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Nouns (Fnevek),

Countable and Uncountable Nouns (megszmllhat (C) s megszmllhatatlan (U) fnevek, Quantifiers (mennyisgjelzk)
Uncountables (megszmllhatatlan fnevek) Irregular nouns and problematic nouns (szablytalan tbbesszm s problms fnevek) III. How much how many (mennyi) IV. Too much too many (tl sok) V. Enough (elg) VI. Some any (valamennyi- semennyi/brmennyi) VII. Much - many (sok) VIII. Few- little/a few a little (kevs egy kis/valamennyi) IX. A lot of (sok) X. Several (szmos) XI. Quantifiers with (U) and (C) nouns (mennyisgjelzk (U) s (C) fnevekkel) I. II.

I. Uncountables
No plural endings (-s)!!!!! Types of food (lelmiszerfajtk) (U): cheese, bread, butter, meat, salt and pepper, pastry/pasta (tszta), rice (rizs), food, fruit, sugar ham, chocolate, bread, meat, butter, magarine, cabbage,

lettuce, garlic (fokhagyma), soup, broccoli, spinach (spent), etc.

Liquids (Folyadkok)(U): milk, water, coffee, coke, cocoa, tea, wine (bor), champagne (pezsg), beer (sr) mustard (mustr), ketchup (kecsp), mayonnaise (majonz), syrup (szirup), whisky,

vodka, blood, oil, honey (mz), gravy (hsl/szsz), etc. (stb.)

Types of meat (hsflk): beef (marhahs), fish (hal), pork (sertshs), veal (borjhs), mutton

(birkahs) chicken (csirkehs), bacon (szalonna), ham (sonka), etc

Materials (Anyagok) (U): wood (fa), glass (veg), metal (fm), plastic (manyag), iron (vas) cotton

(pamut), jeans (farmeranyag), silk (selyem), linen (vszon), rayon (mselyem), terrycloth (frottranyag), wool (gyapj), plaster (gipsz), gold (arany), silver (ezst), platinum (platina), brass (srgarz), leather (llati br), porcelain, steel (acl), paper (papr), etc Chemical elements (Kmiai elemek) (U): oxygen, uranium, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, magnesium, etc.

Others (Egyb) (U): time, money, furniture, information, luggage, baggage, advice, spaghetti, meat, weather, food, hair, snow, homework, work, noise (zaj) childhood, adulthood, friendship, peace,

trouble, justice, sincerity, truth, honesty, patience, intelligence, progress, health, fear, pride, jealousy, envy, greed, passion, hatred, writing, reading, listening, spelling, speaking, snow, rain, dew, frost, mist, haze, lightning, thunder, heat, cold, global warming, hail, greenhouse effect, acid rain, air, smoke, steam, methane, oxygen, ozone, carbon dioxide, equipment, software, hardware, armor, work, homework, housework, music, behavior, chalk, transportation, pollution, (mother) nature, timber (frszru), lumber (frszru), travel, help, jewelry, soap, evidence, luck, harm, fruit, traffic, chewing gum, poetry, research, news, money, hair, mud, publicity, fire, ice, stuff, grass, mail, cash, garbage, trash, vocabulary (szkincs), slang, clothing (ltzkds/ruhzat), gossip, etc.

II. Irregulars and problems Rendhagyk s problmk: person-people, a loaf of bread, one fish-two fish, The news is on TV. (A hrek megy a tvben.), knife-knives, leaf-leaves(falevl-falevelek), shelf-shelves, life-lives, thief-thieves, man-men, woman-women, child-children, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, foot-feet, one sheep-two sheep, a pair of scissors, a pair of trousers, a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts

Irregular Noun List

tooth foot goose louse deer fish sheep series means fruit species woman man child bacterium datum cactus medium

teeth feet geese lice deer fish sheep series means fruit species women men children bacteria data cacti /ti/tai/ media

stimulus appendix analysis crisis basis oasis thesis parenthesis fungus focus calf scarf wife knife life aquarium alumnus /ns/ dwarf leaf loaf emphasis octopus shelf son-in-law thief

stimuli /i-ai/ appendices /siz/ analyses /siz/ crises bases oases theses parentheses fungi /ai/ foci /fousai/ calves scarves wives knives knives aquaria alumni /nai/ dwarves leaves loaves emphases octopi /ai/ shelves sons-in-law thieves

