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soxrn Niw JHfOIC b that if he ha meanand there b etui riuab andthe snore MthepttadiiMBot 9t Ca WI- Absorhsd to <M producjtfoo of ehiii
went would
l for the irtl tit 1 of the Connecileut OemUiotloa M Amend-
+ I great wealth to Russian Poland sine to cbnX la predott only hUtorloal novel in the stylo of the elder thee tore dug eefftser or a6curob i change
of diction t secondly that on e 1roestl dopt4 OetaNr H r >t > vldejr
Vbe Poles be rich b almost the only thing which b I the nationality CherbtjlW oharaeter- Duma which kayo mad name widely I Poland m se question wbethei- of the reconstruction amendments them that every person thai txt aWetOTesd to p

t Although about one third of tlio vol permitted ho goes from ono study to an Izatlon of the
othe obtains a smattering of different mixed with holy
Polish women u punch popular and have yielded a large Income
water la now a trifle anti- ¬ Mr Brandes recognizes that It waa but I that Is to
H I military
per or ike people solve towjt the thirteenth is careful the English language and article of the
last word to the history- to mae United States A plural noun I Constitution or any section of the statutes
N eotltied Poland by GKOBQ BnANDE- branches of scieno Lbs foreigner quated natural that the fancy of Polish writers of the world at the present day Should chapter oa Education and Science of UM tat faeforbetnc admitted AS IP
r if the Macmllbn Company the wellknowi-
hut I The Polish women are renowned for should have to an extent elsewhere un- ¬ Poland be definitely lost the fact would Mr says that university L elector Only 181000 availed themselves
vDaabb man of letters is devoted to a by the versatility of his knowledge Our
anything that I precedented continued to revolve about Indicate In principle than that America does not generally mesa what of their polltioalrighte atthe last Prenldan
eP urrey of Polish literature In the nine- has no real mastery of In Warsaw how beauty and Mr Brando bears witness kind past the regard a A uhlvenlty
teenth century the author also record author being ones asked
< I the taapressions made upon him by the In- as a critic he would characterize Polish I of dogma In Poland that the
they deserve their reputation It b a
Polish people
Sic the Polish people ft ft I
condemned to pro
culture of liberty
rope wa useless One Independent ooun
In Eu- ¬ We
Does he really Intend to assert that fri Article
electloBnralch show that therrotricti
struck deep
You ore a eocbty I woman U blonde and it Is considered most cal inactivity the past appears try altar another of Canada there are Any Institution Goes The Author recognlas that race preju- ¬
habitants of Russian Prussian and Aus- society he answered u their last mot glorious possession and Poland That Poland whole intellectual parable from Any
trian Poland during four visit of which of dilettanti He still believes the definition elegant to be so According to our author I put of vlw to hal dice b not wholly confined to the South
to IM correct If the word be taken to Its however there U but slight foundation- so even after the decline of ro- ¬ life Is absorbed in the of the sur-¬ a dozen American that we
t ItM If It be A fact as Lowell used to say broad sense and if we bear to mind how for the dogma because although some I manticism Polish poet long continued vival of Poland nationality to therefore mIght name I he not aware that Prof I He
the trst was made to ISM and the mat in 1 recalls the receofrace riOts to New Tork
the lynching to Ohio and Indiana arid burn
come to be what try Are women are to be found who not ouly ao I to dwell on the memories of the past which not to poor a cause a it seems for Pound Ooldwto South than whom Be witness lap at the stake to Kansas and Colorado
that the truth about a given person can be the Pole this preach the Swede and Norwegians in the they found in books instead repro- ¬ in the historical development of relations could be more competent has Usttfed that sad he reminds us
Met discerned and told by those who ap I has to that the black suffers an
Braes In one of the most golden yellow of their ducing tho life fully aa interesting which baa become synonymous with the Tight of the education stow obtainable Harvard
i jproaeh him with preconceived sympathy subject will but sur-
flowed unheeded by them The ctronf I mankind to civil and Intellectual freedom for example
industrial inclusion north of the Mason sad
fa equal to that procurable at Dixon line which b really A greater hard- ¬
K would be hard to find anybody better striking paragraphs of hb Illuminating I paia any orthener in the glistening white artistic impulse toward the past never- ¬ and withthe right of taLlest to moepend I in of the clftlcof saMba
qualified than Mr Brandes to describe the hook We roust picture to ourselves
Polish people Ho himself holds that ho says a naturally very energetic people where more
nee of their skins

