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Chapter 1 Dallas, Texas

Pride. Thats your problem. Excuse me, what? Your problem, with school, family, your life. Its one of your biggest obstacles Um..erm, who are you? A secret admirer. Mhm, okay well Merry Christmas. I was walking down mainstreet when that little conversation happened. I kept replaying that in my head, the man who stopped me was as tall as me, with brown eyes, brown hair, nothing special about him. Probably one of those guys who go around pranking people, record it, and put it on YouTube so people who have nothing better to do can watch it. Sometimes I might be the person who has nothing better to do but whatever. I learned the best way to get on with life is to ignore anything that bothers me, and that conversation was one. But seriously? Im not prideful. That guy doesnt even know me. I let the music of Lana Del Ray calm my nerves as I walk downtown to do my original task for being in downtown, which was to deliver a shady package filled with (drugs? Money? Who knows?)to a shady warehouse in a shady part of downtown. Well after that description I guess now is the time for introductions. My name is Maisie Blue, brown hair, brown eyes, average height, average weight, the only thing that really makes me standout is my big nose, but other then that I can pretty much blend in. Which is perfect for what I do. Im a black ops agent. With my moms side of the family being one of the most known names in the drug cartel and then my dads side of the family being a military family since the civil war, it was an unlikely combination that they were going to be married to eachother. But one drug bust and interrogation later they got married a few years later had my brother and I, and now live a quiet life away from their old habits. But theres one problem, they do not know I was approached by a Black Ops speacilist three years ago, have been training and going on missions for the past three years and have been going behind their back risking my life in order to dangerous activities, would possibly kill them, or they would kill me. Either way someone is going to end up dead, and at 17 I would hope not me. Also they have no idea I know of their past, and I didnt until the Black Ops agent came to me that fateful day on my fourteenth birthday Agent Orange, you are 15 minutes late

Agent Smith, my so called partner in crime, yelled in my earpiece, breaking me out of my daydream Agent Smith, a lady is never late, everyone is simply early. I said back, paraphrasing something I saw on a 20/20 special. Well, a lady isnt exactly what they are expecting. They never are. Usually my appearance to this types of events are such a shock to whatever enemy lies ahead that at first they have no idea what Im doing there. Until the bombs go off. Agent Orange please tell me you are atleast close to the warehouse? We have visual through cameras three and four and we can see that they look pretty upset. Wow, they pay you half a million a year to make those observations. Impressive. You know, keep it up and they might give you a promotion. Agent Orange, you have thirty seconds to come into visual one or we will blow up the warehouse You are so frustrating I made a left and turned on Elm Street and looked right into Camera Number one, which was disguised as an owl, and smiled. I continued walking until I saw Warehouse 47 AKA Enemy Turf/.Furniture Expo? Hmm, thats charming, better than the meat packaging plants Im so used to. Umm, hello? Sticking to the clueless, stupid teenage image always seemed to work in my advantage. I walked into the garage of the warehouse and then looked around. There were a couple of men carrying really large packages, woooooooah they were huge. Now my argument with Agent Smith about needing backup makes me feel stupid. I never needed backup, but there never have been so many men with those muscles. May I help you? A man with brown hair, one brown eye and wife beater stepped into my view, looking like some weird cyclops. Yes, haha umm this is going to sound soooo strange but this tall guy in a black suit asked me to do him a huge favor, said hed give me twenty bucks if I walked right into this warehouse and delivered a package to umm, some guy named Antonio? The Cyclops seemed obviously annoyed with me, thats always an advantage, but then a look of curiosity passed his face Antonio? Antonio is not here, he is away on business. Agent Orange, Antonio is on the second floor of the warehouse, back left corner second corridor, third door to the left. Get there and deliver the package and get what you came there for. Agent Smith hissed into my ear plug. He literally hissed. Im not an idiot, Obviously Antonio is here, but the lack of trust Agent Smith is annoying. Oh that is really too bad, oh well. Do you have a bathroom here, Im having some lady problems, you with my raging puberty and all-

At this point Cyclops looked pretty uncomfortable. We have a bathroom eh, right over there. He pointed to a door right next to the stairs. Please hurry up, this is no place for a young lady. I gave him my best clueless teen in puberty smile and walked towards the bathroom. As I reached the door, I looked around made sure no one was looking. But between the movers in a poker match and the rest of the guys watching some sort of futbol match on a suspiciously large and HD TV screen, I had nothing to worry about. Even Cyclops looked like he completely forgot about me as he was yelling at the tv sceen with the rest of the neantherdrals. I guess thats the advantage of being plain looking. I quickly walked up the stairs and looked for the second corridor as I turned the corner I saw three huge guys guarding the door. Crap. I quickly turned around hoping they didnt see me. Oy. Shit. They did. OY. I turned around and looked the biggest one in the eye. He was huge, his muscles were bulging through his shirt, and his bald head had veins through it. Why was everyone here bald? It was so predictable. Hi, umm I was looking for the bathroom, but umm I think I got lost, can you show me where it is? What is that there, in your hand? Shit. I forgot I was supposed to deliver the package, what are they expecting in this package?? Oh, this, Its some stupid box some tall man on the street gave me, he said he would pay me twenty bucks if I delivered it to a man called Antonio but I was told Antonio isnt here, but I really need to use the restroom. I gave a pouty face after my best teenage girl whiny/clueless voice. A package, for Antonio, you can give that to me and Ill give it to him. Wow Agent Orange, this is the worst delivery youve ever been on. You better get this together before we send in back up. Oh. Well, he told me to deliver to him personally, so. They looked clueless and a bit suspicious. I could feel my face slacking.. Wow Agent Orange. Wow. Ah fuck, screw it. I took out my gun and pointed it at them. I had to be somewhere tonight and it was already 11:30. Bet they werent expecting that. No, Agent Smith was right, they werent. One of them started choking on the beer they were drinking. They were definitely not expecting that. Then they pulled out their own guns. Not surprising.

So what now Agent Orange. Open the door. I said in my sweetest voice. The look of absolute bewilderment was comical. I turned off the safety. They put their own bullets in their chamber. Oh. All right, they were going to actually try to kill me. Was there no such thing as chivalry? Lady, you understand that we cant let you go now. I flashed them my teeth. Or a smile as Agent Smith calls them. Open the door, please. Lady, Its Maise, actually. Ms. Maise, put your gun down. Jorge, I dont think she knows how to work a gun. Said Guard Number 2 with a chuckle. Clearly seeing a 17 year old with a gun was quite comical to him. Now that pissed me off. I looked for the beer can he had set down. It was about 30 feet from where I was standing. I aimed, and took a shot. The can bursted open and sent liquid down Guard Number Twos feet.That shut them up. And then they started running. After me. Crap. I started running down the first corridor. There were numerous doors along the way. No doors, would trap me in. Agent Orange, would you like backup? No, I have this under control. Mhmm. I saw a conveniently placed Exit door. I took that and hid in there. I one of them right outside the door. I took a peek out the door and his back was toward me. It was guard number two, good, my first victim. The sound the of the door opening made him turn around. Just as I took out a needle. Needles we my specialty, I absolutely loved them. The sight of my needle instantly calmed me. I dodged out of the way just as he took a swing at me. Then I hit the floor and stuck in my needle. As soon as the liquid entered his bloodstream he became instantly paralyzed. And then hit the floor. I got up and watched him look at me through unblinking eyes, with pure hatred and frustration. Dont worry, Baldy. I winked at him as I walked away The injection will wear off in about four hours. But by then who knows what kind of shape you will be in?

