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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources:

Sorensen, Aja. "Rosie the Riveter: Women Working During World War II." National Parks Service. ational Parks Service, n.d. We!. " Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))***.n(*ro)collection)*e!site)helyn.htm+. ,his article is in the (oint o- vie* o- .elyn A. Potter *hile she *orked at a riveter or "Rosie" during World War II. She discusses ho* joining the *ork-orce in (lace o- men changed not only her li-e, !ut the lives o- *omen every*here. She also talks a!out her e/(erience and *hat it *as, e/actly, that she did. Sorensen, Aja. "Rosie the Riveter: Women Working During World War II." National Parks Service. ational Parks Service, n.d. We!. 0 Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))***.n(*ro)collection)*e!site)ma/ine.htm+. ,his article is in the (oint o- vie* o- 1a/ine 2ud*ig *hile she *orked as a riveter during World War II. She talks a!out her e/(erience as a 3Rosie.4

5rancis, Ro!erta. ".istory." The Equal Rights Amendment: Unfinished Business for the Constitution. htt(:))***.alice(, htt(:))***.*, n.d. We!. %" Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))*** ,his *e!site su((lied the signi-icant events in chronological order, along *ith the men and *omen involved. It gave detailed descri(tions o- the events that took (lace regarding the 87ual Rights Amendment during the %9 th and #$th centuries. ",he 5ight -or Women:s Su--rage." istor!"com. A;8 ,elevision et*orks, n.d. We!. #$ Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))***<-ight<-or<*omens<su--rage+. ,his *e!site su((lied am(le amounts o- in-ormation needed to construct my *e!site. It

su((lied some in-ormation that the (revious source did not, thus -illing in any !lanks. It sto((ed me -rom leaving anything out = signi-icant or not. "Rosie the Riveter." istor!"com. A;8 ,elevision et*orks, n.d. We!. ## Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))***<the<riveter+. ,his *e!site (rovided me an in<de(th descri(tion o- *hat a 3Rosie4 *as and ho* it *as im(ortant -or the -ight -or gender e7uality. It allo*ed me to dra* a mental image o- the *omen *ho *orked during this time and the ty(e o- role they (layed. "8li6a!eth >ady Stanton." Biogra#h!"com. A;8 et*orks and ,elevision .(., n.d. We!. & ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.!iogra(!eth<cady<stanton< 9@9#%A#)videos)eli6a!eth<cady<stanton<(ioneer<-or<*omans<su--rage<#B%0%@"9B%A+. ,his su((lied me *ith a detailed descri(tion o- Stanton:s li-e and legacy. It allo*ed me a glim(se into her li-e. I *as a!le to see all o- her trium(hs and it hel(ed me !etter understand *hy she *as -ighting so hard -or gender e7uality and the 87ual Rights 1ovement. "2ucretia 1ott !iogra(hy." Biogra#h!"com. A;8 et*orks ,elevision, n.d. We!. " ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.!iogra(<mott<9@%B"9$+. 5rom this article, I learned that 1ott had al*ays had radical vie*s and *as o-ten shunned !y them. Instead o- shying a*ay and shielding hersel-, she !oldly s(oke out -or something she !elieved in, des(ite the myriad o- (eo(le *aiting to see her -all. She *as a in-luential *oman -rom the !eginning and she le-t an intricate legacy. "5rederick Douglass !iogra(hy." Bio"com. A;8 et*orks ,elevision, n.d. We!. " ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.!iogra(<douglass<9#0A&#@+. ,his article enlightened me not only on Douglass: li-e as a slave and an a!olitionist, !ut also as an activist. It *as due to him that the Declaration o- Sentiments got all the votes it needed. ,he *omen then and the *omen no* o*e a lot to him due to this. "Susan C. Anthony !iogra(hy." Bio"com. A;8 et*orks ,elevision, n.d. We!. B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.!iogra(<!<anthony<%9@9$"+.

,his article allo*ed me to understand *hy she !elieved in the 87ual Rights Amendment. It also hel(ed me understand *hy she *as so *illing to go to jail and !latantly de-y authority -or this cause. "A 1omDs ote, A SonDs Eote and the ineteenth Amendment." $avid % Shestokas. .(., n.d. We!. B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***<and<its<(eo(le)a< moms<note<a<sons<vote<and<the<nineteenth<amendment)+. ,his o(ened my eyes to the -act that i- Curn hadn:t received that (articular letter -rom his mother, the %9th Amendment never *ould have (assed and *ould have remained at a standstill. "Alice Paul !iogra(hy." Bio"com. A;8 et*orks ,elevision, n.d. We!. B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.!iogra(<(aul<9@&"$#%+. ,his gave me detailed descri(tions o- every radical and e/treme thing Alice Paul did in order to gain su((ort -or the 87ual Rights Amendment. I learned that she sat in jail *ithout com(laint and acce(ted (eo(le:s ridicules. She *as courageous and -ought tirelessly. "WomenDs Rights Sites F--er 5ield ,ri( 5unds." Ne& 'ork istor!. .(., n.d. We!. & Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))***.ne*yorkhistory!$%#)$@)*omens<rights<sites<o--er< -ield<tri(<-unds.html+. ,his *e!site (rovided me *ith a (icture. ,he (icture sho*s the sign erected a-ter the -irst Women:s Rights >onvention took (lace in Seneca 5alls, e* Gork. "Eirginia 1emory: Seneca 5alls >onvention." (irginia )emor!: Seneca *alls Convention. .(., n.d. We!. %B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))*** aH-alls+. ,his *e!site (rovided me *ith a (icture. .o*ever, it also allo*ed to me -ully understand *hat ha((ened at the -irst Women:s Rights >onvention. "8/(lore PCS." PBS. PCS, n.d. We!. #0 Dec. #$%&. 'htt(:))***.(!

I got a (hoto -rom this *e!site. "5ree Rosie the Riveter Photos -or 8ducational and Personal Ise." Rosie the Riveter Photos"com. .(., n.d. We!. B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.rosietheriveter( I got a (hoto -rom this *e!site. .o*ever, it hel(ed me !etter understand the cultural icon 3Rosie the Riveter.4 Sorensen, Aja. "Rosie the Riveter: Women Working During World War II." National Parks Service. ational Parks Service, n.d. We!. %B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.n(*ro)collection)*e!site)(ics.htm+. I got a (hoto -rom this *e!site. It also hel(ed me reali6e the true signi-icance o- the roles o- *omen during !oth World Wars. It hel(ed me reali6e ho* !ig o- a deal *omen joining the *ork-orce *as during that time. "Rosie the Riveter." +iki#edia. Wikimedia 5oundation, % Aug. #$%@. We!. %B ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))en.*iki(*iki)RosieHtheHRiveter+. I got t*o (hotos -rom this *e!site. It taught me *hat, e/actly, a 3Rosie4 is and ho* im(ortant they *ere during this time. "What 8very Woman Should Jno* A!out the %9th Amendment." The Ne& Agenda. .(., n.d. We!. 0 ?an. #$%@. 'htt(:))***.thene* I got (hotos -rom this *e!site. It reo(ened my eyes to the struggle concerning the 87ual Rights Amendment and the tedious !attle that *omen -ought and continue to -ight -or.

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