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1. Applications are invited from unmarried male Indian nationals possessing educational qualifications and age, as prescribed below, for recruitment to the !"# !$ N%&'( (G)*)+%, D-#.) in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union. . E/-0%#'!*%, 1-%,'$'0%#'!*! 10+2 %"")/ 2'#3 405 6%+(" %77+)7%#) '* #!#%, %*/ 6'*'6-6 405 '* )%03 "-89)0# !$ M%#3" %*/ :3."'0" $+!6 %* )/-0%#'!* 8!%+/ +)0!7*'")/ 8. C)*#+%,/S#%#) G!&)+*6)*#; (M%<'6-6 =5 +),%<%#'!* !*,. '* %77+)7%#) 6%+(" !$ #3) %8!&) )+0)*#%7) $!+ SC/ ST 0%*/'/%#)"> " !+#" )+"!* !$ N%#'!*%, ,)&), (I*#)+"#%#) %*/ %8!&)) %*/ 2%+/" !$ C!%"# G-%+/ -*'$!+6 )+"!**), /)0)%")/ 23',) '* ")+&'0);) ". A7); #inimum 1$ %ears and ma&imum 'ears i.e between (1 Aug 1)) to "1*ul 1))+. ,Upper age rela&ation of - 'ears for .C/.0 and " 'ears for 12C candidates3. 4. H!2 #! % ,.;

,a3 Applications will be accepted ?O*,'*) !*,.? $+!6 22 J%* #! 2@ J%* 2014. Candidates are to logon to 222;9!'*'*/'%*0!%"#7-%+/;7!&;'* and clic5 on ! !+#-*'#')" button. 0he important instructions for filling of online application are!6 ,i3 0he name of the candidate, father 7 mother8s name and date of birth should be mentioned as per 1(th class certificate. ,ii3 Indicate e&act percentage of 1 th class upto two decimals and this is not to be rounded off. ,iii3 Filling up of information li5e personal )6%', ID %*/ M!8',) *-68)+ !$ #3) 0%*/'/%#) %+) 0!6 -,"!+.. 0he date, time and venue of the test and other information will be informed through personal email I9 and Coast Guard :ecruitment website 222;9!'*'*/'%*0!%"#7-%+/;7!&;'*/+) +'*#;%" < ,iv3 0he application provides choice of #2! 0)*#+)" for e&amination. 0he candidates are to choose first centre from the list mentioned against each state to which the' belong to or pass their 1 th class from that state. 0he second choice can be applied onl' from the ad;acent state of the same <one. First and second choice from different <ones will be re;ected.

,v3 0he Coast Guard reserves the right to cancel an' centre or change the centre of the candidates for administrative reasons. ,b3 0o fill up AO*,'*)A application the candidates need to logon to the =ebsite 222;9!'*'*/'%*0!%"#7-%+/;7!&;'* and clic5 ! !+#-*'#. button and proceed as given below!6 ,i3 .elect the advertisement for :ecruitment of >avi5s ,1(? 02/2014 B%#03. ,ii3 .elect the post applied for6 N%&'( G)*)+%, D-#.. ,iii3 Clic5 on the ?I A7+))? button and the 81nline Application8 will be displa'ed. ,iv3 Aroceed to fill up the application ,All S#%+ (B) mar5ed entries are compulsor' and to be filled3 ,v3 1n completion of filling application, chec5 'our filled details once again prior clic5ing on the S-86'# 8-##!*. ,vi3 1n successful submission of the online application a A ,'0%#'!*/ R)7'"#+%#'!* *-68)+ 2',, 8) +!&'/)/ #! #3) 0%*/'/%#). 0he filled Application Form, with the number generated will be available to the candidate to save and ta5e a print. For candidates NOT meeting the eligibilit' criteria, a BR)9)0#'!* S,' , giving the cause of re;ection with the Application >umber will be displa'ed. 0he filled Application Form, with the roll number, date and time of e&am will be available through U:C 3## C//9!'*'*/'%*0!%"#7-%+/;7!&;'*/+) +'*#;%" < from 21 F)8 2014 onwards post short listing of the online application. ,vii3 Candidates are required to +'*# #2! 0! ')" of the application with number generated b' the s'stem. 2oth copies of the print out of application dul' signed with photograph are to be carried b' the applicant to the recruitment centre on the date of e&amination. ,viii3 1ut of the two copies one cop' enclosed with photocopies of all required documents i.e. 0,%"" 10#3 0)+#'$'0%#)/6%+( "3))# "3!2'*7 /%#) !$ 8'+#3> 12#3 0,%"" 0)+#'$'0%#) %,!*7 2'#3 6%+( "3))# "-89)0#"> 0%"#) 0)+#'$'0%#) "3%,, %,"! 8) 0%++')/ 8. #3) 0%*/'/%#) and submitted at the recruitment centre on the date of e&amination. .econd cop' without an' enclosure is to be 5ept with the candidate as an identit' proof during the recruitment procedure. A*. 0%*/'/%#) 23! /!)" *!# 0%++. %,, #3)") /!0-6)*#" %# #3) #'6) !$ +)0+-'#6)*# "3%,, *!# 8) )+6'##)/ #! % )%+ '* #3) )<%6; N!#)C 6 F',,'*7 !$ 6-,#' ,) % @ntr'3

