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Nikki Alexander – Taking Down a Nation

Taking Down a Nation: Money, Murder and

National Sovereignty

Nikki Alexander, September 9, 2009

This article condenses two chapters from a work in progress, “Restoring Our Financial Sovereignty: A
New Monetary System.”

If you wanted to destroy the infrastructure that holds our constitutional republic in place, how would
you go about that? As with a controlled demolition you would need to dislodge the foundation from
the bedrock where it is anchored and sever the framework that holds the structure together. In practice,
you would demolish the Constitution and dismantle the laws that support the financial structure. Our
constitutional republic would then collapse into its own footprint, meeting no resistance.

Billionaire George Soros claimed the world financial system has disintegrated, adding that there is yet
no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis.[1] If this were true it would be a blessing. It is more
likely a pretext for consolidating world financial control through an illegitimate global oligarchy that
supersedes national sovereignty. Media propagandists are spinning the “new” idea of one world
currency issued by a global monetary authority. Herding the fearful into a blind alley with soothing
promises of international cooperation, the same criminals who engineered global financial destruction
are promoting the International Monetary Fund as the savior of choice to issue one world currency.
The IMF’s synthetic currency, Special Drawing Rights (SDR), is determined by the fluctuating value
of fiat currencies generated by four privately-owned central banks. SDR are fabricated debt owed to a
private banking cartel.

Would a universal token of debt, fabricated by the same private banking cartel that engineered our
staggering debt, be a remedy for national insolvency? Would global indebtedness to this cartel restore
the productive economy? Whose social priorities would be financed by a global banking oligarchy?
Would this oligarchy continue the practice of withholding credit from cities and states, farmers, small
businesses, homeowners and entrepreneurs while fabricating credit for weapons, war, gambling and
fraud? Would consolidating a global debt monopoly counteract or amplify the risk of global systemic
collapse? Transnational institutions that infect every aspect of the global financial system have just
demonstrated the dangers of being too interconnected to quarantine and too well-connected to

Why would a sovereign people who are fully capable of issuing their own money and credit surrender
that authority to a supranational oligarchy that issues fiat debt? Abolishing national currencies
essentially dissolves national sovereignty.

While media ventriloquists would have us believe rampant and random greed provoked a spontaneous
“global financial crisis,” the historical record indicates deliberate and carefully planned destruction of
national sovereignty, worldwide. The plans for consolidating private control of global wealth have

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been in motion for over a century, accelerating exponentially with the frenzy of neoliberal deregulation
that enabled financial fraud to metastasize globally. Carroll Quigley, a Georgetown University
historian and Bill Clinton’s mentor, was privy to documents and meetings held by the international
powers of financial capitalism. He was not speculating on their motives but rather reporting as a
trusted insider, an eye witness who described their intent:

Following World War I … “the powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing
less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in
frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International
Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks,
which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu
Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles
Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government
by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of
economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in
the business world.” ~ Carroll Quigley, 1966 [2]

Founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Trilateral Commission’s stated
goal is to foster a “New International Economic Order” that would supplant the historical economic
order. Paul Volcker ~ past Federal Reserve chairman, Rockefeller trust fund administrator and
chairman of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board ~ is the North American chairman.
Speaking to that group in 1991 David Rockefeller stated:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great
publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for
almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had
been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more
sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an
intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in
past centuries.” ~ David Rockefeller, 1991 [3]

A plan for the world that “marches” humanity towards a world government could only have been
developed in the shadows, although constitutional scholars would hardly share Rockefeller’s gratitude
to the Washington Post, New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications for half a
century of media complicity with Treason. A “supranational sovereignty” of self-appointed feudal
lords violates the right of sovereign nations to auto determination, the right of nation states to protect
their financial sovereignty from “world bankers” and the right of sovereign individuals to form
governments that derive their powers from the consent of the governed. In this royal cabal’s world
view, these rights do not exist. The earth is for selfish plundering and human beings are merely
expendable serfs to be exploited. National currencies, government regulations, international law, civil
liberties, environmental and worker protections are seen as obstacles to self-gratification that must be
demolished. Their vision of utopia is a global dictatorship of world bankers and self-appointed elites.

