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Script POM Narrator : Sahil Top level Bhavesh President Anjali CEO Praveen CFO Darshit Chairman Middle

Middle evel !oshni "! #eet $ Finance Ms%&asna Mar'etin( o)er evel Mohit S*raj Ashish !epresentative o+ ,ndia :dipti

,ntrod*ction o+ Data)ind Compan-

DataWind is a British man*+act*rin( and mar'etin( compan- that prod*ce )ireless )e. access prod*cts/ ori(inall- +o*nded in Montreal/ in 0112%

Datawind Company The President calls +or a .oard meetin(% President , j*st received a call +rom ,ndian representative% There is ne)s that a +e) st*dents +rom the !ajasthan ,,T have made ne) ta.let pcs )hich are reall- cost e++ective% The- have as'ed *s to prod*ce these ta.lets in ,ndia% , )anted to 'no) +rom *ll that )eather )e sho*ld (o a.o*t this% Anjali 3CEO4 O'% , thin' )e sho*ld ta'e *p this project% As )e all 'no) the pop*lation o+ ,ndia is hi(h and the standard o+ livin( o+ people is not so (ood% The technolo(- is not so developed amon(st ,ndian ind*stries% ,+ )e introd*ce the ta.lets at a cheaper cost then o*r ta.lets )ill reach in ever- corner o+ the co*ntr-% 5ith hi(h sales even o*r pro+its )o*ld soar hei(hts% Praveen )hat do -o* thin' a.o*t the ,ndian mar'et66 Praveen 3CFO4 ,ndian (overnment has started allo)in( 2117 FD, in sin(le .rand so it8s a (reat opport*nit- +or *s to invest in ,ndia% As ,ndian econom- is (ro)in( and developin( co*ntr- it8s a (reat opport*nit- +or *s to invest in ,ndian mar'et% 5e can set *p o*r prod*ction *nits in the r*ral interiors o+ ,ndia% This )ill also increase the emplo-ment opport*nities in ,ndia% ,t )ill increase the pro+it mar(in .eca*se availa.ilit- o+ la.o*r in ,ndia is cheap% Anjali ,n+lation in ,ndia is also risin( da- .- da- so let8s (ra. this opport*nit- and ta'e o*r prod*ct to ,ndia%

Darshit 3Chairman4 B*t people have a demonstrative thin'in( .eca*se o+ )hich the cost e++ective +actor mi(ht not )or'% Also the mindset o+ the people especiall- in ,ndia is that )hatever is e9pensive is .etter% Bhavesh Even Mr% Darshit is ri(ht on his part% Also ri(ht no) )e are not ver- clear a.o*t this and it )o*ld .e .etter i+ )e have a .etter 'no)led(e and *nderstandin( a.o*t the prod*ct% Mr%Darshit/ ill as' m- assistant to call the representative +rom ,ndia and (ive *s a detailed in+ormation% Sahil 3Narrator4 A+ter a )ee' meetin( is +i9ed )ith the representative o+ ,ndia% Scene 0 !epresentative enters President introd*ces ever-.od- to the representative% Bhavesh So Ms%Dipti can -o* please (ive *s the detailed in+ormation a.o*t -o*r prod*ct% Dipti 3!epresentative4 S*re% adies and #entlemen/ let me (et into details o+ the prod*ct% O*r -o*n( talented st*dents +rom ,,T$ !ajasthan have come *p )ith the innovative idea o+ this ta.let% This )ill .e a cost e++ective prod*ct% This is especialldesi(ned +or the masses% 5e have tho*(ht a.o*t the +eat*res o+ this ta.let% , )ill .e sho)in( *ll tho*(h the ppt Ppt 50 % GOVT SUBSIDIES Bhavesh ow wo!"d yo! #ompa$e this ta%"et with the othe$s &&

Dipti S!$e' ((T Sir/ )hen sho*ld , e9pect a positive repl- +rom -o*r side6 Bhavesh 5e shall (et .ac' to -o* later% Than' :o*% Scene ; A+ter the representative leaves Bhavesh: $ O'a- ladies and (entleman% 5hat do -o* thin'66 Ever-one :es% 5e sho*ld (o +or it% Bhavesh , )o*ld li'e Mr% Darshit and Mr% Praveen to (o to ,ndia and loo' *pon the project and 'eep *s *pdated% Sahil Data)ind Compan- (ot an approval +rom ,ndian (overnment to allo) <27 investment in ,ndian mar'ets% => .ased Data)ind Compan- tied *p )ith ,ndian (overnment% The compan- has started )or'in( on the project and no) )e )ill sho) ho) middle n lo)er level mana(ement )or's in an or(anisation% S#ene ) *e#$!itment o+ sta++ ,!estions as-ed %y *oshni To ashish and mohit as emp"oyees Sahil 3Narrator4:$ A+ter the emplo-ees are recr*ited/ the compan- (oes ahead )ith the mar'etin(/ prod*ction and sales o+ the Ta.let% Scene < Meetin( o+ the ,ndian Branch% Mar'etin( department &asna/ Ashish/ Mohit/ A'ash/ Anami'a