Agent Smith, Guard Number two will be ready for pick-up. Pick-up is basically code for whenever we raid this place after I deliver this package, we need to imprison the thieves, assasins, whatever they are. Now I need to go after two more. I heard both of them before I saw them. Jorge, what the hell was that. I think that was the situation Mr. Antonio was telling us about. Oh, Dios. Should we go tell Mr. Antonio that shes here? No! What happens if this little girl is not a threat and we go running to Mr. Antonio to tell him that we cant keep a child under control. Well now that was uncalled for. I am not a child. I took out to needles and turned the corner. Their backs were towards me and I quietly walked behind them and slick, jammed both my needles in their necks. They both dropped to the floor with a satisfying thud sound. Just by the way, I am not a child. Idiots. The look in their face was priceless. Agent Orange, that was just a stroke of good luck. Mhm. Or Im just that good. I heard a chuckle. Just get this over with so that we can go home. I walked back down the second corridor and looked for the door. I walked up and knocked. Its impolite for a lady to barge right in. Yes? I walked in, with my gun behind my back, the package in hand. Hi, umm Mr. Antonio? Yes dear? I walked in to find a man, about the age of fifty, with an expenisve looking suit and an even a more expenisve looking office. With gray hair, white teeth, and tan skin, this man was the defitnition of silver fox. I have a package for you. I flashed him my biggest grin. Oh? Well then I see no reason for my guards and a whole warehouse full of working men to let in a little girl in just to deliver this package. So this must be of some obvious importance. He stood up and went towards the door, I backed away a little slowly, he came straight toward me and closed the door behind me, locked it and took the package. Usually that wouldnt scare me as much since I am a trained assassin, but he was very unsettling.

Please, sit. Actually, I have to go. Miss. You knocked out three of my guards. Tricked a whole warehouse into letting you in here. Now obviously you are here to kill me, bribe me, or imprison me. This package is some sort of trick. If it is a bomb, Im going to sit here and open it and make sure that their little valuable piece of pawn is going to be blown up with the rest of their little operation Agent Orange, no worries. That is not a bomb, but make sure he opens it, and if you can, make sure you look away when he does. Now, Miss. Im going to ask you to open this box. Because this is of such obvious importance, and with my arthritis I cannot open this box without any help. Shit. Agent Smith swore in my ear plug. Agent Orange, do not open that box. Figure out something but do not open that box. Im calling in for back-up, and Im right down the street, stall for time. Usually I would protest, but this operation has been the most out of control Ive been on. Im going to have a huge talk with Agent Smith after this. Um, Mr. Antonio I would love to help but I was given special instruction to let you open this box. I know Miss, thats why I must ask you to open this. Im sure you understand. Oh, I understand all too well. Agent Orange we gassed the warehouse and now Im entering through the garage, about to head through the stairs. Keep stalling. I pulled the oldest trick in the book. I got up and started at looking around his office. It was pretty well lived in, seems like hes had this warehouse business under control for awhile now. I went over to a picture of a handsome young man, maybe around 18 years old? Who is this? Antonio smiled at me and shook his head, obvious to what I was doing.No Miss. No distractions. Open the box. What box? He was not amused. And apparently neither was Agent Smith. Agent Orange Im running down the hall right now. To stop this painful stalling, or whatever it is you are doing in there. Miss, I- BAM Crap.

The door busted open and in came in Agent Smith. With black hair, blue eyes, a long and lean muscular body, I thought I was the luckiest girl alive when I was assigned to partner with him. Oh, how nave I was. He held up his gun and I went right behind the silver fox. Hoping Agent Smith could keep him distracted I pulled out a needle and just as I was about to stick it in his neck, Mr. Silver Fox grabbed my arm, twisted it, put it behind my back, grabbed the needle and stuck it in my arm. Shit. I fell limp against Mr. Silver Foxs arms. Agent Smith didnt even blink an eye. Wow, this man shows such concern for me. Silver Fox then grabbed a gun underneath his desk and held it to me. Now to Agent Smiths credit he did seem to at least flinch. But then he pulled out a gas mask and then came behind him a ball. A silver ball. With tiny incisions, and a blue ribbon around it. Crap. Its a gas ball. I held my breath foolishly, no way was I going to stay awake through this, and neither was Silver Fox. He fell limp before I did and hit his head against the desk, luckily he served as my cushion.

Chapter 2 Downtown

Agent Orange? What Agent Orange. Yes? Victoria! It took me a few minutes to realize that I wasnt answering outloud. Mmm? Agent Orange, I would like to congratulate you. Cool, lets do that some other time.

But unfortunately, its time for you to go home, Agent Smith will walk you out. Ugh. I hate being at the Wall. Our boss is an ass, and Im surrounded by people that honestly just get on my nerves. Agent Orange, lets go. Such as Agent Smith. I got up and walked passed Agent Smith. I can walk myself out, thank you very much. I tried to walk pass Agent Smith but he stood right in front of the door. At six foot two Agent Smith was pretty difficult to walk around. So I just looked up at him. What is it? You are not going to ignore me this time, we need to talk about our last operation. You know, Agent Smith, I would love to, but as you can see I have to be at my friends birthday dinner at 8:00 and it is currently 6:54 which gives me about half an hour to shower, change and get ready, so why dont you text me or call me around 11:00 and then we can talk then. Babysitting again Agent Smith? A cool, fluid voice called out from behind me. It was Agent Scarlett. Lean, Blonde, and mile long legs she was one of the coveted speacilists. She was also a bitch. Hello, Scarlett. I said, with as much animosity I could muster. Wheres your babysitter? Heard you were called in for a watchover since you seemed to get a little carried away on your last mission. It was no secret that Agent Scarlett needed a watchover, on her last mission she got a little to cozy with an enemy operative, unknowingly giving out secret information. She was about to be permantly terminated from her position, but she was able to kill the operative in less than 48 hours. Unfortunatley she kept her job. Agent Scarlett, well talk tonight at dinner, but right now I need to talk to my partner. Whatever you say Agent Smith, pick me up around 9:00? Im sure itll be Agent Oranges bedtime by then. She gave me one last fleeting smile and walked away. I hated her. But, I also raised my eyebrows at Agent Smith. You have a thing with Scarlett? I wasnt jealous. If Agent Smith wants to ruin his life, then Im not going to be the one to stop him. He ignored my question. Agent Orange we need to talk about what happened today and then get ready for our next mission, and we also need to talk about your, erm.. life at home.. Okay I admit, that got my attention. My life at home? But I was in a hurry.

