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Heiann: Sugoi
Najh: sugoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Heiann: Best color
Ragmar: [13] [1d20 = 13]
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): om nom I eat dice they are starburst
The heroes of our story entered a shrine of the World Serpent to retrieve an artifact that might
help them put out the supernatural fires that Helmarel inflicted upon the obliterated gnomish
Lion >:3 (Heiann): nahj your dice too close to mine change it fgt
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Also, Luau
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Hp/HSV?
Campaign saved.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): que
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): 105 hp
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Healing Surge Value/HP?
Inside, they encountered a group of people who were evidently followers of Helmarel - her claim
was not a boast, it seems, to have gathered them within a week.
Gabe (Najh): n
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): 28 HSV
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Nice.
One of them, a half-elf warlord, possessed a jet-black stone with a glowing red flaw through
which he talked to Helmarel herself, and crushed it to make a quick escape after they were
inevitably trounced.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Wait. Grit gives you +CON to HSV
Gabe (Najh): half elf is gay
Lion >:3 (Heiann): So you should have higher.
Cthulhu: nope
Cthulhu: +CON temp HP when spending an HS
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I know he took something that added it.
Cthulhu: silly billy
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Was it Dwarven Durability?
Cthulhu: Finemail of Durability
Cthulhu: armor
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Dwarven Durability. Feat.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Didn't take it
Cthulhu: it was a paragon feat
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Paragon
Cthulhu: he couldn't take it
Lion >:3 (Heiann): aww.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Next time.
Who were these sinister people? Why were they following Helmarel? How did they meet her?
Lion >:3 (Heiann): They were aiding the ooga boogas.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Despicable people.
Now we find out...
Gabe (Najh): omg
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Its even in my backstory to hate ooga bogoas.
Cthulhu: No, wait
Cthulhu: let me change it around a bit
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Blah
Gabe (Najh): >5'7
Gabe (Najh): WHY AM I SO SHORT
Cthulhu: There
Cthulhu: changed it to fit better
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I'm 6'4
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I'm half elf.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I'm s u g o i
Campaign saved.
Gabe (Najh): >:|
Gabe (Najh): i feel so emasculated
Gabe (Najh): h8 short people
The sun rises on the Feywild city of Serandril, a bastion of civilization in the Feywild, beautiful
and deadly as a poison rose.
For the first few minutes of daylight, it's but a normal day: the peasant lower caste gets out of
their beds to a quick meal before beginning their jobs of menial labor. They do not complain, for
the upper caste is kind to them in payment and respect, but it would be foolish to think one could
ever change castes.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I posted cats on /tg/
Gabe (Najh): majong is fucking gay
The year-long famine which had no discernable cause has just now ended as the shaman of the
city successfully completed their annual ritual (with extra fervor due to last year's apparent
failure), though many in the city still go hungry.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): the neko is kawaii
A muscular, angry-looking dwarf with orange hair set in a spiky beard sits in his small jail cell.
The door's bars are made of thick vines, and through his eternal annoyance Ragmar thinks to
himself that he's never seen a prison like this before.
Ragmar scowls and stands up, punching the thick vine-bars a few times.
Campaign saved.
Next to him, in the adjacent cell, sits a blonde-haired lanky elf wearing a black eyepatch on his
right eye. He sits calmly on his bunk, awaiting his trial, which a few arrogant guards have
informed him will be this morning.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): You know that Nice is female, right rage?
[w] -> Najh: He is not worried, because he knows that the universe would not allow him to die.
Such a thing would be impossible.
Cthulhu: That's not Nice
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Except it looks pretty much exactly like her, sans scar?
Cthulhu: I found it on danbooru okay
Gabe (Najh): Thats exactly waht I thought
Najh whistles a tune to himself, satisfied that he has nothing to worry about
The vines are as hard as steel, as Ragmar knows, and his punches come to no avail. If he had his
hammer, he could surely break them, but both his and Najh's weapons were confiscated when
they were each captured.
Ragmar 's face contorts into an expression of rage and a vein bulges in his forehead.
The walls seperating each cell are also barred in a similar fashion to the doors, allowing each
prisoner to see the person in the cells next to him. Najh notices a stocky, muscular dwarf in the
next cell over who appears about to have a panic attack or something of the sort.
Najh: Just a little longer until I am declared innocent and I will be on my merry way
Najh says to himself smugly
Ragmar hurls himself at the bars, a frenzy of attack
Across the city, the youngest son of the Heartwind family pores over 'Al Nerem's Art of War' in
his lavish private study.
Najh frowns for a moment, his serene silence utterly shattered by the horrible little man's
[w] -> Najh: Fucking excellent
Campaign saved.
A guard, out of sight down the hallway, yells at Ragmar, 'Quiet down! Don't make me call the
flowers down again!'
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Al Nerem? More like Lao Zhu knockoff!!!
Ragmar knows that the 'flowers' he refers to are pink blossoms that descend from the ceiling
whenever Ragmar gets too rowdy.
Najh: Hey, hairy. Be quiet will ya?
Najh says with a little annoyance, not bothering to move himself from his position however
They spit out a scented yellow dust that cause whoever breathes it in to become weary and
eventually fall fast asleep.
He knows because it has happened to him three times now.
Ragmar slams at the vines again with both fists, making a large crashing noise but little else.
Najh: If theres anything more annoying than your yelling its your Snoring
Najh: So shut it
Ragmar: YOU SHUT IT!
Lion >:3 (Heiann): In during both of them die
Najh scrunches his brow, how DARE he say something like that to -ME-
Ragmar throws his hands up in frustrating and begins to punch a different wall this time.
Najh: You should show some respect, you hairy...Baboon!
Heiann's door opens and his father enters the room, the son of the current master of the family.
He's a similarly tall man who shares Heiann's brown hair and fair skin.
Cthulhu: UH OH
Recipient not found Usage: /w [recipient] [message]
Heiann turns and puts down his book, seemingly staring at the man, waiting for him to begin.
'Dr. Luau' disconnected
Gabe (Najh): orip
Cthulhu: :(
Lion >:3 (Heiann): luaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau
Gabe (Najh): my insult killed luau
Cthulhu: I think Ragmar raged so hard he crashed
Lion >:3 (Heiann): my reflex is 18. wat.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): my saves suck.
Gabe (Najh): i have 27
Gabe (Najh): uguu
Lion >:3 (Heiann): u g u u
Gabe (Najh): u gggggggggggggggguuuuuuuuuuuu
Feraindil: ...Son? Oh! I was hoping I wouldn't have to tear you away from your book this time.
Heiann stares.
Cthulhu: gah, waiting for luau to get back before I continue
Campaign saved.
[w] Najh: The universe obviously destroyed him for he was bugging me.
[w] -> Najh: Damn straight nigga
Cthulhu: brb
Gabe (Najh): Never tell your password to anyone.Friday, September 18, 20099:41 PM -
[Beatsux] Gabe: YOU RAGED SO HARD9:41 PM - [Beatsux] Gabe: YOUDESTROYED
YOUR PROGRAM[MEDAL GAMERS] Dr. Luau is now Offline.
Cthulhu: AW SHIT
Cthulhu: ho hum
Lion >:3 (Heiann): pewpew
Najh: Hey heiann lets have sex
Lion >:3 (Heiann): So when is essentials of fight-no-er coming out?
Gabe (Najh): i dunno where the calender is
Gabe (Najh): that states the dates
Gabe (Najh): only that its part of this usse of dragon
Gabe (Najh): *issue
'Dr. Luau' connected
Cthulhu: luau's comin back
Cthulhu: there you are
Ragmar spits into Najh's cell.
Najh: ...
Najh: Excuse me?
Cthulhu: Roll strength to see if you manage to hit him
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): that mod or check
Cthulhu: check
Ragmar: Strength check [14] [1d20+10 = 14]
Ragmar spits onto the floor before Najh's bunk.
Najh: Dexterity check [19] [1d20+11 = 19]
Cthulhu: He didn't reach
Gabe (Najh): oops
Cthulhu: no need for a dodge
Najh: Tch, Barbarian
Campaign saved.
Najh: First you ruin my morning with your yelling now you soil my cell?
Feraindil: Well...son, I'm...not really sure how to say this, but...there have been...investigations.
Heiann stares, seemingly bored.
Najh: Oh well I'll be out of here while you rot anyways
Najh: So I suppose theres no problem
Feraindil clears his throat, always unnerved by how unreadable his son was.
Ragmar: Actually, it's mor' like "HE WHO WILL USE YOUR FEMURS AS A
Feraindil: Investigations as to how the Famine began, y-you see...and, uh...
Ragmar thuds his beefy arms on the mini-bars dividing his and Najh's cell.
Heiann cuts his father off. "Do you distrust me?"
Feraindil: You're looking kind of suspi-
Najh: You dare insult one who possesses -THE- mark of Terror?
