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Saint Francis Borgia Church

8033 W. Addison St.

Chicago, IL 60634

773-625-1118 The Epiphany of the Lord January 5, 2014

Welcome to Our Parish! Mass Schedule

Monday - Friday: 7:15 & 8:30am in Chapel Saturday: 8:00am in Chapel, 5:00pm in Church Sunday: 7:30, 10:30am & Noon in Church Polish Sunday Mass: 9:00am, 1:30pm, 6:00pm in Church Signed Sunday Mass: 10:30am in Chapel Call or visit the rectory to register

Phone rectory for appointment with priest at least 6 months before wedding & always before booking reception

Saturdays: 4:00 - 4:45pm in Church Monday - Friday: after 7:15 & 8:30am Masses or by appointment - call 773-625-1118

Baptism of Children

Human Care Services: call rectory - Anyone in need of sacraments at home or in the hospital - Bereavement Ministry - Respect Life Group New Parishioners -

2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am Call the rectory for a scheduling appointment and for information on the baptismal class Baptism in Polish - 4th Sunday of each month at the 1:30pm Mass

Catholic Converts & Baptism of Adults (RCIA)

Phone the Religious Education Office at 773-625-1705

Ogoszenia Parafialne po Polsku

Strona 5

Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 4, 2014 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
8:00 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 5:00 Julia DAlessandro Steven & Robert Caruk Renetta Englund

Monday, January 6, 2014- St. Andrea Bessette

7:15 William Peska 8:30 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 7:15 Birthday Blessings for David Tainer 8:30 Birthday Blessings for David Tainer Guerino Vercillo Rudolph Sterbenz

Tuesday, January 7, 2014 St. Raymond

Sunday, January 5, 2014 The Epiphany of the Lord

7:30 Patricia Guida Kathleen Wagner 9:00 Mieczyslaw Spytek Stefania i Stanislawa Siusko w rocz. smierci 10:30 Health & Blessings for the Acuna Family Mario A. Acuna Dorothy Schultz 12:00 Health & Blessings for Timothy Heider Cristino DAndrea Gaetano Urbanio 1:30 Uwielbiajaca Boga Ojca Wszechmogacego, oraz Przeblagalna za grzechy nasze, naszych dzieci, oraz calego swiata Zawierzajaca Bogu Ojcu i Niepokalanemu Sercu Najswietrzej Marji Panny, nasze dzieci, Poske, Ameryke, i caly swiat O pokoj na swiecie oraz o powolania do sluzby kaplanskiej i zakonnej O pomnozenie wiary, milosci, poboznosci i bojazni Bozej w naszych rodzinach oraz na calym swiecie W 51 rocz. slubu Stanislawy i Wladyslawa Kotula o dalsze blog. i opieke Boza Otylia i Franciszek Tomal w rocz. smierci Ryszard Szyszko o spokoj duszy 6:00 O zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla Pana Fredzia oraz calej rodziny

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

7:15 For All Parishioners 8:30 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory

Thursday, January 9, 2014

St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory Nazianzen
7:15 All Our Sick and Homebound Lorraine Duplantis 8:30 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory

Friday, January 10, 2014

7:15 All Our Sick & Homebound 8:30 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory

Saturday, January 11, 2014 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

8:00 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 5:00 Giuseppe Bacino on 1st Anniversary of Death

Sunday, January 12, 2014 The Baptism of the Lord

7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:30 All Our Parishioners Za Wszystkich Parafianow Health & Blessings for the Acuna Family Mario A. Acuna Health & Blessings for Timothy Heider Gaetano Urbanio Wladyslaw Fabisz w 24 rocz. smierci Ryszard Szyszko o spokoj duszy 6:00 O zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla Pana Fredzia oraz calej rodziny

An Invitation to Prayer
All are invited Wednesday, January 8, 2014 to the Stokes Center Mass Chapel. There will be a prayer service at 6:45pm with Benediction and the Rosary. Twelve years ago, our parish began to pray for peace on Wednesday evenings. We not only pray for peace in the world but for peace within our neighborhoods and families. When the Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima she encouraged and requested that we pray for peace. She has asked this of us in many other apparitions as well. Pope Francis held a magnificent prayer day on October 12. Thousands gathered with him at St. Peters Square. People of all faiths prayed the rosary and adored our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for Peace in the world. At that time he also consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are inviting you to follow the example of Pope Francis, and continue this prayer. We must not become complacent or lose hope even though the war is still continuing. We need to pray our troops home. St. Francis Borgia has approximately 30 of our family members now serving. The Peace Prayer Service will then continue on every first Wednesday of the month at 6:45 with Benediction. All are welcomed. Thanking you in advance for your participation. Ceil Brieske and Jim Guida.