You know what since youre obviously going to be busy tonight, and I am going to be busy tonight, then Well just talk tomorrow. Until then Au Revoir. I waved him good-bye and then walked out the door, unfortunately he was right behind me. I can drive you home, and we can talk on the way. I live ten minutes from here, I can take the bus its no big deal. Since when have you taken the bus, its way too dangerous, just let me drive. Youre being stubborn. Just get in the car. We arrived at his car, which was conveniently about five feet from my bus stop. The bus was coming around the corner and I was already taking out my pass. I did have a license but no car. My family couldnt afford one and even though I could now afford one with my income, Im sure they would become suspicious. Of course, no one was suspicious of Agent Smith, so he was able to buy whatever car he wanted. And he did, some sort of sleek, black, sports car. As much as I would love for you to drive me around, Im sure my parents would be suspicious if I showed up with a strange man in an expensive looking car, since they think I work at Yogurt Palace. Now excuse me, my bus is here. I walked onto the bus and left a ruffled Agent Smith behind. Chapter 3 Reality

Honey, Im Home I yelled out. To an empty house. I walked in and no one was home, except for my dogs Cookie and CoCo, Cookie, a small poodle with black hair, and CoCo an Australian shepherd/lab mix. Both rescues found on the street, both so adorable. I found a note on the counter Vicki, your dad and I are out at a dinner for a retreat Im planning, take the bus or call a friend for a ride. Or dont go, either way Im expecting you home by 11:30 Love, Mom Well that gave me the freedom I needed to get ready and wear whatever I wanted. I looked through my closet. The dinner was going to be at a fancy restruant in North Dallas, so dresses were the only option. A hot pink bandage dress with black stilettos, a black clutch, and black earings I set out earlier was

calling my name. If you ask any lady, getting dressed up was part of the fun. I took a shower, grabbed a robe and put in my curlers. I was about to start putting on my make-up but.. Then I my cell ring. It was an unlisted number. Hello? Orange? UGH . What did he want?? Oh, hey Smith, I would love to chat, but I have to get ready, Ill talk to you later. Orange, wait I just- Mhm, okay, Bye Smith. Then I hung up and threw my phone on the my bed and headed to the bathroom to finish getting ready. When I returned to my bed there were 13 missed calls and 15 text messages. All from Smith. I am not going to deal with him tonight. I turned off my phone and headed out the door. Now I dont live in a sketchy part of town, but the walk from my house to the bus stop isnt neccesarily the safest. Basically I had to ignore the cat calls I was getting. I arrived at the bus and some Native American guy sat down next to me. Im not exactly the most social one out there so I promptly ignored him. Hi, my names Woodane. He said with a smile. He was about early twenties, obviously worked out and had a tattoo on his inner arm, dressed in a black fitted tshirt and jeans, with black hair and warm brown eyes and a surprisingly contoured face, he wasnt all that bad looking. In fact he was getting a few looks from a few ladies on the bus. But, Im not exactly the warmest gal out there. So I gave him a smile, turned on my phone and started looking at twitter. Arent you a little young for a tattoo? A tattoo? How could he see.. Shit. I whispered under my breath. I forgot a jacket. Being December in Texas it was only 80 degrees, I forgot. He was looking at a tribal designed tattoo armband I had tatted on my 16th birthday. I made Agent Smith take me after I saw a similar version on his. And after I made him drink one too many beers. With vodka I might have added behind his back. I really wanted that tattoo. Its henna. I quickly came up with an excuse, I was about 10 more minutes from the restaurant. Oh really, whoever did that is really great. It looks so authentic. He flashed me a warm smile. Was he flirting? He must have known how young I was, he even said so himself. I had to get out of this really quick. Im not one for relationships, or boys, In fact Ive only kissed one boy and that was in the backseat of some guys car after a concert during freshman year. Even though it was my first kiss I could

tell he was a bad kisser. But he was kind of good looking, and a junior. So I think it was a pretty good catch I got. I noticed Woodane was still looking at me so I looked back up at him. Yeah. I couldnt even remember what he was talking about. Ha. He laughed. Or more like barked. Okay, I get it, youre not talkative. Not to older guys who hit in underage girls on the bus. He looked atleast 21. I flashed another smile and looked down at my phone. @tbhjuststop tweeted On a scale of 1 to people who clap when the plane lands how annoying are you. I laughed. Woodane looked at me and flashed a smile Something funny? Not as annoying as people who try to talk to you on the bus. I just looked at him. His smile faltered. Okay, so that was a little rude but still, my mother gave me three shares of wisdom. 1)Do not talk to strangers 2) Remember, the devil doesnt come in red skin, pointy ears, and a pitchfork. He comes as everything you ever wanted. 3) Never trust a man who can dance. And being the trusting daughter I am, I took her advice. I saw my stop coming up and got up. Surprisingly so did Woodane. I ignored him and got off the bus. The walk to the restuaruant was five minutes from here and I was already about ten minutes late. You shouldnt be walking out here by yourself this late at night, youre young, let me walk you. Where are you going? Woodane called after me. I turned around to look at him. If he only knew that I was a trained assassin and I could take care of myself. Thanks, bu- before I could finish my sentence he hooked his arm with my arm and started walking in the direction I was before Excuse me? I was shocked, a little bit frustrated. I looked up at him and it took all my will power not to put him in a headlock and break his neck. You are a young lady, what 15, 16? 17 actually.

And you are in the middle of downtown with nothing on but a dress and high heels, let me atleast walk you to whatever place you are going just to give me peace of mind. And then Ill leave you alone. I was about to take my arm from him but he was actually pretty warm and the temperature felt like it was actually in the sixties, and I was kind of cold. And there were a couple of sketchy people walking around. If one of them attacked it would be hard to explain how a 17 year old could kill or seriously injure an attacker. Lilianes in Deep Ellum. We finally arrived and I took my arm from him. So what is a man like you walking around and underage girl? I wanted to make a point to him that I was underage, and that he was some perv walking me around. A cute perv, but none the less. I saw the tattoo and thought you might be older, but then you said you were 17, so of course I had to do my civil duty and make sure you arrived to your destination safely. He flashed me a gentlemanly smile. Okay well, thank you, but I have to go now I am late to my little affair. Then I walked in without a second glance, but I could feel his smile on me as I opened the door. Maisey! A shrill scream from one of my best friends greeted me. I turned on my typical teenage self Catrine! Happy Birthday sweety! I greeted her with a hug and handed her a giftcard to Ulta. Victoria! Another one of my best friends, Malyssa greeted me. Who was that hunk you were with?? What are you talking about? Crap, they saw, but maybe I could play clueless. VICTORIA IS THAT A TATTOO? one of my friends, Kristen yelled. Shit. This is getting annoying. No, Its henna! Oh, wow, it looks so real! said another friend Eman. He sat in front of me in English and he always had something to say or comment under his breath that was actually pretty entertaining. And he let me copy off his vocab when I was too busy doing other stuff the night before. He is actually one of the guys Im warm to. Catrine, youre 16! How was your day? I said, trying to distract everyone from me and back to the birthday girl. I GOT A CAR she screamed in my ear. Congratulations! I screamed back. She desperately needed a car. She had so much stuff going on. We headed towards the back table and started ordering and eating dinner. And had cake. Mm cake. I love cake. Its my weakness.

