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Group: 5 Members:

Section: 2A-Ph

Date performed: 12/11/2013


Lim, Sheena Marie Mendoza, Arvin John Millan, Abram Jeremy

Francesca Isabel Montenegro Roy Padilla Christine Paguio


TRIALS LENGTH TIME TO COMPLETE 5 VIBRATIONS (sec) 9.06 7.99 6.66 4.77 PERIOD (sec) SQUARE OF THE PERIOD (sec^2) 3.28 2.56 1.77 0.910 ACCELERATION PERCENTAGE DUE TO ERROR GRAVITY (cm/sec^2) 9.63 9.25 8.92 8.67 1.7% 5.6% 9.0% 11.5%

1 2 3 4

80.0 cm 60.0 cm 40.0 cm 20.0 cm

1.81 1.60 1.33 0.954

1. Using your groups data obtained from the experiment, graph the length of a pendulum and the square of its period. Determine the relationship that exists between the length of a pendulum and the square of its period.

2. What are the factors affecting the period of a simple pendulum? Factors affecting the period of a simple pendulum: 1. The length of the string 2. The angle from which you let the pendulum go The length of the string definitely affects the period because the longer the string it hangs from, the larger the distance it needs to cover one swing. The angle from which you let the pendulum go has an effect too. If the pendulum swings through a greater angle, air resistance begins to have a significant effect. As the speed increases, the rate of acceleration is reduced and increasing the periodic time.

3. What must you do to the length of a simple pendulum so that its period is doubled?

- In order to double the period of a simple pendulum, you must shorten the length of the pendulum to of its former size.

4. Determine the acceleration due to gravity in a location where a simple pendulum 1.50 m long makes 100 vibrations in 246 seconds.

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