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0he recruitment <ones and e&amination centres for different states are given below!6 E<%6'*%#'!* C)*#+)" Ambala 9ehradun N!+#3)+* D!*) *odhpur *alandhar Cuc5now >oida Ai<wal N!+#3EE%"# D!*) .hillong Cuttac5 9anapur,Aatna3 Eol5ata Chennai E%"# D!*) 0uticorin .ecunderabad Fisa5hapatnam 2hopal F)"# D!*) Eochi #umbai >agpur >ew #angalore Gandhi >agar Aort 2lair S#%#)" 6Candidates residing Dar'ana> Union 0erritor' of Chandigarh Uttara5hand, Dimachal Aradesh :a;asthan *ammu 7 Eashmir, Aun;ab Uttar Aradesh 9elhi 7 >C: :egion #i<oram, >agaland, 0ripura. #anipur Arunachal Aradesh, Assam ,#eghala'a, .i55im 1rissa 2ihar, *har5hand, =est 2engal >orth 0amil >adu, 0he Union 0erritor' of Auducherr'. .outh 0amil >adu Andhra Aradesh Andhra Aradesh, #adh'a Aradesh, Chattisgarh Eerala, Ca5shadweep #aharashtra, 9aman 7 9iu and 9adra 7 >agar Daveli #aharashtra ,Fidarbha region3 Goa, Earnata5a Gu;arat A7> Islands

N!+#3EF)"# D!*) AGN D!*)

N!#)! 0he Candidates will be allotted first choice onl' from the state of their domicile or passed 1 th class. 0he second choice can be applied onl' from the ad;acent state of the same <one e.g. candidate domicile of Chattisgarh can opt for second choice as >agpur. 0he second choice of centre will be allotted onl' if sufficient candidates are not available in a particular centre. Candidates appl'ing in other centres will not be allowed to appear in e&am. =ards of Central Aolice 1rganisation and wards of 9efence services ma' be allowed to appear from the state where the' are presentl' serving on production of valid documents. +. S),)0#'!* :+!0)/-+)C E 0he ?O*,'*)? Applications will be sorted out centre wise. 0he conduct of test is planned during M%+/A + 2014; 9ate, time and venue of the recruitment will be intimated through personal email I9 in the month of F)8/ M%+ 2014 .election procedure is as follows!6 ,a3 .hort6listing criteria will be based on higher percentage of mar5s for a particular e&amination centre. .C and .0 candidates will be given due weightage while short listing. ,b3 0he qualif'ing cut off percentage of a particular centre ma' be increased if more number of applications with higher percentage are received. ,c3 0he written tests will be of ob;ective t'pe, which will generall' cover sub;ects such as #aths, Ah'sics, basic Chemistr', 5nowledge of @nglish upto 1 th standard, general 5nowledge, current affairs, quantitative aptitude and reasoning.