After all the partying and picture taking I said goodbye to all my friends. Around 11:00 I walked out of the resturaunt and back towards my bus stop. I was about to call Agent Smith when all of a sudden my money flew out of my hand and down the street. Usually I wouldnt care, but a fifty dollar bill is a lot of money to lose so I went after it. I was in a shady street corner a couple blocks from my bus stop. And then some idiot grabbed my wallet. I had almost 150 dollars in there. I ran after him, damn he was fast, but luckily I was able to catch up, I always kept a few needles strapped to my thigh and grabbed one. I did not want to put up a fight so I stuck a needle into his neck and then grabbed my purse. It was a less effective needle so hell be up in an hour. I dragged to an alley and put a couple of card board boxes over his body. Woah. A voice said behind me. I turned around and then saw the Native American guy that was on the bus earlier. Here I am thinking that I need to protect this girl from the streets when I see she can protect herself. Howd you knock him out? I looked at him. And then walked passed him. Hey, where are you going? I kept walking towards my bus stop. The busses stop running after 11:00 just FYI. No they dont Okay, you got me, let me drive you home, the next bus available runs at 11:30 No it doesnt Yes it does I pulled out my clutch and pulled out the bus schedule. Crap he was right. He hooked his arm in my arm again and led me to his car. It was a nice car. A red restored 1967 mustang. It looked classy. I looked at him You took the bus? Mhmm. He opened the door for me to get it in. Where do you live? I typed in my address into my phone and handed him the directions. So, May I ask why you were all dressed up tonight?

No you may not. Mhmm. He put in a CD. It was Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stadium Arcadium. Hmm, good music taste.. He didnt try talking to me the rest of the ride. I was perfectly fine with that. Stop right here. I made him stop a few houses from my actual house. I didnt want my parents to see me drive up with some strange guy in a nice car. Ill get off here. I got out the car and closed the door. Thanks for the ride. Hey I turned around. Can you at least grace me with your name I turned around and flashed him a smile. Maisie Blue. Chapter 4 Home

I opened the door, again to an empty house? Thats strange. Hello I called out. Im in the bathroom. Yelled my dad from the hallway bathroom. Your moms asleep so dont make too much noise. He was so oblivious sometimes. I ran upstairs, changed out of my clothes and went into my room to watch Netflix on my laptop. After I changed into my pjs, had a cup of CoCo and snuggled up with my dogs I opened my laptop. I logged onto facebook and twitter and started scrolling. Yes I may be a black ops agent and a trained assassin, I am a teenage girl and I am curious about my school mates. Just as I was about to put in my earbuds and watch re-runs of The Office my phone rang. Ugh, but it was on the other side of the room, and I was so comfy and my dogs were asleep so I decided to ignore it. So I popped in my earbuds and watched Michael Scotts shenanigans until I fell asleep.

*Ring* *Ring* I awoke to the phone ringing. My hot coco cup fell on the floor and my laptops battery was dead. What a great way to wake up. I looked around to check for the time. My clock said 4:03 AM 4:03 AM?? I grabbed my phone 2 missed calls, one text message. I picking up on the fourth ring Hello? MAAAYYYYYSSSSSEEEEIEIE is what greeted me on the other end. WHAT IS UP GIRLFRIEND? YO I AM sooooooo WASTED RIGHT NOW. I did not have time for this. So I hung up the phone and checked the caller I.D. It was my best friend Adriana She was drunk. And apparently according to her text message single, she broke up with her boyfriend. Again. I gave it three days. They are going to get back together. So I fell back asleep and woke again a few minutes later to someone knocking on the door. UGH I got up and opened the front door, hoping it didnt wake my parents. It didnt. I could still hear them snoring. Heyyyyyyyy it was Adriana. I called to tell you I was right outsideeee, but you hung up. WHY DID YOU HUNG UP? Shhhh I yelled at her. Ugh drunk people were so annoying. I grabbed and took her up to the guest room, she was already about to pass out. Shut up and go to bed. Mayyyyysssseeeeeee I closed the door and headed back to my room to fall asleep. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day. Or today? Whatever, I fell asleep.

I awoke to the sound of someone wretching in the bathroom in the hallway. Atleast it wasnt in my bathroom. I walked down the hallway. Well goodmorning sunshine. I said as I walked in. Adriana was tall, skinny, blonde, with green eyes. The definition of a perfect, but she kind of let herself go after she got this boyfriend. She hooked up with

him, gave him her V card. And so now the only reason shes still with him was because she felt connected with him. It was actually pretty pathetic. This is why I dont get involved with guys. Theyre never worth it. Here. I handed her a paper towel. I need to go to church at noon, so I need you out of here ASAP. I know I didnt sound like best friend, but honestly I was tired of her and that boy, they are always breaking up and ending up back together. Can you please be quiet. I feel like my head is going to explode. Maybe you shouldnt get drunk off your ass next time. I snapped back. Seriosuly? She was going to act like that? I walked out of the hallway bathroom to my own bathroom and took a shower. When I got out Adriana was laying on my bed. Even though she wasnt up to her usual par with the makeup and expensive looking clothes, she still looked good. I was so jealous. But she was going through my phone. Okay, now I was a litte mad. What are you doing going through my phone? Whos Smith? I grabbed my phone from her hand. Ooh, am I sensing a romance with you and Smith? No, hes a coworker. Well that was the truth. Is that why he texted you at 9:00 this morning asking to meet up with you to discuss yesterdays operation? Hes a nerd, operation is his little word for our yogurt structure. You know the type, star wars geek, or whatever. Ew, yes, unfortunately I do. Whatever, Im gonna head out. Adios Chica And just like that she let herself out. I texted back Smith Ill meet you at the Coffeehouse right across off of Northwest Highway He texted back surpsingly fast. No, meet me back on base. We need to talk. At Two. I grunted. Im in trouble. I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. My mom greeted me. She was a plump woman, a mix of Mexican and Native American. She was cooking juevos con chorizo. It smelled delicious.

My dad was at the table reading the newspaper. Criminals, just criminals. He was muttering under his breath. Well goodmorning to you too dad. So, what time did Adriana come over last night? My mom asked. What?I looked over at her in surprise. She left her wallet here. Now next time you invite someone without telling us, Im going to take your phone away. And so she left it at that. Church is at noon, were going to St. Michaels. After you eat go ahead and get ready. I finished my food quickly and headed upstairs to change. Church was the only placed I felt safe. After Church, I went to the base. My parents know I usually work on Sundays so they werent too suspicious, but they were curious to why I didnt get a ride from them. Told them I wanted to go to confession first then I would catch a bus.