while the first condition to speaking the against whose energy a barrier not to be halt of the larger number U a dark brown Is called hUtory alone
bret are every-
color of the theless depends in the last Instance pn
the superstition that the past or ft It hop with our Illusion ft to the advance
enoe Poland 13 ynonyrooa with our
matS and of history And rapertor to Tot South He see that
the physical sclenosst There i
ship than bb political suppression in the
b A social seg- ¬
regation of the two race in All sections of
been erected A warlike The Polish women are especially remarkable admits a representa- ¬ In culture Its future coin- ¬ foundation oa the other hand for Mr the country
truth b to know It the next Is that ono broken dow reluctantly enter the- for the shape of the hands and the small- tion of the Ideal cides with the future of civilization Its Wllleon assertion that very tow Amerier DO matter howThus In New York negroes
ahould be able to speak without fear or people author would friends final be synonymous well dressed and well be
favor The second condition can hardly I army In which practically no young min ness of their feet They even th Our have hi Polish destruction would Dame rn the record of denti bayed are excluded from theatres hotel
be compiled with by ono who has been voluntarily chooses the post or oMeeri an beauty of binds above all other physical
believe that there la
Poland literature only day
future for
of ro-wit
the victory of
In Europe mom military bar discovery It fa the practical Applloai
soUntiao diMoreriee to todwtrtal
pro sad
of popular retort and even from
brought Into close contact with all tho extremely ambitious people to whom perfections I regard my hands not my manticism are over and In our
churches If e black man baa the temerity
pervonagM in a country and who I hIgh petitions and offices are closed face said one and a lady who otherwise that I to become One Author would reco slse In commercial purpose to which Americans to
has rHet with the mot oordlal hospitality I to whom all distinctions and Indemonstra thought but little abut her appearance- aof modern a living expression of the life Poland A great symbol the symbol of are most widely and deeply Interested notenter often
A white man church which I
to the gallery and a
u our own pinioned freedom whose trodden We must
tie nook also admit it to b probable that
from them This has been our authors tons of honor are forbidden so far and was too 1
be vain never- ¬ I
under foot the symbol of those who lack our shortcoming to the feld of eoientiA pretty wide space fa nude reSr br- the
experience He come to lila tusk with are not bought by the sacrifice of theless when her hands were frostbitten-
friendly prepowiesMon and therefore as a convictions or tho repudiation of solidarity In Paris caused the moat celebrated physi- ¬ Poland share the national love of
To What do the Jews In
Rut any outlook yet hope against all proba- ¬ may be imputed to some mtMun
Outlet Frobman of the Lyceum Then
J critic b bound to be on his guard against with their countrymen a people naturally cian In tbedty to be sent for women I Mr Brandee answers that the dislike of I bility In spite o When we read to the fact that until lately there n tre one of the best known
American man
hostile to Fhlllntine ideals but who the Jews which has been decorated with the foreigner sees thee covered with thy Adequate endowment for research Th e-
the of Biatltude Not only need assert that when they visit the shoemakers
which mantle of snow In then sleep told m that some year ago a colored
have the Polos shown him more klndneoA to acquire the civic virtue en- ¬ shop
Vienna and show their small feet the affected paine of AntiSemitism
Instep the shoemakers exclaim I in Denmark certain sections of society¬ it sera to him M If the cold and the snow
the winter time
lk of endowment baa recently been atad rosa and hb wife were upon one occasion
and affection than any other pcopln In the cumstances now give
world but before ho visited their country
he regarded it with interest He strikes
loving people
whose capital
Pus t
ktnnen wit dot rind poMtcfie
We know those are Poll
in their
has not
to culti-
the eternally
In harmony with thy
beAT were
nol eXt
to a
Washington which A our
by the Carnegie forcibly debarred
Author points
from entering hb theatre
The man naturally protested celling the
manager attention to a law which
the keynote of his book when lie says public place of entertainment b found this feet It is also tat Warsaw root at all in Russian Poland Even here imagine these bare trees covered
out will have at its disposal every ye

A fine of Mot for such race discrimination-

I tho Poles not only because their wmtenoe seems to have been penned to the Vienna shoeshops they have a separate the mutual aversion of Jews and Russians with leaves these streets and roads free as much money a the members c I I am a gentleman be said at lecet I b
fate has been so ad ami because the his- ¬ Inclination
torical injustice they have Miffered U eo
1886 J A people with a lively irresistible ease of boots and shoes for Polish feet
to politics for whom all political and that Ita contents are widely different remembered
persists The
pant who it should be from snow these heavens pure and warm
but Little Rus- ¬ this land without winter On the other century Unquestionably the facts have seat
the Royal Institution have expended to i
have as such Why cannot I obtain the
for which I have paid reply
Treat but because something in their education ho been made impossible be- from those of the case designed for English can help sians have no dealings with the Jews If they hand when on a rumme afternoon in hitherto warranted Mr Wilson charge was one commonly beard all over The the Union
ntity strongly attracts me Now and then- cause hiv are allowed neither to elect rep ladies It Nevertheless even to KM Warsaw the breezes sigh gently through I that our national attitude toward the dev- In snob
at WUanow Sobisskia otee of pure science ha been unsrm name of eten
Beoauss It would rum the
I have been praised In Poland because rpenutive nor to discuss affairs of state We are told that In Poland one still en ¬
when despair armed Warsaw against Rus- ¬ the tall poplar
the house I cannot therefore
while others do homage lot he great peoples who
of the earth I have preforred to court
newspaper prims In silenced
political matters to speak of political which so the
as counters sia the Jews
abstract worship of women fence a regiment of Jewish volunteers slowly through the
long as the kingdom of Poland
In the
de ¬ country
while he

