk while he shut and locked the door. 0e had to look twice for the hidden panel to get the key out of in order to lock the door. Annie 7ust looked so se y in those tight 7eans and simple white v5neck t5shirt that seemed to cling perfectly to her breasts, her hair hapha$ardly pulled back into a ponytail. 2t was driving him cra$y> Annie waited for him to finish hiding the key before asking him about his kidnapping. 9)o, what was amateur hour about6: 9Actually, 2 was getting ready to come find you to talk about 7ust that. 2 think 2 need your help.: 9/id the big bad goons scare you6: she teased. 90a> At first 2 had to go against my instinct to fight, but when 2 reali$ed they were completely incompetent 2 had to fight from laughing. "hey tied loose knots and couldn4t even put on a blindfold. =ood news, 2 know e actly where the home base is. "hey took me into Be ington to the 2ron +lub and )pa where 2 got to meet "revor =aylen.: 9=reat. 2 will pass this information along to my bosses and we can get some surveillance set up. =ood work, /avies. /o you think this "revor guy is the boss6: 9No.: +ade shook his head. 90e4s a thug in a suit brought over from )cotland.: Annie looked at him and he could see the !uestion in her eyes, 9"hen what did he want6: 90e wants me to send the best boys on the team to the gym in Keeneston to train with an e 5 N8B player by the name of /evon Ross. 8urthermore, 24m to be in the locker room sparingly and no longer test for )&. 2n return, 2 get a championship team and you get to live.: 0e watched as Annie narrowed her eyes as she took in his meaning. 9;ell, then you have nothing to worry about. As you know, 2 can take care of myself.: )he smiled at him and his body went weak. 92t4s not 7ust you he threatened. 0e also threatened my mother and my dog.: 90e brought your dog into it6 ;ow. "hat4s low.: Annie shook her head and thought about it some more. +ade was right. "his wasn4t the boss man. "he boss usually kept to the shadows. 9;e think the boss, whom we call the )cientist, is the actual designer of the drug. /id he say anything that would give clues to the boss6: 9"revor did say it was only temporarily illegal, that they were going to present it to the 8/A,: +ade eagerly put in. 9"hat way he can make two fortunes, one now, while they sell the drug illegally and then a second if it becomes approved by the 8/A. "hat4s why 24m thinking the boss is younger, maybe late twenties, early thirties. 2t takes around fifteen years for a drug to be approved by the 8/A, and my guess is he4s young enough to be able to en7oy both potential windfalls.: Annie knew she was mi ing her personal views with what the /*A believed, but it felt like +ade would believe in her theories where the /*A didn4t want to speculate. )he looked at +ade and saw him nodding his head in agreement. 9"hat would make sense. An older person wouldn4t care about 8/A approval. "hey4d 7ust try to corner the street market. "hat would also make sense why the boss is keeping in the shadows. ;hen they go legit, they4ll need a figurehead with a clean record.: 9"hat4s right.: 0e got it> Annie almost 7umped with 7oy. 0er bosses kept telling her it was too much of a leap to narrow the profile down to younger people. "herefore, they had too many suspects to even make a start in the investigation.

9But, )& is not legal now, right6: 9No. )& is currently being made with an illegal synthetic steroid that was re7ected by the 8/A because it caused heart failure. ;e4ve run blood and tissue tests on all the victims over the past si months, and what we4re seeing is a slight change in the synthetic steroid from victim to victim.: Annie was getting e cited now. )he was talking about her investigation, her hunches, and her own thoughts on the case. 9;hat does that mean6: +ade asked. )he watched him cross his arms and take a seat in is black leather office chair. Annie started to pace in front of the desk. )he wanted to lay out her theory so he could understand, since it seemed like no one in the /*A seemed to. 2t meant a lot to her to have one person, 7ust one, see reason in her theory. 9)ee, 2 think the )cientist has taken the illegal synthetic steroid and is making tiny alterations to it to try to correct the direct link to heart failure. ;hy reinvent the wheel6 "he synthetic was perfect, e cept for the fact that it caused heart failure. )o, if he can fi that problem, he4d have a remarkable commodity on his hands. 24m betting that the /*A scientists will find a different chemical makeup of the drug from +orey4s locker than from the drugs we took off the dealer in .iami. )omehow, 2 hope one of the changes will lead me to him. .aybe through a traceable chemical, something. 0e4ll make a mistake and 2 will be there to take him down.: 9;hy go through years and years of drug trials under the 8/A rules and regulations when you could make a fortune 7ust selling it as is now6: 92 don4t know. "hat4s what 24m trying to find out.: +ade listened to Annie and felt the cold settle into the pit of his stomach. "his guy was selling to kids, his kids, 7ust to make money, and only found these heart problems to be a side effect. 0e didn4t like it, but he4d have to delay and play ball with "revor =aylen for a while. 0e needed to find the boss and take him out before any more kids were killed, and he would bet the farm on "revor =aylen being the key to taking the boss down. 0e pushed off the arms of the office chair and stood in front of Annie. )he seemed so small ne t to him. 0e 7ust wanted to pull her to his chest and hide her from any danger she may be in because of his deal with "revor. 0e stopped himself from reaching for her though. )he would kick his ass if he didn4t treat her with the respect she deserved. )he wasn4t the only one who had gone snooping after all. 0is perusal through her records showed him that she was very capable of taking care of herself. 2t was 7ust hard for him to accept. 9+ome on. Bet4s go outside and talk.: +ade watched her nod and walk through the office door and head straight for the back patio. 0e took a !uick look around his living room and paused by the picture of him with his brothers and sister. 2t was slightly out of place. Annie saw the second he saw the picture. )he had angled it more than it originally had been. )he saw that now. )he also saw how he !uickly scanned the rest of the area for any other signs of her search. )he was so busted. 9"here is still one more !uestion 2 have for you,: +ade said to her. 0is voice only hinting at the anger he was feeling. 9<es6: Annie straightened her shoulders. )he wasn4t going to be intimidated by a little thing like feeling bad over an illegal search. 9;hat were you doing in my house6 2 can understand my office and the gun room, but what were you looking for6: 92 think you know what 2 was looking for.:

9;ell, are you satisfied that 2 am not dealing drugs to my kids, or do you need more time to search6: 9No, 2 don4t. "hank you for offering though. 2 will make note of your cooperation in my reports.: )he was being a brat and she knew it. )he should 7ust e plain it to him and then maybe he wouldn4t get mad at her. 2t always seemed like a man was mad at her for doing her 7ob, of course, and to be honest she never took the time to e plain herself. 9Book, +ade, 2 know you4re mad, but there is no reason to be. <ou know 2 have a 7ob to do. <ou4re the only one who should understand my need to make sure you are cleared before 2 move on to the ne t sub7ect. 2 know you weren4t selling, but 2 had to prove it.: )he watched as +ade processed her words. 9;ell, 2 guess that clears that up. 0ow about we go outside and have a glass of wine. 2 believe you owe me an answer.: 9An answer6: Annie asked, relief pouring over her. 0e understoodE he actually understood. 92 believe 2 asked you out on a date. "hen Barry, .oe and +urly interrupted your giving me an answer. )o, why don4t you contemplate your answer outside6: Annie almost 7umped at the ball of fur that popped up from behind the back of a chair in the living room at the word Moutside4. )he watched in stunned silence as he leapt out of the chair and ran toward the closed sliding glass door. 0e leapt up, his white furry paws hitting the sliding glass door at head level, his long, black coat swishing in the self5created wind as he leaned his whole body to the right. 0is big paws pushed the sliding door open as he fell from the air, the force of his fall pushing the door further open. @ustin landed on the ground and put his black nose through the door, and with a twist of his head pushed the door the remainder of the way open. Annie stared in ama$ement as @ustin trotted through the door and disappeared into the darkness. 90ow6: 9<eah, it4s pretty wild, but he4s always been able to do that. 0e 7ust 7umps up and slides it open.: 90e doesn4t look smart enough to figure that out. 0e kind of reminds me of a clown.: +ade handed her a glass of white wine and led her outside to the brown and green cushioned patio furniture. Annie sat down on the iron scroll chair and looked out into the night. "he lawn was dotted with various trees and bushes before opening up into gently rolling pastures outlined with black fences. )he closed her eyes and snuggled into the soft cushion, resting her head against the back of the chair. )he opened her eyes and looked up at the star5filled sky. Annie watched as he took a seat in the chair a few feet away from her. No wonder all the teachers in the break room swooned when he came in. 0is shoulders were wide, his stomach flat, and the way his 7eans sat on his hips forced her to think about wild nights in bedEoh no, she was getting sidetracked and she really needed to focus on the case. 2t didn4t matter that he was se y as sin, nice, great with kids, and obviously secure in his se uality. 0is dog did have a pink bow in his hair, after all. And it didn4t matter that he seemed to be the only person who understood and supported her theories on the case. But, those things didn4t matter. )he was here to do a 7ob, nothing else. 9)o, what are your plans now6: +ade asked, dragging Annie back to reality. 92 want to go to the gym in Be ington. )ee if 2 can 7oin and maybe tail =aylen. )ee if 2 can find the drop locations and also see if 2 can get evidence of him dealing.: Annie was also thinking about doing the same with the personal trainer. )ee if she could get close to him somehow. .aybe hire him to train her. 9No, 2 don4t think that4s a good idea.:

9;hat6 ;hy not6: /id he have a better idea6 )he watched as he leaned forward in his chair and set his beer on the table. 92t4s too dangerous. Barry, .oe and +urly may be amateurs, but =aylen is a pro. .ay 2 remind you, he4s also a pro who has already threatened you, a pro who knows what you look like and may be instantly suspicious if you are suddenly around all the time. 2t4s 7ust not a good plan.: )he watched as +ade ran his hand through his disheveled dirty blonde hair, his ha$el eyes hidden in the shadows. ;ell, maybe she was wrong. .aybe he didn4t get her 7ob. No, don4t 7ump to conclusions, she thought. 9+ade, you do know it4s my 7ob, right6 24m good at my 7ob. 2 have done tons of undercover work. 2 can easily appear at the club and blend in as 7ust another patron.: 9No you can4t. 24m telling you, =aylen is not some street thug you trick into selling some dope to you. 0e4ll know instantly that something is up. 2 won4t have you placing yourself in danger.: Annie bolted up from her seat, 9<ou won4t have it6: 9"hat4s right. 2 won4t have it. 2t4s a stupid move and you know it.: +ade leapt to his feet and grabbed Annie4s shoulders, pulling her towards him. 92 don4t want to see you in danger. ;hat4s so hard to understand6: Annie leaned forward even more, 9Bet me set the record straight. "his is my 7ob. 24m trained for this. <ou don4t get to tell me what 2 can and can4t do. /o you understand6 @ust because 24m a woman doesn4t mean 2 can4t go into danger, .r. ;ar 0ero, and do whatever else a man can do.: =reat, 7ust when she thought he was different he goes and turns into a patroni$ing 7erk. 9+an you write your name in the snow6: 0e shot her a cocky grin and she wanted to scream. 9/on4t demean me> 2 will do whatever 2 damn well please and that includes running head first into danger. <ou don4t have a say>: she yelled. "he grin fell from his face, 9"hen maybe 2 need to make myself clear,: he practically growled. +ade wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. 0e felt her breasts press into his chest as and her breathing falter as he lowered his head to hers. 0e captured her lips with a rough kiss. 0e ran his tongue along her teeth until she opened to him. 0is tongue surged into her mouth as he tasted her. =od, nothing was sweeter than his little agent. Annie pulled her head back and looked at his eyes flashing with desire. /amn. 0er head was still spinning from that kiss. 0e may be a patroni$ing 7erk, but he was a patroni$ing 7erk who could kiss. )he had to pry her hands from where they were clutching his shirt. )he balled her hand into a fist and planted it right into his desire5filled face. )he spun on the ball of her foot and headed towards her car, but not before hearing him laugh, 92t was a good right cross, but 2 can do better.: Arg> )he didn4t know whether to go back and show him her hook or to leap on him and e plore what she had felt pressing against her stomach. But sometimes a strategic retreat was necessary to win the war.

+hapter Nine +ade glanced at the clock. 0e had ten minutes until he had to get to practice. 0is assistant coach was warming the team up so he could finish grading the tests his freshman biology class took the other day. 0e heard heels clicking on the floor and looked up, hoping to see Annie, but it was 7ust )tephanie from across the hall. 90iya, +oach. =etting ready for practice6: )he was a nice enough girl. Nice enough that they went on a date about si months ago but nothing came from it. )he may be a chemistry teacher, but they had no chemistry. )he also always dressed spectacularly for school, which made +ade feel like a slouch wearing his black athletic pants for practice and a royal blue t5shirt with K0) across the front in white. 9"rying to.: 9Bless your heart> "hat eye looks horrible.: )he placed her finger on his chin and raised his face to get a better look at his black eye. 9;hat happened to your eye6 "here4s a teacher4s pool on trying to guess what happened,: she giggled. 9;ell, 2 wouldn4t want to give you an unfair advantage. All will be revealed when enough time for speculation to run rampant has passed and when everyone has placed their bets,: he laughed. 9?h> 24m sorry. 2 didn4t mean to interrupt. 24ll come back later.: +ade snapped his head from )tephanie4s grasp and right into the clearly pissed off face of the woman he couldn4t stop thinking of. 9<ou4re not interrupting. 24ll let you all talk. +ade, we4ll talk more later. 0ave a good practice.: Annie watched as )tephanie straightened up from leaning over the desk and thrusting her cleavage into +ade4s da$ed face. 9Bye now>: +ade watched as )tephanie strutted out of the room. ;hen he turned to look at Annie, he knew he was in trouble. )he stood with her arms crossed, which resulted in her breasts being presented to him. 0e heard her clear her throat. Uh5oh. )he4d caught him staring at her chest. 0e 7ust couldn4t stop digging himself deeper into the hole he was in. 92t4s not what it looks like.: /ig. 92 mean, nothing was happening.: /ig. 92 mean, she doesn4t mean anything to me. )he was 7ust looking at the nice shiner you gave me.: 9<eah, sure. Book, 2 7ust wanted you to give me a list of the players who were the closest to the three players who were using )&. 2 want to call them in first for a counseling thing 24m going to do with the players on peer pressure and drug use.: +ade glanced at the clock and saw he was already late for practice. 9+an you walk with me to practice and we can talk more about it6 1lease.: Annie gave a !uick nod of her head and headed out the door without him. Annie was so pissed off she would swear her red hair had turned into flames. )he was all ready to come forgive him when she spotted his face in the chemistry teacher4s breasts and her hands all over him. 2f only he had not spoken a word to her last night and kissed her, then she4d finally get laid. )he didn4t even want to think about how long it had been. But she couldn4t fool herself. )he wouldn4t have gone through with it. 2t 7ust wasn4t her style. "hey walked down the empty hallways winding toward the football field. Blue lockers lined the walls heading toward the double doors at the end of the hall. "hey pushed through the doors and into the hot summer heat. 0umidity engulfed her and held her tight as they made their way across the parking lot to the practice field.

9;hat the hell6: Annie didn4t !uite know what to think of the picture in front of her. "he players were in a circle, and inside the circle were two people dressed in large padded sumo wrestler outfits. 9"he guys were really down after our last loss so we thought it would be a good idea to have a fun practice. ;e4re still teaching tackling and blocking, 7ust as sumo wrestlers.: +ade grinned and watched his assistant coach belly bounce Ryan 0all across the circle. 9;ho is that6: Annie asked, pointing to the giant bouncing kids around with his sumo belly. 9"hat4s +oach 1arks. 0e4s the offensive coordinator.: "hey stood and watched as "rey *verett tried to block the belly but got flattened. +oach 1arks held up his hands in victory. Austin +olby nodded to the group, and on a yell the whole team leapt onto +oach 1arks. 1arks fell dramatically to the ground with the kids as he tried to throw them off of him. 9?kay then. <ou might need to rescue him. 24ll write down the names of the kids you recommended 2 start with and call my boss. 2 will let him know about the deadline you have tonight with =aylen and see what he wants you to do and also run my plan by him. 24ll give you a call later to let you know what to do,: 9?kay. Book, Annie, we need to talk. About last night.: 9<ou got practice, +oach. ;e can talk later.: )he cut him off and turned back to the building. )he didn4t want to hear that last night was a mistake, and she4d bet her 7ob that what he was going to say. D D D

Annie closed the door to her office and took a few minutes to stand in front of the desk fan she had bought to cool off. 0er office was small and windowless. 0er gray metal desk was covered with papers and student files. )he had no pictures on the walls, only generic college and university posters that were sent to her in the mail. )he had no plants, not even fake ones, and no personal items e cept for a pair of sneakers in case she needed to run after a kid someday. )he sat down on her cheap desk chair and picked up the phone to call )pecial Agent Romero. As she was patched through, she picked up the files of the students +ade had told her about. 8irst up was the !uarterback, Austin +olby. 0e was best friends with Bonner and the most likely to give her information. 9Romero,: she heard her boss snap as he picked up. 92t4s Blake.: 9;hat do you have for me6: 9Bast night the head football coach was snatched from the parking lot by a team of idiots.: A little laugh escaped as she remembered +ade retelling the story. 9<ou4re laughing6 2s he hurt6: 9No, far from it. 0e went along with it to get us information.: 90e knows about the investigation6 0ow in the hell does he know about an undercover investigation6: 9Ah. About that. <ou have your database up6: 9<es. But 2 don4t see how that has anything to do with how a high school football coach could discover our investigation. Are you sure he isn4t the boss6: 9<es. 2 have searched his desk at school and his whole house. "ype in the name +ade /avies. <ou have a higher clearance level than 2 do. .aybe you can learn more than 2 could.: )he heard Romero type in the name and waited while he was silent.

9@esus +hrist. A /istinguished )ervice +ross6 2s he for real6: 9)ure is. 0e also hacked the /*A database and discovered my identity and more within the first week 2 was here.: 9"hen 2 guess 2 don4t need to be worried about him being involved. 0e4ll make one hell of a witness if it ever goes to trial. )o, what did he find out6: 90e was taken to see "revor =aylen at the Be ington 2ron +lub and )pa. 0e thinks "revor is hired upper management from )cotland. "revor gave him a choice. No more )& testing, turn a blind eye to any locker room dealing, and get his top players into the Keeneston 2ron +lub and )pa for personal training with /evon Ross. 2f he chooses to do this, he gets a championship team. 2f not, then his dog and the women in his life, including his mother and sister, are killed.: 9?kay. ;hat else is there6: Romero asked. 92 have a plan. +ade gave me a list of kids who were close to the guys that tested positive for )&. 2 want to call them in for counseling on handling the pressure of sports and classes and bring in drugs and peer pressure.: 9"ell +oach to accept the deal this =aylen guy is offering. "ell him to pretend to turn a blind eye but document everything. 2 want intel that will lead us to the boss. Also, have him keep an eye out, and if anything gets too serious, and it looks like the kids are in danger, we4ll put a stop to it. ;e don4t want anything to happen to these kids. 2 want you all to watch, listen, learn. "alk to the kids, but don4t talk to them about )& specifically. =et to be their friend or at least not the teacher everyone hates. 2 want to learn the ma7or players in the drug trade. 2 want to know the dealers, the supplier, middle management, upper management, and the boss. 2 want all that information and all that evidence before we take down the ring. Because when we take it down, 2 want everyone in 7ail. 2 don4t want anyone left to try to take over the business and continue to endanger these kids.: 9<es, sir.: 90ow is the boy doing with the heart problem6: 9Better. 0e still isn4t back at school yet and may not be able to for a while.: 9?kay. 2 will send someone from the office to the rehabilitation center to talk to him. 2 will let you know what we get from him. <ou4re doing well Blake. +all in ne t week at the scheduled time.: 9<es, sir. =ood5bye.: Annie hung up the phone and put her feet up on the desk. +rap. )he had really wanted to act more aggressively, and she had a feeling +ade would not be happy with doing nothing to protect his kids. )he picked up the files on her desk and started reading them. )he wanted to know all about these boys before she began calling them in to talk to them. Annie put the file she was reading down and looked at her silver watch. 2t was past si o4clock. )he had probably missed football practice, and there was a good chance +ade was already gone for the day. )he stuffed some more files into her bag and ran out the door. )he raced across the parking lot and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that +ade4s )UC was still parked by the field house. )he pushed open the door to the locker room and wrinkled her nose. 2t smelled like sweat, dirt and grass. "he smell was overpowering. 9+ade6: )he peeked around one of the lockers but didn4t see anyone. )he went off in search for him, passing rows of lockers and benches. "here was a large meeting room with plastic chairs and a chalkboard covered with N4s and ?4s that took up most of the wall. 2t looked like she turned the wrong way so she headed back for the door and then kept going past it. )he looked down more rows of lockers until she saw a light coming out of a door at the

end of one of the rows. )he headed toward the light and noise reached her ears. As she neared the light, she heard singing, very bad singing. ;as that "aylor )wift6 No, couldn4t be. Annie paused to smile to herself as he continued to sing. )he walked through the door and fro$e in her tracks. +ade was singing alright, singing butt naked in the middle of a huge room with shower heads lining the three walls. 9?h my =od>: )he felt her cheeks go bright red at the sight of him. 0e was even better without his clothes on. 0is muscled arms, his chest sprinkled with dark blonde hair that came together in a tiny trail that led past his well5defined abs straight to hisE 9Annie, can 2 help you6: he laughed. 0e turned to her fully so she got an eyeful and then some. )he covered her eyes with her hands, more to hide the fierce blush than to prevent her from looking. 2t had been a long time after all, and this was, well, this was art and it deserved to be appreciated. 924m sorry. 2 was 7ust going to tell you about the conversation with my boss.: )he shifted her ring fingers slightly so she could peek out and study the artwork. 9?kay, so what did he say6: )he heard him chuckle, but she was really busy appreciating the artwork to look up and see his face. 9?h, um, he wants you to take the deal with "revor. 0e wants us to gather intel and evidence so we can bring the whole ring down at once. 2 know you won4t like it, but he does have a good point.: 92f there4s one thing 2 know how to do, it4s keeping my head down and gathering intel, even though all my instincts tell me to do something to protect the people.: /amn. 0e grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. )he dropped her hands and reali$ed why it was so hard for some guys to keep their eyes on her face, #cause his muscled chest was not allowing her eyes to go any further upward. 9;hat did you do for the Rangers6 Both my boss and 2 tried to access your whole file and we couldn4t. *verything is sealed.: 92t4s not sealed. 2t4s 7ust not written down. "he things 2 did were off the books. )urveillance, rescue, and well, things that may make the paper, but you4d never be able to connect it to the United )tates.: +ade shrugged and pulled on a t5shirt. 9;ell, 2 guess this isn4t as important as what you did, but you are saving an untold amount of children4s lives.: 92 know. "hat4s the only reason 24m going along with it.: Annie watched as he walked out of the showers and felt an odd sort of panic as she reali$ed she didn4t ever want him to walk out on her. And she certainly didn4t want .iss 1erky, the chemistry teacher, seeing what she 7ust saw.

+hapter "en Annie pulled on her K0) sweatshirt and clapped her hands together as "rey *verett ran for eight yards. "he crisp mid5?ctober air mi ed with the scent of leaves covering the ground, the noise of the band playing, and the crowd cheering was warming. 2t filled her with the feeling of being a part of something and she loved it. )he wasn4t so much in love with the fact that over the past si weeks she hadn4t gotten any closer to learning who the boss of the drug organi$ation was. 2t had been !uiet. No other contact with "revor, no thugs stopping by, nothing. )he had tried poking around at the +afH for the local gossip. )he did hear an interesting story of some drunken horse groomers riding a horse down .ain )treet, and teenagers tipping cows, but there was no talk of any drug use. "he big talk recently had been about the 0omecoming 1arade and game. And, what a parade it had been> *ach class built a float that carried its 0omecoming +ourt, and the football team had three floats. A lot of the area businesses built floats as well. Ashton 8arm had a float pulled by horses. 0enry Rooney shined in one of his suits on top a gavel5shaped float. 1aige /avies put together a /erby hat float for her store, )outhern +harms, and 1am =ilbert was dressed up as a referee on a soccer field float for the 1arks and Recreation /epartment. 1eople lined .ain )treet decked out in blue and white. "hey cheered the floats, waved to the people on them, and talked to all their neighbors. "he Rose sisters had set up an outdoor food booth and showed the 0omecoming +ourt what it really meant to hold court. *veryone in town made sure to stop by to pay their respects before heading home. "he town was e cited for 0omecoming. "he team had gotten off to a rocky start but had won the last five in a row. "hey had s!ueaked by in a couple of them, and it still looked like they were trying to find their groove, but a win was a win. +ade had told her that he didn4t know whether to be thrilled or horrified, thrilled they were winning, horrified that they still didn4t seem like a team after all this time. )he en7oyed their talks at night when he walked her home from their standing ;ednesday night dinner at the +afH. "hey would have dinner, and he would walk her home. "hey4d sit on the porch and talk about the team and her guidance counselor 7ob. 2t seemed like that was the only time they could talk. 2t seemed like every time she tried to talk to him at school, )tephanie would come and sit down and start chatting with them. *very now and then she4d see that flash of desire shoot across his face, but then it was gone before she could decide what to do about it. 2t really was better this way, though. )he had a 7ob to do and romantic entanglements would 7ust hinder her. Annie had been interviewing the team over the past months and had found a few kids that had more information than they were sharing. "eenagers. "hey always thought they were so smart. 2n reality, they were so easy to read. )he knew they were lying to her the second they started spinning their tales. "hey were so cocky that they hadn4t even noticed when she tricked them up on their story. No reason to lie about what you did over the weekend or what you do at the gym, but they did. Right now it looked like +ade was going to kill one of those kids. +ade had his hand in Austin +olby4s facemask and was forcibly trying to get him to pay attention while he e plained something. But even from the stands she could tell Austin was having none of it. 0is body language shouted defiance. 90ey. ;hat did 2 miss6: 1aige /avies slid into the seat ne t to her.