,d3 0hose who qualif' written tests will undergo Ah'sical Fitness 0est and Initial #edical @&amination ,Areliminar'3. 0he testing procedure will ta5e 6" da's. C%*/'/%#)" 8),!*7'*7 #! #3) 3."'0%,,. 3%*/'0% )/ 0%#)7!+. %+) *!# ),'7'8,) #! % ,. $!+ #3'" )<%6'*%#'!*. ,e3 0he Ah'sical Fitness 0est will be conducted for all those who qualif' the written tests. 0he AF0 will consist as under!6 G 1.+ Em run to be completed in H minutes. G ( squat ups ,Utha5 2aitha53 G 1( Aush ups. Candidates undergoing AF0 will do so at their own ris5. ,f3 Candidates who qualif' the Ah'sical fitness test will onl' be required to undergo initial recruitment medical e&amination at the respective recruitment centres or an' other place as decided b' the Coast Guard. ,g3 B%")/ !* #3) )+$!+6%*0) '* #3) 2+'##)* )<%6'*%#'!*> 0%*/'/%#)" 2',, 8) "3!+#,'"#)/ $!+ 6)/'0%, )<%6'*%#'!* '* % +%#'! %" 6%. 8) /)0'/)/ 8. C!%"# G-%+/; ,h3 0he select list will be prepared from the candidates who qualif' in all the tests depending upon the available vacancies. 0he Ione wise select list of candidates will be displa'ed in the I*/'%* C!%"# G-%+/ F)8"'#) 222;9!'*'*/'%*0!%"#7-%+/;7!&;'* in the month of J-, 2014. It is clarified that "),)0# ,'"# 2',, 8) H!*) 2'") %*/ *!# 0)*#+) 2'"). H. L'"# !$ D!0-6)*#"! S0+-#'*. !$ /!0-6)*#" $!+ ),'7'8','#. 2',, 8) 0%++')/ !-# +'!+ #! 0!66)*0)6)*# !$ #3) 2+'##)* )<%6; C%*/'/%#)" %+) #3)+)$!+) +)I-'+)/ #! % )%+ %# #3) )<%6'*%#'!* &)*-) 2'#3 #3) $!,,!2'*7 /!0-6)*#"; ,a3 ,b3 ,c3 ,d3 ,e3 ,f3 0wo copies of pre6filled online application. 1riginal certificate of tenth class for date of birth verification. 1riginal mar5 sheet and certificates of 1 th class. Aroof of identit' such as passport, driving license, Aadhar card/ voter I card, .chool/ college I9 card or an' other photo identit' proof. Caste Certificate ,if applicable3 in original as per Govt of India format. 0en recent colour passport si<e photographs.

N!#)CE C%*/'/%#)" *!# '* !"'#'!* !$ %8!&) /!0-6)*#" 2',, *!# 8) )+6'##)/ #! % )%+ '* 2+'##)* )<%6; O+'7'*%, )/-0%#'!*%, 0)+#'$'0%#)" 2',, 8) +)#-+*)/ %$#)+ &)+'$'0%#'!*; S),)0#'!* !$ 0%*/'/%#)" '" 8%")/ !* #3) !+/)+ !$ 6)+'# /) )*/'*7 !* #3)'+ )+$!+6%*0) '* F+'##)* T)"#> :3."'0%, F'#*)"" T)"# (:FT) %*/ $'#*)"" '* #3) M)/'0%, E<%6'*%#'!*; $. M)/'0%, S#%*/%+/". ,a3 H)'73#. #inimum height 1-H cms. :eduction in height for candidates from hill' and tribal areas will be in accordance with the Central Govt. orders. ,b3 C3)"#; .hould be well proportioned. #inimum e&pansion - cms.

,c3 F)'73#; Aroportionate to height and age ?J1(K acceptable. ,d3 H)%+'*7; >ormal. ,e3 #edical e&amination will be conducted b' authorised militar' doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to @nrolled Aersonnel on entr'. GCandidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wa& and tartar removed from teeth prior to e&amination.

