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NURS 1556 Clinical Medications Worksheets

(You will need to make additional copies of these forms)

Generic Name Trade Name Classification Dose Route Time/frequency

Iron Ferrous Antianemics 325 mg PO QD
Peak Onset Duration For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and /or solutions
7-10 days 4 days 2- 4 months
Mechanism of action and indications Nursing Implications (what to focus on)
(Why med ordered) Contraindications/warnings/interactions
Essential mineral, that enters blood stream, and is Evidence of Iron overload; anemias not due to iron
transported to the organs (liver spleen, and bone marrow) deficiency.
where it is separated out and becomes part of Iron stores.
Common side effects
Anemia hypotension, constipation dark stools nausea, vomiting,

Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal Lab value alterations caused by medicine
medicines (ask patient specifically) Monitor Hgb, Hematocrit, CBC, Reticulocyte, Occult Blood
Synthroid – Iron may decrease absorption stool. No values given
Prilosec – may decrease absorption of iron
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this
Explain purpose, do not double doses if one missed, stools
may be dark, green and black.
Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation
(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give this Check after giving
Blood levels monitored, bowel sound, med? Increased hemoglobin,
monitor constipation and diarrhea. Elevated hemoglobin improvement of anemia due to
Discontinue if given IV form iron deficiency

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