Feraindil: W-what?
Najh: You should know your place, baboon.
Ragmar: Mark o' TERROR, HE SAYS!
Heiann: Do you believe I would have done something like that?
Ragmar laughs heartily. "AH'LL SHOW YOU THE TRUE MEANIN' O' TERROR"
His father shifts his gaze away, clearly disturbed by his son's sudden inquiry.
Najh: Yes yes have a fun time planning my "destruction" from behind bars
Najh smiles smugly, Nothing bad can happen to me, why should I care?
Feraindil: Um...well, no, I wouldn't, normally! see, one of the gnome shaman came to
talk to me yesterday night, after he returned from the...ritual they do, you see...
Ragmar: Y'ever see a man walkin' aroond on his arms, cuz his legs are where 'is arms are
supposed ta go?
Ragmar: That was one o' me masterpieces.
Najh: Oh let me guess *puts on a mocking voice* "EYE DID DAT"
Najh: Yes..You're so readable
Ragmar grins proudly.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): ...
Feraindil: And he...he told me you had -bribed- him and taken the components for the ritual of
pleasing the nature spirits!
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Did you steal Agni from DMC3.
Gabe (Najh): what
Cthulhu: who?
Gabe (Najh): Agni and Ruda you talkin about them?
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Yeah
Ragmar: Oy! And I invented this WONNERFUL drinkin' game! I's called Township Massacre!
Gabe (Najh): No, Agni is one of the Hindu gods
Gabe (Najh): The name that is
Gabe (Najh): Thats where I took it from
Feraindil: Normally...uh, normally I would never believe them in such a way, but the lower caste
is eager for the perpetrator of the Famine, and...I don't want them to get too angry.
Najh rolls his eye
Heiann sighs.
Najh: Facinating.
Feraindil: I'm sure you understand, don't you? Is there any truth to these rumors?
Campaign saved.
Ragmar: Y'see, first y'get a buncha speers! Then y'dip 'em in cave spider ichor, and then set the
heads on fire!
Heiann: Must I explain this to you? It is so seemingly obvious, yet you seem to have a lack of
wit about the matter.
Feraindil scratches the back of his neck in confusion.
Ragmar: Then y'take turns throwin' em into a nearby village. Whoever can score a hit right into
the town well wins the game fer good, but yeh haveta drink every time you miss the square!
Heiann: It is obvious someone is attempting to place the blame one someone, anyone. And
they've choosen me due to my status. Like you said, the lower caste wants a perpetrator. You
seem to not understand that someone is clearly trying to cover their hide. What about that
shaman there? He messes up a ritual, and panics.
Ragmar: I's loads o' fun
Heiann: He passes the blame.
Heiann shakes his head.
Najh: Oh I bet, no -really-
Heiann: Could you truely not see past that?
Heiann: And to doubt your own son...
Najh tone is dripping with sarcasm
Feraindil: Well...when you put it that way, I-I suppose...I'm so terribly sorry. Please forgive me,
Feraindil bows hastily.
Heiann: ...In time.
Heiann turns back to his book.
Feraindil blinks hesitantly and exits the room, closing the door as he does so.
Heiann: ...Wait.
Feraindil opens the door again.
Heiann turns to his father.
Feraindil: What?
Najh: I'm quivering.
Najh: Your lifestory has no meaning to me
Ragmar sneers at Najh and turns back to the cell 'door'.
Heiann: You wish for my forgiveness? I will exchange it for one justice.
Heiann: I do not like that I'm being framed.
Ragmar begins to beat on the vines again.
Ragmar hears a sigh around the rocky corner of the hallway. 'Your trial is just after your elf
friend's! Just wait a few hours, will you?'
Heiann: I wish for a full fledged investiagtion and to have that shaman arrested and tried for
slander, libel, misconduct, and murder for those he killed for failing the ritual.
Heiann: Let it serve as a lesson to those that would try to pass the blame.
Heiann: An example, if you will.
Najh: I hope you enjoy your last hours alive, Ape. Obviously you are going to be put to death
Feraindil: I'll...well...I'll see what I can do...are you sure?
Najh: I mean, you're bugging me, what OTHER sentance would they give you?
Feraindil wipes his forehead nervously.
[w] Ragmar: spoilers Ragmar is actually calling the elves "Twig-heads"
Najh smiles smugly
Heiann nods. 'It would be grave if an event like this happens again, would it not? We need to
show that it can not be tolerated!'
Campaign saved.
Ragmar: Ape? APE?!?
Heiann: Please understand I'm not doing this to be cruel. I do this for the good of all! Its just
sometimes, punishment is necessary!
Najh: And I'll be free to...."Pleasure" (says with a sickening smile) The other brothel tramps
Feraindil: The Famine DID cause the deaths of countless lower-caste members, what with the s-
Feraindil: I'm not sure about it, but...I'll do it. For your sake, son.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Can I hear any of this goings-on, Rage
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): with Feraindil
Cthulhu: No, they're across the city
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Im across the city you fool.
Najh: And to think they threw me into this cell for simply Pleasuring them
Cthulhu: own3d
Najh: I gave them the best night of their lives
Najh: Hrmph
Najh: Simpletons
Heiann: No!
Heiann: Not for my sake!
Ragmar 's eye arches as he hears the capital P.
Heiann: For the sake of those that died!
[w] -> Najh: oh lord yes keep it up
Heiann says loudly and with pride.
Ragmar: Oy, boyo, or maybe girly it's hard te say. What de'ya mean?
Feraindil nods, slowly and then enthusiastically.
Feraindil: Yes...Yes, you're right!
Najh Turns to Ragmar
Heiann: This can never happen again! Go! Make justice occur!
Heiann points out the door!
Feraindil: I shall!
Najh with the most sickening expression a mortal could ever muster
Najh: Why
Najh: Thats a secret
Najh chuckles
Feraindil closes the door with a furious grin and dashes down the hallway.
Heiann chuckles and opens his book back up to the chapter on Dissent.
Najh: Oh but, it was a night they would never forget...If they could think that is
Ragmar: Don't ye worry, wee tot. I'll beat th' secret outta ye, don't yeh worry one b-et.
Ragmar chuckles to himself
Najh is unphased by the barbaric little man's threats
Two guards, clad in pointed metal helmets emblazoned with the sigil of the Heartwild family,
enter the hallway and stop in front of Najh's cell.
Najh: Whatever you say.
Najh: Oh it looks like my ride is here
Ragmar: Bye bye, girly!
Najh: Ah! So you are here to free me, no?
Najh smiles
Najh feels a faint tingle of disturbance - normal prison guards do not have the sigil of the ruling
family of the city.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Say.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Eh, nevermind.
Najh 's smile turns upside down for a moment
Campaign saved.
Guard: Your 'ride', you say...Yes, we are. The warden is on his way. He'll be here in just a
Lion >:3 (Heiann): >warden
Lion >:3 (Heiann): oogaboogas...
Cthulhu: lol
Cthulhu: brb
Najh: ...Yes, and I expect to be released immediately after
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Spoilers Najh is a girl and she's been arrested for homosexuality
Najh knows that the warden coming to see a prisoner to his trial is also not standard procedure,
and his tingle of disturbance grows into a gnawing thread of worry.
Najh I have nothing...To worry about, N-Nothing can happen to me. Nope. Nothing
Najh bites his lip slightly
[w] -> Najh: Despite these...minor obstacles, he remains confident that the universe will see him
through this little exchange. And, moments after the Warden arrives at his cell door, it does.
Najh grins a few seconds later
Najh: ....Nothing.
The warden, a large, chubby, balding eladrin, comes down the hallway to the cell door and
stands in front of it, fumbling with his keys.
Then, all hell breaks loose.
Najh and Ragmar see a quick flash of black outside their single windows. Seconds later, as it
zooms across the city, Heiann sees outside his ornamented study window what appears to be a
thin thread of darkness flying through the air at an incredible speed, heading southeast toward the
There's a pause of roughly two seconds.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): >eladrin Warden
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Unop. He sucks.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): You can take him
Cthulhu: Not literally a primal warden
Cthulhu: you fag
Campaign saved.
Heiann stares.
Ragmar peers his head as far out of the windows as he can.
Najh looks casually over
Najh: "Not what I expected but whatever"
Ragmar: What in the bloody fuck was th'a?!
A few teeth are knocked out of Ragmar's skull as the ground suddenly shakes violently, as if a
huge boot had suddenly stomped down in the middle of the city and sent shockwaves across all
of Serandril.
He bangs his lower jaw on the lower edge of the window and falls backwards into his cell.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Ragmar; the world's bitxh
Lion >:3 (Heiann): bitch
Ragmar falls to a knee and spits out what teeth had fallen out onto his hand.