III. How much-how many? U!!! (mennyi?)How much homework, how much time, how much milk, how much milk C!!! (mennyi?hny darab?) How many people, how many brothers, how meny pens ..students ..words ..paper ...pages ..water ..people

IV. Too much-too many U!!! (tl sok) too much: too much sugar, too much milk, too much meat C!!! (tl sok) too many: too many chairs, too many students, too many people

..knives ..people ..children ..information ..women ..bread

V. ENOUGH /inf/ elg, elegend There isnt enough time. (ha a fnv (U), akkor isnt) There arent enough chairs. (ha a fnv (C), akkor arent)

is/are??????? . there enough chairs? .there enough time? There .not enough information. Therenot enough coffee. There.not enough water. ..there enough salt? .there enough people? There..not enough books.

VI. Some-Any
We bought some tea. (kijelent mondat) Did you buy any tea? (krd mondat) We didnt buy any tea. (tagad mondat) Kivtel: Could you buy me some tea? (Tudnl nekem venni egy kis tet?) Would you like some milk? (Krsz egy kis tejet?)

VII. Much (sok tbbnyire krd v. tagad mondat) many (sok kijelent, tagad v. krd mondat) Much jelentse: sok. Much-ot hasznlj (U) fnevek eltt s a fnevet ne tedd tbbesszmba. Ellentte: little - kevs.

Many jelentse : sok. .Many-t hasznlj (C) megszmllhat fnevek eltt, s a fnevet tedd tbbes szmba Ellentte: few - kevs, nhny.
Ha a mondat krd, vagy tagad, tbbnyire a many s a much hasznlata javasolt. De pl. ha valamilyen mdost sz ll much/many eltt, akkor kijelent mondatban is llhatnak, illetve a many kijelent mondatban is hasznlatos. Tagad s krd mondatban: I cant give you much advice. I dont have much money. Do you have much furniture? I didnt drink much water. I dont believe in many things. Are you going to bring many bags? Kijelent mondatban a many s mdost szavakkal kijelent mondatban a many/much:

Many cars are equipped with GPS systems. I ate too many apples. He's got so many problems with his car. I've got as much as two forints. There are too many people standing in
front of the fire. Our teacher gives us too much homework.

Sok autban van GPS. Tl sok almt ettem. Annyi baja van a kocsijval. Annyi mint kt forintom van. Tl sok ember ll a tz eltt. A tanrunk tl sok leckt ad neknk.

VIII. Few (kevs) little (kevs) A few (egy kis/nhny) a little (egy kis/valamennyi) few + megszmllhat fnevekre, little +megszmllhatatlan fnv. a few + megszmllhat fnevekre, a little +megszmllhatatlan fnv.
Hasznlhat kijelent, krd s tagad mondatban. I wrote a few letters. I wrote few letters. He had a little trouble. He had little trouble. I've got a little time. I've got little time. We saw a few people there. Megrtam nhny levelet. Kevs levelet rtam. Volt egy kis baja. Kevs baja volt. Van egy kis idm. Kevs idm van. Lttunk ott nhny embert.

We saw few people there.

Kevs embert lttunk ott.

IX. A lot of (sok - kijelent mondat)

Ha kijelent mondatban akarod azt mondani, hogy sok, akkor az a lot of, vagy lots of szavakat hasznld! E kett brmelyike szerepelhet akr megszmllhat, akr megszmllhatatlan fnv eltt. Lots of s a lot of helyett hasznlhatsz plenty of-ot is meg mg msokat is, de az elbbi kett a leggyakoribb. I ate a lot of apples. A lot of people like to swim at night. That dog has a lot of fleas. Mary bought a lot of furniture. The man gave us a lot of advice. Our teacher gave us a lot of homework.

X. Several
A several jelentse: tbb, szmos (tbb a few-nl, kevesebb a many-nl). Utna a fnv mindig tbbes szmban ll. Pldul: He has several enemies. Szmos ellensge van.

XI. Mennyisgjelzk megszmllhat s megszmllhatatlan fnevekkel Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns Only with (U)
how much? a little little a bit a bit of a great deal of a large amount of

With (U) and (C)

a lot of lots of some any plenty of

Only with (C)

how many? a few few a number of several a large number of a great number of

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