arId the foreigner walks
nu they form Prof Newcombs
language about
pit this he quotes afford to hAve colored man to the Lycetm
the Idea Theatre I prefer to pay
mUfortune But it In not only the calamity In Poland b like speaking of celebrations to honor of science and Although chapter on The Now Inv
endured found expression in the description by the Jewish Colonel who in him and perhaps sees dear being beside scientific men b eo foreign to our notions migration the
e f Poland which has won me to the land nautical Journals to Switzerland The of the
and Ita inhabitants Among the develop reader no Invited to Image this
1 people Ion z Won Virgo Maria Rejlna Po
toward the
lie fell fighting against Bark him who live
female sex During the Polish Revolution of US the I passion for the cause of Poland ft the cause to present tteelf for generation
wholly and entirely to their In the United State that b It hardly likely A
WA penned at lout as
September HOT and therefore the
sfcapnts of the human plant manifold n they constituted for a large In Is I to corn alarming character of the Inflow which hAs
obligatory among the Poles Men always prejudiced and irresolute National Govern

are the perfect blossom of the Klavonlc the broad daylight of publicity Imprisoned
race b the flower that most enchants me in the eMaroctiro of private life a people
What 10 more noticeable
car to give a lady a seat
In any public place
mont rejected the application of the Jews
which gives a
to their met
said a consecration
faith to the future
By giving tooneof his chapters the
caption HI Excellency the President
place during the last six months WM
to the Author he show himself
At the same time lie has striven not to show who forefathers had from time imme- I even at the I to be allowed to enter the any instead Poland a the faith which alone has made our Author show himself to be unaware sUre to the fact that the bocpitailty of the
elegant receptions or
himself entirely blind to the wlfconfe d- morial the most extravagant conception of a chair will mot
ehortcomlngfi of the Pole and to heed the the rights of the individual as opposed to the
Injunction laid upon him by tho matter of I power of the State now living their life with- ¬ Bo
balls of paying for exemption
summarily away from bellion was suppressed the Czar Nicolas I
under a man with the words for a lady
the re-
¬ brave useful
is beautiful Jet
punished the Jews for this application by their fragrance end the temperature is wheq the official seed of addressing our
when ths of the fact that this particular title WA
flowers exhale deliberately withheld from the President United State baa been grossly soused
And that there I Ample ground for the de-

out any sort of safeguard against encroach- far aa our author could observe the Incorporating them with his own array mild and the alt a cares the foreign wan- ¬ Chief Magistrate was dbcuesed And settled mand that the inponr of undesirable immi- ¬
the university in the capital of Gallcla ¬
Polish women have hot heads but their Moreover he caused 38000 hopeless and be says to In the First Congress which convened grant should be restricted H appre-
1 when the latter said We certainly hope I ments on the part of an accidental superior I senses
that you will write about us but we do not official and thinking of Siberia as we think are under control 8o far as I can to be conveyed across the Jew Rus- ¬
derer feels
himself Who Knows Perhaps to
site came operative
After the present Federal Constitution be- ¬
ciate the elgalflcaoo of the circumstance
that whereas formerly the great majority
Ask for praise Wo only desire the truth of a disease which may come when least
Tel the truth about us however the words expected Bearing all these things In
Jug be said the women of the higher sian Poland and ordered them to settle of all
have a great deal of selfcontrol- upon the steppes of Southern Russia Corn Whatever may be the fate of Poland be
It b equally incorrect to of
peak of the White House as the Presi- doorthewire msn and womn knocking at th
and but little temperament forget her English Welsh Scotch Irish
c v way sound and we shall bo thankful to mind wo can easily comprehend that under Tho charac- ¬ mon misfortune has united the Polish Jews that has known her does not dential PalAce It b A mistake to My Girmia And Saftadtoftrlan last year
you the pressure which has been exerted ¬ si- ter of coldness which Edmond About as ¬ with their Christian fellow countrymen- The book before us U a splendid that Mr Roosevelt b the only President twice ft many Croatian and Slavonian
It used to be and still Is common to hear multaneously from BO many sides there signed to them in verse ono when he sighed- The fraternizing of the Poles with the Jews that the author ha heeded the message- who ever eat to the Chair of State that ha entered the portals of the United Stated aa I