New Parishioners Are Invited to Register

Forma Rejestracyjna
______________________________________ First name/ Imi Date of Birth ______________________________________ Names of children/ Dzieci Dates of Birth ______________________________________ City, State, Zip/ Miasto, Stan, Zip ______________________________________ Alternate phone number/ Numer telefonu Divorced Separated

______________________________________ Last name of registrants / Nazwisko ______________________________________ Name of spouse / Imi maonka Date of Birth ______________________________________ Address/ Adres ______________________________________ Home phone number/ Numer telefonu I am: Married Single Widowed

St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement

St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into our faith community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time, talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the greater glory of God and the good of His people.

Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of them and their families and especially for those listed below.
Matthew J. Albanese James Allision Paul Raymond Barthel Christopher R. Burdulinski Joseph Vito Burdulinski Anthony L. Cammuca James D. Campis Jasper Catalano Robert Curtis Tamara DeCaro Shawn Gaffney Gerald Giovannelli Slawomir Glownia Michael Granadon Daniel Jarosz Joseph Patrick Kinney Frank Joseph Klimas James Labbe Tom Lewandowski Matt Manzano Tim McManus Darrell Mills Michael A. Morelli Artur Niedbelka Roman Ortega Nicholas Ranch James H. Schreiner Robert Schreiner Richard A. Wagner Steven A. Walker

SUNDAY, January 5 9:00 Deaf Ministry ................................... SC1/SC2 10:30 CWC Mass ...........................................Church MONDAY, January 6 9:00 Crafters ..................................................... SC3 3:15 Cub Scouts................................................ SC2 7:30 M. Mass for Rosa Rago Di Grassi ........ Chapel TUESDAY, January 7 9:00 Marian Movement ................................ Chapel 4:00 Brownies................................................... SC2 7:00 Religious Education ............................. School WEDNESDAY, January 8 2:30 Daisies ...................................................... SC3 2:45 Childrens Choir ...................................Church 6:45 Peace Prayer Service ............................ Chapel 7:00 Adult Choir ...........................................Church 8:00 Knights of Columbus................................ SC3 THURSDAY, January 9 12:00 Golden Club ............................................. SC2 7:00 Sacred Heart Prayer Group ................... Chapel 7:00 RCIA ...............................................RE Center FRIDAY, January 10 3:00 Divine Mercy Prayer Group ................. Chapel SATURDAY, January 11 9:00 1st Reconciliation Rehearsal ................Church SUNDAY, January 12 8:00 Deaf Ministry ................................... SC1/SC2 3:00 Oplatek ..................................................... SC2

Padre Pio Plaza Bricks

We invite you to purchase a brick for the Padre Pio Plaza. Forms can be picked up in the rectory. The next bricks will be coming in the Spring of 2014. Siete preghati di aquistare i mattuni per meterli davanti a San Pio al piu presto possibile e di chiamare per informazione a Teresa DAlessandro: 773-763-0507. Na placu Ojca Pio przed kocioem s cegieki z imionami bliskich ku ich pamici. Aby zamwi cegieke prosimy o wypenienie formy w kancelarii.

Italian Catholic Confederation

For any questions regarding the ICF at St. Francis Borgia, contact Teresa Helfand at 773-763-0507.