,f3 V'"-%, S#%*/%+/"; glasses are not eligible3

+/+ ,2etter @'e3 and +/),=orse @'e3 ,Candidates using

N!#)! Candidates with above broad medical standards are onl' to appear for the selection. >o waiver will be given for the above standards. 0he Coast Guard order on medical standards of the >avi5s will be the final authorit' in case of dispute. A ,'0%*#" /)0,%+)/ )+6%*)*# 6)/'0%,,. -*$'# 8. %*. A+6)/ F!+0)" H!" '#%, '* +)&'!-" +)0+-'#6)*# $!+ #3) "%6) )*#+. '* C!%"# G-%+/ %+) %/&'")/ *!# #! % ,.; ). F'*%, E*+!,6)*# M)/'0%, E<%6'*%#'!*; All select list candidates who are issued with a call letter for Final #edical @&amination will have to undergo Final @nrolment #edical @&amination at I>. Chil5a prior to enrolment. Candidates found ?-*$'#? during this medical e&amination 2',, *!# 8) )*+!,,)/ for training. >o 8appeal8 is permitted for review after the final enrolment medical e&amination at I>. Chil5a. #edicall' unfit candidates will be returned home at their own e&pense. 1(. T+%'*'*7; 0he basic training will commence in A-7 2014 at I>. Chil5a followed b' sea training and professional training in the allotted trade. 2ranch/trade will be allocated as per the requirement of service and performance during basic training. N%&'(" %+) ,'%8,) #! 8) /'"03%+7)/ %" UNSUITABLE /-) #! -*"%#'"$%0#!+. )+$!+6%*0) %# %*. #'6) /-+'*7 #3) #+%'*'*7; 11. G)*)+%, G-'/),'*)"; (%) C%*/'/%#)" %+) +)I-'+)/ #! 8+'*7 *)%# 2+'#'*7 %/ %# #3) )<%6'*%#'!* 0)*#+) 2'#3!-# %*. 2+'#'*7 6%+("; ,b3 Candidates withdrawn on disciplinar' grounds from an' other service training establishments are not eligible to appear. ,c3 Candidates should not have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal charges. ,d3 1riginal certificates should not be attached with the application form. Indian Coast Guard will not ta5e responsibilit' for loss of original certificates, if attached with application. Ahoto should be pasted and not stapled. ,e3 :equest for change of e&amination centre/date will not be entertained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

(9) A,, 0%*/'/%#)" %+) +)I-)"#)/ #! 8) 2%#03$-, %*/ '66)/'%#),. 8+'*7 #! *!#'0) !$ '*&'7',%#!+ !$ %*. "-" '0'!-" %0#'!* 8. %*. !$ #3) 0%*/'/%#); ,53 0he candidate8s selection pertaining to a particular batch is valid for that batch onl'. Lualified candidates whose names do not appear in the final select list cannot claim

admission for the ne&t batch. 0hese candidates will have to undergo the selection procedure afresh provided that the' meet the eligibilit' criteria for the fresh batch. ,h3 Applications received b' post will not be accepted. ,l3 Call letter for final medical e&amination for enrolment in the Coast Guard will be forwarded onl' to initiall' medicall' qualified candidates in the select list. .uch candidates will be required to reach the training establishment at their own e&pense. Unsuccessful candidates will not be intimated separatel'. ,m3 0he application and the original documents will be further scrutinised for eligibilit' prior to enrolment and ma' be re;ected if found not eligible in an' respect. ,n3 N! )*I-'+. 2',, 8) )*#)+#%'*)/ +)7%+/'*7 +)0+-'#6)*#/)*+!,6)*# %$#)+ % )+'!/ !$ "'< 6!*#3"; ,p3 Attesting 1fficer8s name with office address and seal should be clearl' legible. 1 . :%.> :)+(" %*/ O#3)+" B)*)$'#"CE ,a3 :%.. .cale :s - (( M ( (( alongwith :s ((( Grade Aa'. In addition, 9earness Allowance, Eit #aintenance Allowance and other liberal allowances will be admissible. ,b3 :)+I-'"'#)"; GFree ration, free clothing, free medical treatment for self and famil' including dependent parents. GGovernment accommodation for self 7 famil' on nominal licence fee. G 4- da's @arned leave and ($ da's Casual leave ever' 'ear with leave travel concession for self, famil' and dependent parents as per Govt. rules. GInsurance cover of :s. - la5hs at a premium of :s. -((/6 per month as Group insurance. GContributor' Aension .cheme and Gratuit' on retirement. G Canteen and various loan facilities. 1". :+!6!#'!*; Aromotion prospects e&ist upto the ran5 of Aradhan Adhi5ari with pa' scale )"((6"4$(( plus Grade pa' N :s. 4$((/6.Aromotion to the officer cadre is sub;ect to suitabilit' and performance. 14. T+%&), E< )*")". .C/.0 candidates, who are not emplo'ed b' the Central/.tate Government, will be reimbursed nd class fare b' train/ Govt bus/steamer charges b' the shortest route if the home station is be'ond "( 5ms from the place of testing on production of tic5et; 1-. D'"0,%'6)+; Information given in the advertisement and on the website are guidelines onl' and sub;ect to change. In case of an' ambiguit' the e&isting :ecruitment :ules and other instructions/ order on the sub;ect of the Indian Coast Guard/Govt of India will be final.










222;9!'*'*/'%*0!%"#7-%+/;7!&;'* L%"# /%#) $!+ +)0)' # !$ ?O*,'*)? % ,'0%#'!*" E 2@ J%* 2014



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