the Polee described by superficial observers has necessarily resulted an extraordinary in vain for a Polish still very ap- at Warsaw in the uprising of 1800 was a of the wind whistling in the
¬ high poplar served an apprenticeship In one of the
English three times M many A Scotch
AS the French of astern Europe There ii- concentrated activity a boiling intensity propriate Strange an It may sound I notable phenomenon and when in Feb¬ of a Polish manor house Do not forget great Departments of State Thomas AS many Slovak A Irish three And abU
no doubt that Warsaw in many ways affects of life within the narrow circle still open think that the English woman In ruary 1M1 in the public squares grape- usf All Europe has forgotten us Do Jefferson was Secretary of State before
I Mud this people so winning and so be became President eo WM Madison times a many south Italians arid twice a
the foreigner almost as If It Wero a French to tho Poles In Russian Poland
Ia Recurring to the alleged similarity of
Paul Bourgeta CoemopoUV
tty French the auxiliary language of the Poles to the French we find attention agitation la able to throw off her balance before their eyes burst forth in a national and dreads so
though warmhearted woman whom no
shot was fired upon the kneeling crowds not
that with the mouths of the Russian cannon tort which feels so deeply eo wa Monroe so was John Qutoey Mama
many Hebrews as Germane Thou there
and loves o were Lithuanians Magyar ftetheoba
the Poles the language which among the
higher classes all know perfectly the Ian directed In this book to the signal difference b a type to be met with in Poland hymn and besought Oed to to the Pole foundly TTy
Do this soil
o was Van Buren so was Bucenn After and other races which not one American Ins
oren and JeWs felt has absorbed so much noble blood this quoting some Indifferent verses penned hundred had ever beard of before With
j t i Kuage which is spoken as fluently as the In the relations between the sexes To Now and no doubt a
sign irregu- ¬ freedom and a fatherland by John Hay our author says Go over an Influx of such volume sad web quality
mother tongue and according to Mr our authors eye what gives Polish char-
Brands even better than the Russians acter and especially Polish patriotism- and lives with her lover a young girl mar-
larity occurs

speak It In aristocratic circles Poles at the present time its special stamp is ries her father valet and the like We are Our author points out that the most
A lady impelled
to manifest
by an unmistakable demonstration-
their national feel-
mem- ¬
by men ore by god and
us led H
the ron of American Secretarie of State
since Hamilton and eee U you can And danger of becoming unAacrionnbtd
b not the country asks Mr
A Canadians views r the Untied Bute Among
alt these mediocrities one with she now assimilating the elessent
1 frequently convert with one another In the preponderance of the feminine element soured however that those Incidents ore orable work of Polands
French a state of things which from the over tho masculine That the relations very rare exceptions and that when you Mlcklowlcz the national
gate poet
The outcome of a careful study of Ameri- ¬ first place Hamilton waa never Secretary
ability to write such lines In the In her population A thoroughly a she
baa do put After poat
beginning of the nineteenth oentury was between man and woman are very different meet an accomplished coquette in society Tudeiwr ends with the playing of Polands can institutions and of recent American of State In the second place It seem out that At the date when be wn writing
promoted not only by the continual In- ¬ In Poland from those which obtain in France she ahnoot always proves to be of foreign national song celebrating Dombrowskl and phenomena will be found embed to incredible that any intelligent man would the United State contained to Addition to
U I tellectual intercourse with Franoe and the U quickly perceived In dally conversation descent The opposition between Poland his soldiers by a Jew the volume entitled TAs New by AVOW A belief that In comparison with
five mUllen foreignborn citizen nmltlUm
emigration of many Poles thereto but by While the tone among Frenchmen when ¬ and Russia is never out of the womens Is Poland worth the sacrifices made for BECXLES WILUW i E P Dutton t C- Mr Hay mediocre b the term applicable and a half of alien M per cent of whom
t the need of being able to meet the Russian 4 ever conversation turns on women U always minds It is often patriotism that lapels
on neutral territory so far language was extremely tree sometimes to a foreigner them to marry they will choose a man tion in that part of his book which records
It Our author tries to answer the ques- ¬ book
oTe only on the may
be commended
to such men as Thomas Jefferson John could not even speak the English
Quincy Adams Daniel Webster And John- be expresses the that to contain
concerned repulsive and generally lascivious the Instinctively for the reason that he falU tho Impressions made in his second visit see more of the gains than th players C Calhoun Mr Wllleon also trips when sections the country b becoming aafevAted
The Poles themselves conceive that they Poles as a rule in discussing women man lea others of their patriotic ideal He recognizes in the persistency with which but also by reason of the range and he asserts that Mr Rooeavelt differs from
Are closely related to the French through feKt warmth often tenderness or indulgence- On
sort than our author got an Imprculon tho Poles maintain their nationality one minuteness of the authors knowledge- most of the previous President In that he saturation point Is reached no more may-
by the alien element And that when the
their defects which they themselves char- ¬ but seldom frivolity Mr Brandes recalls that they think rather highly of men and of tho most wonderful of modern phe- ¬ of our constitutional and political hist- ¬ b a gentleman by birth and breeding be Absorbed without A dangerous precipi- ¬
acterize Inconstancy and Instability and from an Italian author a remark which know their rata thoroughly Courage In nomena They still fight desperately for the ory The work b full of misprint The applicability of the term gentleman tation Even A things are It true enough
the foreign visitor Is continually asked if he may possibly go to the root of the phenome- a man la for thorn If they preservation and development of their and contains some minor misstatements In the etrl and most technical eons that the toualgrftttt I ftWe to DO ur
does not see a great and lamentable sim- ¬ non This Italian Author thinks that could not even they ought to bo language and popular peculiarities and of fact but there is no doubt about Mr of the word to Washington Jefferson
ilarity betweefl the Poles and the French while as a rule among the Germanic races buried was the tat made in answer suffer a thousand pangs for their sake Wllbons qualification for the ta k be has Madison
institutions before he understand th m
Monroe Tyler John Quincy It lit nevertheless A tact that the task of t