Felicia Accolti Carmella Aguilar Marilyn Aylward Susan Bailog June Billingham Mary Burke Marcella Buttkus Jan Bycul Rita Caruk Greg Caruso Steve Chorba Elisabeth Corkran Elaine Czarnowski Elizabeth Dimaiuta Bernice Dombrowski Margaret Ebler & Family Patricia Fleming Carmela Fontano Anne Fritz David Gardner Walter Garland James Gorski Timothy Heider Lottie Jankowski Edwin Kowalski Bronislawa Lakomski Deacon William Lehman Jozef Lenart Dons Ludmann John Martinelli Aria McCarthy Bernice Mae McKay Joanne Melone Stella Mendelowska

Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents of the parish, our relatives and friends, and especially:

Grace Miceli Michael ONeill, Jr. Michael ONeill, Sr. Michael Palumbo Rosemary Palumbo Samantha Parry Bernadette Petty Victoria Pietroczynski John Pini Antonio Pontarelli Ellen Retzler Catherine Richko Lacie Richko Laura Richko Megan Richko Michelle Richko Sara Richko Virginia Rylko Anthony Scarpelli Dolores Schmugge Mary Sloboda Jeff Stachula Christopher Staunton Frances Swiatek Jozef Szczepanski Christine M. Szeszel Jason Townsend Nicholas Vitellaro Helena Walaszek James White Michele White Terry White Elizabeth Wlodarski

From the Pastors Desk

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, which is traditionally called the Feast of the Three Kings. This feast reminds us that the mission of the Church is to make sure that the News of the Savior born is heard and accepted everywhere. The Wise Men from the East remind us that we should look for God in our lives and bring others to Him. We should be for each other like the star, which showed the Wise Men the way to Jesus. The coming of the Wise Men to honor the Newborn Savior is for us a lesson of humility and faith. From the moment Jesus was born, the world was divided into His followers like the Wise Men and enemies like King Herod. That division exists today as well. Todays Gospel ends with the statement that the Wise Men departed to their countries by other routes. We should follow the Wise Men and also choose another route, a new way in our lives which Jesus wants us to take: the way of love and peace. Today, as we inscribe our doorways, let us remember that it signifies Gods presence in our homes and in our families. You can bless those who come in and go out by inscribing above the door in chalk: 20+C+M+B+14

Sc hool News
This Week At St. Francis Borgia School Week of January 6, 2013 Classes resume on Monday, January 6. Happy New Year and welcome back! There will be a Parents' Association meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, January 6, in the Stokes Center. There will be an all-school Mass in church at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, January 10. The third grade will be planning this liturgy. All are welcome to attend. The second quarter ends on Friday, January 10. We're halfway through the school year! Placement exams for area Catholic high schools will

take place on Saturday, January 11. Good luck to our eighth graders! Adopt-A-Kid gifts were delivered to Guerin High School in December. In the Christmas spirit of giving to others, St. Francis Borgia School students, faculty, and staff collected money and purchased gifts for needy children. Thank you to all the school families who donated so generously, even in these hard economic times. Thank you to all the volunteers who shopped for and wrapped the gifts. Thank you to Mrs. Michele Wollschlaeger for delivering the gifts to Guerin High School and for coordinating the entire project.

Respect Life
Though he was conceived of a virgin, Jesus nevertheless lived as a son in a human family -- a family which points the way for the rest of us. The family is the sanctuary of life. There can be no life without family, and there can be no family without life. The family, above all, is where life is to be welcomed, no matter how fragile or inconvenient it may be. One of the many reasons why the Pope and bishops identify abortion and euthanasia as pre-eminent issues is because these crimes are committed by one family member upon another. May the Holy Family lead us to a Culture of Life! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We thank those who already made their commitments to our Campaign and we remind you that you can wait for the reminders to come in the mail making your first payments following the instructions given by the Archdiocese. After you receive the instructions in the mail, payments will be mailed to the Archdiocese as they hold our parishs account for the Campaign and they will send us report updates systematically. The money collected will be released by the Archdiocese to fund the projects mentioned in the Campaign case. The success of our Campaign depends on the participation of us all. Yours in Christ, Rev. Richard Milek

Our Lady of Czestochowa parish group would like to invite you to the Christmas Celebration called Oplatek which will be held in the Stokes Center on January 12, 2014 at 3:00pm. The event features: dinner, sweet table, raffle, entertainment by Zawisza Band, and more. Tickets are $30 per adult, $15 per child age 7-10, and children 6 and under free.

