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CHEFIR ( Ciuperca tibetana )

Ciuperca a fost creata si crescuta de catre Calugarii Tibetani si are multiple calitati terapeutice. Tara de provenien - India Ciuperca are aspect albicios, cu aspect de muguri de conopid, cu forme neregulate i dimensiuni de 5-10-15 mm, ajungnd la maturitate uneori pn la 20-30 mm lungime. Mugurii de dezlipesc i se separ singuri. Chefirul este o butura lactat acida ce se obine din granule de chefir care fermenteaz lactoza din lapte (zaharul din lapte) cu formare de acid lactic dioxid de carbon i alcool , acesta butura minunata se obine prin dubla fermentare n prima faza fermentare lactic iar apoi la temperaturi mai sczute alcoolica. Butura nu se obine din ciuperca de chefir, termen greit ci din granule de chefir care repezinta o aglomerare de 4 cazeina care are n interior i la suprafaa microorganisme specifice care conduc la obinerea acestei minunate buturi. Lapte inoculat cu granule de chefir poate s reprime creterea de ageni patogeni la nivel intestinal ca de exemplu: Salmonella sau Shigella , acesta datorndu-se complexitii moleculei granulei de Kefir precum i a modului de aciune al microorganismelor care formeaz granula de Kefir. Kefirul se bucur de o tradiie bogat n protecia sntii. nainte de URSS, se ntrebuina n spitale i sanatorii pentru o varietate de boli incluznd dereglri de metabolism, arteroscleroz i boli alergice. El era folosit i pentru tratamentul tuberculozei, a cancer, i a dereglrilor gastrointestinale cnd nici un tratament medical modern nu era disponibil. Consumul de chefir avea de asemenea s fie asociat cu longevitatea din Caucaz fapt demonstrat de savanii. Savanii au observat beneficiile digestive ale aportului de Kefir asupra sntii i longevitii i al sntii datorita componentelor sale antioxidante, anticancerigene i bacteriostatice. Echipele de cercetare diverse din toata lumea a ncurajat rezultatele aduse de chefir asupra sntii . Cel mai multe metode de cercetare au fost executate n vitro att pe animale cat i pe subieci umani .

Studiile recente asupra consumului de Kefir au artat i demonstrat proprietile antitumorale i antimutagenice acest lucru datorndu-se substanelor existente n granula de Kefir (imidazolinei) Este de un alb imaculat, seamana cu structura conopidei Pentru a avea proprietatile scontate trebuie respectate urmatoarele reguli: Se pastreaza in borcanel de 400 , iar laptele sa fie de vaca , nefiert. Se strecoara laptele dupa 24 ore , se bea . NU se mananca nimic inainte si dupa , timp de 30 minute Nu se introduce lingurita de metal ci numai de plastic, nu se strecoara cu strecuratoare de metal. Se pastreaza 24 ore la loc intunecos, nu la lumina zilei Dupa strecurarea laptelui care se bea (devine ca un iaurt putin mai acidulat), ciuperca se spala sub un jet usor de apa, se aseaza in borcanel si se adauga un nou lapte pentru ziua urmatoare Dupa 21 zile, ciuperca se poate imparti, dupa dezvoltareea ei. marimea necesara pentru o persoana este cea a unui ou de rata, se indeparteaza partea care depaseste aceasta marime si se daruieste Daca nu este ingrijita corect isi schimba culoare devine gri si-si schimba mirosul, bineinteles gustul nu mai e acelasi si nici proprietatile benefice. Tratamentul este de 3 saptamani cu 10 zile pauza. Este un antioxidant puternic, ca urmare regleaza functiile tuturor organelor. Contine microorganisme vii de genul drojdiei. MOD DE PREPARARE: Se pun una, doua lingurite de Ciuperca Tibetana intr-un borcan de sticla si se toarna deasupra 200-300 ml de lapte proaspat, dulce, nefiert, ct mai gras posibil. Ciuperca nu triete mult n lapte degresat. Se nfileteaz sau doar se acoper borcanul cu un capac i se las la fermentat, 12-24 de ore. Dupa 12 ore, Kefirul are deja toate proprietatile terapeutice. Gustai i oprii fermentaia dup intervalul optim n condiiile dvs. de mediu, s nu fie prea acru. Dac kefirul rezultat este prea acru, se poate ndoi cu puin lapte dulce n momentul servirii. Laptele acru din borcan se amesteca bine cu o lingura de lemn sau plastic, cu grija sa nu strivim ciupercile tibetane, care se scot apoi cu lingura si se pun pe o farfurie, iar laptele acru ramas in borcan se toarna intr-o cana sau se consuma direct din borcan. In cazul in care turnam laptele acru intr-o cana, se spala borcanul si se clteste foarte bine, s nu aib urme de detergent si se pun la loc ciupercile tibetane, dupa ce le-am clatit cu un jet de apa rece. In cazul in care lasam laptele acru in acelasi borcan, mutam ciupercile tibetane intr-un altul identic, curat. In borcanul curat, peste ciupercile tibetane se toarna o noua portie de lapte dulce, proaspat, nefiert, rece din frigider. Este bine ca laptele sa fie schimbat zilnic, pentru a pastra ciuperca sanatoasa. Cnd ciuperca tibetana este bine ngrijit, este alb ca laptele i n cca. 14-21 zile volumul acesteia se dubleaz. Atunci trebuie mprit n dou. Este indicat sa bem intre 200 si 500 de ml de Kefir zilnic, cel mai bine dimineata, pe stomacul gol, sau seara, cu 2-3 ore inainte de culcare, tot pe stomacul gol. Se poate consuma fr intrerupere, asemenea iaurtului sau laptelui btut. Nu exist niciun fel de efecte secundare! Nici mcar nghiind o bucat de ciuperc tibetan nu se ntmpl absolut nimic.(se elimina prin scaun, nedigerat; ciuperca nu poate tri n intestinul omului).

