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Metals and Alloys

Metals ()
An opaque p q lustrous chemical substance Good conductor of heat and electricity Good reflector of light when polished

Periodic table of 103 elements

81 metallic elements can be grouped
Density D it Ductility Melting point Nobility

Elements near the boundary exhibit characteristics h t i ti of fb both th metals t l and d nonmetals (C , B , Si , Ge )

Carbon Boron Silicon Germanium

Gold foil ( Au )

pure Titanium ( Ti ) er points ( Ag ) endodontic Sil Silver

Alloys ()
A solid mixture of a metal with one or more other metals or nonmetals

Pure metals are apt to be soft and tend to corrode rapidly

Fe + C = steel Fe + C + Cr ( (Chromium) ) = stainless steel

Classification of dental casting g alloys y

Alloy classification of the ADA ( 1984)

High g noble metal Noble metal P d i Predominately l base b metal l

Nobel metals
Gold (Au) Platinum groups
) Palladium (Pd) ( ) Platinum ( (Pt) Rhodium (Rh) Ruthenium (Ru) Iridium (Ir) Osmium (Os)

Silver (Ag)

Noble metals
Highl resistant to chemical corrosion and oxidation Highly o idation

( )

High noble metal

Contains > 40 wt % Au & > 60 wt % noble elements

Type I ()

--- inlay i l Type yp II--- onlay y Type III() --- onlay, crown, small crown & bridge
Type IV()-- post & core, long span Cr.& Br., RPD

Amalgam,composite, Glass ionomer

Inlay(), Onlay() , Crown()

Noble metal
Contains > 25 wt % noble metal elements
( no gold requirement )

Predominately base metal

Contains < 25 wt% noble metal elements

( no gold requirement )

Post() & Core()

Fixed Partial Denture ()

Crown and Bridge ()

Alloys for metal-ceramic restorations ( )

High i h noble bl alloys ll (90%

Au-Pd-Pt (Jelenko-O) A Pd A (Cameo) Au-Pd-Ag Au-Pd (Olympia y p )

N bl alloys Noble ll (%
Pd-Ag Pd C Pd-Cu Pd-Co Pd-Ga-Ag
Cobalt Gallium

Base metal alloys

NiCrMoBe CoCr-Mo Ni Co Cr Ni-Co-Cr Ti-Al-V
Aluminum Vanadium Nickel Molybdenium Beryllium

Chromium (Cr) is essential to provide passivation and corrosion resistance

What difference ?

Removable Partial Denture()

Metals for partial denture alloys

Base metal alloys

Ti Al Al V Ni Cr Mo Be Co Cr - Mo
Aluminum Vanadium Nickel Molybdenium Beryllium

Su Summary y

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