Delusional as such subversive ambitions may sound, the World Trade Organization has already
usurped illegitimate authority to supersede the regulations of sovereign nations, overriding
international human rights law and the rights of regional governments to protect their populations. The

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North American Union, masterminded by Richard Gardner, promoted by Robert Pastor and engineered
by this cabal will dissolve the borders between the US, Canada and Mexico and superimpose a
legislative body that supersedes the authority of Congress with a continental NAFTA parliament of
free trade pirates, unrestrained by regulations that protect the public and the earth.[4] It should come as
no surprise that media directors complicit with treason have failed to alert the public to this covert
destruction of national sovereignty.

The Bank for International Settlements is consolidating world financial control by herding nation states
into five Regional Currency Areas that will ultimately be merged into one.[5] The European Union,
with a supranational parliament and constitution that were forced on European citizens despite their
veto, overrides the sovereignty of individual European nation states.

Fred Bergsten, a US Treasury official and founding member of the Trilateral Commission and globalist
Peterson Institute, accurately conveyed the ramifications of abandoning national currencies:

“The adoption of a common currency is by far the boldest chapter of European integration. Money
traditionally has been an integral element of national sovereignty … and the decision by Germany and
France to give up their mark and franc … represents the most dramatic voluntary surrender of
sovereignty in recorded history. The European Central Bank that will manage the euro is a truly
supranational institution.” ~ C. Fred Bergsten, 1999[6]

Bergsten rightly acknowledges that, “money is an integral element of national sovereignty.” Therefore,
the private ownership of one global currency strips all countries of their national sovereignty in one
broad stroke and what better way to shorten the process than to engineer the ‘disintegration of the
world financial system,’ with a global derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Bergsten’s euphoria over European loss of national sovereignty is an expression of victory, the triumph
of subversion. European nation states did not voluntarily surrender their national sovereignty. They
were forced to surrender, just as Americans are being stripped of their national sovereignty, piece by

In 1974, international banker, Trilateralist and CFR member, Richard N. Gardner outlined a
comprehensive strategy for the new world order in an influential article in Foreign Affairs entitled
“The Hard Road to World Order.” He stated:

“In short, the ‘house of world order’ would have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the
top down. It will look like a great confusion, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it
piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”[7]

Gardner’s strategy for demolishing national sovereignty lays out a sweeping program for successfully
setting up world government: strengthening the International Monetary Fund with leverage to wreck
the economies of entire countries, as it did to Argentina in 2001; rewriting the ground rules for
international trade through GATT (forerunner of the WTO), that “will subject countries to an
unprecedented degree of international surveillance over, up to now, sacrosanct ‘domestic’ policies;”
creating transnational trade regimes as pretexts for world control, such as the EU, NAFTA and a Free
Trade Area of the Americas that would create a massive outflux of jobs and factories from the US and
lead, over time, to a complete subordination of American government to a continental corporate
authority; giving the United Nations ultimate jurisdiction over the oceans, atmosphere, electromagnetic

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spectrum, and outer space; disarming all nations to such an extent that, eventually, “no state would
have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened UN Peace Force” – under whose
authority the first Gulf War, and its 12-year aftermath of bombing raids and crippling sanctions, was
carried out. From Somalia to the Balkans to Sierra Leone to Afghanistan, United Nations
“peacekeepers” have become nearly ubiquitous enforcers of world order out of the barrel of a gun.