I f
> vaatve
our authors opinion the similarity U the man b more gifted than the woman and to a speech which exalted this virtue in Every one of them knows that be must de-
skin deep rather than profound and per
The likeness so far as it exists
on an
Latin races
stand on
men by a young girl of strong
Mr Brandes recalls that one day
charter bt he would
language and the
have the consciousness
people will survive
und with strong
eo far as information and Adams and
prepas e lon
ft Canadian
favor of
rrleoM has never eduoaties the children of tnmbjrante b
before bee n disputed We further read much slwpllfled by the doU on the part
It has often been remarked that the early both of the children theeseslrs sad of
fa noticeable In a cognate capacity for level as to Intellectual qualities among where be was staying Polish landed pro- ¬ when he shall know no more of them Even Great Britain be is unsympathetic toward- careers of the Presidents have not qualified their parent to become Am rlcanlr d The
Awift enthusiasms and violent lone the Poles who constitute the most char- ¬
prietor who had been brought up in Eng ¬ those among them who believe in a life our people and even at times seems preju- ¬
them to lead the world of fashion and this interesting Is noted that In the
pf feeling in A craving for adventures acteristic Slav race woman is decidedly land hazarded the remark that patriotism beyond the grave do not Imagine that in diced He fond for instance of is talking remark extends to their wives with the Hancock School In Boston In tW there
1 iS end emotions and In a love of lame and- superior
show There b on the other hand a funda- by Mr Brenda have convinced him that
to man Tbo observations made was nowadays greatly lacking in Poland that
The gentlemen contradicted him but the who do not believe in a future life and English
other life they
mental difference The rationalistic anru there Is in these words a kernel of truth ladles it was quite a spectacle to see theta do not fear annihilation for themselves less correct than that spoken in Canada has never hoard of Mrs Washington of American
will speak Polish Those about
the language M If the
United State were Roosevelt ofIs Mr
exception Cleveland and Mrs were UW Hebrew
It possibb that the author only eighty children of socalled native
yn Italians end

montative basis of the French character- The men In Poland are
la absent in the Poles The algebraic ing In passion in
Arithmetical basis of the French manner In wit
of thought b wholly wanting The French-
crt not want- ¬ With naming eyes and blazing cheeks they fear It for the nation considered as a whole Our own observations would not lead us Mrs John Adams of Mm Madison and-
energy stood around him and their voices trembled- Mr Brandes compares the horror with to that conclusion
of freedom but the women In refuting him In a perfect fury one
seem to kayo even more of these qualities- the youngest ladles exclaimed I promised- of their nationality to the feeling of horror attempt on
of which Poles regard the disappearance- a somewhat
We have noted indeed-
because unsuccessful
certain Canadians inate
o the second Mrs Tyler
Notwithstanding the almost indiscrim- ¬ for farming but As A rule
Mr Wilson b aware that the 8brew
Latin and StaY lounlcmnte do not care
to raosln
pronounced accent the admiration expressed for Mr Boor In the Eastern cite or to mining na-
man b a great writer of prose the Pole is In Polands great uprisings they have you homo in my carriage but which seizes most mon when they hoar for to imitate the of
veil In the chapter on Rb Excellency
poet For this reason the stronghold- been known to enter to now toyoutake
that that this earth is slowly clI- lowermiddle classes to England but we tho President the author makes It clear market nd thus help to swell the Already con ted
i V

of the French world of letters b prose perform military duties and frequently-
is convinced that If
on rot Our author tho
of patriotism-
ng off tie at some epoch in have not loud their vocabulary arid idioms-
in another chapter that all regards the within a radIus of fifteen relies from New
It b estimated we read that
And that of Polish literature poetry Then of their own free will to accompany their were not distant future It will be an icecold sphere- to differ from our own It ls on negro problem his sympathies Jews
again nothing can be leu French than the loved ones to Siberia Mlckiewicza heroine the burin the hearts of tho women They have the whole a nil attitude that Mr the ire with York City Hall there are now moreSlowly
1 would long ago have on which no life ran flourish Southern whites though of course than to the whole of Germany
i continual and almost perfect use of foreign Grocyna who led an army on horseback got the upper hand No other people in tho always know that every individual of Wllison maintains and we Imagine that his he does not approve of lynching He surely the Jew b permeating the whole
languages and the remarkable knowledge had successors In the nineteenth century world has
such an oppression to endure would the must die but they equanimity would be undisturbed if our sees that If the black rfton b to acquire but commercial life of New York getting
t of foreign authors which are continually Celebrated above all others Is Emilia Plater such prefer that the race itself should prosperity should suffer considerable abate- ¬
the atriUm control of many trades within hb fingers
encountered to Poland Young girls of a young lady of one of the first families
manifold persecution to suffer l- not Tills conception of the frozen globe ment We repeat however that the book the full benefit of contact with
twenty that speak six languages excellently of Poland who in 1850 Induced A whole
Aod without accent are met with In Poland district to rise In rebellion took part in
living we
spa of Russian Poland
allow every measure destroys all their cherished illusions
about tho constant advance of culture dee be widely read for it U superior tionpolitical
discussion of the subject by a of
of the white it must be to the absence- In A footnote the author Adda that the
hostility between the two races Jews constitute only about oneeightieth-
taken agalnct them to bo carried out easily The prejudice of the whites against the of the population of the United States