Forgive me father for I have sinned, my last confession was two months ago. Hello Maise, are you here for actual confession? No.. for an actualy confession to occur you have to promise not to try not to sin again.But that doesnt mean I still cant tell him everything. It makes me feel relieved . And he wont tell anybody my secrets. But he does give great advice. Maise, what is it? Im in trouble. With Agent Smith, or your boss? I dont know yet. But Im worried, and Adriana came over last night piss drunk. I hope you were hospitable towards her and advised her drinking can be dangerous, especially If she plans to drive. Erm..Yea- I was cut off by the sound of my phone. Text message from Smith Get your ass at the station. Now. Sigh. Well, Father I got to go. Trouble at base. Well talk again soon?


Chapter 5 The Base I got off the bus and headed towards a tall building in the middle of downtown. Disguised as a posh hotel, the base was actually a high tech facility that holds in live in operatives and holds the latest military weapons. Including my needles. I was like Gollum and the needles were my ring. I walked in the front doors and walked right passed security. They know who I am and how easily annoyed I get when they have to stop me through security check. So the let me pass through, and I dont give them any trouble. I guess being a raging hormonal teenage girl that becomes a major bitch when its the time of the month has its perks.

I walked into the elevator and pressed number 17. Agent Smiths living quarters. I walked out the elevator and walked down the hall. I knocked on his door. No answer. I opened the door, he wasnt in there. Hmm. Ill just wait for him in here. A phone started ringing. I followed the sound into his bedroom, and opened the door. His phone was on his bed. I heard a thud come from the bathroom that was across his room. Is there someone in there? Are. You. Freaking. Serious. I walked in the bathroom and to my absolute delight I saw Scarlett. With only underwear on, doing her hair. What the hell are you doing in here? I asked with as much hatred I could muster in a sentence. She turned around and smiled, obviously not ashamed that she was only half dressed. Looked like Victorias Secret to me. Ugh she was such a whore. Hi Maise. The smile on her face was huge. Im sure Smith will meet up with you in a minute. He ran out to get some breakfast for us in the bistro downstairs. Hes just so exhausted from last night. I turned around and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed his phone, making sure Scarlett didnt see and walked out of his apartment. I heard Scarlett laughing the whole time. I slammed the door shut as hard as I could and headed to my own office. Yes, I had my own office, I was one of their most valuable operatives and they try to keep me happy. I headed towards the elevators and pressed 23, where most of the Black Ops operatives offices are, Scarletts and Smiths office were on the 24 floor, where the specialists were (AKA the beautiful people who use their looks as a weapon, and they didnt need needles, or any special defenses.) Ugh, Ive killed more enemy operatives then Scarlett, and busted more enemy operations, and yet everyone think shes so great. The bitch.

I went stomping down the hallway took out the keys to my office and went storming in. I took out Smiths phone and opened the window behind my desk. I was 23 floors up, so this better be irreplaceable damage. I held the phone between my thumb and pointer finger, and then let go. I was not jealous. Chapter 6 Smith I was still in my office when Agent Smith walked in. He looked like he hadnt gotten any sleep. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was a mess. Ha, bedroom hair. His blue eyes looked like ice when they landed on me. I Youre in trouble. He said. Trouble? I asked. With the boss? No, worse. One of the guards escaped. Named Jorge. We tried interrogating Antonio but he wouldnt give any info. Of course. We were watching over the tapes, and it turned out you gave your real name. This came for you last night. He handed me a package. I looked at him warily. What do you mean this came for me last night? The package was found at exactly 12:04 AM. Security footage shows a man in a UPS truck delivering it. We interrogated the driver, easy to find. Said some young man asked him to deliver it, paid a great deal of money. We did a background check on him. He had a wife, a few kids, lives paycheck to paycheck, seemed like he really did need the money, was paid a small fortune to deliver it, he seems clean, but were still keeping 24 hour surveillance on him just in case. Thats not smart, keeping the surveillance team on them. Whoever handed him the package honestly probably wont bother him anymore, unless the package was not delivered. Smith youre smarter then that. Its more for his familys safety, we dont know what were dealing with when it comes to Antonio. I picked up the package. Has this been checked? Yes. Weve done multiple security checks on it and it seems clean, but whoever the package was from wanted you to open it. I looked at it. It was just a box, and it was safe. It shouldnt be that big of a deal. I opened the package before I lost my nerve.

A note was laying on top of a folded piece of silk. It said

For Maise
I opened the folded piece of silk and inside was the needle I injected in Jorges body. And underneath that a picture of me in my hot pink dress I wore last night, looking down at my phone walking from the bus stop before I entered the resturuant. I looked at it for a couple more seconds. Obviously Smith was looking for some sort of reaction out of me. I kept a calm face and looked back up at Smith. Obviously they didnt get my Christmas List, I wanted perfume. Orange, this isnt a joke. Smith, honestly, what reaction did you want from me? When was this picture taken? Last night. Agent Smith sucked in a breath. Last night? Agent Orange this is more of a serious deal then we thought. We have to keep 24 hour surveilla- NO. No, no no no. I cut him off. I am NOT being put on 24 hour surveillance! But Age- No, listen to me. I rose up to my full height. All five feet and four inches of it. Of course he was 6 foot three but that didnt stop me from yelling at him. If you put an type of surveillance on me, I swear I will gauge your eyeballs out and feed them to my dog. Agent Orange, this is very dangerous for you, let me atleast write up for a watchover. Obviously Smith was not getting the idea. A watchover was even more embarrassing then 24 hour surveillance. Scarlett came to mind. How embarrassing, the babysitting comments would never end. Agent Smith, youre not being very helpful and honestly youre just wasting my time, I have to go talk to the boss. I got up and headed towards the door, but Agent Smith got in my way, now his height was hard to ignore. His blue eyes got even icier. Never a good sign If youre going to stubborn about this, then let me atleast escort you around.

Oh, why? So that I can hear more comments from Scarlett on how you babysit me? Scarlett? What does she have to do with this? She has nothing to with this, except Im sure you had a good time last night with her. I spat at him. What? He looked confused. Ugh, he was such an idiot. I stalked passed him. But just as I was opening the door he slammed it shut. Open. The. Door. Please. Even though I was pissed I made sure to use my manners. A lady always uses her manners. No, not until you agree with me to have at least a little security. Are you kidding me? No, and I already talked to the boss. About surveillance? He hesitated. No, I knew you were going to be upset about it. So I thought I would talk to you about it first. I looked up at him. Which was obviously a mistake I tried moving past him again but then he grabbed me hard by my arms, dragged me to my desk and sat me on it. I looked up at him in shock. You are the most stubborn person I know, I need you to be safe, this is a very big bust and youre the main target for enemy operatives because of your stupid, mouth. He looked down at my mouth. I kept my eyes on him. I was slowly trailing my hand along my inner thigh. I need you to be safe, Im going to go talk to the boss and were going to talk about surveillance options. My hand finally hit what I was looking for. Okay? I grabbed my needle and as quick as I could aimed for the bulging vein in his neck.