Steve Bonta’s analysis of Gardner’s strategy ( concludes:

“If the insiders could have accomplished overtly and instantly what they are now piecing together
through stealth and patient gradualism, they surely would have done so. They’ve had to proceed slowly
and cautiously on their “Hard Road to World Order,” and their slowness and caution shows that they
fear awakening the American people if they try to do too much too fast.” [8]

Evidently, an “old-fashioned frontal assault” was required to complete the “end run around national
sovereignty,” to demolish the laws that protect individuals from tyrants. The explosion that dislodged
the US Constitution from its bedrock was delivered with a Shock and Awe attack on Americans on
September 11, 2001. The plan for totalitarian world order that was not “subject to the bright lights of
publicity for forty years,” was rapidly completed in the aftermath of 9/11 when the constitutional
relationship between US citizens and their government was radically altered, without their consent.

The US constitutional infrastructure was detonated, piece by piece, in a demolition wave that collapsed
the legal framework protecting citizens from government abuse:

Office of Legal Counsel justifications for kidnapping, torture, unlawful detention, military tribunals
and secret prisons, overturning habeas corpus; militarizing domestic control in violation of Posse
Comitatus; White House assumption of dictatorial powers with executive orders and presidential
signing statements; Patriot Act destruction of civil liberties; domestic surveillance and personal data
mining; control of media and journalism; Internet censorship; nationwide detention camps;
unconstitutional pretexts for declaring martial law; domestic mercenary hit squads and intelligence
gathering outsourced to private “security” companies; union-busting, ICE raids and deportation
executed by the Homeland Security Gestapo.

The 9/11 Shock and Awe attack established the foreign terrorist pretext for abolishing civil liberties,
crushing political dissent, implementing police state infrastructure and violating international law with
wars of aggression ~ immediately followed by a strategic attack on the global financial system.

The demolition wave that took down the global financial system and crashed the US economy was
ignited with well placed financial explosives by top officials within the Federal Reserve, Treasury,
White House, Congress and key financial institutions. Banking laws were dismantled and financial
derivatives were deregulated at the end of the Clinton administration to clear a path for the subprime
demolition wave. On September 11, 2001, an estimated $240 billion dollars was covertly added to the
M2/M3 money supply with the “settlement” of off-balance sheet, illegal bonds created in 1991 by
George H.W. Bush and Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan. The banking institutions that
funded the subprime operation opened nationwide mortgage retail outlets to bankroll predatory loans
that were fanned into speculative equities, hedge fund, and derivative markets ~ HSBC, UBS, Credit
Suisse First Boston, Triad Guaranty Trust Insurance Corp, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Bank of
America, Chase Manhattan, Carlyle Group and Goldman Sachs.[9]

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In the four months after 9/11, the total money supply increased by $650 billion, the single greatest
burst of monetary increase in modern times. After pumping $3 trillion in excess liquidity into the
economy, a 32% expansion of the money supply since 1994, the financial managers of this operation
created comparable monetary ‘demand’ for this capital with Ten Year Treasury Notes in a highly
coordinated strategy to channel this excess liquidity into the high risk subprime market. A broad array
of tactics was used to dismantle financial regulations and block actions that would have prevented
systemic collapse, including a White House law suit to prevent state regulators from enforcing their
predatory lending laws.[10]

Prior to 9/11 the individuals and institutions that collapsed the Soviet economy and robbed the treasury
were under investigation by multiple federal agencies for evidence of financial fraud – potentially
related to 280,000 metric tons of stolen gold. These investigations were permanently aborted by the
complete destruction of all case evidence collectively stored in the 9/11 targets: World Trade Centers 1
and 2 were pulverized within ten seconds each; WTC 7 was collapsed within 7 seconds; WTC 6
housing $240 billion in illegal bond certificates was exploded and the Office of Naval Intelligence at
the Pentagon was demolished ~ thereby destroying all evidence against the same individuals who
subsequently funded and executed the controlled demolition of the United States. The financial
institutions, insurance companies and private security firms involved in this operation have extensive
histories of CIA covert operations.[11]

In a sovereign nation governed by the rule of law, these gangsters would have good reason to fear
prosecution for treason and war crimes. These are the architects of “regime change” – the psychopathic
assertion that criminals are free to overthrow governments, murder civilians and steal the assets of
sovereign nations ~ “because we can” ~ as Richard Cheney declared.