certainly not to France The passIon
fondness for travel and the versatility the detachments
several battles and at
last having
which and every evil person who concocts hostile the
have given up
to which
of those
theme by
black b an which all can yet they
Ute prejudice which some
115 out of the 4009 mil- ¬
lionaires of the country that b to osy
1 t of the resultant culture which characterize refused to take
the Pole are In the highest degree un attempted to nut her way with her corps
refuge on Prussian soil or man plans
his Rat them has a side for there ore even now only a few who have and Prof
grasped tho the goal of mankind
Smith were published-
In a paper on The National Title which mistaken zealot Is to
understand but
peeir foster In the black about two and A halt tunes M many ai
Jt As a rule the Frenchman b either through the hostile army but died of
ignorant or a specialist want and overexertlon at the age of 24 ation
OH the other band so far as the kind of in the hut of a forester Mlcklewtczs sian
It seems
Is that


cannot be at Its end or death if death for
all humankind be In store but must lie In
its highest Individualities Even If the terra United States
lon appendix the author directs at
to the
abs of the

the notion
far greater eviL tholr numbers would entitle them to Even
the negre b to if wo leave out the backwoods settlements
In the United sad confine the inquiry to the town popu- ¬
instability Imputed to the Pole b con- ¬ poem The Colonel Death celebrated- officers politicians or high functionaries human race is to die out true culture 1 sulting from the fact that the Mexican States by mesas of the ballot a pure lations the cumber of Jew millionaire b
still found to be disproportionately Urge
cerned It has no counterpart In the French her memory During the rebellion of woman favor which in other European not on this aunt less valuable not loss Colombian Bnutlllan and Argentine con- ¬ demagoglsm He bold that what the Most of them Are
toetablllty of the French shows itself there wa not we are assured countries is apt to fall to the lot of men worth Its worth does not federations all call themselves United must do b voluntarily to renounce
The 183031 A been settled to the country thirty
Almost xcluslvely in public life especially battalion nor a squadron of the Polish who are conspicuous in public life is al- ¬ depend on Its continuance through all State We ate entitled to the name the ballot merely as a measure of prudence And have
I most monopolized by and artists- eternity a only par uotlfatee butsJso He must work Acquire property and de- ¬ year or more No Russian name b to be
where they are collected to masses as to army in which there were not female corn author a few men We do not ask whether sym- ¬ however not
Mr Booker Wash ¬ found on the list The business of the
public meetings or mobs t dependson batanta after A battle or A march the In almost every town phony Is long or short but whether It I by priority having adopted It long before velop industrialism
A siK den of mood for which no single soldiers always arranged A bivouac for in whom all the women who have no specific beautiful Ita value is independent of any confederation was ingtons suggestion that colored men should ucoeesful Jewish immigrants extends from
objeqt of their feelIngs delight Such a learn trades b pronounced A sound one I banking to porkpacking from deeilpg
person feeb himself responsible The Insta- ¬ the women and took care that no word the time It occupies formed Mr Willson seems to think that I from distiller
bility of the Poles b personal depending should be spoken which could offend their man our author would describe aa a kind The United States of and the mot solution of A In reAl estate to
The Pole of course know historically our full title 1s
problem Polytechnic schoob for to cotton to New York such of the-
on an innate to change ears In hb book on Poland clan Solyk of pawnbrokers shop for women hearts that and nations have Amqrioa and he quote Article of the 1 llffloult
Henryk the negroes and good negro carpenters ma Are not lawyers or theatrical managers
S and partly on an Instinctive Inclination says When Warsaw was attacked I noticed- He says that Slenklewlcr the blossomed and disappeared but they will Article of Confederation which says
mainly engaged in the clothing trade-
t0 universality All careful observers of In the midst of the firs a soldier of the Filth novelist so well known to American read the Confederacy shall be The I tone cutters builders and machinists areA chapter on The American Array b
I i
I Trench life concur with Mr Brandes In- Light Regiment who continually leaned era through Mr Ourtlnt translations
not believe that this lot is now that of Uri- ¬ Tho
Is nation and language however sorely they sty of America It I also would certainly add to the material assets
not calculated to please our fellow country- ¬
k asserting that in France the ruling prin- ¬ against the breastworks did not trouble such a pawnbrokers shop Though
abut are pressed from all sides Many of them true that the preamble of our Federal Con f the country
ciple b a prudent and sometimes subtle himself In the least the bombs and fly years of age and by no must necessarily doubt whether they will situtioa reads We the people of the Mr Wilson think It wcrod be well if men The author seems to think that Lord
