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Crlando, ---- -- uec 11, 2013 / (hLLp:// -- Pere you wlll flnd Lhe deslred
5'10+:7 .78, 67' 201, accordlng Lo your personal preferences Lhrough Lhe enhanced
cusLomlzed search servlce made avallable by 8ealLor 8lck ArbuLlne. 1hls servlce ls made
avallable by Charles 8uLenberg 8ealLy on Lhe webslLe
Cne of Lhe company execuLlves sald, "8uyers always look for Lhose homes whlch caLer Lo Lhelr
preconcelved ldeas. 1hey lose much of Lhelr Llme browslng ouLdaLed daLa on Lhe lnLerneL,
drlvlng around Lhe nelghborhoods Lo flnd Lhe 'perfecL' place. We are glvlng you a Llme-effecLlve
servlce Lo help you flnd Lhe exacL house LhaL you have been dreamlng of. !usL a few cllcks on
Lhe webslLe, enLer your requlremenLs and you wlll flnd your dream home ln no Llme."
1he boomlng ',01 ,2*0*, 80'%,* #+ 5'10+:7 provldes a wlde array of properLles, mllllon dollar
llsLlngs and Lhe mosL excluslve luxury homes. 1he cusLomlzed search servlce saLlsfles Lhe
cusLomers ln regards LhaL lL fllLers unwanLed opLlons and leLs Lhe cusLomers vlew only Lhe
deslred real esLaLe llsLlngs.
"We sLrlve Lo offer only Lhe besL whlLe glove servlces Lo all our cllenLs. WlLh our comprehenslve
selecLlon of Lools, resources and supporL sLaff, we dellver soluLlons LhaL meeL your besL
lnLeresLs. ?ou may also reglsLer onllne on our webslLe as vl 8uyer and Lake advanLage over Lhe
non-reglsLered members. ?ou wlll be Lhe flrsL Lo dlscover new properLy llsLlngs when Lhe home
enLers Lhe markeL." ls Lhe offlclal webslLe of Lhe ',01 ,2*0*, 03,+* LhaL follows
sLreamllned approach Lo help flnd cllenLs speclflc .78,2 67' 201, #+ 5'10+:7. 1he lnLeresLed
buyers of homes for sale may vlslL Lhls page. 1he webslLe lncludes MLS llsLlngs, Crlando markeL
reporL, bank-owned homes and also helps sellers llsL Lhelr properLles ln Lhe Crlando MLS.

&(7)* >)?)'4@78,25'10+:7A10B$78C
Crlando's 8ealLor 8lck ArbuLlne wlLh Charles 8uLenberg 8ealLy offers world class servlce Lo help flnd
excluslve communlLles, Crlando llorlda luxury homes and affordable real esLaLe properLles Lo lnLeresLed
buyers. 1o flnd Lhe llsLlngs, vlslL Lhe webslLe. WlLh unrlvaled experlence and professlonallsm, 8lck
ArbuLlne, an aLLenLlve agenL guldes hls cllenLs Lo locaLe Lhe deslred homes aL Lhe besL prlces.

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Charles 8uLenberg 8ealLy
E,1: 407-928-8113
;80#1 F:: rlck[
lacebook: hLLp://
1wlLLer: hLLps://
Llnkedln: hLLp://
Coogle plus: hLLps://
ConLacL: Luxury Pomes Crlandofla, luxuryPomesCrlandofla[, 407-

>)?)'4 @78,2 5'10+:7610
Crlando's 8ealLor 8lck ArbuLlne, assoclaLed wlLh Charles 8uLenberg 8ealLy ls a leadlng real
esLaLe agenL who offers professlonal experL advlce Lo saLlsfy Lhe needs of every cllenL accordlng
Lo Lhelr speclflc deslres.
8ead Lhe full SLory aL: hLLp://

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