Heiann's bookcases suddenly topple over all at once with a tremendous thud, disturbing his peace
and quiet.
Najh laughs slighty "Thats what you get, baboon"
Heiann: ...
Heiann: GOD
Heiann: DAMNIT.
Ragmar presses his face against Najh's bars.
The two guards and the warden stumble backwards against the wall and are crushed as it and the
ceiling directly above them falls inwards and downwards, crushing the three men as well as
Najh's door and the wall seperating Najh's and Ragmar's cells.
Najh smiles smugly
Ragmar takes the advantage and leaps onto Najh!
Najh: Ah yes, just as planned.
Najh: Skill [Acrobatics] [21] [1d20+18 = 21]
Gabe (Najh): ;D;
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): what's the check to pin
Thin tendrils of black energy flow through the open hole in the ceiling and wrap themselves
around the vines that make up Ragmar's cell door. They wither with a high-pitched, almost
human scream and ascend into the ceiling, shriveling.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): STR
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): or to grab anyway
Gabe (Najh): prolly str
Ragmar: Strength check [18] [1d20+10 = 18]
Lion >:3 (Heiann): v athletics
Gabe (Najh): HA
Lion >:3 (Heiann): or acrobatics
Gabe (Najh): IM WINNER
Campaign saved.
Ragmar lurches at Najh, almost blinded by fury.
Najh nimbly dodges to the side of Ragmar's leap! Ragmar lands in a heap on the shaking ground!
Najh: Really, now?
Najh: I save your life and you try to pounce on me?
As he turns around to grab at Najh again, he notices that his cell door has suddenly disappeared.
Ragmar pushes himself up like it was nothing and looks at Najh...and then past him. He points!
Najh: I don't know why I will for things like this to happen sometimes
Najh shrugs
Najh: Yes
Najh: Are you really quite suprised?
Najh brushes the hair out of his eye
Ragmar gets up properly and exits the cell, leaving the gabby elf behind and looking around
wildly for the storeroom.
Najh doesnt make much of an effort but makes his way to the exit as well
A large explosion is heard by the prison's tennants as the south side of the Heartwind family's
mansion suddenly and abruptly explodes for no apparent reason. The building shakes violently,
and Heiann, on the west side of the mansion, is knocked over in his chair by the force of the
He knows from the noise that the explosion came from the south side of the mansion, which
houses the magical node-stones that power the magical devices of the entire city. If the nodes
were destroyed...
Heiann: Oh, what the fuck?
Heiann grabs his glaive and begins heading towards the section.
Ragmar and Najh push and dodge their way past other escaping prisoners and eventually come a
small tan door in the middle of a long hallway marked 'STOREROOM'.
Ragmar: Ah-HA!
Ragmar pushes the door open and looks around for his stuff!
Najh walks in and tries to locate his belongings
Najh rather calmly as well
Ragmar and Najh both locate their things in two adjacent cubby-holes in the room's near wall.
Cthulhu: You now have your weapons back!
Cthulhu: And money!
Campaign saved.
Ragmar dons his chainmail and hefts a huge battlehammer almost as large as he is.
Najh twirls his shortsword idely around his hand
Heiann opens the double-doors to the south wing of the mansion only to almost fall into a pit of
fire, for that is all that's let of the entire wing.
Ragmar exits the storeroom and looks around for a few guards to maul.
Looking out of the open doors on more stable ground, he sees the ruins of the elegant yet
functional south wing scattered across the burning floor. Burning, he realizes, with the shattered
remnants of the node-stones!
Najh exits and idely looks for an exit
The two objectives come in one place, for a barricade of armed guards has formed around the
prison entrance near the front desk and are desperately holding back a tide of pushing prisoners.
Heiann: ...This will end poorly.
Ragmar grins and begins to charge headlong into the chaos!
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Hahahahaha
Lion >:3 (Heiann): A hockey player was tried for assault with a deadly weapon
Cthulhu: Make a STR check to see if you can knock them down like bowling pins!
Lion >:3 (Heiann): for checking someone in hocky.
Cthulhu: excuse me
Gabe (Najh): ha what
Gabe (Najh): Are you serious
Ragmar: Strength check [20] [1d20+10 = 20]
Lion >:3 (Heiann): MONTREAL - A judge sent a message to hockey players across the country
Friday that there are legal consequences for on-ice behaviour, and limits to the kind of thuggery
that can be justified by the game's unwritten code of conduct
Najh lets the baboon do the work
Ragmar charges forward into the fray and swings his mighty mordenkrad in a wide arc! There's a
succession of sickening cracks as Ragmar shatters the ribs of three of them at once, and they
crumple like paper! Prisoners begin to charge through the gap, screaming with joy!
Najh: Power [Mighty Sprint]
Campaign saved.
Heiann hears another explosion downstairs and feels his center of gravity change as the building
suddenly begins tilting towards the north side of the building, where its main entrance is.
Najh: Skill [Athletics] [35] [1d20+16 = 35]
Gabe (Najh): +5
Gabe (Najh): i just got fucking 40
Heiann: ...Are we being attacked?!
Najh runs through the crowd slashing anyone in his way
Najh dashes past and through the prisoners with blinding speed and manages to avoid being
Ragmar dashes through the breach, mostly being pushed by the tide of prisoners behind him.
Heiann runs towards any window to look outside to attempt to find if its an outside force.
Cthulhu: Ragmar, Endurance
Ragmar: Skill [Endurance] [25] [1d20+16 = 25]
Ragmar wades through the tide of people with ease and makes it out unharmed along with Najh!
Ragmar swings his Mordenkrad in a wide arc around him.
Heiann sees no force outside of the mansion, but he does notice that either the world is tilting on
its axis or the entire mansion is slowly and surely rotating in the direction of the north entrance.
More cracks are heard as several prisoners are knocked sprawling away, leaving Najh and
Ragmar able to see the chaos of the Serandril city streets.
Heiann runs North!
The glowing fireflies that serve as lights for the city at night have fallen to the ground, dead.
What seems like a rain of dark tendrils falls from the sky, looping around and crushing to death
people at random.
Ragmar: Would ye look a'that?! This man is an artiste!
Najh rubs his chin, a smile slowly forming on his perfect face
The ground shakes as if an earthquake were occuring, and the two escapees notice that, far to the
north, the Heartwind mansion is slowly sinking into the ground.
Campaign saved.
Najh: Ah this is splendid, just splendid!
Heiann runs for the north entrance downstairs only to notice that the floor in front of the door has
been cut in half! The half on which the door rests is higher than the half he's on, and the gap is
slowly widening.
If he runs and jumps, he might be able to grab the rocky ledge!
Heiann: Sonofabiiiiiitch.
Heiann runs back.
Heiann charges the door.
Gabe (Najh): inb4 1
Heiann: Skill [Athletics] [25] [1d20+15 = 25]
Heiann skillfully leaps and grabs the ledge, climbing to his feet. He turns around as the ground
gives one final immense shake and the entire mansion falls downwards at sickening speed.
Seconds later, there is nothing left of the Heartwind mansion but a gaping pit in the ground on
top of the hill on which it rested for centuries.
Heiann: ...
Heiann: People will be brutally excecuted for this.
Nothing remains of it except the north wall before which he stands. Everything inside is
gone...including his books.
He recalls the thread of darkness he saw outside his window towards the Peak of the Pious, the
tall, snowy mountain to the southeast, and gets it into his mind that whoever is the culprit of this
horrible crime must be resting there.
Heiann: ...
Heiann begins trudging off, with fury, towards the peak. He looks positively batshit insane from
anger at this point.
Campaign saved.
Ragmar and Najh watch as, up the street, the Heartwild family mansion plummets into the
ground like a great gopher. Far away, standing in front of it, is a man who begins trudging down
the street in their direction.
[w] -> Najh: Najh gets it into his mind that the agent the Universe has sent to free him might
have been seen by this man.
[w] -> Najh: The agent will require proper thanking, of course.
Ragmar: Oy! OY, YOU!
Ragmar points at Heiann
Heiann doesn't react, just keeps walking.
[w] Najh: so wait, he thinks heiann IS the agent or that the agent saw him
Ragmar: What jus' happened to tha' house?!
He seems oblivious of the screams of the dying and the further crumbling of shops and guard
[w] -> Najh: That Heiann saw the agent.
Najh: Hey you, halfbreed. You Saw Him, yeah?
Najh points at Heiann
Ragmar: Who?
Heiann: ...It will die.
Heiann keeps walking.
Najh: Tch, what an ego on that ass
Ragmar: Yeh're one te talk!
[w] -> Heiann: Heiann glances momentarily at the stubby, orange-haired man and the blonde elf
wearing an eyepatch. It's clear that they're escaped prisoners, and he does not wish to associate
with their sort if he can help it.
Najh: What are you talking about?
