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Fifteenth Sunday of the Year [CYCLE B]

[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass]

Last week we realized that we have to accept God's word, no matter who the 'prophet' is who speaks
to us.
Today the Word of God reminds us that every one of us is called to be God’s prophet. Just as Christ
sent out the apostles to carry on his mission, so too does he send us out.
The story of the statue of Christ which had no hands will help bring home the message.


Celebrant: Last week we had two ‘Question Posters' which helped you to think. We talked about
prophets. Today we have another question. Let’s see how well you can answer it.

[Refer to poster with the words: WHO IS A PROPHET? Allow children to try and answer. Then turn the
poster around to show the words: 'A PERSON WHO SPEAKS GOD'S WORD TO OTHERS.]

During this mass we will again hear about 'prophets'- people who are sent out in God's name. But God
has a different message for you today!


Commentator: This reading tells us how Amos,

who was just a herdsman, was chosen by God to be
His prophet. But Amaziah, who was jealous
of him, tried to send him away.

First Reading: Amos 7:10-15.

Psalm: 85: 8abc &9; 10-11; 12-13.

Commentator: Last week we heard that Jesus was

also a prophet because he came to give God’s
message to the people. Now he gives his disciples,
his followers, practice in being prophets.

Gospel: Mark 6:7-13.

• I want to start by telling you a true story.
Some years ago there was a very terrible war. Not only were soldiers killed, but also ordinary
people: even women and children. And during the war, many people’s homes and beautiful buildings
were bombed and destroyed.
In one little village, the enemy kept dropping bombs and firing at the village with their guns.
Finally, when they went away, and the smoke of the firing started to clear off, the villagers found that
their beautiful church had also been damaged. And what made tears come to their eyes, was to see their
beautiful statue of Jesus all smashed into little pieces and lying on the ground.
But instead of just crying, they set to work. A group of soldiers helped them and they collected
all the pieces of the statue. Then, slowly, they put the pieces together, just as when you try to do a
jigsaw puzzle. At last they managed to make the statue look like Jesus. They stuck all the pieces
together, but found that something was wrong. Jesus’ hands were missing!.. What could they do? The
hands must have been smashed into powder! Everyone felt sad that they couldn’t finish the job
Then one soldier had an idea. He took a paintbrush, and on a piece of stone, he painted the
words, “I have no hands but yours!’ At first the people didn’t understand why he did that. But then they
realized. Their beautiful statue now had a special message for everyone: That Jesus wants to use us.
Now that he is in heaven, he wants to use our hands to reach out to others, and not only our hands, but
also our voice to give others the message of God’s love.
That statue is now well known. Many visitors who pass the church see the words, “I HAVE NO
HANDS BUT YOURS!’ and they go back, deciding to be Jesus’ hands.

• In the Gospel you heard how Jesus sent his apostles out in twos to give others his good news. They
must have thought, ‘How can we do Jesus’ work? We are just simple people. How can we talk like
Jesus and make people well? What if no one listens to us?” But they went out and did what Jesus
asked them to do, and God worked great things through them.

• Jesus wants you and me to be part of His work too. Wherever you are, you can be his prophet.
Remember, now that Jesus has left this world, he has no hands but ours, no tongue but ours.

OFFERTORY: Dear children, Jesus today has no hands but ours to help our needy sisters and brothers;
no feet; no ears; no tongue. He depends on us totally. Let's therefore now offer him ourselves.

1st Child : Lord, I offer you my hands. I will try to use them to give freely to those who are poor.
2nd Child : Lord, I offer you my feet; I will go where you want me to go, and help those who need my
help even if it makes me tired.
3rd Child: Lord, I offer you my ears; I will try to listen to all those who need a listening ear.
4th Child: Lord, I offer you may tongue; may I give your message of love to all those you send
me to.


DING : A reading from the prophet Amos: PREPARATION REQUIRED:

ENTRANCE: This isofthe Day sent this message to Jeroboam,

• Make the of
. It is written on both sides
Amaziah, the priest Bethel the king Israel:
OFFERTORY: Do you Want My Hands, Lord? and should
‘Amos is plotting against you in the very heart of Israel. Our nation cannotbeput
turned during
up with his the homily.
COMMUNION: God is Dwelling in My Heart • Practice the readings.
message for very long. Here is what he is saying, ‘Jeroboam will be put to death, and the people
RECESSIONAL: God’s Spirit is in My Heart
will be taken to a foreign country.’
Amaziah then told Amos,
‘Take your visions and leave! Go back to Judah and earn your living there as a prophet.
The king worships here, and this is our national temple.’
Amos answered,
‘I’m not a prophet! And I wasn’t trained to be a prophet.
I raise livestock and take care of fig trees.
But the Lord told me to leave my herds and preach to the people of Israel.’
This is the Word of the Lord.
PSALM : Response: Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation.

I will listen to you, Lord God, Love and loyalty Our Lord, you will bless us;
because you promise peace to will come together; Our land will produce
those who are faithful. Goodness and peace wonderful crops.
You are ready to rescue will unite. Justice will march in front, making a
everyone who worships you, so Loyalty will sprout path for you to follow.
that you will live with us from the ground;
in all of your glory. Justice will look down
from the sky above.

ALLELUIA : Alleluia, alleluia.

May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our heart,
that we might see how great is the hope to which we are called. Alleluia.

GOSPEL : A reading from the holy Gospel according to St. Mark.

Jesus called together his twelve apostles and sent them out two by two with power over
evil spirits. He told them,
“You may take along a walking stick. But don’t carry food or a travelling bag or any
money. It’s all right to wear sandals, but don’t take along a change of clothes.
When you are welcomed into a home, stay there until you leave that town. If any place
won’t welcome you or listen to your message, leave and shake the dust from your feet as
a warning to them.”
The apostles left and started telling everyone to turn to God. They forced out many
demons and healed a lot of sick people by putting olive oil on them.
This is the Gospel of the Lord.

NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’ canonically approved for use in the USA.

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