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Menno Simons Menno Simons, born in 1496 in, was one of the main Anabaptist leaders, as well as the

founder of the Mennonite church. He died in the year 1561. He became a priest at the age of 28, and spoke Latin and Greek. As a Priest, Menno doubted that the bread and wine were being transformed into the actual blood and flesh of Christ. At first, he thought this was Satan whispering in his ear, however he did some deep thinking and turned to the bible. Here, he found that the Bible seemed to support his views. He was torn between the traditional views hed been raised in and the newer ideas that seemed to present themselves. In time, he came to understand the bible and its teahings differently, and became one of the largest Anabaptist leaders. He contributed to the Anabaptist movement largely through his willingness to lead, and his courage and dedication in the face of oppression.

Felix Manz Felix Manz, born in the year 1498, was one of the first Anabaptist martyrs. He was the founder of the Swiss Brethren congregation in Zurich. He died in 1527. Felix studied at the university of Paris in France. He spoke Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. When his fellow Anabaptis Zwingli began doing his work of reformation, MAnz assisted him and helped where he could. Alongside George Blaurock, he preached to and baptized the Swiss people, which lead to him being arrested several times. Eventually, authorities had enough and took him to the Limat river whenere he was drowned. His final words were Into your hands, Lord, I comment my Spirit.

Before dying as a martyr, Manz held many bible studies in his home and around the area, as well as baptizing and preaching to many others. Michael Sattler Michael Sattler was born in the year 1490. For a time, he worked in a monastery, where he reached a position akin to second-in-command. He later left and joined the Anabaptist movement before being executed in 1527 Sattler left the monastery eventually and lived with German humanist Wolfgang Capito, where he began discussing theology. The topic of child baptism came up, which they disagreed upon. This is one of the things that lead to Sattler becoming an Anabaptist. In they year 1527, he met with several other Anabaptists and wrote the Schleitheim articles, which were rules and guidelines for what Anabaptists believe in. He was the primary author of these. Shortly after this, he and his wife were both arrested. Sattler was found guilty of heresy, as was his wife. Sattler was tortured in the town marketplace before his execution, which took the farm of having gunpowder tied around his neck before he was thrown into a fire. His wife was executed shortly after. He contributed to the Anabaptist movement by putting into words what exactly the Anabaptists believed and making it known. George Blaurock Born in the year 1491 in a small village in Switzerland called Bonaduz. He was the first to receive baptism as an adult and was eventually executed in 1529. Blaurock funded numerous churches in the time he spent in the Anabaptist movement, finding work wherever he could, knowing hed be banished and then moving on to somewhere else. He was a successful and fearless evangelist, and asked to be baptized as an adult despite receiving baptism as a child. Along with Sattler, he was one of the founders of the Swiss Brethren Congregation.

He was significant in the Anabaptist movement because he was the first to receive an adult baptism, as well as being at the heart of the Anabaptist movement.

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