Ethical minds do not conceive covert schemes to “march” humanity toward world dictatorship, nor
plot the destruction of national sovereignty to rule the world. Human beings with a functioning
conscience do not orchestrate mass murder, stage terrorist attacks, bankrupt economies and overthrow
governments. These crimes against humanity are manifestations of criminal insanity. Delusions of
grandeur, subversion, compulsive lying, larceny, kidnapping, torture and genocide indicate clinical
symptoms of psychopathy and severe antisocial character disorders.[12][13]

The greatest danger of any centrally-controlled system is the ease with which it can be hijacked by
tyrants. That alone, is good reason to decentralize the global financial system, diversify national
currencies and establish public control of money and credit within every nation state. International
commitment to strengthening constitutional protection of civil liberties in every country must begin
with repealing totalitarian “anti-terrorism” laws and dismantling the architecture of illegitimate
“supranational sovereignty.”

This article condenses two chapters from a work in progress, “Restoring Our Financial Sovereignty: A
New Monetary System.” [] (Chapter 2: Wall Street’s Trojan Horse, and
Chapter 5: 9/11, Globalization and National Sovereignty) “Restoring our Sovereignty” explains our
privately owned monetary system, a debt pyramid scheme controlled by international bankers, and
shows the path to securing our sovereignty with a public monetary system. Dismantling the
architecture of “supranational sovereignty” is easier than one might think and is explained in the
chapter “Disintegration would be a Blessing.” The last chapter, “Securing the Blessings of Liberty,” is
an inspiring map to permanent freedom and financial stability. As with all things political, public

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education is the first step to meaningful reform.



[1] Reuters (owned by Rothschild since 1800s), “Soros Sees No Bottom for World Financial
Collapse,” February 21, 2009.

[2] Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time,” MacMillan, 1966, p.

[3] David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address before that organization in
June of 1991.

[4] Patrick Wood, “Toward a North American Union,” August Review; Trilateral Commission

[5] BIS Paper No 17, “Regional Currency Areas and the Use of Foreign Currencies.”

[6] C. Fred Bergsten, (Trilateral Commission; Peterson Institute), “The Euro Could Be Good for
Trans-Atlantic Relations,” Washington Post, January 3, 1999

[7] Richard Gardner, “The Hard Road to World Order,” (Foreign Affairs, 1974) p. 558

[8] Steve Bonta, “New world order strategist: thirty years ago Richard N. Gardner proposed a
“piecemeal” approach to world government. The internationalist insiders have followed his blueprint
ever since,” The New American, May 3, 2004.

[9] Figure 3, page 14, E.P. Heidner, Part II, “Collateral Damage: The Subprime Crisis and the Terrorist
Attacks on September 11, 2001,” December 25, 2008.

[10] E.P. Heidner, Part II, “Collateral Damage: The Subprime Crisis and the Terrorist Attacks on
September 11, 2001,” December 25, 2008.

[11] E.P. Heidner, Part I, “Collateral Damage: US Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on
September 11, 2001,” June 28, 2008.

[12] In contrast to Hollywood’s inaccurate portrayal of psychopaths as blue collar misfits who stalk
young women and rob convenience stores, most psychopaths come from well-to-do families and are
white collar criminals who, because of their wealth and position, seldom face consequences.
Psychopaths are devoid of conscience, incapable of compassion, accountability or remorse, lie
routinely, manipulate and deceive, operate in secrecy, control and suppress information. They view
themselves with grandiose self-importance and are flagrantly contemptuous of the law. Their craving
for dominance over others propels them into the centers of power where they are overrepresented in
the top ranks of corporations, politics, law enforcement, law firms and the media. Andrew
Lobaczewski’s research on political psychopaths:

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[13] Kevin Barrett, “Twilight of the Psychopaths”

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