9;ell, +ade seems to be struggling to get Austin to do what he wants. ;e were down by ten, but "rey 7ust ran it thirty yards for a touchdown. "he fourth !uarter is about to start. ;hat were you doing6 <ou hardly ever miss a game.: 9+ole and 2 were in "ennessee visiting his mother. 2 made him turn on the siren so 2 could catch the end of the game.: )he grinned and Annie instantly saw the family connection. )he had gotten to know 1aige over the past couple of months. "hey sat together every game and sometimes .cKenna 7oined them. 2t was strange to have girlfriends. )he had never had any before. 9+olby> @esus, are you trying to kill me6 2 called a running play> Are you blind6: +ade screamed. 0e could feel his blood pressure rising more than it did when he was under enemy fire in Afghanistan when he rescued an ally prime minister who should have known better than to enter a war $one without having the area secured. 92 thought 2 was open for the run, so, it was still a running play.: Austin refused to look at him. 2nstead he kept his eyes on the cheerleaders. 0e had refused to take any criticism and instead blamed every other player on the team. +ade looked at the clock. "here were two minutes left in this game and they were down by three. 9?kay, now listen. 2 want you to call a slant rout to 0all. =ot it6: Austin didn4t bother to acknowledge him as he ran onto the field after practically tripping over his ego. +ade took a deep breath. "hey hadn4t been covering 0all very closely, and if +olby would actually pass the ball, 0all would make good yardage. "he ball was snapped. Austin stepped back to throw to a wide open 0all and tucked the ball and ran instead. 0e barely made it back to the line of scrimmage before he was taken down. 9"ime>: +ade yelled to the referee. "he whistle was blown and the team made their way toward the sideline. +ade took a deep breath and counted to ten. 0e would not kill AustinE he would not kill Austin, he chanted in his mind. 9<ou4re busting my rhythm, +oach. Bet me do my own damn thing.: Austin yanked off his helmet and glared. 924m going to say this once Austin. ?nce. )o help me, if you do not do what 2 tell you, 2 will run you to the ground at practice and then make you run more.: 9<eah, right. 2 am the best player on this team. 2 don4t have to do nuttin#.: 9"ry me,: +ade barely whispered as he hardened his ga$e. Austin rolled his eyes and put his helmet back on. 9)lant route to 0all. =ot it6: "he team lined up and the ball was placed on the line. +ade heard no noise but the whistle of the referee starting the clock. "he ball was snapped. 0all took off. ;ith a !uick stutter step he lost his guard and was headed for the end $one. Austin raised his arm back and threw the ball. 2t spiraled through the air and bounced off the ground on the opposite end of the end $one from a wide open Ryan 0all. "he crowd groaned as the band picked up. A loss that should have been a win. +ade was livid. "he team gathered around him for the post game prayer, all e cept Austin who headed straight for the tall /evon Ross in his +incinnati Bengals warm5ups and gold chains. +ade looked into the emptying stands and immediately focused in on Annie. )he saw it too. 9Amen,: 1arks said. "he team broke and headed for the locker room. +ade watched as "rey *verett headed straight for Austin. /evon nodded at him, and "rey sent him a look that could free$e 0ell. Austin turned to "rey, and "rey grabbed his 7ersey at the neck and dragged him by his pads away from /evon. +ade watched as "rey yelled at Austin until

something hit home, and Austin reached out and shoved "rey. "rey took a step back and then shoved Austin hard. Austin went flying and landed on his butt on the field. A couple of people in the stands clapped, and Austin hurried to stand up and stormed off the field in a huff. /evon came over to "rey and +ade figured it was time he got involved. 0e headed over toward them, but before he got there, "rey shot /evon the finger and walked to the locker room. +ade looked back to Annie and their eyes locked. "hey both understood what had happened. Austin was on )& and "rey knew about it and didn4t like it. )he had found her weak link, and he would bet "rey would be in her office first thing .onday morning. 9"ough loss +oach.: )tephanie saddled up ne t to him and slipped her hand through his arm. 92t4ll be okay though.: 9No, no it won4t. 24m watching my team implode.: 9But they were great> 2t was 7ust one bad play.: 92 wish. "hey4re aggressive and not listening to us. 2nstead they are fighting with each other and not using their heads. "hey have talent, but they 7ust need to get out of their own way.: 8orty5five minutes later +ade hurried out of the locker room. "onight settled it. 0e needed to see Annie and tell her they needed to work on this together. 0e was hopeful they could work together closely. "hey had been talking and getting to know each other more over the last couple of months, and what he discovered was that he liked her. "hey worked well together and he knew it. 0e looked out over the parking lot to where kids were getting in their cars, parents were chatting and tires were s!uealing. )!uealing6 +ade watched as a black *scalade turned down a row of cars and headed straight for him. "hey slammed on the brakes, and the steroidasaurus triplets from his last visit to the gym 7umped out with bats. =reat, 7ust what he needed. At least it wasn4t Barry, .oe and +urly. 9?ur boss said you were wavering on the deal we have. <ou better get out of the way of your boys. Boss is turning them into champs,: one of them said. 0onestly, with their tight white t5shirts and shaved heads they all looked the same. 9No, your boss is turning them into aggressive, egotistical teenagers who think they know everything. Book what it got us. A loss. "ell your boss he4s making the team implode.: +ade was so angry he had to talk himself out of beating them up then and there, staring parents be damned. 9"his is 7ust to remind you to keep your mouth shut.: Bats were swung, headlights were smashed, windows were shattered, and the hood was dented as they busted the )UC up. +ade rocked back on his heels and tried not to laugh. "hey had done it again. 90ey> ;hat are you doing to my car6>: +oach 1arks yelled as he sprinted towards them from the field house. "he triples fro$e and looked from 1arks to the car they were currently destroying. ?ne of the men, the one with the tattoo of himself on his forearm, at least +ade hoped it was of himself and not one of his buddies, pulled out a piece of paper. 9)ays he drives a year old Black )UC. "oyota.: ?ne the three men leaned forward to look at the front of the car. 98ord. ?ops.: 9/ammit, )teve. Boss is going to be pissed.: 0e shoved the guy he called )teve and then noticed 1arks was closing in on them. "hey began to push each other and trip over one another as they leapt back into the *scalade and tore out of the parking lot. +ade shook his head and tried not to laugh at the mess5ups the lackeys =aylen had sent continued to make. 0e looked at the damaged vehicle. 1oor 1arks, he wasn4t going to take this

very well. 0e loved his )UC. 0e fell to his knees in front of his broken headlights, his hands stretched up to the heavens and cried, 9.y Baby>: before collapsing into tears.

+hapter *leven Annie sat on the old floral couch and looked at the wall. )he put the glass of )angiovese down on the small, wood side table and leaned forward. )he had lit candles in the living room and poured a glass of wine in an effort to rela . )he hoped it would trigger something as she looked at the wall where she posted all the notes on the case. "here were pictures of the players with different color yarns attaching them to other players and pieces of evidence, but so far nothing was connecting them. "here was no common thread. @ust this afternoon she had received the information that )& had spread from Kentucky to 8lorida and now to "e as. )he had looked through the file before the game but couldn4t figure out how it had gone from .iami to 0ouston. 0ence the wine and candles. )he took another sip of wine and looked at the cases. "he only common factor was that the buyers were all high school athletes. ;ith a sigh, she slouched back against the couch. "his was what her 8riday nights had consisted of for years now, and boy it was almost as depressing as the fact she couldn4t figure out the connection in these cases. "he knock at the door surprised her. .aybe the Rose sisters had taken pity on her again and brought her some food. "hey had surprised her once a week with some home cooked goodies that made her e cited every time the door rang. )he did kind of feel like 1avlov4s dog, but if it was any more of the pumpkin spice cake that .iss Ciolet had dropped off last week, she4d happily drool. )uddenly giddy to see what goodie awaited her, she got up and hung the picture of some saint over her notes before bounding to the door and !uickly opening it. 90i.: ?h crap. "hat was not who she thought it was going to be. 90ello, +ade. ;hat brings you by tonight6: )he tried to hide herself behind the door. )he was wearing a pair of baggy flannel bottoms from Cictoria4s )ecret and an old 8lorida )tate t5shirt that was a si$e too small. )he had kind of filled out some since college. )he was definitely not in any kind of outfit to see +ade in, especially when she desperately wanted to apologi$e for the punch. 2t was a good punch, though, but he didn4t deserve it. )he knew that now. )he 7ust didn4t really know how to deal with men who might care for her, and she believed that he did care for her. )he was used to men putting her down, always thinking that because she was a woman she could not do what they did. "hey didn4t want to be her partner in the field because they didn4t trust a woman to have their back. "hey didn4t want to go undercover with her because they never thought she4d be able to pull it off. And they never wanted to hang with her after a case because she wasn4t one of the guys. 9)omething happened after you left that 2 thought you should know about. +an 2 come in6: ?h double crap. 0e looked so good in his 7eans and black pullover. ?f course, not as good as he looked out of them. )he took a !uick look down at her black flannel pants with pink polka dots and shrugged. 2t wasn4t like he was interested in kissing her again. 9)ure.: )he opened the door and waited for him step inside. 924m guessing what happened wasn4t too bad since you are smiling. +ome into the living room. 2 was 7ust having some wine and trying to find the common connection to all the cases that have appeared in Kentucky, 8lorida and now "e as.: )he walked into the living room and took the saint picture down, leaving him to follow. 0e stopped in front of the wall and took a !uick glance at it. 0e stood with his hands on his hips, the same hips that she had dreamt about straddling. )he downed the rest of her wine and coughed when it went down wrong.

9<ou okay6: +ade turned and asked. 9<es,: she croaked. )he took a seat on the couch and watched as +ade grinned. ?h, no, don4t do that. )he needed more wine to handle se y smiles. 9;ine6: she asked and bolted straight up. 9)ure.: 0e followed her to the kitchen and took the glass of wine she poured for him. +ade took a sip of wine to hide the smile on his face. )he was so flustered and it was such a good look on her. )o was that shirt she was wearing. 2t fitted her like a glove and outlined those breasts he desperately wanted to feel. 2t was a shame he would never get that chance. )he had made it clear he was to keep his hands to himself. 2t was strange for him. .ost women flung themselves at him and his brothers. As a result he actually hadn4t wanted to date anyone, anyone until the redhead sitting on the couch ne t to him punched him, that is. Now he couldn4t stop kicking himself for kissing her. 2t was a great kiss, but it had scared her off, and for that he4d always be mad at himself. )o, he was stuck longing for her from afar. 0e was nice when he passed her in the hall but didn4t impose himself on her. 0e looked for her every game but made sure she didn4t see him looking at her. =od, he was a mess. 9)o, what happened after the game6: she asked. 9Ah, the triplets came back for a visit on command from =aylen.: 9"he "hree )tooges6: 9No, the steroid triplets.: 9"he bald ones with no necks6: she asked. 9<up. "hey somehow found out 2 was unhappy with the team4s performance and came to remind me to keep our deal.: 90ow did they know you weren4t happy6: 9Anyone at the game could tell 2 was not pleased.: 9<es, but the triplets weren4t at the game. )omeone must have told them. And that someone is who we need to find.: 0e watched as Annie 7umped up and took a yellow inde card from the small side table and wrote out M.ystery =ame ;atcher4 on it and stuck it on her board with a link to =aylen. Annie stared at the wall for a couple more minutes, then sat back down on the couch. )he turned to him, 9;hat happened ne t6: 9;ell, this is where it gets funny. 2 walk out of the field house and start heading for my car. ;hen 24m about twenty feet from the car, 2 hear tires s!uealing. "he triplets 7ump out with bats and start destroying the car.: At her shocked e pression he smothered a laugh. 9But they destroyed the wrong car.: 0er hand covered her mouth and he heard a muffled, 9No>: 0er green eyes were wide in both horror and laughter as he watched the emotion play over them. 9;hose car was it6: she asked through her fingers still covering her mouth. 9+oach 1arks,: 9?h> 1oor 1arks> 0e4s such a nice man.: )he lowered her hand from her mouth and +ade couldn4t tear his eyes from her lush lips. @ust one kiss. "hat was all he wanted. 9;hat did +oach 1arks do6: 90e yelled at them and then they started arguing over what car they were looking for. Apparently the guy named )teve gave the others the wrong description. "hen +oach 1arks started yelling and running at them so they high5tailed it back to their car and took off. 1arks started to cry then.:

0e watched as Annie4s face turned red. 0er shoulders were shaking, but she wasn4t laughing. "hen as if erupting, she laughed. "ears started to roll down her cheeks as she grabbed his upper arm as she laughed. 92 shouldn4t,: she gasped out, 9be laughing. 1oor 1arks> But it4s too funny thinking of the guys messing up over and over.: +ade felt the rumbles in his belly as the laughter came. Annie4s face was bright red, and he placed his hand on her arm, 7ust as she was doing to him. )uddenly he wasn4t laughing anymore. "hey were close and touching, and her eyes were looking into his. )uddenly he didn4t know what to do. 9Um, more wine6: she asked as she broke eye contact and 7umped up. 9)ure.: 0e stood and handed her his glass, but she didn4t move. )he was standing right in front of him, and this time she met his eyes and held his ga$e. +ade watched as she leaned forward. ;as she going to kiss him6 No, she wouldn4t do that. )he made it clear, no kissing. But, she took another step forward. 0e felt the soft outline of her breast as it brushed against his fleece pullover. 0e watched as she tilted her chin up, offering him her lips. +ade didn4t know what to do, so he 7ust stood still, debating. Kiss. 1unch. Kiss. 1unch. 0e was debating when the choice was taken away from him. 0er lips met his. 0e felt her hesitatingly kiss him. 0e had to admit it wasn4t his finest kiss. 0e was 7ust too shocked to do anything. 8inally his baser instincts won out, and he felt all restraint leave his body. 2t was definitely worth another black eye. 0e opened to her then and felt her tongue tentatively seek entrance. "hat was his undoing. 0e was tired of being still. 0e wrapped her in his arms and pulled her against him. 0er body was so damn se y. )he was all lush curves and felt as a woman should. 0e applied more pressure to her lips and slipped his tongue around hers. =od, he wanted her, and wanted her now. "he couch was somewhere nearby, and all he cared about was getting her naked and e ploring the fullness of those breasts and the gentle curve of her hip. 0e took a step back and bumped into the small side table on the far end of the couch. "hinking it was the couch, he moved to sit down, bumping onto the table top instead. 0e put his hand out behind him to steady himself when his foot got tangled in the phone cord. 0e tried to kick it off, but instead lost his balance and fell back onto the table. Annie couldn4t believe she had done that. 2t was so obvious he didn4t want to kiss her. But, she4d been thinking of kissing him before he came, and it 7ust sort of happened. )he had never chased a guy in her life, but it seemed to work. 0e had wrapped his arms around her and the kiss had turned hot> And then it ended. ;hat the heck6 Annie opened her eyes and found +ade falling backward onto the table, the table covered with lit candles> 0e landed in the middle of the table, the action causing some of the candles to fall to the ground. Annie immediately stomped them out with her fu$$y socks. 9;ow. "hat was smooth,: +ade murmured as he righted himself. Annie was about to throw him a smile when she saw it. 9+ade> <our arm. 2t4s on fire>: she said slowly, not wanting him to panic and start running around making it worse. 0e looked down at his arm, and she was pretty impressed that his eyes didn4t even go wide. 0e slipped his arm out of the sleeve and pulled the fleece and the t5shirt stuck to it off. 0e folded it carefully, wrapping the shirt over the fire and e tinguishing it.

9;ell, that was convenient. 2 wanted your shirt off anyways.: )he shrugged and stepped forward to grab the smoldering shirt and toss it in the sink. 9Now. ;here were we6: 924m pretty sure 2 was about to do something like this.: )he felt herself be scooped up into arms. )he thought for a moment to fight it, but when had she ever let herself be treated like a woman6 No, she was going to en7oy it. 0e carried her through the door to her bedroom. )he felt right in his arms. 0e looked over her head and into the room and fro$e for a moment. A twin bed6 "hat was seriously going to limit his smoothness in bed. 92s everything all right6: 0e heard the nervousness in her voice. 0e would do whatever it took to banish any signs of nervousness. 92t4s perfect. Now, 2 think it4s unfair you have seen me naked, but 2 haven4t seen you naked yet.: 92 had my eyes covered, remember.: 9Biar.: 0e set her down and brought his lips to hers. )oftly, slowly he tasted her. 0e reached for her shirt and stripped it off before looking down at her. )he was gorgeous, and he was going to show her 7ust how ama$ing he thought she was. 0e ran his hands down her sides and over the curve of her hips. 0er skin was so soft. 2t was ivory and there was a sprinkling of freckles covering her shoulders. 0e leaned down to kiss them. 0e worked his way up the column of her neck and grew bolder when he heard her moan in satisfaction. 0is hands slid under the elastic band of her sports bra and cupped her breast. 0is hand got stuck, though, as he tried to remove it to help take off the blasted thing. )mooth, /avies, real smooth. 0e was so nervous. 0e knew it already. 0e 7ust wasn4t going to admit why it was so different this time. +ade slid his hands down her hips, under those cute pa7amas, and down her legs while he pushed them to the ground. 2t was going to be hard to make himself take his time. 0e felt himself losing control, something he prided himself in never doing. But getting a glimpse of her lush body was enough to snap any control he had left. 0is mouth came down on hers as he felt her fumble with his button as she tried to push his pants down. )crew control. 2t was overrated. "here was something to be said for uncontrollable se . 0e led her backwards a couple of steps and lowered her to the bed. New goal, to make sure she en7oyed it so much she4d forget to punch him. D D D

"revor =aylen looked out over his domain. "he gym was full, and the profits were up in both the legal and illegal incomes. All those thirty5something men down there getting wind of a new drug and thinking it would turn them into teenagers again had turned into a very profitable secondary market. /enial. 2t was a profit maker, that4s for sure. Before getting into )&, he had sold leftover biochemical weapons materials to middle5aged women, promoting the promise of youthful appearance. 2t was a great way to dispose of all the outdated weapons materials no longer selling on the black market. )&4s new secondary market worked the same way. .en hit their mid to late thirties, their wives started to have babies, and they were faced with the fact they were no longer eighteen. ?r, what he was seeing more of, was the thirty5seven year old bachelors trying to get laid at the college bars and being turned down

because they were too old. )& made them feel young again. "hey could lift more. "hey could run faster. "hey could trim up and get those si packs they always wanted. 2t all boiled down to denial. /enial you were too old to nail sorority girls. /enial you were too old to keep up with the high school players on the rec room basketball courts. /enial you were now a mature woman and had wrinkles. And what did all that denial e!ual6 .oney. At the knock on his door he turned to the video monitor that sat on his desk. 0is men were here. 0e pressed the bu$$er that unlocked the door and waited for them to file in. "he three men he had sent to remind +oach /avies to stay on track were staring at their feet. "he three imbeciles who had previously failed looked like they were gloating, for their failures were now being replaced with newer failures. "hey were all screw5ups. 2t was hard to find good drug soldiers these days. 92 got a call from Boss. )aid the wrong car was destroyed. Also said it drew a lot of unwanted attention from parents when the owner of the car started screaming and +oach /avies started laughing. /o you have anything to say6: 92 read the note with the information wrong. 2 don4t know why 2 thought it was a 8ord. "hey both looked the same and were parked near each other. 2t was my mistake, sir.: 9;ell, )teve, 2 respect someone who takes responsibility for his mistakes. But, because you made that mistake you will now be the carrier of the new shipments coming in. 2f you get caught, your punishment will be the 7ail time you get. 2f you don4t get caught, there will be no punishment.: =aylen took a seat in his black leather desk chair and pulled out the most recent sales information. 9"he latest orders are in. "his is a big order, )teve, so don4t mess it up. Remember, this is your chance. 1ick it up tomorrow and deliver it to our contacts at the +onvention +enter. "he 1ersonal "rainers of America are having their annual conference in Be ington this year. "hey4ll be arriving 8riday, and their product must be delivered to them soon after. 9Ross has really e panded our market with his N8B and trainer contacts. ;e will have new markets in =eorgia, +alifornia and New <ork by the conclusion of the conference. "e as is booming while 8lorida is holding strong. All in all, business is going well. 2f )teve manages the pickup and drop, we4ll all be looking at some bonuses.: 0e paused and let it soak into their dimwitted minds. "hey certainly had more in common with dumbbells than lifting. 0owever, they were loyal and you could never beat that. 9Now, back to our main problem. Boss says +oach /avies is wavering on his end of the deal. 24m afraid we need to send him a reminder of what will happen if he decides to no longer participate in our deal. /oug, you take your crew and make a little visit to remind the +oach of the repercussions of getting cold feet.: D D D

Annie hung up the phone with her boss after updating him on the case and begging for a rookie to be sent to the school for an assembly on drug abuse. 0e wasn4t too happy about it, but that was what rookies were for. )he had done thirteen assemblies when she was a rookie in .iami. .uch to her surprise she had really liked it. )he liked interacting with kids and being there for them, especially the ones she knew she could help. "his undercover gig wasn4t so bad. )he actually liked going to work although it was strange to not be armed. )he was getting used to it though.

A knock at her closed door had her looking up through the glass window to see who it was this late after school. 9+ome in,: she said when she saw "rey4s face. 9Am 2 interrupting you, .iss 0ill6 9 he asked with a slightly nervous look on his still maturing face. 9Not at all, "rey. ;hat can 2 do for you6: 92 need help.: 0e sat down in one of her visitor4s chairs as if the weight of the world were on his young shoulders. 9Are you in trouble6: )he4d be shocked if he was. 0e seemed the perfect young man. 9No, ma4am, but some people 2 know are doing something that makes me uncomfortable. 24m pretty sure it4s illegal and it4s affecting the team. 2 7ust don4t know what to do because 2 know they4ll be in trouble.: "rey pushed back a long lock of blonde hair that had fallen forward and into his eye. 9;ho will they get in trouble with, "rey6: 9"heir parents, +oach, and shoot, ma4am, 2 don4t know who else, but 24m guessing the police wouldn4t look too kindly on it.: 9;hat are they doing that could get them in trouble6 Are they in danger6: Annie held her breath. "his was it. 2t was her break. 2f "rey would 7ust un5shoulder some of the load, she could make her case. 92 don4t think they are in danger. At least they don4t act like it.: 0e paused and looked up at the ceiling before looking her in the eyes again. 92 7ust don4t know if 2 should turn them in and risk ruining the rest of their lives.: 9/o they know what they are doing is wrong or that it could ruin the rest of their lives6 2t seems if you tell me what it is, 2 can help you make that decision. <ou don4t have to do this all on your own.: Annie kept her ga$e steady but gentle. 9"hat4s it>: "rey bolted from his seat. 924m going to talk to them first. )traight up. 24m going to make sure they understand what they are doing to the team and what the conse!uences are if they get caught. 2 am the captain of this team, and 2 need to act like it. "hanks, .iss 0>: And with that her best lead walked out the door.

+hapter "welve Annie pulled the baked spaghetti out of the oven and almost cried for the first time in her life. "hings had changed, and she wasn4t entirely sure what to think about it. Almost a week ago she and +ade had made love for the first time, and since then they had been together every night. Usually +ade would pick up dinner after practice, and they would talk about their day and about the case. "hey would watch some television, which would inevitably end up with their clothes tossed around the room and them naked on the couch some time later. )he would then kick him out when it started to get late. "here was 7ust something about spending the night sleeping with someone that was 7ust too intimate and serious for her brain to handle. +ade seemed to take it well though and never complained when she started glancing at the clock. ?ne thing she had made clear was that there was to be no affection at school. )he didn4t particularly like the fact that people knew about her personal life and wanted to keep it separate as much as possible. 8irst off, she wasn4t one of those touchy feely people who liked public displays of affection, and she would never even think of doing that at school. )econd, she knew it didn4t make sense, but in her mind if you were in a relationship, it made you vulnerable. )he was vulnerable to speculation from her peers and friends and vulnerable to her enemies because they now knew her weakness. 2t also had the bad side effect of people 7udging her on her relationship as opposed to the 7ob she was doing. Annie stared at the burnt meal and began to try to scrape off the blackened top as she thought about when she was younger. ;hen she was fifteen, her foster mother had been a serial dater. )he had depended on man after man to give her an identity. )he would be so and so4s girlfriend, never herself. )he would depend on the boyfriend of the month to provide for her and in return she was his doormat. Annie had been mortified by it and had taken pains to always be the one in control and to never lose her identity in a relationship. As a result, she was more inclined to go on a couple of dates and then the relationship 7ust drifted away into nothingness. "he men usually were intimidated by her anyway and because of that tried to e ert control over her. )he would not let them make her fit their concept of a 9normal: woman who would sit eagerly by the phone waiting for them to call or who would do whatever she could to make him happy. )he always got a kick out of that. Being the simpering trophy girlfriend 7ust wasn4t her style. )he was too busy to worry if he called her or not. .ost of the time she forgot about calling him at all, and most of his calls went to her voicemail. But, as she scraped another burnt layer off her failed attempt at cooking, she reali$ed that this time was different. +ade didn4t complain about her 7ob. 0e didn4t complain about the fact she didn4t call him. 0e didn4t complain about the fact that when at school she wanted to keep it professional. 0e didn4t even complain when her fears surfaced, and she hurried him from the house when it got late. 8ears of those nights at the foster home always surfaced. 2t was why she couldn4t spend the night with anyone. Not reali$ing it, she stabbed the casserole dish with her knife as the flashback assaulted her. !nnie ulled on the old, ratty white undershirt that served as her nightgown and (u" ed onto the cot that served as her )ed. The thin "attress sagged under her slight for" as she ulled the "usky covers over her head. #he had turned twelve years old today, )ut no one knew it. *t was

(ust another night in +ell. #he,d )een at this foster ho"e for four weeks, and her only esca e was school that started last week. #he shared a roo" with two other girls, #tacy and #arah. They were )oth eight years old. #he was the )ig sister, and the girls looked to her to rotect the", )ut she couldn,t. #he had tried, oh, how she had tried. #he had received a )roken ri) for the effort along with a )lack eye and ro)a)ly a concussion, )ut she had never seen a doctor. The floor )oard creaked, and a shadow )locked the light co"ing under the door fro" the hall. +ell had arrived. #tacy and #arah stifled a cry and ulled the covers tight to their little chins. !nnie heard the door o en and closed her eyes. #he started working over the science ro)le"s fro" class that day and tried to )lock out the screa"s co"ing fro" the girls. The first night she was there she had (u" ed on his )ack and tried to sto hi" fro" hurting the". #he had saved the" that night, )ut she had )een so )adly )eaten that she couldn,t sto hi" again. !s she huddled under her )lanket that hadn,t )een washed the whole ti"e she,d )een there, she thought a)out her science teacher Miss -hite)uckler. #chool hadn,t started yet when she had arrived, and after the scars fro" her )eating faded, she had )een enrolled in school. Miss -hite)uckler would hel . #he was a tough )ut fair older wo"an who had taken a liking to her. #he knew no one else would listen to her. #ocial services thought she was a liar and sto ed investigating the clai"s of neglect and a)use she had told the" a)out. The so)s reached her ears along with the crack of the )elt. #he knew she couldn,t stand it any"ore. #he eeked out fro" the covers to eer at the )roken floor la" near her )ed. #he slowly slid out fro" the side of the )ed and onto the floor. +er knees scra ed along the rough hardwood floor as she crawled to the la" . The long rusted ole was solid enough to )e of so"e assistance. #he hadn,t )een la)eled a trou)le"aker for nothing, and this ti"e she knew what she was u against. +er fingers wra ed around the cold, iron rod as she cre t .uietly to the large figure facing the )ed. The girls, cries "asked the sound of her a roach. #he lifted the ole high and with all her strength )rought it down on his head. The sudden silence was deafening. The ounding of her )lood running through her )ody was all she could hear. #tacy and #arah stared at her with their eyes wide as they watched his )ody fall to the floor. /0ra) your thing. -e,re getting out of here,1 !nnie told the". The girls scra")led to gra) what little they had. #he ushed hard as she lifted the window and )oosted the girls through it )efore he could wake u . Miss -hite)uckler had found the" the ne2t "orning huddled under her desk in their night shirts when she had arrived at school. True to !nnie,s )elief, she had hel ed and had "ade sure charges were filed again her foster arents. !nnie had )een "oved to a grou ho"e and had never seen #tacy and #arah again, )ut she saw the" every night in her drea"s. Annie looked down at the casserole dish and saw that she had scraped the whole dinner into the trash can while she had been dragged back in time. 2t was her first attempt at making dinner for +ade, and it had failed miserably. )he had never even tried to make dinner for a man before. .aybe this was a sign that she wasn4t ready for such intimacy yet. )he picked up her phone and hit speed dial. 9Blossom +afH, what can 2 do for ya#6: 90i, .iss Ciolet. 2 need help.: 9?h, bless your heart, you tried to cook, didn4t you6: 9<es. 2t4s burnt to a crisp and +ade is due here any minute. ;hat do 2 do6:

9;e4ll take care of everything, dearie>: As .iss Ciolet hung up the phone she heard her yell, 90enry, don4t you move from that seat> 2 need your help.: Annie hung up the phone and smiled. "his town sure did know how to cheer her up. )he set the small table with two mismatched plates she had bought at a )t. 8rancis fundraiser and poured some wine. )he wasn4t surprised by the knock on the door. 2t was either the Roses to the rescue or +ade. 90ey there, se y.: Annie rolled her eyes, but smiled when she saw the takeout bag hanging from his finger. 91rince +harming here to save the day. Now, don4t 2 deserve a kiss for rescuing the damsel in distress6: 9@ust try it, Rooney,: came the cold voice. 9/ammit, +ade, you4re ruining a moment here.: 0enry winked at her and she laughed. 9"hank you, 0enry, for the rescue.: )he leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek. 9Now, go before you get into any more trouble.: ;ith a wink of his ice blue eyes, 0enry gallantly lifted her hand and placed a kiss right above her knuckle. )omething sounding rather similar to a growl reached her ears, and 0enry gave her a smile that told her he knew he was tempting fate and en7oying it. 9=ood5night, my dear. 2f 2 can ever be of assistance, you have my number.: 0enry shot +ade a cocky grin and then slowly walked down the stairs whistling. 9;hat was he doing here6: +ade asked a little sharply. Annie felt her eyebrows rise at his tone and turned to head into the kitchen. 9?h you know. 0e brought dinner by, so we had a !uickie on the kitchen table. Nothing out of the norm.: +ade felt his blood pressure shoot through the roof. 0e knew she was 7oking, but some primal instinct in him wouldn4t let him laugh it off. 0e wanted her so happy and pleased that she4d never think of another man again. 9;ell, 2 can4t be said to be outdone by 0enry.: +ade swept her into his arms and silenced her protests with a searing kiss. 0e lowered her to the counter and shoved the bag containing their dinner away from them. 0e planted his hands beside her and leaned over her, possessing her mouth. 0e pushed her plum5colored business skirt up her hips and stripped off her panties. 2f it was the last thing he ever did, he would make sure the only thoughts she had about this kitchen were of him. Annie stood on the porch and leaned into +ade4s goodnight kiss. "onight had been as close to perfect as she could ever dream of. /inner had been great. "hey had laughed, swapped stories and, well, she couldn4t forget about the kitchen se that had started on the counter, continued against the refrigerator before ending up with her laid out on the kitchen table and him over her. All in all, it was a spectacular night. 92t4s getting kind of late, isn4t it, .r. /avies>: Annie 7umped away from +ade at the sound of the authoritative voice. 92 was 7ust saying good5bye, 8ather @ames,: +ade chuckled. 9=ood5bye4s involve words, not tongues, .r. /avies.: Annie heard the amusement in 8ather @ames4 voice as he walked across the parking lot towards them after locking the church doors. )he still had the urge to cross herself as she tried to smooth down her rather mussed hair. 924ll see you at school tomorrow,: +ade said as he grinned down at her. 9)leep tight, and if you get cold, 7ust go to the kitchen to warm up.: 0e winked, turned and bounded down the steps after giving 8ather @ames a !uick wave. 9Now, my dear child, how do you feel about )eptember weddings6:

98ather> 2 thought priests weren4t supposed to gamble.: Annie couldn4t believe it. "hat stupid pool the Rose sisters had going was growing by the minute. 9=ambling on the holy sacrament of marriage is, 24m sure, e empt. 1lus, we really need a new roof for the church and winning the pot could help. Now, about )eptember.: 9=ood night, 8ather.: Annie shook her head and walked back into her house, leaving the little man standing at the base of the stairs by the statue of the Cirgin .ary. D D D

Annie had the files of the boys she thought were using )& pulled out and was looking over them for common connections. "he files contained the school4s file plus the ones she could pull off the federal database. 2t seemed that everyone in Keeneston had common connections. "hey all went to school with each other or attended the same church, were in the same Boy )cout troop, and often playing the same sports. )he was having a very hard time finding the type of illegal connections she was used to finding in .iami. "here they shared a 7ail cell, same probation officer, etc. "his was infinitely more difficult to connect. )he was also getting frustrated. )he felt as if she were missing something. )he knew the soldiers, Barry, .oe and +urly and then the steroidasaurus triplets. )he knew /evon Ross, the personal trainer, had to be the dealer, and "revor =aylen was upper management. )o, who was the real boss6 And why were they targeting high school boys6 ;ith Ross4s connection to the N8B, it 7ust didn4t make sense. "he pro4s had money and lots of it. 0igh school boys didn4t have money, and they didn4t win )uper Bowls, endorsements or anything else drug lords could use as blackmail for e tra income. )he leaned back in her chair to take a break and saw the clock on the far wall. 2t was already si o4clock> )he gathered her files and slipped them into her black leather satchel before turning off the lights and locking her door. Annie looked down the long, dark hallway and decided something was wrong. "he lights were normally not turned off until seven when the 7anitorial service got done with the cleaning. )he stopped and listened and heard the faint sound of voices making their way to her. )he couldn4t tell if they were male or female. )he slipped her hand into her bag and grabbed her mace. )he slowly made her way down the hall to the main intersection. "he voices had stopped, and she was having trouble deciding which hallway they were coming from. )he slowed her breathing to !uiet her body so she could listen better. "he hair on her arms stood on edge as the sound of high heels clicked down the hall to the right of her. "hey were coming towards her. Annie pressed herself against the small space on the wall with the intersection on her right and against the beginning of a row of lockers on her left. "he click click click of the heels echoed around her. "hey grew louder with each step as the person neared her. ;as this the boss6 ;as this a dealer6 2t 7ust seemed too strange for the lights to be out and the school deserted for anything good to come from this meeting. Annie rela ed her body and listened in order to time her attack. "here was only one person who fit that sound, and she knew she would be able to take her easily. "he woman neared and Annie shifted her body slightly toward the hallway. )he took in a deep steadying breath and on the e hale made her move. )he rounded the corner, keeping her right shoulder against the wall for protection in case shots were fired and wished she had her gun instead of 7ust the mace.

98ree$e>: Annie was startled when the woman let out a high5pitched scream and flapped her arms up and down as if she were trying to fly away. 9@esus, )tephanie> 2t4s me, Annie.: 9?h my =od> <ou scared me half to death. 2 heard someone down here and thought it might be kids getting into trouble. "hen you 7umped out, and 2 was sure 2 was going to die.: )tephanie had her perfectly manicured hand over her heart and managed to still look beautiful even though she was scared out of her mind. 92 thought the same thing. 24m sorry 2 scared you.: Annie had slipped the mace up her sleeve as soon as she assessed that there was no threat and reached for her bag. 9Are you leaving for the day6 <ou sure are here late.: 92 7ust finished grading papers. 2f 2 take them home, 2 get caught up watching television and end up not grading at all. )o, 2 stayed late and finished. Now 2 can get home and watch The Bachelor without worrying about grading.: )tephanie picked up a very cute +oach bag that matched her dark pink sweater set and slung the strap over her shoulder. 9;ell, 24m 7ust heading home, too. 0ow about we walk out together6: Annie waited for her to agree, and then they headed down the back hallway towards the teachers4 parking near the football field. 92 would have thought you would be getting ready for a big date or something. "here is talk that you are all hot and heavy with +oach /avies.: Annie wasn4t sure, but it sounded slightly snappish. 9No. No plans for tonight. 2 7ust thought 2 would curl up and watch some television too.: )he didn4t address the rumors of her and +ade. 2f it were up to her, no one would know about her personal life. Not that she was embarrassed about +ade. Really it was !uite the opposite. But then it made her have talks like this with people she didn4t really know. 9)o you two aren4t serious6: )tephanie nudged her and gave her a wink. 92 don4t know. ;e haven4t talked about it, so 2 guess not.: "hanks, 8ather @ames. 8or a priest he sure had a big mouth, and she was pretty sure these rumors originated with both him and the Rose sisters. 9 4+ause, if you were serious, 2 could give you all kinds of advice.: 9"hat4s nice, but not necessary.: ?h, this was getting bad. )he did not do girl talk. )he opened her bag and started scrounging around for her keys so she could get out of this conversation as soon as possible. 9<ou know, from when +ade and 2 dated. )o, if you ever want to have some girl time and compare notes 7ust let me know. 2t would be so much fun>: Annie paused mid5reach to her car door. )he had a feeling this was some sort of power struggle but not one she wanted to be in. )he4d ask +ade and see what really happened. 9"hanks, )teph. "hat4s real nice of you. But, like 2 said before, we4re not serious. 0ave a good night and thanks for walking out to the car with me.: Annie opened the car door and tossed her bag inside. 9?kay, well, the offer is open any time> Bye>: Annie 7umped into her car and took off before )tephanie could do more girl talk.

+hapter "hirteen 9Austin, what the heck are you doing6: 1aige screamed from the stands. 9?h, this is not good, not good at all,: 1aige said to her as she sat down. Annie agreed. 2t wasn4t good. "hey were playing ".0. .organ, who happened to be one of their biggest rivals, and were falling apart. Austin wasn4t listening to a thing anyone said and was pointing fingers at his teammates. 2n return, his teammates were ignoring him. 9;hat is going on with them6 2t4s as if two separate teams are out there. "eam Austin and "eam *veryone *lse.: 1aige sat down in frustration and glared at Austin4s back as he threw yet another incomplete pass. Annie watched as Austin began to yell at Ryan for missing the catch, when in reality the pass was nowhere near Ryan to begin with. Ryan had made some impressive moves 7ust to manage to get in reach of the horribly thrown ball. "he team did have athleticism, but they were 7ust not working together. 9Annie, you may want to go home right after the game and hide.: 9;hy would 2 do that6: Annie asked, alarmed at what 1aige said. /id +ade tell her who she was6 9 M+ause my brother is going to be madder than a bear with a thorn in his paw after this game.: 9?h, well, 24m used to men being pissed off. No big deal.: 9<ou deal with pissed5off men as a guidance counselor6: 9)ure. +ade may be able to throw a tantrum, but not nearly as well as a seventeen year old. "hen 2 get the pissed5off parents. )o, yeah, 2 think 2 can handle +ade in a snit.: Annie turned to look at 1aige as she started to laugh. 9A snit6: 1aige laughed. 92 have never heard the word snit associated with my brother before. "hat4s priceless.: Annie $ipped her fleece coat up and let 1aige have her laughs. )he knew the real reason +ade was pissed. 2t was obvious the team had talent, but )& was inflating egos and creating tension among teammates. )he cringed when ".0. .organ scored a touchdown, pushing the lead to seventeen. +ade threw his playbook to the ground and grabbed Austin by the horse collar when he tried to go out onto the field. )he couldn4t hear him from where she and 1aige sat, but she could read his lips and was pretty sure he 7ust told his !uarterback to sit his ass down on the bench for the remaining two minutes of the game. Austin tore off his helmet and threw it into the table full of water. +ups went flying and water shot through the air as he stormed off towards the locker room. +ade signaled his sophomore !uarterback to get out onto the field. "he poor boy couldn4t weigh more than a hundred and fifty pounds. But, there was no fear in his eyes as he took his orders and headed out into the huddle. Annie had always thought of herself as tough, but those last two minutes had aged her ten years. .aternal instincts she never knew she had came out in full force for little Bobby Rudd. )he had met with him to go over his grades at mid5term and was astounded by how smart he was. 0e had a 3.' and was signing up to take advanced placement classes on the recommendation of his teachers. 0e was skinnier than a rail and carried a book with him everywhere. 0e was a nerd and was putting himself in danger out on that field. Annie watched in horror as the huge, beastly linebackers shoved at the offensive linemen while trying to get to little Bobby. Bobby back pedaled with the ball and looked downfield. Ryan

was sprinting down the sideline. Bobby raised the ball and threw it seconds before a linebacker crashed into him, ramming him to the ground. Annie shot to her feet and gasped. 0e had to be broken in half. 1aige lunged to her feet, unconcerned for little Bobby who was surely dying on the field. 9+ome on, Ryan>: she screamed, forcing Annie to look downfield. "he ball was spiraling downfield right for the outstretched hands of Ryan 0all. Ryan managed to find another gear and leapt into the air, snagging the ball. 0e landed, twisted to avoid a defender, and kicked it into high gear again, running for the end $one. Annie turned back to see little Bobby standing whole and apparently unin7ured as Ryan ran in for the touchdown. Bobby smiled and casually headed to the bench as if throwing a forty5yard pass resulting in a touchdown was no big deal. )he didn4t think she could like the kid any more than after their meeting, but there were obvious sides to Bobby that she hadn4t even begun to know. "he last seconds of the clock clicked off, but even with Bobby4s heroics, they had lost by ten. 9+ome on. Bet4s go check on +ade. 0e looks ready to e plode.: 1aige grabbed her hand and tugged her down the metal stairs of the bleachers to the field. )he went straight to her brother and gave him a hug. 9Bobby>: Annie yelled as the boy started past her towards the locker room. 9Are you okay after that hit6: 9.iss 06 )ure 2 am. "hat4s what the pads are for. "hanks for coming out to watch the game,: Bobby said in a voice that was still high. 9<ou4re welcome, Bobby. "hat throw was ama$ing.: 9@ust physics .iss 0. 0ey, can 2 stop by .onday to go over that forensic book that you gave me6 2 finished it already. 2t was fascinating. 2 was hoping we could talk about it some more, and if you had any more criminal forensic books, 2 would love to borrow them.: 9)ure. 24ll bring a couple of my old te tbooks from college, and we can go over some old cases. /o you think it4s a field you would be interested in going into6: 92t sure is. 2 love science, but 2 can4t see myself in a lab. .aybe in the 8B2 or something where 24m out in the field. "hat would be cool.: 924ll place a call to 1aige4s husband to see if )pecial Agent 1arker can 7oin us. .aybe he would give you some tips. ;ith your smarts you could go into a speciali$ed branch such as behavioral analysis or biochemical terrorism.: 9"hanks, .iss 0> "hat would be awesome. )ee you .onday>: )he watched as Bobby ran off the field and gave his dad a high five and his mom a hug before heading into the locker room. +ade said good5night to his sister and walked over to where Annie stood staring after Bobby Rudd. 9/o 2 need to be 7ealous6: +ade whispered into her ear as he came up behind her. 9.aybe after he hits puberty. "hat4s one kid who is going to make a difference in this world. )orry about the game. And sorry for the frustration.: 92t4s getting worse. 2 don4t know how much longer 2 can turn a blind eye.: 924m hoping it will be over soon. 24m talking to Bobby again on .onday. 0e4s too smart to not know about what4s going on. .aybe 2 can find out some more.: 92 better get going so 2 can give my post5game breakdown. @ustin is spending the night with .arshall and his dog Bob, so 2 can spend a little time with you tonight if you don4t have other plans.:

)he turned to him and smiled. "hose emerald eyes sparkled and +ade couldn4t help himself. 0e leaned down and kissed her right in front of all the players, parents, and staff who had come out to see the game. 0e tightened his arms around her. 0e loved the feel of her in his arms, but he also knew she4d be mad. )he was not in favor of any touching in public, and he had gone and claimed her as his in front of the whole town. )o, he held her close in hope that she couldn4t get off a good punch. 9?kay, 24ll see you tonight,: he heard her muffled voice say from where he had pressed her head to his chest. 0e released her slowly, surprised by the lack of reprimand, and smiled. ?h, yea, she liked him> 9Be safe going home,: she rolled her eyes as he watched her head for her car. 9)o, that4s what you4ve been busy doing after practice,: +oach 1arks chuckled. 9;hat do you think of /ecember6 2t4s a romantic month, isn4t it6: 90a5ha. +ome on, let4s go see if we can salvage this team.: +ade didn4t know if he could or not, but he was going to try. +ade pulled open the cold steel door to the locker room and walked down the hall to the meeting area where the team met after games. "he usual noise of fifty5seven boys talking about the game, girls, and the start to the weekend was absent. 2nstead only one voice rang out. +ade stood at the open door and stared into the meeting room where "rey *verett was up by the chalkboard addressing his teammates who were sitting in the blue chairs waiting for the post5 game breakdown. 92 don4t care what your e cuse is Austin. <ou know that you are not playing as part of the team. <ou want to go to college on a football scholarship F we all do> But you won4t get there by yourself. 2 know what you are up to. 0ell, this whole team knows what you and the others are up to and we4re saying we4re not putting up with it anymore. *verything we do has conse!uences and if you all continue down this path, 2 will turn you in myself. 8urther, if things don4t change right now we will refuse to go on the field with you.: Austin shot up, his long hair wet from sweat sticking to his head, 9<ou can4t do that to me. 2 can4t afford to go to college without a scholarship>: 9;e know. )o, what4s it going to be6 Guit )& and re7oin the team, or have Bobby here start for you6 0e sure did a good 7ob tonight, didn4t he6: "rey leveled Austin with a stare and held it. "rey may be one of the nicest guys +ade knew, but he was also one of the toughest when pushed, and it looked like Austin had pushed him to his limit tonight. Austin sat on the chair deflated. 92 thought 2 was helping the team.: 9<ou4re tearing it apart,: Ryan said as he stood. 92 may only be a freshman, but you all know what 2 want6 2 want a championship. 2 want to see the town plastered with posters announcing the new state champions and our name on the water tower. 2 know we were given no chance at winning this year, but if we play as a team, we can do it.: +ade waited, not wanting his presence to be known as the boys murmured their approval. 9)o, Austin, what do you say6 Are you with us6: "rey asked. "he room !uieted down and all eyes turned to his !uarterback. 9All the way to )tate,: Austin smiled. "he room erupted in a chant of 9)tate> )tate> )tate>: +ade walked into the room after a moment of celebration and waited for the boys to !uiet down as they saw him head to the front of the room. 92 guess 2 missed something6: 9Nothing much +oach. ;e 7ust made a pledge to work together all the way to )tate,: "rey said from his seat.

9)ounds like a good pledge. Before we can make it to )tate we need to look at what has been working for us and what hasn4t. 0ow about a late night tonight gentlemen, and then some hard practices ne t week so we can show our opponents we4re not letting anything get in our way. M+ause, if we win ne t weekend, we can finish second in the division and be in a good position to make a play for the championship.: +ade watched as the same players who last week couldn4t wait to leave, leaned forward in their chairs to get a better view of the breakdown. Not a single person complained at staying late, and not a single person looked at the clock as they went over the game.

+hapter 8ourteen Annie changed out of her 7eans and into her black, winter running pants. "hey were soft, comfortable, and perfect for a crisp night like this. )he pulled on her Keeneston 0igh sweatshirt and headed for the kitchen. )he opened the small microwave and took a sip of the hot chocolate she had made. 2t normally took +ade about an hour to finish up after a game, so she e pected him any minute. )he grabbed her 8lorida )tate fleece blanket and headed for the porch. )he would 7ust snuggle up in one of the chairs outside and wait for him. )he took a seat on one of the two chairs and took a deep breath of the clean air. "he smell of turning leaves and lit fireplaces was so different from that of the sea air, pollution, and fruit that was .iami. "he stars were bright in the dark sky and for once she felt at peace. 0eadlights turning into the parking lot drew her ga$e from the stars to the speeding black *scalade that s!uealed to a stop in front of her cottage. )eriously6 )he was finally feeling peace, dammit> "he doors opened and the three men who had attacked +ade on the sidewalk a couple of months ago 7umped out. 9+an 2 help you boys6: )he was so not in the mood for this. "hat 7ust went to show how the slower country lifestyle was affecting her. )he had always been in the mood for a fight in .iami. 9<ou pissed off the wrong person, lady,: the one with the receding curly hair and the 1layboy Bunny tattoo on his forearm said. ?f course they weren4t wearing coats. "hey had two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle to keep them warm. 9.e6 2 don4t remember pissing anyone off. 0mm, 2 did cut off old .r. Byons the other day, but he was going twenty5five in a fifty5five, and 2 really didn4t want to drive all the way to Be ington behind him. Are you boys his great5grandsons6: +learly not knowing what to say, they paused in their approach and looked at each other. 9Um, we got a message for your boyfriend.: Barry tried again. 2t was hard to take him seriously. 0e really needed to cut his hair. 9?h, should 2 get you a piece of paper to leave a note on6: she asked sweetly. )he took a sip of hot chocolate to hide her smile. )he watched over the edge of her mug as the one she called .oe tripped over the Cirgin .ary statue and fell face first into the bald one she called +urly. Annie stood and shifted toward the railing and the small garden gnome dressed as a priest that stood in front of a large fern. Barry had turned and glared at .oe and +urly who were stumbling their way up the stairs towards her. 9?h dear. 2 would take that as a sign.: 9A sign6: .oe asked 9)ure. 2 mean, you were tripped by the Cirgin .ary. <ou may want to go to church or something.: Annie went ahead and crossed herself for good measure. "he action caused the men to pause and stare at the statue. )he pulled her cell phone out and hit the record function. )he set it on the rail and reached out to grab the gnome priest. )he had him hiding behind her back before the men turned around. 9As 2 was saying, we got a message for your boyfriend that we need to give him.: Barry tried again. "his time he was doing a pretty good 7ob at his intimidating scowl, but the clear lack of intelligence in his eyes 7ust made her think of a bad off5off5Broadway actor. 9And that message would be6: she asked politely.

9"hat he needs to remember the agreement he made and keep his mouth shut. Now, this will only hurt a minute. )orry about this. <ou seem like a nice enough lady,: Barry told her as he advanced toward her. 92t4s okay. 2 guess you4re 7ust doing your 7ob forE.: )he arched her eyebrow !uestionably at Barry. 9.r. =aylen.: 9)hut up>: .oe hissed as he hit Barry. 9;hat6 0ow is she supposed to know who the message is from if we don4t tell her6: "hat caused .oe to pause, and he looked to +urly who nodded as if it made all the sense in the world. 92s +ade going to remember this agreement6 2 mean, he does all this work at school and then with the team and on his farm. 0e makes agreements all time. .aybe you should tell me what the agreement is so 2 can remind him. 24m sure he didn4t mean to forget it, but he 7ust has so much going on.: )he watched the guys look at each other again and shrugged. "his was going to be easier than she thought. 9"ell him to keep his mouth shut about the drugs or his mother4s ne t. Now, come here and don4t scream. ;e4ll 7ust make it worse if you scream.: Barry took another step toward her. 924m afraid 2 am rather fro$en in place by fear. <ou are very scary men, and 2 fear 2 can4t come to you.: 9"hank you, we4ll come to you then.: Barry gave .oe and +urly a nod and waited for them all to get on the small porch. "hey had to walk single file to where she was standing at the railing. )he tightened her hand around the priest gnome4s head and waited for Barry to reach her. ?ne more step. Now> )he tossed her hot chocolate mug at Barry4s face. 9?w>: "he mug hit him s!uare in his large nose. Using her left hand, she swung the priest gnome in a large arc and connected with Barry4s receding hairline. Barry dropped instantly to the ground. Using the momentum of her swing, she brought the little gnome back up with an arcing backhand, hitting +urly under the chin and dropping him unconscious to the ground on top of Barry. 9Amen,: she said to the little priest. 92 told you. <ou should have taken the fact that you tripped over the Cirgin .ary as a sign.: .oe looked a little hesitant, but was tougher than she gave him credit for. 0e launched himself over his downed comrades and hit her s!uare in the stomach. "he impact sent her flying backwards onto the wood porch floor as the priest gnome sailed through the air and into the bushes. 9Umph.: "he wind was knocked out of her as all two hundred and fifty pounds of dumbass landed on her. )he opened her mouth to suck in some air as .oe got to his feet. ;ith one booted foot, he pulled back and struck out at her midsection. )he curled into a ball and the hit reverberated up to her arms. 0e brought his leg up, intending to stomp on her side. )he waiting until his leg was high in the air, making him the most unstable. )he kicked out with her upper leg and made contact with his knee. Not having both feet on the ground, he teetered and fell backwards. Annie didn4t waste any time. )he scrambled to her feet and leapt over the pile of dumbass, trying to grab the chair to swing at him. Before she could reach it, he dove and caught one ankle, sending her crashing to the ground 7ust short of the chair. )he kicked out, making contact with his face, but he didn4t let go. 0e got to his knees as she continued to kick as hard as she could at the arm holding her in place.

0e may be stupid, but he was strong. )he couldn4t pull free. 0e leaned over her, and she made contact with his gut only to have him punch her. )he had been able to throw up a block that deflected the punch from shattering her nose, but she4d have one heck of a bruise on her cheek. 0er teeth even hurt after that punch. "hinking he had brought her into submission, .oe stood and reached down to pick her up. )he brought her knees to her chest and !uickly kicked out with them. )he hit him hard, s!uare in the chest. "he force sent him stumbling backwards and into the railing. Arms pinwheeling, .oe lost the fight with his balance and fell backwards off the porch. )he went to stand, but everything swam in front of her. )he prepared for another attack from .oe, but it never came. )he grabbed the chair to steady herself as she slowly stood. ;hen the swimming stopped, she made it to the rail and looked over. "he Cirgin .ary stood resolute over the immobile .oe. A smudge of red blood on top of her head was the only evidence of what had happened. )he had told him it was a sign. Annie found herself crossing herself again. Biving in a priest4s home was starting to affect her, she decided, as she reached for her phone. )he narrated what she had seen and then stopped the recording. )he punched in the number to Romero4s cell and waited for her boss to pick up. 9"his better be important,: was his gruff answer. 92 7ust had a visit from three of =aylen4s men.: 9And6: 9And they are unconscious on my porch. ;hat do you want me to do with them6: 9/epends. /id you get anything good out of them6: 9<eah. 2 recorded it all. *ven their saying what the deal was between /avies and =aylen.: 9=ood. *mail it to me then call local authorities. 0ave them arrested for trespassing only. "hey4ll get bailed out with little fuss. 2 doubt they4ll tell what really happened and that will help keep =aylen in the dark. 2f the police say anything about assault, tell them you found them like this and 7ust assumed they were drunk. Assaulting a lady will make too much noise, and =aylen will most likely lie low for a while.: Annie paused for a second and listened to the background noise. 2t sounded like he was watching a British film. 90urry up Cin. this is the best part,: she heard a woman shout. 9)ir, are you watching Pride and Pre(udice6: 9No>: 9Really6 M+ause it sounds like Bady +atherin de Bourgh 7ust arrived at the Bennett house and that really is the best part, well, besides the whole +olin 8irth in the pond scene.: 9)hut up, Blake. 2t4s date night. +all the police, email me the recording, and don4t mention this again.: Before she could tease him more the line went dead. @ust three minutes later a Keeneston +ounty )heriff4s cruiser pulled to a stop in front of the cottage where she sat on the steps waiting. "wo men emerged from the cruiser. ?ne was tall and lanky, probably early forties. "he other was younger but much shorter and had the beginnings of a mustache. 90iya, ma4am. ;hat happened here6: 90i, 2 don4t really know. 2 think the men were drunk and came here for some reason. .aybe they e pected 8ather @ames and wanted to confess. ;ell, two are passed out up there, and this one looks like he tripped, and when he fell, hit the Cirgin .ary.: "hey looked at her strangely, and she was worried for a minute they were going to !uestion her further or ask why her cheek was swollen and starting to turn color.