But, damn he was fast. He knew what I was doing, and grabbed my arm before I could stick it in his neck. He grabbed it, hard. Im guessing that you dont agree Agent Orange, which is quite unfortunate, considering the fact that your life is in danger. But since you just tried to attack me, I feel less generous towards you He let go of me but took the needle from my hand. So, what do I care? Im not your babysitter, so if you want to go around like an open target, then go ahead. Its your funeral. Then he walked out. I looked after him. Ugh he could be such as ass. I slammed the door after him and stalked towards my desk, I closed my window, but before I did I was reminded of the satisfying crack I heard when I dropped Smiths 700 dollar phone. I went back to my desk, the package still opened and looked at the picture. The native American, Woodane was right behind me, off to the left a little, looking after me. Hmm. I walked out of my office and headed towards floor 13, where the interrogation room was. And where the prisoner were held. I opened the interrogation room, which was just a 12 by 12 foot room with a two way mirror wall. I went past the second door into the cells where prisoners were held. I walked down until I saw the room Antonio was assigned to. I typed in the code in the keypad and used my master key that I stole from Smith earlier this week to open the door. Clutching the picture from the package to my hand, I walked in.

Chapter 7 Antonio Hola Senorita. I turned around to find the silver fox in a white jumpsuit. The man had the audacity to smile. I got right to the point. Now, Mr. Antonio. I understand that there are people who are close to you who want me dead. No, mija. They dont want you dead.

Then explain this. I handed him the picture. He chuckled again. No, they dont want you dead. That would be too easy. They want revenge. Cold sweat broke out all over me, but I kept my face calm. I looked at him straight in the eye. Well, then they are going to be quite disappointed, arent they? I flashed my teeth at him. He chuckled. Well, only time will tell. My nephew is a sucker for a pretty face, and who knows, he hasnt done anything to disappoint me and this may be the one thing. Just make sure he knows his Uncle isnt surprised. He is looking for revenge and with you as a target, he may not stop until he gets what he wants. I stared at him, trying to anaylyze what this man was. No, really a monster. Ive read over his history in a report Agent Smith did. He was a brutal and ruthless man, with no obvious conscience. I got up and walked towards the door. Senorita, you might want to warn Senor Smith, you see, my nephew he doesnt like to share, and if he sees another man after you, hell get very, eh, aggressive. The silver fox looked at me and winked. Oh, he wont have to worry. I said as I was walking out the door. I doubt he will be alive long enough to know Agent Smith. Then I slammed the door. Chapter 8 The Boss The boss called in a group of specialists and their partners for a weekly meeting that occirs every Sunday. I walked in and stalked past Scarlett and her partner, Steve. I liked Steve, he was very plain looking, under six feet, with glasses and some stubble across his face. Brown Hair, green eyes, and his annoyance yet tolerance for Scarlett, always earned my respect. I sat down next to him, he was the definition of a geek, but he made some pretty funny comments and always smelled like cookies. Hey Steve I said as I sat down next to him Hey Maise. Steve was the oldest active operative here, at the age of 25 he had more wisdom then most of us. He was always looking out for me, like a big brother. I always counted on him and his presence always calmed me down. Smith then came in and sat down next to me. Have anyone seen my phone? he asked to anyone who would listen. I laughed under my breath.

Steve looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. I smiled at him and he smiled back. See he got me. Ladies and gentlemen, the boss said as he walked in. Why are you all such screw ups? His belly led him In first. He was six foot three and had a brown balding head, round glasses that sat on a crooked nose (multiple broken noses, he wasnt a very well liked man) and a booming voice. Wearing a brown suit and tie, he was kind of painful to look out A chorus of hellos rung out at him, he took a seat at the edge of the table. Now can someone please explain to me why this shit bag of an operation is going so badly? You might want to ask the baby over there. She pointed her head in my direction. Her big mouth over crowned her big nose and she basically ruined our operation, She is going to need more surveillance to keep her stupid ass in check. I looked over at Smith. He had such a big mouth sometimes. Scarlett, shut up. Said the boss. No more excuses. Yall better have your shit together by next week or Im scouting out for a new team With that word he got up and left. Okay, so baby is going to need surveillance, and I have an operation I have to get ready for. Scarlett graced us with that last word and walked out after the Boss, with Steve on her heels. How does she know about the surveillance? I asked Smith. It was her idea. OH. REALLY? I gave him my widest eyes and clueless smile. And I guess, since the pretty lady in the slutty dress says jump, then we all must act like jack rabbits and jump pretty fucking high? Agent Or- No, continue, please dont let me interrupt. Your doing such a great job. I bet Scarletts happy and gave you such an incentive for you last night I sneered at him. What the hell are you talking about Maise? I looked at him in the eye. I am not getting surveillance and thats my final word on this subject. Okay, fine then. I officially give up. But we do need to talk about your school life. That caught me by surprise. Whats wrong with my school life? You are gaining too much recognition. What are you talking about? I hate everyone. Yes. But your new best friend is one of the most popular girls in school, so we advise you to become unpopular. Fast. Are you serious? Alright, whatever you say partner. I got up to leave started heading towards my office. I made a visit with Antonio this afternoon, see if he knew anything about a little package I received. Apparently his nephew has the hots for me. I said with a laugh. Smith just looked at me. He could have atleast looked a little amused.

Maise, this isnt a joke. Now become a loser and learn how to protect yourself. He said with a chuckle. Now he was trying to be funny. Ugh he was so, Smith. I walked out of the room and decided to head home. I had enough of people looking over me today.

Chapter 9

School I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 AM. School starts at 8:20 but it never hurts to get a quick run with the dogs before school. After my run I come back to get ready for school. Shower, change into my uniform (Yes I go to a private school, and personally I like the idea of a uniform, it makes everything so much easier) grab a bite to eat and then head out to catch a bus to school. I got off and ran upstairs to the library to finish my homework I was supposed to do over the weekend. I passed the weirdos that always hung out in the area in front of the back entrance and then passed the freshman that hang out in front of the theatre and then passed the sophomores that hang out in the middle of the atrium, ugh theyre so obnoxious, and opened the library doors to go upstairs, where the computers were. I chose a computer, sat down and quickly started doing my homework for the day, usually half of the library had couples on it, and the other half was a variety of different people trying to do their homework. Just as I was finished with Algebra 2, and started working on honors English, Adriana and her boyfriend walked in, they passed right by my table, not even saying hi to me. Predictable. Of course they got back together, but its still annoying how she fawns over him and spends her money on him when he obviously doesnt care about her. Whatever. Just as the first bell rang my best friend since third grade walked in, Susan. She was tall, skinny, brown hair brown eyes, tan skin and perfect complexion. Why are all my friends prettier then me? Hey Hey Maise, Whats up? Are you doing your homework? You never do your homework at home! I get busy. From what? She started laughing From stuff. Mhmm. Well anyways want to hang out after school? Ugh. There are probably going to be other people. Socializing. No thanks. Mm, cant I have to go to work Okay, well your lost. She took our her laptop and started doing her own homework. Shes over here criticizing me when she herself hasnt done her homework. I shook my head and smiled Beep I got a text message, It was from Smith. I unlocked my phone and read it.