Najh looks sincerely confused
Ragmar: On and on about how "yeh willed this" and "yeh willed that"
Najh: Why yes
Ragmar: Yeh're a player and a puppet in this like me, like him...
Najh: The Agent obviously responded to my Will and caused this.
Ragmar jerks his thumb at Heiann
Najh: Of course why YOU were saved too? Must have been a miscalculation
Najh: Yes, definitly a miscalculation
Najh nods
Ragmar is about to pop a vein again.
Heiann continues walking and brushes by them.
[w] -> Najh: The half-breed seems like he knows where he's going. It might be a good idea to
follow him. Stealthily, if he does not care to be followed.
Campaign saved.
Najh watches Heiann for a moment and then starts following behind
Najh: Skill [Stealth] [23] [1d20+18 = 23]
[w] -> Ragmar: Ragmar notices that this man looks very angry and very purposeful. Looking
around at the death and destruction sowed by the flash of that black thing outside his window, he
realizes there might be a damned good fight ahead if Heiann knows where the causer of all this
Heiann just keeps walking, ignoring idiot A and idiot B.
Gabe (Najh): >:L
Cthulhu: OWN3D
Gabe (Najh): I WILL END YOU
Heiann doesn't notice that Najh has begun to follow him, though Ragmar's screams of anger are
far more obvious.
Ragmar strokes his beard, lost in thought. A little smoke pours out from his ears from the effort.
Cthulhu: OKAY GUYS
Cthulhu: GET THIS
Ragmar nods to himself and begins to follow Heiann.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): oh yeah? Never would've guessed
Ragmar: Skill [Stealth] [9] [1d20+8 = 9]
Gabe (Najh): oh god
Ragmar pounds his hammer in step as he follows right behind Najh, shouting a loud and raucous
Dwarven ballad.
Ragmar, in his chainmail, is about as stealthy as a tarrasque in a china shop. Heiann has no
doubts as to his being alone.
Najh: ...
Heiann picks up his pace.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): I was hoping for a 1 so badly
Cthulhu: congratulations
Ragmar: Wha's wrong, girly?
Najh scoffs
Ragmar shrugs and continues to make a pretty good bass rumble with his hammer and sings very
Heiann picks it up faaaaaaaaaaaster.
Campaign saved.
Najh You idiot! whispers angerly at Ragmar
Ragmar: WHA?!
Najh keeps up the pace
Najh: Skill [Athletics] [32] [1d20+16 = 32]
Heiann: Skill [Athletics] [21] [1d20+15 = 21]
Ragmar keeps up the apce
Ragmar: Skill [Athletics] [31] [1d20+14 = 31]
Heiann: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Najh: jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Heiann: One warning. Leave.
Heiann stops.
As the group nears the exit of the town, another quake siezes the ground, and one of the two
guard towers guarding the town's southeast exit abruptly falls to the ground, turning the street
into a dead-end.
Heiann has no choice but to turn around and face his pursuers.
Ragmar: Hum, I'm thinkin, NAY!
Najh: I'm allowed to go where I want, Half breed
Ragmar: YEh're headin' off to a fight, and I want in!
Najh: And Im pretty sure YOU saw the agent who did this
Najh: And I demand for you to reveal their location
Ragmar presses his thumb against his chest.
Gabe (Najh): brb
Heiann: I swear to all that is holy I will make sure there is no trace of you if you don't cease
following me. I am in no mood for this stalker stuff. Demands? Do you know who I am?!
Heiann: You want to fight? You want to help? Know what, fine.
Heiann: Get him out of my way.
Cthulhu: uh oh
Ragmar snarls at Najh and grins madly, swinging his hammer round at Najh!
Ragmar: Staggering Mordenkrad +3 (vs. AC) [33] [1d20+16 = 33]
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Oh man.
Cthulhu: owie, that's a hit
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Hey Gabe
Gabe (Najh): si
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Ur under attack
Cthulhu: pvp in the game's second hour, this is off to a grea start
Gabe (Najh): D:
Cthulhu: roll damage ragmar
Cthulhu: great*
Ragmar: Staggering Mordenkrad +3 (Damage) [15] [2d6+10 = 15]
Najh Scoffs
Najh: You are attack -ME-?
Campaign saved.
Najh is hit in the chest by the dwarf's hammer and knocked backwards, suffering minor wounds!
Najh: Footpad's Shortsword +2 (vs. AC) [31] [1d20+15 = 31]
Cthulhu: Hit!
Najh: Footpad's Shortsword +2 (Damage) [11] [1d6+6 = 11]
Najh abruptly leads forward and stabs Ragmar in the gut!
Cthulhu: *leaps
Najh: Dont you see, Idiot! Hes manipulating you!
Najh: Hes playing you...For a fool!
Heiann tries to go past both of them.
Ragmar grins savagely and grabs the sword by it's blade and begins to pull it out.
Najh: Skill [Perception] [21] [1d20+15 = 21]
Heiann: Skill [Stealth] [27] [1d20+8 = 27]
Cthulhu: You're in broad daylight, I'm afraid
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Boo.
Najh notices out of the corner of his eye that Heiann is trying to sneak off!
Najh: That halfbreed hates dwarves, do you know who he is? hes prolly the one who got you
locked up in the legal department!
Najh: Skill [Bluff] [21] [1d20+8 = 21]
Cthulhu: Bluff is opposed by Insight
Najh makes a grab for Heiann
Heiann: Trusting him is akin to trusting a madman. It will get you places, but nowhere you want
to be.
Ragmar: Skill [Insight] [18] [1d20+9 = 18]
Najh: Strength check [21] [1d20+9 = 21]
Heiann: Skill [Diplomacy] [21] [1d20+16 = 21]
Gabe (Najh): we are going to destroy poor Ragmars brain
Cthulhu: Athletics of Acrobatics heiann
Heiann: Skill [Athletics] [22] [1d20+15 = 22]
Heiann puts on a sudden burst of speed and dashes past Najh!
Heiann slips out of the grab.
Ragmar grabs his ears and pulls at them as he suffers a minor information overload. "FORGET
IT! FOR. GET. IT!!!"
Cthulhu: Heiann, Perception or Streetwise check
Heiann: Skill [Streetwise] [10] [1d20+9 = 10]
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I meant perception
Heiann: Skill [Perception] [20] [1d20+8 = 20]
Having said that, Ragmar notices that Heiann has run past him!
Heiann notices a nearby alleyway that probably works as an alternate route out of the city.
Ragmar looks ar Heiann. "OY! COME BACK HERE YEH! YEH AND YER WORDS!"
Heiann: Ah!
Heiann heads to the alleyway, ignoring the dwarf.
Gabe (Najh): has it been 5 mins
Campaign saved.
Cthulhu: In-game? yes
Najh: Power [Mighty Sprint]
Cthulhu: Athletics, Heiann and Najh contested
Najh: Skill [Athletics] [36] [1d20+16 = 36]
Cthulhu: lol
Lion >:3 (Heiann): No.
Cthulhu: nevermind
Lion >:3 (Heiann): He's trying to grab me?
Lion >:3 (Heiann): or approach me?
Gabe (Najh): im running after now
Cthulhu: He's running after you
Heiann: Power [Opening Shove]
Heiann: Opening Shove (vs. Ref) [23] [1d20+15 = 23]
Lion >:3 (Heiann): boo
Heiann attempts to swing from behind him to stop his stalker.
Najh dashes almost faster than the eye can see and easily dodges to the side of Heiann's
backwards blow!
Najh: Now then....Why dont you stop fleeing tell me WHAT I WANT AND WE WILL BE
Ragmar gives chase to the both of them, Mordenkrad uplifted!
Heiann: Because I don't associate with your likes.
Heiann continues off to the alley.
Cthulhu: All three of you are now in it
Heiann continues through it!
Najh: Deep Cut (vs. Fort) [27] [1d20+17 = 27]
Najh slices at Heiann's back!
Gabe (Najh): hit or miss i can reroll aw yeah
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Hit.
Another rumble shakes the ground, and the alley's stone ground creaks and groans! Pottery,
bricks, and mortar begin to fall downwards from the nearby homes onto the three!
Najh: Deep Cut (Damage) [15] [2d6+8 = 15]
Gabe (Najh): Hrm since it was from behind...
Gabe (Najh): isnt that CA...
Cthulhu: [12] [1d20 = 12]
Cthulhu: no
Gabe (Najh): gay
Cthulhu: he wasn't being flanked
Cthulhu: [1] [1d20 = 1]
Gabe (Najh): anyways 9 ongoing damage
Heiann: Grr...
Cthulhu: [16] [1d20 = 16]
Heiann: [18] [1d20 = 18]
[w] Ragmar: Hey what would the DC be to swing my hammer at one of these buildings to cause
a landslide
Najh: We wouldn't if your stupid lowlife MIND would comprehend im being NICE
Najh: Do you KNOW who I am?