Finance "ead:$ #eet Ms%&asna 3Mar'etin(4 O*r compan- has ta'en *p a ne) project% , )o*ld li'e to sho) * the pics Ppt , )o*ld li'e to 'no) -o*r s*((estions a.o*t ho) )e (o a.o*t the mar'etin( o+ *.islate% Mohit 3emplo-ee4 As the prod*ct is ver- cost e++ective and it is made +or ed*cation p*rposes/ )e can advertise the prod*ct in schools and colle(es% 5e can also print advertisements in ne)spapers/ ma(a?ines and .anners% Ms%&asna O' mohit/ , )ant -o* to coordinate )ith the team and sho) me the ro*(h desi(ns )ithin 0da-s% Mr%#eet/ )hat do * have to sa- a.o*t the .*d(et/ do -o* thin' it is a (ood .*siness +or the ,ndians6 Mr%#eet:$ As +ar as ,ndians are concerned/ the- )ill (o +or)ard )ith this deal as the- )ill not +ind an-thin( so *se+*l at a ver- lo) price/ and also it8s )ithin the compan-8s .*d(et% Ashish:$ 5e )ill start )ith the prod*ction process as soon as possi.le% &asna:$ @er- (ood/ , )ant the sample pieces to .e presented )ithin ASAP Sahil: $ The prod*ction is done/ the demand is more then the s*ppl- and the prod*ct is s*ccess+*llla*nched in ,ndia% The ta.lets )ere sold A s*.sidised rates .- the (ovt +or the st*dents onl-B @ideo A'ash ta.let hits all time hi(h No)/ ets see ho) lo)er level mana(ements )or's in the or(anisation% Sahil: $ A+ter a +e) da-s

Scene C All emplo-ees are )or'in( in an or(anisation% S*raj/ mohit and ashish havin( conversation% Ashish: hi mohit/ )hat a ta.let -aar/ so cheap/ it is *sed .- so man- people and the shoc'in( point is that 2D la'hs ta.let )ere .oo'ed in a da-% Mohit: -a/ .*t , heard that sales o+ aa'ash ta.let decreasin( no)ada-s% And there are even complaints a.o*t some +a*lts .ein( identi+ied .- the people% S*raj: :es/ -o*8re ri(ht% ,8m (oin( to have a tal' )ith mam re(ardin( this matter% S*raj (oes to have a tal' )ith mar'etin( head S*raj: Ma- , come in% &asna: :es% S*raj: Mam/ accordin( to the s*rve-/ a+ter the ; rd month o+ ta.let8s la*nch the sales is not a.le to compete )ith the deman o+ the ta.let% Even there are r*mo*rs that there some +a*lts in the ta.let% 3Sho)s some papers to jasna in a +ileE pretendin( to sho) (raphs4 &asna: O'% , shall call +or a meetin( as soon as possi.le% Sahil: No) meetin( held )ith head o+ department alon( )ith all lo)er level emplo-ees% Scene F Meetin( )ith all heads o+ department 3s*raj/ jasna/ roshni/ ashish/ mohit/ anami'a/ a'ash/ (eet4
&asna : #ood mornin( ladies and (entlemen% , have called this meetin( to let * 'no) a.o*t the recent project la*nched .- o*r compan- )hich have ca*sed pro.lems% S*raj )ill tell * a.o*t these pro.lems% S*raj:$ These are the pro.lems )hich people came *p )ith )hile *sin( a'ash ta.let% Fa*lt- Processor

o) memor- G short stora(e H no entertainment o) .atter- li+e Poor displa-/ re+lects li(ht To*ch screen is resistive/ .*t too resistive "eatin( *p I*ic'lNo Bl*etooth s*pport No Android Mar'et/ no application *p(rades "ard)are )on8t s*pport *p(rades 5i$Fi connectivit- and poor net)or' in ,ndia No e9ternal spea'ers Sahil: The pro.lems )ere disc*ssed and it )as +or)arded to the top level mana(ement% The top level o++icials coordinate )ith "ead Compan- at =>% Scene J Meetin( o+ .oard o+ directors 3in =>4 alon( )ith representative +rom ,ndia 3dipti and (eet4 Bhavesh: Mr% #eet , )o*ld li'e -o* to contin*e )ith the presentation% @ideo o+ Aa'ash ta.let/ readin( )ritin( and *s.s is sho)n .- #eet )ith detailed description% Darshit:$ O'/ Ms% Dipti no) dat )e are a)are a.o*t the pro.lems/ ets )or' to)ards +indin( a sol*tion% And once )e (et an appropriate sol*tion/ )e )ill implement it immediatel-% Anjali: $ No) that )e 'no) the pro.lems d*e to )hich a'ash ta.let +ailed/ )e )ill re$improve the to*ch/ add ne) apps/ additional stora(e memor-/ add a sim slot/ etc Praveen:$ Ma'e s*re that it doesn8t add m*ch to the prod*ction cost as o*r prod*ct is cons*mer oriented and o*r tar(et cons*mers are st*dents% "ence o*r sta++s need to .e more e++icient% Bhavesh:$ No) ,8m loo'in( +or)ard to see a'ash 0/ a ta.let )hich has recti+ied all the +la)s o+ a'ash 2/ and/ )ith additional +eat*res% et *s +ind o*t sol*tions +or o*r pro.lems%

Scene K Sahil:$ Another .oard meetin( is held/ .rainstormin( is done and a sol*tion is +o*nd% Bhavesh So (*-s here is o*r Aa'ash 0% The *p(raded version o+ Aa'ash% The chan(es made in this are as +ollo)s% This )ill .e la*nched in the mar'et in the ne9t ; months and )e )ill start the .oo'in(s soon% Also that )e are openin( ne) +actories in ,ndia +or a .etter and +aster prod*ction% Cheers BBB Than' :o* B

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