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Short Version November 2005 Definition of Goals and Objectives: Goals and Objectives Goals and objectives are

statements that describe what your Vision Document will accomplish, or the results that will be achieve. Goals are hi h level statements that provide overall conte!t "or what the Vision Document is tryin to achieve, and should ali n to its components. #bjectives are lower level statements that describe the speci"ic, tan ible products, deliverables and "ruits that will be delivered. $he de"inition o" oals and objectives is more o" an art than a science, and it can be di""icult to de"ine them and ali n them correctly. Goals %ecause the oal is at a hi h&level, it may ta'e more than one objective to achieve. (t may ta'e many objectives over a lon period o" time to achieve the oal. Generally, non&measurable) (" you can measure the achievement o" your oal, it is probably at too low a level and is probably more o" an objective. (" your oal is not achievable throu h any combination o" objectives, it is probably written at too hi h a level. (t may instead be a vision statement, which is a hi her level statement showin direction and aspiration, but which may never actually be achieved. Objectives #bjectives are concrete statements describin what the project is tryin to achieve. $he objective should be written at a lower level, so that it can be evaluated at the conclusion o" a oal to see whether it was achieved or not. Goal statements are desi ned to be va ue. #bjectives should not be va ue. * well&worded objective will be Speci"ic, +easurable, *ttainable,*chievable, -ealistic and $ime&bound .S+*-$/.

Note that the objective is much more concrete and specific than the oal statement. $he objective is measurable in terms cost, speed, 0uantity and , or 0uality. 1e must assume that the objective is achievable and realistic. $he objective is time-bound, and should be completed by a speci"ic date.

#bjectives should re"er to the deliverables o" the oal. (" you cannot determine what deliverables are bein created to achieve the objective, then the objective may be written at too hi h a level. #n the other hand, i" an objective describes the characteristics o" the deliverables, they are written at too low a level. (" they describe the "eatures and "unctions, they are re0uirements, not objectives.

2005 Scarborough Consulting Services

Short Version November 2005 nh ngha ca mc ti u v! mc ti u: "c ti u v! ti u +2c ti3u v4 m2c ti3u l4 b5o c5o m6 t7 t4i li8u $9m nh:n c;a b<n s= th>c hi8n ?@Ac, hoBc 'Ct 0u7 cD thE s= ?<t ?@Ac . +2c ti3u l4 b5o c5o cFp ?G cao cun cFp bHi c7nh tIn thE cho nhJn : c5c t4i li8u Vision ?an cH Kn ?E ?<t ?@Ac, v4 n3n sKp !Cp c5c th4nh ph9n c;a nD . +2c ti3u l4 b5o c5o mLc ?G thFp hMn m6 t7, c2 thE s7n phNm hJu h:nh, phOn ph6i v4 tr5i cOy s= ?@Ac chuyEn iao . PQnh n hRa c;a m2c ti3u v4 m2c ti3u l4 mGt n h8 thuSt hMn l4 'hoa hTc, v4 nD cD thE ?@Ac 'hD 'hUn ?E !5c ?Qnh v4 sKp !Cp chVn mGt c5ch chWnh !5c. "c ti u %Xi v: m2c ti3u l4 X mGt mLc ?G cao, cD thE mFt nhiYu hMn mGt m2c ti3u ?E ?<t ?@Ac. ND cD thE mFt nhiYu m2c ti3u tron mGt thZi ian d4i c;a thZi ian ?E ?<t ?@Ac m2c ti3u. NDi chun , 'h6n thE ?o l@Zn ?@Ac) NCu b<n cD thE ?o ?<t ?@Ac c5c m2c ti3u c;a b<n, nD cD thE l4 X cFp 0u5 thFp v4 cD thE nhiYu hMn mGt m2c ti3u. NCu m2c ti3u c;a b<n l4 'h6n thE ?<t ?@Ac th6n 0ua bFt '[ s> 'Ct hAp c;a c5c m2c ti3u, nD cD l= ?@Ac viCt X mLc 0u5 cao. ND cD thE thay thC ?@Ac mGt tuy3n bH t9m nh:n, m4 l4 mGt tuy3n bH mLc ?G cao hMn cho thFy h@\n v4 'h5t vTn , nh@n cD thE 'h6n bao iZ th>c s> ?<t ?@Ac. "c ti u +2c ti3u l4 b5o c5o c2 thE m6 t7 nhJn : c5c d> 5n ?an cH Kn ?E ?<t ?@Ac . +2c ti3u c9n ph7i ?@Ac viCt X mLc ?G thFp hMn, ?E nD cD thE ?@Ac ?5nh i5 v4o lVc 'Ct thVc c;a mGt m2c ti3u ?E !em li8u nD ?] ?<t ?@Ac hay 'h6n . %5o c5o m2c ti3u ?@Ac thiCt 'C ?E ?@Ac mM h^. +2c ti3u 'h6n n3n mM h^. +Gt m2c ti3u tHt worded s= ?@Ac c2 thE, ?o l@Zn ?@Ac, ?<t ?@Ac , ?<t ?@Ac, -ealistic v4 thZi ian r4n buGc .S+*-$/.

_@u ` ran m2c ti3u l4 rFt c2 thE hMn v4 c th# hMn so v\i tuy3n bH m2c ti3u . +2c ti3u cD thE $o l%&ng vY chi phW, tHc ?G, sH l@An v4 , hoBc chFt l@An . bhVn ta ph7i i7 ?Qnh ran m2c ti3u l4 $'t $%(c v4 th)c tC . +2c ti3u l4 h'n th&i gian* v4 n3n ?@Ac ho4n th4nh v4o mGt n 4y c2 thE.

+2c ti3u n3n tham 'h7o c5c phOn ph6i c;a m2c ti3u. NCu b<n 'h6n thE !5c ?Qnh nhJn : phOn ph6i ?@Ac t<o ra ?E ?<t ?@Ac c5c m2c ti3u, sau ?D m2c ti3u cD thE ?@Ac viCt X mLc 0u5 cao. +Bt 'h5c, nCu mGt m2c ti3u m6 t7 c5c ?Bc ?iEm c;a c5c phOn ph6i, hT ?@Ac

2005 Scarborough Consulting Services

Short Version November 2005 viCt X mLc 0u5 thFp. NCu hT m6 t7 c5c tWnh nUn v4 chLc nUn , hT y3u c9u, chL 'h6n ph7i m2c ti3u.

2005 Scarborough Consulting Services

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