[w] -> Ragmar: It'd be an attack or attack power roll vs. the AC of the building
Ragmar: I think th' question is, de yeh both know who I am?!
Campaign saved.
A flowerpot suddenly falls onto Ragmar's head with a smash, leaving his half-bald head adorned
with a large yellow daisy. A brick bangs Najh on the head with a brutal crack.
Cthulhu: [7] [2d6 = 7]
Cthulhu: [10] [2d6 = 10]
Ragmar: OW!
Ragmar: WHAT TH'
Najh takes 10 damage and Ragmar 7, and Najh is dazed!
Heiann: Even the enviroment hates you.
Heiann: By the way.
Heiann steps back.
Najh: Ah wha uh
Heiann: Power [Flamebrow Assault]
Heiann: Flamebrow Assault (vs. AC) [17] [1d20+15 = 17]
Ragmar looks up, and focuses up on the daisy. "OH HELL, THE FLOWERS AGAIN ARE
Lion >:3 (Heiann): bull ;-;
Cthulhu: FAIL
Heiann swings at Najh.
Ragmar grabs the flower and rips it up into little bits!
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): tru evil here
Even in his dazed state, Najh easily sees the glaive's stab coming and dodges!
Gabe (Najh): owned
Cthulhu: Dazed until he performs his next action
Ragmar: Oy! Tribals! TWIGGITS! YOU TWO LOUTS!
Najh: Haha! You'll...(wavers almost drunkenly for a moment) never hit me!
Ragmar: Mebbe we should gte outta this town before'n it crashes around us BEFORE we try teh
kill each other
Heiann turns, and leaves.
As if in response, the ground shakes again with another groan, and the tall building from which
the flowerpot fell begins to tilt ominously in the direction of the alleyway!
Gabe (Najh): I hope you have some plot device to prevent us from killing eachother every
second for the entire campaign rage
Cthulhu: heh
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): It's called Helmarel will consume our souls with a patience that makes a
sarlacc look like a yapping chihuahua
Cthulhu: you'll find out soon enough
Najh: Uh
Najh is still dazed
Campaign saved.
Najh does a drunken manevour attempting to get out of the ally way with the grace of a drunken
Najh: Skill [Acrobatics] [37] [1d20+18 = 37]
Ragmar gives Najh a rough shove in Heiann's direction. If anyone kills this overstuffed shirt, it's
going to be Ragmar by god!
Heiann: Power [Opening Shove]
Miraculously, Najh manages to make it out of the alleyway, with Ragmar's generous help.
Heiann: Opening Shove (vs. Ref) [25] [1d20+15 = 25]
Cthulhu: against Najh, miss
Heiann takes a jab at Najh as he passes.
Ragmar: Out! Out out out OUT!
Najh lurches and stumbles around the bend of the alleyway and manages to make it out of the
city limits before the building from before topples like a domino into the one next to it, which
then topples against the city's outer wall, crushing it.
Heiann looks on in despair and imagines the cost this destruction will have on the city treasury.
He doesn't look on for too long, however, because once outside the city limits, the group's eyes
are drawn to the southeast, where the Peak of the Pious rests.
A dark, blackish-purple dot, miles away, glows with an almost hypnotizing light from
somewhere in the mountain's side.
Heiann uses the light as a guide and heads forth!
[w] -> Heiann: Heiann suddenly has the brilliant revelation that, if he wants to kill the
perpetrator of these crimes, he might do well to temporarily 'recruit' the two escapees.
Najh: ...
Najh: The agent?
It's definitely the same shade of color that Najh saw from outside his window.
Najh: It must be!
Najh says outloud
Ragmar follows Heiann, still singing loudly and quite obnoxiously.
Ragmar: Tha' thing looks pretty!
Cthulhu: brb
Campaign saved.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Huh
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Rage never added in my Fighter Weapon Talent
Cthulhu: back
Cthulhu: oh god I didn't? i'm terribly sorry
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Weapon talent?
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): It's ok
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Core feature
Lion >:3 (Heiann): You don't get that if you're battlerage
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Battlerage supercedes it
Cthulhu: it does?
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Yeah
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Oh it does?
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Its a class feature
Lion >:3 (Heiann): that you choose.
Cthulhu: oh right
Cthulhu: yes it does supercede it
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Yes, it does
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): my bad
Gabe (Najh): we're off to see the demon, the wonderful demon of oz
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Am I GETTIN MAD enough
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): for everyone
Gabe (Najh): gettin mad at dem vidyas
The group, united in their purpose by pursuit of the glowing black light in the mountain side,
approaches the mountain path (coated with a light layer of snow) and begins heading up towards
After about a half-hour of walking, the path diverges away towards the top of the Peak, and so
the group must climb their way to the hole in the mountain's side.
Campaign saved.
Cthulhu: Group athletics check; if 2 or more pass then everyone passes
Ragmar: Skill [Athletics] [20] [1d20+14 = 20]
Gabe (Najh): I LOVE SPRINT
Cthulhu: >after about a half-hour of walking
Gabe (Najh): B)
Najh: Power [Mighty Sprint]
Heiann: Skill [Athletics] [27] [1d20+15 = 27]
Najh: Skill [Athletics] (+5) [32] [1d20+21 = 32]
Gabe (Najh): seriously mighty sprint is the most useful fucking utility ever jesus
The three doomed ones climb their way up to the hole in the mountainside and enter it one by
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): what's this doomed one shit
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): you little shitfuck of a GM I will BREAK YOU
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Roll an attack against the 4th wall.
The walls of the hole are dark, and give off a light steam, as if they were hot.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): May I?
Gabe (Najh): DO IT
Ragmar: Staggering Mordenkrad +3 (vs. AC) [33] [1d20+16 = 33]
Gabe (Najh): oh so sad
Dr. Luau (Ragmar):
Gabe (Najh): if that was a 20 it would be been perfect
The steam has accumulated in the hole, making it difficult to see deeper inside.
Najh: Tch...
It's clear enough to see that the hole continues on for some ways.
Najh: Skill [History] [8] [1d20+6 = 8]
Gabe (Najh): welp
Cthulhu: rolling what for?
Heiann steps in the hole. It was made for him.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): farther in*
Gabe (Najh): was trying to see if there was anything about the geography i would have read
about or w/e
Gabe (Najh): to know if it was a GOOD IDEA TO BE GOING INTO THIS APPARENT HOT
It is clear to Najh that the walls are indeed hot.
Najh: Odd.
Najh heads in
Campaign saved.
Najh slightly brushing his hand across the wall
Ragmar: Aaaaah! Now this is more like it!
Heiann forges ahead with no hesitation. The heat grows slightly as he plunges deeper, though the
occasional pulse of black light, like some hellish heartbeat, pierces the steam with ease.
Ragmar breathes the steam in.
Najh jerks his hand away with a hiss. The wall is hot enough to hurt to touch.
Najh: Hrmph.
Ragmar: Don't fret girly, I know you don't have good Dwarven skin or lungs.
Ragmar: Or eyes, or nose...
Cthulhu: I like how both Heiann's and Ragmar's portraits are staring at Najh's
Cthulhu: and Najh is looking down at the chatlog
Heiann heads further, growing increasingly annoied with the voices.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Ragmar is going to kill both of them
Gabe (Najh): im not sexy
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): And then break out of the windowed FGII
Gabe (Najh): er *that
Gabe (Najh): what the hell
Gabe (Najh): how did i say not
Cthulhu: lol
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): The truth comes out.txt
Najh: y
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Fuck yeah
The group follows behind Heiann and deeper into the cavern. Eventually, the steam has
disappeared fully, a few steps after that, the three enter a huge, roughly spherical cavern of which
its floor slopes down from the entrance of the corridor.
At the bottom of the sphere is the source of the pulsing black light, hidden among a pile of rocks.
The pulses seem to ignore solid objects, allowing the group to see the light clearly.
Najh: Hrmmm
Campaign saved.
Ragmar looks at the sphere thing. "Would yeh look a'that?"
Heiann walks down and investigates, Glaive wielded.
As Heiann walks down, the rocks piled on top of of the thing begin to shake. A low humming
can be heard throughout the chamber.
Heiann: ...
Ragmar looks around wildly and picks up his Mordenkrad.
Heiann begins bashing it with the flat end of his glaive.
The humming almost sounds at first like the dread buzzing of a thousand baleful insects, but
quickly rises into an almost...harmonious noise, like the chorus of angels.
Heiann keeeeeeeps bashing.
Heiann's bashing the boulder does no good, but after a few moments, the rocks fall off of the
figure causing the pulsing light, which abruptly stops.
Ragmar: Bzzzzz??
Najh slowly makes his way down
Heiann keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps bashing anyway.
Ragmar follows Najh as well.