In cazul in care nu mai avem chef sa bem chefir o perioada de timp sau plecam in concediu, ciupercile se pot pastra in frigider (nu congelator, ci frigider), in lapte proaspat. Rezista astfel cateva saptamani, stand in hibernare. La frig nu dezvolta culturi, dar nici nu se inmultesc. Nu e bine sa le chinuim tinandu-le in frigider perioade indelungate, mai ales fara a le intretine cu lapte proaspat. ATENIE: n timpul tratamentului este interzis consumul de alcool i de produse animale, mai cu seama mezeluri (n schimb se poate consuma ulei presat la rece i semine crude de dovleac, susan, floarea soarelui, orice fel de nuci). De asemenea este interzis consumul de sare, zahr alb (nlocuii-l cu mierea sau melasa adica zahar brun nerafinat), al gemurilor din comer, buturilor sintetice i acidulate, condimentelor. Daca se bea de placere chefirul nu e nevoie sa se tina seama de recomandarile de mai sus. Se bea pur si simplu ca orice lapte batut sau iaurt. Recomandarile sunt utile doar pentru persoanele bolnave, care vor sa se vindece de anumite afectiuni. n primele 10 14 zile de tratament activitatea stomacului se intensific brusc, se formeaz gaze din abunden i nu se recomand consumul laptelui dimineaa pe stomacul gol (n aceast prim faz). Uneori scaunul este mai moale, dar tratamentul nu trebuie ntrerupt. La bolnavii de ficat i rinichi s-au semnalat i unele senzaii mai neplcute. Dup 10 14 zile aceste reacii nceteaz i se amelioreaz activitatea ntregului organism. Dup minim 20 de zile de tratament vei ncepe s v simii mai bine. Dup 2 luni de tratament se constat dispariia anumitor suferine, iar dup un an de tratament, organismul ar trebui s se nsntoeasc complet, dac respectai i celelalte reguli de via echilibrat (diet de cruare, micare, somn, etc.) Laptele fermentat poate fi folosit i ca demachiant n tratamentele cosmetice, cu efect de ncetinire a formrii ridurilor i eliminarea oboselii faciale. De asemenea se poate folosi n arsuri (solare sau produse n gospodrie). De asemenea, amelioreaz sau nltur durerile provocate de reumatism prin ungerea locurilor dureroase de 7 8 ori/zi cu lapte fermentat (chefir). DE REINUT : Se recomand s fie folosit i de alcoolici, deoarece recupereaz pierderea de substane din complexul vitaminic B (care duc la dependen fizic de alcool! un cerc vicios) i se folosete ca adjuvant n tratamentul tuturor bolilor generate de consumul excesiv de alcool (care trebuie ntrerupt cu orice pre, brusc sau gradat dar fr amnare).