9<ou4re Annie 0ill aren4t you6 +ade4s girlfriend6: the short one asked. 9;ell, we4re right pleased to finally meet you> 24m /inky, and this is my partner Noodle. ;e4ve heard so much about you.: 9<ou have6: "hey wanted to talk to her about +ade and not about the three unconscious men6 .aybe she had gotten hit harder than she thought and was hallucinating. 9+an 2 ask you a serious !uestion, ma4am6: Noodle asked in a slow voice full of twang. 9Um, sure.: ?kay, here was the interrogation she was e pecting. 9;hat do you think of .arch6 2t4s such a beautiful month to get married. @ust the start of spring, new beginnings and all that stuff.: Annie stared at Noodle and could hardly blink. Apparently wedding pools were big business in Keeneston. 9Um. ;hat about these guys6: )he gestured to the men who were starting to stir, their moans reaching their ears. 9?h, don4t worry about them, ma4am. /inky, can you take care of them6: 9)ure, 7ust talk loud so 2 can hear ya#.: )he watched /inky head off to the men and start to cuff them as he read them their .iranda warning. 9)o, .arch is a nice month, isn4t it6: 9)eriously6 ;hy does anyone care who +ade4s dating6: "his really was very pu$$ling to her. 9;ell, gee$ ma4amE.: 98or the love of =od, stop calling me ma4am. 2t makes me feel old.: 9<es, ma4am. 2 mean, yes .iss 0ill. Anyway, +ade has been chased after by ever girl in the county from the ages of si teen to eighty. 1robably half the ladies over in Be ington too.: 90e4s what they call a catch,: /inky yelled over. Annie rolled her eyes and sat back down on the step as /inky started to load the barely conscious men into the cruiser. 9)ee, he never dates seriously. 2n fact, he and his brothers usually run in the opposite direction of any single lady.: Noodle became serious, or at least she thought he did. 0e leaned closer to her and in a hushed tone asked, 9)o, how did you do it6 0ow did you catch him6: 92 don4t know. But, maybe it had to do with the fact that 2 was never chasing him to begin with.: 9;hat she say6: /inky yelled from placing a slightly bloody .oe into the cruiser. 9)he said it was because she wasn4t chasing him,: Noodle shouted. 9"hat4s deep,: /inky mumbled as he closed the fully loaded cruiser. 9<ou know, that makes sense, ma4am. 2 mean .iss 0ill. 2t4s 7ust like noodling a catfish. <ou wiggle your finger, but it4s the fish that has to come to you.: 9/ang, Noodle. "hat4s very philosophical.: /inky came to stand ne t to Noodle, his hands resting on the big, black utility belt around his waist. 9* cuse me6 Noodle, fish, finger6: ;hat the hell were these guys talking about6 ;hatever it was, they apparently thought it made perfect sense. 9<ou know, noodling.: Noodle looked at her as if she were speaking a foreign language. 9<eah, noodling,: /inky chimed in ever so helpfully. 924m sorry, boys. 2t4s been a long night. .aybe you could tell me what noodling is.: 9)he is from .iami. 2t4s not like it4s really the )outh,: /inky told Noodle, who readily agreed. 92t4s when you catch a catfish with your bare hands. <ou find their hole and stick your hand into it, wiggle your finger so the fish bites it, and then you pull the catfish out.: 2f he had been a teenager, he would have added, Mlike duh4.

Annie didn4t know how to respond, so she didn4t. )he 7ust found herself looking back and forth between the two of them. "hey reminded her of golden retriever puppies, and she had the odd sense to pet and cuddle them. 9/o you think that4s why 2 have trouble dating, /ink6 .aybe 2 7ust need to let them chase me.: 92t4s worth a shot.: 9"hanks, .iss 0ill. 24ll give it a try. 2f it worked on +ade, it4s good enough for us to try, huh /inky6: 9)ure Mnuf.: 90ave a good night, ma4am. )hoot, .iss 0ill, don4t forget, .arch is the perfect month for a wedding. @ust make sure it4s after the N+AA tournament. 2 think we4ll go far this year. =o Big Blue>: Annie waved good5bye as they got into their cruiser and took the "hree )tooges off to 7ail. )he needed a drink. ;hat was Big Blue6 )he had been afraid to ask after stupidly asking what noodling was. All she knew was she wanted to get inside, get warm, and put an ice pack on her swollen cheek.

+hapter 8ifteen +ade ran the film again for the players. "hey had been there for two hours and it was close to midnight. +oach 1arks had gone outside and told all the parents that the team wanted to stay and work on preparing for the playoffs. Between upperclassmen and the coaches, all the kids without cars would be driven home. 9+oach6 <our phone is bu$$ing again.: 9"hank you, 0all. @ust ignore it.: 9But, +oach, it4s the third time it4s gone off in under a minute. 2t4s probably important.: +ade snatched up the phone and looked at the caller 2/. 0e didn4t know who was calling, but it was a local number. 9<es,: he snapped as he pressed the answer button. 9+ade6 Noodle.: 9Kinda busy here. +an 2 call you back tomorrow6: 9?h, sure, sure. 2 didn4t really need to talk to you. 2 7ust thought 2 should let you know 2 7ust came from haulin4 three big fellers off .iss 0ill4s property. )he was fine, but there was one heck of a bruise forming on her face. Books like something real nasty went down there although she4s only claiming trespassing. 2 figured it was best not to push.: +ade fro$e. Bruise, three men, this was serious. 92s she okay6 Are you sure6: 9No. "hat4s why 24m calling you. .iss 0ill is real nice, but 2 take it that she is a real independent type. )he tried to feed us a line that three guys were 7ust passed out drunk as she sat there with a swollen cheek, and the way she moved showed a tender midsection also. 8or all she wants to appear innocent, she beat the crap out of these guys and 24m beyond impressed. 0owever, she is choosing to keep us in the dark. )ince she4s your girlfriend, 24ll respect that. @ust call us if you need us. But, if 2 were you, 2 would be heading over there right !uick to check on her.: +ade4s heart had stopped beating as soon as Noodle had told him about Annie being in7ured. 9"hanks, Noodle. 24ll go over there now.: +ade ended the call and turned to his team. 924m sorry 2 have kept you guys so late. 2t4s about time for you all to head home. Upperclassmen please give at least one of the lowerclassmen a ride home. 24ll see you for practice on .onday. * pect to stay late. ;e have a championship to win>: "he boys cheered and headed out to the parking lot as +ade grabbed his things and sprinted to his car. 2f only he had been there. 0e should have been there. "his was all his fault. 0e was nauseous at the thought of the fear she must have gone through with three men attacking her. 0e knew she was trained, but still, three men> 0ow did she take down three men6 2t didn4t matter that she had. 0e should have been there. 0is phone rang, and he opened it immediately as he tore out of the high school parking lot. 9Annie6: 9No, it4s /aisy .ae. ;here in all of @upiter are you6 ;hy aren4t you with Annie6 0ow is she6: 92 don4t know. 2 7ust got the call from Noodle. ?n my way there now. +all waiting, it may be her.: 9=ive her a hug for me.: 9Annie6: 0e was desperate to hear her voice. 9No, but speaking of Annie, why weren4t you there to help her. "hree men, +ade> "hree> 2s she okay6: his sister4s chiding voice asked. 92 don4t know, 1aige. 24m speeding there now.I

I;ell, give her a hug for me.: 90ow is every one finding out about this anyway6: 2t wasn4t like Noodle to spread gossipE much. 98ather @ames saw the lights and went to check it out. 0e called @ohn ;olfe, who called all the Rose sisters. .iss Bily called Kenna, who called /ani who called me. <ou know, the norm.: 0e should have known. "hat was the normal grapevine chain. 9+ade. /on4t smother. )he won4t appreciate it if you do.: 92 never smother.: 0e heard his sister give a little snort and hang up. ?kay, maybe sometimes he smothered. 0is tires skidded as he took the turn into the church parking lot too !uickly. "he little cottage was lit up, but nothing appeared out of sorts. 0e tried to pay attention to 1aige4s advice and slowly walked up the steps. 9?h> 2t4s you. 1ost5game breakdown run late6: +ade almost 7umped at the sound of Annie4s voice coming from somewhere nearby. 9Annie6: 0e looked around on the porch but didn4t see her. 9/own here.: 0e leaned over the railing and saw the bushes move. 9;hat are you doing down there6 <ou should be in the house, with the doors locked, and a medic looking after you>: ;hoops. ;ell, he had tried to take 1aige4s advice at any rate. 8rom the way her hands went to her hips, he guessed she didn4t care that he had made an effort to remain calm. 924m looking for something.: )he turned her back to him and disappeared back into the bushes. 9)hoot, Annie, 24m sorry. 2 was 7ust so upset when 2 heard that you had a visit from =aylen4s people. 2 should have been here to protect you.: 9Ah5ha>: )he popped back up, holding up a gnome that looked suspiciously like a priest. 90ate to burst your bubble, but 2 didn4t need you. 2 had him. 0e took out Barry and +urly.: +ade watched as she came up the stairs and turned to him. 0is fists clenched in anger as he saw the massive, swollen bruise on the side of her face. 92 could have protected you from that.: Annie felt her temper rising as she put the little gnome back in place. 0er face throbbed, her side ached, and he was spouting macho bull when all she really wanted was a hug. )he didn4t know which made her more upset, that he was pulling his protection act or that she needed him to hug her. "onight had taught her one thing. )he was tired of being alone. )he was tired of working so hard and then coming home to an empty house with no one to share her day with. 2t frustrated her. )he had never felt these desires before, and she wasn4t !uite prepared to handle them )he loved the se with +ade, but she found herself wanting more of the moments they snuggled on the couch watching a game, laughing and talking. )he turned around from where she had place Bil4 @im, her new name for the priest gnome, and looked at +ade. 924m sorry, )parky.: +ade4s shoulders slumped as he took a seat in the chair by the door. 92 7ust can4t seem to stop myself from being an overprotective ass.: 9;hat6: /id she hear him right6 An apology and an endearment. )he was pretty sure she had never received either of those before. 2t felt nice. +omfortable. 9/amn, 24m out of my element here. 2 care for you. <ou have to know that. ;hen 2 heard you were hurt, 2 7ust blamed myself for not protecting you.: 0e held up his hand to stop her from speaking. 92 know. "rust me, 2 know you are more than capable of taking care of yourself. 2 have seen you in action and 2 have read your file. None of it matters to me. 2 trust you to have my back

in a fight, but it still doesn4t mean that 2 want to see you in a fight. 2t goes against every instinct 2 have to think of you being hurt and not wanting to prevent it. 1lease tell me you understand.: Annie looked at him. 0is speech had been firm, unyielding, but his eyes seemed to implore her to understand. )urprisingly, she did. "he trouble was she had those same feelings for him. )he wanted to protect him. "he meaning of that protective feeling and the warm feeling that came over her when he said he cared about her was 7ust too much for her to contemplate. ;hat she did know is that she understood and couldn4t be angry at him for acting the way he did. 9<es, 2 understand. <ou4re a good man, +ade, even if you do call me )parky.: )he winked at him and opened the front door. 9;ant to come in6: 9)ure. But, it4s pretty late and you need your sleep.: 9;ould you stay the night6: Annie bit down on the right corner of her lower lip. )he knew it was a big step, but it was a step she was ready to take. +ade would chase away any nightmares she might have. 92 would love to. +ome on, let4s go insideall. Bet me take care of you tonight.: Annie walked inside, her cheek throbbing, her side aching, but she had never felt better.

+hapter )i teen Annie tried to roll out of bed, but the sharp pain fro$e her in mid movement. "he pain was from the bruised rib. ;hen she moved a certain way, it felt as if someone was hitting her rib with a chisel. )he closed her eyes and took a deep breath to force her muscles to rela . )he swung her feet off the side of the bed and !uickly stood, a hiss of breath escaping from between her teeth. +ade had made her see a doctor on )aturday after they woke up. "he doc said that by ;ednesday the pain would decrease and in a couple of weeks would be gone altogether. 2t couldn4t happen soon enough55 she hated not being one hundred percent. All weekend +ade had stayed with her. )he had fallen asleep in his arms every night, and he had chased away all the bad memories that used to visit her in her sleep. But, it was time for her to do her own 7ob. )he had a meeting with Austin +olby that she didn4t want to be late for. +ade walked down the hall and couldn4t stop the grin from appearing on his face. 0e4d never been so e cited to get to school before, but this weekend had been nothing short of ama$ing. 90ey, +oach.: 90i, Austin. <ou4re here early. /on4t you normally run in while the bell is sounding6: 92 had a meeting with .iss 0ill.: 9<ou did6 0ow did it go6: Annie had failed to mention this meeting when he had left her after dinner last night. 9=ood. ;e went over my classes and talked about football. 24m really e cited for )enior Night. 24m ready to show them what we can do.: 9"he team needs a leader, Austin. "rey can only do so much. 2f you help him, you all could go really far.: 9;e already thought of that. 2 talked to "rey on )aturday, and we4re having lunch together today to come up with a game plan to keep everyone motivated.: ;ho was this kid6 +ade wasn4t going to complain though. 92 better get to homeroom. )ee ya# at practice, +oach.: +ade nodded and headed to Annie4s office. .aybe she4d have found something out. 0er door was open and he rapped his knuckles lightly on the window in the center of the door. Annie was at the filing cabinet with her back to him, and he watched as she slowly straightened. )he was still in a lot of pain. 90ey, )parky. 0ow are you feeling this morning6: 9)till hurts, but the more 2 move around the better it gets.: 9.ake sure you take it easy. 24ll bring over some stuff the trainer uses on the players tonight and maybe that will help some.: 0e hated seeing her slowed down in any way. )he was always so sure of herself and her movements that it seemed strange to see her hesitate in any way. 9"hanks. 24m willing to try anything.: )he slowly made her way to the door and stopped ne t to him to watch the kids hanging out by their lockers talking before the bell rang. 90ow did your meeting go this morning6: 9=ood. 2 tried to get some info out of him but got nothing. 0e4s clean though. 2 could tell. 0e wasn4t sweating, his pulse wasn4t 7umping, his eyes were clear. 2t will take another week or so to get it all out of his system, but at least he4s stopped taking it. 24m hoping that when he4s fully clean he4ll change his mind and talk to you or me about it.:

+ade heard the bell ring and watched as the kids started to slam their lockers and head for homeroom. 0e glanced down at Annie and knew if she looked up she4d see the wicked glint in his eye. 9;ell, 2 better get to class.: 0e leaned down and kissed her lips. 8or a moment he forgot where he was as he deepened the kiss. 2t would be impossible for him not to. 0er lips were made for him to kiss. ;histles brought him back to reality, and he reluctantly broke off the kiss. 0e heard Annie groan and turn back into her office. Booking over his shoulder, he saw the students who had been so frantically getting to homeroom all staring at him instead. 90ave a good day, )parky.: 0e gave Annie a wink and then turned to his audience, 9Aren4t you all late6: ;ith the spell broken, the kids scattered and he was left in silence as he made his way to his classroom. D D D

=aylen wiped the sweat from his face. 2t was a good thing they were on the phone and Boss couldn4t see =aylen reacting to the threats. 0e was rather partial to his balls and would like to keep them if at all possible. 9<ou4re failing, =aylen. <ou know what happens to people who fail me, don4t you6 9<es, Boss. "hey disappear.: 9But not before they beg for death,: the voice whispered over the phone. =aylen felt his Adam4s apple lodge in his throat. 8rom the orders he4d carried out on behalf of his boss, he knew that was the truth. 92 want to know why Austin has stopped coming to the gym, and 2 want that reason taken care of. /o you understand6: 9<es, Boss.: =aylen sighed in relief when he heard the phone disconnect. 0e took out the handkerchief in his black suit4s front pocket and dabbed at his forehead. 0e needed to appear under control before he paged /evon. A man didn4t rise to his position by showing weakness or fear F no matter how well deserved. 0e moved away from his desk and over to the bank of windows looking out over his empire. 2t was the middle of the day, yet his gym was full. 0e had millions of dollars of product arriving tomorrow and a team of soldiers to do his bidding for him. 0is suits each cost over a thousand dollars. Not too bad for a kid who grew up on the streets of =lasgow, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. 0e had fought for every penny he stole and every trinket he had gotten by mugging tourists. 0e was never scared those dark, cold nights spent trying to keep warm, not like he was now. Now he knew what wealth and reputation were, and he didn4t want to lose them. 0e was betting with his life that he wouldn4t. 0e turned back to his desk and hit the intercom. 90en, be a dearie and send /evon up when he gets done with his client.: =aylen released the intercom and sat back down in his leather chair. 0e needed to move some money around and develop an e it strategy, 7ust in case he couldn4t pull this one off. 0e didn4t want to stick around to see what the boss had in store for him. D D D

+ade listened to the band play the fight song and took one last look around the 7ammed packed parking lot before heading into the locker room. 0e had been in his office studying the playbook

until he had made his way through the whole thing. "hey had a chance to do the impossible tonight. 2f they won, they would come in second in the division and make the playoffs. "hey had an ine perienced team, a leader who for most of the season was on drugs and so out of control the team almost imploded, and a brand new coach. 2t seemed impossible to him, especially with only three starting seniors. 0owever, here they were on the cusp of the playoffs. 2t was the last game of the season, and the team4s seven seniors were being honored. 0e hung out by the door, taking one last look around as the cheerleaders got in place with the paper banner for the boys to run through, and then headed inside. 9?ur season doesn4t end tonight. 2t starts tonight>: +heers erupted from the group of players surrounding "rey and Austin as they stood on the wooden bench in between the lockers. 9;e may be the underdog, but we4ve been the underdog all year,: "rey continued. 9And you know the thing about underdogs6 No one sees Mem coming>: 9;e4re going to be firing on all cylinders tonight, boys. ;e4re a clean, new engine, and we4re going to work as a team tonight. 2 know it was my fault that we weren4t a team before, but we will be tonight and we will be when we win )tate>: Austin yelled as the team broke out in chants of M)tate4. "hey turned to each other, hitting their shoulder pads before 7umping up and down in a circle around "rey and Austin. 92 guess 2 don4t need to do a pre5game speech,: +ade said to +oach 1arks. 0e turned to his boys and raised his voice, 9<our time is now, gentlemen. =o out onto that field and take it>: )ometimes less was more, he thought, as the boys ran past him onto the field. Annie clasped her hands nervously and then rubbed them on her thighs as she waited for the start of the fourth !uarter. )o far it had been back and forth with neither team holding the lead for long. 90ere you go. 2 thought you might like some.: 1aige handed her a hot chocolate and took the seat ne t to hers. 92 was afraid you weren4t going to make it back in time. 2 don4t know how much more 2 can take,: Annie laughed. )he had never gone to a high school sporting event before coming to Keeneston and was drawn in by how hard the boys tried. 2t was killing her that they were fighting for every yard. "hey were currently tied and she couldn4t imagine what their parents were feeling. 92 wouldn4t abandon you. <ou4re the only person who will sit with me during a game.: 1aige turned around and looked up the stadium. 9)ee the large group sitting about fifteen rows up. +ouple in their fifties with three strapping men ne t to them6: Annie turned around and looked up into the stands. "hey were easy enough to spot. All the women and some of the girls in the stands were trying to get closer to them. 2t was easy to see why. "hey all looked like slightly varying versions of +ade. 9<es, 2 see them. <our family6: 9"hat4s right. .y own family won4t sit ne t to me. ?h> 0ere we go> +ome on, Austin> ;atch the coverage>: 1aige screamed. Annie tried not to crush the little white )tyrofoam cup she held as a massive linebacker broke through the line, causing Austin to scramble out of the pocket and make a run for the first down. 9Book at that.: 1aige hit her arm, causing her to spill some of the hot chocolate. 9"hat cocky safety is all over Ryan. 0e4s holding him up so he can4t run his route. +ome on, Ref> /efensive interference>:

Annie watched the ne t play, and sure enough, that kid was 7awing at Ryan. "his was accompanied by gestures that mimicked the trash talking. *ven she wanted to go on the field and give him a talking to. 9Ref> <ou watch number JL. 0e4s holdin4 our boys Mtil the cows come home>: Annie turned at that familiar slow, elegant voice coming from .iss Bily. A K0) blanket was lying over her standard flower print dress, her white hair covered with a beautiful, light pink knit hat with a big white flower sitting 7auntily off to the side. Booking around, she saw that the entire town was here. )he had walked down to the Blossom +afH the other night to get dinner, and the town was covered in the school colors. )igns were posted on the doors of businesses announcing they would be closed for )enior Night. 0er attention was turned back to the field as the cocky safety shoved Ryan, sending him flying to the ground. +ade was on the field yelling at the referees, and she was pretty sure one of the Rose sisters called the ref a horse4s ass. "he bench was yelling at the offense on the field as they huddled on third down. "he boys clapped and lined up for the play. "he ball was snapped and Ryan ran along the sidelines as number JL covered him. Ryan stopped, turned, lowered his shoulder and hit number JL s!uare in the chest. "he benches emptied as Ryan4s teammates 7umped up to cheer. Annie looked around and saw that the people in the bleachers had done the same. +ade watched as his team went nuts. "hey were waving towels in the air and screaming encouragements to the offense. 2t was a wasted down. "he pass to Ryan had overshot him when he decided to pull his little stunt. But, it seemed the boost in the morale of the team made it worthwhile. 9"ime out>: +ade yelled as he signaled the referee. 0e waited for the boys to run over to the sidelines before he said a word. 9?kay, gentleman. ;e have two options. ?ne, we punt the ball away. "wo, we go for it on fourth down and ram the ball down their throats. ;hat say you6: 0e made eye contact with his team and knew their choice by the smiles on their faces. 9Austin, blue slant thirty. <ou think you can do that6: 9?nly if it4s to 0all, +oach. 9 +ade looked between Austin and Ryan and knew by the determined look in their eyes that they would move 0eaven and *arth to make this play. 1aige reached over and grabbed Annie4s hand. 9?h my =od, they4re going for it>: "here was a collective gasp from the crowd and then all at once they erupted in cheers to encourage the boys. "he ball was snapped. 1aige s!uee$ed her hand tighter, and Annie held her breath as she watched the play take shape. Austin dropped back as Ryan burst from the line and blew by the safety who had been pushing him around all night. Ryan never looked back. 0e sprinted straight down the sideline for ten yards before slanting towards the middle of the field. Austin pulled his arm back and released the ball with everything he had, his back leg raised off the ground with the effort. "he football sailed through the air in a tight spiral. "he cheers stopped as everyone waited to see where the ball would land. Ryan leapt into the air, arms outstretched, and plucked the ball from the night sky. +heers burst forth from the crowd as feet pounded the metal bleachers. Annie and 1aige involuntarily stood up as Ryan landed on the ground and stumbled forward into the end $one. +ade smiled and shook hands with the opposing coach. 0all4s touchdown had sparked the team. "he defense prevented any more touchdowns, and Austin threw for two more. 2t had been a huge victory going into the playoffs and a wonderful )enior Night for the guys.

)tudents poured onto the field to celebrate the victory with their friends. 1arents hugged their children, and several mothers cried knowing their sons were soon graduating. +ade searched the crowd for Annie. 0e found her immediately. 0er red hair danced in the wind as she and 1aige made their way onto the field. 0e shook the hands of the parents who approached him while fighting through the growing number of people on the field to get to Annie. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and celebrate F 7ust the two of them. 9Annie>: 0e waved his arm in the air and drew her attention. 0e smiled when he saw her face alight with a smile of her own. 1aige waved back as he moved around some cheerleaders hugging their boyfriends. 9;ell done, +oach>: 0is sister clapped e citedly. 9"he playoffs> 2 can4t believe it.: 9"hank you, 1aige. But now, there is something 2 have to do.: 0e turned to Annie and saw her wrinkle her brow in confusion before he wrapped his arms around her. "he feel of her body against his was all the celebration he needed. 0e lowered his head and brought his lips to hers. 90ey, Bro, 2 think you4re embarrassing our mother.: .iles4 serious, yet sarcastic voice cut through the crowd noise. +ade sadly pulled away from Annie4s warmth to glare at his older brother. 9As always, you have impeccable timing, .iles.: .iles 7ust smirked and rocked back on his heels. 0e was still in his suit from work and looked ridiculously out of place in the sea of denim. +ade wrapped his arm about Annie4s waist and tucked her against the side of his chest., /ad, 2 would like you to meet Annie 0ill. Annie, these are my parents, .arcy and @ake /avies.: Annie stood fro$en against +ade4s side. )he had never met a man4s parents. Actually, she had never met many parents at all and was wholly unfamiliar with the situation. /id she say something6 /id she shake hands6 Buckily the decision was taken from her when .rs. /avies pushed +ade aside and grabbed her up in a matronly hug. 92t4s so nice to meet you. 2 have heard so many wonderful things about you. "his is my oldest son .iles.: Annie smiled and shook hands with the very serious looking man with an eerie similarity to +ade. 9And this is my second son .arshall, and my youngest son 1ierce.: .y, if she were seven years younger, +ade would have some competition. 1ierce was handsome in a se y, laid back, country boy way that made her know she4d like him instantly. .arshall 7ust looked tough. )he could easily see him as a soldier. 92t4s nice to meet all of you.: 9;ell, 2 know you young people will want to celebrate tonight4s victory so we won4t keep you. 2t4s was very nice to meet you, Annie. 2 hope to see you at our )unday dinners soon. =ood 7ob, son. 2 knew you would be a wonderful coach.: .arcy patted +ade4s cheek. 9"hanks, .om.: "he group watched as @ake /avies led his wife through the crowd towards the car. 9;e hate to tear our dear brother from such a lovely lady, but we had thought to have a guy4s night out to celebrate the victory. ;ill, .o, Ahmed, and +ole are going to 7oin us,: .arshall said. 9"hat4s alright. Annie4s going to hang out with us girls tonight. ;e don4t need any of you men to have a good time.: 1aige grabbed Annie4s hand and pulled her over to her side. 9"hat is, if you would like to 7oin us. /ani, Kenna and 2 are going over to .iss Bily4s for a spa night with lots of chocolate, which any woman would tell you is way more satisfying than a man.: 92 would love to 7oin you. ;e will see you gentleman later.: Annie grinned, linked her arm with 1aige4s, and followed her off the field.

)he had never had a girls4 night before. ;hile she was terrified about the prospects, the mention of chocolate focused her mind so that all she could think about was getting there as fast as possible to sample the treats. )he glanced over her shoulder and shot +ade a grin, conveying that he would need to prove himself against the chocolate. 1aige was right, chocolate could be very satisfying.

+hapter )eventeen Annie hoisted herself into 1aige4s old pick5up truck and grinned. "here were two rifles mounted on the back window and an adopt5a5pet bumper sticker on the tailgate. 1aige was her kind of girl. 9)o, what is this thing we4re going to6: )he hoped she didn4t sound as naOve as she felt. 9;e4re 7ust going to put on a movie, eat some chocolate, paint our nails, give each other facials and talk about guys. <ou know, a typical girls4 night.: 1aige drove down .ain )treet and turned at the second and last stoplight in Keeneston. )he drove up a slight hill lined with old houses with even older trees. "he houses and lots were large and s!uare. No cookie cutter neighborhoods s!uee$ed onto postage stamp si$ed lots here, no condos reaching for the sky and no apartments stretching out over the land. 2nstead there were tons of green grass, bagged leaves sitting neatly on the curbs and landscaped yards surrounding picture5perfect colonial and Cictorian houses. "hey turned right into the driveway leading to a pretty, white Cictorian with a large wraparound porch. A porch swing swayed gently in the cool fall bree$e as lights bla$ed from inside. 1aige parked ne t to a se y, red B.; .P, a brown piece of crap Bumina, and two Buicks the si$e of a small country. 2nteresting. "he .P was her dream car. But, with a sticker price around a hundred grand it would always only be a dream. 9;ow. 2t must be nice to marry a prince. "hat4s my dream car.: Annie pointed to the red B.;. 9?h, that4s not /ani4s car. "hat4s Kenna4s. )he used to be a real hot shot attorney in New <ork +ity. )he bought it as a gift to herself when she made 7unior partner. /ani drives that brown and rust Bumina.: )he saw 1aige smile when she choked and then coughed. A princess drove a Bumina6 92 can see what you are thinking. <es, 0er Almost Royal 0ighness drives a clunker. )he4s very attached to it and insists on keeping it. 2 think she 7ust really likes to rile the king. 9)ee, /ani refused to touch her si$able trust fund when she was younger and earned every penny she had. "he first thing she bought was this car. 2t breaks down all the time, has no heat, and can be heard from two counties over. But, it4s hers. "he king thought she was a gold digger out to snare his son and was rather mean to her. "hen he had to eat crow when he found out she was the daughter of one of the richest winery owners in 2taly. )he found it all very amusing and even went to pick up the king at the airport in her +hevy. 0e drove all the way to Keeneston in that car, and /ani had never been happier.: 1aige opened the door and hopped out of the truck. Annie slowly lowered herself to the ground and looked at the house. "his was the stuff of nightmares, giggling, gossiping, and girlie bonding. )he s!uared her shoulders and took a deep, steadying breath. 0ey, she had taken down drug lords, how hard could a girls4 night be6 "he front door opened before 1aige and Annie had made it up the steps. Annie felt her eyes widen at the sight before her. ?ne of the Rose sisters, probably .iss Bily, was at the door with her white hair pinned tightly away from her green face. 9;ell, bless the )aints and color me happy> /aisy .ae> Ciolet 8ae> 1aige brought Annie>: .iss Bily hollered into the house. 9+ome in, come in.: )he opened the door wide as Annie climbed the steps to the porch where two more green colored faces came into view.