Did you a favor, you know what it will be when it happens, hoping to make you less noticeable on the radar. Are you serious. This guy was so annoying. What does it matter that Im starting to gain a little recognition. Its not like Im even close to being popular. I dont wear makeup to school, yes my friends might be popular, but they dont invite me to their parties, I hate everyone and Im pretty sure a lot of people know it. The second bell rang and I headed to AP World History. All it consisted of was taking notes and having the rest of the class to do the reading assignment. Boring. I went through the rest of my classes, geometry, chemistry, and then English. Some office aid came in and gave an envelope to the teacher. Maise he called out and handed me the envelope. I opened it and it was some letter. Congratulations, you have been nominated blah blah blah Please go to room 511 Wednesday after school to try out for mock trial. Materials will be given to you to study. It literally said Blah, Blah, Blah. Okay this was odd. Or maybe this was Smith was talking about. Either way, Im not joining the mock trial team. Barely anybody knew who they were but the ones who did knew they were all assholes. I was not going to deal with that. Finally the bell rang and I was able to get out of there. The usual crowd of people in the hallway was backed up to the point where it took me a few minutes to get from one hallway to another. Ugh people were touching me. Move, Move. Ew, the couples were next to the lockers taking up space. How inconsiderate. One couple was especially being intimate with each other. I saw the girl reach over and squeeze his butt. Okay Im done with this. I shoved my way through until I finally walked out of the school and headed down the street towards the bus stop. I walked on and low and behold, the Native American, Woodane was there. Oh, great. He hadnt noticed me yet, he seemed absorbed in a book he was reading. I went on the opposite side of the bus and started walking towards the back hoping he didnt see me. He didnt. Hmm. I sat down and started staring at him, he had a car, a nice one, so why did he insist on taking the bus? Since he was absorbed in his book, it gave me a chance to study him. He had brown hair, closer to black actually, a little shaggy, a little passed is hair. A pierced ear with a shark tooth? Earing. Another fitted shirt, but it was a faded Sublime band t-shirt. He had a tattoo also, on his inner left arm. It was some sort of symbol, I couldnt tell from here. Whatever book he was reading, he seemed really absorbed. You looking at that young man miss? an elderly lady with a shabby coat and sweats on who was sitting across the way from me asked.

I looked at her, embarrass by my actions. You know, he aint bad looking, a fine young thing. She smiled at me, she had not teeth. I smiled back at her, and looked over to see if Woodane heard. Apparently he had, because he was staring right at me and smiling. I got up, because this was my stop and started heading out towards the base. Surprisingly, Woodane got off also, but he didnt offer to walk me this time, he just got off the bus after me and headed in the opposite direction. I had to remind myself that I wasnt disappointed, just a little shocked, especially after he treated me last time. I decided to ignore it and go ahead and head towards my office. I was so distracted that I didnt even notice Smith calling my name. ORANGE. He caught up to me. Jeez, Orange, Ive been calling your name since the lobby, I even called your name to hold the elevator but I- What do you want Smith? Well, mock trial, you ready? I guess, if thats going to make you shut up about the whole surveillance thing then yes, Ill try it out. I always wanted to be a lawyer anyways. Okay good. Ill meet you in your office in five minutes, I need to give something to Scarlett. I rolled my eyes. Okay, see you then. I arrived at my office and on my desk was another package. I opened it up, cautious to make sure it wasnt anything dangerous. It was another picture of me. Chapter 10 Surprises I was sitting at in my office with the opened package still on my desk when Agent Smith walked in. Maise? Hmm? I looked up to see Agent Smith looking warily at me. Are you alright? Yeah, I just got another package. Another package? Yeah, from Antonios operatives I guess.

Where is it? Lets put it through security, you can never be too careful Ill have it taken down. I looked at the open package on my desk sheepishly. Maise, was that the package? Mhmm. Maise, it couldve been dangerous! Stop acting on a whim, its going to be the death of you, I swear. I rolled my eyes, always with the dramatics with Smith. Its fine, it was already on my desk so I thought maybe you already went through it, It was nothing, just another picture. It was already on your desk when you were here? Oh, no Maise we need to get you down to surveillance- Damn it Smith how many times do I have to tell you that I dont need a babysitter? Not for you, to check the cameras to check the tapes to see who dropped it off, Maise. Stop jumping to conclusions. Whatever lets go. We started walking down the hallway towards the elevators. What was in the package, anyways? Just another picture of me. What was it of? Me, running with the dogs before school this morning. You got to stop doing that then. Mhmm. I agreed outloud but Im pretty sure we both knew that wasnt going to happen. Smith sighed heavily. When we got to the surveillance rooms we found it was blocked off. Thats weird. Whispered Smith, Lets go in. We got pass the guardrail that was in front of the door and then let ourselves in. I let out a gasp.

There, in a chair in front of the security televisions, was our security guy, Humberto, slumped over his seat, with blood dripping down his back. Shit. I looked over at Smith, his face was grim. He walked over to Humberto and checked his pulse. And shook his head. I pulled out my cell and called the Boss. He arrived five minutes later with security guards surrounding him. He looked at Agent Smith and I. Agent Smith, Agent Orange, give me the details. We arent to sure what happened, Maise received another package, and so we came in here to check the surveillance tapes, but when we came in here Humberto was slumped over, and Ive been trying to recover the tapes but I cant get any footage. We have everything backed up to a second hard drive in my desk, Well look at them later, but for right now, we need to get this cleaned up, Ill notify his family. The boss walked out, shaking his head, the cleaning crew and the coriner came in as Agent Smith and I walked out. Well we know that whoever is delivering these packages doesnt want you dead, Agent Orange, or else Im sure you would already be dead. The day I talked to Antonio, in his cell, he told me that whoever is coming after me doesnt want me dead, he said it would be too easy, that they wanted revenge. I looked up at Agent Smith, who looked like he contemplating a few things. Did he tell you anything else? Well that it was probably his nephew taking over, but he was a sucker for a pretty face. I laughed out loud at that one. I dont want some old perv nephew after me, thats all I can say, and I doubt Im the pretty face he was talking about. Agent Smith looked down at me with a raised eyebrow, then shook his head. I rolled my eyes. Orange, Antonios nephew is 19. Running an operation as big as his is unheard of. I doubt its the nephew, last news heard was that he was somewhere in South America. Okay, so its not the nephew, who could it be? Ill take a guess at the guard who escaped, Jorge. What, why? Well, he was able to escape, when no one else could, not even Antonio. That must have gained him some respect, and some suspicoun. So hes leading an operation to save his boss, to make his boss impressed and to calm down suspicion.