Milk Kefir (pronounced keh-FEER) is a wonderfully delicious slightly carbonated fermented milk beverage similar to yogurt (or buttermilk). Kefir is simply milk that is fermented at room temperature with kefir grains for about 24 hours. It has many wonderful health benefits, a great flavor and is also usually tolerated well by the lactose intolerant. It's much easier to make than yogurt no heating or incubating involved, and kefir has a much larger spectrum of probiotics than yogurt. The reusable, sustainable grains also make it more

economical. Kefir has gained in popularity lately, due to interest in eating more responsibly and locally, as well as more economically, combined with a greater awareness of the health benefits of probiotics from cultures and whole foods. But with that popularity has come a load of misinformation and deceiving products on the web. Authentic kefir can only be made by real kefir grains, not from any kind of packet or powder (or from incubating store-bought kefir). Kefir available at the stores are simply imitations. This is due to regulations on consistent products with known ingredients, bottling procedures and packaging and shipping standards. As with most nutritious foods, real kefir can only be made and experienced at home. Milk Kefir originated roughly 2,000 years ago in the Caucasian Mountains between Europe and Russia, which makes kefir one of the oldest milk ferments in existence. If you have more questions you can check out Yemoos Nourishing Cultures to see photos, FAQ's, health benefits and other information on milk kefir. Now, lets get started!

Step 1: Supplies

There isn't a whole lot you need. Milk kefir is quite a simple ferment:

A. First, you will need milk. *Make sure the milk isn't ultra-pastuerized or 'lactose-free'. Raw milk is best, but if you don't have access to raw, simple basic whole milk works well. Skim or low fat milk will work, but the grains prefer the full range of nutrition found in whole milk. B. Second, you will want a strainer on hand - fine plastic/nylon or stainless steel. Aluminum and other metals can leach when coming into contact with acidic liquids such as milk kefir. Stainless steel is considered safe for short term contact. *Strainers with large holes (like pasta strainers) don't work well - the smaller grains may pass right through into your kefir drink, rendering it gritty and lumpy (and unstorable - it will continue to ferment quickly in the fridge). Though its not a health hazard to drink them, you will lose part of your culture. C. As for the other supplies, you will need a bowl to capture your strained kefir, a jar and breathable lid to ferment your kefir in, and a jar or bottle for storing your strained kefir in the fridge. A sterile wood or plastic spoon is also handy to help strain the kefir. You may want to have some yummy fresh fruit or other vanilla extract on hand to flavor your kefir, though it is yummy plain, too!

Step 2: Preparing the Kefir Grains

Now its time to prepare the little guys.

A. If you've just received your kefir grains in the mail, store them in the fridge until you are ready to feed them. B. To prepare your grains, strain off and discard the kefired milk they are in. Sometimes they are 'naked' and thats ok too - either way, give them a quick rinse with spring water or a bit of milk if they've been in transit for a couple days. The easiest way to do this is to place them in a clean bowl with the spring water or milk after they've been strained and gently stir them to dislodge any cream stuck to them. Strain and repeat if desired. Do not worry too much about getting them pristine - a gentle rinse is sufficient.

Step 3: Feeding the Grains

Now that your grains are strained and gently rinsed, they are ready to be fed. A. Simply place them in a sterile jar and fill with milk! *Make sure the jar is big enough to have atleast a couple inches space

between the milk and the lid. A quart jar typically works well. Also make sure there is no soap residue - antibacterial soap will damage the bacteria in the grains. *A good ratio is about 1 teaspoon per 1 cup milk in the summer and 1 tablespoon per 1 cup milk in the winter (it simply ferments faster in the summer - more on this in later steps).

Step 4: Cover and Ferment!

Now your work is done, and the kefir grains' work begins! A. Cover the jar with something breathable like a papertowel, coffee filter, dish cloth. *Avoid cloth with large holes - you want something breathable but not something that dust or fruit flies can fit through. B. Simply place the jar in a cupboard or other area that has a relatively cool

and stable temperature. It does not need sunlight (which can heat it too much, anyways). Indirect light is ok. C. Let it ferment about 24 hours. Read on to determine when it's done.