To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign




January 1, 2014
In this, my first Message for the World Day of Peace, I wish to offer to everyone, individuals and peoples, my best wishes for a life filled with joy and hope. In the heart of every man and woman is the desire for a full life, including that irrepressible longing for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced. Fraternity is an essential human quality, for we are relational beings. A lively awareness of our relatedness helps us to look upon and to treat each person as a true sister or brother; without fraternity it is impossible to build a just society and a solid and lasting peace. We should remember that fraternity is generally first learned in the family, thanks above all to the responsible and complementary roles of each of its members, particularly the father and the mother. The family is the wellspring of all fraternity, and as such it is the foundation and the first pathway to peace, since, by its vocation, it is meant to spread its love to the world around it. () To understand more fully this human vocation to fraternity, to recognize more clearly the obstacles standing in the way of its realization and to identify ways of overcoming them, it is of primary importance to let oneself be led by knowledge of Gods plan, which is presented in an eminent way in sacred Scripture. According to the biblical account of creation, all people are descended from common parents, Adam and Eve, the couple created by God in his image and likeness (cf. Gen 1:26), to whom Cain and Abel were born. In the story of this first family, we see the origins of society and the evolution of relations between individuals and peoples. () The question naturally arises: Can the men and women of this world ever fully respond to the longing for fraternity placed within them by God the Father? Will they ever manage by their power alone to overcome indifference, egoism and hatred, and to accept the legitimate differences typical of brothers and sisters? By paraphrasing his words, we can summarize the answer given by the Lord Jesus: For you have only one Father, who is God, and you are all brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 23:8-9). The basis of fraternity is found in Gods fatherhood. We are not speaking of a generic fatherhood, indistinct and historically ineffectual, but rather of the specific and extraordinarily concrete personal love of God for each man and woman (cf. Mt 6:25-30). It is a fatherhood, then, which effectively generates fraternity, because the love of God, once welcomed, becomes the most formidable means of transforming our lives and relationships with others, opening us to solidarity and to genuine sharing. () The grave financial and economic crises of the present time which find their origin in the progressive distancing of man from God and from his neighbour, in the greedy pursuit of material goods on the one hand, and in the impoverishment of interpersonal and community relations on the other have pushed man to seek satisfaction, happiness and security in consumption and earnings out of all proportion to the principles of a sound economy. In 1979John Paul II had called attention to a real perceptible danger that, while mans dominion over the world of things is making enormous advances, he should lose the essential threads of his dominion and in various ways let his humanity be subjected to the world and become himself something subject to manipulation in many ways even if the manipulation is often not perceptible directly through the whole of the organization of community life, through the production system and through pressure from the means of social communication. () Christ embraces all of humanity and wishes no one to be lost. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him (Jn 3:17). He does it without oppressing or constraining anyone to open to him the doors of heart and mind. Let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves Jesus Christ says I am among you as one who serves (Lk 22:26-27). Every activity therefore must be distinguished by an attitude of service to persons, especially those furthest away and less known. Service is the soul of that fraternity that builds up peace. May Mary, the Mother of Jesus, help us to understand and live every day the fraternity that springs up from the heart of her Son, so as to bring peace to each person on this our beloved earth.