9Annie we are so glad you could 7oin us> 0urry up and take off your coats you two. <a4ll gotta catch up. ;e4ve already started the facials,: .iss Ciolet said as she started helping her off with her coat. Annie gulped. <ou can do this. @ust stay !uiet and listen to the conversations. .aybe she could even learn something. 1aige grabbed her hand and led her down the hall and into a co$y living room. 90i, 1aige. ;elcome, Annie> 24m so glad you could 7oin us. <ou two have a seat right here and we4ll get started.: ;ith her burgeoning pregnant belly and her auburn hair tied up in a topknot to keep the green gook out of it, Kenna pointed to the loveseat. Annie cringed at the sight of a bowl with green mush in it and the paintbrush in Kenna4s hand. 92t4s great that we get this chance to talk more. 2 know we4ve hung out some at the games every now and then, but this really gives us a chance to get to know each other. 2 mean, you4re dating 1aige4s brother F that practically makes you family,: /ani said as she came at her with some gau$y type thing. ?h =od, what were they going to do to her6 1aige flopped down on the couch and picked up a piece of fudge from a pretty plate sitting on the side table. 924m glad we4re doing this too. 2 needed some time away from +ole and his wedding planning. 2 swear, if he and my mother come at me with another invitation design, 24m going to scream. 2 thought guys weren4t supposed to be involved in the wedding planning process.: Annie looked around as the girls all laughed. 9And 2 thought they weren4t supposed to be involved in the pregnancy either, but 2 too had to escape ;ill. 0e4s following me around and practically clucking. ;e4ve been here thirty minutes, and he4s already te ted me three times, making sure 24m okay. 2 7ust had to call Ahmed and bribe him with a little known law to get him out of testifying in a committee hearing if he4d lift ;ill4s cell phone from him tonight.: Kenna put the paintbrush into the goop and stirred it.?h =od, was she coming at her with that stuff6 Annie 7umped when she suddenly felt her hair being pulled away from her face. 9)orry> 2 didn4t mean to startle you. 2 was 7ust going to put this wrap on so you don4t get that stuff in your pretty hair,: /ani said, holding up a strip of the gau$y stuff. 9Um, okay.: Annie tentatively sat down and let /ani wrap the gau$e around her face. )he sat in terror as Kenna came towards her, paintbrush in hand. 9)o, what about you6: Kenna asked as the first glob of green gunk was smeared on her face. 9;hat about me6: 9;hat does +ade do to bug you6: Kenna smeared some more gunk on her face and waited for her answer. ;hat should she say6 9+ome on, dearie. /on4t be shy. ;e4ve all been there. .en are simple creatures, and sometimes it helps to talk to your friends about it so you don4t one day smash a freshly made apple pie in his face,: .iss Bily said as she sat in the floral embossed chair across from her. Annie looked around and saw everyone looking at her. 0er mind suddenly went blank. )he couldn4t think of anything. ;ait, what did he do that ticked her off6 9;ell, he has a tendency to think he has to protect me from, well, from everything.: Annie saw heads nodding and felt some of the tension in her shoulders ease. 92 once took out a man twice my si$e with a crepe pan. .en, so clueless sometimes.: Annie whipped her head around to look at .iss Ciolet, who was sitting so primly on another floral chair, the green gunk on her face having dried into a light lime color. )he couldn4t be more than

five feet tall and looked pretty much like .erriweather, the short, round fairy godmother in #lee ing Beauty. 9.iss Ciolet>: 1aige e claimed. 9/on4t look so shocked, 1aige. <ou, after all, shot an assassin.: 9<es, but that doesn4t have the flair of taking him out with a crepe pan.: 1aige leaned back against the couch and folded her arms over her chest. Annie would swear she was pouting. 9Back to Annie. 2t4s a good sign he4s being protective. 2t means he cares,: .iss Ciolet said. 9/efinitely. )o, is it true you4re getting married6: /ani asked as she grabbed some more fudge. 9No> ;e haven4t discussed the future at all. 24m sure he doesn4t think it4s serious. <ou never know when 24ll be transferred again.: /id .iss Bily 7ust roll her eyes6 9;ell, then you better hurry up and tell him you love him,: Kenna said as she swiped the goo across her forehead. 9;hat6: 9?h don4t look so shocked. ;e all know it already. )o, spill.: .iss /aisy gave her a stern look. Annie looked around the room and saw that everyone there, including 1aige, all thought that they were in love. 92t4s too soon. ;e4ve only known each other a couple of months.: 9?h nonsense. <ou don4t have a man practically living with you when you don4t love him,: .iss Bily told her. 90e4s not living with me>: 9"hat4s not what 8ather @ames says.: .iss Ciolet gave her sister a wink. 9<ea, and +ade has missed three )unday dinners at my parents4 house. 0e4s never done that before.: 1aige leaned her head back as Kenna attacked her with the green gunk. 9;ould you care to revise your previous statement6: Kenna asked as she dipped the paintbrush in the bowl. 2f her tone had been cold instead of 7oking, Annie could see why she was rumored to be such a good attorney. 9?kay, so maybe it4s not casual.: "hat was the closest she was going to get to telling them the truth, the truth that she was starting to feel way more than she had ever felt before. )he snapped out of her thoughts when she heard laughter. 9;hat6: 9@ust tell him you love him. 2t4s so obvious that you both are cra$y about each other, but if you want to keep being delusional, 2 guess that4s your business.: Kenna put the paintbrush back into the bowl. 92 have to go to the bathroom again. 2 swear, this kid is doing 7umping 7acks on my bladder.: 1aige and /ani started talking about weddings as the Rose sisters started in about a pie contest they were sponsoring. Annie rested her head against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. )he didn4t want to show the women the fear in her eyes. "hey were sharp enough to see it. 2t was fear that her face was going to be ripped off by whatever this goop was. 2t felt like her face was pulled so tightly you could bounce a !uarter off of it. ;ho was she really kidding6 2t was fear they would see the confusion in her eyes. "he more she thought about it, the more she thought they were right, all those feelings she was having that couldn4t be defined or e plained. ?h no, she was totally in love. 0er eyes popped open and she found the three wise faces of the Rose sisters looking at her. 9"old you, you loved him,: .iss Bily said as the other sisters nodded their heads.

+ade accepted the beer ;ill handed him and took a long slug of it. 0e was under attack. 2t didn4t look like an enemy ambush but it was. 2nstead of the mountains of Afghanistan, it was a bonfire and cornhole boards. 2nstead of insurgents, it was his brothers and his best friends, which only made it more dangerous. 9+ome on, +ade. @ust admit you are in love with her.: ;ill sat down on the bench ne t to him. 9@ust because you are whipped by your wife doesn4t mean 24m in the same situation.: 924m sorry, my friend, but 2 agree with ;ill. <ou4re very much in love with her,: .o said as he tossed a cornhole bag. 9<ea, Bro, you4ve missed three )unday dinners. .a is already picking out places to hold the wedding.: .arshall laughed as his bag knocked .o4s from the board, and .o murmured something he guessed was a curse word in his native language. 9A real man is one who can admit his true feelings.: 9=ive me a break, Ahmed. <ou have never e pressed any kind of feelings.: 9"hat is because you are not my true love.: Ahmed turned away from the group and walked away. 9/eep, but true.: +ade rolled his eyes at .iles. 0e looked at his watch and hoped it was late enough for him to get home and away from these busy bodies. 924m about to head home. ;ant me to give you a ride6: +ole asked. 9"hat would be great. "hanks for the victory party guys. =ood night.: +ade followed +ole to his * plorer and climbed in. "hey were at .arshall4s farm, and it was only a matter of minutes to his place, but he couldn4t get there fast enough. "he truth was catching up with him and he didn4t want to face it in front of anyone else. 9<ou know, 2 fought like cra$y to not love 1aige.: 9<ou really think this conversation is appropriate with her being my sister and all6: +rap. Now he was trapped in the car. 0e should have walked. 9Bove happens. 2t4s what you do with it that matters. 2f you embrace it, it will give you a 7oy you have never known was possible. 2f you ignore it, it has the power to haunt you.: "hank goodness. "here was his house. 9"hanks for the lift.: 9Any time. "hink about what 2 said.: +ade nodded and practically leapt out of the * plorer. 0e didn4t want to hear any more about love. 0e 7ust wanted to have a beer, watch # ortsCenter, and pet his dog. +ade set down another empty beer bottle and was still no closer to where he wanted to be. 0e wanted to be comfortably single again like he had been before Annie. "hen he didn4t have to worry about if she felt the same. )o, he had set out to drink himself stupid in hopes to forget about his fear, his fear that his love wouldn4t be returned. 0e groaned when he heard the knock on the door. 2f it was .arshall here to give him hell again, he wouldn4t be held accountable for his actions. 0e gave @ustin a pat and got up after he hopped off his lap. 0is brother 7ust didn4t know when to stop. +ade couldn4t wait until .arshall fell for some woman and then he would have his payback. +ade yanked opened the door and fro$e. 0e wondered if he had drunk too much and was hallucinating his desires. Annie stood in his doorway looking like a vision. 0e heard himself whisper her name as he reached for her. )he came eagerly to his arms as his lips met hers in unspoken desire. 0e scooped her up, kicked the door shut and carried her upstairs. 0e placed her before his bed and gently removed her clothes before shedding his. )he reached up and with her finger slowly traced his 7aw line.

92 love you,: he heard himself whisper before he lowered her to the bed. D D D

Annie gasped for breath. )he was sure she was being tortured. )he couldn4t breathe and her face was wet. But then something tickled her. )he struggled to open her eyes against the attack. ;hen she managed to open them, she came face to face with @ustin lying on her chest. 0is big hairy paws were planted beside her head, and his face was inches from hers. )lurp> )he was drowned again in another doggie kiss. )he gave him a pat and encouraged him to get off the bed. +ade was still asleep ne t to her, but @ustin obviously wanted to go out. 0e 7umped off the bed and danced around, waiting for her to get dressed. 9?kay, come on, big boy.: )he headed down the stairs and into the living room. @ustin ran behind her, his feet slipping on the hardwood floor as he took a corner. 0e regained his footing, sped past her and ran headfirst into the sliding glass door. 9?h my =od, are you okay6: @ustin 7ust ducked his head embarrassingly and wagged his tail. )he opened the door and he bounded out onto the patio. )he headed into the kitchen in search of coffee. )he needed stimulation to be able to contemplate what +ade had said last night. 0e couldn4t possibly mean it, could he6 )he had never been loved before. "he vulnerability of it and his potential to hurt her was downright scary. 9=ood morning.: Annie looked up from pouring her coffee to see +ade leaning against the door7amb. 0is bare feet poked out from his 7eans, and his arms were folded across his chest as he smiled at her. 9=ood morning, 2 hope 2 didn4t wake you up.: )he suddenly felt a little shy. )hould she bring up what he had said last night6 ?r, what if he didn4t mean it6 ?r, if he didn4t even say it, and she had imagined the whole thing6 9No, you didn4t. 2t was the mighty ram there.: 0e nodded his chin to where @ustin was staring into the room, pink tongue hanging out of the corner of his mouth and matching pink bow falling out. 92 had been meaning to tell you that "rey came by my office. 0e seemed close to telling me more details on )& but wanted to confront the users himself. 2 assume he did so. 0e hasn4t been back to see me since.: 9"hat4s right. 0e took the team over and got them to come together better than 2 ever could. 2 know one of the boys was Austin, but as you have probably noticed, he4s clean now. 2 haven4t figured out who the others were, but maybe "rey will tell you now that they4re clean6: 924ll try on .onday. ;ell, 2 better get dressed and get home. 2 have some paperwork 2 need to get to my boss.: +ade stared after Annie4s !uickly retreating form as she scuttled out the door and to her car. .aybe it was the wrong move to break out the B word last night, although, it wasn4t as if he could have prevented it. "hose words had come tumbling out of their own volition as soon as he had seen her. 0e had also seen disbelief and a little fear streak across her beautiful face before he kissed it away. .aybe he should have talked about it with her before she left, but she had seemed so skittish that he didn4t think it would be a good idea. 0e was hopeful his plan of giving it time to sink in wouldn4t result in her running for the hills, or else he4d be left chasing after her.

+ade pulled the curtain away from the window in his office and looked out. 0e smiled at the cloud of dust her vehicle was leaving behind. 2t would be a fun chase though.

+hapter *ighteen +ade felt the smile spread across his face as his last student left the room. 0e had a free period until his senior anatomy class started. 0e needed to go see Annie and invite her for dinner at his parents for tomorrow night. 0e had gone to his parents4 house for the weekly family dinner and been cornered by both his mother and 1aige. 0e was ordered to bring Annie to dinner or else all homemade food would be cut off. Not that he couldn4t cook, but his mother made a peanut butter fudge pie that was to die for. ?n top of that, the only person she had shared the recipe with was 1aige, and they were sticking together on this. 90iya. 0ow is our winning coach doing today6: 90i, )teph. 0ow are you6: +ade looked up and saw )tephanie in her usual black pencil skirt and matching sweater set. 0er hair was pulled back into a little bun at the base of her neck. )he was holding a covered plate and +ade wanted to groan. ?ne of the reasons he had asked her out was because she had been so kind. )he had brought him homemade treats and had talked with him about his students. But, after that first date, it became weird. )he was sweet, but she was always there. Now she was standing in front of him with a plate of home cooked food and a smile on her face. 9Really good. 2 made brownies yesterday and had these left over. 2 thought you would like some.: )he placed the plate on his desk and he tried to smile sincerely. 9"hese smell great. "hanks, )tephanie. 24m 7ust getting ready to go see Annie. .y mother has pronounced that it was time she meet the whole family properly in the form of a dinner.: 9Really6 2t4s that serious6: she said, 7ust a little too seriously. 92 mean, that4s great. 2 7ust didn4t think you4d ever get serious about someone.: 9Kinda took me by surprise, too. ;ell, thanks for the brownies. 24m sure they4re as delicious as always. 2 better give Annie the bad news>: +ade stood and walked out into the hallway with )tephanie. 9=ood luck at the dinner. 2 better get back to making up the pop !ui$ my 7unior chemistry class is going to get this afternoon.: )tephanie walked back into the classroom and shut her door. =od, he hoped he had misread those signals. 0e liked )tephanie. )he was sweet but not right for him. Annie smiled at )amantha and reached out for her hand as she led her toward her office door. 9)am, 2 promise, you4ll do great on your )A"4s. <ou have been studying for a year with a tutor. <ou4re a 3.' student. @ust rela and have confidence in yourself.: 9"hanks, .iss 0. 24ll let you know how 2 do on my ne t practice test. ?h, hello, +oach /avies. /o you have the test scores back from our genetics test6: 9<es, you4ll get them in class today. But, )am, .iss 0ill is right. <ou need to have some faith in yourself. <ou put in the time to do your homework and study and as a result you did very well.: 90owE.: 9<ou4ll see in class.: 9?h, okay. Bye, .iss 0, +oach /avies.: Annie watched as the young girl hefted her backpack on her small frame and headed off towards her ne t class. 9=ood afternoon. 0ow was your weekend6: +ade asked her.

92t was good. =ot my reports done and even was able to meet with Romero on )unday. 0ow about you6: Annie went back to her desk. )he needed some distance from him or she might 7ust beg him to love her. 9;ell, that4s why 24m here. 2 am here to deliver a royal proclamation from my mother. <ou are invited to family dinner at the farm tomorrow at si .: 9.e6: 9;ho else but the woman 2 have been spending all my time with6: )he watched as +ade walked around the desk. )he dug her nails into the arms of her chair. )he 7ust didn4t know what to do with all these emotions. *motions were something fairly new to her. 9"omorrow6: 9<es, and if you know my mother, she won4t take no for an answer. ;e4ll talk about it more tonight when 2 come over with dinner. )ound good to you6: 0e smiled and she felt herself melting. Bittle devil, he knew what he was doing. 9?kay, tell your mom 2 will be there. 0ow about some meatloaf from the Blossom +afH6 2 had never had meatloaf before, but 2 find myself !uite addicted.: )he smiled up at him. No woman could say no to him when he looked at her like that. 9Booking forward to it. 2 missed you this weekend.: Annie4s mind was whirling at that proclamation. )he wanted to ask him more about it, but he turned around, winked and sauntered out of the office. ?h that man was waging war on her. )urely that meant he loved her> "hat knowledge put an e tra bounce in her step for the rest of the day. Nothing, not even a faculty conference this afternoon, would ruin her mood> D D D

Annie shook her head and tried to focus on the papers in front of her. )he was trying to figure out which players had used )& and which she could flip. Austin was at the top of her list, but he wasn4t talking. )he had called him into the office today 7ust to talk. 0e was polite and talked about the stress of leading the team and about the worry of college scouts, but nothing about )& and bad influences. Annie would get there though. )he4d build a good relationship with him and then slowly e tract the truth. )he glanced at the clock and gasped. )he was due at +ade4s parents in less than an hour. Annie scooped up her files and tossed them into her shoulder bag. )he had to hurry if she wanted to have time to get home and change for the meeting of the parents. 2t terrified her more than any meth user waving a gun around. 1arents. )he had never had any and was scared of the unknown. )he reached for the doorknob and turned it. Nothing. 2t didn4t turn. )he must have been so nervous that she had accidentally locked it. Annie looked at the lock and grew confused. "he door appeared to be unlocked. )he tried again to pull the door open but nothing. "he blinds rattled against the small glass window as she yanked on the door. 90ello6 2s anyone there6: )ilence met her. )he pulled up the blinds and looked out the window but saw nothing e cept an empty hall. ;hat was going on6 Annie was reaching for the desk phone when she was plunged into darkness. )he tripped over one of the chairs and landed against her desk. Now what6 ;ith no outdoor window, her office was pitch5black. )he reached out with her hands and felt around her desk for the phone. )he grasped it and brought it to her ear. )ilence. "he electricity outage must have disconnected the phones as well.

)omething nagged her though. "he power outage could e plain the phone but nothing could e plain the locked door. )he lifted the leather flap of her bag and rummaged around for her cell phone. 8inding it, she activated the screen and the brightness lit up the room enough for her to see. )he looked down at her phone and cursed. No signal. 2mpossible. )omeone in the )& ring must have figured out who she was. But, if they figured out who she was, why were they 7ust locking her in6 )houldn4t they be trying to kill her6 None of this made any sense. ;hat did make sense though was that she was going to have to break her door4s window to unlock the door. )he touched her cell phone screen again to light up the room. )he looked around and grabbed the blue plastic chair resting against the well with its metal legs. Annie hated breaking glass. 2t was always such a mess. )he gripped the chair on each side and rammed it into the window. "he impact reverberated up her arms and into her chest as she watched the window splinter and crack. ;ith a couple pokes of the chair4s legs, the glass shattered and fell to the floor in the hallway. Now, if she could 7ust unlock the door. )he carefully slid her head through the window and looked down to a sight she was not prepared to see. "here, in the door lock was a thin piece of metal broken off. "here was no way she4d be able to unlock the door. )he was going to have to climb through the window. ;hat took her back more however, was the small black rectangular ob7ect that sat a couple of feet from the door, a cell phone 7ammer. ;hat the 0ell was going on and who was responsible for it6 Annie took off her 7acket and laid it over the broken glass. )he tossed her bag through the window and placed the chair against the door. )he stepped up onto it and looked at the broken window. ?h, this was going to hurt. )he hiked her dark green skirt up around her waist and stuck her left leg through the window. )he had to grip the side of the window to keep balance, the broken glass puncturing the palm of her hands, as she grasped the sides. )he hissed but kept a tight hold until she was precariously perched half in and half out of the window. "he glass poked at her bottom as she sat on her 7acket but didn4t cut her through her 7acket. Blood started to trickle down her forearm as she ducked her head and bent far enough over to s!uee$e her upper body through the window. )hards of glass tore into the back of her neck, ripping out her hair as she popped free. )he slowly started to ad7ust her weight to her bottom half as she inched herself further out the window. )he moved her right leg through the window as well and twisted towards her left until she was perched on the window facing the hall. )he pushed off the window and leapt to the ground, rubbing her bottom as she stood up. "hat had hurt. Annie shoved her skirt into place as she listened for her assailant. Nothing. Not a sound. )he slowly walked down the hall to where the switches were. )he flipped them but nothing happened. "he circuit breaker must have been thrown. )he went rigid when the slightest noise reached her ears. )omeone was here. )he placed her right hand on the wall and started to turn when she heard a footfall directly behind her. Before she could turn around, something was brought down on the back of her head. )he staggered forward and fell head first into the lockers before everything went dark. Annie heard the muffled sound of someone running away and forced herself to open her eyes. "he hall appeared blurry, but she could make out a dark figure running for the e it. )he pushed herself up and tried to chase after the figure, but the world spun. )he focused on the end of the

hallway until it came into focus. Annie ran down the hall, each pounding footfall like a hammer against her head. )he slowed when she reached the door to the parking lot. 0er hand closed around the metal rod as she carefully opened the door. Annie peered out into the parking lot. Not seeing anything, she stepped out and looked around. No footsteps, no dark figure, 7ust her car in an otherwise empty parking lot. 9/ammit>: )he pulled out her phone to call her boss and then swore again. )he was due at dinner in less than five minutes. )he ran for her car as she dialed Romero4s direct line. 9Romero.: 9)omething is going on, and 2 don4t know what. 2 was 7ust imprisoned in my office with a lock pick broken off in the lock, electricity cut, and a cell phone 7ammer sitting outside my door.: 9;hat happened6: 92 broke the window, crawled out and was hit from behind and into the lockers as the perp fled. 2 didn4t get a good look at all. But, 2 wasn4t seriously hurt, and it was certainly not an attempt on my life. 2t doesn4t make sense at all.: 9?kay. ;here are you now6: 9?n my way to meet +ade4s family for dinner.: 92t4s a good thing you disclosed this relationship or 24d be pissed. 0ell, 2 still am pissed, but it works with your cover. 8rom your file, 2 know you never have done this before which means this is serious for you. 2 remember the first time 2 met my in5laws. .y father5in5law met me at the door with a large carving knife. )o, 2 guess 24m saying good luck. 24ll send a forensic team over to the school to see if we can lift any prints and to figure out who is behind this. /o you think your cover is blown6: 9No. 2f they knew who 2 was, wouldn4t they have killed me or threatened me in some way6 "hat4s what isn4t making sense to me.: Annie skidded her tires as she turned onto the dirt road leading to the farmhouse. 92 agree. Keep your cover for now. 24ll let you know what we learn.: 9?h my =od>: Annie screeched. 9;hat is it6 Are you okay6: Romero asked, practically 7umping through the phone. 92 7ust looked in the rear view mirror. 2 have a huge bruise on my forehead, a lump on the back of my head, blood running down both arms where my palms were cut on glass, and 2 think 2 left a chunk of hair on my window. 1lus, 2 7ust pulled up to the /avies4 house.: Annie didn4t notice the muffled laughter as she attempted to clean up. 924ll be in touch with the results from the crime lab. 0ave fun, Blake.: 9<eah, right,: she mumbled, but Romero had already hung up and her time had run out. 9)he4s here>: 1aige screamed over the N8B pregame show. +ade blew out a breath as 1ierce 7umped over him. 9?h, this is going to be so much fun,: 1ierce said with a devilish glint to his eyes. 92 hate to sound like the voice of reason here, but maybe you all should not interrogate her like you all did with me. 2 am 8B2 after all and can handle it. )he4s 7ust a counselor,: +ole told the group as he moved to the door with the rest of the family. 9As much as 2 would relish grilling her as much as +ade grilled and tormented my dates, 2 really like her. )o, boys, behave.: 1aige gave her brothers a stern look before opening the door. +ade had to push his brothers away so he could walk down the steps and meet Annie at the car. "his must be her worst nightmare, and having everyone staring at her probably didn4t help.

0e hurried down the stairs to her car and smiled as he watched her frantically brushing her hair. 0er nervousness was so cute. +ade walked around to open her door and fro$e when she looked up at him. +ade yanked open the car door to get a better look at what he thought he saw. <up, he was right. )he had a huge bruise on her forehead. 0er hands and arms were covered in blood and she was missing her 7acket. And something was wrong with her hair. 9Are you all right6: 0e gently placed his fingers on her face to move it so he could get a better look at the bump on her head. 0e then ran his hands over her arms and found the source of the blood. 924m fine now. )orry 24m late.: 9)crew being late. 24m taking you to the hospital.: 9No> Really, 24m fine. "he blood is dried and 2 don4t want to cause a scene.: 9)parky, no matter what, you are going to cause a scene. Now tell me what happened, and !uickly, before they get impatient.: 0e directed his eyes to his family who were all staring at them intently. 92 got locked in my office. "he electricity was cut and a cell phone 7ammer was placed outside the door. 2 broke the window and crawled out, hence the blood and missing hair. 2 went down the hall to try the light switch when 2 heard a noise behind me. Before 2 could turn around, 2 got smashed over the head and fell headfirst into the lockers. 2 saw a figure in the distance but not enough to have any kind of description. 2 gave chase and found an empty parking lot, and that is why 2 was late to dinner.: +ade4s heart didn4t slow down after her e planation. ;ho would do this to her6 9/o you think your cover is blown6: 9No. 2 don4t know what this was about, but it didn4t feel like it had to do with the case. "he agency is checking it out for clues now.: 9Are you all coming in6: he heard his mother ask. 9)orry, .a, but Annie had a little accident.: "hat e cused everything, and the family rushed down the steps, his mother leading the way. 9?h, bless your heart> Are you hurt6 ;hat happened6: his mother !uestioned as she hurried toward a wide5eyed Annie. 92 was carrying too much stuff and tripped on some loose gravel in the parking lot. 24m afraid 2 went head first into my car.: +ade tried to hide his smile at her e planation. 2t was a good one, and it had his mother and 1aige ushering her inside to get fi ed up. All awkward greeting was now pushed aside. 0is mother was in her $one. 0aving si kids, she became something of an unflappable nurse. Annie4s head was spinning, and not because of the whole being bashed over the head thing. 2t was spinning at the conversation going around the table. )he had learned the whole family history and even some about the black sheep of the family, +y, who apparently only showed up every now and then. )he had been fussed over, bandaged up, and then plied with homemade food by .rs. /avies, who insisted on being called .arcy, or in a not so subtle hint, .om. 1ierce was trying his hardest to interrogate her but was failing miserably. +ole was trying to run interference. .arshall and .iles were trying to intimidate, and .r. /avies sat by !uietly eating his food, watching everything.

