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Quiz Reported Speech 062 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Quiz Reported Speech

1. He said he happy to see me. a) is; b) was; c) were; d) has been; 2. They claimed they not know you. a); do; b) does; c) did; d) done; 3. The teacher explained that they higher mathematics. a) were learning; b) was learning; c) are learning; d) have been learning 4. My friend wrote to me that she a parry the following week. a) will give; b) is giving; c) was giving d) gives; 5. My brother told me that he the phone. a) would answer; b) will answer; c) answers; d) answered; 6. They assumed we the latest news. a) have heard; b) had heard; c) heard; d) would hear; 7. He denied that he such a statement. a) had ever made; b) will ever make; c) has ever made; d) can ever make; 8. It was announced that the plane ten minutes late. a) will be; b) is; c) can be; d) was; 9. He says that he delayed by a traffic jam. a) has been; b) had been; c) was being; d) was been; 10. They reminded us that there a meeting that night. a) is; b) will be; c) would be; d) has been; 11. The boys admitted that they football all afternoon. a) had been playing; b) have been playing; c) will be playing; d) have played; 12. Mary repeated that she every word . a) has heard; b) was hearing; c) had heard; d) can hear; 13. Father telephoned us that he for us at the station. a) has been waiting; b) would be waiting; c) will be waiting; d) is waiting; 14. The witness stated that he all through the journey and had seen nothing. a) was sleeping; b) would be sleeping; c) had been sleeping; d) has been sleeping; 15. He insisted that he there before. a) has never been; b) never was; c) has been; d) had never been; 16. They said they were sorry they the day before. a) came; b) didn't come; c) hadn't come; d) wouldn't come; 17. The dentist said I go back there later. a) can; b) have to; c) had; d) had to; 18. They congratulated us and said they we were so good. a) don't know; b) hadn't known; c) doesn't know; d) know; 19. I told them I actually cook. a) can; b) may; c) am able to; d) could; 20. The students were told that courses the following week. a) started; b) start; c) will start; d) were starting; Indirect Questions 1. I asked him what he repairing. a) is; b) was; c) will be d) has been; 2. They wanted to know if Mary to the cinema with them. a) was going; b) is going; c) will be going; d) goes; 3. She was curious to know how long I my boyfriend. a) knew; b) have known; c) had been knowing; d) had known; 4. I wondered whether he or only pretending to. a) is sleeping; b) was sleeping; c) will be sleeping; d) slept; 5. The old man inquired where the railway station a) is; b) has been; c) can be; d) was; 6. They wanted to know where the jewels hidden. a) have been; b) had been; c) are; d) will be; 7. The detective asked what I at nine the night before. a) was doing; b) have done; c) had been doing; d) am doing; 8. I was trying to find out what those words a) mean; b) are meaning; c) were meaning; d) meant; 9. The girl asked the boy if he there long.


Quiz Reported Speech 062 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

a) is standing; b) has been standing; c) had been standing; d) stood 10. She demanded to know why everybody laughing at her. a) was; b) is; c) has been; d) are; 11. He asked me politely how old I a) am; b) was; c) will be; d) would be; 12. Her mother was curious to know how she in the exam. a) has done; b) did; c) had done; d) does; 13. I wonder if you by plane. a) have ever travelled; b) had ever travelled; c) never travelled; d) didn't travel; 14. They asked the tourist how long he to stay in the country. a) is going; b) goes; c) went; d) was going; 15. The little girl wanted to know if I her to my party. a) will invite; b) invite; c) would invite; d) invited; 16. The phone was ringing and he wondered whether he answer it. a) would; b) should; c) may; d) must; 17. He asked me if I to go for a walk with him. a) will like; b) like; c) was liking; d) would like; 18. His friend asked him what he if he were in his place. a) should do; b) would do; c) will do; d) can do; 19. We were wondering who the stranger a) might be; b) may be; c) can be; d) must be; 20. Go and ask what his name is and where he a) had been living; b) lived; c) is living; d) lives; Indirect Orders and Requests 1. They me politely to show them the way. a) ordered; b) demanded; c) asked; d) questioned; 2. His mother told him to go to bed and till he was called. a) didn't get up; b) not to get up; c) shouldn't get up; d) s 3. Children are taught until spoken to. a) to speak; b) spoke; c) speaking; d) not to speak; 4. She me not to go too close to the dog. a) said; b) ordered; c) warned; d) threatened; 5. He her to marry him. a); demanded; b) begged; c) told; d) warned; 6. They advised us till the rain stopped. a) waiting; b) waited; c) wait; d) to wait; 7. He told his wife to hurry up if she to go out