F egoism which tuna in the family and b cannon balls but abut his comrade- his literary reputation has made ever succeed in tearing themselves free States e 0 do ordain and Unit some of the fut dwindling bud of partisan Wobtley WM by A love of paradox
inherited by the children which is im- ¬ on with vigorous gestures and cries him the roan about whom women rave from a supremacy which I Constitution for the United State of Amer- lalots In the Northern States were e when h lately described our Regular Army
i pressed upon them from the outset and Though he stood In the front rank I could It is so much the more curious as he never an enormous army in establishing a ica It Is cleat however that the words their stand upon not upon their own vain Imag- ¬ A the best to the world for Ita site What
M a rule directs their lives French has written a line of verse When he ar- no part of the title for ing but the doctrine propounded Mr Wilson hft to y however About the
par- not at first eee hb face but when be turned
enta donot as In England and the United I discovered him to be a beautiful girl of rives at one of the Polish watering places
poll political hierarchy and in
out of a nation found of America form
throughout the Constitution the confed- ¬ y Abraham Lincoln himself shortly before shortcoming of our War Department to-
but no
or of the Civil War The follow- 1KM b by no mesas unwarranted
States strive first to develop a youth into eighteen In the Tatra Mountains when he e- ¬ I
to all seUgovernnJent as the Pole haT eration U described M the United States the outbreak
A capable man able to help himself but The time for such achievements may nter a drawing room In Warsaw all the now been for almost a There b no doubt also that as Mr Wilson Ing passage b quoted from speech made such mbmaoacement b likely to be wit-¬
are electrified from grandmothers- of his visits our author had pressed upon reminds us there are it multitude of eight ijr Lincoln at Charlestown HI on Sept 18- nessed now thAt A General Staff
they try to smooth hb path in life to pro ¬ now be passed but to this day to Poland ha been created Zl b also true a the
cure for him favors connections patronage the women are ever the most earnest patriots to schoolgirls For the rest he doe not his mind the question which he once formu- ¬ teenth oentury precedents for the restrio- Kt I will say that I am sot nor have
says that our militia system need
and tInts to assure hb future or hb ad It is significant that to Prussian Poland not give them any encouragement Mr lated thus I Poland an ideal ora reality tivo application of the term America- ever heeD to favor of bringing about to- Author
4 vanoemeot If the path be smooth the even a German Is permitted to buy Polish Brand goes on to say that even Sien It could not continue when it existed can to the United State Before during sad ny way the social ftnd political quality to be reorganised from top to bottom It It
efficient supple
4 young man will
not willingly abandon his laud If he baa a Polish woman kiewlos matrimonial flaeco it be reestablished now It has fallen Is fort some time After the Revolutionary of the white And black races that I AH not fa to constitute A really
med ape been In favor of making meat to the Regular army ThIs b one
4 career before tho highest rung of the ladder for the reason
of honor b reached The situation b en- ¬ that experience teaches that
tirely different In Poland the young her husband A Polish patriot to the
pat out which
wiTh ished his prestige
a young
in 1S9I

dimin- ¬ this Poland for which the Poles llv and War the term
He married fpr his go to death more than an abstraction sad
be a chimera I tho object worth the meet as distinguished Ire
to the
America was
on the on
nor ever have
voters nor jurors of engross nor of quaU- many chapters that we had to mind when
ytog them to hold oftee nor Intermarry we that the book ought to
mae by American however
man private life far oftener allows him
elf to be led by fleeting instinct than by Chancellor bear unwilling testimony to
of an eye Thus did the Iron longlngto
were spared
malto astorIn the
No pains
I tlio
is it the sacrifices
Its worth
Our author
jive hand
t o other
from the
of Spate
had a
to this
I will
be read
may the author lack of
prudent egoism and where A tho pride and worth of the Polish women The coupLe
of Warsaw by a med answers that the object like all earthly
the Pop sent objects only snore plainly core palpably America the Utter term
tore contracted significance than
Nor which will forever forbid the two nwe ty-
interest such as tho lost fatherland the Hore we should note however UP myxKsx BILL
lost Independence the mother tongue women whom Bismarck had in a letter of congratulation All ¬
than la the mae with most other I an whole continent worth of the Isthmus of Ing together on terms of social lid poli- Bttmaafus
the national or art has Incom- ¬ longed to the aristocracy As A rule Among tocracy of Poland met in the church Only ideal that is an unreality the conception Panama tic equality And Inasmuch ft tII oak r
rmnn Anelent an n Climb fer Their
parably more Influence upon him than the common people of Poland there b only two weeks after the wedding tho young of something good It shows its power It i no longer accurate however to not eo live while they do resnftto together
LM eueta
any s alms Undoubtedly the a religious
non consciousness they bride took refuge with her mother and over the mind by the strength with which use America ft U It were synonymous there must be the position of superior And April lT More details of the