*very now and then she would swear +ade was cursing and planning the downfall of his brothers. )he found it all very strange, very chaotic, and very comfortable. )o, this was what it was like to have a family. )he liked it very much and was !uite envious. 9)o, dear, are you going to be spending "hanksgiving with your family6: .arcy asked from the head of the table. 9"hanksgiving6: Annie repeated. )he never celebrated "hanksgiving. )he couldn4t cook and was always alone, so it never seemed important. 9<ou know, the holiday that4s on "hursday where you traditionally eat turkey and stuffing and lots of dessert and watch football,: 1ierce 7oked. 91ierce,: his mother whispered harshly. 92gnore him. Now tell us about your family. Are they are in 8lorida6: 9Um, 2 really don4t have much of a family. .y mother died when 2 was ten, and 2 was raised in a series of foster homes,: Annie stated matter5of5factly. 1eople often got upset when she told her story, but to her it was the only thing she knew. 9No family> ?h, bless your heart> *veryone should have a family. No father, or grandparents6: .arcy e claimed as she placed her delicate hand over her heart. 92 don4t know who my father was. 2 don4t think my mother knew either. .y grandparents are dead. 2 have, or had, an aunt in Bouisville, but haven4t heard from her since she refused to take me after my mother died. 2 heard from a cousin, +hrystal )harp, but 24m not too keen on family who only want me to fill out a family tree.: )he took a deep breath and plastered on her M24m okay with it4 smile. 9"hat4s why 2 didn4t reali$e "hanksgiving was this week.: 9;ell then, you will simply 7oin us for "hanksgiving. +ade, you pick her up at noon. ;e4ll be your family and that4s that.: 9.arcy, you don4tE.: Annie started to say she didn4t have to do that. 2t hardly bothered her anymore to be alone on holidays. 9*nough. <ou4re coming. <ou4re family. Now, .arshall, what4s this business about your wanting to run for sheriff6: Annie hid her smile behind her napkin. "he table had shifted all of its attention away from her and to .arshall. .arshall in return stared at his mother in disbelief. 90ow did you know that6 2 didn4t tell anyone.: 9.others always know these things. @ust like 2 knew every time one of you snuck out of the house. )o, tell us about your decision to leave the private security practice and going into public service.: 92 haven4t decided yet. 2 7ust found myself wanting something different. 2 am getting tired of doing the same thing day after day5 installing security systems, providing protection for celebrities coming to town, and so on.: 9;ell, you sure don4t have my vote.: 9.iles>: .arcy gasped. 92 was 7ust kidding, .a. 2 think it would be a wonderful thing. "he sheriff is getting rather old and has been pretty sick recently. )ome new blood never hurts. And think of all the potential women he could get when wearing his uniform.: 9"hat4s it, .iles @ackson /avies. No dessert>: .arcy reached over and grabbed the slice of pumpkin pie sitting in front of him. Annie watched in disbelief that this big, serious, tough guy hung his head and pouted when his mother took his dessert away. .arcy might not look like it, but she was a force to be reckoned with.

Annie loved when she stayed at +ade4s house. 0is king5si$e bed was so much better than her little twin one. )he pulled the sheets up to cover herself as she curled up against +ade4s warm body. 9About "hanksgiving,: +ade started. 9<es6: 9;ell, my parents eat pretty early, and /ani and .o are having an open house party that evening. 2 know it would be a long day, but 2 would love it if you came with me to their house after dinner with my family.: 9)ure, that sounds like fun,: she agreed as he turned off the light and wrapped her up in his arms. After a couple of minutes she heard his breathing slow and she knew he was asleep. "he bed on her side dipped and @ustin crawled over to her. 0e rested his head near her pillow, gave her a wet kiss, and wagged his tail. 0er two boys. 0er family. "he thought rocked her to her core. )he had lived most of her life thinking she never wanted a family, never needed a family, but not after tonight. "onight showed her what she could have, a loving husband, interfering in5laws, brothers, sisters, children and even a dog. )he could see herself in this house filled with noise and love. )he had lived in silence too long. )he finally knew what she wanted in life. )he wanted the dream, and she wanted it with +ade /avies. /amn, what was she going to do now6

+hapter Nineteen Annie looked in wonder at the mansion in front of them. "here were B.;4s parked alongside pick5up trucks and Buicks that were older than she was. All the wings of the mansion were lit up and it looked like something out of a fairytale. 9;ow>: Annie couldn4t think of any other word to describe it. 92 know. But, after you meet .o it won4t look nearly so ostentatious. 0e4s really laid back unless he needs to cut some red tape.: 92 only met him for a second, but he seemed really nice.: Annie thought back to her first week in Keeneston and snickered. 9Actually, the Roses wanted to set me up with Ahmed when 2 first moved here.: 9Really6 ;ell, 2 know who we4re avoiding tonight,: +ade said as he parked the car ne t to a large, blue tank of a car from the seventies. Annie shook her head. 9?h, you think 24m 7oking. No, ma4am. 2f Ahmed decides he wants you, he would 7ust kill me and take you.: Annie laughed as they walked up the steps toward the party. "hey entered through the open doors into a huge foyer. .arble floors, anti!ues, crystal chandeliers, and priceless artwork hung on the walls. ;hen she looked closer, she saw family snapshots on table tops and other little homey touches throughout the area. 9?h, there you are> ;e were hoping you4d come.: "he Rose sisters bustled over to them, dressed in their finest floral dresses and matching hats. 9;hy, 2 have never seen such beautiful women. 0ow are you ladies doing tonight6: +ade kissed their cheeks and grinned down at them before .iss /aisy smacked him on the arm. 9/on4t you be sweet talkin4 me in front of your girlfriend. )he might decide you4re a rascal and not marry you.: 90owdy, ma4am, +ade,: a tall, wiry man with slicked back light brown hair said. 0e was handsome in his black suit and tanned skin. 90appy "hanksgiving, Noodle. 0ow are your parents6: +ade asked. 0oly cow> )he didn4t even recogni$e him> 9"hey4re doing well. "hey are walking around here somewhere. 0ave you had any more problems, .iss 0ill6: 9No, thank you, deputy.: )he smiled at him before +ade started talking fishing with him. )he decided to go walk around some and see more of the house while they were discussing baits and lures. "he sitting room was packed with people. )he recogni$ed most of them, even if she couldn4t remember their names. "hey all waved or stopped her to say a couple of words to her as she made her way to the bar set up on the far side of the room. 9Annie,: a smooth voice encompassed her. 9<our highness6: 0is eyes gleamed as he silently laughed at her. 0is manners were way too good for him to actually laugh out loud. 9@ust call me .o. *veryone else does.: 9?h, well, thank you, .o, for inviting me.: 9<ou4re part of the town too. /anielle talks very highly of you. 2 hoped you and +ade would 7oin us for dinner soon.: 924d like that. "hank you.: 0e was so different from +ade, but they both had the same kindness. +ade e uded power through his !uiet strength. .o e uded power through his bearing.

Annie talked with .o until he was cornered by 1am =ilbert to discuss fundraising for new school computers. Annie !uietly e cused herself and continued through the room. )he was en7oying her time on the outskirts of the room as she watched the people of this small community talking and laughing. @ust the sight of the whole town dressed up and happily chatting away made her want to belong. )he had a man she loved, in a town that welcomed her. )he even kind of had @ustin and the /avies family. An older, portly fellow with black pants, dark orange dress shirt and suspenders came towards her, sporting a big, bushy gray beard. 0e smiled, and his large belly 7iggled as he waved to some people across the room. 92 7ust wanted to tell you that 24m so glad you have come to 7oin us.: 0e shook her hand and smiled 7ovially. 9"hank you, .rE6: 9;olfe, @ohn ;olfe. 2t4s about time the law did something about those drugs. Keeneston is such a perfect town, but we 7ust aren4t prepared for such things. And, that /evon Ross is as slea$y as they come. 2 really hope you can bust him soon.: ?nly through years of training did she hide her shock. )he put on a gentle smile and gave a little laugh. 924m sorry, .r. ;olfe, but 24m 7ust a guidance counselor, not a cop.: 9A cop6 ?f course you4re not a cop, missy, you4re /*A,: he said matter5of5factly. 9Now, you 7ust let me know if you need any information, and if 2 don4t already know the answer, 2 can find out for you. 2t was a real pleasure meeting you. All the kids at the high school 7ust love you. 2 hope you decide to stay around after this case.: 0e gave her a wink as he waded back into the crowd. Annie stood still, feeling a bit silly as she stared after him. 0ow was that possible6 0ad she 7ust been punked6 )he smiled again and started to mingle. Besson one, never show a reaction. )o she talked to /ani, Kenna and 1aige and allowed herself to be dragged around the room and introduced to practically everyone in the town by the Rose sisters before +ade caught up with them. 0e came up beside her and lightly ran his hand down her back before resting it on the curve of her hip. 9Are you about ready to go home6: he whispered into her ear. 0is warm breath danced over her skin, resulting in goose bumps and shivers that were definitely not caused from being cold. 0ome. "he word meant something now. )he gave him a full smile and nodded. )he really wanted to get home and be with him. 0e e pertly e tricated her from the conversation and steered her out of the room. )he slipped on her coat when she noticed @ohn ;olfe again. 90ey, he knew 2 was /*A. /id you tell him6: )he casually nodded in his direction. 9;ho, @ohn6: 9<es, he came up to me and told me he was glad 2 was here to clean up the drug mess and offered any information 2 needed.: 90e4s a local legend. 0e knows everything, but no one knows how. 24m not surprised he knows about the drugs, and 24m not surprised he knows you are /*A. 2 would be surprised if we ever found out how he knows all this. 2f he offered to help, take him up on it. 0e and the Roses are the heart and soul of this town. 0e4ll find out anything you need and will move heaven and earth to protect Keeneston.: +ade leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips before saying good5bye to some of his friends gathering their coats.

"hey approached his home, and she saw the curtain in the front window move aside and a big black nose press against the widow. A purple bow was tied in his hair today. @ustin barked his greeting as he bounded toward the door with his hair flying and bow bouncing. A sense of peacefulness settled over her as she watched @ustin land two big paws on +ade4s chest and cover his face with his kisses. )he may not have e perienced the feeling often, but she knew what it was. )he was happy, and she was in love with a man and his goofy dog. +ade laughed as @ustin bounded around. Annie slipped out of her coat and leaned against +ade. 0e slipped his arm around her shoulders and tucked her head against his chest. 9+ade6: 9<es.: 92 love you, too.: )he felt the hitch in his breathing as he heard her soft words. 0e spun her around and kissed her fast and hard. 0is hands were everywhere, and she was suddenly standing there in nothing but her black bra, panties and heels. 9=od, 2 have been dying to tell you how much 2 love you, but 2 was afraid 2 would scare you away.: 0is tie went flying and landed out of sight. 92 was afraid before. 24m glad you didn4t push it. But, 2 know it now with certainty. 2 know what 2 want, and it4s you.: )he didn4t speak anymore after that. 0e didn4t give her time. 0e decided to show her a kind of love that didn4t need words. D D D

"he playoffs. @esus, the playoffs. +ade took a couple deep breaths and wrung his hands. 0e was stalling going into the locker room. 0e knew it, but he couldn4t let the boys see his nerves. 0e had never made it to the playoffs. 0eck, he4d never coached before either. 0ow was he going to do this6 9+oach6: 9Austin, what can 2 do for you6: +ade watched as his !uarterback s!uared his shoulders and looked him right in the eye. 9?ver "hanksgiving, 2 reali$ed something. ;e both know 2 was supplementing with )&. 2 told myself it was for the team. "o help win )tate and to help me win a scholarship. 2 thought it made me better, but it made me worse. 2 had dinner with Bonner, and he4s still in physical therapy and has to take all these medications. 2 don4t want that to happen to anyone else. 2 reali$ed what happened to Bonner could happen to me or any of my teammates who are taking )&. 2 have talked to the team. ;e4re all clean now, but 2 know what 2 need to do. 2 need to turn myself in to you as a drug user. 2 know you4ll want me off the team. .aybe 2 could get some counseling from .iss 0ill and come back ne t year6: Austin stood his ground and was prepared to take his punishment. +ade couldn4t help but respect him. 0e had grown up. 9After the game, let4s meet in my office in the field house with your parents and .iss 0ill and discuss the situation. 2 am very proud of you for talking to me. 2t shows great leadership, Austin. Real !uarterbacks need to lead on and off the field.: 9<es, sir.: Austin went back into the locker room and +ade felt his adrenalin surge. 0e had a plan and it would work if he got some help from @ohn ;olfe. +ade ran the length of the sidelines, cheering "rey on as he made his way to the end $one. "here was one minute left in the rematch game against their rival ".0. .organ and they were tied. Austin had passed the ball to "rey who had leveled one defender and twisted out of another

tackle forty yards back. 0e had broken free and was heading for the end $one to give Keeneston the lead. "rey tucked the ball against his chest as he lunged past the last defensive player to reach the end $one. "he whistle blew and the referee4s arms went up causing the stadium to erupt. 9+ome on, men> 0uddle up> "he game is not over. "hey still have time to score.: +ade called his defense around him as the e tra point was kicked. 9)tick to your man. /on4t give them an inch. <ou win this, and you play at +ommonwealth )tadium from now on.: "he defense took the field with determination. "he !uarterback from ".0. .organ pulled his arm back and released a canon of a ball that shot downfield. +ade almost closed his eyes, but he couldn4t look away. 2f the receiver caught this ball, there would only be Aiden, the freshman safety, there to prevent the touchdown. 0e watched as Aiden stuck with the receiver as they bolted downfield. Aiden turned his head to locate the ball coming right to the outstretched hands of the receiver. "he five feet nine inch Aiden leapt into the air at the same time as the receiver. 0ands battled, bodies clashed, the ball was caught, and the crowd gasped as the two players landed in a heap on the field. +ade stopped running, his eyes never looking away from the two forms on the ground. "he referee pulled the receiver off of Aiden, looked down, and blew his whistle. +ade couldn4t blink. 0e didn4t want to miss the signal. "he referee pointed back downfield. 0is shrimp of a freshman had intercepted the pass. "hey had won> 9Austin> Knee the ball until time has e pired. ;e4re going to +ommonwealth )tadium, boys.: 0e was surprised Austin could even hear him between the team cheering and the screams coming from the crowd. +ade took a moment to hear the cheers, to see his players celebrating. 1arents were 7umping up and down in the stands along with the rest of the town. 0e had 7ust brought a team of ine perienced underclassmen to the state semi5finals. ?n top of that, he may have 7ust cracked the case for Annie. 0is happiness drained out of him. ;hat would happen when she solved the case6 9Annie>: 0e found her hugging his players, along with 1aige, as they made their way into the locker room. 9+ade> ?h, congratulations> "his is 7ust so unbelievably wonderful> )he wrapped her arms around him and s!uee$ed tightly. 9Bro, you4re ama$ing> 24m afraid 2 may have broken Annie4s hand though,: 1aige rasped out, her voice raw from cheering. 9"hanks, 1aige. 24m sorry to abandon you, but Annie is needed for a parent meeting. 24ll talk to you soon, though, okay6: 0e gave her a kiss on the cheek and escorted Annie to the field house as 1aige continued to high five the players. 9;hat4s going on6 2s everything all right6: Annie asked as she hurried to keep up with him. 9Austin has seen the light. 0e wants to confess all. ;e4re meeting with him and his parents right now. And, 2 have a plan,: he smirked.

+hapter "wenty Annie and )pecial Agent Romero stood looking at the Keeneston +ounty Utilities bo truck that was parked in front of @ohn ;olfe4s house. )he didn4t know if it would hold the three agents and e!uipment without the bottom falling out. "he truck was mostly rusted and was missing a muffler and a side mirror. 9;here did you get this, um, truck6: Cincent Romero asked. 0e stood with his hands on his hips and wearing the /*A traditional uniform of a gray suit and black tie. 0is dark hair was sprinkled with gray around his temples and slicked back with some gel. 9"his is ol4 Bessie. )he4s the county4s one and only utility repair truck. 2 borrowed her from my cousin4s, brother5in5law4s, son4s best friend,: @ohn told him as if that was common. ;hat wasn4t common was the way he was ad7usting his sweatpants and pulling at the t5shirt he was wearing. 9/o 2 really have to wear this getup6: 9<es, @ohn. <ou don4t wear suspenders to work out in. +ome on. <ou know what to do. =ive us forty5five minutes until you head to the gym. Bet these guys finish wiring you up.: +ade stepped back as one of the agents e plained to @ohn the hidden video in the sweatband he positioned on @ohn4s head. 9Are you ready, Austin6 /o you have any !uestions6: Romero asked Austin, who looked more comfortable in his baggy athletic shorts and K0) football shirt. 9)o, .iss 0ill isn4t a guidance counselor at all6 )he4s actually a /*A agent6: Austin scratched his head and stared disbelievingly at Annie. 9"hat4s right,: Annie answered. 9"hat4s cool. /o you have a gun6: 9<es, but 24ve found most everyone in Keeneston has a gun.: 9"rue. .y mom has a .JK. 2 guess it4s not so cool then.: 9/o you know what you4re supposed to do6: Annie asked again. )he feared working with kids. "hey tended to think they were on television instead of in real life. As a result, they could get hurt. 9<up.: "he tech gave him a K0) sweatband and waited for him to put it on. 9"here are two cameras in yours, one in the 0 and one hidden in the logo on the back. <ou don4t have to watch him to get video, so 7ust do everything naturally and forget the cameras are even there,: the tech e plained. 9Austin, you need to give @ohn about ten minutes to get used to the area before you go in. ;e4ll be right outside.: 9No problem. 2 owe my team this.: Austin climbed into his mom4s minivan and flipped open his cell phone to waste time while he waited. 9?kay, let4s do this,: Romero called out. "echs gathered e!uipment and hopped into black government5 issued cars as @ohn pulled at his sweatpants again. Annie, +ade, Romero and an agent introduced as @ones, hesitantly climbed into the back of the utility truck and took off for the gym. Annie tried to appear confident, but it was hard when her whole case was resting on a senior citi$en and a teenager. "he truck was silent. *veryone was holding their breath as they watched @ohn walk into the Keeneston 2ron +lub and )pa. "he video was up, and they looked at the television monitor as they listened to the audio through headphones.

@ohn walked into the club and asked for a tour and the free week4s pass that was promoted for potential members. 0e was shown around by a perky blonde in tight black spande pants and an e!ually tight, white tank top. By the end of the tour, Annie hadn4t seen much but the ass of the perky blonde, but at least @ohn remembered to stop at the machines that faced the free weight area. @ohn thanked the girl and settled down on one of the machines. ?n cue, Austin sauntered in, shot the same perky blonde a thumbs up, and headed to the locker room. 0e dumped his things in a locker and headed for the free weights. 2t only took a minute for /evon Ross to appear. "hey picked him up first on @ohn4s feed as he not so casually made a beeline for Austin, who was doing bicep curls in front of a mirror. 9Bong time, no see. 0ow are you6: /evon asked as he shot a glance to the large two5way mirror on the second floor to where +ade said "revor =aylen had an office. 92 was grounded, dude. "otally sucked.: Austin changed arms and continued to work out. 9/id your parents find your stash6: 90ell no. 2 didn4t come home on time. 2 was too busy with this hot blonde if you know what 2 mean. "he Mrents totally freaked. But, since 2 couldn4t get to the gym, 2 couldn4t replenish. 24m running on empty, and 2 have the semi5finals ne t week. 2 need to catch up on my supplements.: Annie was relieved when Austin heaved the weight back on the rack and grabbed another one. Austin didn4t look at /evon, but he didn4t avoid him either. "hey were 7ust two guys talking in the weight room. )he had to give him credit, he was doing really well. *ven @ohn was doing his part. 0e moved to another machine slightly closer to the guys and attempted to work it while he casually kept his eyes straight ahead. ;hen he moved machines, he turned his sweatband 7ust enough to the side where /evon and Austin were in frame, but he was looking to the left of them so he wouldn4t draw attention. 9/ude, this is harsh. 2 can4t believe this is burning. 24ve gotten spoiled with the supplements. 0ere, spot me.: Austin tossed some weights on the bar and lay down on the bench. /evon stood over him and spotted him as he cranked out a set on the bench press. 90ow many supplements do you need6: /evon asked as he helped put the bar back in place. 9"wo weeks. 2 need enough to get me through the championship game.: 9/amn right. )tate champs all the way. 2t4ll be seven hundred.: 9No prob. =randma sent some money for my college fund last week.: 9?kay. .eet me in the locker room in fifteen minutes.: 9)ure, dude. 2 got one more set here. +an you still spot6: Annie wanted to cheer. 0e pulled it off so far, even asking him to stay around while he did another set. @ohn got up and moved to another machine as /evon moved to talk to some other people working out. Romero gave a chuckle as the sounds of heavy breathing came across the audio. @ohn was not en7oying himself. "hey all broke out into grins when @ohn murmured something about needing some pie before he died. 8ifteen minutes later Austin made his way to the locker room. /evon was already there with a brown paper bag. ;ithout talking, Austin unlocked his locker, got out a bag with money in it and tossed it to /evon. 9<ou got any needles in there6 24m running low on them too.: Austin opened the bag and looked in, giving the camera a good shot of the needles and two vials of )&. 9.ove in,: Romero said into a walkie5talkie. .oments later the locker room was full of agents with /inky and Noodle representing the local law enforcement.

/evon and Austin were put in cuffs and arrested. /evon was placed in one of the /*A vehicles with Agent @ones and taken to Be ington. Austin was put in the Keeneston )heriff4s /epartment cruiser and taken home by /inky and Noodle. 9=ood 7ob, Blake. ;e didn4t get enough to take down "revor, but /evon strikes me as a talker. 24ll let you know how the interrogation goes.: 0e hopped out of the truck and signaled for the driver to take them back to @ohn4s house. 0er cover was intact, an arrest had been made, and her kids were now safe. 2t was a good day. D D D

"revor felt the sweat break out on his forehead. "he digiti$ed voice coming over the phone was beyond angry and wanted blood. 0e had watched from his office when Austin came in and started working out. 0e hadn4t been in for weeks. )tupidly, he had been relieved to see him. "he prodigal son returning and all of that. /evon had raced upstairs and e plained that he had been grounded for staying out all night with some girl and needed enough )& to make it through the championship game. "revor had foolishly given the drugs to /evon, thinking that the boss would be happy to have the star player back on board. 0e had stood there, watching through his window as /evon made his way to the locker room. 0e watched as Austin finished up a set of s!uats and followed after him. And then his world crashed down on him as he watched men in bad suits and a couple sheriff4s deputies race through the gym and straight into the locker room. /evon and Austin had been led out of the room in handcuffs, and his heart had stopped beating. Austin didn4t have enough evidence to convict anyone but /evon. ?n the other hand, /evon had enough knowledge to make things very hot for him. "revor had known right then that the ne t forty5eight hours would determine one of three things, he4d be dead, in 7ail, or on the run. 0e had a contingency plan, of course. Any smart criminal did. 0e had a fake passport declaring him as one "ravis =olden, a Bahamas resident. 8urther, he had a nice little bank account already established there under that name. "hen the phone had rung and the Bahamas were looking better and better. 90ow the hell did you let this happen6 ;ho told the cops6 ;as it that little brat6: 92 don4t think so. 0e was arrested as well.: "revor wiped his forehead and sat down in his chair. Acid was building in his stomach as more and more curse words spewed forth from Boss. 92t must be /avies then. Rough him up a little and kill that stupid slut of a girlfriend. "hat should teach him to keep his mouth shut. And for =od4s sake, get someone into that holding cell with /evon and take care of him before he talks.: 9Blood or no blood6: "revor asked. 9Normally 2 would have you rip his damn tongue out and slash his throat, but that would garner too much attention. 0e4s diabetic. 0ave someone shoot him up with insulin. =o to his house first and plant enough evidence that the cops will be forced to stop their investigation. Bet /evon take the fall for everything. 0e was stupid enough to get arrested.: 9;hat about our ne t shipment of )&6 ;on4t the cops be surprised to see it again if we have any more health issues6: 9Not if you take care of this tonight. 2f not, 24ll order your death. =ot it6: 9<es, Boss.: 9Now, the new shipment has been altered slightly, so it won4t be the same as what /evon 7ust got caught with. Beave the rest of your supply at /evon4s place. 0opefully this strain won4t

result in so many deaths because of heart issues. "hank goodness for all these brats. Better than rats, and they actually pay me to be my test sub7ects. 1rofits were way up this !uarter. At least you4re not failing me financially. But, "revor, you go with them tonight to make sure the 7ob is done right. /avies is not to be seriously in7ured, got that6: 9<es, Boss.: 9"he girl on the other handE feel free to make a statement.: "he phone disconnected and "revor rela ed some. 2f tonight went well, he wouldn4t need to leave town. 2f it didn4t go well, then he needed to get gone. 0e pulled out an eight inch hunting knife he kept in his drawer and slid it into his holster against his back, hidden by his black sports coat. 0e sent a te t to the boys and headed downstairs. "onight he would get back in the boss4s good graces. Boss wanted a statement kill and what Boss wants, Boss gets.

+hapter "wenty5?ne 90umph. 2 can4t get the door to open.: )teve had his shoulder against the door and was trying to !uietly push it open. 92t4s probably locked.: "revor tried not to roll his eyes. 0is boys were good for violence, but that was about it. "here were definitely not hired for their intelligence. 92t4s not locked, .r. =aylen.: 9.ove over idiot, 24ll get it.: /oug pushed )teve out of the way, and with his curly hair sticking out in different directions he put his shoulder to the door and shoved. "he door flew open, and /oug face5planted in the entranceway coming nose to nose with @ustin. 9)hit> 2t4s a big hairy dog.: 9)lit its throat.: "revor shoved )teve forward before the dog could alert /avies and his girl that they were there. 9No need. 2t4s a nice dog,: /oug whispered. @ustin thumped his tail, turned and trotted upstairs. +ade awoke in the middle of the night with the feeling someone was watching him. 0e felt the warm breath on his face and slowly opened his eyes. @ustin4s face was no more than an inch from his. @ustin4s brown eyes were looking right at his, and he brought his big paw up and slapped him in the face with it. 9=o back to bed, @ustin. 2t4s the middle of the night,: +ade whispered to his dog. But, @ustin didn4t go lie down, and he didn4t 7ump on the bed. 2nstead he pawed at him again and looked at the door. +ade was about to roll over to ignore him when he heard a noise that wasn4t right. 2t was a creak that didn4t fit in the normal noises his house made when it settled. 0e !uickly got out of bed and slipped on a pair of Bearded +ollie bo er shorts that were lying on the floor. "hey certainly weren4t the most intimidating, but his Ranger bo ers weren4t at hand. 0e crawled onto the bed to wake Annie up, 7ust to find her already awake. 92 count at least five, possibly more,: she said as she slipped on her panties and a t5shirt. 9"hose aren4t good odds.: 9"hey4re learning, but they4re still not too smart. =ot any weapons up here6: 9Bat or knife6: 9"he priest gnome worked pretty well, so 24ll go with the bat.: 0e tossed a Bouisville )lugger across the bed and watched her take position on one side of the door. 2f +ade wasn4t worried sick about her, he would have appreciated her fighting knowledge. "hey would bottleneck them so they could have a fighting chance. +ade picked up the portable phone, dialed A5(5( and tossed it back down on the bed while it rang. 0e could hear them easily now and didn4t have time to talk to the operator. "hey would trace the call, but he knew they were too far away to make a difference now. Annie pressed herself against the wall and closed her eyes. )he counted the footsteps. )even against two. "hose odds were definitely not good. )he knew she could take two, but that would leave five to +ade, and there was no way he could handle that. )he would 7ust have to take more on because there wasn4t a chance in 0ell she4d let anything happen to him. )he tightened her grip on the bat and tried to control her breathing. 0er plan was to bottleneck them in the doorway. "wo could probably get through at once, but then it would be one on one.

