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Bonanza Competition
Bonanza High School hosted a drill competition on November 16th, 2013 with endless multiple schools from every JROTC branch. Our armed, unarmed, color guard and raider team competed in this annual drill meet. A few cadets from raider placed in the mile run in both the male and female division. We conducted a great performance the best that SFC Cooper has ever seen from Las Vegas High School. Taking everything into account, you could say it was an enjoyable and successful event.

The Las Vegas High School first annual AJROTC competition was an astonishing and accomplished professional occasion, says 1st Sergeant Simmons. The Wildcat Battalion competed against 4 AJROTC schools; with only limited time to prepare this event was a huge success. Our teams placed second in armed, unarmed, raider, and rifle team. We raised over eight hundred dollars in sales for our program. We received positive feedback from schools such as Bonanza, Valley, and Mojave, for they had a great experience. The cadets that participated conducted themselves in a professional manner and did a job well done. In the end, all the schools that participated were applauding the Wildcat Battalion for hosting a wonderful and outstanding competition.
Congrats to: -Akkarawit Kuntasorn for placing first in pushups and placing first in sit ups. -Mai Khil Mao for placing fourth in push ups and second in sit ups. -Laiza Catlett for placing fifth in sit ups, fourth in push ups, and placing second in the 2 mile run in the female division. -Hector Ortega for placing first in the 2 mile run in the male division. -Carlos Vega for placing second in the 2 mile run in the male division. -Samantha Soriano for placing first in the 2 mile run in the female division.

Congratulations to Carlos Vega for placing 3rd and Hector Ortega for placing 2nd in the male division!

Cadet Challenge
All the cadets participated in the yearly cadet challenge as planned. The cadet challenge demonstrates individual fitness as an important element of personal growth and development. Cadet challenge includes pull ups, sit ups, one-mile run/walk, v-sit reach, and the shuttle run. All cadets are required to complete the five events. In the end each cadet executed the cadet challenge very well.




Mesquite Veterans Day Parade

The Mesquite Veterans Day Parade is an anticipated event where the cadets get chance to travel to Mesquite and perform for hundreds. Although LVHS only takes a few cadets, these cadets execute a superior performance while marching through the main streets of Mesquite. The citizens of Mesquite are always applauding and thanking the Wildcat Battalion for coming out and being a part of this annual celebration. It is almost a tradition that Las Vegas High School visits and performs in the Mesquite Veterans Day Parade.

SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT This year the Wildcat Battalion conducted a service learning project. Service learning is more than community service; it involves providing a service to the community, but also incorporates instruction which cadets received while in high school. This year our service learning project was cleaning the Las Vegas High School campus. How does it benefit the community and yourself? Keeping the campus clean means a healthier environment and the individual that participates in the service learning project obtains skills such as seeking responsibilities, setting the example, building a team, and ensuring each instruction is understood. The Battalion did an excellent job cleaning up the school campus, good job wildcats!

Cadets of the Month October: Jerica Bautista, Ashlynn Strong, and Anthony Santana. November: Akkarawit Kuntasorn, Antonio Bejar, and Gustavo Escobedo. December: Jonathan Burrios, Irut Bernardo, and Helen Ortega.


6500 E Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89142 Phone: (702) 799-0180 Extension: 4068 (Public Affairs Officer): C/1LT Brian Cook





The Wildcat Battalion has done great thus far and lets be prepared for the next semester wildcats. -1SG Pectol Hey wildcats, so far the school year has been great, there is a lot of motivation within the battalion and we have conducted ourselves excellently. We have done outstanding as a unit from all the parades to all the competitions, I am proud to call myself a wildcat. -C/1LT Brian Cook The battalion is an amazing experience; we enjoy having fun while learning new skills and developments, so keep up the good work wildcats. C/CSM Gabriel Ortega This battalion has been more active as I have seen my fellow cadets live up to the cadet creed -C/MAJ Scott Burdick

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