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Do Roman Catholics Know about

the Best Kept Secret
(of [from] the Vatican?)

1500-Year-Old Bible Discovered I n Turkey
I ndicates J esus Christ Was Not Crucified

A 1500-year-old bible has been discovered in Turkey. The holy book claims Jesus Christ was not crucified,
the work is allegedly the Gospel of Barnabas. Shutterstock

A 1500-year-old bible has been discovered in Turkey. Discovered in 2000, the book that contains
purportedly the Gospel of Barnabas has been transferred by the Turkish government to the
Ethnography Museum of Ankara with a police escort. Barnabas was a disciple of Christ, and in
the work, claims that Jesus was not crucified, instead it says he ascended to heaven alive and
Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place. Furthermore, the 1500-year-old bible states that
Jesus Christ was not the son of God, but simply a prophet who passed on the word of God.
According to a report for The National Turk, the bible and alleged Gospel of Barnabas was
seized from smugglers in the Mediterranean area in 2000 and held in a Turkish courthouse until
safe transfer to the museum could be arranged. Authorities charged the thieves with smuggling
antiquities, illegal excavations and the possession of explosives, they since been sent to trial,

Turkish police testified in regards to the incredible age of the bible, claiming it could be as
old as "2000 years."
The Vatican has made an official request to be granted access to the 1500-year-old bible,
however the bible that is said to be worth $28 million is currently held by the Turkish
government securely. The holy words are hand written in Syriac in luminous gold lettering
on loosely bound together animal hides. Syriac is a dialect of Aramaic the reported native
language of Jesus Christ. Aramaic itself is a nearly dead language, rarely present in today's
modern society. Aramaic is only spoken in a small village near Damascus.
According to the Christian Post, merely photocopies of the holy books pages are being sold for
a staggering $1.7 million. In addition to the age and impeccable construction of the bible, the
contents of the holy book is what makes it so valuable. The Gospel of Barnabas is not included
in the New Testament alongside Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
This work opposes the ideas proposed in the widely spread New Testament, and instead has
noticeable similarities to the Muslim interpretation of Jesus. The Gospel of Barnabas even
contains a story in which Jesus predicts the coming of Prophet Muhammad. Due to this fact,
many followers of Islam believe the original gospel work was repressed by the Vatican Library.
By Donovan Longo | May 06 2014, 04:37PM EDT

1500-Year-Old-Bible-Found-I n-Turkey-I s-

The Bible was already in custody of Turkish authorities after having been seized in 2000 in an
operation in the Mediterranean area in Turkey. The gang of smugglers had been charged with

smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives. Turkish police
testified in a court hearing that they believe the manuscript is about 1500 to 2000 years old.
The manuscript carries excerpts of the Bible written in gold lettering on leather with lines of
Syriac script with Aramaic dialect.
After waiting eight years in Ankara, the ancient Bible is being transferred to the Ankaran
Ethnography Museum with a police escort. Turkish authorities express the Bible is a cultural
asset and should be protected.
The Vatican reportedly placed an official request to examine the scripture.
This copy of the ancient Bible is valued as high as 40 million Turkish Liras (28 million dollars).
The Controversy
According to this website:
"Much to the dismay of the Vatican, an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible was found in
Turkey, in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara. Discovered and kept secret in the year
2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas a disciple of Christ which shows
that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet. The
book also calls Apostle Paul "The Impostor". The book also claims that Jesus ascended
to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.

It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the
gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas
(among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John. Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the
Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.


There has been no other confirmation that the information about Jesus in this version of the Bible
is true. This story is beginning to get national attention, so stay tuned.
May 6, 2014 / Via

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