2f they went down, the thugs behind them would have an even harder time getting through the door. Annie heard the men stop. ?ne tried to creep !uietly forward but was about as !uiet as a buffalo. )he watched the doorknob turn and knew it was time to protect +ade once again. 2t always seemed like he was getting in trouble. "he door swung open and Barry and +urly came busting through. Annie heard the sound of +ade4s knife tearing through Barry4s 7acket. +urly looked to his in7ured friend and Annie swung away. "he contact with the back of +urly4s head reverberated up her arms. Annie didn4t have time to smile as +urly crumpled to the ground, landing on top a moaning and bleeding Barry. "wo down, five to go. .oe and one of the roid triplets tried to fight their way in, but they both couldn4t get over their two downed comrades. As the hairless ball of muscle made his way through, she decided +ade could have him. 0e was really big. A girl does need to recogni$e her limitations after all. Anyway, she wanted a reunion for her and her "hree )tooge partner who was having trouble trying to climb over his friends. 9Bong time no see.: ;hen he looked up from trying to untangle himself, she smacked him with the bat. 0is nose wasn4t straight anyway. .aybe they could finally fi that in 7ail. .oe went tumbling backwards as the blood gushed from his nose. 0e stepped backwards and into, well really more like onto, the unconscious +urly. .oe4s arms pinwheeled as he lost his footing. Annie watched as he lost his fight with gravity. 0e collapsed against the door, his head smashing into the frame. Annie watched him for a second, but he didn4t move. 0e had been knocked out when he had fallen. 9@esus +hrist. /o 2 have to do everything6 @ust kill her for crying out loud. 0ow hard can it be6: a )cottish accented voice said. 9=aylen, is that you6 <ou know, if you wanted to come for a visit, you could have 7ust called.: +ade walked to one side of the pile of downed thugs, wiping the bloody blade of his knife on his Beardie bo ers. "oo bad, blood was hard to get out and those were really cute bo ers. 9<ou know why 2 came, /avies. <ou leaked our operation to the cops and as a result we were raided. 2 told you not to cross the Boss. <ou knew the price of betrayal when we started our partnership, so we4re here to collect. /oug, hold him down while we kill her.: Annie4s grasp on the bat slackened as the reality set in. "hey weren4t here to rough up +ade, they were here to kill her in retribution for the raid. A beast of a man came forward and easily took a large step over the still moaning Barry pinned down by an unconscious +urly. 0e went right for +ade, but before she could take a swing at him, the last of the triplets came at her. 0e stood easily at si feet and was nothing but hulking muscle. 9=et her, but 7ust hold her. 2 want to have this pleasure.: "revor =aylen stepped forward into the room. 0e was handsome in a dangerous way in his black suit, his red hair slicked back, but it was the cold of his eyes that worried her. Annie had seen enough to know she was in trouble. )he didn4t dare take her eyes off of them, but heard +ade in a battle with /oug the Beast. )he tightened her grip on the wood bat. 0er slick palms slid over the smooth wood as she brought the bat up and swung with all she had at one huge, shiny, bald head. 2t was a great swing. )he felt it arching through the air, the momentum of the bat twisting her body. )uddenly she was yanked off her feet. "he bat had made contact, but not with his head as she had hoped. 0e had grabbed the bat with his bare hand and 7erked it forward. )he was

powerless to stop herself from falling forward as he pulled the bat towards him. )he lost her balance and fell forward, right into his muscle5bound chest. )trong arms wrapped around her, crushing her to the point of not being able to even shout to +ade. ?ne of the vices called an arm moved from around her back to grip her hair as she was thrown to the ground. 9Annie>: +ade screamed. )he heard the smack of a punch hitting the mark and then +ade cursing. 9;ell, now we get to be properly introduced. .y name is "revor =aylen, and 2 will be your e ecutioner tonight,: he purred in his )cottish brogue. 0e pulled out a knife from behind his back. Annie fought for all she had. )he pulled until she felt her hair tearing out of her scalp. )he tried to kick, punch, bite, anything, but was held unmercifully by Baldy. 1ain shot down her shoulder as he kept her on her knees. "revor walked forward, the knife held casually and confidently at his side until he stood before her. Annie couldn4t hear +ade struggling to get free as the cold knife blade was brought to her neck. 2t tickled as he slowly ran it along her throat, the hot blood warming the blade as it trickled from the shallow cut across her throat. 9No need to look so terrified, at least not yet. "hat was 7ust me saying hello,: =aylen laughed as he wiped the bloodied blade across her white t5shirt. 0er head swam as her stomach flipped. 0er heart was beating loudly, blocking out almost all other sound. All other sound e cept heavy panting6 )he strained her ears to block out =aylen4s threats. "here> )he heard it again, this time accompanied with a low growl. 2t was coming from the corner of the room behind her. "he sound of large paws running across the hardwood reached her as she saw =aylen4s eyes widen. )he pulled with all her strength against Baldy. 0e held tight and twisted his hand around her hair, tightening it even more and pulling her to her feet. )he was 7erked back against him and spotted +ade for one brief moment. 0e was pinned on the ground by the Beast, fighting to get free. )he may 7ust be able to save him yet. "he growl that came from behind her was now near. Baldy finally noticed it and twisted around, sending her crashing to the floor. 0er head was yanked violently back as Baldy raised his arms to shield off the imminent attack. @ustin, teeth bared, purple bow bobbing, leapt into the air. 0is hairy 7owls were pulled back to show an impressive amount of teeth, his hair flowing behind him as he sailed through the air. Annie felt the moment Baldy released her hair. 0is arms came up defensively as @ustin bit down on his arm. 0is momentum sent Baldy sprawling to the ground, screaming as @ustin continued his assault. Annie didn4t waste any time. )he vaulted forward and tackled =aylen in the midsection. "he knife flew out of his hand and slid along the floor until it bounced off the baseboard as they crashed into the door and landed on the floor. Annie fought to gain the upper hand, but =aylen beat her to it. )he clawed at anything she could and was rewarded with cursing in =aelic when she raked her nails down the side of his face. "he sound only motivated her to continue fighting. )he kicked, bit, and hit anything she could. 0e managed to roll her so he was straddling her. )he felt his full weight on her hips as he brought back his hand to punch her. )he lifted her bottom off the floor as fast as she could. 2t wasn4t enough to toss =aylen off of her, but it was enough to cause him to fall forward. )he wrapped her arms around his chest and rolled to her left until they rolled into the wall, neither of them willing to give up control.

)he was aware of noise behind her but didn4t have time to focus on it. Arms were tangled and legs were intertwined as they fought. Annie felt his breath on her neck and the smooth material of his suit on her legs as she tried to get on top of him. )uddenly she was free, warm hands were under her arms pulling her off the ground. Baldy> )he lashed out with her legs and connected with his knee. 9?w, 24m trying to save you here.: 9+ade>: Annie finally let the blinding rage die down and took a look around the room that was now filled with people. Noodle was cuffing a battered and bloody =aylen. *."4s were seeing to Barry, .oe, +urly and one of the steroidasaurus men. @ustin was lying on the bed, his back legs stretched behind him, his head resting on his front paws, his purple bow dangling off to the side of his head as he watched the action going on around the room. Annie looked around and found that Baldy was backed in the corner, begging /inky to get him away from that dog. @ustin raised his head and cocked it to one side. 9;oof>: 9"hat4s it. 24ll tell you whatever you want, 7ust get me out of here safely. "hat dog is the devil>: @ustin grinned, his pink tongue licking his lips before laying his head back down on his paws. 9;here4s that beast of a man you were fighting with6: 90e4s already loaded up in the cruiser. 0e was very conveniently tossed through a window. Banded right in front of my )UC,: +ole said as he strutted into the room wearing his navy blue 8B2 7acket and black cowboy hat. 9Agent 1arker6 "his isn4t your 7urisdiction, is it6: Annie asked. )he felt her feathers become ruffled at the idea of him moving in on her case. 9No, 24m 7ust helping out the )heriff4s department. "he )heriff is down with a kidney stone so when the A5(5( call came in, the switchboard operator called her grandmother *dna, who called .iss Bily who lives ne t door, who then called .arcy, who in turn called 1aige, who told me to get over here, or she4d make the incident with the vacuum cleaner seem like a piece of cake. 9?h, um, okay6: )he had no idea about the vacuum cleaner, but +ade was nodding and clearly understanding the situation. At least he wasn4t trying to take her case away from her. 9* cuse me,: +ole said as his cell phone rang. 0e opened it and strode across the room. 91arker. <es, sir. "he 8B2 will be more than happy to provide any back5up you may need. )ure, 2 will tell them. +all if there is anything else you need.: +ole shut off his phone and turned to the room. 9?kay, men, all prisoners are to be read their rights and transported to the /*A offices in Be ington. "here is to be no radio communication about this and no phone calls given. Ask for )pecial Agent in +harge Romero when you transfer the prisoners.: "he .iranda warning started to echo throughout the room as the prisoners were cuffed and hauled off to various cruisers downstairs. 9.iss 0ill, if you don4t mind getting dressed, 2 have been asked to escort you and +ade to the /*A4s office as well.: +ole looked over to +ade and grinned. 9Now, aren4t those cute bo ers6 A big smiling dog face right on yourEwait> 2s that a tail on the backside6: +ole laughed as a red faced +ade pulled on a pair of 7eans. 9?h shut up or 24ll tell my sister you are thinking of giving her an iron for +hristmas.: "he remaining men in the room gasped and +ole went white. 9"hat4s not funny. =et in the car, /avies.: +ade stood ne t to Romero and some federal prosecutor who thought way too much of himself. 0e looked through the two5way mirrored glass at a very calm and collected "revor

=aylen who was chained to a gray metal table. "he door opened and Annie walked in. +ade got a lot of pleasure seeing the confusion on =aylen4s face. 90ello, "revor. 2t4s nice to see you again. ;e were so busy the last time we saw each other that 2 didn4t get to properly introduce myself. 2 am Agent Blake with the /*A4s office.: 9Agent6 ;ell, bugger me.: 9No thanks, 2 think 24ll 7ust send you to 7ail and let someone else have that pleasure.: Annie walked in and took a seat across from him. )he was all confidence and +ade couldn4t take his eyes off of her. )he came to life in the interrogation room. 9)trangest thing, "revor, /evon Ross was found in a diabetic coma in his cell a little while ago. Buckily he was able to pull through. 0e told us a lot, "revor. 8unny thing, he wasn4t cooperating until you all decided to try to kill him.: 9;hat does this have to do with me6: 924m glad you asked. )ee, he told us who tried to kill him. ;e talked to him, and he gave up one of the men arrested with you tonight. )eems @eremy was the guy holding me down so you could kill me. 2 talked to him for a bit, and he told me !uite a story about you and your boss.: 92 want a lawyer.: "revor didn4t look so calm anymore. )weat was beading on his forehead, and he had turned a ghostly shade of white. Annie, on the other hand, practically glowed. 9"hat4s fine. <ou don4t have to talk. 24ll do all the talking. <ou 7ust sit back and listen while 2 tell you a story. 2t4s a story of an immigrant who is wanted for murder in his home country. *ven though his home country hasn4t had an e ecution since the (AP'4s, apparently he managed to piss off all the ma7or gangs and has basically signed his own death certificate if he goes back home. ?f course, committing such a crime in the U.). could result in his deportation if it were brought to the )cottish Ambassador4s attention.: 92n this story, what does the poor immigrant need to do to stay out of his home country6: +ade watched as she slowly smiled as if she were a cat who had 7ust eaten the canary. 924m so glad you asked> <ou4re a perfect listener. 2f the immigrant writes down everything he knows about all the players in his organi$ation, especially his boss, and agrees to testify, we can see about keeping him on American soil.: 9But as you pointed out, the homeland doesn4t have the death penalty, but you all do.: 9;e4ll take it off the table if and when he chooses to cooperate. "he offer e pires in thirty minutes.: Annie placed a pad and a pen in front of him as she got up from her chair. 924ll see you in thirty minutes, and if that pad isn4t full, 24ll call the embassy myself.: Annie stood up straight and walked out the door. 92 don4t think 24m going to send her back to .iami. 2 think 24ll keep her,: Romero 7oked. 92 think 2 will too.: +ade smiled. D D D

Annie read over the statement one more time. /amn, damn, damn. 0e didn4t know the identity of the boss. 0e did give up the entire organi$ation though and all the other ma7or and minor players across the country. 0e gave her drop dates and times, dealers, middlemen and even e plained that the boss used the teenagers as guinea pigs. 9"his doesn4t make sense. 0e wasn4t at the games and neither were any of his people,: Annie told Romero and +ade. 9"hen the boss must have been at the game.: +ade saw Annie look to Romero whose brow creased in concentration.

90e4s right. Agent @ones>: Romero yelled into the cubicles outside his office. 9+all a 7udge, any 7udge and get us a warrant for additional surveillance e!uipment to be put up in and around +ommonwealth )tadium. "hen call +ommonwealth and get this set up. "he boss will be there, and we need a picture of every single person who goes in or out. Also, we need everyone held for 3K hours. No paperwork on them, no phone calls. =et the 7udge to sign off on that too.: Annie watched as Romero went over to his desk and shuffled through the file. 9=ood 7ob, you two. =o home. =et some rest. =ood luck at that game tomorrow, +oach.: 9"hank you. 2 assume the A5(5( call should be covered up6: +ade asked. 924ve already taken care of it.: 9No disrespect, sir, but gossip travels at an ama$ing rate in Keeneston. 2t will take more than the /*A4s office threatening the local cops to !uiet this down.: 92 know. 2 called @ohn ;olfe as soon as 2 got the call. 0e4s helping us out with a cover story.: 9"hat4s, well, that4s 7ust brilliant.: Annie was in awe. )he would never have thought about that. 924m from 1aris, Kentucky. 2t4s 7ust a little bigger than Keeneston so 2 know the ropes of small town gossip.: Romero actually cracked a smile as he pointed them out the door. 9+ome on, let4s go home.: Annie4s heart warmed at the thought. )he was becoming part of a town with the old guard looking out for her, a man who loved her, and a dog that had saved her. 9)ounds great. But, let4s pick up a burger for @ustin. 2 think he deserves it.: "hey headed out to the parking lot and to the car waiting to take them home.

+hapter "wenty5"wo Annie was sure she had never felt such pain. ?w> "here it was again. )he had been trying to casually check out everyone in attendance, but it was proving to be very difficult with so many people there. 9/id you see that6 2 have never seen "rey or Austin so in tune with each other>: 1aige hit her arm again and Annie cringed. )he had been bruised before the first !uarter was over. Now that the game was almost over, she was pretty sure one more hit would snap her arm in two. 9"hey are playing really well,: Annie said absently as she looked around again. 91laying well6 ;hat4s the matter with you6 "hey have led this team to beat the top school in Bouisville with an unstoppable offense,: 1aige s!uealed as she hit Annie4s arm again. "he game had been close until the third !uarter, but then "rey and Austin had found their groove and never looked back. "he Keeneston crowd gave the team a standing ovation as the clock reached $ero. +ade shook the hand of the opposing coach and headed for the locker room to celebrate with his team. 0e looked into the stands and caught Annie4s eye. )he shook her head slightly and he grimaced. "hey hadn4t found anything yet. 2t would be a long night for Annie, but he4d be waiting for her when she got home. Annie paced the small, dark control room in frustration. "hey had been in there for three hours looking over security footage. By now she could name every person in the town who had showed up to the game. None of them shouted 9/rug Kingpin.: "hey were all the guy or girl ne t door. 9"hese are all my neighbors. 2t4s none of them. "his is pointless,: she growled in frustration. 92 think you may be right. 2t4s time to ruffle his feathers. Book the goons, put =aylen in protective custody, and see if we can4t get the boss to feel a little desperate knowing his organi$ation is all in 7ail,: Romero ordered. 9=o home, Blake. Keep me posted.: Annie pulled into )t. 8rances4 parking lot and found two trucks parked in front of her house. ;arm light lit up her porch as she climbed the steps. )he recogni$ed +ade4s farm truck, but the other truck was not known to her. )he cautiously opened the door and stuck her head into her house. )he took a whiff and started to drool a little. 2t smelled warm and yummy. +ade was sitting on the couch with his dad, watching # ortsCenter. )he looked around her small house and found .arcy in the kitchen. )he was pulling the casserole out of the oven and Annie4s stomach rumbled. "here was the source of the great smell. 9;elcome home, dear> +ade said you had a meeting that would run late. 2 also know you don4t cook, so 2 thought 2 would bring this chicken pot pie over so you have something good to eat before bed.: Annie bit the inside of her cheek to prevent from tearing up. No one had ever thought to make sure she had a good meal before bed. 9"hank you, .arcy. .aybe someday 2 will learn to cook that. 2t smells great.: 9;ell, to each her own. 2f you don4t like cooking, then don4t. +ooking is made with love after all.: 92t4s not that 2 don4t like it. 2 7ust don4t know how. 2 never had anyone to teach me,: she said !uietly.

9;ell> ;hy didn4t you say so6 24ll teach you. Now, it4s late and you need your rest. @ake> 2t4s time to go.: .arcy leaned forward and gave her a motherly kiss on the cheek and a s!uee$e of her hand before herding her husband out the door. +ade came to stand beside her and slipped his arm around her waist. 92 take it, it didn4t go well6: 9No, we got nowhere. 2 knew every person there and have no reason to suspect any of them. )o, we booked the ones we4re holding and will 7ust hope that the boss will get nervous and slip up. But, your mom4s cooking is making me feel better.: )he walked into the kitchen and got down a plate. 92 must admit. 24m getting spoiled being around her. 2t gives me a feeling of family 2 never had.: 9<ou could have the family you want now.: Annie thought about what he said as she ate a late dinner. +ould she have it all6 D D D

Annie sat at her home computer and stared at the old email. +ade was at practice at +ommonwealth )tadium for the championship game )aturday evening, and here she was, sitting alone at home on a )unday night. )he forced her thoughts back to the old email from her cousin +hrystal. +ade and his family were stirring up feelings she never knew she had or wanted. All she could think about was wanting to share the love and closeness the /avies shared. But, was Keeneston 7ust one more stop in a life of constant moves and let5downs6 )he hit reply and typed a short message to her cousin. )he did not agree to meet, but it was enough that the feeling of being alone in the world abated. "he knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts. 90iya>: 1aige pushed her way through the door with bags of food, heading straight for the kitchen. 90ello, dear. ;e4re here to teach you how to cook. 2 brought all the makings for +ade4s favorite and easy dinner. And,: .arcy pulled out a white bo with a green ribbon tied on it and handed it to her, 9this is for you. *very cook needs one.: Annie opened the bo and pulled out a light5green apron lined with a white ribbon. 0er name was embroidered across the chest. 2t was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. 9"hank you so much. "his is lovely.: 2t was also a sign. )he was putting down roots. )he had love and friendship. "his wasn4t 7ust another stopover. "his was home. Annie smiled and asked old .r. 8owler how his hip was doing as she walked with him to the cafeteria for lunch. .rs. Bentley waved hello as she hurried to her ne t class. .s. Bope$ stood by the big double doors waiting for their lunch date. *ver since yesterday when 1aige and .arcy spent the afternoon with her, she reali$ed how much she had become integrated into Keeneston in the months since her arrival. 9Nervous about tonight6: 9<ou know 2 am, .argaret,: Annie told her friend as she sat at one of the teacher tables in the brightly lit cafeteria. 9"here4s always a first time and it4s always the worst. But, 2 promise, it does get better.: 9Really6: 9)ure. 2 remember the first meal 2 cooked Randy and it was horrible. 2 had to throw out the pan. Now 2 can cook a meal for ten with my eyes closed.:

9"hat makes me feel better. 24m going to leave a little early and get fresh groceries for dinner. +ade4s coming over at seven, or whenever practice in Be ington ends. 24m going to need all the time 2 can get in case 2 ruin it the first time and have to start over.: 9+all me if you need anything and good luck>: 9"hanks, 24ll need it.: Annie tossed her garbage into the trash can and headed back to her office to look over the recipe 7ust one more time. +ade ran his finger down the column and checked it off. Austin4s grades were improving. 0e had three more tests to grade, and then he could head over to +ommonwealth )tadium. )chool had let out, and everyone was on their way to Be ington for practice. 0e wanted them to get used to the stadium and the facilities so nothing would take their focus away on the big day. +oach 1arks had driven the bus over, and they had section meetings first and then they would warm up. "hat gave +ade enough time to get the !ui$$es graded and submitted. +ade put the graded papers in his finished pile and recorded the grades in his book before he reached for his mug filled with water. 0e absently took a gulp of water before starting to grade the ne t paper. +ade closed his eyes and then opened them again. 0e had read the same answer five times and still couldn4t finish reading it because it was moving around the page. )omething wasn4t right. 0e was sweating and very di$$y. 0e took another drink of water and tried to focus on the far wall. 2t blurred as his vision tunneled. )omething was really wrong. 0e tried to stay calm and assess the situation. 0e had taken a drink of water and then gotten di$$y and light headed. 0e had drunk more water to try to feel better and that4s when he started sweating and getting tunnel vision. 0e tried to reach for the phone to call A5(5(, but his arms wouldn4t move. 0e was positive now, he had been poisoned. 0e took a deep breath and focused on his cell phone sitting on the edge of the desk. As he e haled, he lunged for the phone only to fall out of his seat and onto the ground completely paraly$ed. 0is eyes blurred and everything started to fade to black. 0e tried to focus his eyes but could only see a shadow of a figure come to stand over him. 2t had to be the boss. 0e was making his move. 0e felt hands grab under his arms. 0e willed himself to fight, to kick, to punch, but nothing would work. 0e tried to open his mouth, but no sound came out. 0e wasn4t even sure his mouth opened. 0e was trapped in his own body as he watched the blurry lights pass by him as he was dragged down the hall. 0e had to fight. 0e had to try. ;ith one last effort, he felt his finger move before the tunnel collapsed and everything went black. D D D

Annie placed the groceries on the counter and reached for the ringing phone. 90ello.: 9Annie6 2t4s Al 1arks. 2 know +ade was planning on coming over there for dinner, but 2 have some !uestions about practice 2 need to ask him. 2 thought he was coming after he got done grading papers, but 2 guess 2 was wrong.: 9+ade4s not here. 0e was supposed to be at practice.: Annie felt a chill dance down her spine. 9;ell, if he4s not there and he4s not here, then he must be at school. 2 tried his office, and 2 tried his cell, but he4s not answering. 2f you see him, will you tell him to give me a call6: 9)ure, Al. Book, 2 gotta go.: )he hung up the phone and raced into her bedroom. )he pulled out her underwear drawer and lifted the hidden compartment to get her /*A5issued A millimeter and badge. )he had a boyfriend to saveEagain.

+hapter "wenty5"hree +ade felt like he was swimming in caramel. *verything was moving slowly and his memories were sticky. ?nly years of training kept him from opening his eyes. 0e knew he had no strength or balance so he focused on controlling his breathing and listening. 2f he could 7ust figure out where he was and who took him, he could develop a plan for escape. )huffling sounds came from behind him and then the sound of a furnace kicking on. 0e knew he was sitting in a chair and hoped no one was in front of him. 0e cracked his eyes and peered out through his eyelashes, right into the face of a skeleton. 0e looked past the skeleton and saw shelving full of old beakers, test tubes, and Bunsen burners. 0e knew where he was. 0e was in the science storage room in the basement of the high school. 0e tried to move his arms but found both wrists were duct taped to an old, wooden teacher4s chair. 0e knew the answer but tested his legs anyway. 0e wasn4t surprised to find them bound to the chair as well. 8rom behind him, a cell phone rang and was !uickly picked up. 9<es6: 0e knew that voice. 2f his mind would 7ust focus he could place it. 9No, .r. Klaus, everything is fine. "he shipment will be sent out on time. 2t4s 7ust a simple matter of reorgani$ation of management. <ou know how hard good help is to find.: "he voice laughed, and it clicked in his head who it was. 92 look forward to many years of partnership. 1lease tell the others the organi$ation is strong and all contracts will be met on time with !uality product. <es. "hank you.: "he cell phone was clicked shut, and +ade gave up trying to pretend to be asleep. 8or years he had known that voice, for years they had been friends, and the whole time his friend was the boss of a ma7or drug operation. 92 see you are awake. )urprised it turned out to be me6 2 bet 2 never crossed your mind,: the Boss practically spat out at him. 9;hy6: +ade still couldn4t process the betrayal. 9.oney, of course.: 9;hat about all those kids who were killed because of the bad product you made6: 9"hat was merely a bonus. 2 can4t stand all those sniveling brats. "hey were the perfect lab rats.: "he Boss stood directly in front of him now, and he could hardly believe it, but the evidence was right there before his eyes. Unable to stand the sight, he looked away. A small movement behind the Boss caught his eyes. "he tip of a gun slid through the door. 0e was being rescued. 9;hy are you doing this to me6 After all we4ve been through6 2 don4t understand.: 9<ou wouldn4t. <ou were too focused on that slut. /o you know how many times 2 could have killed you6 2 could have killed you any time of any day, but because of our relationship, 2 gave you the courtesy of keeping you alive. 2 gave you the courtesy of only hurting you a little when you went against our partnership and turned /evon over to the police. 2 ordered that slut to be killed and for you to be spared. ;hat is the thanks 2 get6 .y whole organi$ation gone> And right when 2 have my biggest shipment ever to make.: +ade saw Annie4s 7ean clad leg appear, along with the steady arm holding the gun. 0e 7ust needed to keep talking to keep the attention away from the door. 9Because your men were inept you4re going to kill me6: 92 thought 2 would give you the respect you deserve and let you die while you were with those who cared for you. 2 know you military type. 24m going to give you the respect of knowing you are going to die and who is responsible for it. 2 wanted you to know it was me.: +ade4s eyes fell

to a large needle in the Boss4s hand. 0e watched as the plunger was pressed slightly down, li!uid spewing out the sharp tip of the needle. "he sound of the gun being cocked drew his attention back to the door. 92t4s over, )tephanie, put the needle down.: Annie saw her back go rigid. 9Annie6: )tephanie slowly turned around on the balls of her feet and stared icily at her. Annie saw the needle still in her hand. ;hat worried her was that )tephanie4s hands weren4t shaking. 9<ou can call me Agent Blake. 24m with the /*A. 1ut the needle down or 24ll shoot you.: Annie took a couple steps forward and leveled the gun at )tephanie4s cold heart hidden under her pale blue sweater set. ;ith no warning, )tephanie lunged forward. Annie shot off a round, but it went wide. )tephanie went after her gun. )he felt the needle 7ab into her hand and she screamed. "he gun dropped to the ground, and )tephanie went after it. Annie ripped the needle out and tackled )tephanie. 92 won4t let you win this time. <ou may be smarter than those e pendables 2 hired, but you4re not smarter than me.: )tephanie stretched for the gun, her fingers crawling along the floor to reach it. 92t4s not about being smart. 2t4s about being strong.: Annie grabbed her own hand and used the force to slam her elbow into )tephanie4s back. )tephanie reared up, screaming in pain and Annie grabbed the only thing she could get a hold of. )he wrapped her hand around )tephanie4s perfect hair and pulled with all her strength. Baldy had taught her this move. )teph was stronger than she gave her credit for. "he elbow she threw caught Annie right in the ribs and sent her falling back. Not letting go of )tephanie4s hair, )tephanie rolled with her as they both landed on their sides and scrambled up to their feet. Annie grabbed more hair to pull )tephanie closer, and )tephanie kicked out at her. 1ain shot up her lower leg where )teph4s heel caught her. ?kay, enough playing around. Annie pulled harder on the clump of hair in her hand while sliding her other arm around )tephanie4s throat and s!uee$ed. )tephanie dug her nails into Annie4s arm. )he felt warm blood bubbling up from the claw marks and screamed, but didn4t let go. )he s!uee$ed tighter as )tephanie fought more frantically. Annie released )teph4s hair and put her in a proper choke hold. )tephanie dug her nails in again and slammed her heel onto Annie4s foot. Annie saw spots in her vision but held on. 0er foot was on fire, and she was sure it was broken. "hrough the pain, she reali$ed that )tephanie4s struggles were weakening. 2f she could 7ust hold on a little longer. Annie shifted her weight to her good foot and applied more pressure. )tephanie clawed again, but it wasn4t as strong. )he tried to reach behind her but never could reach Annie. Annie felt when )tephanie lost consciousness and let go. "hey both collapsed to the ground. Annie sucked in ragged breaths as she crawled toward +ade. 90ere we are, back at the beginning,: she mumbled as she found an old scalpel to cut the tape tying +ade down. 90ow so6: 924m saving you again.: 9"here4s no one else 24d rather be saved by.: +ade opened his freed arms, and she managed to climb into his lap before her foot gave out. +ade stroked her hair and held onto her for dear life. 98ree$e>: 92t4s okay, Noodle,: +ade called out as Annie raised her head from his chest to look at the room filling with the local sheriff4s department and +ole 1arker. 92t was )tephanie. +all an