W tym moim pierwszym Ordziu na wiatowy Dzie Pokoju pragn skierowa do wszystkich, poszczeglnych osb i narodw, yczenia ycia penego radoci i nadziei. W sercu kadego czowieka kryje si bowiem pragnienie ycia penego, do ktrego naley nieodparte denie do braterstwa, pobudzajce do jednoci z innymi, w ktrych znajdujemy nie wrogw czy konkurentw, ale braci, ktrych trzeba serdecznie przyj. Rzeczywicie braterstwo jest istotnym wymiarem czowieka, ktry jest istot spoeczn. ywa wiadomo tego aktu prowadzi nas do postrzegania i traktowania kadej osoby jako prawdziwej siostry i prawdziwego brata. Bez tego staje si niemoliwym budowanie spoeczestwa sprawiedliwego, a take stabilnego i trwaego pokoju. Musimy pamita, e braterstwa zaczynamy si uczy zazwyczaj w obrbie rodziny, zwaszcza dziki odpowiedzialnemu i uzupeniajcemu si spenianiu rl waciwych wszystkim jej czonkom, szczeglnie ojca i matki. Rodzina jest rdem wszelkiego braterstwa, dlatego jest rwnie podstaw i gwn drog pokoju, poniewa na mocy swego powoania powinna zarazi"wiat sw mioci. () Dla lepszego zrozumienia tego powoania czowieka do braterstwa, peniejszej znajomoci przeszkd stojcych na drodze jego realizacji i okrelenia sposobw ich przezwycienia, fundamentalne znaczenie ma kierowanie si poznaniem Boego planu, wspaniale przedstawionego w Pimie witym. Wedug opowiadania o pocztkach wszyscy ludzie pochodz od wsplnych rodzicw, od Adama i Ewy, pary stworzonej przez Boga na Jego obraz i podobiestwo (por. Rdz 1, 26), z ktrych zrodzili si Kain i Abel. W historii pierwszej rodziny odczytujemy genez spoeczestwa, ewolucj relacji midzy ludmi i narodami. () Spontanicznie rodzi si pytanie: czy ludzie yjcy na tym wiecie mog kiedykolwiek odpowiedzie w peni na pragnienie braterstwa, wpisane w nich przez Boga Ojca? Czy potrafi jedynie o wasnych siach przezwyciy obojtno, egoizm i nienawi, zaakceptowa uzasadnione rnice, charakteryzujce braci i siostry? Parafrazujc sowa Pana Jezusa, moemy streci Jego odpowied w nastpujcy sposb: poniewa jeden jest wasz Ojciec, ktry jest Bogiem, to wy wszyscy brami jestecie (por. Mt 23, 8-9). Korze braterstwa wyrasta z ojcostwa Boga. Nie chodzi o ojcostwo oglnikowe, nieokrelone i bez wpywu na histori, ale o osobow, wyranie ukierunkowan i niezwykle konkretn mio Boga do kadego czowieka (por. Mt 6, 25-30). Jest to wic ojcostwo skutecznie rodzce braterstwo, poniewa mio Boga, kiedy zostanie przyjta, staje si najpotniejszym rodkiem przemiany ycia i relacji z drugim, ktry otwiera ludzi na solidarno i czynne dzielenie si. () Wspczesne powane kryzysy finansowy i gospodarczy ktrych rdem jest z jednej strony stopniowe oddalanie si czowieka od Boga i bliniego"w chciwym deniu do dbr materialnych, a z drugiej zuboenie relacji midzyludzkich i spoecznych pobudziy wielu do szukania zadowolenia, szczcia i bezpieczestwa w konsumpcji i w zysku, zdecydowanie wykraczajcych poza logik zdrowej gospodarki. Ju w 1979 roku Jan Pawe II dostrzega istnienie bardzo realnego i wyczuwalnego ju niebezpieczestwa, e wraz z olbrzymim postpem w opanowaniu przez czowieka wiata rzeczy, czowiek gubi istotne wtki swego wrd nich panowania, na rne sposoby podporzdkowuje im swoje czowieczestwo, sam staje si przedmiotem wielorakiej czasem bezporednio nieuchwytnej manipulacji poprzez ca organizacj ycia zbiorowego, poprzez system produkcji, poprzez nacisk rodkw przekazu spoecznego () Chrystus ogarnia caego czowieka i chce, aby nikt si nie zatraci. Bg nie posa swego Syna na wiat po to, aby wiat potpi, ale po to, by wiat zosta przez Niego zbawiony (J 3, 17). Czyni to nie uciskajc, nie zmuszajc nikogo, by otworzy Mu drzwi swojego serca i umysu. Najwikszy midzy wami niech bdzie jak najmodszy, a przeoony jak suga! powiedzia Jezus Chrystus Ja jestem pord was jak ten, kto suy (k 22, 26-27). Kada dziaalno powinna wic by naznaczona postaw suby ludziom, zwaszcza tym najbardziej dalekim i nieznanym. Suba jest dusz tego braterstwa, ktre buduje pokj. Niech Maryja, Matka Jezusa, pomaga nam zrozumie i y na co dzie braterstwem, ktre wypywa z Serca Jej Syna, aby przynie pokj kademu czowiekowi na tej naszej ukochanej ziemi.

Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza

Przeywamy dzisiaj wito Objawienia Paskiego zwane tradycyjnie witem Trzech Krli. wito to przypomina nam misyjne posannictwo kocioa, ktrego zadaniem jest zrobi wszystko, aby radosna wie o przyjciu Zbawiciela dotara do kadego zaktka ziemi. Trzej Mdrcy ze Wschodu s dla nas wezwaniem i przypomnieniem obowizku szukania Boga w naszym yciu i niesienia go innym. Mamy by dla siebie wzajemnie t ewangeliczn gwiazd, ktra wskazywaa Trzem Mdrcom drog do Chrystusa. Postawa Trzech Mdrcw jest dla nas lekcj wiary i pokory. Pamitajmy dzisiaj o tradycji wypisania na drzwiach naszych domw imion trzech mdrcw ze wschodu, co oznacza, e w naszym domu i w naszej rodzinie mieszka Bg. Tradycja ta znajduje swj pocztek w dzisiejszej Ewangelii, ktra mwi nam, e Trzej Krlowie ujrzeli Chrystusa po wejciu do domu. Drzwi waszego domu to wity prg. Bogosawieni bd ci, ktrzy przejd przez prg waszego domu, jeli kred napiszecie na drzwiach: 20+K+M+B+14

Msze wite Poniedziaek - Pitek: 7:15 i 8:30 rano w kaplicy (wejcie od ulicy Addison) Sobota: 8:00 rano w kaplicy (Addison) i 17:00 w kociele (Forest Preserve) Niedziela: 7:30, 10:30, 12:00 po polsku: 9:00 i 18:00 w kociele Kancelaria Parafialna: 773-625-1118 Poniedziaek - Pitek: 8:30 - 20:00 Przerwa: 12:00 - 13:00 Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00 Spowied Sobota: 16:00-16:45 w kaplicy Poniedziaek - Pitek: po porannych Mszach w.: 7:15 i 8:30 w kosciele; lub w wyjtkowej sytuacji, prosimy skontaktowa si z wybranym kapanem Sakrament Maestwa Prosimy dzwoni do Kancelarii aby wyznaczy spotkanie z kapanem przynajmniej 6 miesicy przed lubem i zawsze przed rezerwacj sali. Sakrament Chrztu witego W 2-g niedziel miesica po angielsku o godz. 13:00. W 4-t niedziel miesica po polsku podczas Mszy w. o godz. 9:00 rano. Prosimy dzwoni do kancelarii nie pniej ni miesic od daty Chrztu odnonie spotkania z kapanem i nauk przygotowawczych do Chrztu. Nowi Parafianie Witamy w naszej parafii! Chtnych do zapisania si do parafii, prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny, osobiste przyjcie do Kancelarii w godzinach otwarcia, lub po Mszy w., do Zakrystii. (Rejestracja jest bezpatna). Duszpasterstwo Socjalne Prosimy dzwoni do Kancelarii: - Sakramenty w. w domu lub w szpitalu - Grupa Ochrony ycia - Grupa M.B. Czstochowskiej Sakrament Namaszczenia Chorych Sakrament Chorych udzielany jest w kady poniedziaek podczas porannej Mszy w. o godz. 8:30. Ta Msza w. jest sprawowana szczeglnie za wszystkich chorych i cierpicych. Pogrzeby lub Msze aobne Aby ustali dat i godzin pogrzebu lub Mszy aobnej, prosimy o niezwoczne skontaktowanie si z kapanem.

Grupa Matki Boskiej Czstochowskiej przy parafii St. Francis Boriga zaprasza parafian i goi na Opatek ktry odbdzie si w niedziel 12 stycznia o godzinie 3:00pm. Cena biletw: Doroli $30.00 Dzieci (od 7-10 lat) $15.00 Dzieci poniej 7 roku ycia za darmo Zapewniamy jaseka, smaczny obiad, kaw, herbat, ciasto, loterie fantow, oraz do taca zagra Zawisza Band. Kontakt: Maria Bycul 773-625-1578; Renata Kopczewski 773-625-6008

Pieni Religijne na CD
Zachcamy do nabycia CD z nagaraniami naszej organistki Pani Grayny przy wyjciu z kocioa.

Dzikujemy wszystkim ktrzy ju zloyli swoje zobowizania i przypominamy e w krtce otrzymacie z Archidiecezji potwierdzenie o zoonym zobowizaniu i przypomnienie o dokonaniu kolejnej wpaty. Modl si i wierz e wszyscy ktrzy modl si w naszym kociele wspomog nas poprzez swoje zobowizania wedug swoich moliwoci.