A humanoid form with night-black skin slowly sits up to face the group from the depression in
which it sits, showing at first a head with blazing, shifting tendrils of night-black fire for hair and
a face that none of them will ever forget.
Najh: ...
Gabe (Najh): gg kid
Helmarel: ...Whoah...
Gabe (Najh): at least center the image
Cthulhu: I did
Gabe (Najh): yeah, NOW
Cthulhu: I centered it before, lousy FG2
Campaign saved.
Heiann hits it with the sharp side of the glaive.
Najh: ...
Ragmar: He...hello?
The thing raises a hand to rub its head and abruptly jerks its arm away as it's stabbed by Heiann.
Helmarel: Ow! What the hell? Is that how you greet every stranger you meet?
Najh: Are...Are you the Agent?
Heiann: Actually, yes.
Heiann: Yes it is.
[w] Ragmar: s-she's kind of pretty
Heiann does it again.
Ragmar: What are you, lass?
jumps to her feet, revealing a massive, seven-foot-tall figure of a naked humanoid woman with a
perfectly proportioned body. Her joyful expression never changes, and her mouth never moves
even as she speaks, almost as if her face were a mask.
Helmarel *
Helmarel: Stop stabbin' me, buddy, or you'll regret it hard. What did I ever do to you?
Helmarel leans down and positions her face directly in front of Heiann's.
Heiann: For one, you destroyed my books. For two, you destroyed the wealth I use to gain
Heiann: Three, you made me leave my room.
Heiann: Three very grave offenses.
Helmarel leans back. '...Where the hell am I, anyway?'
Najh looks on at awe at the "Woman" a sickening smile slowly spreading across his face
Najh: Heh...
Najh: Oh how I would love to Plleassuuree her...
Ragmar: Yeh're a mountain I guess.
Najh licks his lips
Helmarel: At least -some-one looks happy to see me.
Helmarel: A mountain? Where's the mountain?
Heiann hits her again.
Gabe (Najh): Heiann takes 1000000 necrotic damage
Ragmar: I don't know. I started off from Trimid and some odd-lookin fella gave me passage
Helmarel 's arm suddenly extends into a tentacle as if she were made of stretchy putty and wraps
it around Heiann's glaive before tossing it upwards, where it sticks in the ceiling.
Campaign saved.
Heiann: ...
Heiann looks up.
Ragmar 's eyes widen. "Yeh're, yeh're that GENIUS who was impaling people with darkness!"
Najh nervously fingers the hilt of his blade, thinking of the ways to carve beautiful art into her
Ragmar: I never figured yeh'd be a woman!
Helmarel waves a hand modestly. 'Oh, pshaw! I wasn't even trying!'
Lion >:3 (Heiann): How high up is it?
Cthulhu: About thirty feet
Ragmar: No, really, the pure darkness, stickin' them in their guts so they'd scream loud 'n proud,
it was a masterpiece!
Helmarel: Now, keep your pants on, Romeo. Tell me where I am and where the nearest bit of
civilization is.
Heiann turns to Helmarel.
Ragmar: Well they've ben keepin' me locked up next to girly here for a few days
Heiann: You have my attention.
Najh: So...Beatiful...A canvas for my Plllleassurable worrkk
Ragmar: The city was called eh...Aeralzi?
Najh eye twitches a bit as he says it
Helmarel sighs and facepalms at both Ragmar and Najh.
Najh: How I would love...To hear you scream
Helmarel leans down to Heiann again. 'Those two are useless. Tell me where I am and where the
nearest city is. Now.'
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): hey what I told you the city
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): cunt
Cthulhu: That's the country
Cthulhu: Aeralzi, the continent
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Oh
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): i dum
Heiann: Aeralzi.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Ha ha i trol u
Helmarel: Well, yeah, but -where- am I? The Abyss? The Shadowfell? What plane?
Ragmar: Oh, wait, um
Ragmar: The city!
Ragmar snaps his fingers
It's obvious to both Najh and Heiann that the current plane of existence they're on is the Feywild.
Ragmar: It was called uh, uh...
Najh: The Feywild.
Heiann: Feywild, I believe. I would also like my Glaive back so I can proceed stabbing you
Ragmar: Intelligence check [11] [1d20+5 = 11]
Ragmar, on the other hand, is clueless.
Ragmar: Nope, I've lost it I'm afraid
Campaign saved.
Helmarel: ...The Feywild...Yeeesss...Talk about desecrating the dead...
Helmarel giggles maniacally.
Ragmar: Wha's the Feywild?
Ragmar: Some fancy name for this continent?
Helmarel: If you can stop droolin' over me for a few seconds there, I'd like to make a proposition
for you bunch of lucky sons of bitches.
Helmarel glares at Najh.
Najh simply smiles
Ragmar looks at Helmarel.
Helmarel: See, I ain't gonna lie and try to fool you bunch. They call me Helmarel. I'm the
Countess of Chaos, Ruler of Reverly, and a bunch of other titles I don't really give two fucks
Heiann: Funny, I don't give two fucks either. I want my books back.
Helmarel: I'm a demon lord. Y'know, the Abyss, flames of Hell, damned souls, et cetera, et
cetera? Yeah, I rule a tiny part of there.
Najh Nods, paying attention but also admiring her curvacious form
Ragmar nods, not really understanding what the fuck she's even talking about.
Helmarel: Point I'm tryin' to make is, don't fuck with me. The last group of bastards who fucked
with me ended up with one of their douchebags headless.
Helmarel: Is that clear? Bookworm? Fire-face? Romeo?
Helmarel looks at Heiann, Ragmar, and Najh in turn.
Najh: Crystal...
Heiann stares.
Helmarel: Crystal?
Helmarel: Oh! As to your question! Yeah, I was the one who freed you guys.
Campaign saved.
Gabe (Najh): THE JOKE IS
Gabe (Najh): IM IMPLYING
Cthulhu: She's clever but she's not bright
Najh: Ah so you ARE the agent!
Heiann: You didn't free me.
Najh says triumphantly
Heiann: You've merely destroyed what I own.
Heiann: I demand repayment.
Helmarel: I was talkin' about the dwarf and the elf here.
Helmarel: Repayment? Well...alright. Let's make us a dealie, the three of you and me.
Ragmar: A deal?
Heiann listens.
Helmarel: Frankly, I just got my ass kicked into next week - literally - by a bunch of goodie-two-
shoes. I'm a demon lord on the run, with no cultists, no resources, and no funds. What's a girl to
do, eh?
Helmarel shrugs casually.
Helmarel: Well, you lucky bunch found me first, so here's what I'll do.
Helmarel: Heiann: you know all those books you read with the conquerers and chiefs and all that
Helmarel: Follow me and I'll make sure you end up in one of those books. Maybe even...write
Helmarel leans down again and grins him in the face.
Heiann: I want my books back.
Heiann grins. 'And that.'
Helmarel leans back and sighs. 'Sure, I can get you your books too, I guess. That ain't no
Heiann: Excellent.
Helmarel: Ragmar! Follow me and I'll make sure you'll be fightin' against the strongest, biggest
assholes on the planet, including the chumps who think they won against -me- of all people.
Helmarel: You'll go down in history as Ragmar the Slaughterer, Unstoppable Gladiator!
Helmarel waves her hands in a wide arc.
Campaign saved.
Ragmar: But, miss.
Ragmar: I ALREADY am unstoppable.
Ragmar: But yeh, yeh take slaughter to an artform!
Helmarel: Yeah, but nobody -knows- it. You've been doin' nothin' but startin' barroom fights and
small-time jobs for low pay.
Helmarel: That's small time compared to the sort of fights you'll fight with me. I might even
teach you a trick or two of mine.
Ragmar: Sounds good te me! Uh, just one thing...
Helmarel: Yeah?
Ragmar leans toward Helmarel and whispers none-too-quietly.
Ragmar: If uh, girly over there were to have a wee...'accident'? in the line o' duty?
Najh: ...
Helmarel: Huh, oh?
Helmarel: You mean...killin' each other? Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck. If Feywild people
are this compliant, I'll have a thousand followers by the end of the day.
Helmarel: If you start a melee, it'll make me plenty mad, sure, but I ain't gonna kill ya or
Helmarel: I'll just have to find a replacement.
Najh: Yeah she will, not of me though.
Ragmar nods and turns around to Najh. "Yeh hear that, girly? Yeh're on NOOTICE!
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Fukkin colbert.
Helmarel: But! If you're gonna kill each other, do it out of my sight, alright?
Najh: I will carve you into a thousand pieces the second you try anything, Ape.
Ragmar: I'd like ta see yeh try!
Heiann: Can I have my glaive back, now?
Helmarel: And remember that the more you fight each other, the less likely you'll be to succeed.
Helmarel: A constant influx of new kiddos isn't gonna give you much time to learn each other's
tactics and work as a team, now is it?