ambulance, Annie4s foot is probably broken, and she has some nasty cuts on her face and arms from )tephanie.: +ade held on tightly to her until the *."4s arrived. 2f he had things his way, he4d never let her go again. Annie hated what she was about to do, but she had no choice. )he left the warmth and comfort of +ade4s arms and struggled to stand on one foot. )he had a crime scene to control. 9+ole, can you call )pecial Agent Romero at the /*A4s office and tell him to get down here with a prisoner transport6: )he reached into the back of her 7eans pocket for her badge, but +ole stopped her. 9Already done, Agent Blake.: 9<ou know who 2 am6: +ole looked slightly embarrassed. 92 figured you for a cop the second we met. 2 ran you through the system and figured it out. ;hen you put in place enough cover identities as 2 have, you can spot one from a mile away. ;ould you care to have the honors6: +ole gestured to a now cuffed and waking up )tephanie being held by Noodle and /inky. 9Nothing would give me more pleasure. )tephanie Bong, you have the right to remain silent.: Annie grinned down at the once spotless and perfectly perky )tephanie. 9Agent Blake, we can now call you that, right6: /inky looked to Noodle who shrugged. 9;ait. ;hat do you mean now6 /id you both know who 2 was too6: /inky looked nervous but kept his back straight and his eyes on hers. 9<es, ma4am. ;e knew who you were the night we arrested all those guys at your house. Between the two of us, we4ve dated or tried to date all the school teachers around here, and none of them could beat up three men. )o, we looked into it, put two and two together and came up with fed. A little more digging and we came up with your name down in .iami.: 9;hy didn4t you say anything6: Unbelievable. )he had a topnotch, undercover identity, and now here were all these people who had known who she was the whole time. 9;e may work in a small town, but we both graduated top of our class from *astern Kentucky University. 2t has a great criminal 7ustice program. ;e may seem laid back, but we keep our eyes and ears open.: 924m really impressed. But, you don4t need to call me Agent Blake. Annie is fine. "hank you, all of you, for having my back. 2s that how you got here so !uickly6: 92 saw you race out of the house while 2 was on patrol. <our gun was attached to your hip so 2 knew it wasn4t good. 2 called Noodle and +ole as 2 followed you. 2 lost you once inside the school though, or 2 would have been here sooner to help you.: /inky shifted his weight slightly but stood firm. 9"hat was a great 7ob, /inky.: )tatic sounded, and he e cused himself to radio in. 9/*A is here. 2 directed them down here. ;hat do you need us to do6: 9+rowd control6: )he laughed. )he stopped laughing though as everyone cringed. 9;hat6: 924ll rock, paper, scissors you for it,: /inky told Noodle. 9+rowd control6 )eriously6: 9<ou ever try to keep the Rose sisters or @ohn ;olfe from a crime scene6 And this is a B2= crime scene,: /inky e plained. 92 better check the batteries on the taser,: Noodle drawled. 9?h, that4s horrible> )top 7oking.I 92f she4s going to be hanging around, she4ll learn,: /inky said to Noodle as they went out the door.

;as she going to be hanging around6 )he loved Keeneston. But, with her 7ob at the /*A she didn4t have a real say in where she was going to live. )he could be transferred at any time. )uddenly the prospect of moving again didn4t sound nearly as fun and e citing as it used to. D D D

Annie and +ade took a seat at the Blossom +afH later that night. 0er foot was fractured and in a large air cast. )he had wanted to go home, but +ade had sworn up and down that they wouldn4t be able to hide. 2f they didn4t tell the story, the town would hunt them down and they wouldn4t get any rest. Better to go to the hot spot and tell the story once. 9.iss Blake, 24m so glad we can finally call you that. 2 was terrified 2 would slip up and call you the wrong name and get you shot,: .iss /aisy said as she whipped out her notepad to take their order. Annie stared at her dumbfounded. 9<ou knew too6: 9?f course. )ee, *dna told my sister Bily that she had heard from her brother4s, wife4s, second cousin4s third son that you were /*A. )he was real careful who she told though so we wouldn4t blow your cover.: 9;ell, thank you for keeping it !uiet.: Annie suspected )tephanie was maybe the only person in town who didn4t know who she was. 9?f course, what do you take us for, a bunch of old gossips6 ;e protect our own.: .iss /aisy headed over to another table to fill them in. Annie looked over at +ade who 7ust raised an eyebrow. "his seemed all very normal to him. ;hat scared her was the fact that she wasn4t upset about her blown cover. 2nstead, it felt good to have a whole town looking out for her while she did her 7ob. 91sst.: Annie looked past +ade4s shoulder to the plump face of .iss Ciolet sticking out from the kitchen. 9@anuary is still a great time to get married you know.:

+hapter "wenty58our Annie gasped and brought her hands to her mouth to cover her surprise. 924m so sorry, 1aige.: 92t4s okay. After a season of sitting ne t to me you should know 2 don4t mind.: 1aige shook out her arm and smiled. 9Actually, it4s only fair someone hit her for once. <ou notice 24m only sitting down here with my daughter when you4re the one ne t to me.: .arcy handed her a cup of hot cocoa and took the seat to her left. +ommonwealth )tadium was packed for the high school state championship game. "hey were playing a great team from /anville, but Austin and "rey had found that magic groove again. Now in the fourth !uarter, they were pulling away. "rey had 7ust run in a thirty5eight yard touchdown. +ade was pacing the sidelines, yelling out defensive plays, pulling players aside to pump them up and teach them what to do when on the field. *ven though they had the lead, she could tell he was nervous. 0e had told her he had never e pected to make it to the playoffs, let alone the championship game. Annie 7umped up and screamed as @.". King leaped into the air and intercepted a pass. 0e fell to the ground and came up with the ball still in his hands. "he townspeople were on their feet cheering. 8lashes from cameras lit up the stadium as @.". collapsed underneath the weight of his team 7umping on him in celebration. +ade stood on the sidelines and closed his eyes for 7ust a moment. 0e knew it was coming, but there was no way he4d move. "he cold water still took his breath away as his team dumped the water cooler on him in victory. +old water ran down his back as his winter coat soaked a lot of it up. 0is team was around him then. "he cheers were deafening. .usic blared in the stadium as he shook hands with the opposing coach before the field was stormed by his friends, family and neighbors. 1arents and friends embraced each other, his back was slapped, and he was hugged and high fived. "onight was the best night of his life, and he 7ust wanted Annie by his side. 9+ade>: 0e turned his head and saw her red hair peeking out from behind a wall of players all giving her hugs. 0e pushed himself through the crowd towards her. 0is players, seeing him trying to get to Annie, grabbed her and hefted her up onto their shoulders. )he s!uealed like a little girl, and +ade couldn4t help but laugh. 0e4d never seen her have so much fun. 0er hair was blowing in the bree$e, her cheeks rosy from the cold winter weather, and her eyes alight with happiness. =od, she was perfect. 0e watched with a huge smile on his face as she was placed in front of him. 0is players backed away to form a small circle around them and cheered as he pulled her against him for a victory kiss. 0is heart beat so loudly he thought everyone in the whole city of Be ington could hear it. 0e tightened his arms around her and knew he wanted her right there with him for the rest of his life. 0e forgot he was cold and wet. 0e forgot the whole town was pressing in on them, trying to see what was going on. All he knew was her laugh, the feel of her lips on his, and the way she fit so perfectly against him. Now was the time. +ome on, +ade, you can do it. 0e removed one hand from around her waist, slid it into the pocket of his coat and felt what he was looking for. 2t may be a little wet, but he didn4t think that mattered. 0is hand slid down her arm to her hand as he went down on one knee. ;ith how loudly his heart was beating, he didn4t notice that everyone on the field had grown !uiet.

0e looked up into Annie4s eyes and knew it would be all right. 0er answer was there for him to see. 9Annie Blake, 2 love you with all my heart and soul. 2 wish to spend the rest of my days making you as happy as you make me.: 0e pulled out the damp, red velvet ring bo and opened it. 9;ill you marry me6: Annie gaped at the large emerald sitting on a diamond band, and tears filled her eyes. )he looked to the man she loved and fell to her knees. )he wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. 2n him she had found herself, her family, and happiness. ;hat she knew was that they would be spending the rest of their days together, surrounded by the love and family she thought were beyond her reach. 9/id she say Myes4 yet6: .iss Bily4s voice floated over the shoulders of the players holding people back. 9<*)> 24ll marry you, +ade.: "he tears escaped and she laughed as he slipped the ring onto her finger. "he players lost their battle and .arcy broke through, followed !uickly by 1aige and the Rose sisters. 92 couldn4t ask for a better daughter5in5law, 9 .arcy croaked between sobs. 9"wo weddings, honey. +an you believe it6: @ake put his arm around his wife and pulled Annie in for a hug. 9;e4re glad to welcome you to the family.: 9"hank you, .r. /avies.: 92 think you can start calling me /ad now.: "he floodgates broke as the tears streamed down her face. .arcy sobbed again and pulled her in for another hug as @ake went to congratulate his son. D D D

"he Blossom +afH was packed for an impromptu victory celebration and engagement party. "he Rose sisters were in their $one. .iss /aisy flitted from table to table passing out food, .iss Bily used a heavy hand as she mi ed her special ice tea, and .iss Ciolet was talking to people through the window as she put food on large plates. 92 don4t know if 2 should have another. <ou know, 2 hold a very prominent position in the town and 2 wouldn4t want anyone to think 24m a lush.: 1am =ilbert said as .iss Bily pushed another glass of special ice tea into her hand. 9?h lighten up, 1am. *ven the 1"A 1resident can celebrate tonight. =o wild, undo that top button by your collar and no one will recogni$e you>: Annie tried to contain the bark of laughter threatening to erupt at the scandali$ed look on 1am4s face. All of Keeneston had turned out. )ummer had cornered 0enry, who looked petrified at her advances. "he /avies family was all around her and the feeling of belonging swelled inside of her. 90mm. )o, someone finally landed one of the famous /avies brothers. ;hat are you, knocked up6I a snippy voice said from behind her. Annie heard 1aige4s gasp and then hiss. )he turned around and got an eyeful of bottled blonde hair and boob. 9Bord love ya, are you carrying a small child up there6: Annie asked as she pointed to what could only be described as a bump5it on steroids. )he had never seen hair teased and piled up so high before. And she even knew women from "e as>

9Kandi +hase5Rawlings, meet my new sister, Annie Blake.: 1aige slung her arm around Annie4s shoulder and 7ust smiled as Kandi stomped off in a huff towards an even more terrified looking 0enry. 9)omeone should go rescue 0enry. 0e was scared before when )ummer mentioned always wanting to marry a lawyer, but 24m afraid he may keel over when Kandi gets her fake nails into him,: 1aige told her brothers. *veryone looked at each other. No one wanted to deal with Kandi. 9?h fine, 24ll do it. <4all are a bunch of wimps,: 1eirce said as he bravely went forth to rescue 0enry. 92 can4t believe how many people are here. "he whole courthouse showed up. 24m sure the rumor of the two of you deciding to tie the knot tonight helped. +ongratulations to you both> ;ill and 2 are so happy for you>: Kenna s!uealed as she gave Annie a hug and as ;ill shook +ade4s hand. 9?h> ?h> )it yourself down right now. A pregnant lady shouldn4t be on her feet too long or those ankles will swell as big as balloons. And heels> <ou4re wearing heels> /on4t you know those will give you ugly looking veins. Bless your heart> /on4t you dare grab that drink>: Kenna rolled her eyes and allowed herself to be pushed into a chair as .iss Bily clucked over her. Annie stepped back and watched the town interact. 1eople laughed and teased each other. Kids and parents alike were reliving the game, and a sprite of a girl was shooting daggers at Kandi and )ummer as they fawned over 1ierce. 0enry had taken the shift in attention to his advantage and snuck off to talk to @udge +ooper. But, unlike 0enry, 1eirce seemed completely at ease with the women vying for his attention. 90ey, Kenna, who is that6: Annie asked as she pointed out the blonde pi ie with a couple bright blue streaks in her hair. 9;ho6 ?h, that4s "ammy. )he4s the secretary at our law offices.: Kenna looked to where "ammy had started walking and cringed. 98or once 2 feel sorry for Kandi.: 92 wish 2 had "ammy on my security team. )he is a force of nature.: Ahmed turned to Annie and gave her a kiss on her cheek. 9+ongratulations. +ade is a very lucky man. Never let him forget you are too good for him.: 9=ee, thanks man.: +ade moaned, all the while smiling. 9;ell, he is right on all accounts.: A smooth silky voice said from behind her. Annie glanced behind her as .o and /ani approached. 0e had his fiancHe4s hand tucked into the crook of his elbow as he guided her through the crowd to stand in a circle ne t to her and +ade. 9+ongratulations you two> 2 couldn4t be more e cited>: /ani gave her a warm hug and Annie couldn4t be happier. )he had a wonderful fiancH, a new family, and friends. Actual friends. 9* cuse me. 2 hate to interrupt the celebration, but there is someone looking for you, Annie: Annie turned to where /inky was standing with a young woman in her early twenties. )he was about her height with curly dark red hair standing nervously in front of her. /inky stood up very straight and it looked like he was trying to impress whoever this girl was. 9<es6 +an 2 help you6: Annie felt the circle break apart and all turn towards the newcomer. +ade came to stand ne t to her, and she was comforted by the feel of his reassuring hand on her back. .arcy and @ake stood on either side of them, as she waited to find out who this woman was.

924m +hrystal )harp, your cousin. 2 got your e5mail and 2 7ust had to meet you,: the girl said hesitantly. All conversation stopped in the +afH. *veryone wanted to know who this new person was. After finding out Annie was undercover, they all assumed the story of a cousin in Bouisville was 7ust a cover and Annie hadn4t corrected them. Annie 7ust stared at the girl who looked somewhat like her. )he didn4t know e actly what to say. 92 had to come find you. 2 looked all over town, but couldn4t find anyone. 2 guess they were all at the game. "hen 2 came across this nice man who said he knew where you4d be. 2s there someplace we can go talk6: )he asked as /inky seemed to stand even straighter with the compliment. 9;hat did she say6: )omeone in the back of the +afH asked. 9)he wants to go someplace to talk to our Annie,: another person answered before being shushed by the onlookers. 9;e4ll 7ust all find out anyway. ;hy don4t you speak your mind6 ;e4ll be !uiet. Besides, Annie4s here with family,: .iss Bily told her as she shoved a glass of ice tea into +hrystal4s hand and took a seat so she could be the first to hear what this newcomer wanted. 9)he4s right. "hey will find out. ;hat do you want6: Annie stood rigid as she watched the woman fidget with her hands. 92 had to find you to tell you that 2 didn4t know. 2 didn4t know what my mother had done. )ee, 2 was only three when your mother died. .y mom had moved up in the world. )he had married my father who was much older than she was. 0e was a surgeon in 2ndianapolis and then moved to head up the department at the University of Bouisville. 0e passed away three years ago at the age of eighty5three.: 924m sorry to hear that, hon,: .arcy put in when Annie didn4t say anything. +ade gave her a reassuring touch and she focused back on her cousin. 9;ell, my mother had been furious when she heard 2 had contacted you. 2 didn4t understand why. )he said you were 7ust like your mother, looking for a handout and that you would see how well off we were and try to steal from us. 2 knew that wouldn4t be so. 2 had done a lot of research and knew you were with the /*A4s office. Anyway, my mother 7ust lost her battle with breast cancer si months ago. 2 was going through all her things when 2 found the letters from +hildren )ervices in 8lorida, begging her to take you or you would end up in foster care.: Annie saw tears start to glisten in her cousin4s eyes and softened a little. )he had been 7ust a child. )he couldn4t have protected her. 9;hen 2 got your email, 2 had to come see you. <ou4re the only family 2 have left, and 2 would love nothing more than to become a family.: +hrystal dug a tissue out of her purse and dabbed her eyes. Annie didn4t know if she could speak, so she 7ust nodded. 0er little cousin looked so relieved. +olor came back to her face, and when she smiled, Annie felt it in her heart. +ade gave her a hug, and for the first time in her life Annie didn4t feel bitter. "he chip that had sat on her shoulder for almost twenty years was lifted. 9;elcome to the family. 24m sure when my fiancHe can talk, she4ll let you know you now have a rather large e tended family,: +ade said as he rubbed his hand up and down Annie4s back. 9Really, a large family6: +hrystal asked e citedly. 9<es, +ade has five brothers and a sister. And this is my future mother5in5law .arcy /avies and her husband @ake /avies,: Annie finally said.

9"his is my oldest son .iles, and that one is .arshall, and the younger one there is 1ierce. +y is out of town at the moment. And this is my daughter 1aige.: .arcy introduced Annie4s new family to her cousin. )he hadn4t heard them come to stand behind her, but they were all there now shaking hands with her cousin. "he +afH erupted with introductions and people came to embrace the newest e tended member of the Keeneston community. 9<ou know, 2 never got to thank you.: 9;hat for, 1eirce6: Annie asked. 92t4s pretty cool that you saved my brother. 2t finally gives me something to hang over his head. 0e had to be rescued by a girl. "hat4s the best gift anyone could give me.: 1ierce gave her a bear hug and went to torture his brother. )he had never been happier in her life. )he was finally at peace. D D D

Annie came downstairs early the ne t morning. )he and +hrystal were going to go shopping together later today before +hrystal had to get back to college on .onday. )he opened the sliding glass door and called for @ustin. )he heard him run down the stairs. )he heard when he slid around the corner, his feet clawing madly to get traction on the hardwood floor. 0e appeared then, hair blown back as he sped toward the door. Annie could see the instant he remembered that last time he had done this he went head first into the glass door. @ustin tried to back pedal, but when that didn4t work he sat down. 0is hair slid across the polished hardwood floor, and his eyes grew round as he neared the door. 0e ducked his head in preparation for impact but went sailing through the open door and stopped on the patio. Annie shook her head and laughed as @ustin stared at the now closed door in confusion. 9<ou have a sick sense of humor. <ou reali$e since you closed the door so fast he now thinks he 7ust slid through glass.: +ade leaned against the kitchen island in nothing but some low hung 7eans. 9;hat got you up early6: 92 got a phone call this morning from Noodle,: she told him. 9Noodle6: 92t seems that the sheriff is on medical leave and they need more help. 0e offered me a 7ob as a deputy and the head of the rural drug education program. "wice a week 2 would have office hours at the high school.: 9;hat did you tell him6: 9"hat 2 could start in two weeks,: she said as she smiled. 9Are you sure6: )he could hear +ade trying to contain his e citement at the idea of having her working in Keeneston. 924m positive. 2 don4t want to do undercover work anymore. 2 loved working with the kids, and maybe 2 can make a difference in some of their lives. 2 want to be near you, to have the kind of family 2 never thought 2 would have.: Annie ran her hand up his bare chest and wrapped her fingers around his neck, bringing his head down for a kiss. "he doorbell rang and Annie reluctantly pulled away. @ustin 7umped onto the sliding glass door and fell sideways, opening the door enough for him to nu$$le it open and slip through. 0e ran ahead of her to the front door and barked.

Annie opened the door and was surprised to see +hrystal, 1aige, .arcy, Kenna and /anielle standing there. 9Um, not to sound rude, but what is everyone doing here6: .arcy stepped forward, 92 talked to +hrystal some after the game, and we thought it would be fun to do some wedding shopping. ;ell, 2 told 1aige.E: 9And 2 insisted 2 come too. <ou4re going to be my sister after all,: 1aige cut in. Kenna walked forward with her rounded belly and /anielle by her side, 9And when 1aige told us what you all were up to, we also invited ourselves.: 9But, we come bearing gifts.: /anielle handed over two binders to Annie who stared at them in awe. 9"hat4s right. All the wedding planning details, names, colors, locations, you could ever imagine. 2 had to steal it from the royal wedding committee to make a copy. 2 like keeping those folks on their toes.: 9)o, 2 thought it would be fun for us to all get together and start planning your wedding,: +hrystal said. 90ave you all decided on a date6 2f not, can 2 suggest April6: Kenna asked with a grin. Annie rolled her eyes. =od, she loved this town.

*pilogue Annie set the patio table with the china she had received for her wedding three months ago to the day. )he and +ade had a beautiful ceremony at )t. 8rancis the week after Calentine4s /ay. +ade had told everyone it was her birthday, and there would be a party at the farm that afternoon. Birthday invitations had gone out to the whole town. "he Rose sisters were in charge of keeping it a surprise. ;hile the Rose sisters and others were putting final touches on cakes, gifts, and so on, she and +ade had !uietly gotten married with 7ust their family present. .arcy had cried alongside +hrystal, whom she had become very close to in the last si months. 1aige had been her maid of honor while .arshall had been +ade4s best man. @ustin had looked very handsome in his black tu edo and tie as he walked her down the aisle. )he had worn a beautiful white lace dress that had belonged to .arcy. 1aige had added a red satin sash that flowed down the train. 2t had been perfect. Kenna and ;ill were even able to attend with their perfect, two5week5old baby girl )ienna. ;ill and Kenna were beaming with pride as they showed off the cute baby with strawberry blonde hair. ;ith her chubby cheeks and her mommy4s mischievous glint to her eye, )ienna was the life of the party. +y even made a brief appearance to welcome her to the family. )he had been taken aback by the similarities in all the brothers, but the cold, fierce distance behind +y4s eyes had her feeling an instant connection to him. After all, she had once been like that. Although no one seemed to reali$e it, .iles had the same look. 0e 7ust hid it better. "hey were determined to con!uer some enemy in their past, and if she was a betting woman, she4d put her money on them. After the ceremony, they had entered the 9surprise: birthday party and surprised their guests instead. "he Rose sisters cried and hugged them after playfully hitting +ade for fooling them. "rey had stared at them in awe as he pulled out a little piece of paper from his pocket. Put 345 on Fe)ruary 6$st for the Cade7!nnie wedding. The winnings should cover the ga in tuition and scholarshi you received fro" Mia"i of Ohio. Annie lifted her finger to her lips and gave him a wink from across the room. "rey was the only person in town to bet on the correct month and day. 0e won the pot of over QL,'''.'' and could now afford to attend his first choice college. Annie smiled to herself as she filled the glasses with sweet tea. )he had another secret, but this one she4d share with the family. After all, the new deputy sheriff shouldn4t be accused of rigging illegal gambling pools. 2t 7ust wouldn4t look right. 9+u$6: 9Back here, +hrystal>: 0er little cousin had 7ust graduated from the University of Bouisville and was moving to Be ington to start her first 7ob. 9Book at all this food. /id .arcy come over again6: 9Nope. )he cooked it all by herself,: .arcy answered as she came out of the kitchen with a platter of food. ;ithin minutes, her family was around her, talking, laughing, and teasing. 0er cousin had been adopted by the whole family and was being interrogated by .iles about her latest boyfriend. +ade stood behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. 0e nu$$led her neck and whispered something dirty in her ear that had her laughing out loud.

+ole and 1aige came around the house and 7oined the party. "hey had 7ust returned from their honeymoon. "hey had been married on some large rocks, in the middle of a stream, in the woods on her parents4 property. ;ild flowers had surrounded the natural alter as most of the town formed a semi5circle around the couple on the banks of the stream. 90ello, everyone>: 1aige bounded up the stairs as +ole hurried after her. 0e looked slightly ill. 0is face was pale and he looked nervous. 92 know it4s Annie4s dinner, and thank you for hosting it tonight, but 2 7ust can4t wait until after dinner to make an announcement.: Annie watched as 1aige clasped +ole4s hand, and by the way she was glowing and the way .arcy was tearing up, there was no doubt what the announcement was going to be. 9;e4re going to have a baby>: 1aige couldn4t contain the smile on her face. 0er mother started crying and even @ake got misty eyed when he hugged her. +ole started looking better the longer they were there, but he still looked terrified until @ake gave him a hug. ;hen he had gotten @ake4s approval, he visibly rela ed. 9?h> A grandchild, oh @ake, we4re going to have a grandchild.: .arcy hugged her husband as tears trickled down her face. 9.a, 24m sorry to tell you, but you4re not going to have a grandchild.: At +ade4s statement, the patio went !uiet. 9<ou4re going to have grandchildren.: "he patio remained silent as they stared at +ade, trying to figure out his meaning. +ade s!uee$ed her hand and took in the moment. @ustin came bounding up with his yellow bow pulling back the hair from his eyes and stopped before Annie. 0e placed his nose on her belly and thumped his tail. .arcy gasped and pulled 1aige and her into a tight hug. 9.y daughters are having babies together. @ake, 2 can die now.: 9;hy don4t you wait to die until after you meet the babies6 <ou may then wish to re5evaluate the time of your death, dear.: 9+ongratulations, brother>: +ade shook .arshall4s hand and gave him a hug. 9<ou better be careful. <ou might be ne t,: he teased. 92 wouldn4t bet on that.: *ven as .arshall said it, the unwelcome picture of a tall, angry, blonde crossed his mind. +ade caught Annie4s eye and they shared a secret smile. )he was pretty sure they4d be taking .arshall up on that bet. "hey4d visit the Blossom +afH tomorrow to do 7ust that.

AB?U" "0* AU"0?R Kathleen Brooks is the bestselling author of the Bluegrass )eries. )he has garnered attention as a new voice in romance with a warm )outhern feel. 0er books feature !uirky small town characters you4ll feel like you4ve known forever, romance, humor, and mystery all mi ed into one perfect glass of sweet tea. Kathleen is an animal lover who supports rescue organi$ations and other non5profit organi$ations whose goals are to protect and save our four5legged family members. Kathleen lives in +entral Kentucky with her husband, daughter, two dogs, and a cat who thinks he4s a dog. )he loves to hear from readers and can be reached at Kathleen%Kathleen5 +heck out the Website for updates on the Bluegrass )eries. <ou can also 9Bike: Kathleen on Facebook and follow her on "witter @BluegrassBrooks.

Bluegrass )eries News Bove Keeneston6 /on4t want to say good5bye6 "hen don4t> "he ne t book in the Bluegrass Brothers )eries will be .arshall4s story. All of Keeneston will make an appearance and you can once again slip into the story of the town we all love. )o, make a pitcher of special iced tea, cut a slice of pecan pie, and get ready for some more )outhern charm from your favorite town> ;ant to know when the ne t book is published6 =o sign up on the contact form on kathleen5 2 will email you as soon as the ne t book is published. )ee you real soon>

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