Kampania Uczyc Kim Jest Chrystus

Suma Zebrana

Suma Zobowiazan


Our Sacrificial Gifts of Time, Talent, & Treasure

December 21 and 22, 2013 Collection Weekly Collection: 10, 216 Weekly Goal: $10, 644 Under Goal: $ 428 Thank You!


Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17
Sat. January 11 5:00pm Sun. January 12 7:30am Sun. January 12 9:00am, Polish Sun. January 12 10:30am Sun. January 12 12:00pm Sun. January 12 1:30pm, Polish Sun. January 12 6:00pm, Polish

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Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers
J. Barreras-Koster, G. Dougan, A. Joyce, K. Pera K. Heisler, K. Heisler, G. McDonagh, J. Wakabayashi



Fr. Marcin Bulinski J. Thompson Fr. Joe Mulcrone

*G. Cannataro, M. D'Alessandro, R. Ginnelly, T. Helfand, C. Klostermann, D. Lehman, T. Renk

L. Evangelista B. Cherwin, J. Guida, *R. Swiatkowski E. Krason, M. Latko E. de la Torre, *A. Jagiello, R. Kostencki, B. Pacia, F. Pacia, N. Testa, S. Testa T. DeCaro, *N. Nugent, G. Santoro J. Sajdak C. Cudzich, E. Krason

Fr. Marcin Bulinski C. Kenar M. Latko Fr. Mike Class Fr. Mike Class Fr. Richard Milek Fr. Richard Milek C. Kenar M. Johnson J. Znosko M. Bycul C. Cudzich

D. and J. Kaszczewski, A. Podraza, A. Zabawa

A. Carcamo, A. Fanning, G. Marnul, M. Sampson, D.Testa
E.Krueger,D.Majcher,M.Mikolajczyk, E. Principato, A. Zietara

To be announced M. Symkow, R. Wilk Blessed Virgin Side

Frank Cannataro (co-lead usher), Dr. John Przywara, Terry Renk, Stanley Szarmach, John Przywara Sr. Robert Dabe (co-lead usher), Edward Cernak, Timothy Costa, Thomas Melkovitz Elizabeth Dimaiuta, Giacomo Santoro (co-lead usher), Tyler Testa, Ken Johnson Philip Kulka (co-lead usher), Michael Wilczynski, Anthony Siciliano, Jerry Piwinski Stanislaw Kochanek, Ireneusz Kura, Karol Latko, Kazimierz Mucha, Piotr Mysha, Bogdan Wszelaki, Jerry Kopczewski

Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am Sunday 10:30am Sunday 12:00pm

Sacred Heart Side

Ken Grenier (head usher), Anthony Aguilar, George Hickey, Pat Hickey, Marsha Ptasnik, Michael Schmaus, James Thompson, Carol Zator, Ken Zator, Lisa Schmaus Ernesto Cabias, Robert Lugo, J. Blair Raftree (co-lead usher), Stanley Starzec Mary McGeean (co-lead usher), Stella Mendelowska, Teresa Pina-Rodriguez, Bernie Schmidt Pawel Bochenek, Michael Fitzpatrick, Bryant Marure, John OHagan (co-lead usher),

Sun. (Polish) Waldemar Farbisz (lead usher), Cezary Kozikowski, Jan Majka, Zygmunt Papciak, Julian Pyjor, 9:00am Frank Wierzbicki, Marek Zabawa. 6:00pm

St. Francis Borgia Church

8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634 Rectory 773-625-1118 773-625-1110 (FAX) School 773-589-1000 773-589-0781 (FAX) Religious Education 773-625-1705 773-625-1774 (FAX)

Fr. Richard Milek, Pastor Fr. Marcin Bulinski, Associate Pastor Mr. William Lehman, Deacon Miss Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Religious Ed. Director Miss Monika Wawrzyniak, Office Manager Mass Intentions Telephone the rectory or stop by in person, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm.

Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Director, Office of the Deaf Fr. Michael Class, SJ, Weekend Celebrant Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz, Business Manager Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director Rectory Office Hours Weekdays: 8:30am -12:00noon; 1:00 - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm Sunday: CLOSED

CHURCH NAME & NUMBER #512073 Saint Francis Borgia ADDRESS 8033 W. Addison Street Chicago, IL 60634 PHONE 773-625-1118 CONTACT PERSON Monika SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows 7 Professional PRINTER HP Laserjet 2100 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 4:30 PM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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