rule of the foreigner has tended to ob- ate fervent rather than patriots would not return to her husband We it comp generation after generation to with United State r term Inferior And I aa much a Any ether run for reeelvto the Honourable ArtU
1 4
i literate Polish inconstancy In the domain and there b eparoely any middle class In are assured that all the women in Poland advantages above material- being invariably A we m to favor of having the superior position hey Company ef London In this cIty tierS
of public af airs on tho other hand it has the sense that the term bears in Germanic condemn her behavior Mr Brandes would not assert that the said m the Constitution but ftlo signed to the white man
Elsewhere In a chapter on contemporary sacrifices which are made to this ideal baT
October were arranged taM evening sv the t
Inevitably Increased the national Insta- ¬ and Latin countries Speaking broadly statute And In the decisions Dlaousetog the
Parker BeN by A committee of the Boitoa
bility within the circle of private life so of the Polish women and Polish literature our after ac- ¬ necessarily prove Its value Ha Insists t the United State Supreme Cur It for the euffrftge which has been toeerted Ancients

tar at least M Russian Poland b con- lower aristocracy our author says that knowledging that RienklewicJt Is Poland however that It U in anti of Itself valuable would
la oan a Pole may hope to be elected
their qualities virtues and vices haT favorite author observes
nothing oouroeoto thorn T trtdan nature with a rich
Ho has A pa In so far as It creates character and
and versatile talents Now it Is Incontrovertible that
for ourtlc
f the Executive
b as snuck
or Any employee
the Secretary
> i j laths State constitutions of eevsral Southern
Mr Wilbob points out that A
restriction of the uffrage baa been era
The London company b expeeteo to
arrive to Boston harbor about noon ott
Oct 1 and will land at Cbarleato

to the Prussian Chamber of Deputies pr not domesticated abut Are not mull
to the German Reichstag to Gallcb he may minded The best of them have A pride
look forward to figuring In the Cblelthan- which exalted sad
Keichsrath at Vienna In Russian Poland

spring from their eco A It b

ttbow at once
He eton
with hi Charcoal Drawing-
bitterly satir ¬ the national Ideal has called forth among if State to use the term Asaerioft to
point and the
a keen realist In the spirit ¬ and Pole
thoughts heroic actions deIgns our Federal nation AS It would Northern
both rich anfl important be to make United States ft singular sewn
Considered as a motive power it is a chi We have heard It asserted that United there b a ails
to the Stile eenetitutieee of euoh Friday
States A Meachuett4
In the mel of Connecticut
population of
ass of 1ad
be received at the boat by the Anobnt
visitors will be aIosred to
en the monument scte

however what outlook b there for an edu- ¬ and purity of the spiritual Use They ire the affecting story of bow a poor young hiring power for It produce liberal itates my have been originally A ItO with only je colored TOUTS a thing noBW aa far bod of dons
t cated young Pole He may study law women who ara born to rule sad who peasant wit was driven to sell herself minded men oua but that It kea beast rendered singular that oolor ta not the motive for the dbI- when timers was some
I but he can never become a Judge and erldom even in the narrow and etraitened drcum la order to free her husband from null I view from The I another
desire of
pint of
through the unifying process of the civil mtoftUng cLauses In the new State Const
the Involution
to obkl the
cven AH official without separating him- stances preserve the grand selfesteem try service This I A masterpiece Ho- to preserve their naUonallty mutt b held war and the reooaitruotlpn legislation ution The great mass of illiterate hors
rae afternoon he o of the
self tiara Iii Intercourse with hi compa- consist of white persona there being but Boston and an the com lea will J on
which rums to Wood la the WOBMO I excellent also in very short stories to deserve sympathy As our author re- ¬ hose who say this overlook two facts and n the
triote He may study medicine but he of thIs type the emotional life b wholly suds A The Lighthouse The Angel mind us Poland disappearance would First that the Constitution left the 19 colored dttoens who do DOt rend or evening the
r eta never An informal reception
obtain a post at a university absorbed In the national cause Several Ac which are picturesque in representa- ¬ not be like that of Assyria in
never be placed at tho head of a hospital

among them indeed are zealous children- tion and full of glowing intensity I am tiquity for Poland a opposed m-ot an- ¬ iftod of the Committee on Style arid writ
a adopted to It teal torn by the Pfel- > literate whites of voting
Oa the other band there ire U3M-
t to Cesaeoti pJaeffiSUub Hall at
never conduct a public clinic The result of the Catholic
Cub but for the larger sorry to say that of late years he ha been Jgnifle Independence freedom justice letohia convention Constitutions araeaid cut Our Author Adda that Article M
4 I

i1 ltrr IF MYWVirr Fl h I

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