Step 5: Determining When It's Ready

To determine when it is done, barely tilt it and see if its still runny like milk, or slightly gel-like. When its gel-like, it's ready. It will ferment more quickly in the summer than winter. *You may also see little pockets of clear liquid bubbles forming, especially near the bottom. This is the beginning of seperation of the curds and whey (curds=white part, and whey=clear part). This also indicates it's done. As you can see the jar to the left is ready to strain and the jar to the right is considered a little past done ('over-fermented'), with a large amount of separation occuring.

Step 6: Straining Your Finished Kefir

Once the kefir is ready to strain (view previous step for how to determine this), you will want to bring back out your strainer, a bowl to capture the kefir in, a spoon to stir and a bottle to store it in. A. Place your strainer over a bowl (stainless steel, wood or plastic preferably with a pouring spout). B. Simply tip the whole jar of kefir, grains included, into your strainer and let strain. *You may notice the top is lumpy - this is normal - the grains usually float to the top at the end of the ferment. C. It may strain slowly, if so, you can gently wiggle the strainer or use a sterile wood, plastic or stainless steel spoon to gently stir and encourage the kefir to strain through into the bowl, leaving the grains behind in the strainer. Don't worry, no matter how thick, it will all eventually get through. *You may notice the clear whey straining first, followed by the thicker creamy white curd portion. Some people prefer to toss the whey for a more mild, thicker kefir. This is not necessary, and you will also be discarding many valuable minerals and proteins found in the whey.

Step 7: Bottle Your Kefir, Flavor and Repeat!

A. Once your kefir is strained, place your grains back into their jar. You can rinse or wash the jar if desired, but it's not necessary every time. Rinse or change jars once you notice too much build-up. The build-up can cause your kefir to ferment too quickly. B. Stir your strained kefir to smooth out any chunks and then enjoy! You can also bottle it to let it 'mellow' a bit in the fridge, which also allows it time to increase in B vitamins and folic acid (as well as carbonation). *Store your kefir in tempered glass jars or bottles (designated canning or beer/wine bottles - which are less likely to explode) with atleast 1/2 inch of space between it and the lid. The carbonation build-up over time can lead to the jar exploding. To prevent this, you can store it with the cap on loosely, or simply 'burp' it once a day to allow any built-up air to escape (open the lid and close it again - this will not hinder the carbonation - it will still get carbonated). *Mix in some fresh fruit, dried fruit, jam, honey, maple syrup, or extract (about 1 tsp per 1-2 cups) to up the yumminess! There are truly endless ways to flavor your kefir.

C. Now simply feed your grains fresh milk and repeat! *If your kefir was over-fermented at 24 hours, increase the milk by atleast 1/2 cup. Or decrease the grains by atleast 25%. Store extra grains in a little milk in the fridge as back-up! If you have more questions you can check out Yemoos Nourishing Cultures to see photos, FAQ's, health benefits and other information on milk kefir. Keffir is a BIP yogurt! Thinner and tastier than commercial yogurt. The 24 hours periods is a standard. But Arabs used to keep it longer (48 - 36) depending on the effect they desired to achieve on their intestinal flora... You should find out about this! Drinking this you should feel healthier. Keffir grains should be put in the mesh after being separated from the milk. And washed under running water for a while. You could help them with your hands to let them clean and healthy. Then, you could put them rinsed in a jar and in the fridge until the next use. You'll notice that after a month of constant use, your keffir grain family has doubled in number. That means that they require the double amount of milk to achieve the same taste as before. So, it is time to find a friend to receive the half of your colony, unless you want to keep on increasing the daily keffir production until becoming a community service. There are other things that you could do with your keffir super-production. It is recommended to produce it on a daily basis. It is healthier. But if you have an excess of production you can always make some cheese. LABNA CHEESE 2 liters yogurt or thick keffir 75 cc olive oil 1 tablespoon salt 1 lemon (juice + grinned skin) * Mix all well. * Then put a clean cloth over a bowl and the mixture over it. * Make a bag by joining the four corners of the cloth together and tying it up with a thin rope. * Let the bag hang over the bowl for a while until all the liquid drains out. * Leave the bag hanging for a day at the shadow and fresh air.

* After a day, find a nice and clean jar and fill it with the cheese like this: * With a teaspoon take a ball of cheese and compress it a little. * Then rub it with black pepper and put it into the jar with some olive oil in it to separate each ball. * Repeat with the rest of the cheese. * Leave it at the fridge for a day. * Enjoy!

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