a) wants; b) wanted; c) to want; d) didn't want; 8. They the candidates not to try to cheat. a) asked; b) begged; c) warned; d) ordered; 9. The guests were to take their seats. a) commanded; b) instructed; c) invited; d) told; 10. The judge the witness to answer the questions. a) ordered; b) instructed; c) recommended; d) demanded; 11. The Bible us to do unto others as we would others do unto us. a) asks; b) orders; c) tells; d) teaches; 12. I told the driver as fast as he could. a); drive; b) drove; c) driving; d) to drive; 13. I can hear grandmother me to be a good girl. a) saying; b) telling; c) shouting; d) crying; 14. When his son was going away the father him not to spend all his money on food and drink. a) asked; b) invited; c) advised; d) suggested; 15. The man to beat up anybody who came near him. a) said; b) told; c) threatened; d) warned; Mixed Types 1. He said he was writing some letters and asked a) what is the date b) what date was it; c) what the date was; d) what the date is; 2. She asked what the time was because her watch a) has stopped; b) had stopped; c) stopped; d) stops; 3. He remarked that it was cold and asked if. a) the window was open; b) is the window open; c) was the window open; d) has it opened; 4. The teacher said that it was a most interesting book and wanted to know if a) I have read it; b) have I read it; c) had I read it; d) I had read it; 5. The traveler asked and said he wanted to get there before dark. a) how far is it to London; b) how far was it to London; c) how far it was to London; d) how far London is; 6. He invited me to see his garden and said that a) it was pleasant there; b) it has been pleasant there; c) it will be pleasant there; d) it is pleasant there;

Quiz Reported Speech 062 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. The old lady said she had just made a cup of tea and asked me.... a) if I want a cup; b) if I would like a cup; c) if I will like a cup; d) if I liked a cup; 8. He told me he the book and asked if I had anything else he could read. a) has read; b) reads; c) was reading; d) had read; 9. The man informed me that he was an English student and asked me a) if I can speak English; b) can you speak English; c) if I could speak English; d) could I speak English; 10. The guide announced and wanted to see if everybody was present. a) it is time to go; b) that it is time to go; c) that it was time to go; d) is it time to go; 11. He inquired and the nurse answered affirmative a) if it is the dentist's; b) whether that was the dentist's; c) is this the dentist's; d) whether this is the dentist's; 12. The children were very hungry and asked their mother, a) what she will give them to eat; b) what she gives them to eat; c) what she would give them to eat; d) what did she give them 13. He asked the window and said it was hot in there a) if he may open; b) if he might open; c) if he will open; d) may I open; 14. My father noticed that the clock had stopped and wanted to know if . a) we have forgotten to wind it up; b) have we forgotten to wind c) we had forgotten to wind it up; d) we forgot to wind it up. 15. He looked around and exclaimed a) that it is a beautiful garden; b) what a beautiful garden it is c) that it was a beautiful garden; d) what a beautiful garden it was 16. After they had announced the disappearance of the paper admitted that he a) would have taken them by mistake; b) will take them by mistake c) might have taken them by mistake; d) could take them by mistake 17. She shouted at me to look out because a car a) is coming; b) came; c) comes; d) was coming; 18. He told me he had no money but I know he a) is lying; b) was lying; c) lied; d) had been lying;

19. I just remember Tom was saying you of leaving a) will think; b) would be thinking; c) are thinking; d) thought 20. He greeted us and then asked us a) how are we; b) how were we; c) how we were; d) how are you 21. The teacher told us that Shakespeare wrote that all the world a stage. a) is; b) was; c) will be; d) has been; 22. My mother was always saying that you a) could take a horse to water but you can't make it drink; b) can take a horse to water but you couldn't make it drink; c) can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink; d) could take a horse to water but you couldn't make it drink 23. He confessed he loved me and wanted to know a) if I will love him forever; b) will I love him forever; c) would I love him forever; d) if I would love him forever 24. He apologized and asked if he me. a) hurt; b) has hurt; c) hurts; d) had hurt; 25. He whispered something about his boss and said that I anybody. a) had not to tell; b) must not tell; c) need not tell; d) should tell;


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