That makes sense. Either way, we are going to need to keep a closer eye on you, Maise,. Now I knew I couldnt argue with that one. I was starting to feel a little spooked, so I was okay with it. Fine then, but keep it low-key. Make sure no one knows about it. Alright, thats fair. We started walking towards my office. Im starving, do you want to grab a bite to eat? I turned around to look at Smith. Only if I get to choose the place. He smiled. Sure.

Chapter 11 Popularity So, have you decided how you were going to stay low key for school? We sat down after we ordered some food at my favorite French bistro a few blocks from base. The warm fireplaces scattered around the room, with low light and French music playing softly from the speakers above always calmed me down. Not to mention that the bread was so delicious. Im pretty sure I have stayed out of the spotlight. Actually, you havent. You have over 500 twitter followers, over 1000 facebook friends and youre best friends with a cheerleader, the class slut, and a rumor is going around that you hooked up with a senior at some basketball game. I laughed. Well did you? Did I what? Hook up with someone! I looked at him. I tried remembering what I was doing last time there was a basketball game, I was 23 feet up in the air, climbing a radio tower, trying not to get killed by bullets that were being fired at me. I havent been to a highschool basketball game since freshman year, no thats not true. Agent Smith looked relieved. Okay, well either way we need you to lie low, maybe not go to school? Why do you not want me to have a life outside of school? When you signed up for this life, you knew there were going to be some sacrifices that you have to make, a regular teenage life would be one of them. Well isnt one of the requirements not to have a relationship? Agent Smith looked at me, his blue eyes iced over.

What do you mean? I scoffed. Are you freaking serious? I asked a little louder then I intended to, we got a few looks from the tables around us. Agent Smith just looked at me. YOU. And Agent Scarlet. Oh, that was nothing, we just went to dinner. And then she spent the night. I didnt say that out loud of course, I just rolled my eyes and tore off a chunk of bread and started eating it. Whatever what did I care, its stupid. What did Smith care, what I did with my life, its not like he controlled me. So what if I was climbing up the popularity totem pole. I tried as hard as I could. I didnt wear make up to school, I wore a baggy sweatshirt over my uniform. My hair was always a mess. I really couldnt do anything else. Maybe it wouldnt hurt to put on some makeup for school, or clean up my hair. What did Smith care? I ate the rest of the dinner in silence. While Agent Smith Started talking about Scarletts last mission. My mind was decided, I was going to make sure every Junior knew my name.

Chapter 12 School

I was up in the library when an announcement was made. Attention all students, Student council elections for the spring semester will commence next Wednesday during the last pep rally of the school year. Please go to the attendance office and pick up a package for more information. Hmm, student council, that didnt sound like a bad idea. I got up, packed my things and headed towards the attendance office. Hi, I would like to run for student council I flashed the secretary my best A+ student smile. Hello, well heres the package with the information, you need to maintain atleast an 84 in each class, and have two signatures from a teacher recommending you. You also need to make a speech at the next pep rally. Some kids make posters and hang them around the school. Im glad to see a new face make an interest. She smiled Wow, it was that easy.

Thanks I smiled back at her What grade are you running for? The Junior class. Well, good luck. I walked out of their feeling accomplished. I started towards my first period class, I still had fifteen minutes, so I decided to head towards the locker room. I took out my make up bag and started putting on some makeup, not much just foundation, and a VERY skinny line of eyeliner, and curled my eyelashes. I took me hair from the braid I had it in and brushed through it. My hair was a little wavy, but it looked pretty. As I headed towards my first period class, I noticed I got quite a few stares. Uh oh, was my eyeliner smudged? Was my skirt up? I started to feel a little self conscious, but I didnt have enough time to stop by in the bathroom and look in a mirror. I went to first period, which was Speech, an elective, and sat down. I was feeling embarrassed and was deciding not to wear make up ever again to school when suddenly, Jake, who sat in front of me said Oh, look who looks pretty today. I rolled my eyes at him but inwardly I was smiling, who cares what everyone thinks anyways? I went through all first period feeling better about myself. Then second period, it was my favorite. It was a science elective and one of my best and most entertaining friends was in there, Emily. She had white blondish hair, beautiful light blue eyes with a darker blue ring around the iris and specks of dark blue in them. She was kind of curvy, and short. Shorter then me, but she was hilarious. I sat down behind her. Hey girl, you look pretty! she squealed at me. I smiled Emily, please be quiet. Yelled our environmental science teacher, she was short, with what looked like an attempt at a pixie cut or bob, and smelled like cigarettes. She was wearing a lab coat and sandals with socks. Her hair was usually brown, but today it was red. Uh-oh, she was probably in a bad mood because whoever dyed her hair did a really bad job. After we listened to the announcements and Emily turned around and faced me. She hates me. She does not hate you Emily. EMILY, turn around and face the board. Emily gave me an I told you so, face and turned around. A few minutes into class, after the teacher started talking about ozone layers, I took out my laptop and pretended to take notes. When I opened up my facebook, I had a message from Emily. I opened up the chat and started messaging her Hey Okay, so maybe she does hate you.

I told you! Whatever. Dude Im starvinggggg OMG saaame. I want those cookies from the cafeteria they are so delish. Mhmm Have you seen our teachers hair??? YES, I want to know what happened. Same, im gonna ask Emily dont cool. She raised her hand. The teacher was pointedly ignoring her. Finally, the teacher couldnt ignore Emily, the other students were starting to notice her. Yes, Emily? I love your hair, did you dye it? I stifled a laugh. No. Oh, what happened? It was an accident. Oh really, what happened. Emily, this isnt related to Enviromental Science, so Im not going to talk about it, until you have a question that is E.S. related then we can discuss it. Emily smiled at her. It was an accident? she messaged me. haha, that was actually pretty entertaining. The rest of the class went by soo slow. A few minutes before the bell rang, Remel, a senior and captain of the football team and was pretty friendly with a lot of people, he liked to joke around, but always had a serious face, which somehow made his jokes funnier. To others, not to me. He picked up my laptop and was messing around with it. If you break it, youre going to have to pay for it Im not going to break it he said. Im just saying that if you break that, youre paying for another one And Im just saying that Im not going to break it. And if I did, Im not going to pay for it. I looked at him. Was he serious. And why is that?I asked Because, if I break it, Im going to kill myself. He said with a straight face

Emily turned around and looked at me. Then started laughing. Then I started laughing, the situation was just so awkward. The bell rang and Remel gave me back my laptop. The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. Fourth period came along, and it was French, which was alwaysinteresting. Emily was also in this class. Today, one of the classmates, Reed, had a shadow. Whats that around your neck? asked Emily. Its a golden star. Said Reed. What did you get it for? Chemistry class. Whats the star for? the shadow asked You get it for having greatness. But Emily doesnt know what that is. Greatness, whats greatness? Emily asked, all wide eyed, and clueless looking Its when you do really awesome stuff, and people recognize you for it. Oh, no Emily laughed .No, I dont know what that is.

And thats why I love Emily.

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