Ragmar: No, I guess not
Campaign saved.
Cthulhu: Translation: There is no restriction stopping you from killing each other. If you want to,
you can try.
Cthulhu: If any one character dies, its player will simply have to roll up a new one.
Gabe (Najh): if we die before the fight happens though..
Cthulhu: However, fighting and killing each other -too- much will not make Helmarel happy,
though she'll likely never explicitly kill you for it.
Cthulhu: And if you kill too many characters in too small a span of time, you'll take penalties in
combat for a certain period of in-game time until the characters get acquianted with fighting each
Cthulhu: comprende, all of you?
Gabe (Najh): si
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Dont worry
Lion >:3 (Heiann): My characters will get progressively stronger each death.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Like a hydra.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): si
Cthulhu: you're all mature buddies so I don't expect much PvP that leads to death
Cthulhu: but if it does happen, then whatever
Cthulhu: brb
Lion >:3 (Heiann): LIKE A HYDRA
Heiann: [19] [1d20 = 19]
Heiann: [8] [1d20 = 8]
Heiann: [3] [1d20 = 3]
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Hard to do battle dice with a laptop
Heiann: [8] [1d20 = 8]
Cthulhu: back
Helmarel: Now, for having the dubious honor of bein' the first to find me, you all get to be my
head followers. Hold out your right hand towards me, palm forward.
Ragmar: Eh...?
Ragmar holds his right palm out.
Campaign saved.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): She's going to give us AIDS.
Helmarel: You'll get your glaive in a second, bookworm. Just do what I say.
Heiann sighs and holds out his hand.
Najh *AHMN*
Cthulhu: sorry my bad
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): JEALOUS
Helmarel: Ohh, right! Almost forgot about Romeo over there.
Najh: Im afraid you havent given me any real incentive here
Helmarel: Well, this ain't hard. If you follow me, you can fuck me without your dick rotting off
and your balls turning to dust. How 'bout that?
Lion >:3 (Heiann): 'you get to fuck me'
Lion >:3 (Heiann): 'im i-
Cthulhu: Lol
Cthulhu: LOL
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Hahah
Helmarel: And you can cut me up all you want, if you want. It ain't gonna hurt me. Not much,
Najh: Oh yes
Najh: Ohhhhhh yessssss
Najh almost begins drooling
Lion >:3 (Heiann): And then he Jizzed in his pants.
Helmarel: Whoah, hey, calm down. That part comes later.
Helmarel: Now hold out your hand.
Najh does so
Ragmar looks at Najh with a little distaste.
Helmarel abruptly jerks her head forward, and each of her three burning eyes flashes, blinding
the group momentarily.
Ragmar blinks, seeing spots
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Shit I blinked
Lion >:3 (Heiann): take the picturea gain
When their vision returns, they look down to see the image of three spheres in the same
arrangement as Helmarel's eyes burned into their palms.
Gabe (Najh): lol
Najh: Neat.
Najh: So uh
Najh: This just for show?
Ragmar: Eh?!
Najh holds it out examining it
Helmarel: Yup. It's a...symbol of favor, let's say. You're...heralds of me? I guess, that's what he
called it...
Helmarel scratches her head.
Ragmar: I...see.
Helmarel: Anyway, that's besides the point now. Demon lords, just like gods, get stronger the
more worshipers they get. Bein' the demon lord of alcohol, excess, lust, and chaos, it shouldn't be
too hard, but I need to find people first.
Ragmar looks at the new tattoo thing.
Helmarel: Lead me outta here, if ya don't mind.
Campaign saved.
Heiann: Its a hole.
Heiann: Theres an exit.
Heiann: There are no turns.
Ragmar nods his head.
Helmarel: Ohh, I must have burned my way into it when I...yeah, I get it.
Helmarel: Alright, let's get the hell outta here.
Helmarel twists her body into the shape of a thin black thread - the same shape the three of the
group saw outside their respective windows - and zooms down the corridor of the hole leading to
the exit.
Najh Looks at the other two with slight contempt
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): So is Najh's sin envy
Cthulhu: GEE
Lion >:3 (Heiann): ...
Cthulhu: I WONDER
Najh: Looks like we have to..."work" Together
Najh sighs
Lion >:3 (Heiann): COULDN'T BE LUST
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Well he's been playing it lust and envy
Gabe (Najh): NOPE
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): so s-shut up
Gabe (Najh): >envy
Gabe (Najh): que
Heiann leaves without another word.
Helmarel yells down the corridor, 'You'll all get to be best buddies later on, I bet! Just wait and
Najh walks on ahead
Ragmar nods at Najh. "Lissen up you, I'll tolerate you do. But don't try any funny
stuff wi'me, or yeh'll have Bashy 'ere ta deal with."
Najh: Understood.
Ragmar hefts his hammer.
Najh: You arent the ideal canvas for my art anyways.
Ragmar: Feh, hurtin's not my business, mostly. Killin' is.
Campaign saved.
The group exits the cave that spawned the doom of the plane to see Helmarel sitting on the edge
of the cave entrance, looking out towards the rising sun with legs crossed. Her night-black body
is a stark contrast to the fantastic reds and oranges of the rising sun.
Ragmar: Oh, now isn't tha' a sight
Helmarel: Holy shit, this is great! Look at the view!
Heiann: Yes. I see it each day. Rather. I used to. From my room.
Heiann points at the smoldering ruins of his house.>:|
An orange-red fireball explodes upwards from the town of Serandril far below, and another
building crumbles into dust.
Gabe (Najh): whats heianns sin anyways
Helmarel: It' beautiful...
Cthulhu: Pride
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Greed?
Gabe (Najh): ragmars is obv. wrath
Gabe (Najh): ah
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): oh
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): gee, ya think?
Helmarel sniffs and wipes away a scarlet red tear.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Its like the character was made for me
Gabe (Najh): hence the obv
Lion >:3 (Heiann): I'm awesome with prideful faggots.
Gabe (Najh): The birth of skylighter jr
Cthulhu: we can tell
Gabe (Najh): spendan a healin surge
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Falco, Orion, and Alzam team up.txt
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): ditto
Helmarel turns and looks up at the others. 'Let's make us a plan, what do you say?'
Gabe (Najh): >alzam
Gabe (Najh): >pride
Cthulhu: yes, good idea
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): >implying alzam is played by lion
Cthulhu: hint hint heiann
Lion >:3 (Heiann): What? I can't hear you over how awesome I am.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): it begins
Gabe (Najh): i dont even get what the fuck you WERE implying
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): u mad
Gabe (Najh): no u just dum
Helmarel: Siddown here and let's have us a talk. I ain't like those devils over on the other side of
the Hells. If you bunch wanna vent or plan or whatever, talk to me anytime I'm around.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): I'm not dumb
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): you take that back
Campaign saved.
Heiann: ...
Heiann: I'm going to be perfectly honest.
Heiann: I don't really know what you want us to do.
Heiann: We're your heralds...for what?
Helmarel: We're gonna take over the town.
Heiann: Oh.
Heiann: ...
Najh: Any "restrictions"?
Najh: As in
Heiann: You mean, do what I already did a while back?
Najh: Dont kill X?
Najh: etc?
Heiann: When I had my house?
Helmarel: Oh, quit whining, you baby. In a few weeks I'll build you an even better mansion.
Helmarel: But right now I need some info. I can read minds, but I ain't all-seeing, you get what
I'm sayin'?
Ragmar: I think...
Helmarel: Tell me just what that city down there is, and why you used to own it, Heiann.
Heiann: My family is one of the higher castes in the town, holding wide range of influence. If we
truely desired, I could be made leader through beaurocratic fussiness.
Helmarel: Family name?
Heiann: Heartwind.
Helmarel: So the Heartwinds own the town...alright, simple enough. Any other of your family
Heiann, of course, knows that his grandfather is the master of the family. His mother and father,
and his sister, are the other living members of the family.
Heiann: Never checked. I'm sure most got out of the house. Grandfather, Mother, Father, Sister.
Helmarel: Four of 'em. Okay, simple enough. Castes, you say? There are castes down there?
Heiann and Najh know that Serandril's populace is divided up into castes. The lower caste is the
servant caste, which performs most menial jobs but are not treated as badly as one might expect.
The upper caste to which he belongs runs the bureaucracy and politics of the town.
Heiann: The poor and the rich. Rich take care of the poor kinda, poor do the work in
Heiann: They're idiots.
Najh: Tch, work...
Campaign saved.
It is nigh-impossible to rise in caste if you're born in the lower caste. It's an accepted fact of life.
Helmarel: Can you...change castes? Probably not, right?
Najh: Nope.
Najh: Well for NORMAL people at least
Heiann: Sure you can, if one to kill someone as powerful as you, they surely would.
Heiann: But thats an extreme case.
