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Full set of cards \thlrly) sent on receipt 01 ten cents in coin or stamps. Name and Posl Ollice address must be ~1:~nI16ew~~~~~i atcerboneee of Soda (Baking Soda) buy the ARM AND HAMMER BRAND. Keepa package in your medicine closet and on your pan. Irysheli. Book 01 remedies lor simple ailments sent on requesi. CHURCH & DWIGHT COMPANY. 27 Cedar 51. New York. N. Y. FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS

BilfDsof'" AM ERIC"';'"




ammer Brand Sou)' .. lI--Blcar for Home rem-

~~f~rf~:~~~~Er:a 1~1!~e/;i~
one knows the Package and the Brand.
CHURCH A DWIGHT COMPANY. 27 Cedar St . New York. N. Y. PAINTED BUNTING (Passenna cl~s) Onfl. lIS brllllancYhaswon 11 the name 01

~~~:: ~~:t~~:n~rIJ~h~o~:I:7,~:I[~ t~~:

olive green abn"eand areenlsh yellow' below. Theloud,bd,htann,"lthemaleandhlsg.y

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law their capllHeand Ielor'"thla-\>lfrpo" has,reatlydlmlnI8hed. This IS a shy bird. the male In partlcular,owln, to his showy plum8ge,l.akuspeclalcarenotto"ltposehlm sell to poulbled8nler. The nest Ie like Ihal 01 the IndlliOBunUn,.but the eosdllrerin thattbey""aP9tted. DO ~~~

i:i~~.fTOJE A~lRDS.

10 FUJI set 01 eards(thirty) sent on receipt of ten cents in coin or stamps. Name and Post Office address must be plainly written. For the purest Bicarbonate 01 Soda (Baking Soda) buy the ARM AND HAMMER BRAND. Keepapaekagein your medicine ctoeet and on your pantry shell. Book of remedies for simple aliments sent on request. CHURCH'" DWIGHT COMPANY, 27 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS HOUSE WREN




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Full set of cards (thirty in all) wHI be sent on receipt of six cents in coin or stamps. Please have your Name and Post Office address plainly written. It you want the Best Baking Soda be sure and buy the Arm and Hammer Brand Baking Soda (8icarbonalll at $OOa). If atcerbonate of Soda is needed for Home remedies, use the Arm and Hammer !'irand which you should have on your pantry shelf or in the medicine closet, Everyone knows the Package and the Brand. CHURCH &: DWfGHT COMPANY; 27 Cedar St .. New York, N, Y. VEERY (K~cichlafu!ll:lScens~ The sweet mYSledouschant 01 the Wilson's Thrush or Veery!s unique amona Our bird sane-s. Unlike!ls rellltive, the Wood ThrUSh. this species spends Ihesummer in swamps and wet woods. Itsnole Is a soli whjstled "whew,"whlchcllnbesocloselyimitlltedlhal the bird maybe called close up toone, The VeerybuHdsllscompaclnestolbark,leaves. and rootlets on or near Ih" ground. Thelour beautilulgreenishblueuuareindistinauish_ :~~e~~b~~~or 'r<>mIhose 01 Ihe Wo<>d Thrush FOR THE GOOD OF ALL, DO NOT DESTROY THE BIRDS.


Full set 01 ceecs (thirty) sent on receipt of ten cents in coin or stamps. Name and Post DUlce address must be plainly wrnren. For the purest Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda) buy the ARM AND HAMMER BRAND. Keep a package In your medicine closet and on your parrtry shell. Book of remedies for simple ailments sent on request. CHURCH & DWIGHT COMPANY. 27 Cedar sr.. New York. N. Y. FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS OVENBIRD (StlurUJlllroclClllln)








Full set 01 cards .(thirty in all) will be sent on receipt of six cents In coin or stamps. Please have your Name and Post Office address-plalnly written. II you want the Best Baking Soda be sure and buy the Arm and Hammer Brand Baking Soda ($l:8r11l11\8le lit sa~I). If ntearbonate of Soda Is needed for Home remedles, use the Arm and Hammer Brand which you should have on your pantry shell or in the medicine closet. Everyone knows the Package and the Brand. CHURCH Ilr. DWfGHT COMPANY. 21 Cedar St . New York. N. Y. 23. GREEN-TAILED (Oreospll8tll1ol'ur3) ThiS I. one 01 the cb.r.cterlatlcblcd. 01 tbe ~ st"mStates.mJsr.llns . uth",ardjnwln. tectocenualMexlc:o.ltlsanJnhabltantolthe sesebru"b.ebllpaHal.andeactlls.andbuaually oblierved "lntlnl Irom the topol a bush or boppJosaboulonthetround. TI>e.onsi"b'l;ht and muslcaJ anGtneeaJllsasoltmewlnlnote. :rhene"l,whlchi".placed.onthellround.Js ma<leol.Ueka . ndlinedwithsc.u. TheeJllB. ~l~~ l:::,:::::.ber. are whJllsh.speckledwlth FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. DO NOT DESTROY THE. BIRDS. red TOWHEE

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