Heiann: And one that never happens.
Helmarel: I'm beginnin' to see a plan in the making, boys.
Ragmar: Yeh'd have to like, save the town, singlehandedly
Najh: Never say never
Ragmar: In front of everyone
Najh looks at the back of Heiann's head
Helmarel: Any reason that the lower caste might be...pissed? Aside from the whole mass
murderin' thing I just pulled, that is?
Heiann: Some forest folk failed their ritual, so famine is going on.
Heiann: Well
Heiann: It did.
Heiann: We fixed it.
Helmarel: Oh man, this is going to be easy.
Heiann: Oh, there also might be an execution going on soon.
Heiann: Just...just saying
Helmarel: All we have to do is promise the poor lower caste food and convince 'em that they
don't deserve the 'oppression' [Helmarel wags her fingers sarcastically] of the upper caste, and
we -
Helmarel abruptly stops and swivels her head rapidly in Heiann's direction.
Helmarel: Why the hesitation, kiddo?
Helmarel: Got somethin' on your mind?
Heiann: Oh no. Just pointing it out and to not be alarmed if some forest folk get upset.
Helmarel: ...Huh. Forest folk?
Heiann: Tree huggers.
Heiann: People who dance to make it rain.
Heiann and Najh that most 'forest folk' are comprised of gnomes, and that there's a small
gnomish village with which Serandril trades to the south.
Campaign saved.
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): how come I don't know shit
Cthulhu: you'll come in very important in a moment
Lion >:3 (Heiann): You're pretty pants on head retarded, Ragmar.
Cthulhu: own3d
Najh: .....Gnomes
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): I know right, that's why you failed to get away from me
Dr. Luau (Ragmar): Twice
Cthulhu: MEGA BURN
Najh: So...Small, and ugh I hate them!
Helmarel: Why you hate 'em?
Najh: They're women dont make good canvases
Gabe (Najh): *their
Ragmar: What've you got against stunties, eh?
Najh: Hey, A dwarf I can work with.
Helmarel: Aww, that's too bad. Do most of 'em live in Serandril, or...?
Ragmar looks like he's about to GET MAD
Najh: Gnomes? nope.
Heiann: They live in the forest.
Heiann: Hence forest folk.
Najh: Savages.
Heiann: Their tents can't fit on city grounds.
Helmarel: Where in the forest?
Heiann takes a look around,.
Helmarel: Everywhere? They like ants or bees?
Heiann: Think moles.
Heiann: Hide deep, and then randomly pop up when you least expect it, ruining everything.
Helmarel: It was a metaphor for how they lived. They spread-out or do they have towns too?
Heiann scratches his head. "But...ants and bees both have what one would call towns? The
difference is population density?"
Helmarel sighs. 'Ignore the metaphor, okay? Just tell me where they live!'
Ragmar: In the forest, he told yeh already!
Helmarel: -Where- in the forest?
Ragmar shrugs.
Heiann: Deep in the forest. I couldn't give you exact coordinates because I never cared.
Helmarel: It's pretty damned huge from what I can see.
Helmarel: Deep...better than nothin'.
Helmarel: Okay, back to Serandril. As I was sayin', all we have to do is promise the lower caste
food and they'll leap to worship me.
Campaign saved.
Helmarel: But...first, we'll be needin' a home base. One that hasn't been tossed around to hell and
back. Somewhere where we can work and scheme and shit.
Helmarel: Any of you have any ideas?
Heiann: I would h

ve had an idea, but...

Najh: ..Why not this mountain?
Heiann: We're not dirty cave dwellers. Come now.
Najh: Shes a demon lord cant she just snap her fingers and turn this place into a prestegious
base..Or somethin?
Heiann: If she can do that, she can remake my damned house and we can use that.
Gabe (Najh): niggah FUCK YO HOUSE
Lion >:3 (Heiann): NIGGAH FUK YOU SHIT
Gabe (Najh): FUCK YO COUCH
[w] -> Ragmar: The inn Ragmar destroyed the front wall of, the Blue Shine Inn, might make a
good home base if it were repaired a bit and given a makeover, thanks to the security hardened
metal walls that Ragmar only barely managed to break down.
[w] -> Ragmar: *securely-hardened
[w] -> Ragmar: It being in the lower-caste side of town, it must have seen a lot of trouble in the
past to warrant such security measures.
Ragmar: Eh, well, there IS this one place in town.
Ragmar: I kinda bashed it up a bit, but et's sturdy enough, I thinkl
Helmarel: I might not look it, but I've been hurt pretty bad. I'm a demon lord, not a miracle
Helmarel: Oh? What is it?
Ragmar: It's's an inn. The Blue Shine Inn.
Heiann: ...Can I just butt in with one question?
Heiann: It occured to me.
Ragmar: There was this dainty little piss-stain of an elf laughin' at me beard! So I took to
Najh and Heiann know that the Blue Shine Inn
rests in the lower-caste side of town. It's renown for its high security, warranted by its incredibly
large numbers of bar-fights.
The place is so violent that some say the owner spikes the drinks of his patrons with rage-
inducing drugs to make them fight for his amusement, though nothing like that has ever been
Campaign saved.
Heiann: Helmarel?
Helmarel: What occured to ya?
Heiann: You said earlier you were defeated?
Helmarel clenches her fists.
Heiann: It just seems odd that you're touting yourself as powerful when you're coming back from
a loss.
Helmarel: Just need me a few days to recover and a few worshipers and I'll be right as rain
Helmarel: Should have seen that eladrin's head pop like a balloon! Pfha-hah!
Helmarel laughs, though her fists remain clenched.
Helmarel: Trust me, I'm fine.
Heiann: Oh, i wasn't concerned over your safety.
Helmarel: Either of you know about this inn?
Helmarel glances at Najh and Heiann.
Heiann stares at Helmarel, letting her gather what he means. Her power. He doubts her Power.
Helmarel, I think you suck.
Najh: Yeah I've heard of it
Helmarel: You don't wanna challenge me, kiddo. Even in my not-so-hot state, I could eat you for
Heiann stares into Helmarel's unnerving three eyes and is eventually forced to turn his gaze
Najh: It has high security but
Najh: I mean, a BAR, really?
Ragmar: Well, I can't break it down if things get ou'ta hand.
Helmarel: High security don't mean shit to me! We'll just spruce that place right up...and the
location sounds prime, too. Right in our future territory. Fuck yes!
Helmarel hops to her feet.
Helmarel: See, normally I can make myself look any which way I want, but the first few people
who see me any time I jump around planes see through my disguises like they were nothin'.
Najh sighs
Najh: If you say so
Campaign saved.
Ragmar: ...planes?
Ragmar scratches his head.
Helmarel: Planes! Y'know, different planes of existence. There's the Material Plane, where I was
beaten in, and the Shadowfell, and the Abyss, and the Far Realms, and the Feywild, et cetera.
Helmarel: Even if those fuckers from before do end up followin' me, I got me a trump card, see?
Heiann: ...We're going to live in a filthy bar?
Ragmar: Oh, so I guess, uh...
Ragmar: Nope, don't get it.
Helmarel: Every time I'm beat, I gotta escape to a plane I haven't escaped to already. At the
current rate, they'll run out of people before I run out of planes!
Helmarel raises her head to the sky and cackles maniacally.
Helmarel: Filthy? No, we'll clean that place right up!
Helmarel: Let's get down there and get started! The day's still young!
Helmarel: I'll disguise myself around the peasants, so just act natural.
Helmarel twists her elastic body into a thread of darkness and flies swiftly down the mountain
towards Serandril.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): hay can i zzz o no
Cthulhu: yes, I was going to end as soon as you started down the mountain
Cthulhu: with the morning sunlight in your faces
Najh: Well..It will be worth it to carve my art into such a speciman...
Ragmar follows the thread of pure unfettered evil, whistling a pretty perky tune for this early in
the morning.
Najh follows down
Gabe (Najh): Najh more like Doodlebug the revenge
Cthulhu: shit yeah motherfucker
Campaign saved.
Lion >:3 (Heiann): awww yea
Heiann follows down.
Our anti-heroes climb back down the mountain that spawned a world-threatening evil. What
events will have led to their climactic encounter with our heroes? What happens during the week
before their shining presence entered the Feywild?
Find out next time on DUNGEONS AND DRAGON BALL Z!
Ragmar: What's the Feywild?
Helmarel: GAH!
*laugh track*
Najh: Raaggnnnaar!
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Im laughing way too hard
Gabe (Najh): ok we done?
Cthulhu: yes
Lion >:3 (Heiann): Oh god it s happeneing
Gabe (Najh): woo
Lion >:3 (Heiann): oh god
Lion >:3 (Heiann): help
Gabe (Najh): ps you're gay
Cthulhu: I put lion in another laughing fit
Cthulhu: oh god

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